For A Thousand Years I Taekook

By vanteberry6

3.3K 194 34

Jeon Jeongguk, Head Alpha of the Mystique Pack, had been desperately waiting for his fated mate for 14 years... More

For A Thousand Years

3.3K 194 34
By vanteberry6

Note: Ignore the mistakes. Any pictures used in the fiction are not mine. Credit to their respective owners. This work is entirely mine and any resemblance to any other work is pure coincidence. Kindly do not copy the work. Happy reading.

Jeongguk kneeled on the floor and bowed his head as he offered the tray of moonflowers to the deity. He was going through his daily routine of visiting the centuries-old moon goddess shrine in the heart of the forest. Jeongguk had been an ardent devotee of the goddess since he was a toddler. Little Jeongguk was always at the front, listening to his grandma with huge doe eyes full of fascination whenever she told tales about the goddess's bravery and compassion to the pack children. His devotion became deeper as he grew older. Even now, at the age of 32, being the head alpha of the Mystique pack, Jeongguk still visits the shrine every day, presenting different kinds of offerings as a way to show his gratitude to the goddess for protecting him and his pack and for giving them every little prosperity in their lives. 

The Mystique pack had always been under the blessing of the moon goddess, or the land of the moon, as the other packs would describe it. From huge mountains to green valleys, from fertile soil to abundant sources of water, from summer to winter, their land had everything, almost as if the Moon goddess had a special spot for their land. Jeongguk felt grateful for being born here and for having a thriving pack with wonderful pack members. He had everything in his life except for his fated mate. 

He has been waiting for his true mate since the age of 18. He has witnessed each and every one of his friends and family members finding their destined one and starting a beautiful family with them. He wanted that too. It has been 14 years now, but he has not given up. His loved ones advised him to move on and find a suitable mate for himself among the omegas available. But Jeongguk was adamant about his decision. If he would mate anyone, then that would only be his true mate. He trusts the moon goddess with his life. Till now, he has always felt an invisible shield of the goddess around him. He is sure that the goddess will definitely bless him with the best mate out there. Maybe he was just being tested about his devotion. He'll prove to the goddess that nothing can sway him. He is one hundred percent devoted to the goddess and his mate.

Jeongguk opens his eyes as he finishes his chant and bows once again, standing up. Today was a relatively free day for him. So he thought that maybe he should take a stroll through the pack grounds. Nodding to himself, he fixes his robe as he sets out towards the pack. The street was as alive as ever. He saw the people flocking through the array of shops, giggling pups running around the central garden, a few couples here and there exchanging lovey-dovey gestures, a bunch of omegas whispering and gossiping and laughing out loudly, and alphas training in the pack grounds. He stops when he sees an alpha, tucking a hairpin in his omega's hair. The omega blushes oh so sweetly, turning back to look at her alpha shyly. Jeongguk feels a strange kind of ache in his heart. He tries to be strong and patient for his mate, but at times he just longs for this. He wanted to love his mate like that too; he wanted to buy things for his mate; he wanted his mate to blush as they met their gazes; he wanted to hold his mate's hand; they'd take a stroll like this; he wanted to have a lot of pups too. He doesn't know what the moon goddess has in mind for him, but he just hopes the deity will be kind enough to save him from this longing.

"Alphaa..." a small soft voice jolts him out of his reverie, and he turns to find Junghyun, his friend Yoongi's 5-year-old pup, running towards him. He catches him with a wide smile, lifting the giggling pup in his arms. 

"Oh my, look who's here, my favourite pup Hyunie," Jeongguk coos, nuzzling the little omega's chubby cheeks. The pup giggles more, wrapping his hands around the alpha's neck for support. "Hyunie missed Alpha," he says, his big, round eyes twinkling with innocence. 

"Is that so? Alpha missed you too, pup. Where are your parents?" Jeongguk says softly, walking towards the main pack house. 

"We're here," he hears, and Jeongguk meets Yoongi and Jimin's gaze. The alpha and omega seemed to have gone on a small shopping spree, their hands filled with different bags. 

"Hyunie, you're a big boy now; get down, pup," Jimin reprimands softly. Junghyun pouts before wiggling in the alpha's hold, slowly getting down. He joins the omega, who transfers the bags into one hand and holds the pup's hand with the other. Yoongi joins Jeongguk, and they walk behind the omega, and the pup just a few steps behind.

"Are you returning from the shrine alpha?" Yoongi inquires, his eyes never leaving his mate and pup. Jeongguk nods, nodding to the familiar faces he sees as they walk.

"I hope the goddess listens to your prayers soon," Yoongi says softly, now looking at the alpha. Jeongguk gives him a soft smile, his eyes darting to Junghyun. Yoongi notices the look of longing in the alpha's gaze. 

"You don't need to do this anymore, Alpha; you have waited for so long. How much more time will you wait? The good days of your youth are going to waste like this; why don't you try to find a suitable mate?" Jeongguk sighs, shaking his head. 

"No, Yoongi, I can't do that. I know my mate is out there somewhere; it's okay even if I meet him on my deathbed, but I don't want anybody else."

 "What about your pups alpha? I know how much you want one." "I'll have pups when I meet my true mate; I can't be with anyone else, Yoongi; my wolf won't be at peace."

