Always be you

By KrystalParisBaze20

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Once upon a time there was a curse set on an original and a baby vampire who had just gotten together had t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 - Tristan De Martel
Chapter 4-Planning and Davina
Chapter 5 - Esther.
Chapter 7. - Caroline's betrayal.
Chapter 8 - Who lives?
Chapter 9- Davina
Chapter 10 - what's next?
Chapter 11-Lily 
Chapter 12-the potion
A Few Months Later

Chapter 6 - Mikael and New Orleans

5 1 0
By KrystalParisBaze20

Stop don't kill me leave Elijah alone Klaus shouted This took Mikael back He always thought of Klaus as evil who didn't care about anyone Your turn will come boy but Elijah must die for hurting Elena for breaking her heart Mikael spoke
I didn't I would never hurt Elena she is the love of my life Elijah spoke There was a spell put on them to keep them apart by a guy named Tristan Kol spoke he is the reason I'm back he is the one who told me Mikael said now lowering his hand I've been lied to Mikael now spoke Where are you going? Mikael asks
To New Orleans There is a witch there they put the spell on them
would you like to join us Mikael?
Klaus now asks even though he feared him. But he will put that to a side for Elijah Now in New Orleans. Mikael pulled Klaus back You are afraid of me why invite me?
Mikael asks Yes
I fear you but I love Elijah more than
I fear you we need all the help we can get if you wish to kill me afterwards then so be it I will not fight you Elijah he deserves the best the world Klaus now explained Mikael gave a nod
He noticed that Klaus has changed
He wasn't so sure on killing him anymore and as for Elena she has lost a lot of people yes I am to blame for some but she doesn't deserve to lose anyone else
I will forever trying to make it up to her if I could I would bring everyone back especially her parents
Klaus now looked at Mikael You've changed you're not the same as before your humanity is on Mikael said Just as Kol and Elijah came Yes I've met the love of my life but still so be it if you want to kill me still I will not fight you Klaus now looked at Kol and Elijah But right now the witch must be dealt with Klaus said They made their way to the old grave yard When they bumped into Marcel Look at this papa original is here Marcel spoke And what of it boy?Mikael now stood toe to toe with Marcel Nothing I just never thought I'd see the day where you be with them that's all Marcel now put his hands up in surrender Then move we've got business to tend to Mikael now getting antsy Marcel moved The originals made their way to the old grave yard They stopped and looked at one another Then they made their way inside There she was Sophie Chanting away in Latin She had to do spell once every other week To make sure it's stays up The only way to break the spell was to kill her
Elijah swished over grabbed her by the throat. Sophie looked in fear
That's when she realised that Tristan lied to her That he never really loved her He was using her That they would never find her Please don't Sophie barely breathed Elijah shook his head your are going to die and it will be by my hands Elijah spoke He used me
I thought he loved me Sophie spoke Wouldn't you do anything for someone you love?
Sophie asks Which Elijah just squeezed harder Why do you think you are going to die for?for Tristan? never I can't even go near the love of my life because of you Elijah snarled Sophie just closed her eyes As Elijah sank his teeth into her Then he had an idea He'll turn her Your going to live if you wish to but as one of us Elijah spoke Mikael smirked Klaus smiled Kol basically jumping up and down Elijah bit his wrist And forced fed Sophie his blood Then he snapped her neck.
Few hours later....Sophie woke up I'm not going to complete the transition she said Elijah swished over Yes you are then you can live the rest of forever knowing that you got used that Tristan never really loved you Elijah compelled her He handed her his sister To complete her transition Sophie sunk her teeth into her sisters neck And completed the transition The originals left With the next stop... Mystic Falls
Mystic Falls Elena sat down Worried about Elijah But Mikael?" Elena asks Elijah had texted Elena telling about Mikael And what happened No need to worry once Elijah klaus and Kol explain he be fine and he is with them ok Esther spoke Elena gave a nod But she still had this nagging feeling That something was going to go wrong She didn't know what She looked around. Caroline isn't around Where is Caroline?
Elena asks she went out for a walk Rebekah spoke When did she go?Bonnie asks a few hours ago Davina spoke Elena looked at her watch She should be back by now Esther spoke This made Elena worry What if Tristan got her?
He'll hurt her
Jeremy went over to Elena Caroline is tough she be fine Jeremy spoke Just as the Mikaelson's walked in Elena swished out...What's going on? we can finally be in the same room and she leaves?
Elijah now bewildered by what Just happened We got a phone call from Tristan he has Caroline he will only let her go if Elena hands herself over to him and break up with you Rebekah spoke Elijah sat down She going to him but she is going to lie and say you guys broke up she has her phone this time we are tracking it this isn't the end we will get her back and you two will live the rest of forever together Esther
now stood up Once Caroline is back we will be going after him Davina spoke we will kill him Bonnie said But why did she have to leave straight away?
Elijah asks because it was the only way for this to work Jeremy said

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