New Omnitrix Wielder: Ben's L...

By Dimitron75

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This is fanfiction that crosses over multiple universes with Ben 10 Omniverse as the main focus. The protagon... More

New Aliens.
Dimitri's Harem
Ashton's Harem
Star Shine Darkly
For the love of the hunt.
Stone warriors and aliens
Twins of science
Virus Mayhem
Cyber Danger
To the final level.
Reign storm
Aliens and Straw hats
Champions from history
Aliens and arachnids
An old friend returns
Stopping kingpin
Circus and fusion
Dragon Monks in Omni Academy
Humble beginnings
Aliens and life fibers
More than meets the eye
To the great outback
Out back to the outback
Fang filled thrill
Harem update (Dimitri)
Harem Update (Ashton)
A leap of faith.
The Path to Avalon
Song of the vampire
Masters of elements
Ashton Hero Suit.
New Arrivals
To Element City
Time with fire
Hot times
Demi-Humans in school
Blasts from the past
Princesses in class
heads up
Heroes in Paris
Gargoyle Mayhem
Fair Disaster
Link between friends
Heroes and the ogre
Midnight run
House of frights.

Fang-some mystery

126 2 0
By Dimitron75

We see everyone at Vampire Rock as we see them crossing a bridge.

Daphne: I knew Vampire Rock was big, but not this big.

Velma: It's going to be harder finding the Hex Girls than we thought.

Dimitri: Just remember everyone, don't look down.

Shaggy and Scooby then looked down and saw how far down the waterfall reached as the two freaked out and then ran back to the others.

Link: Dimitri said to not look down.

Fred: We need to split up.

Ashton: Right, We'll check out this way and Shaggy and Scooby can check the other direction.

Shaggy and Scooby then looked at each other and then came to Velma and Daphne.

Shaggy: Vacation has really brought us closer together. It's a shame to split up now.

Ashton: Too bad Shaggy. If we want to save the hex girls from becoming blood sucking weirdos we have to cover more ground

Dimitri: How about this, if you both want to feel safe then Link, Chopper and Usopp can accompany you.

Shaggy: Alright.

We later see the group were seen searching around in the entrance of a cave.

Velma: Vampire Rock seems to be just that. Solid rock.

Dimitri: There's gotta be some kind of secret way in.

Daphne then fell on the rock she was leaning on revealing a secret entrance as they saw it.

Daphne: You were saying?

We go to Shaggy and Scooby's group as we see them along with Chopper and Usopp looking tired.

Shaggy: Like, we'd walked all the way around this creepy rock.

Usopp: And we haven't even found a single clue.

Then howling was heard as they took notice.

Shaggy: Like what was that? (looks at Scooby) Like quit kidding around, Scoob.

Usopp: We're not in the mood for jokes.

Scooby then pointed behind them as they turned to see three dingos coming out.

Shaggy: Dingo dogs!

Chopper: AAAAAH!!!

The dingo dogs start going towards them, and we later see the rest of the gang walking in a secret entrance.

Fred: Secret passages always lead somewhere.

Velma: Hmmm. Right now, we should be experiencing total cave darkness. But we're not, so....

Dimitri: There must be light ahead.

They saw light coming from behind curtains as they went through them and looked to see there were fans, lights and projectors.

Daphne: Wow! I was expecting a vampire's lair to be more.... I don't know, spooky.

Zelda: (Points at lanterns) Are those lanterns?

Dimitri: Yeah and they didn't light themselves. Someone was here before us.

Velma: They also used the equipment. This fan is still warm.

Fred And so is this light. This equipment's been used all right. The question is why?

Velma: And where?

Daphne: And by who?

Ashton: Let's keep looking there must be something that we're missing

We see them continue to search the cave for any other clues as Daphne notices some light down on the ground. She then went to investigate as she then stepped on a button which opens a hidden door to another room filled with stuff as she enters.

Daphne: No coffins?

Ashton: Hey Daph wait for me!

Ashton then ran into the room Daphne went in as the door closed behind them trapping them inside.

Daphne: Fred! Velma! (sighs)

Ashton: Guess we'll have to find another way out.

