thelxiepeia | s.stilinski

Da elsiecherry

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lottie bailey never expected to fall in love with her best friend, then again, she never thought her other be... Altro

before you read
part one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
part two
cast list
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
part three
cast list
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four

chapter six

790 31 61
Da elsiecherry

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 1.06 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'i'd like to have made a pros and cons list in my new sparkly gel pens, but stiles said we didn't have enough time.'


"And you can't carry more than two bags because?" Scott asked Lottie as they made their way through the dark car park. She'd gone with him to help him with his grocery shopping and whilst she loved shopping, of any kind, she hated carrying it.

"Because I have two hands and human strength. You have two hands and super wolfie powers." She smiled sweetly as he laughed. He looked around the crowded car park before swearing under his breath. "You've lost the car haven't you?" Lottie groaned.

"No... I've just misplaced it." Scott replied unsurely as he walked up and down the car park. "Here take these." He said, shoving four more bags onto her arms, laughing as she stumbled under the weight. Putting the rest of the bags on the floor, he took the car keys out of his pocket and started pressing the unlock button, trying to hear the car or spot its lights.

"Fuck." Lottie grunted as she dropped one of the bags and a bottle of milk rolled out, placing the bags on the ground. She went after the milk as Scott laughed, watching the milk roll under a car.

"Melissa you're lucky I love you." She mumbled as she got on the ground, reaching under the car for the bottle, only to freeze when the bottle came rolling back to her. "Scott." Whispering under her breath, knowing he'd hear, he grabbed her hand and dragged her into a light jog away from the milk and their groceries. Turning back they notice a looming figure running at them on all fours. Their jog turns into a full on sprint, Lottie trying to hold in a scream.

As they turn a corner, Scott drags Lottie behind a pillar, pulling her to his chest trying to control his heartbeat only to become too aware of her heartbeat which was thumping erratically. A deep growl echoed in the parking garage. Thinking quickly, Scott turned Lottie to face him.

"Wait here. I have an idea." Leaving before she could start her rant about why that was a terrible idea.

"What? Split up? Great, I'm dead." She mumbled watching Scott jump across the cars, leaping from one to another, setting off alarms all over the place.  Making his way back to Lottie he hides the two of them between two cars, hiding Lottie behind him as she tries to control her breathing which was becoming shorter and shorter. It seemed they were in the clear... until Scott's phone rang. Lottie tackled him to the floor, trying to switch his phone off when a shadow encased the two of them.

"You're dead." Derek said bluntly. Lottie looks up at the voice and then back at Scott, before a fierce look settles on her face. Standing slowly she walked over to Derek, shoving a finger into his chest.

"No. You know who is dead? You! You sick fuck! What the fuck was that about? What have I ever done to you for you to knock off at least seven years off my life? I might have assisted in getting you arrested but this -" She rants, pointing between the three of them "- unacceptable, Slinky. Un-Accept-Able." She enunciated.

"In my defence I didn't know you'd be here." Derek replied, holding his hands up in defence.

"Nope, I don't want to hear it. Scott, where are the groceries? I deserve a packet of gummy worms. Stat." Lottie asked rhetorically as she made her way back to the shopping.

"She's right though. What the hell was that?" Scott asked as they began to walk through the car park.

"I said I was going to teach you. I didn't say when." Derek replied.

"Well you're not teaching me Mr. So keep it to when Scotty here, isn't with me." Lottie sassed, nodding back to Derek who nodded in her direction, accepting the order.

"You scared the crap out of me." Scott fumed. Derek stopped, sniffing the air around Scott.

"Nope. Not yet." Lottie burst out laughing at Derek's comment, silencing when she received a glare from Scott.

"Well... I was fast, right?"

"Not fast enough."

"Well I was looking after Lottie but- but the car alarms. That was smart, right?" Scott replied, ignoring the look of annoyance Lottie sent him as they reached the shopping. Lottie crouched down searching for her gummy worms, cheering quietly when she found them.

"But that was... I mean... Would you just stop? Please?" Scott tried as he began to get frustrated. "What happened the other night - Stiles's dad getting hurt. It was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this." The other night at the parent teacher conference, Stilinski had been hit by a panicked parent in the car park after a mountain lion ran rampant in the school parking lot. Lottie had spent the past few days helping out round the house for him and comforting a stressed Stiles. It was particularly difficult for her as Stiles was ignoring Scott because of it. She hated the silence, even if she wasn't experiencing it.

