My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)


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Rebecca Armstrong never thought that she would return to her mother's homeland for good when the Armstrong fa... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl
Chapter 2: Nose Bleed
Chapter 3: BABY
Chapter 4: A Game
Chapter 5: Once & Twice
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Straightforward & Undecided
Chapter 9: Little Bunny
Chapter 10: GirlFreen
Chapter 11: Known
Chapter 12: Bad Things
Chapter 13: The Human Anatomy
Chapter 14: Sports Day
Chapter 15: Catfight
Chapter 16: Glimpse of The Past

Chapter 6: Of Butterflies and Shoelace

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Chapter 6

The three weeks given time seemed a little too short for everybody. Here came the night for their musical theatre performance. The entire hall was already filled with students from different grades, eagerly waiting for the magical show to begin. For some, it might be just an ordinary night to unwind after a long week but for certain people, it's the time to see their admired person to perform and shine – fangirling so typical of girls' school thing.

"I'm so nervous." Jim exhaled a lungful air, trying to compose herself. The backstage was a bit chaotic with their final preparation. People went back and forth to arrange things and stuff, making it a little suffocating.

"Eh? You're acting as if you're the one who's going on the stage!" Kade glared at her best friend for the exaggeration. Jim had been anxious for no reason.

"Everything alright?" Tee showed up, checking up on everyone.

"I feel like I wanted to puke." Becky grimaced. The colour drained from her face as if she had seen a ghost. Her pale skin looked even whiter as she spoke.

"Becky dear, look at me. You can do this okay? Remember what we practiced every day?" Kade shifted Becky's attention, cupping the girl's cheek in encouraging way. Becky nodded slowly, taking in the energy and confidence that Kade radiated at her.

"Is it too hot here? You're sweating." Kade noticed. Becky did not say much. It was too overwhelmed for her. She was just unsure whether it's too warm there or she was just too anxious.

"Freen, bring the mini fan here. Our Becky is sweating like hell." Kade ordered but none coming for help. No one even realized that Freen was gone from their side.

"Where the hell is she?" Tee searched around just to find Freen munching some snacks at a corner. Everyone knew that Freen is a food lover. Food is her life, and she could not resist that. Whenever there's food, there will be Freen and vice versa and it seemed that tonight was no exception for the fact too. Food over everything else.

"Freen! Come bring the mini fan. Hurry up!" Kade called from a distance. Everyone watched as she tried to finish anything she had in her hand now. Only then Freen hurriedly made her way to the gang.

"How did you even manage to get those food?" Every eye was on Freen again, checking out the amount of food she got with her. There were sausages and nuggets, popcorn, and soda drinks. She even had some more inside the paper bag she's been carrying.

"They sell it outside. You can have some if you want to." Freen shrugged, offering the food to her friends.

"It's not the time for that!" Jim waved it off. "Now hold the fan so that Becky can cool down." Freen scowled because Jim scolded her, yet she obeyed, standing on Becky's side as she held the automatic mini fan.

"Are you hungry? You want some?" Freen offered a piece of chicken nugget to Becky, but the girl shook her head immediately.

"I can't." Becky said, covering her mouth with her palm as if she's really wanted to puke right now.

"Have some water then." Freen handed a bottle of mineral water – already uncapped it for the girl. Becky did not hesitate as she grabbed the bottle and finished half of the content within seconds.

"You're that thirsty huh?" Freen was bewildered.

"Come Becky. Let me give you the final touch up. Aww, you look heavenly gorgeous." Jim commented, adoring Becky's cuteness. The Hafling girl looked different tonight despite her well-known beauty. Perhaps the fairytale concept gave it a whole new vibe to her appearance – enchanting.

"It's about time. Everyone gets ready. We'll begin soon." Tee reminded before she was gone into thin air.

Becky ended up getting the main character as Belle in the play while the rest of the Incredible Four decided that they would just become the behind-the-scenes crew members. As much as people believed that Kade was more talented in acting, she certainly lost it to Becky when it comes to singing and please don't tell Kade that everyone agreed Becky really looked like a princess. That was one of the reasons why Becky was chosen to play the role.

Tee took charge as the floor manager whereas Kade helped a lot in the acting skills. Jim on the other hand, took care of the costumes and makeup for everyone while Freen...nah she did nothing. Just being present for moral support. Kidding! Freen is so good at choreography, the thing that Becky never expected Freen could do. She learned how to dance with Freen.

