Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar...

By OceanKuhn5

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Four sisters who discover their destiny. Four powers bestowed upon these newly discovered witches. Join us as... More

Characters first season
Something Wicca this way comes
I've got you under my skin
Dead man dating
Dream Sorcerer
Wedding From Hell
The Fifth Sister
The Truth It Out There And It Hurts
The Witch Is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats Of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear To Eternity
Secrets And Guys
Is There A Woogey In The House
Which Prim Is It Anyway
That Seventies Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power Of Three
Love Hurts
Author's note.
Deja Vu All Over Again

Thank You For Not Morphing

136 4 0
By OceanKuhn5

     Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim are going to the neighbors party across the street.,'So we're agreed? Twenty minutes?' Prue says.

Piper gives her a look,' Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes.'

Phoebe grins,' Prue's party tips- meet, greet and bail.'

'Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job.' Prue replies.

'Well, I for one agree with Prue. I hate social gatherings. You know I don't do well with people Phoebe.' Prim mutters.

'And some of us have fun.' Then Phoebe turns to Prim.' And you missy just need to put yourself out there more.'

'And some of us are having a really bad hair day.' Piper points out.

Prue starts to turn back grabbing Prims hand.' You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late.'

Piper grabs them.' No.'

'Prue, it's never too late for a party.' Phoebe looks between her sisters.

Piper chiming in.' It's never too late, Prue.'

'Remember my sweet sixteen? (Prim gets an uneasy feeling looking around. She shakes her head returning her focus back on her sister as a dog hides in the bushes) Hey I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party and charge commission. It's a great way to make extra cash.' Phoebe finishes as they they walk into Fritz, Marshall and Cynda's house.

Prue gives her a playful glare.' Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you just get a job. Causing her sisters to laugh.

Marshall walks up to them.' The sisters Halliwell. Now the party can begin.'

'It's about time you chicks showed.' Cydna glowers.

'Hey, Prue, I'm glad you made it.' Fritz smiles at her.

Prue smiles back.' Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fritz.'

'Marshall, the place looks great.' Piper compliments.

He nods.' Thank you. We're mostly just restoring it. I didn't wanna change it too much. You guys knew the old owners didn't you?'

Phoebe smiles.' Oh, we basically grew up with their kids. We probably know the house better than you guys.'

Marshall turns to Fritz.' Oh, hey, how's the bar?'

'Dry. I'll take care of it.' Fritz replies.

Cynda stops him.' No, my turn.' Crushing a beer can with her bare hands and walks away.

'Woah, someone needs anger management classes.' Prim quips.

Marshall slides a glance over toward Prim apologizing.' Sorry bout her. (Saying to his sister) Try to behave, Cynda. We have guests.'

Fritz leans into Prue.' You know....sisters.'

'Tell me about it.' Prue agrees.

' Standing right here, Prue.' Prim
glares while Piper and phoebe give her a look.

Marshall snorts a laugh.' Okay, enjoy the party then.'

Phoebe nods.' Will do.' And the two men walk away.

Prue nods.' Okay, I came I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow because I have to wake up early.'

'Yeah, I'm with Prue. I'm going home, sorry Pheebs.' Prim tells her sometimes annoying people person sister.

'No. I mean, not yet.' Phoebe blurts.

Piper nods.' Yeah, Prue, we just got here. It, it wouldn't look good.'

Prue narrows her eyes.' Alright, what's going on?'

Phoebe feigns ignorance.' Going on? What do you mean? (She suddenly sees Andy) Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.'

(Prue and Prim look over at the same time. He waves at Prue and sends a smile Prims way)

Prue glares.' Phoebe, you didn't.'

'Well, your fingers weren't doing the walking, somebody's had to.' Phoebe tells her.

Prue sighs.' We've been through this. Okay him, me it's not a love connection. What we had ended in high school. It's in the past and it's meant to stay in the past. Andy and I have already had talked about this. We're friends that's it. Besides, I don't think it's me he wants to see.' Pointedly at Prim.