"I know there is no use in arguing with you; I am just worried about my friend," Yoongi mumbles dejectedly. Jeongguk smiles, patting Yoongi's shoulder in reassurance. "Don't worry, I am sure the Moon Goddess won't let me down," he says with a smile.

Jeongguk looked at the moon from his window; it was a full moon night. He doesn't know why his heart was a bit unsteady; he felt a kind of uneasiness overall. He tries to sleep, but he isn't able to. After turning on his sides and trying to sleep for a few hours, he gives up as he gets up from the bed. He changes his clothes and gets out of the house, walking towards the shrine. Maybe he can find a bit of peace if he meditates there for some time, he thinks as walks through the dark forest. Just as he was nearing the shrine, Jeongguk could suddenly hear low growls. He paused in his steps, the feeling of impending danger alerting his body. He pauses his steps, his breathing getting heavy as he hears the rustling sound of leaves. He gulps slightly, turning back. There was a group of rogue wolves gazing at him with predatory eyes. Jeongguk doesn't know how many there were, but he was sure it would be at least more than 10 wolves. He had forgotten to take his sword with him. He held his breath as the rogues rounded him. This was a very bad idea! He curses before quickly shifting to his wolf.

 Instead of the alpha, now stood the majestic black wolf, with silky black fur and hot red eyes. He bared his teeth as the rogues dashed forward, attacking him all at once. Jeongguk wasn't some weak alpha; he's a well-trained and strong warrior with years of practise and experience. But he was simply outnumbered and was at a high disadvantage as he didn't possess any weapons at all. Still, he tries his best as he tears apart two of the rogues with his claws. He was already wounded all over when he took down the sixth wolf, getting pale and haggard. But then he was pinned down to the ground as a huge wolf clawed at his stomach, tearing the flesh apart. The forest echoed with the alpha's loud wails as blood gushed down from his body and the beating of his heart slowed down gradually. He feels the final fight leave his body as he feels the rogue wolf digging its claws into his heart. Jeongguk slowly closes his eyes as he feels his end is near, mind clouding with the pain of not getting to meet his mate. A single tear rolls down the alpha's bruised cheek. Jeongguk doesn't know what happens after, his mind hazy and body paralysed with broken bones. 

He constantly falls in and out of consciousness. At some point, he sees a sparkling blue light through his blurred vision; he can make out the figure of someone in the middle of the light. It felt as if all that shine was coming from that same figure. Jeongguk tries to stay conscious, trying to make sense of what he is seeing, but then he feels a very warm touch over his face, as soft as a feather and as delicate as a petal. Jeongguk feels a surge of life through his body; it feels like his bones are joining back together and flesh is threading together, like the body is rejuvenating itself, but he wasn't able to stay awake as he finally passed out in exhaustion. 

The alpha squinted his eyes, slowly opening them. He was met with the familiar sight of his bedroom. For a minute, he just stares at the ceiling, trying to get his mind functioning again. Flashbacks of the night came to his mind: the rogues, his wounds, getting fatally wounded, and lying almost dead in the middle of the forest. He slowly tries to get up, ready to feel the gut-wrenching pain, but he feels nothing. He gets up slowly and looks at his body. It was as healthy as ever, not even a mark of the previous wounds. Jeongguk was baffled as he completely got up, going to stand in front of the mirror. He looked completely fine, as fresh as he was yesterday. Was it all a dream, then? He couldn't understand. He rakes his fingers through his hair frustratedly when Yoongi opens the door and comes in.

" Oh? You up? How are you feeling now?" The alpha asks worriedly, placing the bowl of fruits in his hand on the table.

"What happened to me?" Jeongguk asks impatiently

"You were found unconscious at the shrine of the moon goddess this morning. I thought you might have fallen unconscious because of exhaustion, so I carried you back here. Is everything alright?" Yoongi asks concerned.

Jeongguk looks at him like he saw a ghost. So it wasn't a dream. He did go out at midnight, and he was sure he was attacked and was about to die. He didn't even reach the shrine; then how? Jeongguk tries to think hard, but his mind goes haywire. He suddenly gets glimpses of that blue light and a silhouette in his mind. Jeongguk's eyes widen as he remembers it—the warm and delicate touch. Was that even real, or is he hallucinating this entire thing? But even if the vision is blurred, he has a clear memory of it—of that feeling of rejuvenation he felt. What was that? Who was that? Jeongguk thought as he looked at himself in the mirror again.

He visits the shrine again the next day for his usual routine. He closes his eyes as he prays to the moon goddess. "Oh, my moon goddess, please free me from the chaos of my mind. I don't know what happened, but my mind has been very disturbed since that night. I feel like I was hallucinating everything, but at the same time, all of it felt so real that I just don't know what to do. My soul has been restless ever since, and I can't focus on anything. Please help me find the truth," he prays silently, bowing his head against the floor. He suddenly feels a slow breeze, leaving a kind of tingling sensation over his body. He feels as if someone is staring at him, his heart beating at an unsteady pace. He raises his head quickly, scanning his surroundings. There was no one. It was absolute silence. But Jeongguk swears he could feel another presence; he could feel the very same restlessness that he experienced that night. He gets up, moving around and scanning each and every corner of the shrine. There was no one. Then why was he having this weird feeling? Something is just not right, of which Jeongguk is now sure. His gut feeling never failed him, and his gut says that what he saw that night—that silhoeutte, that presence—is here with him at the very same moment, and Jeongguk will definitely get to the bottom of this. He promises himself.

