Open up your heart, It's gonn...

By Dragonflyer67111111

35.7K 441 479

Now stuck in a different earth, Miles must find his way back home to save his dad from the canon event. Will... More

Chapter 1-A Way Out
Chapter 3-A Not so Friendly Talk.
Chapter 4- A Leap to Forgiveness
Chapter 5- The Prowler
Chapter 6-The Breaking Point
Chapter 7- Redefine Destiny
Chapter 8- Collider Madness
Chapter 9- Spider Warriors, Reunite!
Chapter 10- The Final Fight
Epilogue- Open your heart, Its gonna be Alright.
Bonus chapter- Live and Learn
Gwiles Short Chapter-Dinner with the Morales Family

Chapter 2-Alchemax

2.6K 36 30
By Dragonflyer67111111

Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out early next year. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story.  Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler)

Anyways be sure to leave a Vote and Comment.

Chapter 2- Alchemax

" Lyla, do you have any readings on where he could be?"

" Sill no sign of him"

Miguel stared at the dark city which was Mile's universe, the usual stoic expression never leaving his face. The last few hours had been rather difficult for him. First, chasing a teenager down because he might destroy the multiverse. Next, getting his ass kicked by this same teenager while hearing Peter flexing his daughter all while "Gwen" tries to get all cuddly with the anomaly.

This was just all some big mess that could have been avoided if Gwen didn't visit him, But no, she just had to let her teenage fantasy take the best of her. Now the multiverse was in danger all because of some teenage drama love story by Gwen and the anomaly. Why? Why did he let Jess talk him into letting her in the society. They could've just gave her a new home on another different dimension but no, she just had to pair her with Hobie.

Oh how big of a mistake that was to even let Hobi near her. Now that he quit, seemed like Gwen was gonna become the new Hobie. Which is why he sent her home, to avoid any more problems with both the anomaly and Gwen.

" Miguel, I've got something"

It was Jess, Miguel lifted his wrist to see Jess through his watch.

" You found him?"

" No, I spotted Gwen. She was with the parents."

When things couldn't get worse!

" How's that possible? We deactivated her watch moments after we sent her back?"

" Seems like she had some help making a new one to get here"She explained, " I overheard their conversation, seems like the kid isn't here."

" But how? The device should've sent him here?"

Pitching his nose, Miguel was in deep in thought. The device sent back anyone from their dimension whenever their spider DNA came from?

Then it clicked.

" Unless, it didn't." Miguel tapped a few buttons on his watch " Lyla, gather any information about what universe that spider came from. The one that bit Miles"

Lyla appears in front of him. The way she showed her smug expression already worried him. He knew what she was gonna do.

" What's the magic word?"

" Lyla, this is no time for-"

" What? I can't here you?"

Miguel scowled, fixing his composure " Could you gather information about Miles' spider, please?"

Lyla snickered, she just loved messing with up in any circumstance. " Your the boss"

" Jess, gather a team and stay put here, if there's any sign of him, contact me" Jess raised an eyebrow, her expression changing slightly.

" And where do you think your going?"

Miguel opens a portal.

" I'm going after the anomaly"


" Alright, so does anyone have any idea how we're gonna find Miles?"

Peter stood before the team with Mayday in his hands, he was on the same boat with Gwen with finding Miles as soon as they could.

Pavitr decided to chip in " Oh! I know! We should have Ham track his scent, I heard that pigs have a very keen sense of smell"

Ham was taken back, if anything, he was offended" First of all, that's incredibly racist. Secondly, that's not how that works!"

" Then I got nothing" Hobie laughs at Pavitr's new answer.

" What about his suit, does he have some kind of tracker on it that could help us find him?" Peter asked, this was already look bad enough as it is.

" Me and Margo already checked, there's no sign of him anywhere" Peni lowers her head, shame had driven her back toward the spider-gang after what happened with Miles. Feeling particularly responsible, she felt that she needed to help find Miles and bring him back home.

" That's fine, we'll search the city in groups. It'll be our best chance in finding him. The sooner we find him, the faster we could go back and stop Spot from destroying everything." Peter explained, Gwen walks up beside him holding Mayday in her arms.

" So what? We split up and pray that one of us finds him, is that the best thing we could do!?" Gwen didn't like this, they were limited on time and with Miles' father fate coming in two days, there was no time to waste on the probability that they might find him.

" Actually, I think I might know where he might be?"

Gwen along with the others turned to see Noir leaning against the wall, his arms crossed while the usual wind blew against his cape. "What do you mean by that Noir?"

" Kid, they don't call me a detective for nothing" Uncrossing his arms, Noir walks past the group before standing face to face with Gwen and Peter B." Think about it, with no inter dimensional watch, what would be the best way to get home from there?"

" I'm not following, is anyone else following this?" Peter asked while taking Mayday away from Gwen  and holding her in his arms.

" When we first met, you stole something that would make a new encryption key, which in turn would get us back to our home dimensions. If this dimension is anything like the one where we all met, what would be the most likely scenario?"

Thinking long and hard, Gwen and Peter thought back to where they had just met the boy who changed their lives. Their little adventure to stop kingpin was a special memory to them because it changed their lives forever.

For Peter, Miles had convinced him to go back to his dimension and make things right with MJ. Because of him, Peter wouldn't have had Mayday, it was all thanks to him that his life got better.

For Gwen, it was thanks to Miles that she was able to have a friends again. All her life she thought that she would be forever alone in her life after her Peter Parker died. But then Miles came into her life and suddenly, things had changed for her. For once, she was able to have hope in her life again.

If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have made the friends she made in the spider society. Without him, she wouldn't have had the courage to face her problems head on. It was him and him only where she was able to open her heart again to others. For that, she couldn't thank him enough.

Peter and Gwen owed a lot to Miles. They all did. Which is why they were here to make things right. After some thinking, both Gwen and Peter realized what Noir was referring too as they looked at one another. From the sidelines, Penny had also put the pieces together.

" That's it!" Peni chipped in " The only possible thing to do in that situation would to find another way home. If that's true, then he would probably be on his way to-"

"Alchemax..." Gwen muttered, she remembered seeing how Miles and Peter snuck in about a year before to get a new encryption key for the collider. If Miles had came here just only a few hours before getting here, then he'd probably be already on his way there. " We need to move, now!"

Before she could leave,  Margo voice stops her.

" Wait just a second, how do we actually know he's on his way there?"

