Under The Stars | Bang Chan F...

By Joybananamilk

15.6K 368 500

A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction. ﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !! • Zombie Apocalypse ° Mafia Groups and Rivalries • Romance, Thrill... More

Intro - Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Him
Chapter 3: Boxer
Chapter 4: Ring Ring Ring
Chapter 5: Rooftop
Chapter 6: Break In
Chapter 7: Mansion
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Flight
Chapter 11: Australia
Chapter 12: Blueprint
Chapter 13: RRS
Chapter 14: Back in Korea
Chapter 15: SSICK
Chapter 16: Perfect Dress
Chapter 17: TMT
Chapter 18: Improvement
Chapter 19: Date
Chapter 20: Mixtape: Oh
Chapter 21: Mixtape #1
Chapter 23: Mixtape #3
Chapter 24: Mixtape #4
Chapter 25: 4419
Chapter 26: Red Lights
★ New Characters !!
Chapter 27: HP BDAY
Chapter 28: Booster
Chapter 29 : A Different Perspective
Chapter 30: Back Door
Chapter 31: Skills Put to The Test
Chapter 32: Baby Steps
Chapter 33: Drive
Chapter 34: Haven
Chapter 35: The Tortoise?
★ appreciation note
★ Special Chapter: Movie Night ★
Chapter 36: And The Hare
Chapter 37: Uncover?
Chapter 38: The Truth
Chapter 39: Halloween
Chapter 40: Progress Further P1
Chapter 41: Progress Further P2
Chapter 42: Levanter
Chapter 43: Double Knot
Chapter 44: Leave

Chapter 22: Mixtape #2

333 7 21
By Joybananamilk

August 30th, 6:30am

I woke up to loud banging downstairs. Why is there always something going on downstairs?

I turned over to see Chan wasn't in bed next to me. Something was wrong.

I got out of the bed slowly, slipping into my slippers. I opened the door slowly to see that the halls were dark with the lights all off. Most of the guys' bedroom doors were open too. Were they all downstairs?

I made my way to the staircase and looked down at the bottom of the staircase. No one was around there so I slowly made my way down.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now!? We lost that crazy bastard and this psycho took cyanide!" I heard Lee Know yelling.

What happened?

I turned the corner and saw everyone except Jeongin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Felix in the kitchen. They all looked frustrated about something. Who were they talking about?

Chan ran his fingers through his hair and turned around to walk away, heading towards my direction. He saw me and the expression on his face instantly softened. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me back to the staircase. "Why are you down here?"

"You guys were being loud so I woke up. Then I came down here to see what was going on."

Chan rubbed my back as we made our way up the stairs. I looked at him and saw his tired eyes and heavy eyebags. He hasn't really gotten much sleep the past few days, especially with being on top of the TMT situation.

"Next time, just try to go back to sleep. Okay?" He opened the door and followed into the room behind me.

I sat down on the bed. "Sorry." I pulled the covers over my legs and he sat down next to me. He got under the covers as well and wrapped his arm around me.

"It's okay, just be careful. It's not safe nowadays." He kissed my forehead gently.

"And with all that's happening, you're more at risk than any of us. Even Lily. I have to keep an eye out all the time, so if I'm not here, don't worry." Chan laid down next to me, having me lay down as well. He pulled me into his embrace, tucking me under the covers. "We just have to get married, get that contract signed, ally up, and we'll finally be more risk free. RRS will send a bunch of their team here for you to lead and for them to protect you. Got it?"

I gave him a small nod and he smiled. I buried my face into the crook of his neck, his hand stroking my hair gently. It felt nice being held this way. I've never been held this way. It just makes me feel a lot more comfortable with Chan, in a different way. Not comfortable as how I am with Lily or the other guys. But just comfortable in my own way with him.

I let out a quiet yawn, snuggling up to him more.

"I'll tell Lee Know you won't train this morning." Chan said, burying his face into my hair. I was supposed to get up at 7:30 but now I'm already wake and my sleep got messed up. I guess that's why he wants to cancel.

"You can't leave the bed until I wake up though." I said, tangling my legs with his. He chuckled and looked down at me. "Alright, fine."

I let out a peaceful sigh and closed my eyes, finally ready to sleep. I could hear the birds chirping outside already, which put me more at ease with drifting off to sleep. I just melted into Chan's arms as I drifted into a deep sleep.