Prims eyes grew wide.' Uhhh, what are you looking at me for?'

'Because I know. Okay. I know how you feel about him. How you've always felt about him. I also know you never told me because you didn't want to hurt my feelings.' Smiling at her sister.

Prim sighs.' Prue what am I even goin to say. I've always been the little sister tagging along. I'm sure he probably just thought of me as his own sister as he does Piper and Phoebe.'

Prue shakes her head.' Honey, back then maybe he did....I mean it would've been a little inappropriate considering your ages, don't you think. Besides if he did look at you that way I probably would have thought he was a creep and grams would have found a way to make him disappear.' Prim laughs.

Phoebe chimes in.' Boy, girl, lighten up.'

Prim takes a deep breath, tackles Prue in a bone crushing hug.' You got this, just breathe, sweet girl.'

Prue untangles herself as Andy walks over, they nod at each other and her sisters walk away.

Prim smiles shyly.' They fail in the are subtlety.'

Andy smiles.' Well if we can teach them, we can then end hunger and create world peace.'

' Hmmm, but then what would I do with all my free time.' She jokes.

'Well, funny you should ask. I don't mean to push but I was wondering if your not not doing anything, I , I kind of have these tickets but they're for a warriors game and you probably wouldn't be interested, so...' Andy fumbled out.

Prim smiles at his attempt.' Well, the team can't do any worse than they did last year. Did you see them get creamed by the lakers?'

'Impressive. Is that a yes?' He asks hope filling his eyes.

Prim gulps nervously.' Ya know, um, I need to check my calendar because I might have a thing.'

'A thing?' He asks.

Fritz walks up.'So Prim, I hear you're friends with a cop.'

Andy looks at him.' Inspector actually.'

Fritz continues.' Oh, yeah. I've got these parking tickets.'

Andy tries to tactfully get him to leave.' My focus is mainly homicide and robbery.'

Fritz ignores him.' Yeah, yeah. So I have these parking tickets...'

'Gotta fly.' Prim hurriedly walks away.

'Prim, wait.' Andy calls after her.

At home Prim finds a snarling dog waiting for her inside.' Woah! Nice doggy.' As he starts barking at her. He runs at her and she barely makes it back outside as the dogs eyes glow.

The sisters are in the kitchen as Prim tells them about the dog.' How big was the dog again?' Phoebe asks.

Prim sighs.' Well I didn't exactly have the chance to measure it before it went in attack mode.'

Prue shakes her head at her sister managing to joke at the dangerous situation she was in.' Well, it must have been huge. Did you see the scratches on the attic door?'

'How did it even get in the house.' Piper puzzled.

'I don't know. Someone obviously left the front door open again. And Prim could have been seriously hurt because of it.' Prue looks at Phoebe.

Phoebe looks hurt.' Why do you always assume it was me? What about Piper?'

'Not it.' Piper exclaims.

Phoebe rolls her eyes.' Well, it's not a big deal. We checked the house and nothing is missing except my Pat Boone Christmas cd.'

Piper looks at her.' Now this is really creepy. If there were a dog in the house, then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door, let alone reach the top shelf.'

'Hey, maybe we should get a security system.' Phoebe suggests.

Prue shakes her head.' No, they are way too expensive. Besides after what happened, Andy will be checking on Prim every five minutes.'

Prim smiles.' I had to talk him out of coming over and keeping watch.'

Piper quirks and eyebrow.' Oh, you told him.'

'Hm......convenient. So what should we do?' Phoebe smirks.

Prue sighs.' Well, either we could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us or we could remember to lock the doors.' Directed at Phoebe as she walks in the laundry room.

'That is a really good idea, Prue.' Phoebe agrees as she walks over and locks Prue out.

As her sisters laugh at her Prue glares.' Unlock the door, Phoebe.'

At Bucklands a man comes in her office.'I was told that you might be able to help me. (He pulls a ring off his finger) I'd like to have this appraised.' Putting the ring on Prues desk.

Prue looks at it.' Well, you would be better off going to the.......appraiser.'

