
By Elijahtheshagger

673K 15.2K 6.6K

From the outside Juliet Kingston seems to have the perfect life. She has popularity, beauty and a famous dad... More

Characters <3
Devine intervention
The calm before the storm
Like father like daughter
Lamb to the slaughter
Red handed
Deja vu
Comfort zone
The promise
Breaking point
Close quarters
Four down
Last friday night
Pulling back the curtain
Time's up


16.1K 364 108
By Elijahtheshagger

"Juliet?" I call out, knocking on the bathroom door. My anxiety increases when there's no reply, the only sound I can hear being the pitter patter of the shower water hitting the tile.

"Juliet!" I repeat with more urgency. The door creaks slightly open and an annoyed looking Juliet comes into view.

Her wet hair clings to her skin, drawing my eyes to her glistening collarbone as well as the loose towel wrapped around beneath it.

"Carter," She groans. "I've been in the shower for not even fifteen minutes and you've checked on me five times," She sighs, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Well sue me for not wanting to leave you alone considering what happened the last time I did," I reply, the comment coming out much more snarky than I had intended.

She doesn't say anything, instead slamming the door in my face before locking it.

"I'm sorry," I sigh but my apology falls on deaf ears as the sound of the shower turning back on echos through the hallway.

I walk back to the living room, collapsing on the sofa and lighting a blunt.

It's been four days since Juliet came to stay with me and we've already had a lot of ups and downs. It's pretty much the same as the last time she stayed here, with movie marathons and the constant eating of inordinate amounts of food but this time it's more tense.

I can't leave her alone for more than five minutes without feeling an intense sense of dread. Every time I bring up her attempt she immediately shuts me down, acting as if it never happened so I don't know how to help her.

I can tell she's still not alright mentally. It's obvious with the way her mind drifts off all the time and how she refuses to go outside. 

At least Lucien pulled some strings and got me out of that whole assault charge which has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. However Marco hasn't been seen since he was discharged from hospital which is typical coming from a coward like him.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. 

Juliet stands in front of me, wearing some tight black shorts paired with one of my hoodies. Her damp wavy hair is now pulled into a pony tail, revealing her numerous gold piercings.

"Well?" She questions, plopping down next to me on the sofa. "You." I tell her bluntly, exhaling smoke into the surrounding air.

She raises her eyebrow at me, silently asking me to elaborate but I don't. I know if I voice my concerns she'll immediately brush me off so there's really no point.

"Wanna finish mean girls?" She eventually suggests after a moment of silence. I nod, leaning over to grab the remote before chucking it in her direction.

She turns it on, discarding the remote to her side before shifting closer to me.

It feels as if we're a couple as she snuggles into my side, our thighs touching as our bodies sit merely centimetres apart. It feels natural, like second nature as I relax on the sofa with her at my side.

I've been trying to suppress my feelings for her but it's become increasingly more difficult due to the fact that she's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. Although I hate to admit it, I'm scared to tell her how I feel.

I'm scared that my feelings won't be enough to make her stay. What if I tell her and things start going well just for her to attempt again and actually succeed.

I can't let myself get close to her so I constantly keep a wall up between us.

"You wanna watch the sequel?" I ask when the credits start to roll. "Kingston?" I question, turning my head to the side when I hear no reply.

Her arms are wrapped around her torso as her head lays on my shoulder, fast asleep. I stretch my legs before proceeding to pick her up and manoeuvre her into a more comfortable position in my arms.

She starts to stir and shift in my arms, the sudden movement clearly waking her up. "Shh go back to sleep," I lull her, continuing to carry her through the halls. 

I place her on the bed, my dull grey sheets now being replaced with the pink silk ones she brought from home.

I pull the blanket over her but I don't immediately leave, taking a few seconds just to look down at her face.

She's so beautiful.

When she's asleep all her worries melt away and it's evident on her face. There's no profound sadness glimpsing in her eyes or that tense, worried look constantly plastered on her face. Right now she's tranquil, idyllic.

I aspire to give her this feeling when she's awake, I just want to take away her problems so she can finally rest and experience the life she deserves.

"Night," I whisper, leaning in to kiss her on the forehead before standing up.

I quietly make my way into the living room, pulling on my coat and shoes before heading towards the front door.

The plan is that Juliet will stay with me until she gets a job and can rent her own place which is proving to be quite difficult considering she's never had a job before, therefore has no experience.

So for now I've been paying for food and everything we need which means I have to increase the amount I'm selling. I currently have six deals lined up for tonight which is much more than usual.

I don't want to leave Juliet, I get extremely paranoid when I'm away from her which is why I'm going to try and make this as quick as possible. 

I quietly close the door behind me, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets and heading down the stairs.


"Juliet!" A voice shouts again, making me groan and toss in my bed. I crack my eyes open, coming face to face with Carter looming over me.

"Ugh why are you waking me up so early," I whine, rubbing my eyes. "It's four pm," He deadpans, not looking too impressed.

"Come on we're going out," He says while trying to pull me out from under the covers. "I don't wanna," I groan, struggling with him for the blanket.

"You haven't been outside in days," He replies, a hint of worry in his voice. I sigh before sitting up, my back now leaning against the backboard.

Carter thinks I don't want to go out because I'm depressed which isn't true, well maybe a little but that's not the main reason.

I'm not ready to face the world yet, with all the gossip about my family going about and the rumours of my dad being sued by his previous employees circulating . It's just embarrassing that everyone knows my business now so I've been camping out in here, spending everyday with Carter.

"Get dressed I'm taking you out for dinner," He decides while already heading towards the door, leaving no time for arguing.

"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" I tease, swinging my legs off the bed. He turns his head towards me, a glimmer of amusement visible in his eyes.

"Yes." He smirks, closing the door behind him.

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