Gwen turns her head slightly to face her, despite the desperate mood she was in moments earlier, she couldn't help but smile at her.

" Easy" She shrugged, their was no hesitation nor was there any doubt in her voice.

" It's Miles"


"Everywhere you go , you are an anomaly, You are the original anamoly , the spider that bit you was from another dimension, that spider was never meant to bite you , you were never supposed to be spiderman!"

" That's exactly what you are. You're just a kid that has no idea what he's doing!"

" You don't belong here. You never did"

" Your a mistake!"

" Miles!"

Waking up in a cold sweat, Miles turned his head slightly in a panic. To his surprise, it was no other then Gwen, or the other Gwen to be precise. She had placed her hand on his shoulder as she nudged him slightly only for her to back away once she saw the panic look on his face.

" Woah! Are you okay? Are you having another panic attack?" She questioned, she looked more closely to see his expression as she noticed it was the same look he had when he had a panic attack earlier.

Still feeling half awake, Miles Shakes his head to fully get himself up, he groans as his eyes drift toward her " Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, just had a bad dream."

Gweny raises an eyebrow in amusement as she looks at him dead in the eye " Did the dream also make you regret your decision making?"

" Oh Really? And how's that?"

" For starters, you could say choosing a local bus as our main transportation" Gweny responded, the people around the other seats were either minding their own business or asleep.

Despite the obvious look of disapproval, Miles shrugged " Didn't we talk about this, I'm not gonna waste anymore webs swinging from the Hudson valley Gwen, Not after the terrible burger you gave me right before we left"

Gweny smiled, playfully retorting" For the record, it was either take it or leave it. I didn't force you to eat anything, now did I?"

Miles chuckled, she did have a point. But it was either that or he starved himself to death. " Guess I chose poorly then"

After a long period, Gweny eyes drifted back to him " Hey Miles, could I ask you something, if that's okay with you?"

" For the last time, Gwen. No, the webs don't come out my ass"

" First off, I was just curious so you can't really blame me. Secondly, that's now what I was gonna ask" Miles turned his head to see her shifting closer to him.

" So earlier today when we met, you explained that you came from another dimension, which probably meant that you came from another universe. Seeing how the multiverse theory is the right one, I'm curious to know more about the other universes"

" I mean, you have to had some experience traveling through them since you came to My dimension?" She asked as Miles just looks at her.

Technically speaking, Miles hadn't travel through other dimensions other than Patriv and the spider society, this being the third one by accident. You could blame Miguel for that. Regardless, he did take notice of how different they were compare to his own.

For example, Patriv's universe had a more light color then his universe, the area around him felt someone smothered light colors like it was a damn holiday. Another thing he took notice of was the spider society's dimension. Although being chased, it seemed that the technology was more advanced than his own.

From what he gathered so far, it seemed like every universe was unique in their own way, especially this one.

" Look at it like this, every dimension in the multiverse is unique, they stand out from one another. Each one containing a what if to every scenario you could think of, it's why there is no limit to how many that exist. It's as Infinite as your imagination. You could think of anything that could happen and somewhere through that infinite possibility, it may had just happened"

" Okay, well... what makes my universe stand out then?" She asked, Miles shifted uncomfortable in his seat.

" Guess that's something you'll need to figure out" Miles joked, despite his bravado, his expression had changed slightly.

Guilt had overtaken him, the realization moments ago that he was the reason why this universe didn't have its own Spider-Man haunted him. To think of pain and suffering the people here must have went through here. Of course he would lie, how else do you tell someone that you basically doomed their world by taking away their Spider-Man?

Huh, maybe I'm not so different than-

NO! I'm not pulling a Gwen and Peter right now, I just needed time to think, that's all! I'll tell her when I know I could trust her, unlike some people.

He wasn't as angry as before, instead he was just upset! How could they just by at let some algorithm decide who lives and who dies. Spider-Man doesn't just sit by and let something bad to happen. That's not who Spider-Man does. That's not what a hero does.

Maybe it was why he even allowed this Gwen to come in the first place. It's like she told him, if there was a chance to do something right, you should take it. Because you may be the only person that will.

If this version of Gwen was to be that person, it was his duty to at least help the best he can. As much as he hated to admit it, it's just like his father told him.

With great ability comes great accountability.

" So what about you? What makes your dimension so special in this vast and infinite multiverse?" Gwen leans back against her seat as she grins " Let me guess, it's because of you isn't it?"

Miles stops and thinks for a moment, so many thoughts had now popped up as to one single question. His dimension had gone through so much. Learning that the Peter in his universe was suppose to live while he was suppose to be a normal kid, it changed his own view on everything. Everything he knew about himself, about his destiny, had changed in the past few hours and now he doesn't know what to think. Is he really Spider-Man? Did he deserve to be Spider-Man?Did anything even matter anymore?

He wondered if what Miguel told him was true. Was he really a mistake in the multiverse? An anomaly that was never suppose to be?

Even with all those mysterious, one thing was certain. This whole mess started because of him.

"'s all because of me" Miles looks down on his feet, the smile he had earlier now fading into a frown.

Gweny took notice of this, her smug expression changing so quickly after seeing the distraught expression he had. " Did...did I say something wrong?"

Miles shakes his head " No, it's okay, really.I'm just being silly, nothing to worry about"

Gweny stares at him, she knew something was bothering him. Mustering up the courage, Gwenny softy mutters " Do you...wanna talk about?"

" I told you, I'm fine"

She couldn't fool him. She obviously knew something was wrong, he was just being stubborn about it. " You don't look fine to to me, especially since you look like a girl on her period. So what's up?"

" Why do you want to know!" Miles snapped, he was already getting annoyed, he didn't want her to add fuel to the fire.

Gweny pulled back away from him, her eyes widening in fear. Miles noticed this as expression soften, guilt overtakes him" S-Sorry, I didn't mean to. Um...snap"

Gweny begins to rub her arm before looking the other way, avoiding his gaze" It's alright. Sorry for pressing you like that. It was wrong. I'm sorry."

Miles takes a deep breath as he sighs, he shoudn't be taking his frustration out on her, especially when she didn't know anything about his situation. It wasn't fair for her, he knew that.

Miles takes a deep breathe, he sighs as he turns toward her " I'm just going through a lot right now. I'm just so lost. With everything."

He looks over to see Gweny then her head slightly toward him, the concern on her face softens his worries " I'm sorry. I can't imagine what your going through right now"

" Yeah" Miles mutters softly, relieved that she didn't seem hurt by his harsh tone earlier.