"It wasn't your fault Scott." Lottie reassured, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder, leaning into his side as she ate her gummy worms.

"I'm what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I'm not even sure I can teach you." Derek replied unhelpfully.

"What do I have to do?"

"Get rid of distractions." Derek instructed, taking Scott's phone and showing the person whose call he'd missed - Allison. "This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her."

"What? Because of her family?" Scott asked as Derek raised Scott's phone in the air about to throw it.

"Derek Miguel Hale! Throw that phone and it'll be the last time you use that arm. Not everyone has disposable income to repurchase things." Lottie shouted, reaching up on her tiptoes and snatching the phone back from him as he gripped her wrist. Glancing at Scott, Derek noticed Scott's temper start to appear.

"First of all, not my name. Second of all, getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this? How to shift? You do it through anger. By tapping into a primal, animal rage. You can't do that with her around." Derek explained, letting go of Lottie's wrist as she rubbed the area. It didn't hurt, it was just a surprise.

"I can get angry." Scott spat back, taking his phone back off of Lottie.

"Not angry enough. This is the only way I can teach you. Can you stay away from her at least until after the full moon?" Derek asked, talking about Allison.

"If that's what it takes-" Scott replied dejectedly.

"You want to live? You want to protect your friends? Yes or no?" Derek pressed, pointing at Lottie.

"Yes. If you can teach me, I can stay away from her." Scott replied.

"Not bloody likely." Lottie mumbled, holding her hands up in mock defence when the wolves glared at her. "Don't look at me like that Mr." She said pointing at Derek. "You have a lot of making up to do, you scared the life out of me and man-handled me. That's at least seven favours."

"What? How is it-"

"Just go with it. It's easier." Scott sympathised, grinning at his friend.


"Must stay away from Allison. Must stay away from Jackson." Lottie overheard Scott mumbling to himself as he walked through the school hallways.

"Jackson get ya blood pumping Scotty boy?" Lottie teased linking arms with the boy.

"Not in the good way." Scott replied, sighing.

"I dunno, I could see an enemies to lovers type thing happening here." Lottie mused dreamily, laughing as Scott threw a shocked look at her.

"Come on, let's go to class, Stiles is in there already." Scott said, ignoring her comment and pushing her in front of him so she entered the class first.

Groaning internally, she braced herself for the awkwardness that was going to be that conversation. Hugging Stiles, she slid into the seat next to him.

"Het Batman." She greeted, kissing him on the cheek as he smiled at her in response, only to roll his eyes when he saw Scott.

"You still not talking to me?" Scott asked as he sat in the seat behind Stiles. When he received no reply he continued. "Can you at least tell me if your Dad is okay? It was just a bruise, right? Soft tissue damage?" Still no reply, Scott looked at Lottie who just shrugged, taking Stiles hand in hers, rubbing small circles onto the back of it. "You know I feel really bad about it? Okay, what if I told you that I'm trying to figure this out? And that I went to Derek for help."

Stiles, despite being angry at Scott, couldn't help but take the bait that was thrown at him.

"If I was talking to you, I'd tell you that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." Stiles replied, looking at Lottie, who again, shrugged in response. She wasn't getting involved. Stiles sighed, looking up before turning to face Scott. "What did he say?"

Lottie smiled, she knew they'd be okay. They had to be, they were her boys.

"He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry? Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone. That someone usually being me or Lotts." Stiles asked as they left the classroom.

"That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott replied.

"How's he going to teach you to do that?" Stiles pressed, determined to get all the facts.

"I don't know. I don't think he does either."

"How comforting. A werewolf, teaching another werewolf how to learn control... and he has no clue where to start." Lottie added sarcastically.

"When are you seeing him again?"

"He doesn't want me to talk about it. He told me to act normal today. To just get through the day-"

"When?" Stiles interrupted.

"He's coming to get me at work. At the Animal Clinic." Stiles turned to look over at Lottie who nodded at him when he raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. Then that gives us until the end of the school day." Stiles said.

"To do what?' Scott asked, confused, glancing between the two. He swore sometimes they were two people made up of the same thing, they were so in sync sometimes.

"To teach you ourselves." The two replied in sync, grinning at each other before turning their grins to Scott.


The trio were sitting in the cafeteria eating their lunch. Well Scott was, Lottie was busy laughing at him hiding behind an oversized book so that he wasn't looking at Allison.

