We are impossible...[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

5.1K 222 165

There is no right or wrong choice, there is only a choice and its consequences. If the main value of human li... More

We're friends, right?
Notes of nutmeg
Broken doll
Our little world
Adding colors
Quiet love
Stay with me[M]
Family ties
What does love mean?
A sense of calm
Eyes like yours

A fly in the ointment

277 14 9
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

My God, something unexpected always happens. I mean, once you relax a little, the Lord gives you a kick

Lisa's POV

-Isn't there too much pepper?- Jisoo looked in surprise at the plate with sauce, where I was adding chili.

-Thai food should be spicy.- I smiled mysteriously at my beloved.- Did you peel the shrimp?

-Yes. What to do with them next?

-You need to fry on high heat for about a minute.

The idea to cook something Thai came to Jisoo's mind, not mine. She thought I missed my native cuisine, and since she was right, I offered to have dinner with pad thai. I hope Unni won't refuse to eat it because of the sharpness.

Lately, things have been going so well that I spent a lot of evenings in Kim's apartment. It seemed that I even partially moved in with a girl. We cooked together, watched movies, took a bath, made love. Jisoo read aloud to me every new chapter from the last part of the Thornton cycle, sometimes I found her asleep right at her laptop, her head resting on the keyboard. At such moments, I woke her up, put my back up, the girl climbed on top of her, and I carried my beloved to the bed, where we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Of course, everything was not always sweet, sometimes Jisoo voiced to me her fears that what was between us would not last long, that I would leave like everyone else. It was painful for me to listen to this, but I understood why she was saying this, each new such blow knocked the ground out from under her feet more. And at such moments I tried to be as close as possible, to show how strong my love was, then Kim felt easier, she relaxed and gave me the same pleasant emotions. Our attraction to each other grew with every day we spent together.

The recent incident with the death of Jongin, Jennie's boyfriend, made me think even more about how important it is to be with each other. We realized that no one is eternal, and death can wait just around the corner. Therefore, we decided to appreciate what we have today, thank heaven for waking up in the morning, that nothing hurts us, and that we are close to those we love.

We also wanted to support Jennie, but Rose took over this mission, and when the younger Kim returned to our company, I once again began to notice how Park looks at her with loving eyes. But the most interesting thing was that a little later Jennie herself sometimes began to behave in this way. I definitely don't understand something...

Fortunately, everything was much calmer with Jisoo, I even told my parents that we were together, even if at first I doubted whether it was worth it. But even though they were very surprised at first, they provided support. The situation was different with the beloved's parents, she also wanted to tell them, but she was much more worried than me, explaining that, even if her family was loving, it was quite traditional in every sense. I tried to cheer her up by saying that even if they reacted badly at first, they would eventually have to put up with it. Jisoo is an adult girl, she provides for herself, no one will lock her at home, like Rapunzel in the tower. In the end, the beloved gained courage.

-I'm going to go to my parents on Saturday.- She began when we were sprawled on the couch in front of the TV on Wednesday, sometime in early November.- I want to tell them... about us. If you're free, will you come with me?

-I am free and I will definitely go to support you, and, of course, to meet your parents.- I smiled, putting my arm around the girl's shoulders.- Will Jeonghun and Jiyun come?

-Jiyun, perhaps, yes, but Jeonghun is unlikely, his wife is due to have a baby next month, and he does not want to strain her.

-Oh, yes, she should be in a calm environment. She'll give birth ahead of time if she finds out that we're together.

I laughed, and so did Jisoo. On Friday, I was already packing, having provided my beloved with surprisingly two huge suitcases the next morning. She, helping me drag them to the car, kept wailing that we were going for two days, and I was very discouraged by the fact that in the trunk of the girl there was only a small backpack and a laptop case.

Although Jisoo's parents lived nearby, the short trip to them was quite stressful, and it seemed that it would never end. But now the beloved parked the car at a traditional Korean house quite large in size. The weather was wonderful for November, you could still afford not to wear a jacket, and, to be honest, I was waiting for winter reluctantly. Unless it's just for Christmas.

A plump woman in her late fifties came out of the house, who walked briskly towards us, after which she took Jisoo in her arms. Her mom. I stood quietly to the side, trying not to spoil the long-awaited meeting, after which I felt the woman's gaze on me when she released her daughter from her arms.

-Mom, let me introduce you, my girlfriend Lalisa.- Jisoo said with a nervous smile, I felt almost on an energy level how she was trembling.