The man nods.' I've been there. He'd need a week. And I just... I wouldn't feel right without it. It's a family heirloom.'

She picks it up and looks at it.' I think I've seen a ring similar to this before. The settings quite old. At least 17th century. (She walks to the shelf picking up a book) the stones look like crystallite. Keep in mind this is just an educated guess.'

The man smiles.' Please, (he sits down) guess away.

'If I am not mistaken. It's a stone that the Egyptians believed would protect them against spells, curses, evil spirits. This wouldn't be a wedding by any chance would it?' Prues asks him.

The man shrugs.' You tell me.'

Prue keeps appraising.' The stones are set in two's. The symbol of duality. Man, Woman. Like in protection.'

'And what does all that tell you.' The man smirks.

Prue looks at him.' Where did you get this ring? What did you say your name was?'

The man is her father, Victor.' I think you know what my name is... Prudence.'

Prue glares at him.' Get out, (She throws the ring on the table and stands up) and stay away from us.'

He puts the ring back on.' Im staying at the Ballmark. What do you say you and your sisters join me for dinner? Let's say tomorrow night. We can talk.'

Prue is pissed and getting angrier by the minute.' After how you abandoned us? How dare you.'

Victor smiles.' Fiery temper. I like that. It reminds me of someone I know.'

Prue scoffs.' I am nothing like you. I would never leave my responsibilities, my family.'

Victor sighs.' I can see we have some issues to work through.'

'Oh, we've got the whole subscription. Now get out before I have you thrown out.' Prue growls out.

Victor looks at her.'Is that anyway to talk to your father?' He then leaves.

At the cafe Prue is telling her sisters about the visit from their father over coffee. Piper cocks her head.' I wonder why he went to you first? Why not Phoebe, Prim or me?'

Prue gives her a pointed look.' Piper, it's not like I won the lottery.'

'Well, I never met the man nor do I find the need to. I've got along fine without him just fine.' Prim states causing Prue to smile at her baby sister.

Phoebe ignores her.' What was he like? Did he ask about us?'

Prue shakes her head.' Actually, no. (Phoebe looks upset) Phoebe, think about it. He abandoned us. He was a no show for twenty years and then what, suddenly here he is? Why now?'

'Maybe he just wants to be part of our lives.' Piper tells her.

Prue looks at her sadly.' After all this time? Don't get your hopes up.'

'Well, there's only one way to find out. Why wait till dinner? Let's go see him now.' Phoebe says excitedly.

Prue tries getting through to her.' Will you be rational. Don't you find it just a little suspicious that just when we find out...' ( a waitress comes up to clear the plates and leaves) Just when we find out we're witches he shows up. But when mom dies he's no where to be found.'

'He sent us birthday cards.' Phoebe counters.

Prim rolls her eyes.' Not exactly the same thing as being around sis.'

Prue agrees.' Hello, selective  memory. Grams always told us he was a threat to us. There's no reason to think that's changed.'

'Prue, it's not that I don't see your point  but you knew him, we didn't. Why can't we have a chance to know now?' Piper asks her.

Prue looks at her sister.' Because we really don't know why he's here and until we do we can't trust him.'

Phoebe goes to the hotel to see her father dragging a reluctant Prim with her.' I don't know why I had to come with.'

'Because I wanted you to. Besides it's a chance for you to finally meet him.' Phoebe tells her.

'Entrée.' Victor calls.

They walk in seeing Victor getting a massage.' Daddy.' Phoebe calls him.

Victor smiles.' Well, well. What a nice surprise.' Standing up.

'Were, uh, We're sorry to just show up like this. I know we were supposed to wait for dinner but we...' phoebe began.

Prim throws her a look.' Who's this 'we' you keep talking about.'

Phoebe glares at her as Victor walks up to then.' No, nonsense. Welcome. Let me get a good look at you two.  These are my baby girls. Little.... Piper and Phoebe. ( looking at Prim when he said Phoebes name.....and Phoebe looked crushed) Phoebe.....Prim.'