Over the course of the next few days, Jeongguk visits the place where he got attacked and the shrine repeatedly, trying to find any clues, but he isn't able to get any. But he did feel the same presence at some points, which he could recognise now by his heart's increased pace whenever that presence was near. He kept praying to the mood goddess to somehow help him out, but it seems like this time even the goddess was not in favour of him. After three weeks of desperate attempts to learn about what had actually happened, the alpha gives up as he plops down at the top of the cliff. He'll go crazy at this point because, first of all, even he himself doesn't know what he's actually searching for. Jeongguk sighs dejectedly, throwing a pebble down to the river. But then a very intrusive thought came to his mind as he got up and stared down at the turbulent river flowing down the cliff. 

This area of the river was very deep and often so turbulent that it was actually prohibited to enter the river in this part. It's highly likely that the person may drown even if he knows how to swim. Jeongguk gulps thinking about it. This is such a reckless and stupid thing to do. This can be the most useless and pathetic way a person can die, but he was desperate, almost crazy, so he closed his eyes as he took a deep breath before jumping down from the tall cliff straight to the violent river. He hits the river with full force, the water filling his airways. It was flowing so wildly that he couldn't flap his hands or legs. He waits for something to happen, but nothing happens. Okay, guess he indeed fucked up! The alpha thinks as he struggles to get to the surface, but he is washed down by the strong water, trapping him in its evil clutches. Soon the alpha's jerking stops as he slowly falls unconscious.

The alpha violently coughs out water as he slowly opens his eyes. It was still dark when he saw the starry night sky. But then he sees a figure hovering over him. Jeongguk blinks his eyes, trying to remove the water from his eyes, and his vision clears slowly to reveal an extremely beautiful man with long black hair. Jeongguk just stares for a moment, breathing entirely out of his lungs as he takes in the person in front of him. The guy's lips were in an almost pout, and his eyebrows were furrowed as he glared at Jeongguk. Jeongguk tried to form some words, but he wasn't able to utter a single thing because in front of him stood someone so beautiful for a moment Jeongguk thinks he actually died and reached the heaven because the person in front of him doesn't look human at all; his beauty was heavenly. The beautiful guy huffs before getting up angrily and turning to walk away. It was only then that Jeongguk realised the situation. He quickly scrambles up, going after the raven head.

"Wait, you came? It's you, right? You saved me that day also, from the rogues; I am not hallucinating; you are indeed real," he rambles out anxiously, staring at the guy's long, midnight black hair. He hears the guy taking a deep breath as he turns around, facing Jeongguk. Suddenly the place was illuminated as a bright blue light shined around the pretty guy. Jeongguk's eye widens as he gasps, seeing a silver halo appear over the ravenette's head, ocean blue eyes staring back at him like he was peering at his soul. The guy's normal clothes were replaced by a pure white, intricately woven robe; a sparkling pendant dangles around his neck; and a silver hair crown is now resting over his head. The figure now eerily reminds him of the deity in the shrine, and he feels his body becoming numb as he realises

"G...Goddess.. of the M..Moon " he stutters out, stupefied, and at the same time his inner alpha howls, "MATE..."

Is this what people mean when they say they're feeling euphoric? Jeongguk wondered as he stared at the celestial beauty in front of him. So all this while, the Moon Goddess, the Luna was his mate? Jeongguk's face breaks into a wide smile as his eyes shine with tears, his inner alpha howling in pure bliss. He immediately kneels on the ground, head bowed. "My Luna! I cannot believe this. You are my mate? What kind of good deed did I ever do to deserve you as my mate?" The alpha mumbles in absolute awe, the scent of sandalwood filling the air.

"I am really upset with you now, Alpha! What were you thinking when you jumped off the cliff? Do you realise how stupid that was? The Luna retorts angrily, his eyes glowing an intense blue. Jeongguk raises his head and meets his mate's gaze, flinching a bit at the intense aura radiating from the Luna.

"I..I apologise, my Luna; that was the only way I could meet you; I was going crazy," he whispers apologetically. The Luna huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stupid, get up now," he mumbles sulkily. Jeongguk quickly stands up, peering at the goddess like a kicked puppy. The luna turns away, not wanting to give into that puppy face.

"We can't be mates, Alpha Jeongguk; I want you to find a suitable omega for yourself and live with him or her happily," he says after a while. And Jeongguk feels his heart dropping to his stomach. " What? But why my Luna?" he asks, his voice shaky. The Moon goddess meets his gaze for a few seconds before he sighs dejectedly, turning around to face the river.

"We simply can't. I don't know why the Almighty did this to you or to us. This is some sort of cruel blessing that he gave you. I can't stay in this realm with you, Alpha; I am not meant to be here, so I cannot be with you forever. You're a mortal being, and I am a celestial being; we absolutely cannot be together."

"Then why did the Almighty choose us as mates? He never does things without a reason, right? Maybe we're meant to be. It's okay; you don't have to stay with me for 24 hours. I'll be happy even if we meet once in a while like this," Jeongguk responds with an edge of desperation in his voice.

"No, alpha, we cannot. I can't even give you your pups; I have taken a vow of celibacy, so neither can I marry you nor be intimate with you. We cannot even share a kiss because I have to remain chaste. Becoming intimate with a mortal taints us, and if you do so, you'll be cursed in every birth. Don't do that to yourself, my dear alpha; you deserve to live a life of happiness, and unfortunately, with me, you won't be able to achieve that," The Luna says with a sad smile.