"I think the book is making it more obvious. Besides, she's reading." Stiles noted, making Scott peer over the top of the book cautiously.

"Do you have a plan yet?" Scott asked the two of them. Lottie pointed a finger at Stiles who nodded.

"I think so."

"Does this mean you don't hate me now?" Scott smiled nervously as Lottie groaned.

"No. But your crap has infiltrated my life so I have to do something about it. And I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Better Yoda, you are." Lottie replied, earning a beaming smile from Stiles who leaned over and high-fived her.

"Okay, good. You teach me."

"Yeah. I'll be your Yoda."

"You be my Yoda."

"Your Yoda, I will be." Stiles replied with a smile, going on to explain himself when Scott didn't reply. "I was saying it backwards like-"

"I know."

"Definitely still hate you." Stiles deadpanned.

"Wait if you're Yoda, who am I?" Lottie asked as the bell rang.

"You can be-"

"Scott?" The trio paused as Allison called out his name. Scott glanced at the two and grabbed Stiles before booking it into the boy's toilet as Allison followed.

"Scott you're an arsehole. If you want me to deal with this, anything I say I will not be held accountable for." Lottie sighed, standing outside the boys toilets as Allison walked up to her.

"Hey, did you see Scott run in here?" Allison asked.

"Hey Ally, yeah he's in there. Probably will be for a while. He had milk for lunch, totally messing his digestion system up. I've told that boy so many times,you shouldn't have dairy if you have an intolerance for lactose. He never learns." Lottie sighed, grinning internally as she knew Scott could most likely hear her. "I'm just waiting for Stiles." Lottie smiled.

"Oh- I-Uh sure. Well tell him I was looking for him please." Allison asked politely.

"Sure thing, Ally. Oh and again, sorry If I made dinner awkward the other night. I'd hate it to affect our friendship." Lottie said before she left.

"Of course not. It was quite entertaining to be honest. I wanted to place a bet to see who would break first. I would have lost money that night though, No offence." Allison chuckled.

"Didn't think I'd make the famous Kate Argent blow huh?" Lottie smirked and Allison shook her head and laughed.

"Never. It's never happened before. Anyway I should get to class, see you later Lottie."

"Laters Ally."

"I'm going to murder you. Slowly." Scott said as he left the bathroom once he heard Allison walk away.

"Don't put me in the middle of your relationship drama and I won't have to make up excuses." Lottie smiled as Stiles bent over laughing.

"Slowly, Lottie. Very, very slowly."

"Don't tease me Scotty. I'll get excited."


"Put this on." Stiles instructed Scott as the trio made their way onto the lacrosse field as he threw a heart monitor at the boy.

"Isn't that one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?" Scott asked, putting the device on.

"I borrowed it."

"Stole it?"

"Temporarily misappropriated. Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs. You're going to wear it the rest of the day." Stiles explained.

"Isn't that Coach's phone?" Scott asked, looking at the phone in Lottie's hands.

"That we stole." Lottie replied, smiling proudly as she waved the phone.


"Your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right?" Stiles started to explain as Lottie mockingly howled. "During lacrosse or when you're with Allison or when you get angry. So maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate." Stiles continued, covering Lottie's mouth with his hand.

"Like the Incredible Hulk?" Scott asked.

"Kind of like the Incredible Hulk." Stiles agreed.

"I'm the Incredible Hulk." Scott smiled to himself.

"More like the Incredible Dork." Lottie said, pulling Stiles' hand away from her mouth.

"Shut up and put the strap on." Stiles instructed.

"That's what she said!" Lottie shouted, pointing at Stiles who promptly dropped his jaw as Scott looked confused.

"This is not exactly how I planned to spend my free period." Scott said as Stiles duct taped his wrists together behind his back.

"This is getting kinkier by the minute." Lottie joked, fanning herself.

"Ready?" Stiles asked, picking up his lacrosse stick, aiming at Scott. Lottie glanced between the two and walked over to the bleachers taking a seat, pulling out her stand-by popcorn, eager to watch the shit-show of the day. Wincing every time a ball hits Scott, laughing at the sick smile on Stiles' face who was enjoying every second of punishing his friend.

"What the fuck are they doing?" A voice calls out, making Lottie jump and spill her popcorn. Turning to glare at the voice, she spots Jackson.

"Hey Jackass. Come, sit. Front row entertainment here. Want some popcorn?" She offers.