'Honestly I'm not surprised. You left before you actually knew me.' Prim shrugged more worried about her sister.

Phoebe smiles through her hurt.' Yeah. That's okay. People confuse us all the time.'

Victor shakes his head.' Are you kidding? I should be slapped and persecuted. Let me make it up to you two. How about some room service?

'That can be arranged.' Prim smirks and Victor laughs grabbing the phone.

Phoebe shakes her head.' We just ate actually.'

' A drink? You both are legal, right?' Victor asks.

'Barely but no thanks.' Phoebe tells him.

'Nope. But that's never stopped me before.' Prim raised her eyebrow with a smirk.

Victor laughs.' You have trouble written all over. Well, a massage then? I can call Lucy back.'

Phoebe stops him.' No, really, we don't want anything. We just wanted to look at you.'

Prim rolls her eyes.' Speak for yourself....I'm still waiting on my damn drink. And would give the 'we thing a rest already'

Victor smiles.' It's like looking in a mirror isn't it? You've got your daddy's eyes, you know? Both of you.'

'I noticed that.' Phoebe nods.

Victor opens his arms wide.' How about a hug?'

Prim side steps.' Uh, that's all you two. I'll see you at home Pheebs.' And walks out the door. Outside a woman knocks into her spilling coffee all over her.' Watch we're your standing, bitch.'

Prim gives her a death glare as the woman walks away, then throws her hands in the air.' Well that's just fucking perfect. My day is going awesome.'

She suddenly shoots up in the air faster than the human I can see. As floats up in the clouds she's stunned.' I'm flying? Well that's one way to get home I guess.'

Prim lands beside a startled Prue as she gets out of her car nearly giving her a heart attack. Holding a hand over her heart Prue say.' Were you just flying.'

Prim nods.' Yep, I just threw my hands in the air and it was up, up and away. I'm like Superman...or even better Scarlet Witch my favorite girl avenger.'

The shock wears off and Prue a stunned Prue shakes her head at her sisters comment.' You have another power already? How? Why? Shouldn't your power over nature just evolve? Not just acquire a random power.'

'Hmmmm. I don't know. But this power is gonna be so much fun. I'll never be late to anything again.' Prim smirks.

Prue shakes her head.' No your not gonna be having fun with it. Your going to be careful. Learn to control it before it gets us all in trouble.'

'Yes, mom.' Prim says sarcastically rolling her eyes smiling.

They walk to the door to see Andy standing there.' My plans for tonight fell through, figured I'd stop by.' He explains.

Prue opens the door and they walk in. She smiles at Andy, winks at her sister and leaves them alone. They head into the kitchen and Prim hands Andy a coffee not unlike the one she has in her own hand as she sits beside him. She starts telling him about Victor showing up out of the blue.' He just showed up at Prues work. Then Phoebe dragged me to his hotel to see him.'

Andy reaches for her hand.' I can't believe it. How are you dealing?'

Prim shakes her head.' Honestly, I'm not. I don't even know the man. I don't have a single memory of him. He left shortly after I was born as you know.'

Andy nods.' I don't blame you. What do you think he wants?'

'Dinner. Piper and phoebe are there with him now. Prue is refusing to go. And I'm undecided. She keeps insisting we don't know him like she does, which in all fairness is true on my part. She didn't want any of us to go and still can't believe they went. I honestly can't believe she let them. And he's acting like no time has passed, like he didn't walk out on me when I was just a baby. Like I'm his little girl. There are things I want to tell him, I want him to know what he missed. You know, like signing up for journalism class, having a poem and article published in the school newspaper or the day I finally passed my learners test. The first time I had my heart broke by a guy, who was head over heels for my sister. Who could compete with her? I sure couldn't.' Prim looked through downcast eyes.

