nursing a broken heart | heej...

By luna_nova7

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When nurse Sim Jaeyun is left with insecurities and a broken heart, Lee Heeseung comes to turn his world upri... More



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By luna_nova7

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

Thursdays were the calmest days at the clinic. Jaeyun liked thursdays. He liked having more time to relax and talk with Mr. Cha. Which is what he was currently doing.

"So when Sunghoon met Sunoo he thought he was the most exaggerated, unreal, full of himself guy he had ever met. They were polar opposites and Sunghoon actually disliked Sunoo. He was selective with the people he surrounded himself with while Sunoo was nice to everyone. Of course, to Sunghoon that was just him being fake, he judged him without knowing him. But then something weird happened, that up to this day I am not aware of, and now they're very much in love."

Jaeyun was telling Mr. Cha about his best friend and how he had come to see him all Sunday.

"That's why he said he wouldn't pick up if he was with Sunoo. Nothing come's before his sunshine," Jaeyun said laughing along with Mr. Cha.

"Did you say the same about Sunjae?" Mr. Cha asked innocently.

Jaeyun flinched. "N-no..." His smile faded a little.

"Why not?" Mr. Cha asked, genuine worry showing on his face.

Jaeyun didn't know how to respond. He trusted Mr. Cha and knew he cared about him, but it had been only four days since he last saw Sunjae and he was just starting to understand his own feelings.

After a long minute were Jaeyun thought about it, he decided it would be good to vent a little.

"Well, for starters him and I aren't... I won't see him again. He crossed the line and finally hurt me."

Mr. Cha had a look of sorrow. Jaeyun continued talking.

"Apparently, he went to this party last week, which my best friend, Sunghoon, also attended, and he saw the guy kissing someone else. He didn't just tell me, he sent me videos too because he didn't want me to confront the guy without proof. Sunghoon thought he might've tried to slither his way out of the situation so he could keep me. He showed up at my apartment while Sunghoon was there and I ended up talking to him outside. It didn't go so well, he was nasty about the situation and wanted to make excuses for his behavior. I wasn't willing to listen but he wouldn't let me go, he grabbed my wrist very hard, fortunately someone helped me."

Jaeyun sighed. He was still unable to figure out why Lee Heeseung had helped him. He wasn't sure about his intentions, it made Jaeyun very uneasy.

"Lee Heeseung was passing by and he helped me. He did what I couldn't muster up the courage to and scared him away."

Mr. Cha nodded understandingly, "that's why you haven't been using your left hand that much... Oh, Jaeyun-ah, I'm so sorry that happened to you; I am glad that Sunghoon and Heeseung were there for you though."

"I mean, so am I but it still feels weird to me. Sunghoon is my best friend so I know why he helped me, but Lee Heeseung is just a patient. I can't seem to figure out what he actually wants from me," Jaeyun said.

Mr. Cha let a tender smile on his face.

"Jaeyun-ah, he's clearly interested in you. He's asked for your number and he wants to get to know you. It couldn't be more obvious."

Jaeyun shook his head, "that's what he wants us to believe, but I don't trust it. He could be faking everything and I would just let somebody else hurt me. I don't want to let that happen again, Mr. Cha."

Mr. Cha kept the tender smile but his face turned saddened, "I understand this wound is fresh in your heart and mind, so it's completely normal to be so cautious about who you let into your life, but I said this before, Jaeyun-ah. Not everyone's like Sunjae. You gotta trust this old man and his instincts. I've met my fair share of fake intentions and Lee Heeseung isn't one of them."

"Mr. Cha, with all due respect, none of us know the guy. He could definitely be making us believe he's someone he actually isn't," Jaeyun said matter-of-factly but Mr. Cha just kept smiling.

"I hate to break it to you but you're mistaken. I do know him, at least more than you. Remember I said he came by sometimes to try to talk to you?" Jaeyun nodded, "well, by sometimes I meant every week day, for two weeks straight. During his break from work. All to try and talk to you. Instead, he spent those 30 minutes every day talking to this old man."

Mr. Cha was smiling and Jaeyun couldn't help but join him.