"I love you, Y/n." Chan whispered quietly, nuzzling into my hair.

Did I hear that right? We haven't used that word yet. He just used it. Oh my gosh. Do I say it back? Nahhh, I'll just... I'll wait.

He loved me.

(Joy's note: I'm squealing yawll)

- ,,


I let out a quiet yawn as I woke up, rubbing my right eye as I lifted my head to see Chan still asleep. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His curly dark brown hair was messily covering his forehead and his pink lips were slightly parted as he snored softly. It was a peaceful sight to see for me.

I ran fingers through his hair gently, not wanting to wake him up just yet. But that got ruined when Lee Know barged in through the door loudly. I thought we locked the door?

"Chan." He walked up the bed and grabbed Chan's shoulder, trying to wake him up. Chan opened his eyes instantly and looked up at Lee Know with a concerned look on his face. "Lily's in trouble with TMT, we have to go urgently."

Lily's in trouble? Damnit, I knew I shouldn't have let her get involved in this shit.

Chan sat up and Lee Know left the room, closing the door behind him. "Are you okay with being in the mansion alone?" Chan turned his head to look at me and I nodded in response. It couldn't be that bad, right?

Chan nodded and got off of the bed, walking towards the closet and opening it's doors. He pulled out some clothes and started changing asap. I sat up and looked at the windows. It was really smokey outside for some reason.

Chan kissed my head before he left, leaving me all alone.

- ,,

It's been about two hours since the guys had left. I'm a bit worried they might've gotten into trouble or something. But they're grown men who are plenty strong, they should be fine. I think.

I went downstairs to get something to eat since I hadn't had breakfast at all. I had gotten some extra sleep for an hour and then woke up again.

I got a few slices of bread from the pantry and got a pan out, setting it down on the stove. I wanted to make some french toast. I went into the fridge and got a few eggs as well.

After mixing the eggs in a bowl and covering the bread in the egg mixture, I placed it on the pan to sizzle for a while.

After I was done making my French toast, I put the toast on a plate and sat down at the counter to eat.

Then I saw someone looking at me from the window across from the kitchen, but they quickly ran away once I noticed them. What were they doing here?

I shrugged it off and continued to eat my French toast.

And boom, a loud noise was heard from the entrance. The guys had come back. I quickly got up from my seat and went towards the front door.

Lily was there with the members, but there was someone missing. Chan?

Han ran over to me and grabbed my hands. "Y/n, Chan got taken. You have to come with me, please." He had a pleading look on his face. I couldn't say no, even if I wanted to which I don't. Heck, if Han didn't ask me, I would've still went to get Chan back.

I nodded and Han lead me out of the mansion quickly after I got my pistol and put my shoes on.

"How did Chan get taken!?" I was so confused. How does such a strong guy like him even...

Han, Hyunjin, Changbin, Seungmin, Jeongin, and I got into the van. There was another van behind ours that had some bodyguards in it as backup.

"Chan gave himself up to have them let go of Lily." Changbin explained to me everything that happened. Lily wasn't captured or anything but some of the members of TMT were at her apartment and had held her hostage inside. It was all a trap, just to get to Chan.

Gosh, this is all my fault. I could've prevented Lily from getting involved, and then those guys getting lured and captured so then they wouldn't have TMT to after Lily and then Chan. I hate this so much.

- ,,

We finally got to the area where they were keeping Chan. It was TMT's headquarters. It was hidden perfectly underground. We couldn't take the vans in because they'd know, so we had to try and sneak in.

We all got out of the vans including the bodyguards. "Y/n and Seungmin, you go through the first exit door that'll lead into the building." Changbin pointed to the door he was referring to. "Bryan and Andrew will follow you in to keep backup." He was referring to two of the bodyguards we had with us. "Han, Jeongin, and I will take the main exit with Jackson. Hyunjin will take the rest of the bodyguards to the back exit." Everyone nodded once we all confirmed our roles.

I didn't really get enough training for this shit, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

Seungmin, Bryan, Andrew, and I all got to the first exit door. It was jammed locked but luckily Andrew had a large hammer with him...for some reason.