" I know how hard this is for you to figure this stuff out on your own. Just know that I'm always willing to listen if you need to talk" Gweny reassured him, he pauses for a moment before turning back the window next to him.

" I'll keep you posted"


" He got away"

Miles G. passes by Uncle Arron before stumbling upon a bulletin board containing pictures of numerous criminals. Pins that were connected to one another before all connecting to one man.

Uncle Arron turns his head slightly to face him " You think this could be Otto's doing?"

" I'm not sure. All of this seems strange. Otto's collider hadn't been activated yet. There's no way he could've brought someone like him through without us knowing. Something is definitely off here." Miles G. turns toward his repaired mask, he puts it on before turning back to his uncle.

" Is the tracker working?" Uncle Arron heads towards his computer before confirming.

" Yeah, he's heading to Alchemax right now"

" Good, makes my job easier" Before he could leave, Uncle Arron's voice stops him.

" You sure you don't need me to tag along?" Miles G. could tell his Uncle was scared in situations where he would go on his own. After training to become the new prowler, his uncle would have him come along on missions from time to time.

Before officially passing down the mantle, he had warned him that if there were situations that were out of his control, he would not engage in them. Ever since his fathers passing, his whole family had changed. His uncle was no exception. It was only after his death did he reveal himself as the prowler to him.

Before, he was somewhat of a bounty hunter, an assassin that was paid to kill. After learning of his brother death, he turned over a new leaf as a way to honor his fallen brother.

That didn't mean that he didn't scared from time to time for his nephews life. He was the only thing he had left in life that connected in to his late brother. Losing that wasn't an option.

Despite of what he thought, Miles G. knew that there were things he needed to do, even if it was risky.

" I'll be fine. Your needed here. If anything were to happen while I'm gone, I'll need you to take care of it" Miles G. looks back at him one last time, his tone suddenly shifting to a soft tone " Watch over Mamá for me while I'm gone"

Miles G. takes his leave as he leaves through the front door leaving his uncle to stare at him as he left.

" Be safe kid"


After arriving to their destinations, Miles and Gweny hid behind boulders in the forest that was behind of Alchemax. It was quite a surprise learning that there was a forest behind such a huge building filled with trees and bushes.

" Isn't it weird that a forest like this is suddenly behind Alchemax?" Miles asked, Gwenny simply shrugged.

Using a set of binoculars, Gweny scans the area as Miles puts on his mask. From what she saw, there appeared to be multiple men guarding the area " Yeah well, that forest is the one thing that's keeping us from not being spotted"

Setting aside her binoculars, she looks over to see him sitting down on one of the rocks.

" Alright, so what's the game plan?" Gweny walks over to him as she kneels down to him.

" That's a good question, last time I was here was to make a new encryption key to stop the collider. If I do this right, I should be able to retrace my steps"

" What can I do?"

Miles stands on his feet before doing a few stretches. " What your doing is staying here and keeping look out."

" WHAT?! But you said I could come along?!"

" I said you could come along as long as you stick to the plan. Quite frankly, this is the plan."

Miles flicks his wrist as he connects his web against one of the trees before swinging away. " Meet you back here when I'm finished!"

Gweny sits down on the snow, arms crossed as she pouts. " Great! How did I end up with a super human teenager with trust issues!"

Leaning against the rock behind her, Gweny sits down in awkward silence. The only noise being the birds chirping high above the trees. Glancing over, she could see her bag as she stops to think for a moment.

An idea suddenly pops up as she smiles mischievously " Sorry Miles but I don't play by your the rules"


Sneaking his way through security, Miles crawls through the air vents, passing by little opening from time to time. Following the same steps as Peter did, he made his way toward Octavius room. Starring through the air vent, Miles could see that the room was empty.

" Huh, didn't think it was gonna be that easy"

As he was removing the air vent, a voice stopped him from detaching it completely. Looking through the air vent, he could see three silhouettes through the glass doors.

" I can't believe you lost to the kidspop version of the Prowler."

Entering the room was no other than Rhino who was accompanied by Electro and the Green Goblin. Ever since Rhino latest retreat, he hasn't been able to live that moment down as Electro kept reminding that he had ran away like a scared cat.

" He just caught me off guard, that's all!" Rhino defended himself, he was already annoyed enough that he had to flee to avoid being captured.

" Wow, the great and powerful furry animal ran away from a midget, really impressive." Electro continued mocking him.

" Why you!"

Unimpressed from the conversation taking place, Green Goblin looks around the room only to see Octavius nowhere in sight. " He's not here, this is a waste of my time"

" Oh yeah, cause anything you see beneath the great Green Goblin isn't worth your time" Electro sarcastically remarked, he then felt himself being choked as Goblin grabbed him by the neck.

" I'd watch your tongue if I were you" Letting go of Electro, he quickly reacted by charging himself with electricity as he glared at the man in front of him.

" How dare you!" Rhino laughed at the background as Electro and Goblin were in a standoff. Before either one could make a move, the glass doors open as a voice stops them.

" Gentlemen, I ask you to refrain from budding heads with one another"

It's revealed to be no other then Otto as he walks inside with a huge grin on his face. From the sidelines, Miles watched as he made his way toward the group.

" Huh, never thought this version of that octopus lady would be a dude"

" How much longer is this going to take Otto, I'm starting to lose patience" Green Goblin told him, seemingly annoyed by his usual calm expression.

" Patience is key my friend, I thought I told you that" Electro chipped in as well seemingly agitated by what was happening.

" Yeah well, that patience is starting to piss me off! You keep promising us things that are taking forever to get! I'm starting to think your little project of yours is nothing but a dead dream!"

Despite raising his voice, Otto didn't seem affected by the slightest. " I assure you that all of you will receive your end of the reward"

" There you go again, acting mighty and calm when you know I'm right!" Electro yelled, amongst their arguing, Miles watched the scene with amusement.

" Wow, talk about being a team. They look like they can't stand each other. Makes me wonder why their even there" He whispered to himself, suddenly he hears a voice behind him.

" Speaking of being a team"

Miles turns his head to to see Gweny behind him. She waved awkwardly while Miles is left flabbergasted " What the-"

" I know what your going to say and-" Miles cuts her off as he shifts inside the air vent to face her direction.

" You should not be here!" He whispers, keeping his voice down to not alert the others down below.

