hhmpff of the elite

By King-of-Bel

8.9K 273 103

Kenny died once again but instead of waking up in his bed as usual he finds himself inside a bus with strange... More

the chaos will soon begin.
I just want to have fun
Never touch a kid's Ice cream.
Getting used to a new life
I guess having friend is nice
the justice in the shadow.
The fun is going away.
Summer never brings good news
A kid in the forest surely everything will be fine.

This school is sus

1.3K 34 13
By King-of-Bel

Tomonari Mashima 'PoV

Sometimes I really don't understand the chairman, right now i'm at the front gate of the school waiting for a particular student, a certain Kenny McCormick what made him special was that he was just a child around nine years old.

When he said he would be placed in Class A I was shocked, I expressed my doubt about the presence of a nine year old in this school after all the environment is clearly not fit for a young innocent child.

He told me that the kid was special and that the government was the one to ask this of him, apparently young Kenny is in a difficult sitution and it seems he is in dire need of protection and education, because of the fact that the school was cut off the rest of the world it was judged beneficial for him to come here.

still I  was unsure about why the government would waste so many resource for just one kid, something is missing but since it has come to this I not really in a position to refuse such a decision, I'll just do my best to help this young kid.

( little did they know that God was the one doing all of this to make sure Kenny was safe until he could be brought back to his world. )

I finally see the bus coming and i'm now waiting for young Kenny to get down, I recognize a few of my new students and I greet them telling where our class would be and after a minute I see the kid getting down with the help of a young girl, they were walking together and they seemed to be laughing together unfortunately I have a job to do.

" Kenny McCormick?" I ask and the young child stop walking and look at me with a curious gaze at first then he comes toward me and waves his hands while greeting me ... it was kind of cute.

" Welcome in our school young man , i'm your homeroom teacher you can call me Mashima sensei, i'm here to guide you to our class and later I'll show you around the school to make sure every thing goes well for you." He looks at me for a while then nod his head while saying okay

He looks back to the girl he was talking to and explained he needed to go with me she smiles back and went her way then I hear some mumbling but it was so shocking that I unconsciouly put it on me  being tired and not hearing properly.

After all what kind of child would insult a girl of being a two faced bitch.

I walk with the young boy and cannot help smiling whenever he was getting excited from something, at the end such a huge place definitely is exciting for him, soon he became the center of attraction as students gathered in groups and were looking warmly at the boy.

Of course everyone was curious about the reason of his presence here but I heard that the consensus was that he was one of my family member and I was just looking after him .

Can't really be surprised as everyone saw the two of entering the school together and I was even holding his hand so that he wouldn't get lost.

" Kenny we really need to hurry to the classroom there some important stuff I need to tell your classmate and you and being late will brings me trouble. " he looks at me and nods again he stops looking at the flowers in the park and starts walking right next to me.

" If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me, I don't really know your situation but i'm sure being so far away from your family is difficult for you." I tell him with a warm voice.

He immedialty respond " Well I couldn't care less about my parents but I'm definitely worried about my siblings not being there for them really scares me. " Of course due to his cardigan every thing he says come out in the form of mumblings but strangely I could hear everything.

that answer stops me in my tracks I was told he was here for protection but was his case that serious? I don't want to push more and risk opening some unknown trauma so I'll ask the chairman instead.

What I did however was pat his head and apologize for being insensitive.

He tell me to not worry  about it and he was glad he could be in such a great place.

I decided to talk to the chairman later and see how we could help the boy more.

Kenny 's PoV

So this is what an adult looks like when he isn't from south park ?

To be honest south park really is one of the worst place to live in, everyone there is a  psychopath, the adults are all immature shits that are completely insane and all of us  kids are following their footsteps.

So for the first time seeing a reasonable adult that seemed to really care for others was a strange sight,

In the end the really attractive girl was nothing but a two face bitch  she  strangely kept glaring at the girl who was sitting next  to me before, I guess I could see it thanks to being close to cartman and the others but it seems I was the only one to  notice.

She tried to act kindly to me but there was annoyance in her voice she wanted to get rid of me as quickly as possible ,seriously if that was annoying you so much why bother dumbass?!

Anyway this place was insane, apparently I was enrolled in the school I guess I have god to thank for that, Bar, arcades, huge park, local gamestore with game nights every two weeks, Cosplay shop, damn I won't be bored here.

eventually we arrive in my new class I look around and see a bunch of students probably all twice my age, it was kinda unnerving as it was the first time there was no one around my age in my vicinity, of course everyone look at me strangely as they don't understand why there was a kid here.