They then start to walk through the tunnel and then sees Dark Skull hanging upside down as he snarls at them causing them to turn the other way and run with Dark Skull after them. We go to see Scooby, Shaggy, Usopp, Chopper cornered at a stone while Link was having his shield out to fend off the dingos.

Shaggy: We can't run, we can't climb!

Chopper: What are we gonna do?!

Scooby then thought of something as he whispered to Chopper as the two of then started digging as they were both making a tunnel to escape but the two of them were both pushed away as we see a gopher come out of the hole and started chittering angrily at Scooby and Chopper as it then grabs the dirt and puts it back in the hole Scooby and Chopper dug out and Chopper goes back to hugging Usopp

Chopper: Save me Usopp!

Shaggy: Good try buddy, but we need a miracle to get out of this.

Usopp: And right now the only thing between those dingos is Link!

Ashton: Nowhere else to go!

We look to see Ashton and Daphne as they were at the edge of a cliff

Ashton: Sorry to do this to your hair Daph!

Ashton then grabbed Daphne as he then jumped off the cliff and then landed in the water causing it to splash the dingos as they then ran away as the others saw Ashton and Daphne come out of the water.

Usopp: Ashton and Daphne doing a dive off a cliff.

Shaggy: That's a ten.

Ashton: Thanks guys, but can we also get some help out of this water please?!

We go back to the others as we see the secret door open up as the others go in.

Velma: What a mess.

Fred: You think Ashton and Daphne are in here?

Dimitri: If so then they're not alone.

They then started to search around the area to find Ashton and Daphne as Velma then tripped and lost her glasses.

Velma: My glasses. I lost my glasses.

We see Velma as she looks around for her glasses as someone hands her her glasses.

Velma: Thanks Freddie. I was almost worried.

She then looked to see the wildwind vampires as they snarled at her.

Velma: Now I am worried!

Velma then ran away from the vampires as she then bumped into the others as they crashed into the equipment.

Dimitri: Velma? Did you find Ashton and Daphne?

Velma: Wherever Daphne and Ashton are, they're a lot safer than we are.

They then looked to see the Wildwind vampires coming after them.

Fred: Run!

They then started to run away with Wildwind after them as we see Ashton with the others.

Daphne: And he was hanging upside down. Then he took off after us. Come on, we've got to find Fred and Velma, and the others.

Link: I don't think that's necessary Daphne. (Points up) Look.

They then see the others as they jump off the cliff and land into the water splashing the others as we see them exit the water.

Usopp: Looks like they found us.

Daphne: Guys! You're all right.

Velma: Not if we don't get out of here.

Ashton: Why?

Dimitri: Look!

They looked to see Wildwind flying as they created smoke and started to form a cloud

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like I need a vacation from this vacation!

From out of the cloud we see the Yowie Yahoo appear from it as it roars throwing fireballs everywhere as Ashton catches one in his hand.

Ashton: Fake fire. I knew it.

Dimitri: Which means we gotta find a way to get this out of here.

We then see them running to the bridge but the wildwind vampires blocked their path as the Yowie Yahoo blew out fire at them all as they dodged it. And then the Yowie Yahoo threw fire balls, as Shaggy and Scooby ran for cover. They stuck their heads out and went down, as the boulder got busted by the fireball.Then

Shaggy: Like, if there was ever a time not to be calm, this is it!

Then the Yowie Yahoo flies at Fred and the others and he claps, making a loud wave that knocks Velma down. And the Yowie Yahoo, blew a strong wind at them as Fred tried to get to Velma, but she got blown away from him. And he threw fireballs again, as one of them made Scooby's tail to go on fire. And Scooby runs out of his hiding spot.Then

Shaggy: Scooby! Get back here!

Scooby ran into a pond to put out the fire on his tail then the Yowie Yahoo blew again, causing Ashton to get blown away as his shirt came off of him and then got on Usopp as he straightened it out.

Usopp: The Yowie Yahoo is sure full of hot air.

Daphne: Ashton are you ok?

Ashton: Now I know how my socks feel in the dryer.

We then see the Yowie Yahoo roared as Scooby and Velma hug each other in fear.

Velma: I feel the same way.

We then see the Wildwind vampires come towards the Omni Squad but howling was heard as they looked to see that the dingos were here.

Shaggy: It's the dingo dogs!