Andrew jammed through the door at the doorknob with his hammer easily. Luckily the door wasn't made of anything too hard to get through, just weak metal.

We entered into the building and saw that this wasn't the ground floor. There was a staircase. "Seungmin, go with Andrew upstairs. I'll go downstairs with Bryan." Seungmin nodded and went upstairs with Andrew quickly.

Bryan went in front of me and I followed him downstairs steadily. We didn't want to make too much noise, just in case.

I prepared my FN FAL and held it up as we continued walking further down the stairs. We finally got to the...ground floor? The stairs had ended, so it had to be the last floor. There was a door which we entered through that led to a long hall. I went in front of Bryan and he turned his back to my back, keeping an eye on my back and sides with his rifle out.

I crouched and slowly made my way over to a door. I checked if the door was unlocked or not and it was. I slowly turned the knob and opened it quickly.

There was my fiancé, sitting there with a blindfold over his eyes and his hands tied behind the chair. Not gonna lie, it was kind of... wait, no, not the time for these thoughts.

I walked towards him and he started moving around, probably irritated.

"Shhh, it's me."

Chan suddenly stopped moving, trying to process. "Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here?" He whispered, his eyebrows furrowing. I reached behind him and took off the blindfold. He looked up at me with a serious look but his gaze softened once he got to look at me.

"You didn't come here alone, did you?" He whispered while I tried untying his wrists.

"Fuck no, why would I come alone? Changbin, Seungmin, Han, Jeongin, and Hyunjin are here. And some bodyguards." Bryan entered the room, greeting Chan.

"How'd a tough guy like you get kidnapped?" I'd tease, finally untying him. He rubbed his wrists, both of them were red and irritated.

"Don't joke around right now. I'll tell you everything later. We need to get out. Now." Chan spoke with a more stern voice, standing up from the chair. I nodded and Bryan led us back to the staircase. We made our way up the stairs quickly, but not too quick that we made too much noise.

Seungmin and Andrew bumped into us suddenly once we reached exit floor. "Oh, good God, you found Chan." Seungmin opened the exit door quickly and rushed us out quickly. "We have to leave asap, we got caught."

"What!?" Chan looked concerned and serious. "When did I tell any of you guys to come and save me!? I could've made it out of here by myse-"

"GUYS! WE NEED TO GO!!" Hyunjin was yelling loudly, running towards the van with Han and Jeongin. We quickly followed towards them.

"Where is Changbin!?" I shouted, running after them.

"He's coming, just get into the vans quickly!" Andrew and Bryan got into the van that the bodyguards took. The rest of us got into our van. I looked out the window to see Changbin running at full speed with his group of bodyguards; they were getting chased. Han yelled at Changbin to get in quickly, guns trying to shoot at him over and over again.

Changbin finally got in and once everyone was safely in the two vans, we drove off quickly. The gun firing stopped shortly after.

"You okay, Chan?" Changbin sat down across from Chan, a concerned expression on his face. Chan had a serious expression on his face still. "You guys didn't need to come back for me."

Changbin shook his head. "Yes, we did. You can't do everything by yourself, Chan. I know you're the leader and you need to protect us, but we need to protect you too." Changbin protested in a firm tone of voice.

Chan let out a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "I could've gotten out by myself. I specifically told you guys to not come back for me, but what do you do? Go against my orders! I didn't need saving, I could've gotten out by myself safe and sound! You guys don't need to risk your lives for me. I can handle it!" Chan was raising his voice at Changbin now.

"Hey, we were only trying to help. I don't give a fuck if you told us not to, we can't always trust you to handle shit by yourself! You know damn well these guys are dangerous and can harm you a shit ton, even kill you. We can't leave you al-"

Chan cut him off. "Just, stop. I don't want to talk anymore." He held his head in his hands. Changbin sighed and went to the front of the van.

I sat there awkwardly with my hands clasped in my lap. I had no idea what to do or say. Should I even do or say anything? Would Chan be mad at me since I came along too? It's not my business...but it'd make things better if I did do or say something, right?

I rested my head on Chan's shoulder and he lifted his head, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. It's just a small gesture from me, but he doesn't want to talk so this is fine, I guess.

- ,,

We made it home and Chan stopped everyone at the entrance. "I need to talk to you guys." Then he turned his head to look at me. "You can go upstairs, Y/n. Go take some rest, 'kay?"