"Why's Stiles battering Scott?" Jackson asked again, not taking her offer of a seat but nabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Stiles' is mad at Scott and this was the solution that came to. Trust me, I've given up understanding men, especially those two, a long time ago." Lottie excused, glancing at Scott who was hunched over on the floor. "Here, catch." She said, throwing a piece of popcorn at Jackson who caught it in his mouth expertly.

"Well as enjoyable as watching Scott get the crap beat out of him is-" Jackson pointedly ignored the glare he received, "I can think of a hundred things I'd rather be doing. Lotso, always a pleasure."

"Hey, Jackass?" Lottie called out before he left, climbing down from the bleachers. "You okay? After the other day?"

"Aw, didn't know you cared?" Jackson smirked, holding a hand to his chest mockingly. Rolling her eyes, she flipped him off and made her way back onto the field as he walked away.

"You started to change?" She overheard Stiles ask as she got nearer the boys.

"From anger. But it was more than that. The angrier I got, the stronger I felt." Scott explained.

"Then it is anger. Which means Derek's right?" Stiles said, almost disappointed Derek was right.

"I can't be around Allison."

"Why? Because she makes you happy?" Lottie asked.

"No. Because she makes me weak." Scott replied sadly, slumping down into the grass.


"Is the day almost over yet? I have a whole season of Glee begging me to watch it tonight." Lottie sighed dreamily to Stiles as they walked into their economics class.

"Oo, which one are we watching?" He asked, putting his bags down at the table diagonal from Scott.

"No, Stiles, take the seat behind me. Stiles-" Scott called out too late as Allison sat behind him with a smile. Shooting an apologetic smile his way Stiles turns back to Lottie expectantly.

"Who said you were invited?"

"We both know you want a duet partner so of course I'm coming."

"Fine, we're re-watching season three. Need me some Brittana and Samcedes drama." Lottie grinned.

"All right, settle down. Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading. Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading. How about McCall?" Coach called out.

"Oh shit. He hasn't done it. I knew we forgot something the other night." Lottie mumbled.

"The reading, McCall." Coach persisted.

"Last night's reading?" Scott asked.

"No, the reading of the Gettysburg Address."

'What?" Scott asked, confused.

"That was sarcasm, McCall. Familiar with the concept?" Coach frowned. Scott glanced at Lottie and Stiles who grinned and sent thumbs up his way proudly.


"​​You do the reading or not?"

"I think I forgot."

"Okay, then. Nice work. Because it's not like you're averaging a D in this class. You do know I can't keep you on the team with a D, McCall?" Coach criticised harshly, cursing giggles to erupt in the class.

"Fuck, look." Lottie muttered, showing the phone displaying Scott's heart rate rising to Stiles.

"How about you summarise the previous night's reading? No? How about the night before? How about you summarise anything you've ever read? In your entire life." Coach continued. The heart monitor increased steadily as Scott became more and more flustered. "Anything at all. A blog? The back of a cereal box? The adults only warning on your favourite website. Thank you, McCall. Thank you for extinguishing every last flicker of hope I have for your generation. Next practice you start with suicide runs." Coach finished cruelly. The class laughs at Scott's expense as Lottie begins to stand, ready to take the attention of her best friend.

"Wait. Look." Stiles said, grabbing Lottie's hand and pulling her down, showing Scott's heart rate declining. Looking over at the boy the both noticed at the same time, Allison had reached forward and held his hand.

"She doesn't make him weak." Lottie mumbled. "She makes him at peace." She smiled.

"Well this is a positive development."

"It is indeed. However, nobody speaks to you guys like that." Lottie said, standing again. "Hey Coach, what's it like having to give your own mother sponge baths?" Lottie started as Stiles' jaw dropped and he sank in his seat. She was making it all up but her goal was to make Coach feel as humiliated as Scott just did, even if it cost her a detention or two. Coach would be her best friend again by the end of the class anyway.


"It's her."

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned the pair.

"It's Allison. Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her. About protecting her."

"And remember the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field." Lottie continued. "That's what brought you back so you could score. And then in the locker room, you didn't kill her. At least not like you were trying to kill me. She brings you back."

"But it's not always true. Because literally every time I'm kissing her or touching her-"

"That's not the same. When you're doing that you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex. See, you're thinking about sex right now. Aren't you?" Stiles asked as Scott looked off in the distance dazed. Snapping out of it when Lottie poured water down his back from her water bottle.