Then they went to the wildwind vampires as they snarled at them and then chased them into the mountain.

Daphne: They're getting away!

Fred: They've got to get inside before the sun comes out.

Shaggy: Hey Scoob, tell your cousins, "Don't leave us here with the.... Yowie Yahoo!"

Then the Yowie Yahoo blew wind at them as they all ran to cover while Link was using his shield to block the wind.

Fred: Hang on tight, guys.

Shaggy: Like, Fred, do we have a choice?

The sun started to rise

Velma:The sun is almost up.

Fred: The Yowie Yahoo has to get inside Vampire Rock, too.

Velma: If he doesn't, the sun will destroy him.

The sun appeared and the sunlight reflected off of Scooby's tag as the sunlight started to reflect off Link's shield as well as we see the two beams of sunlight hit the Yowie Yahoo as it started to screech in pain as explosions were seen as we see the Yowie Yahoo vanish.

Duck: Did we win?

Ashton: It would appear so but um where's my shirt?

Usopp: Here you go Ash. (Hands Ashton his shirt)

Ashton: Thanks.

Hana: Nice work Scooby, you and Link defeated the Yowie Yahoo!

Ashton's ears twitch as he hears Wildwind growling

Ashton: We need to move now.

They then see Wildwind coming after them.

Usopp: To the bridge!

We then see Ashton carrying everyone on one shoulder as he ran to the bridge

Ashton: I don't know who it is but that someone needs to lose weight! God damn!

Nami: But if the sun destroyed the Yowie Yahoo, why isn't it destroying Wildwind?

Ashton: You want to stop and ask them or keep on running?

Daphne: No, thanks.

Shaggy: We just crossed running water. The vampires shouldn't be able to follow us.

They looked back to see that the vampires crossed the bridge as they kept chasing them.

Shaggy: Didn't those vampires read the rule book?

Ashton: Now!

Then Daniel came out and threw a boomerang as it triggered the trap as a snare rope grabbed Scooby and Shaggy and then a net came and fell on the vampires and brought them up.

Fred: Nice work Daniel.

Then Shaggy and Scooby fell as Fred caught Scooby as Velma paced to catch Shaggy but couldn't as he fell on to the ground.

Velma: Sorry.

Shaggy: I didn't think anything would stop those vampires.

Velma: That's because they're not real vampires. If they were, they wouldn't have been captured on film. (Shows a picture)

Then Jasper came and saw the vampires.

Jasper: Jolly good work. You've snared the vampires.

Daniel: Now we can find out what happened to the bands.

Velma: At first we thought the Bad Omens were behind all this. But when they disappeared, we had to search for new suspects.

Ashton was seen holding a hose as he sprays the vampires revealing two of them were the two skinny dudes

Ashton: As I correctly predicted Two Skinny Dudes

Daniel: That's two vampires, who's the third?

We see the third vampire get up, which was Dark Skull which was revealed to be Russell.

Scooby and Shaggy: Russell!

Daniel: Russell, you were my partner. This doesn't make any sense.

Shaggy: I'm with Daniel.

Russel: Nobody say anything.

Fred: That's fine. We can do all the talking and still get to the bottom of this mystery.

Velma: It took us a while to put all the pieces together. When we saw Jasper getting so chummy with the Two Skinny Dudes... we thought he might be the third vampire.

Jasper: Me? I could never wear all that makeup. I've got very sensitive skin.

Velma: You managed the Bad Omens, Jasper. We thought you took some of their makeup... so you and the Two Skinny Dudes could copy Wildwind's glam rock look.

Fred: We also paid a visit to your trailer when you said you'd be there. You were nowhere to be found.

Jasper: That's not a crime.

Then Velma glared at Jasper as he then decided to come clean.

Jasper: Okay. Confession time. I wasn't in my trailer... because I was meeting with the Hex Girls about being their manager. I didn't want the Bad Omens to find out what I was doing.

Daphne: But that doesn't explain why you have costumes like the ones Wildwind wore.

Ashton: Better explain dude.

Jasper: Wildwind was the greatest band I ever managed. I had those costumes made to remind me of all the good times we had together. I wish I knew what happened to them.

Dimitri: Why don't you ask them yourself.

