Fate: Totem

By Into_The_Saberverse

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My name... is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for 2 years I've been the world's one a... More

Spider and Saber
A Look At Your Friendly Neighborhood.
The Sword of Promised Victory
Gone Rogue
Artoria Pendragon- Reporter Extroardinare
Doom and Fae
The Web of Infinity
She couldn't do it.
An Ounce of Good.
First, Six, then Rogue.
WE are Spider-Man
The End is Merely the Beginning.
Lets Do this One Last Time.

A Day That Started like Any Other

7.8K 159 105
By Into_The_Saberverse

"I ask of you... are you m-.. wearing spandex!?"

"Uhh.. in my defense.. its not a sex thing."

Okay okay, maybe I need to rewind things a bit..  I'm kinda starting things a little bit too far into the fray here. Just give me a sec to wind it down. So ahem.. where do I even begin? 

It was a day that started like any other. 

 I woke up.

 I had breakfast.  

Kissed my aunt goodbye. 

 Pretended to leave out the door.

Climbed UP the wall behind my house on my sticky fingers. 

Swung straight into my bedroom window, 

Slipped on my red and blue booty pajamas.

And then I jumped onto the roof of my neighbor's house, shot some sticky web lines into the New York skyline and swang away like Tarzan on way too much expresso. 

Now this probably doesn't sound like your morning, unless you have some serious mental issues or an obssession for immitating blind lawyers with no fear... minus the sticky web lines maybe.  

Well let me simplify it for you. My name is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a Radioactive Spider, and for 2 years I've been your one and only Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.  Pretty cool huh? 

So to further uber simplify it, I got injected with bug juice, got super powers, and now I jump from high buildings on sticky bug string to beat up people who like to dress up like birds and rhinos!

Uhhh okay that sounds wrong, but you get the point... I hope.  In any case, given that none of you have already written me off as some headcase in need of a padded room, I'll continue from here. 

It had been a rather eventful 2 years. I made mistakes, I had a few triumphs, made more mistakes, lost the love of my life, lost my uncle, and to say that the events of the past 24 and a half months were in ANY way easy to summarize in a few sentences would be the biggest lie of Lil' ol' Pete's entire career.  You could say I almost gave up quite a few times.  

But as my uncle always said. "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

And before I even chucked my mask into the trash can, I found myself putting it back on with a resigned sigh. 

Not that I don't enjoy my job occassionally. Ya gotta find joy in what you do after all, or your mental health takes a dive quick!

Take now for example. Classic hero crime stop: Armed Robbery. 

I saw them before they saw me. 

The sunrise seemed to light up the dewdrops on their windbreakers, their ski masks glowing orange from the light that slowly got brighter in the distance.  

Even from 80 feet in the air, I could see that detail as my electronic mask lenses slid into focus, helping my normally unbearably heightened senses focus on the intricate details, a testament to yours truly's love of at home DIY engineering. 

They probably thought robbing a place at 6:00 am would make the cops less likely to put a rush job on getting to the store front.  Unfortunately for them, the Early Spidey Gets the Worm, and I had an important meeting to get to. 

"WHOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!" I let out my jubilant shriek into the wind, as I immediately threw my phone into the air, its camera already on timer. "Hey guys guys!! If you're gonna go in and snag some stuff, can you get me a Mountain Dew? I'm totally PARCHED!!!"

"ITS THE SPIDER!" Roared one of the men. "FILL EM WITH HOLES!!"

"Nah I said I wanted Mountain Dew not Donut Holes, get it right man!" I flipped in mid air, spitting a web strand from my wrist to latch onto a nearby building, yanking on it to pull myself above the hailstorm of bullets that whizzed past me.  "You know what? I'll get it myself, you guys take a break! What do you want? My treat!"

I landed in front of the guy nearest to the shattered door, the burgaler alarm ringing in my ears. 

A brief glance at the store front's shattered window panels showed only a scared looking cashier and some knocked over shelves. No customers? That made things easier, just needed to keep that guy safe. 

"So I'm guessing you wanted a small coffee?" I said as I hurled a fast kick straight into the guy's jaw before his finger even met the trigger. 

"CLICK!" My camera phone's flash went off in mid air as I caught it in one hand.  

As I scrolled my pictures, A tingling went off like an alarm in my head, alerting me to 5 or so bullets coming at me from behind. 