-A girlfriend?- The woman looked very surprised, looked from me to her daughter and back again.- I mean, are you together? Are you dating?


-Oh, I'm very glad to meet you, sweetie. Jisoo has not introduced any of her lovers to us yet, so you are special.

-And I am very pleased, Mrs. Kim!- I uttered the phrase too loudly because of the great joy from such a reaction of the beloved's mother, we were preparing for the worst.- Please take care of me.

-Well, well, of course I will.- The woman waved her palm, and then briefly hugged me.- And I'll feed you first. Probably hungry from the road?

-Mom, it's only two hours to get to you.- Jisoo whimpered.

-I would like a snack.- I smiled at the girl and caught Mrs. Kim's approving look.

The acquaintance with my beloved's parents went perfectly well, Mr. Kim, who came in the evening, at first looked at us strangely after the confession, but then relaxed and even became actively interested in my life. After we had dinner, Jisoo's mom cooked really well, and then we watched TV in the living room and played bingo. Mrs. Kim won the most often.

On Sunday, Jisoo's sister arrived with her two sons, she supported us, and my beloved and I spent the whole day with her children, played hide-and-seek a lot, and when it was time to go to bed, Jisoo told them fairy tales invented on the go, and I lay on a blanket spread on the floor, resting my head on my beloved's lap and also listening to her.

Early Monday morning we returned to Seoul, I had to go back to work, and Jisoo wanted to continue writing a book in peace and quiet. The closer December was, the less we began to see each other, I have a position as a barista in a coffee shop, photography, contracts with a couple of new publishers; Jisoo has the release of the last part, meetings with fans, incipient popularity. We were a little upset that we could not be with each other so often, but we tried to keep in touch with calls and correspondence online. However, soon there was a shock, which I did not expect at all.

At the end of November, when I was returning from the coffee shop where I work and went into the entrance, I was immediately made to freeze in place by wild female screams from somewhere above. When I came to myself, I rushed up the stairs, because I didn't want to wait for the elevator, and stopped at the right floor. The sound came from Hiromi and her daughter's apartment, and almost all the residents of the entrance crowded around the door, and some people came from the rest of the house. I was very worried, approached the first man I saw and asked about the situation.

-The police are on their way.- He spoke.- The door is closed from the inside, we tried to break it down, but to no avail.

-There's a child there...

I pushed my way through the crowd and started pounding on the door with my fists, Hiromi's screams were still coming from the apartment, and then they suddenly subsided at once. There was absolute silence for several minutes, and then I heard a hysterical child crying. Yumiko... I'll send that freak to the death penalty if he does something to the girl.

-Everyone move away from the door!

The police squad that arrived quickly opened the lock and went inside, soon they took a heavy man in handcuffs out of the apartment, gloating froze on his face, and I barely overcame the desire to prescribe him in the fuck to erase this pleasure.

-Send another car, we have a corpse, a woman, there are clear signs of suffocation on the neck.- One of the police officers was talking on the radio.- There is also a little girl here, we will take her to the police station, and then we will decide what to do.

I couldn't just stand still, I couldn't leave Yumiko alone, so I slipped into the apartment past the officer who spoke, who didn't seem to notice it. The room was dark, but I quickly got my bearings by quiet sobs and headed to the bedroom. Hiromi was lying on the floor without any signs of life, blue-purple palm marks on her neck, her daughter was sitting next to her, pulling the woman's sweater and crying silently.


-Unni, what's wrong with my mom?- Choking with tears, the girl asked, recognizing me.

I didn't know what to answer, but I had to get the baby out of here, so I picked her up and hugged her to my chest, then left the apartment, which became a crime scene. The police were not particularly happy that I asked to go to the station with them, but when they heard that the deceased and I were friends, they relented and said that at least I would look after the child while the proceedings were going on.

Actually, it did not last long, the killer confessed to the crime, and also began to insult Hiromi. I left there in the corridor just so that Yumiko wouldn't listen to these nasty things about her mother, but soon the girl was taken away from me. Unfortunately, I had no rights to her, so she was placed in a shelter until relatives or foster parents were found, and I went home in dreary loneliness.

