Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]

ZeSovietMan द्वारा

26.5K 580 842

It's the end of Battle of Belleau Wood, but as the final Germans surrendered to the marines, a massive portal... अधिक

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1: A New Beacon
Bio PT. 2
Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1
Chapter 3: Menagerie meets the Fleet (Revised)
Chapter 4: Party?
Chapter 5: Building the Fort
Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.
Established Rules of World War 2 and Alliances
Chapter 7: The Battle of Fort Mantello
Chapter 8/Special Chapter: The Main Timeline and Battlefield 1 Rap
Chapter 9: The Fall of Fort Faunus
Chapter 10: Prepare for the Typhoon (Revised)
Chapter 11: It Changes Everything
Chapter 12: The Final Preparations
Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)
Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)
Chapter 13 Part 4: Operation Typhoon (British)
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)
Chapter 16: Unexpected Attack
Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 17/Special Chapter: What I Missed
Chapter 18: When Legends Meet Students
Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus
Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus
Chapter 21: A Defense of Argus (Revised)
Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive
Chapter 23: Christmas Preparation
Chapter 24: Confess Before The End
Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?
Chapter 26: A Storm of Grimm
Chapter 27: The End

Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)

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ZeSovietMan द्वारा

Date: 9/30/18

Time: 11:09 P.M

Vale Coastline, UN Troop Camps 

Ryan: Let's go! Let's go! Everyone in the boats!

It was the time for one of the greatest operations in military history. Troops all across the coastline loaded into the Higgins boats as tanks backed into the LST's.

Nebula: Why can't we all by in the same boat!?

Ryan: Because you kids know the terrain better! So, you're leading most boats!

Ruby: Yes sir!

Daniel: And all troops have received orders that if one of our spies approach us! Do not fire and escort them out the fire!

As everyone started to load into boats, multiple Naval fleets started to appear such as the SMS Nassau, USS Arizona, and the HMS Argus Fleet. 3 separate fleets, but with 3 different missions.

SMS Nassau assigned to help land German marines and its army while covering the Austro-Hungarian's and the Italians. USS Arizona alongside another US Battleship/Dreadnought the USS South Carolina's Fleet were assigned to cover all American landings. While the HMS Argus with the HMS Resolution's Fleet were to support the entire British landings.

Hundreds of thousands of troops either destined for greatness or destined for death.

Ryan: Team JNPR! You're to lead the Pershing Raiders! General's orders!

Pyrrha: Yes sir!

Anima, Atlas-Mistral Command

Stood alongside a table stood Asher Thornfield, the current general of Atlas's second-in-command. With him stood the Ace-Ops, Winter, Pietro Polendina and Leonardo Lionheart.

Asher: Alright Specialists, from what the anonymous tip and our intelligence has shown us. These undisciplined brutes will be surrounding all of Anima.

Harriet: So, what are we going to then?

Asher: Defend with our lives! We'll show these brutes and animals who has control!

Clover in the meanwhile tried to turn the subject.

Clover: Do we have an idea where they're main force will be at?

Asher: Yes, these British troops will be attacking Mistral while these supposed American's will be attacking the entire north.

Clover: So, where will we be sent?

Asher: You all will be sent to Argus, Specialist Cordovin said these American infantries fought like brutes and with surveillance, she wasn't wrong. So, you will be assigned to take care of them.

Clover: Yes sir.

Asher: Good, now get moving!

The Specialists quickly rushed out the room hopping into Winter's Bullhead.


Date: 10/1/18

Time: 7:39 A.M

American Landings

Higgin boats were seen crashing against the waves as the air around everyone started to get colder.

Nebula: Always hated the cold.

Marine 1: Deal with it kid, we're marines this is our job.

Nebula: Yeah, I know!

Marine 2: And remember, you're leading us through this hell hole.

Octavia: Then we'll try our best.

Marine 5: Fuck yeah you will, I ain't getting lost here.

Argus, Atlesian Defenses

Along the shores of Argus and the Argus military base lined Paladins, Spider droid's, AK 200's, and various soldiers.

Atlas Soldier 1: I don't like this.

Atlas Soldier 2: Neither do I, but do you know where they're coming from?

Atlas Soldier 3: I think they said from boats.

Atlas Soldier 1: That's a death wish.

AS 2: Yeah.

As they were speaking an Atlas Officer shouted.

Atlas Officer: In the distance! Look!