I continued to  eye the perfect shot of me mid kick on my phone as I tilted my head, tilted my hip to the side and then back flipped over the last bullet that would've hit my spine if it continued on its current course. 

"Ah sweet, nice shot." I said as I stuck my phone straight into my backpack.  "You guys mind if I use this one?"

"RRAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The other four guys fired at me. 

As the bullets approached I crouched and narrowed my eyes. 

Time slowed down.. the bullets rotated like small bronze drills as they approached, circular wind shockwaves erupting in their wake. 

I dashed forward, using my hands to propel myself into the air with another flip, barrel rolling in mid air between two of the bullets narrowly.  

I flashed from side to side, so fast that if you blinked you'd definitely miss me, avoiding each and every bullet in my path before hurled right into the nearest guy  and my fist rammed straight into his jaw. 


Guy number 1.. crumpled down, dazed. 

"HEY I THINK YOU DROPPED YOUR FRIEND!" I hurled a web from my wrist, grabbing the first dude and using the elastic force to fling him straight into the next guy in front of me, causing him to ram straight into a car, crumpling the door and sending his gun flying upwards, firing into the air. 

Guy Number 2 down for the count

Guys number 4 and 5 immediately freaked, running towards their van. 

Windowless and a license plate that said 80085. Seriously? If you're going to risk your life to get some cash you don't even have a right to, shouldn't you at least put some effort into it!?

I hurled out my wrist, the brainwave AI in my suit immediately read my intention as my webshooters switched to remote Tripwire mode. 

Three small gray pods latched onto the back of the van, and suddenly they beeped as webs shot out from them, latching to the wall of the nearest building while the tires screeched and turned, burning into the asphalt and throwing up some serious dust clouds. 

I jumped 50 feet into the air and landed next to the screeching car as I used one hand to rip the driver's door off its hinges and fling it to the side before hurling a single kick straight into the driver inside. 

"THIS.. IS SPIDER!!" I roared as the guy slammed straight into the dude next to him, sending them smashing through the door on the other side, ripping it off the hinges and sending them skidding away like a couple of pained raccoons tied to an out of control sleigh. 

The car hissed to a stop with nobody left to hit the gas like their lives depended on it. and I parkoured myself over the car before hurling out a few web nets as fast as I could. 

Before long, each and every winded guy was stuck to the pavement by giant spider webs as I gingerly opened the shattered metal frame of the broken glass door and stepped over to the cashier, who looked stunned. 

"You okay man? Need some help? Did you call the police?" I clapped the guy's shoulder. 

The guy seemed to shake himself out of it as soon as I clapped his shoulder and he let out a sigh of relief, slamming his hands on the counter, as if attempting to calm himself. The dude looked about as old as I was, which meant he was probably working out of High School. 

"S-sorry." The Cashier stammered. "This is my Dad's shop, I.. was just supposed to watch it till he came back. The damage alone-."

"Not your fault man, criminals will crime, birds will fly, but better the eggs get splattered and not your face." I said. "Say.. uhh.. if you're still taking purchases though-."

I swung my backpack down onto the counter, probably looking pretty odd with my web pattenered spandex and creepy fright mask eyed lenses. "I'm supposed to pick up some paprika and milk on my way home, sorry to sling this on you after what just happened but.."

"Bro.. as far as I'm concerned, take anything you can see, no charge." said the guy, throwing up his hands. "Dad'll understand."

"Nice, still paying though." I said as I eyed a few cans and slid it off one of the few still intact shelves and into my backpack. "Ahhh.. your milk's all crushed though. Jeez, shoulda gotten here sooner. Anyways, call the cops if you can, I did so myself, but anonymous tips don't usually hold as much water."

"Yeah, I'll do that, thanks Spider-Man, Jameson's wrong about you." said the guy as he flipped open his phone. 

I couldn't help but smile underneath my mask. As rare as this attitude towards me was, I couldn't help but feel a little glow in my chest at it.  

Like I said before, gotta enjoy it at least a bit. 

"No prob." I said. "You take care." 

I slapped some cash onto the counter before the guy could refuse my pay and I immediately leaped high into the air, shooting a web to the sky and swinging to gather momentum that sent me hurtling into city's skyline. 

If I could save just one life a day, that would be amazing in its own right. 