I can't imagine what it's like now for this nice little girl without a mom, among unfamiliar children, in a new place. And the fact that she saw Hiromi being killed was shocking. Going up to my apartment, I noticed that the door to the Japanese woman's apartment was already closed and sealed with police tapes. A week passed in a blur, in my spare time I visited Yumiko, she looked depressed, but was glad to see me, I was also brought to court as a witness, but almost all the tenants of the entrance were there, so there were no problems. I talked to the head of the orphanage about who could take Yumiko to her, she said that the girl's relatives living in Japan refused, so now they are looking for foster parents. I also asked her to find out if I could adopt Yumiko.

Perhaps the decision was spontaneous. No, I loved children and all that, but did I have enough responsibility to become a mom, even if I was adopted? However, I didn't want Yumiko to end up with some strangers, during the time that I was looking after her, I became very attached, so I wanted her to be with me.

To my regret, the manager said that I did not fit all the conditions, I did not have a spare room for a child, I was not at home so often, and the official salary that my work in a coffee shop brought me would not cover the costs for two people. I said that I also work in the modeling business, but the woman insisted that it brings earnings far from on a permanent basis. Based on all this, my candidacy was rejected, which I was very upset about.

-Unni, why are you so sad?

Yumiko ran up to me and put her chin on her knees. We were in the yard of the shelter, I was sitting on a bench, and she was playing on the playground, the baby looked refreshed and even recovered a little, they fed her very well here. I put my hand on her head and ran it through her jet-black hair.

-I wanted to take you to my place, but they won't let me.- I sighed.- Would you like to live with me?

-Yes!- Yumiko exclaimed, and I forced a smile.- And why not?

-The conditions aren't exactly right, but... you know, I'll do my best to pick you up. Agreed?


After a couple of days, I finally came up with the idea to ask for help from Jisoo. I hoped that she had some connections or acquaintances that would be able to adopt Yumiko. Of course, I didn't immediately stun her, I told her on the phone that I really needed to talk to her, and an hour later my beloved was already sitting on my couch with a cup of caramel cappuccino with nutmeg. She was so glad that I could make her favorite drink at any time.

-So, what did you want to talk about?- Jisoo asked as I poured myself some black tea and sat down next to her.

I told my beloved the whole story, from how Hiromi died to this day. Kim listened attentively, sometimes encouraging me with light strokes on the shoulder, because, telling about the dark traces of suffocation on the neck of a woman and Yumiko crying next to me, I myself could barely hold back tears.

-I thought maybe you have someone you know who could take her in?- I asked when I was done.- I just want to be able to see her. And if she is given to foster parents I don't know, I won't even know where and how she lives. Can you ask around?



-I'll adopt Yumiko.- Jisoo said firmly, not a drop of doubt in her voice.

-Will you do this for me?!- I was very surprised by this arrangement.

-And for myself, too.- The beloved smiled gently, but then became serious again.- I would like to have a baby, and, in principle, I could give birth to it, but with my legs ... I would have great difficulty carrying him, and pregnancy could well worsen the situation. So... I'll adopt her.

-My God, Jisoo, thank you, thank you.- I hung on the girl's shoulders, wrapping her in my arms, and tears of joy flowed down my cheeks.

-Hush, hush.- She said softly, stroking my hair.- You can see her whenever you want. You know, I have a suggestion.

-What is it?- I looked up at my beloved with an uncomprehending look.

-When all the checks on how Yumiko is doing with me are over, we could move in together.

-Are you offering to live together?

-That's exactly what I'm suggesting.- Jisoo smiled and kissed me on the forehead.- Perhaps later I would like to return to America, and then... well...

-Get married and make me Yumiko's second parent.- I just lit up, I was glowing from the inside, I was so overwhelmed with happiness.- I love you very much, Jisoo.

-I love you too.- Kim closed the distance between our faces and covered my lips with her own.

Autumn gives way to winter, and everyone around begins to actively prepare for Christmas. I myself have already begun to think about gifts to my beloved and friends, but so far I was more concerned about the issue of Yumiko's adoption. And finally, Jisoo wrote to me that her candidacy was approved, and in a couple of days she will take the girl to her. She also clarified that I could visit her that evening, and it was the best Christmas gift for me, even though there were still a few weeks left before the holiday.

It's windy enough outside, but unfortunately there is no snow, the weather is more like autumn or early spring, but I'm starting to dress warmer, and on my day off I go to Jisoo in insulated jeans, a high-necked sweater and a coat. In my hands I carry a small surprise for Yumiko – a couple of coloring books and a set of soft markers, the baby loved this kind of activity. I think in a couple of years she will want to switch from coloring to drawing. I went up to the floor I needed and opened the door with my key, yes, Jisoo made a duplicate for me.