Everyone focused up, looking over at the ocean to see hundreds of Higgin boats, 2 LST's, US destroyers, cruisers and two Dreadnoughts/Battleships approaching.

AO: It's the enemy! Open fire!

With the order hundreds of dust rounds started to fly throughout the morning sky. As the American's Higgin boats were pelted with dust rounds, some bouncing off American helmets.

Inside an American boat.

Pershing Raider's


Marine 1: Damn! Your ass got lucky!

Marine 2: Well, yeah! And here I was wanting to take pity on these Atlas dogs and not wear a helmet.

Marine 5: Yeah, well even if you didn't the captain would've scorched your ass.

Marine 2: Yeah, yeah.

Jaune: Ugh...

Pyrrha: You ok Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah, this is somehow almost as bad as my air sickness.

Marine 3: If you're going to throw up! Go over the damn side! Like hell will I be hit with damn projectile vomit.

Jaune: Yeah, I know.

Soon everyone heard a massive explosion turning their heads to see a LCVP on fire, sinking down.

Marine 1: Damn Atlas cannons!

Everyone heard the driver shout out.

LCVP Driver: 30 seconds! We are landing in 30 seconds!

Marine Captain: Heads down, guns up, focus on enemy infantry. Friendly armor has those... Paladins and Spider things.

Marine 4: And the robots?

Marine Captain: Aim for the necks and take their damn heads off.

Marines: Yes sir.

LCVP Driver: Ramp going down!

The ramp the fell down with 3 marines being cut down by tons of Atlas gunfire.

Marine 8: AGH!

Marine 9: GAH!

Marine 7: GUH!

Nora: No!

Marine Captain: Leave them! Medic stay back!

The 3 marines fell to the ground as the medic stayed behind with the rest of everyone else rushing out the boats.

MC: Move! Move! We have to clear an opening for the 1st Division and 369th Regiment!

As multiple LCVP's and LST's landed, and their ramps fell allowing tanks and infantry to rush out to either get cut down by gunfire or to rush out to hide behind massive rocks.

Pyrrha: We have to get around these mountains!

Marine 1: Then what!?

Pyrrha: Once we get around the mountains! We'll get to the wall!

Jaune: I still can't believe you're willing to attack your home!

Pyrrha: You're telling me!

MC: Lead the way!

Nora: Let's move!

As everyone rushed out of cover firing at the Atlas defenders, they arrived at the wall to see hundreds of AK's, Paladins, and Spider droids as more Bullheads arrived containing more soldiers. But one stood out.

Ren: That's Weiss's sisters.

MC: One of the spies?

Jaune: Yeah, we have to get to them quickly.

Marine 3: You're telling us.

Meanwhile with the rest of the students and marines.

Ryan: Damn! 

Ryan just barley dodged an explosion from a Spider Droid which killed off 2 marines.

Levi: Watch yourself!

Ryan looked unamused at Levi's comment.

Ryan: No shit Denton!

Levi: Just saying!

As hundreds of Americans ran through towards the towering mountains surrounding Argus, hundreds were also being cut down by the thousands of Atlas soldiers and machines.

Patton: Let's move out!

M4 Sherman's and Tiger 1's were then seen driving out an LST, with Patton's group all on top of the tanks but behind the turrets.

Patton: We have to get to that damn base!

The tanks were going at 23 MPH since that was the max speed for the Tiger 1 as the Tiger's were at the vanguard.

Patton: Go! Go!

A Spider Droid was then spotted in front of the group charging its cannon.

Tiger Driver: Spider Droid at our zwei! (two!)

The Tiger tank on the right side turned its turret facing its direction.

Tiger Gunner: Feuer! (Fire!)

The Tiger shot off an explosive round destroying the Spider Droid.

The tanks kept moving forward with the infantry gathering behind them as they kept going towards the same path where JNPR and the Pershing Raiders were currently at who were still at least a mile away from the wall but could still see the Atlas defenses.

MC: This is Captain Fish. Requesting fire support at grid 3-6-4-2.

Argus Sea

On the USS Arizona and USS South Carolina, the ships received fire orders at two locations.

Arizona Captain: This is the USS Arizona to USS South Carolina I will take 3-6-4-2, you take Grid 3-6-4-0.

South Carolina Captain: Roger that.

The battleships guns started to raise up, turning in their need directions as requested.

AC: Fire!