Andy grabs her chin softly, eyes meeting.' I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I had I'd....he'll I don't know what I'd do. It's not like I could act on my feelings toward you, which in case you didn't notice back then, you have me serious heart palpitations. I tried to do the respectful thing and not pursue you as I longed to do because of the whole age difference. Five years doesn't seem like a lot now, but back then we, your grams woulda made me regret it that's fire sure. So I settled for the one thing that kept me near you, I went to Prue. Was it the right thing to do? Hell I don't know....but I did love her... I just wasn't in love with her. My heart always belonged to the girl always tagging along after us. And there was never competition, if there was you'd have blown her right out of the water.

Prim smiles brightly with a faint blush.' I want him to know. I want him to want to know. And I'm sorry but I also want some answers, like where the hells he been all my life. Why he never wanted to get to know me. Why didn't he come back until now. He needs to know that's not okay. That a father doesn't walk out on his family, his wife, his daughters.'

Andy stands up holding out a hand.' So tell him. I'll drop you and Prue off.'

Prue and Prim walk in the restaurant and Victor stands up.'Prudence. Primrose.'

'Did we miss much?' Prue asks.

Phoebe shakes her head.' Uh, just catch up. Dad was filling us in. Memory lane.'

Prim spoke up.' Did he happen to mention where's he's been all our lives?' Why he walked out when he's baby was not even a week old.'

'Prim....' Piper starts.

Prue steps in.' No. I don't understand either. If you can afford a spot like this, why didn't you help out when gram died? We actually could've used it then. And how could you walk out on your infant daughter.'

'Would you two give him a chance to explain!? Dad's explained. The money, all this, it's new.' Piper mediates.

Victor shakes his head.' It's okay, Piper. I'm a big boy. I didn't come back earlier because I was afraid I might disappoint you.'

'Too late.' Prim says sadly.

Piper is nervous.'I wonder what's keeping dessert?'

'Please, sit down. Have something to eat.' Victor tries.

'We're not hungry.' Prue coldly says.

Victor smiles.' Always in a hurry, Prue. You skipped crawling and went straight to walking. Piper you would only eat yellow foods. Phoebe, you couldn't talk yet but you could swim, you were like a fish. And sweet were barely a week old, so tiny, but you had a healing touch. Whenever someone was hurt or sad all they had to do was be near you and everything would be alright again.'

Prue glares.' Oh, we're sharing memories now? Well, I got one of my own, you're back walking out the door.'

A waiter walks by with flambé and Victor trips him causing Piper to panic and freeze the restaurant. She grabs the dessert as everything unfreezes and the poor waiter lands on his face.' Who wants flambé?' Piper holds it up.

The waiter takes it back from her and leaves.' Nice reflexes. Now let me get this straight. Piper, you freeze time. Prue, don't you move objects? Premonitions is your specialty, right Phoebe? And Prim heals, if I recall correctly. Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere.' Victor smirks.

They walk in the manor and threw crows fly out ( They were the neighbors. They are shapeshifters and are trying to still the book) 'Friends of yours?' Victor asked the girls.

Phoebe, Piper and Victor are laughing on the couch as Prim sits off to the side when Prue walks in.' Someone left the window open which is probably how the birds got in. What's so funny.'

Piper hands her a picture frame.' Do you remember the day this was taken?'

'Yeah, family picnic. It rained.' A ghost of a smile was on her lips.

Victor goes into detail.' And  your mother packed us all up and brought us home and we had the picnic right here in the living room. Do you remember that Prue?'

'Barely.' Prue replies looking at Prim feeling left out with no memories of this whatsoever.

Phoebe looks at her.' Prue....'

Victor picks up another photograph and walks over to Prue.' This one was at one of your piano recitals. Not a very good shot. My fault. I had to take the pictures that da. Your mother was too busy holding her breath. If you look closely, ( he hands her the frame) you see there, that's her.'

Prue smiles.' Huh, I never noticed that before.'

Victor picks up another one.' And this one used to be a five by seven. When I was still it it.'

'I think grams cut you put.' Phoebe smirks.

'There's a bunch of other stuff in the attic. Grams left us some things.' Piper states.

Phoebe mumbled.' Not all she left us.'

' Phoebe, let's not go there.' Prue cut her off.