We see Dimitri, Ashton and Link pull Russel, Barry and Harry's faces off revealing they were masks as the three were revealed to be strangers.

Jasper: What the-?

Shaggy: Okay, like now I'm really confused.

We see Daphne as she brought out some makeup as she then applied it on the three men as she then closed it.

Daphne: Recognize them now.

Then the three strangers revealed to be wildwind all along.

Urbosa: I am impressed.

Jasper: I don't believe it. Wildwind, you're alive.

Lightning Strikes: We should have won that contest last year. When we didn't, we'd decided to disappear.

We see a flashback showing Wildwind climbing up in Vampire Rock.

Stormy Weathers: We thought disappearing mysteriously would help our careers.

We see Wildwind looking at the music festival at a distance.

Dark Skull: Then we remembered the rules of the contest... Meaning we couldn't enter again.

We see the scene showing the three going into their secret entrance as we see bats flying in a cave as we see Wildwind performing a song.

Lightning Strikes: We planned on making a triumphant return at this year's unsigned-band contest.

The flashback then ended as the others looked at Wildwind.

Dimitri: That's right.

Katsuki: So you bastards found a way to get around those rules.

Izuku: And make sure you win this year's contest.

Ashton: That is until we showed up.

Jessica: Their plan was Dark Skull posed as Russel and Stormy Weathers and Lightning Strikes posed as Two Skinny Dudes, an unsigned band for the contest.

We see a flashback showing Wildwind putting on their disguises as they were also applying make up for their vampire disguises.

Zelda: Wildwind had taken advantage of the local legend surrounding them and disguised themselves as vampires.

Link: They planned to kidnap all the other bands in the contest.

Shoto: Meaning that Two Skinny Dudes would be declared the winner.

Momo: But the crowd wouldn't see Two Skinny Dudes close out the festival. Instead, Wildwind would come on stage and perform.

Asuka: They hoped the attention from closing the show at Vampire Rock would make their careers take off.

Daniel: I'm starting to get it.

Hana: But if they're not vampires then how did they fly?

Dimitri: Simple, their mountain climbing equipment.

Sidon: Of course, they planted it on the stage so it would allow them to appear as they could fly and capture any of the contenders in the contest.

Jasper: This is all very interesting. But will somebody please tell me where the Bad Omens are?

Danny: That's the only answer we don't have.

Lightning Strikes: We sent them and Matt Marvelous on diving trips to the Great Barrier Reef.

Stormy Weathers: All expenses paid. They were thrilled.

Usopp: Really?

Then he, Chopper, Shaggy and Scooby ran off and came back dressed as divers.

Shaggy: You should have just asked us. I've been wanting to leave since I got here.

Dark Skull: We didn't really kidnap anybody.

Revali: Then what of the Hex Girls? Surely they weren't your competition.

Stormy Weathers: But he was.

Ashton: Me?!

Dark Skull: We knew you'd come after them giving us the chance to send you on your way as well.

Ashton: Never. Now tell me where they are punks!

Thorn: Don't worry about us, we're fine.

They looked to see the Hex Girls as they were seen with Malcolm.

Daphne: Thorn, Dusk, Luna! You're all right.

Ashton: Girls, you're safe!

Ashton then started to fall on his knees and began crying.

Dimitri: What happened?

Thorn: Those creepy guys took us back to their hideout in Vampire Rock.

Dusk: They offered us a free trip if we would leave the festival, but we refused.

Thorn: So they took us into the outback and left us there.

Fred Jones: They knew we'd keep looking until we found you... making us miss our chance to perform.

Ikaruga: Leaving Two Skinny Dudes the only band left in the contest.

Shaggy: Like, how did you find your way back here?

Thorn: We wandered around the outback for hours, until Malcolm found us.

Malcom: The way they were dressed, I first thought they were vampires, too.

Daniel: There are no vampires, Grandfather.

Dimitri: He's right. Wildwind is definitely human.

Purah: They used smoke whenever they flew, so no one could see their climbing ropes. You helped us figure that part out, sir.

Daphne: They burned wood from the red gum tree, making sweet smoke like your signals.

Shaggy Rogers: And like, that's why we also found a boot print made from red gum on stage.

Malcolm: What about the Yowie Yahoo?