The Arizona then shots off all its cannons as the shells were seen flying through the air.

Atlas Soldier 1: Where is that going!?

Atlas Soldier 2: It's heading to the wall!

The Atlas soldiers watched as the shells instead of hitting the wall went past it, killing and destroying anything outside it.

2 minutes before the fire mission with the 42nd Infantry Division


MacArthur was leading his men into battle of usual until 3 Paladins appeared in front of them causing them to duck into craters or behind debris with 17 of them getting cut down.

MacArthur: Where the fuck is Patton!

42nd Soldier 1: Frag out!

The soldier threw a grenade at a Paladin to which is luckily landed inside one of it's cannons disabling it.


42ndS 1: HA! Each shit damn Atlesian!

The same Paladin the raised its other cannon firing at the same position the 42nd soldier was at. The soldier quickly jumped down as shrapnel flew over him.

42ndS 1: Damn!

Paladin Pilot: Die you damn animals!

42ndS 2: Someone call in fuckin' fire support!

MacArthur grabbed a radio contacting the battleships.

MacArthur: I need fire support at Grid 3-6-4-0 now!

USS South Carolina Captain: Roger that, going out now.

MacArthur: Fall back! Fire support is coming in!

As the 42nd Division ran, falling back the Paladins shot off its cannons killing and injuring a few soldiers before after a minute they were all hit by a huge barrage of battleship shells.


MacArthur peaked out behind the debris and rocks to see Paladin and Atlas body parts laying across the battlefield.

MacArthur: Alright men, we're clear! Let's move out!

The 42nd Infantry Division soldiers grabbed their rifles and approached MacArthur.

MacArthur: Casualties?

42ndS 3: 24 dead, 5 wounded.

MacArthur: Alright, can the wounded keep going?

42nd Medic: Yes sir.

MacArthur: Good, let's move!

82nd Infantry Division Landing

The 82nd division were currently trapped on the rocky frozen beach, under heavy Atlas fire. 

The captain of the 82nd Division's landing was injured and currently being treated by medics behind some rocks.

82nd Captain: Agh... damn. Sergeant! Take command!

82nd Sergeant Major: Yes sir! York, Woodfill, Barkley!

Alvin C. York, Samuel Woodfill, and John L. Barkley. 3 soldiers who were originally going to receive the Medal of Honor during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and the attack on Cunel, France, then approached their current commanding officer.

Trio: Yes Sergeant!

82nd SM: Go around! Try and take out that damn gunner nest!

The soldiers then ran out of cover into the contested forest.


York: You two distract them, I'll run in and get the dynamite set.

Woodfill: Got it.

Barkley: Don't die on us York.

York: You're telling me. Alright, cover me.

Woodfill: Go!

York rushed out from behind the trees as Woodfill and Barkley covered York, killing those who spotted him, as he placed and threw dynamite on anything he could get to before he ran out of dynamite.

York: Coming through!

York jumped into a hole that was near Woodfill and Barkley, the trio took cover to which York slammed down on the detonator destroying the entire defensive line.


York poked his head out of the hole to see non-exploded dust floating through the air as body parts, machine parts, and the defensive wall were scattered across the once defended shoreline.

Barkley: Damn, you did good York.

York: Y-yeah...

Woodfill: I oughta say you'd get a medal for this.

York: Maybe...

After their quick conversation, troops from the 82nd Division rushed through the hole with the Sergeant Major approaching the 3.

82nd SM: You three alright?

York: Yes sir.

82nd SM: Good, now get ready, we have to get that new defensive line up on the wind path while we send a detachment unit to the former Brunswick Farm.

Trio: Yes sir.

As the Sergeant Major said that an LST then landed on the shore unloading machine guns, armored cars, and M4 Shermans.

26th and 4th Infantry Division Landings

Atlas Soldier 1: They're landing on both sides!

Atlas Soldier 3: Captain! Where are the airships!?

Atlas Captain: I don't know!?

4th Captain: Let's show these tyrants some freedom boys!

4th Division: HOOAH!!

Solitas, Mantle

Over the skies of Mantle stood the entire Atlas air fleet.

Atlas Officer: Gods damnit! Take down those... things!

Atlas Airship Personnel 1: We can't sir! They're too fast for our guns to hit them!

AO: Then send every damn bullhead to take them down!

As the Atlas Officer said that 2 Messerschmitt's flew past them at a speed they've never seen.