"I'm not sure Mr. Cha, I just can't seem to trust anyone new doesn't have ill intentions right now."

"And I completely understand that. But what I'm trying to tell you is to not judge him without knowing him. Everyones deserves the benefit of the doubt, don't you think?"

Jaeyun did think so. He nodded.

The door bell rang announcing the arrival of someone, and for a second, Jaeyun thought he'd see Heeseung.

His heart's pace fastened.

It was mostly during this time when he came, according to Mr. Cha. But he looked at the door and saw it was the little girl that had scraped her knees and elbows weeks back.

"Good afternoon doctors. Are you busy?" The little girl asked.

Jaeyun stood up and walked a few steps towards her, "hello! We're not busy right now, is something wrong?"

The little girl shook her head and walked out of the clinic quickly. Jaeyun looked at Mr. Cha confused and shrugged. Then the bell was heard again. The little girl had come back in with a food container.

She walked to Jaeyun, "My mommy made these to thank you for taking good care of my ouchies," she stretched her arms and Jaeyun grabbed the container.

"Thank you!" Jaeyun exclaimed smiling, "oh, are they cookies?" she nodded, "I love cookies!"

The little girl was smiling so big it melted Jaeyun's heart. She bowed and said goodbye before exiting the clinic.

"This is so sweet..." Jaeyun said with a smile.

"It really is."

Mr. Cha was about to say something when he looked at the front door for a second and then closed his mouth. Jaeyun didn't notice but there was a grin on his face.

"Jaeyun-ah, will you cover for me for a while? I need to go to the bathroom badly."

"Sure, go. Don't worry about it," Jaeyun said while placing the cookies behind Mr. Cha's front desk.

The doctor left and Jaeyun was scrolling through his phone, his back facing the clinic's door, when the bell was heard again.

Without turning around immediately he said, "Hi, what can I help you with?"

He turned around after receiving no response and looked directly into Heeseung's eyes.

"Lee Heeseung..." Jaeyun whispered.

"Um... hi," Heeseung said with a smile.

Jaeyun was going to tell him to leave, but before he could, Heeseung had started asking his question.

"How's your wrist?"

Jaeyun scratched the back of his head; he still felt embarrassed about the whole situation and how he was about to send him away when Heeseung was worried about him.

"It's better, thanks." Jaeyun touched the bandage around his wrist unconsciously.

Heeseung walked up to him without batting an eye.

"Does it hurt much? Is it swelled?"

Jaeyun shook his head and started undoing the bandage.

"It's not swelled anymore but it does hurt if I press on the contusions. I have awfully sensitive skin so, it looks worse than it actually is."

Jaeyun was right. The wrist had contusions in form of fingers around it so dark it almost looked like it only had two days.

"He really needs to stop mistreating you..." Heeseung said absentmindedly. Jaeyun couldn't speak before Heeseung did first.

"I have come to propose something."

Jaeyun froze. "Pro-propose?"

Heeseung nodded.

"I know that it may be way too soon since what happened was less than a week ago, but we don't have to make it feel like a date," Heeseung was explaining.

"Date?!" Jaeyun couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Yes, we can just go as two people getting to know each other."

Jaeyun didn't understand.

"That is exactly what a date is, Lee Heeseung."

Heeseung was visibly struggling trying to find the right words to convince Jaeyun.

"Well, a friendly date. The thing is that every couple of months, on special dates, the company I work for prepares a fundraising event with different activities with the goal of bringing people together. They're fun and there's always games and competitions to win stuff. Afterwards we all go to this hotel's restaurant and eat together.

This time it'll be next Friday, starting at 4 p.m. My friends from work are taking their friends and I thought maybe you could come with me... as my guest, and as I said, as friends. Or, more like, getting to know each other that way. But, there's no pressure, if you don't feel comfortable or you're busy or you simply don't want to, I understand."

Jaeyun wasn't sure if it was a good idea. The first event sounded safe and fun, just games, but the dinner at a hotel scared him. Dinner with work mates meant there would be drinking and he wasn't very keen on that. Not like he drank until drunk but you never know what could happen.