Dimitri: We have an explanation for that.

We see wildwind as they were using projections to make the Yowie Yahoo.

Velma: Wildwind spent a lot of time perfecting their act. They're masters of special effects.

Fred: They used pictures of the Yowie Yahoo to help pull off their hoax. They placed the pictures on holographic disks.

Velma: When light was shined through the disks... three-dimensional images of the Yowie Yahoo were created. These images could be beamed anywhere to help Wildwind with their plan.

Fred: To make the Yowie Yahoo even more realistic they added fire, wind and explosions.

We see the band using fire, wind, and explosions to make the projection of the Yowie Yahoo appear to be real.

The flashback then ended.

Shaggy: So because he was just a projection, the sunlight reflecting off Scooby's tag and Link's shield made the Yowie Yahoo disappear.

Fred: Bingo, Shaggy.

Zelda: So thanks to Scooby and Link we were able to unveil the mystery.

Malcolm: I'm sorry, Daniel... for letting my belief in the vampire legend get in the way of your show.

Daniel: Wildwind had us all fooled, Grandfather.

Dark Skull: And we would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.

Daniel: Hey, since all the other bands in the contest are eliminated, that makes you guys the winner.

Velma: Does that mean what I think it means?

We go to the music festival as we see Daniel on stage.

Daniel: And now I would like to introduce the final act of this year's Vampire Rock Music Festival. But first, did everyone have a good time?! (The crowd cheered) I said, DID EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD TIME?!

We go backstage as we see the Omni Squad was there as Velma was looking nervous.

Velma: I am not having a good time.

Shaggy: Come on, Velma. This is gonna be fun.

Velma: But there's so many people. Besides, we don't even have a name for our group.

Ashton: Right, we were caught up in posing as a band we never gave it a name.

Luffy: Hey! I just thought of the perfect name! The Black-Bear-Polar-Bear-Lion-Tigers!

Usopp: That's a horrible name for a band!

Ashton: Yeah Luffy! (Smacks Luffy on the head) No way!

Luffy: Then how about the Super-Wolf-Gorilla-Bears?

Usopp: You're naming off animals!

Ashton: (Smacks Luffy again) Can't you just pick one and work from there?!

Luffy: The Squid-Octopus-Chimpanzees!

Ashton: How can you be this stupid?!

Dimitri: I had this kind of thought Ash, since you had us play that song for Daniel. So how about Ragnarök?

Luffy: Whoa, I like it!

Chopper: Yeah, me too.

Luffy: I was thinking the Dandelion-Lion-Dandi-Unbearable-Bears but that's cool too

Usopp: Better than what you would come up with!

Ashton: (Smacks Luffy) So just stop!

Zoro: I was thinking of the Rorazoros but Ragnarök's good too.

Robin: I was going to suggest the Shadows of Darkness.

Sanji: I like the Maestro Chefs personally.

Usopp: Have all of you lost your minds!?

Ashton: Guys I truly do not mean to be offensive to any other names besides the ones Luffy comes up with but they kinda suck.

Daniel: And now, please help me welcome Ragnarök!

We see the curtains opening up revealing the entire Omni Squad as Velma looks nervous.

Dimitri: You'll be fine.

Velma looked at the crowd as she walked up to the mic as everyone began to play their instruments.

Velma: (Singing) Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you? We got some work to do now. Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you?

Velma: We need some help from you now. Come on, Scooby-Doo, I see you, pretending you got a sliver. You're not fooling me, 'cause I can see, the way you shake and shiver. You know we got a mystery to solve, so Scooby-Doo, be ready for your act.

Then The Hex Girls appeared on the stage.

Velma: And, Scooby-Doo, if you come through, you're going to have yourself a Scooby Snack! That's a fact!

We see Scooby as he was playing the drums as we see Shaggy jump off the stage hoping to get caught but ended up hitting the ground getting hurt instead.

Velma: Scooby-Dooby-Doo, here are you. You're ready and you're willing. If we can count on you, Scooby-Doo, I know we'll catch that villain. I know we'll catch that villain. I know we'll catch that villain.

Then fireworks shot right into the air. The dingoes were watching and howl down to Scooby.

Scooby: (Howls with the dingo dogs) Scooby Dooby Doo!