"You can do this." Kade reassured it, noticing how anxious Becky has become.

"It's not like we're in a competition. Chill." Freen pointed out. Freen was right, they only needed to do this to complete their assignment. It was nothing much to begin with, just for the sake of better grade and assessment.

"Am I beautiful today?" Becky queried as she tugged the side of Freen's shirt, needing some attention. They exchanged their gazes through the reflection from the dressing mirror, staring at each other for a moment.

"Hmm...So-so." Freen responded, nonchalantly. Becky scowled at the sight of Freen's disinterest in her. Jim faked a cough, knowing that it was not entirely true. The 'so-so' from Freen might also mean 'very much' if you translated it otherwise. Her indirectness was something you need to decipher. She just could not express it directly to Becky of how gorgeous the girl looked like. She would not admit it.

"Stay still. I'm going to take some picture." Freen said before taking out a small compact digital camera from her pocket.

"Where did you get that?" Becky was mesmerized. She never expected that the students could own one while they're at the academy. She thought that it's forbidden.

"It's mine and you should have known that I'm the Vice President of the Photography club." Freen said with a smug look on her face at the mention of the 'Vice President'.

One shot after another, it seemed like Freen could not stop capturing ever angle and pose Becky did. Everything about Becky seemed unreal tonight. Her smiley eyes that lit up brightly whenever she smiled, that pointy prominent nose of any Caucasian would possess and those beautiful soft lips; Freen was captivated by Becky's princess-like appearance. The hairstyle that Jim braided added more beauty to that. It's just that she looked so good to be true yet she's real.

"Let's have a picture together. Shall we?" The request from Becky broke Freen's reverie.

"I've already capture all. You, Jim and Kade." It confused Freen upon hearing such request from Becky.

"No. I mean let's have a picture together. Me and you." Becky repeated.

Freen's mouth went agape, wanting to refuse but nothing came out from her mouth. She seldom has her photos taken. She's not used to it.

"Let me help you." Jim did not waste a second as she hurriedly grab the camera from Freen. Kade purposely dragged Freen with her to Becky's side, making sure the two girls looked good together side by side.

"Put your hand here." Kade took Freen's hand and wrapped it around Becky's waist. "And move closer." The force from Kade made both Freen and Becky bumped into each other.

"Freen, come on! Smile a little." Jim instructed.

Freen forced a smile on her face which caused Becky to laugh in amusement.

"One, two, three!" The moment was captured perfectly.

"Look, isn't it the couple of the year?" Kade cheered up the entire scene while Jim continuously clicking the camera shutter. Becky could not stop smiling and giggling while Freen on the other hands keep making hilarious expression as she cringed from the inside.

"It's enough, Jim. Let's get ready." Freen moved forward and covered the camera lens with her palm.

"Stop doing this. It's embarrassing." Freen whispered. She knew it well that both Jim and Kade purposely did everything just to tease both Becky and her.

"Don't you agree that you kind of like it too? After all, this is the perfect opportunity for a lifetime memory photo." Jim whispered back.

Freen glared at her best friends, wishing she could say something to protest but Tee's sudden reappearance disturbed their conversation. "Becky? Let's go."

"Fighting! We'll be right at the back." Kade cheered.


Scene after scene, everything went well until it reached the dance scene. The backstage was in chaos once again with an unexpected incident.

"We're in trouble!" One of the crew members rushed to Tee's side in panic.

"What's the problem." Tee was calm but could not contain her worriedness. Their attention was drawn to the other end of the stage. Something was really happening.

"The Beast...She complained that she's dizzy and fainted right away." The girl informed after catching some breath.

"She's throwing a fit? Why would she do that? Is she's into character that much?" Kade heard it wrong because the noise from the ongoing performance and the surrounding.

"No. She fainted. Collapse." The girl rephrased her words for everyone to understand immediately.

Everyone gasped when they learned the truth. They needed the main character to continue the play.

"Is she alright? No let me have a check. Call the teacher." Tee left in hurry with the crew member, leaving the Incredible Three dumbfounded. The performance could not get disrupted by the incident yet Tee just left without any backup plan. Their effort would just go down the drain if they decided to put an end to it right there and then.

"Okay...what we should do now? It doesn't seem like the Beast is going to recover that soon." Jim asked, panic conquered her. She kept on glancing at Becky who was still on stage doing her scene, not knowing what's really happening at the backstage.