Prim stands up.' Ohhh lets. I was starting to feel left out.' A twinkle in her eye.

'What, it's not like he doesn't already know and I'm sorry but it's kind of a relief to talk to someone about it.' Phoebe exclaims.

Piper nervously hovers.' Um, does anyone want coffee?'

'I mean, one day i am a member of the Y generation with average hair and a thing for caffeinated beverages, and the next I am a witch.' Continues Phoebe.

Piper still tries to halt the conversation.' Dad, do you take cream or, um, sugar with that?'

' I just read from the book and 'wham!' I am Tabitha. The only thing is, I got stuck with the power to see the future. How uncool is that?' Phoebe laments.

Victor smiles.' Well, from what your mother always said, it was actually considered one of the more desirable powers.'

'Unless you see things you don't desire.' Phoebe sighs causing Prim to frown at her sister.

Prue interrupts before Prim can question Phoebe.'so how long have you known? About us, our powers, how long?'

'I knew there was a possibility. That's why I came back, to find out. It must of happened when your grandmother died, right?' He tells them.

Phoebe nods.' I just read an incantation from the book and...'

'Phoebe.' Prue stopped her.

Victor smiles.' Ah, the B..O.S. Not exactly summer reading. Is it still up in the attic? You know, I haven't seen it in years. Mind if I have a look?'

(The neighbors are going over their plan which Victor is crucial in.)

Back at the manor Prue is out for blood.' What exactly are you accusing me of, Prue?' He asks.

Prue glares.' Figure it out.'

'Come on Prue, take it easy.' Phoebe chimes in.

Prue is in disbelief.' Are you kidding me? Am I the only one who sees what's going on here?'

Prim sighs rubbing her temples.' Prue, I get your mad at him for leaving, I am too. But he's not trying to steal the book. My instincts are never wrong.'

'Couldn't we all just take a deep breath...'Piper tries diffusing the tense situation.

Prue scoffs.' Think about it, Piper. He wines and fines and now he's back in the house he hasn't set foot in for twenty years and the first thing he wants to know is where's the B.O.S.?'

'Your just looking for something to blame him for.' Phoebe accuses.

Prue looks at Victor.' Admit it. Tell them why you're here.'

'Prue, stop.' Piper has had it.

Ignoring her Prue continues.' For the first time in your life, Victor, tell them the truth.'

Victor nods.' Alright, fine. You're right. I am after the book. That's exactly the reason why I came back.'

'Dad.' Phoebe is heartbroken.

Prim narrows her eyes.' There's more to it.'

Victor smiles slightly at her.' But not for the reasons you would like to believe. It would make it easier for you, Prue, wouldn't it? If I were evil. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not. I'm here to protect you. All of you.'

'Yeah, right.' Prue scoffs.

Piper is confused.' Protect us from what?'

'From yourselves. That's why I want that damn book. It's where the power of four started and it's where it must end.' He exclaims.

Phoebe is horrified.' It's part of us, It's part of who we are.'

Victor is saddened.' That's what your mother believed too. Before they killed her.'

Piper gasps.' What are you saying?'

Victor looks at her.' You have no idea what evil is out there.'

'Oh, I think we've got a pretty good idea.' Prue glares.

Victor shakes his head.' Listen to me, Prue. That book is a magnet for evil. As long as you have it, as long as you use it, you're in danger. All of you.'

Prim looks at him.' This is out destiny. It's who we were always meant to become.'

'You're unbelievable. After all these years of being an absentee dad then you waltz back into our lives and tell us how to live.' Prue lashes out.

Victor looked defeated.' I never wanted you to have those powers in the first place. I battled with your grandmother after your mom died. She wanted you to find out you were witches when you grew up. I didn't. I fought for you, hard. Your grandmother was too strong.'

Piper is floored.' Wait, you're blaming grams for why you disappeared. She loved us, she raised us.'

'What'd she do? Put a spell on you?' Prue is seething.

Victor is worn down from fighting a losing battle.' Believe me, nothing short of that would've kept me away. You have to believe me. All I want is what's best for you. Phoebe, Prim you two believe me don't you?'