Jeongguk didn't know how to respond to that. He feels his heart breaking into little pieces; even breathing is becoming difficult. Why was he given such a fate by the Almighty? He looked absolutely torn as his legs gave up, making him land on the soft grass. The Luna's eyes soften as he takes in his mate's devastated form. He takes soft and gentle steps towards the alpha and crouches down in front of him.

"My dearest alpha, I have protected and taken care of you since you were a little bean. You deserve every little bit of happiness, my love. That's why I am requesting you, Go and find your happiness, alpha; I'll protect you from the skies as I have done until now." He keeps his index finger under the sniffling alpha's chin, slowly raising his head to meet his gaze.

"And absolutely refrain from doing stupid adventures like this, alright? You'll always be special to me and will always have my blessing." He finishes softly, fond eyes, memorising his mate's every little feature. His heart breaks a little when the alpha looks at him with teary eyes. He clenches his jaw slowly, standing up. "Take care, my dear alpha," he whispers before disappearing into thin air.

Jeongguk was completely heartbroken after that night. He even stopped visiting the shrine to avoid feeling more hurt. After years of waiting for his mate and finally getting him, all his dreams were shattered just like that. This was so unfair of the almighty, whom he worshipped just like the Luna. Was this how he was rewarded for being a faithful devotee? Jeongguk scoffs bitterly. He was distracted most of the time, not being able to focus on work or anything at all. Yoongi and Jimin were so concerned about the alpha's changed behaviour. They had tried to make him share his worries, but he didn't say a single word. It's not like anybody will believe that anyway. They'll probably think he has finally gone crazy without getting a mate if he says the moon goddess was his mate. Each and every passing day was getting more torturous, his inner alpha wailing in distress at being away from their mate. 

He had enough one day, and he made a final decision as he set out towards the shrine on a full moon night. He reaches the shrine, coming face-to-face with the deity. The deity looked exactly like the goddess, and Jeongguk wondered if the sculptor of the statue had actually seen the luna. He kneels down, keeping his hands over his thighs. He knows Luna is there, watching him, but he won't come out. And he doesn't know how to lure him out either. Fuck it! He curses before cutting his palm with a dagger, blood oozing out of the wound and dripping to the floor. He kept his head lowered, waiting for the celestial being. A loud thunderbolt bolts across the sky as dark grey clouds cover the moon, the moonlight diminishing. When Jeongguk felt a shiver run down his spine, he slowly raised his head and witnessed an absolutely livid Luna. The luna's blue eyes dart to the wound in his palm, focusing on it for a few seconds, and Jeongguk sees the wound heal itself.

"You empty-headed moron, what do you think you're doing? I told you to stop doing such things, right?" The Luna seethes, jaws trembling with anger. Somehow Jeongguk was not scared this time; it was his mate after all. "What can I do if you only come when I get hurt?" he mumbles pettily, not meeting the Luna's eyes. The celestial being scoffs in disbelief. "I told you not to come after me again, didn't I? Then why were you trying to meet me in the first place?" He deadpans.

"I have decided," Jeongguk proceeds to say with utmost confidence. The Luna furrows his brows in confusion. " What?"

"I have decided that I don't want anyone else; I choose to be your mate still," he finishes, his determined eyes looking back at the goddess. "Alpha, are you hearing what you're saying?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yes, I have thought a lot these days. It's okay if I don't get to marry you; it's okay even if we can't have pups; it's okay even if I can't kiss you; but I still want you as my mate. I have worshipped you ever since I remember my Luna; now I understand why I have always felt that connection with you," he pauses, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "You don't know how much at peace my heart is now; after days of restlessness, the chaos in my mind has calmed down just by being with you. I believe in the almighty; if he gifted me with you, then you are the one for me. Even your presence is more than enough to satisfy my entire existence, my Luna, so please, I beg you, do not leave me," he says in a trembling voice, his eyes tearing up involuntarily. The goddess was silent, his heart breaking at his mate's pleading eyes.

"That's not right, Alpha. It's not that I don't want you as my mate; I yearn for you too, but I can't be selfish and give you a life like that. I am destined to be alone like this, but not you; you have the chance to build a family and live a happy life, so don't lose it; you'll regret that later." The Luna croaks out, and Jeongguk is surprised to see the vulnerability on the powerful being's face. He stands up, coming to stand right in front of his mate.

"Do not burden yourself like that, my Luna; it's my choice to be with you; whatever happens after this is purely my fault, and I am ready to face any consequences if I get to be with you. I have been a loyal devotee of yours till now, and I want to spend my entire life being the same. If not your mate, I'll at least be your worshipper till my last breath. Please allow me for that, my Luna." The alpha pleads, and the goddess looks back at him tenderly. How can he ever say no to those eyes, those eyes he has loved all these years? He wipes his tears, his hands going to his pocket, and he takes out a blue amulet.

"Take this; this will protect you, and when you want to see me, just rub on the stone three times and I'll reach you," the Luna says, extending the amulet. Jeongguk smiles immediately, taking it in. "Thank you, my Luna, thank you so much," he shouts out happily, wiping his tears. He sees Luna's lips stretch into a unique box-shaped smile as he shakes his head. Wow! This was the first time he had seen him smile, and it was just so pretty. The Luna turns around, ready to disappear, when Jeongguk holds the tip of his sleeves.