Even though I didn't want to leave, I just nodded and made my way up the stairs slowly. I entered our room and flopped onto the bed, letting out a deep groan while I stuffed my face into the blanket laid out on the bed.

It was such a long day, I feel super exhausted. I lifted my head to look at the windows. The sun was just starting to set outside, making the room darker and darker slowly. I looked at the electric clock on the nightstand. "7:56pm"

I let out a sigh and rolled onto my back, wiping my hands over my face.

"Y/n." Chan entered the room and I sat up, looking at him. He walked towards me and ran his fingers through my hair, looking down with me with a sincere look on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." I nodded my head. "I was just tired from the long day, nothing to it."

Chan nodded in response and leaned down to plant a kiss onto my forehead. "Good. Do you want me to run you a bath?"

Chan? Running me a bath? Right after getting out of that psycho gang's headquarters? I'm confused. "It'll help with the tiredness." Chan said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I took a while to respond but I nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

Chan smiled and went to the bathroom to start the bath.

"Y/n, I'm done! Come on." Chan took my hand and led me into the bathroom. I looked at the bathtub and saw it was a bubble bath. There was also a rubber ducky. Where'd he get a rubber ducky from? Does he play with toys in the bath? Great, cause I do too.

I reached down and squirted water at Chan's face with the rubber ducky. "Y/n~!" Chan frowned at me. I laughed and put the rubber ducky back into the bath.

Chan wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. "Can I take the bath with you?"

His question took me way off guard. With me?? Together? In the same bath? I looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled mischievously.

"I don't feel like running myself a bath right after you. I think it'd be better if we took one together, yeah?" Chan looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. "I'm not forcing you though." He added, trying not to pressure me in any way.

I looked down at the bubble bath he prepared. I mean, it's just a bath. Jusssttt a bath. Just a bath. A bath. Just. A. Bath. "Alright, fine. We can take a bath together." I said in a quiet tone, almost mumbling. I was embarrassed about saying it.

Chan smiled and reached forward to untie my hair and let it down. "I'm glad."

- ,,

Chan was washing my hair with shampoo, massaging it into my hair so nicely that I almost fell asleep.

"Do you like that?" Chan asked in a playful tone. His voice was more high pitched and cheesy. I hummed and nodded my head which he responded to with a giggle.

"Why were you mad about us coming to help you get out?" I asked, genuinely curious. I mean, I can get he wants to keep us safe but he shouldn't be mad. Chan sighed and started washing the shampoo out of my hair with the showerhead.

"Well, I didn't want to be mad. But I'm always worried about the 'kids', and you of course. It turns into irritation when they don't listen to me about keeping them safe." He pulled me in closer, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"They're very important to me, so when they go against something I say that was supposed to keep them from doing anything risky, it does get on my nerves. But I forgave them, so don't worry about it." Chan rested his chin on top of my head.

"You weren't mad at me, were you?" I asked, looking up at him. He looked down at me and smiled. "Of course not. You're precious, I couldn't be mad at you." Chan kissed my forehead and held me closer. I smiled and squirted water at his face again with the rubber ducky.

"Y/n!" Chan wiped the water off of his face, letting out a laugh. I laughed too, holding up the duck to his lips and made it give him a kiss. "Mr. Quack says he sorry. He gets a little leaky at times and squirts water out from his mouth when he can't control it anymore. It's a very serious condition." I say in a playful yet serious tone.

Chan chuckled and kissed the rubber ducky back on the head. "It's alright, Mr. Quack. But I think someone owes me an apology kiss too."

I shook my head, lowering my hand. "Nah uh."

I do not owe this man a kiss. We haven't even kissed on the lips before. What makes this guy think he can kiss me now? And this the bath!? I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it!

"Too bad." Chan gave me a peck on the lips, taking me by surprise. I didn't do it, he did. I held my hand over my mouth and looked away, my ears turning red. Chan chuckled and pulled me into him again.

"What? It's just a peck. Not like I tongue kissed you." Chan faked a gasp. "Or is that what you wanted?"

I shook my head immediately. A tongue kiss? Absolutely not. How do you even kiss with your tongues swirling around each other in your mouths like that!? I will never understand it.