"Now when she was holding your hand in class, it was different. I don't think she makes you weak. I think she actually gives you control. It's like she's a kind of anchor." Stiles explained.

"You mean because I love her." Scott said boldly, causing Lottie to stop in her tracks and squeal.

"Did I just say that?" Scott asked.

"You just said that." Stiles clarified, trying to move on from the subject.

"I love her."

"That's great. Moving on–" Stiles tried.

"No, I do. I really do. I think I'm totally in love with her." Scott pressed.

"Oh my fucking God. This is so cute. Scotty's in love." Lottie beamed, pretending to faint, falling into Stiles' arms. Catching her with a smile, he pushes her back up from the trust fall and continued.

"And that's beautiful. Before you go off and write a sonnet can we figure this out? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time."

"Oh, I'd love it if a guy wrote me a sonnet. Guys these days think an unsolicited dick picture is the way to go. Rest assured, it isn't." Lottie said thoughtfully.

"What do I do?" Scott asked. "You're getting an idea, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Stiles replied.

"Could this idea get me in trouble?"


"Probably." Lottie added with a grin.

"Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?"

"Definitely." Stiles and Lottie beamed.

The three made their way out to the parking lot over to the corner that the seniors claimed. Lottie saw Stiles fiddling with her keys and had an internal panic, already knowing where this was going. Clutching his arm and squeezing she hoped he knew what he was doing.

"Over here." Stiles started, standing next to an empty car that belonged to one of the seniors a few feet away.

"What are we doing?" Scott asked innocently.

"You'll see. Stand right here. Do you have your keys?" Scott rustled through his pockets until he pulled out the keys holding them up in the air. "Now, whatever happens I want you to think about Allison. Find her voice like you did at the game? Got it?" Scott nodded, confused. "Good. Keep holding the keys."

"Scott, I had no part in this." Lottie told him as Stiles went up to the car with a deep breath, took out his own keys and scratched a deep mark into the entire side of the seniors car. Cringing at the sound it made, Lottie looked over at Scott who looked horrified, the pieces falling into place.

"Dude. What do you think you're doing to that truck?" Stiles called out to Scott as he stood next to Lottie who grabbed his arm again and hid her face in the dip of his shoulder blades, not willing to watch her best friend be beaten.

"What the hell?" One of the seniors called out. Walking over to Scott he started to punch him whilst Scott stood there and took it.

"Stiles." Lottie muttered as the boy took his eyes off the fight for a second.


"If you don't feel better after this, you're just going to have to work through your frustrations another way. This is horrible."

"Stop! Stop right now! What do you idiots think you're doing?"

The seniors scattered as Lottie ran over to help Scott and his bloody nose.

"I'm sorry Scott, I wasn't in on this plan. Did it work? Could you focus on Allison?" She asked, helping him up.

"It worked." Stiles assured as he showed the two of them the heart monitor. It was completely level and calm.

"Still an ass move Stiles. Still an ass move." Lottie grumbled as Scott smiled.


Sitting in detention was not how Lottie wanted to spend her afternoon but after her little display with Coach Finstock, she knew she deserved it. At least she wasn't alone.

"Excuse me, sir, I know it's detention and all, but I'm supposed to be at work. And I don't want to get fired." Scott called out, holding a tissue to his nose. When he was ignored he turned to Stiles. "You knew I would heal."


"So you did that to help me learn."


"But partially to punish me."


"For not being there the other day. When your Dad got hurt." Scott elaborated, this time getting no reply. "You're my best friend. I don't want you to be angry at me."

"Lottie dropped everything to be there for me and my dad Scott. You weren't there. You have something, Scott. Whether you want it or not. You can do things other people can't. That means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something." Stiles explained.

"I know. And I will." Scott promised as Mr Harris slammed his paper down glancing at the three of them.

"All right. All of you. Out of here."

"Aw. Best friends again. Just how it should be." Lottie grinned, linking arms with her two best friends as they smiled at one another before smiling down at her.


"This best be good Scott. Sam just showed up and was shouting to Mercedes that he'd fight for her. What now?" Lottie fumed as Scott climbed into the back seat. He'd rang the pair and told them to pick him up, it was urgent. So there Lottie was, dressed in her Hello Kitty fuzzy pants and Stiles hoodie, listening to the Glee soundtrack as they drove to their school.