"Are you going? Don't go; let's talk some more," he blurts out quickly. The Luna snorts before turning around. "We'll talk later; go and sleep now, you stupid alpha; I also need to sleep," he says amused, pushing the alpha towards the exit.

" But..." Jeongguk protests, but Luna vanished in the next second. Jeongguk sighs, annoyed, but then he sees the amulet. "It's alright; at least I can see him again now," he whispers to himself, smiling wide.

Jeongguk keeps the basket of moonflowers beside him as he leans back against the tree, taking the amulet out of his pocket. He rubs it three times and waits patiently for his celestial mate. He hears a shuffling sound from his side and sees him settle down beside him. This was the fourth time in two weeks that he had met the Luna, and Jeongguk had never been happier. In fact, he was glowing these days. Yoongi and Jimin were yet again surprised and confused to see the sudden mood change of the alpha, but Jeongguk still kept this a secret. He doesn't want any complications between him and his mate, so he was absolutely careful when it came to their relationship. He showers the moonflowers over his mate, who giggles at the action.

"Stop it, Alpha; what are you doing?" he whines.

"I am worshipping my deity," Jeongguk replies with a grin, leaning down and placing his head on his mate's lap. The luna snorts, carding his fingers through the alpah's silky curls. The alpha held his other hand in his, playing with the rings on his finger. "Well, I am here as your mate, not your deity, so no need to worship me," he says softly, his eyes moving across his mate's face. "Even if you weren't the moon goddess, I would've still worshipped you, my love." The alpha speaks in a low, deep voice, and he likes the deep red coating on the Luna's face. It felt good to know that only he had the power to make his mate blush like that.

"You're so hopeless," the goddess retorts back with a pouty face. Jeongguk winks, his thumb grazing his mate's knuckles. "Tell me more about yourself," he proceeds to say, and the goddess appears to be in thought for a while.

"Well, my actual name is Taehyung, the name the almighty gave me. It was the humans who gave me the name Luna." Jeongguk nods in agreement. "I think I know that; I vaguely remember my grandmother saying that. It's a pretty name for a pretty being," he adds at the end, earning a pinch from Taehyung. "Stop saying things like that; I am shy," he mumbles, patting his cheeks. Jeongguk chuckles, rubbing his cheeks over Taehyung's palm. "So you have always been the moon goddess, or does your role change?" the alpha then asks curiously. Taehyung traces the alpha's face with his fingers as he responds, "Well, yes, we do change our roles. I have been the goddess of the moon for about 10 centuries now, and I'll probably be for another 20 centuries." Jeongguk chokes at that. "10 centuries? Wow, you're really old, but you don't look more than 25."

"We don't have age alpha; we are ageless and immortal," he says, amused. Jeongguk nods before he suddenly cocks his brows in wonder. "Wait, so that story I heard about the god of demons being infatuated with you, was that true? Jeongguk asks, suddenly getting up from Taehyung's lap and staring at him with questioning eyes.

"Ah, that imbecile! Yes, he tried to seduce me. Can't take no for an answer. He pesters me even now." Jeongguk's eyes glow a burning red as he glares at nothing in particular. "Is there any way I can kill him?" he asks in all seriousness, but the goddess couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. "You're so adorable; do you know that, my alpha?" he opts to respond instead, cooing internally. "You don't have to worry though; he's all bark and no bite; I have been handling it pretty well for the last centuries," he says, pinching the alpha's cheeks before placing the alpha's head again on his lap. Jeongguk resists before relaxing once again, pressing his face onto his mate's stomach. "You know, Yoongi and Jimin think I am doing some black magic."

" What?" Taehyung asks in surprise. "They know I sneak out at night, and they think I have sold my soul to the devil or something." Jeongguk rolls his eyes, but it earns a melodious giggle from his mate, which was so soothing to his ears that he wanted to make him giggle again. "Oh my goodness! Is it true, though? Did you actually sell your soul to the devil? I thought you were jealous of him," Taehyung says, wiggling his eyebrows. Jeongguk scoffs, tickling the omega's waist, "No, I have already sold my everything to a certain god." Taehyung wiggles in the alpha's hold, laughing out loudly, the alpha tackling him to the ground and torturing him with more tickles.

When Jeongguk saw his mate a few days later, he was puzzled to see him sobbing near the shore. The alpha rushes towards him and plops down, keeping the fruit basket he brought beside them. "My love, what happened? Why are you crying?" Jeongguk asks worriedly, his hands cupping Luna's cheeks. Taehyung sobs more, fresh tears rolling down his soft cheeks. "Tae, you're making me worry; what is it?" he asks again, impatiently. The goddess sniffles silently. " I..I saw you playing with the pups today," he croaks out.

"What is wrong with that?" Jeongguk asks confused. " I..I felt sad; you will be a very good father, but because of me, won't have your own pups. I felt so disappointed in myself. I wish I could give you a pup," the goddess sobs, small fists crumpling the alpha's robes. Jeongguk's gaze softens at that as he wipes his mate's tears.