"We need a substitute." Kade said.

"How is it even possible? Are you going to take over the role?" Jim questioned. Kade might be the only person they could rely on for now. She spent almost every day with Becky to practise everything.

"Nope. Not me but her." Kade pointed at Freen who was savouring the remaining of the food she got with her.

"Oh woah...Why would I?" The fries dropped from Freen's held. She disapproved of the idea.

"You're the only person who is well versed with the dance move and only you can save this part!" Kade warned her with a look, knowing that all Freen wished to do now was to escape the tight situation.


"No but...Jim let's get her ready. Grab the costume now. Hurry up before Becky finished her scene." Kade eventually able to get the situation under control. She was a lot calmer than everyone thought.

Before Freen knew it, she's already at the opposite side of the stage waiting for the cue. She could see from the distance that now Becky was garbed in her yellow dress, looking magnificent and radiant – so magical that she might be able to blind the entire hall. Becky might not be aware of Freen being a substitute because Freen had her Beast mask on, and everyone agreed that they should not acknowledge Becky about what was happening to avoid the girl from being distracted.

The song began, initiating their cue. Freen and Becky walked towards each other until they met in the middle of the stage. Freen offered her hands which Becky claimed instantly without hesitation. The moment when their hands touched, Becky realized that the person underneath the mask and costume was not her initial partner.

"Freen?" Becky interacted with her eyes, searching deep into those brown orbs for confirmation. Freen nodded slightly, acknowledging Becky the truth. Becky was confused yet she knew that they should just carry on.

Tale as old as time,

True as it can be,

Barely even friends,

Then somebody bends,


Neither Freen nor Becky has ever thought that the lyrics from the song suited their situation perfectly until tonight. That 'Barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly'.

Just a little change,

Small to say the least,

Both a little scared,

Neither one prepared,

Beauty and the beast.

The entire surrounding ceased to exist as they waltzed across the dance floor, dancing gracefully to the tunes. Freen could not tear away her gaze from Becky who seemed to be lost in that passionate stare too. The intimacy they created was insane. Every delicate touch from Becky made Freen shivered and craved for more. If they could melt into one, oh they would! Becky's breath hitched as Freen grabbed her waist and lift her up before twirling her around. This was not what they used to practise before. It seemed like Freen gained an entirely new strength miraculously. The feeling strange empowered her, making the fairy tale dance lively.

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

"There's something on your face." Freen said once the dance was over.

"What is it?" Becky touched her face. If Freen was about to improvise the entire scene, she should play along as well.

"Beauty." It was just a short reply, but the entire academy went crazy over the compliment and from witnessing Becky's reaction over that. Becky blushed uncontrollably that she had to hide her face from the audience. She was not expecting that at all, and it came from Freen to begin with.

"Ouh, it's not in the script huh?" Again, Freen totally improvise the entire stage play causing everyone to crack up with laughter. The fairy tale performance now turned into a comedy show.

Becky shook her head as she discovered Freen's hidden talent. Despite her cold self and those beat around the bush character, she has a good sense of humour. Interesting.

"I haven't dance in years. I'd almost forgotten the feeling." Freen continued and so did the stage play go on as if nothing had happened.


"Great job everyone! Thank you for your effort and hard work." The teacher said as she wrapped up the night. Soon after they took a group photo, everyone dismissed to settle down and ready to head back to the hostel.

While everyone could leave in peace, the situation turned otherwise for the Incredible Four. Tee having her own moment with the 'fan club' was something everyone could anticipate of. The girls especially those from junior classes swarmed around her for pictures. Literally everyone wanted to take a picture with her as if she's a celebrity.

"Imagine how much money we can make buy selling the polaroid films." Jim commented as she waited with the gang at the side of the hall. It's the golden era of the polaroid where everyone loved to collect some for memories.

"I didn't know that Tee is that famous." Becky said, staring at Tee who was just too busy to entertain everyone.

"It's not only Tee. Look..." Jim said as she pointed at Kade who already went to the other side of the hall and greeted another group of younger girls.

"They are really that popular huh? And thinking of how I'd end up with your gang makes me feel like small potatoes." Becky sighed, chewing the inside of her cheeks out of insecurity.