"It's Deaton."

"Your boss?" Stiles asked as he drove them to the school.

"Yeah. Derek thinks he's the alpha."

"No fucking way. Has Snuffles lost his bone or something?" Lottie asked.

"Yeah. I asked for an hour so step on it please."

"This is a terrible idea." Stiles decided as the three stepped out of the car.


"And we're still going to do it." Stiles sighed.

"Can you think of something better?"

"Personally, I'm a big fan of ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away." Stiles retorted.

"I'd like to have made a pros and cons list in my new sparkly gel pens, but Stiles said we didn't have enough time." Lottie pouted.

"Just make sure we can get inside." Scott instructed as Stiles pulled out a pair of bolt cutters with a grin. Shortly after, Derek pulled up in his black Camaro.

"Where's my boss?" Scott asked when he saw no sight of the man.

"In the back" Derek informed him, going round to the boot of the car and unlocking it, showing Deaton folded up in it, gagged and blindfolded.

"He looks comfortable." Stiles deadpanned.

"Wow, Snuffles. I had no idea you were so good at Origami." Lottie piped up, earning a twitch of the mouth from the man.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked as Scott and Stiles head inside the school.

"You said I'm linked with the Alpha. I'm going to see if you're right."

"And why are you staying?" Derek turned to Lottie.

"I'm dog sitting." She smirked back up at him. "So do you know any games? Other than fetch that is?"

"Very funny."

"No seriously. Rock, paper scissors? I-Spy? Alphabet Game?" Lottie continued to question, only to receive a blank stare. "Fine. You've given me no choice. Twenty questions. I'll start off easy. Are you into BDSM? 'Cos you've bound and gagged him pretty expertly." Lottie asked curiously.

"Wha- Are you- How does your brain work?" Derek asked, stunned.

"I don't even think a lobotomy could answer that for you." She sighed accepting the silence. Until Derek stuck out a fist. "What is that? I-" She fist-bumped it, pulling her hand away with a mock explosion sound. Derek fought the urge to show just how amused he was by the girl.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot." Derek explained gruffly.

"Best of three. Let's go."

The two ended up playing the best of six, Derek refusing to lose as Lottie continued to win. She was in the middle of gloating when an awful screech cut them off.

"You got to be kidding me..." Derek groaned.

"What was that?" Lottie asked, utterly confused.

"That would be your dumbass friend trying to howl."

"Hey! Don't call him dumbass, dumbass. Only I can call him that." Lottie scolded. Picking up her fist again, she forced Derek to play another game until they were cut off again. This time it wasn't a pathetic screech. This time it was a wolf, ferociously calling its pack to attention.

"And that would be your dumbass friend, trying to get us killed." Derek fumed. Lottie let it slide that time. This is why she liked to make a pros and cons list, she thought to herself silently.

"I'm going to kill the two of you myself. Are you trying to attract the entire state to this school?" Derek almost shouted as Scott and Stiles ran over excitedly.

"I didn't know it would be that loud." Scott admitted, still looking rather proud of himself.

"It was loud. And it was awesome!" Stiles sang.

"Stiles. Not the time." Lottie said quietly, moving to stand at his side.

"What did you do with him?" Scott asked. Lottie turned to see what he was talking about, gasping when she saw. Deaton was gone. The bindings on the floor.

"Nothing, he was just here." Lottie stumbled over her words confused.

"I didn't do anything." Derek explained, only to be cut off as he was lifted into the air and blood spurted from his mouth. Screaming, Lottie, Stiles and Scott lept back.

"Derek!" Lottie called out as he was flung against the wall of the school building, blood spilling everywhere.

"Lottie we gotta go!" Stiles called out, pulling the girl away from where she'd stepped closer to the dying man on the floor. She couldn't just leave him there. She was couldn't leave someone she considered a friend to die.

"We can't just-"

"Lottie now!" Scott shouted, grabbing her other arm as he launched them into the school. The three slammed the door shut and pressed their backs against it panting in terror. Eyes meeting each others before noticing the beaming red eyes of the alpha approaching from the shadows.

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πŸπŸ“ 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 π₯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐑𝐞𝐒𝐫 𝐧𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐀𝐞𝐧𝐬 Riley Winters and Stiles Stilinski had been living happily ever since th...
78.6K 1.8K 14
teen wolf season two book two stiles stilinski x fem!oc completed Β© voidvaleska