AAP 2: Why are they so fast!

AO: Get me in line with the general!

All the way up in Atlas sat the current General of Atlas, the man who had now assumed unlimited power through every illegal way possible from hiring mercenaries to being given Ironwood's position considering his company was the richest company on Remnant. Jacques Schnee.

Jacques: These damn animals are messing up my entire business! I need to find a way to kill them all.


Jacques answered the call from the Atlas Officer.

Jacques: What do you want?

AO: General we-


Jacques: What is happening down there!

AO: We just lost two flagships!

Jacques: Oh, my Oum! Do you know how expensive those flagships are!

AO: You don't care about our lives!?

Jacques: Of course not, you're all replaceable!

AO: Why you!


The Atlas Flagship's Command Center that was in contact with Jacques then blew up.

Jacques: Hello!? Hello!?

Back at the dogfight

The main Atlas Flagship was shot down by a Messerschmitt's R4M Rocket's.

Eddie Rickenbacker: We have one more flagship!

As Eddie said that the UN Pilots saw multiple Bullheads start to land on Flagship.

Manfred: Nimm die Motoren! (Take the engines!)

The 10 Messerschmitt's focused on hitting on Flagships engines, using all of their weapons ranging from the MK 108 30mm Cannon, R4M Rockets and dropping SC 1000 Bomb's.

Inside the Atlas Flagship, it rocked back and forth as it kept on being bombarded by UN forces. Suddenly the entire Flagship lost its entire floatation powers after enough rockets were able to destroy the gravity dust generators.

AAP 2: We're going down!

AO: Abandon ship! Everyone out!

As the Atlas personnel were evacuating, the UN's 2nd Air Fleet was seen returning towards Vale.

Manfred: This is Richthofen, enemy air fleet is destroyed we are returning to base.

Pathfinder Command: Roger that Richthofen, return, rearm, and refuel. Once completed you and the 2nd Air Fleet are to move and assist the operation.

Manfred: Roger.

Back down to the 26th and 4th.

As the dogfight over Mantle was coming to an end, so was the fight for the 26th and 4th Infantry Division, the tight corridor a part of Anima provided the best Pincer Movement possible.

The Atlas forces were now stuck behind a few concrete barriers and that was it.

4th Soldier 1: Put your hands up and throw your guns to us!

26th Soldier 3: I suggest you listen to him! Or you all die!

As they said that a bunch of dust powered rifles, pistols, and other Atlesian weapons were thrown to their feet.

4th Captain: Alright, come out with your hands up.

As they said that a group of only 12 soldiers came out, what surprised the soldiers the most was that they saw 4 kids in the group.

26th Captain: Uh, Townley.

The 4th Division Captain, Jack Townley looked at his fellow Captain.

Townley: Yeah, I see it. You 4 kids, come here.

The 4 then slowly approached them.

??? 1: Y-yes sir...

Townley: Why the hell you here?

??? 2: T-the council is f-forcing us here...

Townley: Hm, names?

Flynt: F-Flynt, and th-this is Neon, Kobalt, and Ivori.

Then a 26th soldier turned to a 4th.

26thS 2: No seriously why is everyone's name related to some fucking color?

4thS 4: You're asking me you damn Yankee?

26thS 2: Says you, fucking poison Ivy!

(A/N) If anyone doesn't get it, the 26th Infantry Division was called the Yankee Division while the 4th is called the Ivy Division.

4thS 4: Don't make me stick a damn knife down your throat Yankee!

26thS 2: Bring it!


The two soldiers where then smacked in the head by their Lieutenant's.

26th/4th Lieutenant: Shut the fuck up!

The two soldiers then apologized as the 26th's Captain contacted Pathfinder as the 4th's Captain checked off the 12 soldiers making sure they have no other weapons.

26th Captain: This is Captain Kip to Pathfinder Command, mission complete. Requesting to return prisoners and assist the 82nd.

Pathfinder Command: Confirmed, return prisoners to the friendly shoreline and move to secure a defensive line with the 82nd Infantry.

26th Captain: Roger.

The 26th's Captain then issued off new orders.

Brunswick Farm (Formerly), Atlas Side Base

Currently a massive assault on the formerly known Brunswick Farm turned Atlas base, was being made by MacArthur's division, the 42nd Infantry Division with the 164th Infantry Battalion from the 82nd Infantry Division.

MacArthur: Get the fucking dynamite set!