"Ah, ah, alright. I'm just teasing." Chan kissed my temple and smiled. "I'm not gonna force you into anything you don't like."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "But you kissed me."

"You liked that kiss." Chan retorted, smiling at me in a cocky way. I punched him in the chest and he laughed.

- ,,

It was time for dinner and we headed downstairs after drying our hair. I sat down in my seat next to Chan. Everyone was already seated except for Lee Know. He cooked this time and set the food down on the table one plate and platter at a time.

It wasn't the typical dinner we had usually. It was more fancy now.

And for dessert...

(Stay hungry 🥱)

Yum. Just yum.

Han helped me fill my plate before I could finally eat. The food was so good, and the pasta was super warm and creamy. I didn't know Lee Know could cook so well. The steak was also really good and not that greasy.

Chan fed me a piece of shrimp he found in his pasta since I love shrimp.

"How come I can't find any shrimp in my pasta?" I furrowed my eyebrows, looking into both of the different pastas on my plate.

Chan chuckled and rubbed my head. "They're hidden in there. I can get them out for you if you want." Before I could answer, he already started to pick out the shrimp from my pasta. I didn't want him to but I can't say no now. It was sweet of him.

Han poked my arm and I looked at him. "What?"

Han's cheeks were full with food so he chewed and swallowed first before speaking. "It seems like he really loves you." He whispered to me, wiggling his eyebrows comically. I punched him in the shoulder and he giggled, rubbing his shoulder to rub away the pain.

I don't think we should be using the 'L' word so quickly. It's only been about a month...

I turned my head to look at Chan again and he lifted his head, smiling at me. "I'm done." He sat back up straight and started to dig back into his food. "Thanks." I said, starting to eat the shrimp, wrapping it around in the pasta.

After dinner, Chan clinked his wine glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention, stopping the chatter between everyone.

He put his glass down and looked at everyone. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for lashing out at you guys earlier today. You guys know how much I care about you, and I don't want to risk losing you guys over you having to save me."

"Chan, we understand. You don't have to apologize. Plus, we're going to help you wether you like it or not." Jeongin said before taking a big swallow of his wine. That kid is the youngest but he drinks a lot.

"That's right. We'll follow your order unless it's needed to deliberately go against them. That's just how it's supposed to be. This was a situation where we had to step in, Chan." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah...I guess you're right. I should take into consideration that even if I don't lose you guys, you might lose me. And I should be more understanding about it. I promise I won't lash out again."

- ,,

I turned off the lights and stretched my arms over my head, walking over to the bed.

"Y/n, I was reading a book." Chan groaned, turning on the lamp of his nightstand. I shrugged and laid down next to him. Chan's eyes were locked onto his book, reading with a serious expression on his face. Why does he always look so serious? He'll get wrinkles soon.

I pulled the blanket over me and just watched him reading his book. His skin was glowing as usual. He looked really focused on that book, it almost made me jealous.

Chan glanced at me and then looked back at his book. "Why're you looking at me?" He asked in a soft tone.

"I'm bored." I'd scoot closer to him, wrapping my arm around him and lifting my leg over his legs. Chan put a bookmark in his book and closed the book, setting it down on his nightstand. He laid down and pulled me into his embrace, wrapping an arm around me.

"Do you want to talk about something?" Chan ran his fingers through my hair gently, looking down at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really have anything to talk about. I'm not much of a talker, I'm an introvert after all.

"Well...we do still need to plan our wedding. What should the color theme be?" I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking of what the color theme should be. "What's your favorite color?" I asked him and he chuckled.


"Pink and blue." I said proudly. My favorite color is pink, his favorite color is blue.

"Oh, that's actually my favorite color combo." Chan said happily, smiling at me. Huh, I didn't know he liked pink too.
(Joy's note: true story, it actually is pink and blue.)

"What if the bridesmaids wear pink?"

Chan nodded in response. "Yeah, that'd be good. And then the groomsmen can wear blue." I nodded as well. It's a good color combo for a wedding. We could go with light colors maybe so it's not too heavy on the eyes.

Chan turned off the lamp and pulled me closer to him, cuddling me. "Let's go to sleep." He said quietly, letting out a wide yawn. "Goodnight, babydoll."

I yawned quietly and buried my face into his shoulder. "Goodnight."


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