"Excuse me, Phi. Can we have a picture with you?" Becky was startled with the sudden appearance of unknown girls in front of her. She turned around just to confirm if the girls were asking about the other person and found out that no one was behind her. Freen has been isolating herself and minding her business – probably too bored and tired of waiting for her friends and it was obvious that they're not asking it from Jim too because Jim was just next to her.

"Me?" Becky was puzzled.

The girls nodded eagerly waiting for Becky's approval. "Yes, you're so amazing just now and you look so pretty too." One of the girls said. Becky brushed her gaze across each of the face, trying to get hold of the entire situation. Does it mean that these girls admire her?

"Ah, someone is getting her fan club base started." Jim teased.

"Uhm...Sure." Becky said, not wanting to decline the request.

From one girl to another, Becky politely entertained them not knowing that someone has been staring at her for a while now.

Then came another group of girls which Becky instantly recognized them as the super seniors. Their sudden appearance gave an eerie feeling to Becky. It felt as if they wanted to pick up a fight.

"You're Becky, right?" Asked one of them. Becky took in the appearance once before she ran her gaze away. Beautiful, Becky thought.

"Yes." Becky said.

"Ah, I see you didn't come and see me when I asked for it." She said and Becky instantly went dumbfounded. Whatever she feared for somehow came true.


"It's okay. I just want to greet you. You did great just now look pretty." The senior assured it and complimented at the same time. Becky could feel that the intensity of the stare was rather unusual. It felt uncomfortable and the presence of the rest of her friends added more unpleasant feel to that.

"Thank you." Becky maintained the politeness.

"Do you mind if I ask for a picture?" The senior requested which Becky knew she could not reject.

"Becky, shall we go now?" The familiar voice interrupted them just when they were about to get into position for a picture together.

Becky's eyes met Freen's, screaming the 'help me' look yet she could not say anything. She was frozen there torn between giving in or just leave with Freen.

"Becky, are you coming or not?" Freen repeated.

"You can leave first." The senior answered on Becky's behalf, and it seemed like Freen dislike it so much.

Freen walked herself to the senior's side before she leaned in closer to whisper something.

"Becky, Jim. Let's go." And with that, they managed to escape the seniors.


"What did you tell the senior just now?" Becky queried out of curiosity as they walked across the basketball courts, heading back to their hostel.

"Nothing you should concern of." Freen replied coldly. Becky disliked it whenever Freen turned quiet. She knew something must be off for that girl to become cold in such a way.

"You must have told her something weird. She looks dumbfounded and defeated at the same time." Becky guessed.

Their movement was halted when Freen suddenly turned around in the most dramatic way. "I just saved you from that awkward moment. Shouldn't you be grateful for it?"

"Why you sounded mad at me." Becky recoiled. Sometimes Freen's sudden change in behaviour was intolerable. Tonight was no exception for that.

"I'm not." Freen softened when she realized Becky's upset expression.

"She's just jealous!" Jim who has been quiet for some time took the opportunity to break the tension between the girls. Well perhaps just adding fuel to the fire.

"I'm not!" Freen's eye widen in disbelief upon the accusation from her best friend. How could she come into that conclusion easily?

"Yes, you are and I'm leaving first. I'll let you both argue like a married couple." Jim did not wait long and leave in hurry.

Freen and Becky were left there in the most awkward silence. Freen stole a glance at Becky, noticing how the girl was at the edge of crying. She's trying her best to suppress herself from breaking down.

"Let's just head back to the hostel." Freen offered her hand with the hope that Becky would grab it in hers.

"No. We need to talk." Becky shook her head, crossing her arms across her chest in disagreement. The disapproval gaze in her eyes intensified with each passing second.

"We can do it at the dorm." Freen sounded as soft as possible, trying to coax the sulking girl.

"You can go first. I'll come later. I need to breathe in some fresh air." Becky said coldly.

"Alright. Let's settle this as fast as we could. Come, let's have a seat." Freen did not wait for Becky's approval as she dragged the girl to the nearby gazebo. The silence enveloped them again as they sat next to each other, side by side.

"Thank you for your rescue on the dance scene and also just now." Becky knew if she did not speak now, Freen would forever hold her peace like nothing had happened. It's now or never.

"Hmm...okay." Freen nodded yet not letting her guard down.

"Am I really doing fine just now? I mean everything?" Becky tried to steer the conversation.

"Hmm..." Freen nodded again and still not showing much interest in that.