" I was gonna stay out their to keep look out but-"

" I don't wanna hear it" He tried cutting her off again but she just kept going.

" It's just that you left in such a hurry that you didn't let me-"

" And suddenly I have to hear it" Miles shakes his head in disappointment.

" Look, I'm not gonna sit outside and watch you go in alone. Especially if there's a chance I could help, even if it's a little"

Miles eyes widen as he was taken back by what she told him. Seeing how stubborn she was reminded him of himself when he was with Peter. Even when he hadn't fully understand his own powers, it didn't stop him from trying to do what was right. What made her even more buzzard was the fact that she didn't have any powers, yet that didn't stop her from trying to help.

Lost in his own thoughts, Gweny snapped her fingers to get his attention " Miles? You okay buddy?"

Fully aware of his surroundings, Miles turns to face her as through the mask, she could somewhat see a smile "Yeah. Sorry about that. You just reminded me of something that's all"

" Why don't we just start the damn thing now!"

Miles and Gweny turned their heads down to the men arguing below them. Octavius shakes his head as he sighs.

" We only have one shot of this. I need to be sure that my calculations are correct. If I miss by a fraction of what is expected, we could create a black hole under the city."

Miles looks back at Gweny with a grin on his face " This is pretty much standard super hero stakes, trust me you'll get use to it. Check this out, next he's going to say ' You've got 24 hours."

" You've got 48 hours before the deal is off!" Rhino shouted, Gweny raised an eyebrow at Miles who could only sweat drop.

" Okay, I've been wrong before." He grimaced.

" I'll work with what I could get then. Come along then, we have work to do" Octavius walks out the room as the other villains did the same, the glass doors closing behind them.

Seeing how the coast was clear, Miles opened the air vent before landing below the ground as he made sure to make little to no noise. He then headed towards Octavius to desk where he began typing on the computer. " If this Octavius is anything like the one back in my dimension, then they should share the same password"

Typing the same digits as used before, Miles was able to unlock the computer as he smiled.

"Bingo" Miles whispered to himself " All to easy"

As Miles continued to work on the computer, he saw Gweny exiting out the air vent, her right hand barely clinging on to prevent herself from falling. Seconds later, Gweny hands slipped causing he to fall on the ground. The impact caused a thud sound that echoed across the room.

Quickly reacting, Miles hops off the computer to aid her " Jesus, are you okay?"

" I'm flattered but my name is Gwen, thank you very much" Gweny remarked, Miles then helped her back to her feet.

Taking out her camera, she immediately began taking pictures of anything she could find suspicious as Miles walks back to the computer . While he continued typing, Gweny stumbled upon writing attached to the walls that showed Octavius work. From calculations about the project to instructions about how it would work, she could see how dedicated he was to finishing this project. Even if it costed him everything.

Looking over to Miles, she wondered if the Octavius in his dimension caused him this much trouble.

" So...was the Octavius in your dimension the same as mine?" She asked, taking more pictures as she did " Hellbent on destroying reality itself so they could open portals to other dimensions"

" Well for starters, the one in my dimension was called by a different name. She went by Olivia Octavius." Miles explained, he was now searching on the computer at this point "She worked under Kingpin who tried using her to get his family back. She was definitely the definition of insane"

" What happened to her?" Gwenny asked, taking one last photo before she faced him.

" Oh, she was rammed by a truck" Miles said casually, he looked up to see the horrified expression on her face " I don't like thinking about it either"

Turning back to the computer, Miles groaned in annoyance " Looks like they have something in common. They both can't keep their desktops clean. It'll take me more time to even figure out which file is the right one"

Suddenly, footsteps could heard approaching as they turned to see Octavius silhouette approaching closer toward the glass doors. Staring in complete shock, Miles body reacts as suddenly goes in invisible in a comedic fashion.

Gweny turns around to face him only for her to panic once she realizes he was gone " What the—Miles?! Where did you go?"

Out of thin air, Miles voice spoke to her " My spider senses just went off. My body must've reacted on its own"

" Wait a minute, you could turn invisible?!"

" Pretty cool right?" The footsteps get louder as Gweny turns to face wherever he was.

" How much longer do you need on that computer?" She asks him in panic mode

" I-I'll need a bit of time, why?" Miles explained, she takes a deep breathe before started fixing her appearance.

" I'll buy you some time, once your done doing your thing, give me a sign or something" Gweny explained , Miles immediately protested against this idea.

" What? No! This is a terrible idea that could go wrong and-"

The doors immediately open which shuts him up completely leaving Gweny awkwardly there alone. Otto walks in to see her waiting for him as stops in his tracks.

" Excuse me, I'm not sure you were aware but I'm pretty sure I didn't allow anyone to come here without my permission" Octavius explains, Gweny fixes her hair before speaking in a confident tone.

" Sorry, I got lost. My parents told me to wait somewhere here while they worked and I wander off. You must be Doctors Octavius. You don't remember me but I was one of the students that came on a field trip from vision academy."

In her mind, a part of that was technically true. Aside from the fact that she wasn't one of the students that went on that field trip and her parents had no clue on who he was. Well, from what she knew.

Crossing her fingers, she but her lip nervously as Miles could do nothing but watch the scene unfold in front of him.

To their relief, it seemed that he had bought it as he showed a warm smile.

" Ah, how could I forget. It's always a pleasure to see students with big ambitions. What bring you here out of all places?"

" Oh well...I was hoping to know more about the man my parents look up too" Miles saw her moving her hands as he caught the hint that she was telling him to go.

" Seems like I left quite the impression for them then" Octavius joked, Miles made his way toward the computer before continuing his search as Otto spoke once more.

" For a scientist such as myself, I always had strong ambitions. And with my latest project, I'm conducting a machine that will generate energy from other dimensions. Unlimited energy."

"Wow really? That's amazing" Gweny awkwardly smiled, she turned her head slightly to see the computer lifting in the air before marching toward the door. " What are you doing now that proves a machine like that could work?"

" Easy, the entire structure is designed to generate enough energy to open a portal which will allow anything to go in and out. If we could prove that other dimensions exist within our plane of reality, it would not only provide us with unlimited resources but come into contact with other beings in different universes"

Seeing how close Miles was toward the door, She knew she needed to end the conversation once he was out that door.

" That sounds...really interesting. But my parents are probably worried sick about me so I best be on my way-" Before Miles could even open the door, Octavius voice stopped them in their tracks.