-Go see who's there.- I heard the sweet voice of my beloved from the living room, and soon a dark-haired top appeared in the doorway.

-Lisa-unni.- Yumiko rushed to me, and I quickly wrapped her in my arms, sitting down, but after I felt that the girl's body was shaking, she was crying.- I thought I'd never see you again.

-Come on, honey, don't cry.- I smiled gently at Yumiko and began to wipe the wet tracks from her cheeks with my fingers.- I promised I'd think of something. Jisoo and I...

I saw my beloved come out into the corridor, she put her index finger stretched up to her lips, and I nodded to her, understanding. Kim seemed to be saying, "It's not worth telling her all the details yet. She is a child, the social service will come with a check, and she can blab. And then we won't see Yumiko."

-We are very good friends.- I finished, shifting my gaze to the already calmed girl, after which I handed her the bag.- I brought you a little souvenir for the housewarming.

-Oh, thank you, Unni!- The little girl smiled brightly at me, looking at the contents, and then grabbed my hand.- Let's go, I'll show you my room!

While Yumiko was pulling me deeper into the corridor, I cast a guilty glance at Jisoo, saying, I'm sorry that I was stolen from you, but she just giggled softly and waved her hand, and then said something about ordering dinner for us. Yumiko took me into a spacious children's room, where there was a little mess, but this is typical for children, so I did not focus on it. There were quite a few different shades of green in the room, it was Yumiko's favorite color, she was also interested in dinosaurs, so Jisoo made sure that she had a lot of toys and models with them, as well as encyclopedias.

-Miss Kim visited me at the orphanage while she was doing all the paperwork and kept asking me what I liked.- Yumiko explained, a smile twinkling on her lips.- I really like my room, and the fact that it is only mine.

-Yes. - I smiled back at the girl, once again looking around the room and noticing a couple of drawings on the walls, attached with buttons.- Did Jisoo let you hang your creations?

-She said that I can decorate my room as I want.- Yumiko sounded boastful, but then she became serious.- Is Miss Kim my... mom now?

-She doesn't make you call her that, does she?

-No. She said I could call her "Miss Kim" or "Unni", but she looks too old to be my "Unni".

-She's only two years older than me.- I laughed, and Yumiko visibly relaxed.- But I agree with Jisoo, you don't have to call her "mom".

-I miss her.- Tears rolled down her plump cheeks again, and I hugged the girl to me, taking her in my arms.

-I know, honey.- I whispered, stroking the baby on the back.- I miss her too.

It took about five minutes before Yumiko calmed down and fell asleep in my arms, I gently put her on the bed and covered her with a blanket, leaving a brief kiss on her temple. I am upset that this little sun has been left without a mother, but I am also glad that she is at least next to me. Turning off the light in the nursery, I came to the kitchen, where Jisoo was still looking at the delivery catalog, she looked up at me and smiled.

-How do you like Yumiko's room?

-The main thing is that she likes it.- I smiled back.- But actually, it's very cute and stylish. You have good taste.

-Well, rather, Jennie has good taste. - The beloved explained.- I just indicated Yumiko's preferences, and then she began to offer options not as a realtor, but as a real designer.

-How is she doing?

-She looks much more open, calm. But...

-What?-  I was interested.

-She was kind of weird when she talked about Rose.- Jisoo bent her arm at the elbow and put her chin on her palm.- Blushed for some reason...

I thought about it. To be honest, after Rose got Irene, and Jennie then started dating Jongin, I hoped that everything between these two girls was over. But when Kai died, and Park began to look after the heartbroken girl, in correspondence with me she admitted that she still feels something. However, what about Jennie? She didn't seem to be in the mood to reciprocate. How difficult everything is.

-Yumiko fell asleep.- I decided to change the conversation.- So you don't have to order food for her.

-Are you hungry?

-I'd like to have something Japanese to eat.- I smiled.

-Would you like to visit Japan?- Jisoo asked, looking for a menu with Japanese cuisine.

-Yes, I think so. I hardly want to live, but I would like to go and see.

-Then plan a vacation for yourself in the spring.- Kim smiled, looking up at me.- I'll take you, Yumiko, and the three of us will go to her homeland.

-Jisoo, you're just incredible!- I threw myself at my beloved with hugs.

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