"Aren't you going to tell me anything?" Becky could tell that Freen has a lot on her mind, judging from the sour look on the girl's angelic face. She just needed a little time to break the ego shell of Sarocha and probably a little patience in addition to that.

"I just dislike the way Engfa was looking at you." Freen began, letting a lungful of heavy sigh at the end of her words.

"She's undressing you with her eyes and it's disgusting." Becky noticed how Freen's jaw clenched upon expressing such comment and strong emotion.

"Ah I see...The senior's name is Engfa." Becky took in the information she just learned about the unknown senior.

"And she already has someone to begin with. I don't know perhaps a scandal or a girlfriend. Well maybe this farang kind of girl is her type but isn't it enough for her to already have one?" Freen added more information which Becky never asked for. (Farang = in Thai slang refers to Caucasian or white people or foreigner in general).

"You prevented me from meeting her the other week. You're overprotective because you're jealous, aren't you?" Becky teased, realizing how tensed Freen has become ever since the mention of Engfa existence and behaviour.

"Why would I, to begin with?" Freen glared at Becky.

"Well, if I went to see her the other day, things might not become that awkward as what happened tonight. Engfa is kind of attractive though." Becky commented with the purpose of provoking Freen which she successfully did.

Freen turned her head instantly towards Becky's direction with her eyes widened in disbelief. She even chewed the inside her of her cheeks, suppressing the urge to protest.

"You're unbelievable!" Freen heaved a long sigh. She appeared grumpier than she already was. Becky found it's cute whenever this side of Freen began to show up.

"But you know what? I think I'm going keep my eyes on this one person only." Becky said, smiling as if she's daydreaming about that someone.

"Who?" Freen could not help but frowned.

"Ah, are you demanding a forehead kiss on purpose?" Becky pointed out noticing the long frowning from Freen.

"Becky, you just got here less than two months ago, and you already got your eyes on somebody?" Freen was bewildered.

"Well, I can't help it. She's beautiful, she looks mean but she's kind and she probably give me butterflies." Becky answered in sing song tone.

"Fine. All the best for pursuing the person who 'gives your butterflies'" Freen rolled her eyes as she quoted the word.

"Wait. I think I can't talk right now." Becky said, covering her mouth with her palm.

"Why? Do you feel like you wanted to puke again? Did you catch a flu? Or perhaps you're hungry?" Freen was alarmed by that. She brought her hand to Becky's forehead to feel the difference in temperature but found nothing wrong with the girl.

Becky stared at Freen with so much adoration that it distracted Freen. "Why? Did I have something on my face? I know that I'm cute and pretty. You don't have to bring that up." Freen bragged around but Becky wasn't really replying to that.

"Are you really not going to talk?" Freen queried again, realizing Becky was just trying to pull her legs.

Instead of saying things out load, Becky beckoned Freen to come closer to her. "I can't talk right now because the butterflies in my stomach might escape if I do so." Becky whispered.

Freen was caught off guard upon realizing what Becky just told her. Is this kind of indirect confession?

"Oh huh. Girl, are you flirting with me?" Freen faked a laugh, yet her face already heated up with embarrassment.

"Didn't you just wish me all the best earlier? I'm just pursuing my future." Becky smirked. All the teasing made Freen stunned there, unable to react to Becky's boldness tonight.

"Let's go back to the hostel. It's getting cold here. Should we do some race? Whoever reach the last need to prepare the noodle cup." Becky hurriedly changed the subject and redirected them to a different mode.

"You know that I hate running." Freen scoffed. "But yeah, let's do it. I'll make sure that I win tonight."

"Ready?" Becky was already in the position to start the sprint.

"Hey, tie your shoelace!" Freen pointed out.

Becky looked down just to find that everything was perfectly fine. "It's all good." It puzzled the girl.

"Lace it tighter because I don't want you to fall for anyone else." With that being said, Freen hurriedly arrange her steps and sprinted as fast as she could, leaving the stupefied Becky all alone.

"THAT'S CONSIDERED CHEATING!" Becky ran after Freen, trying to catch up with the latter's pace.

Author's Note

Hello there everyone. I apologize for the delay of the update as I was occupied for the past few weeks. Guess what? I went to FreenBecky Aromagicare Grand Fan Meeting in Manila and it was the best experience ever. Here's the picture for you to see. Thank you for your patience.

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