" Speaking of parents, I could see the resemblance you have with them, especially your father, George Stacy"

Gweny eyes widen after the mention of her father names, it shocked her to her core to hear someone she had no clue of mentioning her fathers name. It was so shocking that even Miles had even turned back slightly after hearing the name of her father.

" What" That was all that Gweny could mutter as Otto continued.

" He was good man with the best of intentions. Even as the police captain, he always tried to do what was right for everyone. It's unfortunate that...his good intentions got in the way on my project."

Gweny felt her breathe run cold as the implication of what he was referring made her blood boil. She was barely remembered her father. She had lost him at such a young age that she hardly knew what had happened to him. When she had asked her mother awhile back, her mother always gave her heartfelt response saying that he went out on the line of duty. And so she trusted her mothers word that her father had died a hero. That was until now.

As she grew older, she started to investigate online about her fathers death. Throughout her research, she had discovered that her fathers death was due to an unknown explosion dealing with experiment gone wrong. Apparently her father was present on the scene to stop it as to who was responsible for it, the police report didn't say. But putting the pieces together now, it became all to clear for her.

" The accident involving the explosion that happened 10 years ago, It was you, wasn't it" Gwen muttered, she could feel the anger building up as she glared at him. " You killed him!"

" It wasn't my intention, he had just gotten in the way and-"

" Bullshit! This project of yours wasn't the first time you tried opening a portal to other dimensions, wasn't it!" Saying that Gweny was furious was an understatement, she was absolutely livid.

" You don't understand, your father-"

" My father is dead and he's dead because of you!" Gweny snapped back at him, her voice raising as she did.

" What with the yelling in there, everything alright in there doc? "

Miles looked in horror as he saw Electro's silhouette approaching in the room as he turned toward them in a panic.

" Please understand, I meant no harm that day, it was accident." Gweny shakes her head, she refused to believe him. Losing her father was bad enough, but to learn that the person she wanted to expose was the one responsible for it had now made this personal.

" Don't..." She warned him, she backed away as Otto tried to approach her.

She knows to much, destroy her Otto! She stands in the way from your desires!

Otto tentacles reacted as he looked in horror seeing how close they were getting to her, muttering  "No!"

Gweny backed away in horror seeing how close they were getting as she felt herself being backed against the wall. She closed her in eyes in fear as one of them charged at her at such speed that Otto barely had enough time to shout.

" No!"

Before it could reach her, it was suddenly caught with two hands as Miles reappeared back after setting aside the computer. Not waste if any time, He pulled on the tentacle sending Otto flying toward him as Miles punched him so hard he was sent flying.

Emerging from the door, Electro peaks his head as he asks " What's with all the commotion In here?"

He didn't have enough time to react as Otto crashed against the glass door, breaking it into pieces before crashing against Electro as they pummeled on the ground.

Miles picks up the computer in a hurry before giving it to Gweny." We don't have much time, let's get moving"

" What-" Gweny felt herself being lifted up as Miles picked her up before holding her close to him. " M-Miles, what are you doing?!"

Using his free hand, Miles flicks his wrist connecting a web to the table before swinging it hard enough to break the glass wall that lead outside toward the small forest.

" Hope your ready for your first swinging experience!" Gweny's face worsened as Miles rushed toward the new opening with her still in his arms.

From the rubble, Rhino and Green Goblin emerge red as they saw Otto and Electro recovering.

" Just what the hell is going on here?!" Rhino yelled, Electro simply glared at him for asking.

Green Goblin stared in awe at what he was looking at. The girl he no interest in, but the person carrying her. He couldn't describe it with words, but seeing him just gave him some sort of...thrill. A thrill that he couldn't explain.

With a wicked smile, Green Goblin whispered  in a creepy tone.

" What do we have here?"

Gweny pleads as she holds Miles close as he jumps out the window. " Wait Wait WAIT, Miles No-"

She screams as Miles jumps from outside as they descended toward the ground below. Flicking his wrist, Miles shoots out a web, connecting it to one of the trees before swinging away with Gweny still in his arms screaming.

" OH MY GOD!!!" Gweny screamed as she kept holding on to him for dear life.

" Hey, there getting away!" Electro cried out as he followed them with Rhino following In pursuit.

Green Goblin simply summoned his glider before hoping on it before following as well.

Miles kept swinging from one tree to another, he struggled as one of Gweny hands blocked his face " Gwen, your blocking my face!"

" I can't help it! I wasn't prepared for this!!"

" Don't worry, you'll get use to it. An old friend of mine taught me that the best way to learn is under intense life threatening pressure!" Gweny would have glared at him if it weren't for the fact she was holding on to him for dear life.

" You must've have some very weird and concerning friends!"

Miles spider senses went off as he then stops swinging for a moment, narrowing missing as an electric bolt was charged at him which ended up destroying a tree.

He turned his head slightly to see it was no other an Electro who was accompanied by Rhino as they both kept pursuit. Rhino jumped in the air in an attempt to grab them only for Miles to turn around for a split second, shooting a web that covered his face as he fell down.

" EWWW! JUST WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Rhino screamed, disgusted that whatever came out had stuck on his face before plumping toward the ground.

" Ha! Whatever it is, I hope it got in your mouth!" Electro mocked before continuing his pursuit.

Electro fired multiple shots of electric bolts at them as Miles tried his hardest to dodge each upcoming strike, his spider senses being the one thing that kept them from being fried.

" Damn it, I can't lose him!" Miles yelled, he narrowly dodge another lighting bolt while still holding onto Gweny. Examining his surroundings, Miles eyes widen as he saw a small lake nearby. Seeing this, an idea popped up in his head.

" I have a plan but I don't think you'll like it very much"

" What's your plan?"

" I'm gonna throw you up Really high in the sky while I'll take care of this guy" Miles explained, Gweny shook her head in fear.

" That a terrible plan!" She screamed, she absolutely not okay being thrown hundreds of feet into the air.

" One " Miles started counting, Gwen turned to glare at him.

" Don't do this!" She warned him.

" Two!"

" Miles, I swear to god If you throw me-"

" THREE!" Miles stopped swinging as he used the seconds he had still floating to use his strength to throw her high above the air. Gweny screamed as she could do nothing more then watch herself being thrown.

Landing against a tree, he turns to Electro who fires another lighting bolt as Miles leaps from the tree which breaks into pieces. From the debris, Miles shot out another web connecting to a huge Chuck of wood before throwing it at him.