'We've done fine without you.' Prue hisses.

Victor just stares.' Prue, you can't fight this. I couldn't.'

'I'm not you.' Prue spits out.

'Are you sure? Are you sure you can protect your sisters forever?' He asks.

'We'll protect each other.' Piper tells him.

'Then you'll die together.' He breathes out.

Prim shakes her head.' No, won't. Alone we are strong, together we are mighty.'

Prue shuts the conversation down.' No one can hurt us as bad as you.'

She use her power and flings him across the room and into the doorframe. He gets up.' If you wanted me to leave, all you had to do was ask.' He leaves.

'Why did you have to do that?' Phoebe yells at Prue running out after Victor.

Piper was next.' Did you have to throw him so hard?'

Prue sighs.' Piper...'

Piper shakes her head.' We could've just, you know, talked about it like normal people.'

'We're not normal.' Prue then turns to Prim.' Are you gonna yell at me too?'

Prim taps her chin.' Hmmm. Let me think.....nah. Though I think it might've been a little harsh using your powers on him. Someone doesn't play fair.' Smirking at her sister her smiles back and gives her a side hug.

(At the hotel the neighbors are making a new plan with Victor. At the manor the sisters call a truce and find Victor's ring which Prue puts on the side table. Some time passes and as Phoebe is getting the newspaper she runs into Victor and has a premonition of the neighbors shapeshifting.)

Phoebe runs inside and runs up the stairs as Prue comes in.' Dad's not after the book, it's Marshall.' She tells her sister.

'What?' Prue asked confused.

Phoebe elaborates.' My premonition, it wasn't dad. Gotta find a spell and banish them.'

Prue looks at her.' Banish who?'

'The neighbors. They're shape shifters. Fritz and Marshall and the...' she trails off as Piper walks in with Cynda.' Cookies. Just baked.'

Fritz walks in.' Hey, door was unlocked.'

Phoebe starts walking up the stairs, Piper notices.' Where you going, Pheebs?'

'Uh, just to go see Prim. She still doing her light reading? Will you save me a cookie? (Cynda smiles) Okay.' And runs up the stairs.

Victor walks in.' Daddy's home.'

Phoebe finds Prim in the attic with the book and take sit from her.' And I'll take that, thank you. Prim stares at her confused) Come on, come on. I have no idea what I'm looking for. (The pages start to turn) Okay, I can take a hint. (It suddenly stops) "When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam, rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call." (She repeats it a few times)

'Ya know if you had told me what you were looking for I coulda told ya what page. So the neighbors are shape shifters? Figures. Explains the feeling I always got around them.' Prim speaks starting Phoebe who grabs her hand and runs back downstairs.

Phoebe pales.' Dad, you can't be here, you have to leave now.'

Another Victor walks in.' Woah, time out. What's going on here?' Piper asked.

Victor one: 'Don't worry about it, sweetie. Everything's gonna be fine.'

Victor two: 'Don't trust him.'

'Wait a second. Last week we had no dad and we have two?' Piper states.

Prim sighs.' Uh, not to point out the obvious Piper, but one of them is a shapeshifter.'

Victor one: 'Phoebe, remember, remember when you were little and you were afraid of the dark and I would leave the hall light on and the door open just a crack?'

Victor two: ' Oh, that's original. What kid isn't afraid of the dark?'

Victor one: 'Prue, she's never been afraid of anything.'

Piper nods.' He's right, Prue. You were never afraid of the dark.'

Victor two: 'Lucky guess. I said I came back to protect you. Now there's only one way to do it. Kill us both.'

Victor one: 'You're bluffing.'

Victor two: ' Am I? Just do it because I wanna go out with a bang.'

Prue nods.' Do it, Phoebe, Prim.'

Phoebe shakes her head.' The spell will kill everyone including dad.' Prim stays silent biting her lip in worry.

Victor two: 'It's the only way, Prudence....'

Piper looks at the table.' Prue, the protection ring.'