"Love, don't blame yourself like that. It was my choice, right? I could have had pups of my own, but I chose not to. So it's never your fault. I do love pups, but trust me, being with you makes me happier," he says gently. "And if I have that much of a desire to be a father, I can simply adopt any of the orphan pups in our pack. So don't burden yourself with such thoughts, alright?" He asks, and Taehyung pouts, wiping his tears, and gives a tiny nod. "Now, stop being sad; look, I brought some fresh fruits for us; come on," he says excitedly, pulling the other towards him so that Taehyung was leaning against his chest, with the alpha placing his chin on his mate's shoulder.

Taehyung hesitantly took an apple before biting into it softly. He then notices Jeongguk nuzzling his cheeks over his exposed shoulder, lightly swaying them. "Aren't you going to eat?" he asks, turning slightly to look at the alpha. Jeongguk stares at him for a moment before biting on to the apple in Taehyung's hand, the same place where he had taken a bite. Taehyung gulps, suddenly feeling really hot in the intimate position they were in. He struggles to meet the alpha's eyes, too flustered. Jeongguk grazes the back of his palm across the omega's cheeks, feeling the soft skin.

"Do you know what I find more difficult to tolerate than not being able to have pups?" He finds himself asking, and his mate looks at him with those round, sparkly eyes, filled with curiosity. "It's the urge to kiss you, the temptation to taste your lips, and I really think the almighty is actually testing my desires, because on one side he gives me the most beautiful and irresistible person I have ever seen as my mate, and on the other side he forbids me from having a taste of my mate's lips. I wonder if he's really enjoying putting me through this hell," he chuckles bitterly. Taehyung drops the apple before turning around completely, wrapping his hands around the alpha and snuggling against his chest. Jeongguk embraces him back, one hand holding the back of his head while the other holds his small waist. "I am sorry, alpha," Taehyung whispers in a low voice, muffled over his chest. "Why are you apologising, love? It's the almighty who is playing his sick game with us, but I won't let him win," he chuckles humorlessly, inhaling Taehyung's heavenly lavender scent, which does wonders to calm his nerves.

"Tae, I remember my grand mother saying that the Goddess of the moon sings very nicely; can you sing for me?" He asks after a few moments of tranquility. Taehyung hesitates at first but finally gives into his mate's irresistible puppy eyes. He hums, his face still buried in the alpha's neck.

"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you.
Darling, don't be afraid; I have loved you for a thousand years.

Taehyung raises his head, his glossy eyes staring back at his mate before joining their foreheads.

I'll love you for a thousand more...." He finishes closing his eyes as a single tear rolls down his cheeks.

"We can stop today's training now. The rain seems like it won't stop any time soon," Yoongi shouts to the alpha warriors on the ground, who nod and run back to their homes. He watches Jeongguk go towards the forest. "Alpha, where are you going in this rain?" Yoongi asks concernedly, holding his wrist. "I am going to the shrine to meditate," Jeongguk stutters out, not meeting Yoongi's gaze. "Alpha, seriously, you've been really suspicious for the past few weeks. What exactly are you up to?" Yoongi asks accusatorily.

"Calm down, Yoongi; I am not doing any witchcraft or wizadry as you think I am. Don't forget that I am a loyal devotee of the goddess." He rolls his eyes.

"Then why are you not telling the truth?" The other alpha asks again, sceptical.

"I just told you the truth; I am going to the shrine; what more do you need to hear? Jeongguk deadpans.

"Do you have a secret family in there?" Yoongi asks with a frown, and Jeongguk scoffs in disbelief. " What? I don't even have an actual family, so why would I hide if I had one?" Yoongi shrugs calmly. "Don't know, you are behaving like you're cheating on your omega with someone else." Jeongguk looks at him, unimpressed. "Very funny. Now leave me alone," he mumbles, glaring at the other alpha before jogging away.

As he reaches their usual place, Jeongguk takes the amulet, rubbing it three times, to call his mate.

" ALPHA! Why did you call me out in the rain?"

He smiles, turning around to meet a drenched Taehyung. "It's fun, isn't it? Come on, let's dance." The alpha chirps out excitedly, one hand holding his mate's waist while the other held his hands as he swayed them in slow motion.

"You're crazy! You'll get sick, Alpha." Taehyung complains but neverthless moves in sync with the alpha.

Jeongguk chuckles, twirling Taehyung around before pulling him towards him, the luna's back hitting his chest. He wraps his arms around his mate from the back. "Come on, it's such a nice vibe," he mumbles, nuzzling Taehyung's neck. Taehyung closes his eyes, feeling goosebumps across his skin and his lips quivering because of the cold wind. He feels the alpha's hand touch the bare skin of his waist as he pulls him towards a tree. Jeongguk traps him against a nearby tree, both of them smiling at their drenched state.

But then the smile vanishes from Jeongguk's face as he takes in his mate's appearance. Wet black curls, drenched clothes sticking to his golden body, leaving nothing for imagination, and blemishless collarbones begging to get marked. He gulps, his eyes inevitably darting to Taehyung's soft lips. The goddess blushes under his intense gaze, his heart beating in a frenzy as the heat of desire pools in his stomach. The alpha leans closer, his lips hovering above Taehyung's. His breath hitches when Jeongguk tightens the hold on the his bare waist, their chests almost touching together. Just a slight movement, and their lips will touch. Jeongguk tries to pry his gaze from his mate's lips, but it feels as if he is intensely pulled in by a magnetic force that he seems to be unable to break off from.