"VVMMMM VMMMMMM" my phone began to vibrate inside my backpack. 

And if I could have one day where I got where I needed to be on time, that would also be pretty amazing. 

"Shit shit shit.." I cursed under my breath at a speed that probably would've given my aunt a heart attack  as I used a web to fling myself into the air, free falling at high speed past city blocks and shining billboards. 

I took a sharp turn using a web to rapidly change direction and land on a wall with my feet, running along it at high speeds that turned me into a blur before I propelled myself into the center of the street and shot out a web to continue swinging past the traffic down below. 

You'd think that a method of travel that let me break the speed limit 12 times over without getting pulled over by cops would mean I was never late, but beating up people with guns did in fact take time. 

As I used another swing to let the momentum propel me through the air, I used the computer in my mask to flip on my phone's bluetooth and immediately connect me to the caller. "Yo! Ms McRemitz! I'm almost there!"

"Peter.. the Recruiter's already called your name, where are you!?" 

"Y-yeah sorry.. uh.. traffic's real bad, my bus got delayed, I'm heading over now!" I exclaimed. "Uhhh how bad is it?"

"Well I'm being stared at like I'm the bottom mole on the Hulk's right butt cheek and the man's tapping his pencil like has a bad case of-"

"Okay I get it! I'll be there soon! Sorry for making you wait!" I exclaimed. 

"Pete this tardiness is becoming a real problem, I'm beginning to think that maybe this program just isn't for-."

"It is! I can make it! I'll impress them, I won't let you down!" I said fiercely. "I've got this!"

I heard Ms. McRemitz sigh.  "Peter.. just.. get here."

As the phone hung up, I felt a small bubble of panic welling up inside my ribs. The Midtown High  Science teacher had put a LOT on the line to get me this job. And to top it off, if I had a chance to work here, I might finally be able to leave the Photography business at the Daily Bugle and force Jolly Jonah to find another shill to help stain my webbed boots in the Hero business. 

Webs don't fail me now!

I flung myself straight at the building that was the object of my desgination.. 

3 big 4 story buildings nestled on a large campus comparable to a College.  Midtown High Science Academy. 

Tucking myself into a roll, I hurled straight through the open window of the third floor science room and stuck to the wall inside with a "Fwump!" before I crawled up to th cieling like a hyperactive gecko, reaching my hand into the loose vent above the third desk to the back and pulling out a set of clothes. 

I yanked on my blue blazer and red tie, furiously jumping awkwardly as I yanked my long pants up over my web patterened boots before I proceeded to kick those boots off and slam a few sneakers into my sockless feet. 

Whipping off my mask, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window- an arguably okay-ish looking dude with short brown hair- before I kicked open the door (holding back as I did cause I didn't wanna send it to the moon), and skidded down the empty locker filled hall and whipping open the third door to the left. 

"Hey!!" I exclaimed. "Sorry I'm late!"

A young woman with short boyish violet hair, a beauty mark under her left eye and a rather nice looking business-like suit stood up, looking relieved. She took a gloved hand and clapped me on the back. "Where WERE you?"

"Ah you know.." I said. "Stuff happens."

Bazett Fraga McRemitz rolled her eyes.  

She had been my science teacher for as long as I could remember. From a school teacher assistant back when I was in middle school, to getting promoted to Lab Manager and Physics Teacher in my freshman year at Midtown high, I remember I used to have a crush on her. 

Something about her fashion sense gave me a "She's definitely a super cool spy or hitman" sort of vibe that lit my fantasies up.  

While eventually I grew out of that weird stuff, Bazett was always the one who saw my potential as a scientist and strove to get the opportunities that were usually only afforded to kids with richer parents on my merits alone. 

Though of course, that became harder after the spider fangs sank straight into my hand on that fateful field trip to the Oscorp Einzbern Research fair. 

I sat down with McRemitz onto the plush armchairs that stood facing what must've been the most severe looking man imagineable.

His pencil-thin stache and his graying hair made me think about what would happen if Jolly Jonah lost what little sense of humor he had left in his rusty skull. 

"I suppose now you're ready to begin?" The man said quietly with a slow deep voice that the screaming Jonah definitely wouldn't have managed, which disconcerted me. 

"Uhhh.. y-yeah." I muttered, eyeing Bazett nervously. 