Within the entire planning month, Atlas had turned key points into Atlas bases and strongholds, building garrisons and walls.

MacArthur and a group of soldiers were now against the wall while other soldiers were under fire from Atlas soldiers on the wall.

MacArthur: Dynamite set!?

42nd Soldier 1: Set! Get back!

Everyone jumped back from the armored door as the soldier pressed down on the detonator blowing the door off its hinges at more Atlas soldiers rushed to the former armored door.

MacArthur: Move!

MacArthur led the UN charge into the stronghold using his classic Colt Single Action Army Revolver.

York: You heard the General!

MacArthur walked into the stronghold blasting lead shots into the head of soldiers that tried to rush at him, with fellow UN/American soldiers coming out from behind him killing other Atlas soldiers.

Meanwhile inside the main building

Asher: I need an exit! I need to get out of here!

A loud explosion was then heard at the wall closest to the main building. Out from the wall rolled the UN's 1st Armored Division with the selected troops a part of Patton's group hopping off.

Patton: Find that commander! We're not leaving without him alive!

Everyone: Ja Kommandant!/Yes Commander!/Oui Commandant!/Evet komutanım!

The group of 9 soldiers had split up.

Adrian: We have friendly forces here! Check fire!

Roosevelt Jr. and Eisenhower ran into the main building.

Roosevelt: We found one of our spies!

Pietro: Good, you're here! Asher is trying to escape through an underground tunnel leading to the capital!

Eisenhower: Where is it!?

Pietro: In the cellar! They've been digging the entire month after clearing the Apathy Grimm!

Francis Pegahmagabow who heard the conversation quickly rushed towards the cellar doors.

Francis: I got it!

Mustafa: I got your back!

Francis slung his rifle onto his back before pulling the cellar doors open.

Soon loud howling was heard near the stronghold.

164th Soldier 1: GRIMM!!!!

MacArthur: 164th protect the doors! Everyone inside!

MacArthur rushed to the broken-down door as 42nd and 164th soldiers rushed inside as the 42nd Division kept killing Atlas soldiers and the 164th Regiment stopped Grimm front entering from the busted door with gunfire and bayonets alongside MacArthur who led the defense with his revolver. Meanwhile the tanks stopped Grimm from entering the massive hole they made.

Francis and Mustafa entered the cellar to see a long corridor with torches along the walls with Asher in the far distance.

Francis: I got a shot on him!

Mustafa: Get the legs!

Francis looked down his rifle firing 2 shots at Asher, piercing both his legs making him collapse to the ground. The two soldiers then heard a loud shout and groan.

Francis: Call it in, I'll get him!

Francis ran down the tunnel as Mustafa grabbed his radio.

 Mustafa: This is Atatürk, we have the target.

Pathfinder Command: Roger that, return the prisoner to cleared landings for evacuation.

Mustafa: Roger that.

Mustafa then quickly ran out the cellar to report to Patton.

Mustafa: Commander, sir!

Patton: What is it Atatürk?

Mustafa: We have captured the commander!

Patton: Good! We need to wrap it up here and help with the Argus battle now!

Meanwhile in Argus

Debris, bullet casings, and bodies littered the streets of Argus as soldiers of Atlas and the UN ran through the streets shooting at each other.

Ryan: Move! Move! Take down the tyranny's pets!

Atlas Officer: Kill these damn animals!


The officer then fell to the ground with a now missing eye.

Blake M: Eat shit damn Atlesian!

Ryan: We have to find our spies!

As Ryan led the main UN/US force, Pyrrha and the rest of JNPR was leading the Pershing Raiders down an alleyway which led to the Atlas/Argus Base.

Marine 1: We close?

Pyrrha: Yeah, do you guys have the dynamite?

Marine Captain: Check, you know the job.

Nora: Blowing up the bridge!

Jaune: Why are we doing this again?

Marine 2: Cuts them off from escaping and reinforcements.

Jaune: Ah.


Marine Captain: Dynamite set.

Nora: Blow now!?

Marine Captain: Hit it.

Nora the pushed the detonator down blowing up the bridge as more Infantry, Paladins and Spider Droids were trying to get to the city.


Nora: YEAH!!

The Marine Captain the grabbed his radio.

Marine: This is Captain Fish, enemy bridge destroyed. Requesting fire support at... Grid 3-5-9-9.

USS Arizona Captain: Roger that Fish, sending fire support now.