 Taehyung also didn't say anything, simply staring back at the alpha, the desire in his eyes as clear as the sky, and his intoxicating scent blinding the alpha's mind. Jeongguk couldn't help but lean a bit more, joining their lips in a sudden kiss. The luna seems to be least surprised at the action, instantly melting against the alpha and kissing him back. Jeongguk cups the luna's face and tilts his neck as he deepens the kiss. Finally, he gets to taste his mate's lips. It was even better than he had anticipated, his insides turning into a mushy puddle. The rain pours heavily over them as the mates kiss each other passionately, eagerly exploring each other's bodies. Jeongguk breaks the kiss, both of them panting heavily. He looks at Taehyung for a few seconds before moving onto his neck, biting on the skin. Taehyung suppressed the moan that left his mouth when the alpha's hands rubbed his nipples.

"Wait..." he somehow croaks out, breaking out of the trance as he pushes the alpha away from him. "Oh my goodness, what have I done? I shouldn't have let you kiss me like that," Taehyung panics, raking his fingers through his hair.

"So what, my Luna? Look, we kissed and nothing happened, right? Maybe it was meant to happen like that?" Jeongguk asks hopefully.

"No, you don't get it, Alpha, you..." he pauses suddenly, eyes going wide. "Al..alpha..your lips..." Taehyung stutters out in panic, his hands cupping the alpha's cheeks.

"What happened to my lips?" Jeongguk asks baffledly, touching his own lips.

"They're turning my goodness," Taehyung gasps, tearing up. Jeongguk blinks for a few seconds, licking his lips. Suddenly he falters in his step, his brain becoming hazy. " Lu..Luna..I.."

"Alphaa..." Taehyung screams, quickly supporting the alpha, who almost collapsed to the ground. Taehyung held him tightly in his arms, worried eyes scanning the alpha's pale face and blue lips. "Jeongguk!" Taehyung yells, scooping up the now unconscious Alpha in his arms. "No, this can't happen; no, please, Jeongguk, open your eyes, please," Taehyung cries, harshly patting his cheeks, but the alpha remained motionless, every colour drained from his face. Taehyung takes his wrist in his hand, trying to locate the alpha's pulse, which is almost feeble. He tries to focus his power on the alpha's heart in an attempt to heal him, but fails miserably. "No...." he cries out helplessly, the unconscious alpha held tightly against his chest.

Yoongi and Jimin open the door, and their eyes widen as they see an extremely beautiful man supporting an unconscious Jeongguk against him.

" Alphaa.." Yoongi calls out worriedly, immediately taking him from Taehyung's arms. Jimin rushes to hold Jeongguk from the other side.

"Who are you? What did you do to our alpha?" Yoongi asks, livid, his eyes glowing red. Taehyung tries to keep his voice steady as he mumbles, "I am his mate..." The couple gasps, looking at the man in front of them from head to toe. The person who stood in front of them was so breathtaking that they were momentarily enamoured.

" Mate? But he never told us about you; what even happened to him?" Jimin inquires carefully. Taehyung gulps, trying to stop his tears from falling. "I can't tell you for now; please take him to the healer quickly and ask him to give him a potion of chaparral and thyme. Please take care of him," he mumbles with a shaky voice before turning around and running quickly.

"Wait!" Yoongi shouts, but the man is out of sight in no time. " Fuck!" Yoongi curses before carrying Jeongguk towards the healer.

Taehyung opens the infinitely tall doors that guard the heavens as he runs inside frantically. He spots their creator, resting as peacefully as ever on the white couch in the middle of the long hall. He rushes towards him, stumbling on his way as he falls down right in front of the Almighty, who squints his eyes, annoyed at the disturbance.

"Who dared to disturb my sleep?" he asks as he opens his eyes, but then frowns upon seeing the goddess of the moon on the floor, crying.

" Taehyung? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to see me again?" He asks with a scoff, folding his hands over his chest.

"Please save my mate, my lord, I beg you, please save him," he cries, joining his hands together as he pleads profusely. The almighty raises his brows curiously before closing his eyes for a minute, trying to see what happened.

"I see," he nods after a second of opening his eyes. "So you both broke the rule, and he tainted you. You guys should have been careful; there is no use of crying now," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"My lord, please forgive me; it was my mistake; I should have been more careful. He's innocent; please save him. I..I'll take any punishment you'll give me, but please save him. I promise I won't meet him again. I'll disappear from his life. This..this won't happen again, but please save him," Taehyung broke down as he sobbed hardly.

"Well, you might have to disappear anyway; you know the consequences, right?" The Almighty responds after a while. Taehyung nods, sniffling, his eyes still cast downward. "You can banish me or eradicate me; I don't care, but please forgive him for once and let him live."

The almighty stays quiet for a moment before he sighs, shaking his head. "Get up from there, pup, and stop crying," he says softly. Taehyung raises his head at that, his red-rimmed, glossy eyes looking at the handsome man in front of him.

Oh, look at you; you look exactly like a love-sick puppy; I can't believe this," the creator says as he rolls his eyes. Taehyung just stares at him, baffled. "Stop crying; nothing will happen to him," he says suddenly, and Taehyung's face lights up at that.

" What? Really?"

The almighty smiles, amused, and makes him stand up before pulling Taehyung to sit beside him. "I know how much you were lonely and you wanted a mate, Taehyung; Jeongguk was actually my blessing to you," he says gently.