Reading quickly, Electro fired once more as the light bolt connected with the piece of wood which exploded on impact. The explosion had caused a pile of smoke as Electro covered his eyes to block the smoke from getting into his eyes.

Groaning in irritation, Electro opened his eyes slightly as he turned in all directions. " That little shit! Just where the hell did he-"

From the smoke, he could a voice yelling from the distance.



Electro barely had time to react as he felt himself being kicked in the face. Miles had used enough force in that kick to send him crashing toward the lake.

After finishing off this version of Electro, Miles landed on a tree branch as Gweny was inches away after falling for about a few seconds. His ears flinched as he heard her screaming drawing closer

" Don't worry I got you!"

She was just mere inches away as he prepared to catch her once more. It was only when something flew past him did his eyes widen in shock.

Gweny felt herself being grabbed as she tuned expecting it to be Miles only for her eyes to widen in fear. The person who caught her was no other than green goblin who carried her on his glider.

" NO!" Miles yelled, he followed after them.

Swinging from tree to tree, Miles tried his hardest to catch them but Goblins glider proved to be to fast for him. He watched in horror as they descended up to the sky.

" Let her go!!" Miles cried out, his voice barely reached them as Gweny felt herself being dragged higher and higher.

For a few seconds, Goblin took her higher and higher until they were hundreds of feet in the air. The glider then suddenly stops in place as Goblin grabs her by the neck before stretching his hand out leaving her with only his arm preventing her from falling.

" Otto may see you as depth that needs to be repaid but that would only prove to be futile. It would ruin my chance to explore the multiverse in causing destruction. Which is why...I have to let you go"

" Please...please don't!" Gweny pleaded, through the mask, she could see the sadistic grin on his face.

Goblin then let's go of his grip as Gweny watches in horror as he pummels down to the ground below. From below ground, Miles could see her falling from the sky as he prepares to jump.

" Hold on, I'm coming!" Before he could leap into the air, an electric bolt strikes him causing him to be sent crashing down to the dirt.

" Not so fast spider freak, I still haven't gotten you back from that stunt you just pulled"

Miles feels himself being electrocuted as he lifts his head to see Gweny drawing closer toward the ground. He tries to lift himself but Electro seemed to be keeping him down with bolts of electricit.

Lifting his head slightly, he screamed in pain before yelling.

" NOOO!!!"

Gweny felt her life flashing before her eyes as he was now mere feet away from the ground. To her, it felt like time had slowed down as she could hear the screams of Miles calling out to her. She could tell she was close on impact, the sight of the trees was an indicator that she was mere seconds from the ground behind her.

For a moment, her breathing had stopped all together as the adrenaline kicked in. The realization had froze her body like a state. She was going to die. And there was nothing anyone could do. There was no lucky inconveniences that was gonna save her. There was no vigilante that was gonna save her. There was no hero that was gonna save her in time.

She was about to die.

The realization forced her to close her eyes as the water drops that came out floated in the air along with her. There was nothing she could do, but hope that the fall would kill her quickly.

This was it for her.

Expecting her hear body slamming against the ground succumbing death, She closed her eyes tight in fear that it would just be for a slight second.

Except it wasn't. She didn't feel the harsh impact against the ground nor did she hear the loud sound of her body hitting the ground. Instead, she felt herself in someone's arms. Opening her eyes slightly, she expected that by some miracle that Miles had come to save her.

Only to find out, it wasn't him.

Instead, she saw someone who wore almost the same clothes as Miles did. Except it wasn't black in color with red stripes but a mixture between black and white with a hint of pink on her arm with blue blue stripes that resemble that of web. Unlike Miles, she could see that their suit was accompanied by a hoodie that was white on the outside and pink and blue on the inside.

Gweny opened her eyes fully as she stares in awe at who she was seeing. From the distance, Miles eyes widen after realizing who had just saved her life.

" It can't be" Miles muttered, he thought his eyes were deceiving him but the pain he was feeling from electricity ensured him that this was real.

The person who had saved her was Gwen. His Gwen.

Staring in disbelief, both Electro and Miles were left stunned beyond belief as the super villain had momentarily stopped his assault on the boy as he stared in awe.

" What the- THERES TWO OF THEM NOW?!" Electro cried out.

" Actually make that three!"

Electro is suddenly punched in the face before crashing down to the floor. Miles turns to see who had saved him only for him to be completely shocked to see who it was. Offering him a hand, Miles stares in disbelief to see that it was no other than his mentor.

" Need a hand kid?"

" P-Peter?!" Although taken back at first, it was the sound of an infant laughing is what made him completely lose his composure.

" M-Mayday?!!"

Peter B. looks down to see Mayday before turning back to Miles " Pretty neat right? I thought I could tag her along"

" Speaking of which, mind holding her for a second"

Peter B. Forcefully gives Mayday to Miles who was once again taken back by as he suddenly held her in his arms. " Wait what-"

A split second later, Green Goblin glider crashes against Peter B. Who took the full hit as he was dragged by the super villain.

" Hey Norman, how's the family doing?" Peter B joked, pulling himself up onto the glider.

Goblin immediately pulled out a blade as he swung multiple times at Peter B. who dodged each strike with ease. Peter B. then shoots a web fluid which sticks on to Goblin face, blinding him the process.

Goblin attempted to stab him with his dagger but Peter B. Caught the blade with his fist. Seeing his opening, he swung his fist across the goblins face before throwing a punch at his gut.

Annoyed, Goblin tackled Peter as they both descended toward the ground below sending the glider crashing against one of the trees.

Watching from afar, Miles was lost for words as he stared at the fight in complete silence. So many questions had now suddenly popped up. Why was Gwen and Peter here? How did they find him? And why did PETER BRING A FREAKEN BABY INFANT TO BATTLE?!

So many questions yet non could be answered at the moment. Especially when heavy footsteps could be heard approaching him as he turned to see Rhino changing right at him, his speed making him closer by the second. Out of instinct, Miles tried flicking his wrist to shoot his web fluid only for nothing to come out as he began panicking.

" Shoot!" Miles panic as Rhino leaped in the air before coming down attempting to smash in the process.

Miles prepared to leap out the way of the attack only for to feel himself being grabbed with Mayday still in his arms. He turned to see that it was Gwen as she swung across to grab both of them before landing safely away from Rhino.