As the Marine Captain had a little smile om his face he noticed the Argus base started to move.

Fish: The hell?

Pyrrha: Oh no...

Marine 1: What is it Nikos?

Pyrrha: That's the Colossus!

Marine 2: What are you-

Everyone then saw the Colossus fully emerge with its legs and arms now being shown before it jumped into the water.

Marine 2: Shit!

Fish: This is Captain Fish to the USS Arizona!

USS AC: Yes Fish?

Fish: You have an enemy Colossus enroute to your position!

USS AC: What are you-


The Arizona's Captain then looked towards the explosion to see a cruiser now sinking after a massive hole was seen in the hull.

USS AC: What the fuck!

The captain looked to where it came from to see the Colossus approaching.

USS AC: Damnit! I want every gun on this battleship fired now!

After that order all of the USS Arizona's gun then trained on the Colossus as the USS South Carolina aimed its available guns at the Colossus with more destroyers and cruisers moving to hit it at different angles.


With that order the clear sky was lit up was explosions as the air was filled with booms as the Colossus blocked most of the shells with the Hard-Light shield before it broke.

Cordovin: What the!?

USS South Carolina Captain: Fire at the legs! We're going to drown this damn thing!

Soon the USS South Carolina fired at the Colossus destroying a leg.

Cordovin: NO!!

With one more shout from Cordovin, the Colossus was hit with tons of shells as the destroyers and cruisers fired on her dismantling the Colossus entirely.

Cordovin: DAMN YOU DOGS!!

After one final shout the Colossus started to fall over down into the water.

USS SCC: Colossus down.

Meanwhile on the Arizona, the guns then started to focus on the former Argus base.

USS AC: Coordinates set?

Sailor 1: Yes sir.

USS AC: Cannons loaded?

Sailor 2: Aye captain.

USS AC: Good. Fire!

The Arizona the fired off its cannons once again this time, aimed at the Argus base demolishing it entirely.

Meanwhile at an Atlas outpost news from the Argus base was cut off.

Clover: What happened!

Atlas Officer: All communications from the Argus base has been cut off! We can't get a hold!

Harriet: Then find a way!

Atlas Soldier 1: Incoming! 

Atlas Soldier 2: Get down!

The outpost was then under heavy machine gun fire with multiple officers and soldiers being cut down.

Harriet: What the fuck!

Matthew: FLASH!

Winter: Thunder! Thunder!

Matthew: We got friendlies!

Clover: Friendlies!?

Clover, Vine, and Harriet looked at the group of 3 who went missing previously.

Harriet: You're working with them!

Marrow: It's for the greater good!

Just before Harriet could launch herself at the three, she was then shot in the leg.

Harriet: AGH!

Marine 1: I got her!

The marine then grabbed Aura cancelling cuffs, courtesy of Ozpin, placing them on Harriet.

Harriet: Let me go!

Clover tried to grab his weapon with it only the be brutally destroyed by a trench gun.

Yang: Not so fast pretty boy!

Clover: What in the!

The 3 remaining Ace-Ops were tackled by marines with their them being place in hands cuffs.

Weiss: Sister!

Winter: Weiss!

Ryan then approached Winter before Weiss could.

Ryan: Nice to see you weren't caught Schnee.

Winter: Of course, Colonel!

Ryan: Please don't call me that, its temporary. Either way, good job, within a few minutes our part of the operation should be done.

Elm: Already?

Ryan: Heard the 1st Division had little resistance after our massive landing.

Marrow: Makes sense, so I assume the rest of the landings are done?

Daniel: Right, while the 26th and 4th were able to quickly dispatch the soldiers on that small island piece or whatever it is.

Marrow: And the 42nd and 82nd?

Ryan: Thornfield has been captured, alongside the Atlas Fleet being destroyed.

Clover: Wait what!?

Levi: Damn right!

Winter: What about Sieg's landings?

Weiss: 'Wait, are they on first name basis?'

Ryan: Admiral Anfangs landings from what I've heard are going well.

Meanwhile with the Germans.



And that was the American landings! Sorry I haven't been posting often, I've been getting ready to move, to do expect delays for chapters after I do move. But don't worry I will be back to writing ASAP! Sorry, if I made any mistakes I didn't go over it since I'm busy. Also, the poll to which I post new stories is ending soon on the COD story, so vote! Anyways, always remember!


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