If Jaeyun was honest with himself though, he found himself actually wanting to give Lee Heeseung a chance, more so if they'd be going as friends. There was no harm in that, and he could use the distraction.

But he wasn't giving in so easily, plus he worked on Fridays.

"It's really nice of you to invite me but I work on Fridays, I'm sure you know that."

Heeseung was wide-eyed, "I uh... might have come a couple times to see if you were free." Heeseung smiled.

And so did Jaeyun.

"I know. Mr. Cha told me about it. He also said you came during your lunch break instead of actually eating. Are you that desperate to have my number?"

Jaeyun was half teasing Heeseung and half digging into his true intentions. He thought Heeseung would deny the accusations but once again he was surprised by his sincerity.

"I am desperate for getting to know you. I have been since I first saw you, but like I said, the invitation is free of pressure, we'll be going as friends. If that makes you more comfortable and if you agree..." Heeseung said with a straight face, he really was serious about it.

Jaeyun was silent. What was he to say? He was so caught up in his own head that he was startled when he noticed Heeseung and him were staring at each other. His heart leaped and he really didn't know what to say or do.

But Mr. Cha was sick of the palpable tension and intervened.

"Heeseung-ah, he will accompany you. Next Friday will be closed due to redesigning in the upper level, so Jaeyun-ah, please make sure to hand the young man a way to contact you."

Heeseung was smiling broadly and Jaeyun was shocked.

"Mr. Cha! There's no redesigning scheduled for next week. What about our patients?"

Mr. Cha tutted, "there is, I scheduled it last night, so you're free next Friday and please give him a way to call you."

Jaeyun wasn't having it, he was again feeling embarrassed.

"Thank you Mr. Cha, but he still has to agree. Jaeyun, do you want to go with me next Friday to this work event?"

Jaeyun looked at Heeseung again.

"As friends," Jaeyun said sternly.

"As friends." Heeseung reassured.

Jaeyun sighed. He had no excuses left now. He took out his phone.

"Give me your phone, please."

Heeseung obliged happily. He finally had the Sim Jaeyun's phone number. And he hadn't even asked for it this time.

"Here, please send me the details and what I should wear so I can be well prepared Heeseung," Jaeyun said.

"Will do."

Heeseung was so happy he could have kissed his cheek and hugged him then and there. But he had said they'd be going as friends, and he would keep his word.

"Oh, I almost forgot..." Heeseung said.

Jaeyun's stomach felt ticklish for some reason.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

Heeseung pulled out his wallet and took out a ticket handing it to Jaeyun.

"I'll pick you up on Friday but I think it's better if you have the entrance ticket in you beforehand. It's really just a formality because our names are already on the list but they do ask for it to enter the hotel so..." Heeseung explained.

Jaeyun was thinking.

"You had to pay for the tickets?"


"So you bought it before you even asked me to go with you? What if I had said no?" Jaeyun questioned him.

Heeseung was still just smiling broadly, "if you had said no, I would have had to go alone and sad. But I had to at least try, I wouldn't have felt this confident inviting you to something without the actual invitation. I did it because I knew I would regret it if I didn't, because you're worth it."

Jaeyun was speechless. The absolute nerve and shamelessness this guy had would often render him unable to get a word out. But he'd be damned if he didn't try.

"You're crazy, Lee Heeseung."

Heeseung cracked a smile.

"Only for you."

Jaeyun couldn't help but feel flustered. "You–

Mr. Cha intervened before things escalated, the tension only got worse.

"I think it's almost time for you to get back, isn't it Heeseung-ah?"

Heeseung caught on, "i'm afraid so. Thank you Mr. Cha, I'll be on my way," he turned to look at Jaeyun once again. "Jaeyun, I'll see you next Friday."

He winked at Jaeyun and went on his merry way.

"Hah..." Jaeyun sighed shaking his head. "Unbelievable."

His heart beat did not slow down.

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

I very much enjoyed writing this chapter.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as well!

Bold Heeseung and flustered Jake is my favorite combo lol

Have a good one!

Peace out~

P.S. thank you immensely for voting and commenting 🥰


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