Prue slides him the ring with her power and he puts it on.' Phoebe, Prim now.' She tells them.

Phoebe and Prim start chanting. "In the circle that is home, safety's gone and evil roams, (Cynda  shapeshifted into a creature) rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call." (It gets windy.) When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evil roams... (The shapeshifters start melting, Victor two falls to his knees in pain.) 'Daddy!' They call out.

Victor two: ' It's okay, keep going.'

Prue and Piper join Phoebe and Prim in the chant. " Rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call"

The shapeshifters blow up and the girls run to Victor and help him up.' For a moment there I wasn't sure what you would do.' He tells Prue.

Prue looks at him.' Yeah, for a moment there neither did I.'

'I thought you didn't want us to use our magic?' Phoebe asks him.

Victor looks at them.' I didn't. Not as long as I still thought of you as my little girls. But you're obviously not anymore.'

'We're still your little girls, we're just..' Piper begins.

'Witches.' Prue finishes smiling.

Victor nods.' Yeah, witches. Well, obviously you don't need ypur old man to protect you from anything.'

'That just means there's more of us to love, Dad.' Prim smirks as her sisters smile and Victor tears up at the word dad leaving her lips.

The girls are in the living room and Prim is on the phone.' No, Andy, I'm fine really. Dad's gonna be here any minute, so can I take a rain check on dinner? Okay, thanks for the good advice.' She hangs up.

Phoebe smirks.' So he's dad now?'

Prim nods.' Yes, Phoebe.'

'My dress looks good on you, Pheebs.' Prue compliments her.

Phoebe sighs.' I don't have any nice clothes, Prue.'

Prue smiles.' Dad said it was casual.'

'I don't care. I want to look nice for him. Who knows how long it'll be before we see him again.' She explains.

Prim agreed.' She has a point.'

'You don't think he's gonna stay around?' Piper asks.

Phoebe smiles.' Well, let's just say I no longer have a romanticized image of him. And I'm glad about that. At least dad is real now.'

'And at least he's not a monster which is very reassuring considering we share his jeans.' Prue jokes.

Piper agrees.' I'm just glad he came back no matter how long he stays. Kind of nice feeling like a normal family again. Whatever that means. (Phoebe nods and the doorbell rings) Speak of the devil.'

Piper answers it and comes back in with an attractive looking man.' Uh, hi, you must be Mr. Wyatt.' Prue says.

Phoebe is practically salivating.' The handyman?'

The man smiles.' Call me Leo.'

Phoebe grins like the Cheshire Cat.' Gladly.'

Prim rolls her eyes at her sister and smiles at the man politely.' It's nice to meet you Leo.'

'Likewise.' He replies smiling back. 'Oh, this  was on the steps. ( Leo hands it to Prim and take Prue takes it off her.) This place is, uh, you don't find many like this around anymore.'

'Yeah, it's kinda falling apart.' Piper comments.

Prue opens the envelope.' The problem is the manor, it's the more in which it was treated. I'd love to see more.' Leo's eyes shine when he talked.

Prim smirks.' Piper will show...'

But Phoebe can't help herself.' I would love to show it to you. The attic is right this way.' Pushing Piper out of the way and leading Leo up the stairs.

'Guys.' Prue calls out.

Phoebe turns back around.' Uh, I'll be right up.'

Prue looks at them.' He's not coming.'

'Who's not coming?' Piper asked.

'One word. Dad.' Prim tells her.

Prue nods.' He sent this. Um, ( she reads the note.) girls, something's come up, I have to leave town. Can't make it to dinner. Probably best if we let the dust settle anyway. I know there's a lot you would like to forget but here's what I remember. Love, Dad.' She holds up a videotape.

Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim watch the video. It's Christmas and Prue, Piper and Phoebe are kids, while Prim is a baby in there mothers arms.
They are opening presents. Victor holds Prims hand awhile then kisses Prue on the cheek. He then grabs Piper and lifts her in the air and asks Phoebe what she got as she holds up a Barbie doll.

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