Enrage, Rhino attempted to chase after only to feel something on his back as he turned left and right, confused to who was on him " Huh?! Alright, who has the balls!"

" I don't have the balls your looking for, but I help you find some coconut oil to help fix that hair of yours"

Rhino picks his head up to see only to see Pavitr standing on his head. Looking down on the supervillain, Pavitr simply smiles.

" Hello Mr. Rhino, we haven't met before but let me start it off by saying that you have no idea how much I adore your suit. You know, this one time for Halloween, one of my classmates dressed up almost exactly like you and-"

" Get off me you insect!" Rhino attempted to shake the boy off of him only to feel both his hands stuck in place. From the right, Hobie had shot a web fluid that connected to his arm before pulling it while Noir did the same on the other side. As they held down Rhino, Ham runs in before leaping into the air as Pavitr jumps out the way as he slams his wooden hammer on his head.

Ham lands on the ground in front of him as Rhino is left speechless at what laid before him " A-Are you some kind of cartoon?!"

" You got a problem with cartoons?" Ham swings his Hammer across his face a couple times. This seemed to anger Rhino as he immediately pulled the webs of both Hobie and Noir before slamming them together.

Like a wild animal, he charges at Ham and Pavitr who quickly maneuver their way around to avoid being struck.

Not so far away, Electro gets back to his feet slowly as he shakes his head slightly " Is there's any more spider freaks I need to know about!"


Suddenly, Electro eyes widen once he hears a loud noise of something dropping behind him. He turns his head slightly to see giant robot standing before him. It's red eyes stared at him intimately as Electro stares the robot in front him.

" Okay, this getting dumb!" Electro shouts, lifting both of arms before shooting out his most powerful lighting bolt at the mecha robot.

Taking the full hit, Electro eyes widen seeing how his lighting bolt was having little to no effect on the Mecha. With a press of a button, Peni fired a huge beam of energy out of the mecha chest sending Electro flying.

Peter B. webs Goblin foot before sending him a punch across his face. Goblin tried swinging back but Peter B. bends down, avoiding the blow before punching him again. Goblin pulls a blade out of his gauntlet as he continued his assault. Peter B. managed to evade each strike before getting a good hit on his stomach. He avoids another blow from Goblin but is met with a strike with Goblin's other hand. Goblin uses that time to cut open the web on his leg before using that same leg kick Peter B. in the chest sending tumbling back.

Goblin prepares to land to finishing blow but is stopped when he struck in the face as it was no other then Margo. Goblin swings his blade as it goes through Margo who smiles mischievously. Margo's avatar then disappears before another is shown high above the tree as she fired EMP Missiles. Goblin evades the oncoming missiles as he rolls away before pressing a button on his gauntlet. Goblins glider breaks free from the tree before descending down as he hops on before flying away.

Margo runs over to Peter B. Before helping him back to his feet.

" You okay?"

Peter B. groans in pain as he struggled to get him " I've been through worse."

Goblin comes back around as he examines the battle in front of him. Seeing the many enemies in front of him, he knew that he would be in a disadvantage. Using this time to escape, Goblin throws multiple pumpkin bombs as Peter B. Looks in horror.

" Get down!!"

The pumpkin bombs exploded on impact as everyone around the field takes cover. Gweny leaps out the way as a pumpkin bombs started exploding all around her. Ham tackles Pavitr to avoid the blast while Noir and Hobie managed to swing away just in time. This gave Rhino an opening as he saw Goblin flying away as he followed, catching the hint that they were clearly outnumbered. Peni watched as Electro zoomed past her as he took decided to flee leaving the woods around them covered with flames and broken debris of whatever remained of the trees.

Amongst the scattered group, Ham is the first to speak seeing how quiet it was after the fight. " Yeah you better run!"

Peter B. turns toward everyone as his voice echos across the woods " Is everyone okay?!"

Pulling down her mask, Gwen turns her head slightly to see Miles who was left momentarily speechless. They both stare at one another, neither one saying a word to each other. The silence between them was unbearable if it weren't for the sound of Mayday giggling every once in awhile. The last time they had saw each other was when Miles had said his teary goodbye to Gwen before letting go of Before either one could even muster up the courage to speak, Peter B. swings by taking Mayday from Miles arms as he smiles.

" There's my little Mayday. Hope you didn't give him to much trouble" Mayday giggles in delight which made Peter B. laugh as he removed his mask as well.

Knowing he had to be that guy, Miles knew had to ask the most obvious question. " What are you guys doing here?"

Miles takes a step back, fear was beginning to wash over him. The betrayal he had suffered moments earlier after learning what they kept from him made his heart ache. The trust he had for them had dwindled so far that he didn't know what to think of them anymore. The chances of escaping would be slim, he did just run out of spider webs moments earlier in the fight. Gwen and Peter B. noticed the fear in his eyes as they knew what he was probably thinking. Gwen tried speaking first as she tried talking to him.

" Miles-"

" No, scratch that. Why are you guys here? Aren't you guys supposed to be back with the spider society?" Miles asked coldly, he was still upset over what happened. Before Peter B. or Gwen could even mutter a word, a voice chips in not to far away.

" Not anymore, from now on we're on your side." Noir explained, Miles is shocked to see him.

" Noir?"

" It's been awhile, nice to see how much you've grown"

" I'll say, he's practically a man now!" Ham chips in as well, Miles couldn't help but smile seeing them. Out of the old spider group, he hadn't once saw these two in the spider society.

" Boy am I glad to see you two. How come I didn't see you guys at the spider society?"

" Miguel came to me months ago offering me to join. Once he told me about the canon and everything, I told him that he could take canon of his and shove up right up his ass" Noir explained, Miles chuckled seeing how casual he was. It was nice to see not every Spider-Man how the same view as Miguel about the canon. Unlike some people.

" Personally I think he didn't like my quirkiness. He thought Lego Spider-Man was more qualified than me" Ham added. " Or maybe he changed his mind when I tried shoving a hotdog up his nose after he told me about the canon? I don't know."

" Me personally, I wouldn't let that slide"

Miles is surprised to see Pavitr along with Margo and Hobie who gathered behind him.

" It's you guys" Miles is taken back after seeing them again " Wait a minute, what's going on?"

" Isn't it obvious Mate?" Hobie asked " Come to help the man who stood up to Miguel's group of cultus Spider-Man"

" What do you mean?"

" Miles, we're not here to stop you from saving your dad. We actually came here to help you save him" Peter B. explained.