"Kenny there is a seat with your name, once you're seated I'll explain everything."  Mashima  sensei tells me, I nod and walk over to my desk.

" Who is this kid?" " Mhh what a strange sight is he a relative that 'll stay temporary?"

" Who cares he looks so cute I wanna hug him ! "  " He looks adorable with only his eyes being able to be seen I wonder what he looks like under his hood?

I hear a few strange comment here and there and finally I sit down, I notice someone looking at me on my left and I see an extremely attractive girl with purple hair

" Hello ! my name is Kenny how are you? " I mumble to her

" Uh? oh sorry for staring  I was curious about you, My name is Kamuro .... tell me are you a relative of a teacher here? " she asks look like she is as curious as the other.

" About that .... " I was going to answer back but Mashima sensei interrupts me.

" I know you are all curious about Kenny here so I'll explain, he is actually a student; while it's true he is only nine years old the chairman decided to accept Kenny whose circumstances are special, so please make sure he feels at ease here as this place is a bit too intimidating for a child, I ask of you to act responsibly in front of him and set up a good example okay? " the teacher explain to everyone.

I almost respond mmmkay but I stop myself then Kamuro looks at me and ask " Are you a genius who skipped class? " I shook my head saying I was just an elementary school student the year before but something happened and I was asked to come here.

She looks at me dubiously but then she looked away murmuring something.

Then a bald man with an impressive physique raises his hand " Sensei what do you mean by special circumstances?" 

" I'm sorry Katsuragi but I don't think it will be a good idea to share more, just remember he is just a child and I expect your best behaviour in front of him." the teach responds.

Now everyone was murmuring about this but I really don't care it's definitely one of the mildest thing that could happen here I look at everyone's face and I catch the gaze of a silver haired girl, she was quite thin and I noticed a walking cane next to her which got me curious, our gaze met and she smiled warmly at me and waves  at me I wave back and she giggles at that.

" ... Cute " I hear  kamuro mutter something and I look at her curiously.

She is looking away from me and I can't see her face ... maybe I won't feel so homesick after all it seems like everyone here was strange too.

After the commotion teach had to ask us multiple times to calm down, once everyone was silent he started explaining everything about the school.

I was shocked to hear that we were given money every month all the toy I could have bought my siblings with this and we would be able to eat something decent with all of that !

 He  said this month right? Not every month but this month... That got me curious and I was tilting my head while thinking.

seems like teach sees my expression " Ah sorry kenny that might be too much information at once, do you have a question? "

I nods and mumble " Why did you say this month when talking about the allowance? Does it mean nothing next month? " after all this amount is ridiculous with this amount I could support my family for so long it has to be a one in a x time occasion.

People tilted their head curiously as they seem to not understand me, though the silver haired girl smiled strangely at my question, Kamuro looked at me wide eyed and teach look surprised.

" Well I can't really comment on this question but think about what I just said alright? " teach answers me and it seems like I hit something I shouldnt have with this question as he alright side step me.

" fufufu Kenny he just said we would be rewarded based on our merit right?" the silver haired girl responds 

I think about it and mumble to her " OH! So based on our conduct then? like allowance from family? be a good kid you get more and be a bad one and you get nothing? " teach 's eyes almost flew out of their socket and the one I was talking to nods to me looking satisfied with my explanation, Kamuro was trembling next to me I was getting worried about her.

" I see thank you ... " I then tilt my head because I realize I do not know her name.

" Fufufu finally noticed it? My name is sakayanagi Arisu, pleased to meet you." she tells me still giggling.

"Thank you Arisu ! " As I mumble that she looks away while muttering something 

After that teach kept on explaining the rules but I this time I do not get confused at all, teach kept on looking at me to see if I was following his explanation but in the end I did not interrupt him again.

"Alright class is over for the day, dont forget to go to the opening ceremony in one hour alright? you can use this hour as you wish... see you later everyone . " teach says and leaves us alone.

Then the impressive bald man got up and proposed that everyone introduced themselves...

AND done... yeah I know this story is strange but somehow I feel like it might be an interesting story to do, Kenny is a fun character, unlike the others he is more kind and swear a lot less but when times come for it he is as savage as Cartman I love those sides of him.

Anyway thank god there won't be any couple here alright? Kenny is a cute kid and girls blush cuz he is adorable and nothing else alright ?! 

Anyway it was the king of Bel and I"ll see you all next time!

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