Ashton pulls out a notebook and makes a check on a page with the words Bucket List on it

Ashton: Perform with the Hex Girls check.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, I think the audience deserves an encore. Don't you think?

Ashton: I got a little something in mind. Let's rock!

Ashton then started to strum his guitar as we then see everyone starting to play their instruments together.

Luna: The warning signs are written on the wall, yea, And my head, I can't wrap around it all, And the red that's been drippin' down on the edge For far too long, It's what we're bleeding for.

Girls: I don't wanna be a ghost and Don't wanna be a little secret, My heart's sinking on the other side, Trapped between the walls That you'll never find. You'll ever you'll ever find, You'll ever you'll ever find, You'll never find.

Robin: My heart is buried in sinking sand, My fate, my time slips right through my hands, From the top of my lungs, I'm screamin' Speaking in tongues Why can't you hear me (Why can't you hear me?)

Girls: I don't wanna be your ghost And don't wanna be your little secret All the hate grows inside of me These memories that I can't speak of I'm the ghost within you You're my history Begging to be free But you don't hear me

Luna: I can't repeat this nightmare, this misery In a loop, it's tearing apart at the seams In a loop, let's rewrite our history And time won't stop For now the fates got me.

Girls I don't wanna be a ghost And can't have any unfinished business The world's weight is on my shoulders Set it free, the fire in me, that's trapped inside The fire that's trapped inside, The fire that's trapped inside That's trapped inside

Robin: My eyes are blinded, a clouded mind, And the storm inside me is ragin' wild, From the top of my tower, I'm waitin', Still is the air Why can't I save me? (Why can't I save me?)

Girls: I don't wanna be your ghost And don't wanna be your little secret All the hate grows inside of me These memories that I can't speak of I'm the ghost within you You're my history Begging to be free But you don't hear me

Luna: The warning signs are written on the wall, yea, And my head, I can't wrap around it all, And the red that's been drippin' down on the edge For far too long, It's what we're bleeding for.

Girls: I don't wanna be a ghost and Don't wanna be a little secret, My heart's sinking on the other side, Trapped between the walls That you'll never find. You'll ever you'll ever find, You'll ever you'll ever find, You'll never find.

Robin: My heart is buried in sinking sand, My fate, my time slips right through my hands, From the top of my lungs, I'm screamin' Speaking in tongues Why can't you hear me (Why can't you hear me?)

Girls: I don't wanna be your ghost And don't wanna be your little secret All the hate grows inside of me These memories that I can't speak of I'm the ghost within you You're my history Begging to be free But you don't hear me

Luna: I can't repeat this nightmare, this misery In a loop, it's tearing apart at the seams In a loop, let's rewrite our history And time won't stop For now the fates got me.

Girls: I don't wanna be a ghost And can't have any unfinished business The world's weight is on my shoulders Set it free, the fire in me, that's trapped insideThe fire that's trapped inside, The fire that's trapped inside That's trapped inside

Robin: My eyes are blinded, a clouded mind, And the storm inside me is ragin' wild, From the top of my tower, I'm waitin', Still is the air Why can't I save me? (Why can't I save me?)

Girls I don't wanna be your ghost And don't wanna be your little secret All the hate grows inside of me These memories that I can't speak of I'm the ghost within you You're my history Begging to be free But you don't hear me

Luna: The warning signs are written on the wall, yea, And my head, I can't wrap around it all, And the red that's been drippin' down on the edge For far too long, It's what we're bleeding for.

Girls: I don't wanna be a ghost and Don't wanna be a little secret, My heart's sinking on the other side

As they finished the see the entire crowd roared in applause for their performance as the others looked at each other and gave the audience a bow as Urbosa faced Ashton and Dimitri.

Urbosa: I must admit. Despite the outcomes such as the vampires and abductions this has been quite an excellent trip.

Dimitri: Glad you liked it, Urbosa.

Ashton: We can do another one. Like maybe a trip to the Himalayas.

Shaggy: And risk a run in with the abominable snowman? No thanks man!

Dimitri: Well, no matter where we go one thing's for sure adventure's always right around the corner.

Ashton: Ooh! Let's go to Mexico next time!

Dimitri: Good call.

Urbosa: That sounds like an interesting place.

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