" You guys...want to help me?" Miles asked, bewildered at what he was hearing. " B-But what about Miguel?!"

" He doesn't know we're here, and for our sake, let's keep it that way." Margo explained, she then tosses something to Miles who catches it " A gift from me and Peni."

Miles looks down to his hand only for his eyes to widen in pure shock to see what that gift was. Using his other hand to lift the gift, Miles' voice hardly was able to keep steady. " This is..."

From the Mecha robot, Peni emerges out as she hops off her Mecha before standing a few feet behind Margo. Despite what she went through, she did her best to show him a comforting smile. Even if that smile was slight. " That's right Miles, your own personal watch."

Miles was lost for words. Every since Gwen had told him about the spider society, he wanted nothing more than to get his hands on one of those. For all intents and purposes, Miles wanted to use it to visit other dimensions and to see his friends again. Then again, some of those same friends had lied to him about so much. It didn't help much that he learned that some of them could've visited him the entire time but decided not too.

Despite those mixed emotions, as of Right now, all that didn't matter. For one thing, Miles didn't want his body glitching any further. Sliding the Goober into his right hand, he could finally ease in as his body became less tense.

He found it nice that he was able to finally breathe in and take a moment to collect himself. But all that wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the people in front him. Letting out a frustrating sigh, Miles turns to Peter B. who still had Mayday in his arms.

" What changed your mind? Why suddenly switch sides?"

" Can't a mentor help his star pupil in his time of need?"

" Weren't you the one that watched me get body slammed by Miguel while he threw insults at me?"

Peter B. cringed at that memory " Okay. Fair point"

Miles turns his head over to Gwen, his hurt expression never faltering as Gwen grimaces seeing the look on his face. She knew she had messed things up with him, but seeing the same hurtful expression he had the last time they saw each other, it didn't sit right with her. She felt sick seeing the same boy she loved and admired being a former shell of what he once was. " So guys decided to switch sides cause you felt bad, is that it?"

Taking a moment to form the right words, Gwen knew she had to at least try to make him understand that she along with the others wanted to make things right with him " Miles look... I know we're probably the last people you want to see right now. We haven't been fair to you ever since this started. But please, give us this chance to make things right with you."

Miles is taken back by the spider gangs expressions, especially Gwen's. Most of them either seemed ashamed or hurt by what they had done to him. For the most part, it still didn't take away the pain of betrayal. He was still hurt by what some of them had done, even if they thought it was right thing to do.

But with no spider webs and a barely functioning body, he needed to take whatever help he could get. Especially since he not only had to save his dad from the spot but also prevent this dimension from collapsing on itself.

Was he still upset? Yes. Did he need time to process everything? Of course! But he knew that there were bigger things at stake than just him and them.

Miles let's put a frustrating sigh, he knew it was dumb to let them tag along. Especially when it was because of them that he was in this situation in the first place. But he knew better than to let that grudge take the better of him.

" Fine." Miles hesitated as he chose his next words carefully " But this doesn't change anything"

Miles wasn't sure if he was reminding her or himself.

" We know Miles." Peter B. answered him, placing his hand on Gwen's shoulder. " And we're not forcing you either"

" We should move, there's no telling when those guys are coming back" Margo explained " Peni, could you help me send coordinates to Earth-1610"

With the help of Peni and Margo, it seemed that getting home just became a lot easier.

Looks like I traveled all this way for nothing.

Now he could travel back to his dimension and stop the Spot from killing his dad. It was so simple.

Yet there still stood a problem. A problem that Miles knew that he had to help fix.

Before Peni could do anything, Miles voice stops her " Wait! I can't leave...not yet. There's something I need to do first."

Gwen and Peter B. were left confused while the rest stared at the boy with curious expressions. What could have been more important than going back to save his father. That question would be solved after hearing a groan as they turned to see who it was.

" head!"

Shaking her head, Gweny picked herself up from the ground before dusting herself off. She turned herself around to face Miles only to see a dozen of faces staring directly at her. Her jaw dropped from what laid before her eyes. If it weren't for the fact she saw both a cartoon pig and an Anime girl that were dressed similarly to Miles, she would have been fine.

What shook her more was the fact that standing beside Miles was someone that looked completely identical to her. The only different being their hairstyles and suits. She wasn't the only one as it seemed that almost everyone had the same reaction as she did. Except Pavitr.

" I didn't know you had a twin sister Gwen?!" Pavitr asked.

Feeling the need to intervene to break the awkward tension that was no unfolding, Miles decided to chip as he walked toward the still shocked Gweny.

" Guys, I like you to meet...this dimension's Gwen Stacy!" Miles explained, his voice trying to lighten up the mood. " Say hi Gwen!"

" H-Hi?"Gweny muttered, she was already trying to NOT lose her mind. She was already trying to grasp that she was literally standing before a CARTOON PIG, a literal ANIME GIRL, and the most surprising of them all, a badass sexy spider woman that looked EXACTLY LIKE HER!!!

Gwen takes a few steps forward before stopping before her counterpart. No words were said between them as Gwen could only examine every feature she had. In every other universe, Gwen Stacy was similarly in her late teens before their untimely demise by the hands of the canon. It was a rare accusation that in her universe, her Peter had taken her place in her canon event which happened around the time she became Spider woman. Out of all the Gwen Stacy's in every universe, she had thought that she would be the youngest one considering the fact that she thought she would be the only one. That was until now.

Gweny was taken back when Gwen had closed the gap between them. Between the two variants, Gwen was the first to speak.

" I didn't think it be possible" Gwen mutters, she examining her counterpart " I never thought I would meet another me."

" So she's a Gwen Stacy variant?" Noir asked, crossing his arms as he watched the entire scene unfold.

" Variant? What are you talking about?!" Gweny asked, she was clearly confused and unsettling about what was going on  as she turned toward Miles " Just who are these people?"

Miles demeanor changed once he saw the many glances on him as all eyes were now facing him.

Oh crap. I really set myself for this, didn't I? Miles laughs awkwardly. The feeling worsens once he saw both Gwen's sharing the same look that demanded answers.

Before he even mutter so much as a word, his spider senses kicked him as he moved his head slightly as a  dodges an upcoming beam. The others turn to see reinforcements coming their way as Miles turns to Gweny in a panic.

" Look, I'm explain everything on the way, come on!"

Not wasting any time, Gwen grabs her counterparts arm before she along with everyone else made a run for it out the woods.

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