"But he's a human," Taehyung whispers lowly.

"I know, pup. Well, I can't really let you have it easy now, can I?" The Almighty chuckles gently. "I was just testing you both; to be honest, I didn't want to drag it out this long, but you were a brat. You were upset with me for giving you a human mate and stopped talking with me, so I should give you a bit of trouble, shouldn't I?" He asks, wiggling his brows, and Taehyung looks at him in disbelief.

"So I can actually live with my mate?" he asks carefully.

"Yes, you'll be mortal from now on, a mortal omega; transfer all of your duties to Minah, and you're free to go." The almighty finishes, seemingly proud of his plan. Taehyung smiles through tears as he hugs the elder.

"Thank you so much, my lord, thank you, and I am so sorry I made you upset," he mumbles apologetically. The almighty smiles before separating from the hug, fondly patting his cheeks. "You're my favourite pup, Taehyung; go and enjoy your life with your stupid alpha," he grins, giving the younger one a playful wink.

"Alpha Jeongguk, you really have some explaining to do," Jimin says firmly, both him and Yoongi standing opposite the alpha, who ignores them and goes through his papers.

"What do you guys want?" Jeongguk mumbles, tired. It has been one month since that unfortunate day. It's been one month since he heard anything from his mate. He had tried using the amulet; he had tried going to the shrine; he had even wounded himself again, but this time nothing could lure the goddess out. He had almost lost hope of meeting his beautiful mate again, the thought making his insides churn. He shouldn't have touched him; otherwise, this wouldn't have happened. And who knows what punishment Taehyung himself was going through? He didn't know. He could only pray to the Almighty to give him his mate back safely.

"Was that guy really your mate?" Yoongi's voice breaks him out of his reverie, and he blinks distractedly. "Yes," he mutters in a low voice.

"Then where is he? Where did he go? Why isn't he here? When did you guys even meet?" Jimin shoots a bunch of questions, making the alpha sigh annoyed.

" Jimin, I am not in the mood to talk. Can we have this discussion some other time?"

" but.." Jimin's voice was cut out when they heard the door open and Junghyun's small head peeking inside. "Alpha... a very pretty omega is looking for you outside," he speaks, and Jeongguk is instantly on his feet, dashing outside of the pack house. Yoongi and Jimin trail after the alpha. Jeongguk rushes outside, and his breath stops when he sees him. His mate stood outside of his house, ever so beautiful in simpler clothes, shyly looking around at the pack members who were curiously eying him.

"Tae..." he calls out, catching the ravenette's attention, who breaks into a wide smile at that. " Alpha..." Jeongguk descends the steps, coming to stand right in front of him, taking his hands in his. "I can't believe this; you really came back?" The alpha mumbles with teary eyes, greedily taking in the face that he missed so much. Taehyung nods, equally emotional. "Yes, I have," he retorts quietly.

"Alpha Jeongguk, this is your mate? our luna?" One of the members asked curiously. Jeongguk breaks eye contact with his mate, looking towards his pack members.

"Yes, this is my mate," he says proudly, and the crowd breaks out into gasps and whispers.

"Alpha, your mate is so pretty."

"No wonder you waited for him so long; he's worth all of it."

"Why didn't you introduce us before?"

He hears his pack member's curious questions. "I'll answer all of your questions. I'll introduce him properly, but for now, let's allow him to rest a bit, alright? He must be tired," Jeongguk requests his people, who nod in understanding before walking back to their homes. Jeongguk held Taehyung's hand, pulling him inside the house. The omega stops in front of Jimin and Yoongi, who were silently analysing him.

"Hello, Jimin and Yoongi, right? Sorry, I couldn't introduce myself last time. It's nice to meet you; I am Taehyung," he says politely, bowing his head. The couple were silent for a while before Jimin smiled wide.

"I am glad to see you again, but you guys need to give us some answers," Jimin says playfully. Taehyung nods back and yelps when Jeongguk pulls him further inside, going straight to his bedroom. He closes the door, trapping the omega against the door.

"You're an omega now? I am getting your scent." Jeongguk asks, surprised, carefully examining the other.

"Yes, long story short, the almighty let me come back to you with all of his blessings. I am a mortal omega now, so we can live together now," he says excitedly, his eyes sparkling. Jeongguk couldn't believe what he was hearing. He hugs the omega tightly, inhaling the scent that he missed so much.

"Oh my goodness, thank god," he mumbles, pressing a kiss on Taehyung's head. "Wait, so that means we can kiss now?" Jeongguk asks again, separating from the hug. Taehyung chuckles at the alpha's excitement, wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck, tiptoeing to kiss the alpha's lips. Jeongguk, though surprised at the gesture, quickly joins the flow as he deepens the kiss. They separate and stare at each other, breathing rapidly.

"Yes, we can kiss and we can marry, and I want at least 5 pups," Taehyung mumbles, and Jeongguk grins before lifting the omega in his arms and twirling him around.

"We can have as many pups as you want, my Luna," he whispers in the omega's ears, the sound of their giggles echoing in the room.

The End

Hope you liked it. I meant it to be short and cute. I know a lot of y'all are waiting for Redamancy's update. Don't worry I haven't abandoned it. It may take some more time but I'll surely finish it. Hope you'll wait for that <3

Also if you guys have any questions you can comment or you can cc me also. Link for cc

Take care <3 and stream Seven!!!

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