"You understand.. that the Einzbern Research Institute takes its Grant from Oscorp with... pride." the man said. "Joining us requires a certain gift.. one that Madam Bazett insists you have Mister Parker. Your.. work.. I admit I am impressed with your paper on the transfer of Energy using Nanobots to circumvent the need for batteries as a whole in common society, as well as your analysis on genetics in relation to Viral RNA transfer.. however.."

"H-however?" I said. 

"This tardiness of yours.. it seems its a reoccurring factor." said the man. "Ms. Einzbern, I hope you realize.. takes her company and alliance with Oscorp.. quite.. seriously. If ANY member on our team were to jeopardize that-.. for ANY reason at all, no matter how slight-."

"The benefits outway the risks." said Bazett quickly. "Regardless of whether he comes in late or not, Peter always delivers, even if he can't seem to turn up when he's supposed to, he's never failed a project or exam.  If anything, not letting Peter on would only be a setback to you."

The man stared at us for what seemed like an eternity. I don't know what to suspect he was thinking except maybe ' I think I'll have tacos after I crush this boy's hopes and dreams.' 

"I will.. run it by Ms. Einzbern. Your qualities are a tempting offer regardless of your regrettable habitual tardiness." The recruiter grunted. "Fine, tomorrow, 5 pm. Einzbern Catholic Church.. We will conduct an interview there."

"R-Really!?" I stammered.

However Ms. McRemitz held up a hand in front of me. "H-hold on. Why a friggin' church?"

"Ms. Einzbern is a pious woman. Rest assured she isn't one to force her beliefs on others, but she likes to feel close to God in a sense." said the recruiter. "The one who raised her is a man of the cloth, and I hear Norman Osborn also takes attending quite seriously." said the Recruiter. 

I immediately imagined being interviewed by a Nun wearing a labcoat. Given my life right now, probably not the strangest thing I ever witnessed, but I could understand why Ms. McRemitz was weirded out. 

"I was under the impression the interview would be conducted as Oscorp or Einz-Plaza." Ms. McRemitz began slowly. 

"Am I to understand that you wish to.. not... attend the interview?" The Recruiter gave us a steely gaze. "As enticing as Mr. Parker's talents are, I must remind you that Ms. Einzbern's patience is limited. Try to reschedule and we cannot gaurantee his spot might not be snapped up by a brighter prodigy."

Ms.McRemitz seemed to scowl, and I couldn't blame her. This guy was a legit jerk.  But she kept her calm and cool voice. "Yeah fine, we'll be there. But I better be present for all the questions Ms. Einzbern presents."

"Good." said the Recruiter. "If that is all-."

The Recruiter shook Ms. McRemitz's hand, he then smirked mid shake. "Oh.. is that a Mage's grip I see?"

Ms. McRemitz's eyes went cold as she seemed to sieze up on her shake. 

"A wha-?" I began

"A specialized grip when shaking hands." Ms. McRemitz said quickly. "Nothing to be concerned about. As for you Mr. Cowel. I'll see you at the Clock Tower later.. for business." 

Clock Tower? Did we have one of those in New York? And one that was designed for business meetings?

"Tell Daybit I said hi." the man said calmly as we left. 

"Well he seemed chipper." I said. "Wonder what they'll have me do when we interview. Ooo ooh, maybe I gotta recite Genesis.. easy enough."

"Pete.." Ms. McRemitz folded her arms and gave me a look. 

"Sorry, I.. uh... make jokes when I'm nervous.. it's a bit of a reflex." I muttered truthfully. 

Bazett sighed. "Just.. try not to blow this okay? I don't know how you get anywhere with that tendency you have to be late.  But tomorrow, you absolutely can't afford it. You get me? You need to be there ON time.. whatever the case. "

"Y-yeah! Got it!" I bid Ms. McRemitz goodbye as my phone once more.. as always began to go on a fritz


Of course...

I picked up my phone, expecting anything else but just a text. 

"Oh hey, just a text, guess that's fine.."  I flipped open my messages to find just a few words.

Flaming Douche- Did you get it? You in?

I texted back, rapidly jabbing my thumbs while trying not to overdo it. STARK Androids are durable phones, but I doubt they were built with spider-strength in mind. 

Spider Douche- Barely got the interview, had to stop a robbery on west, was late. Interview is in a church. 

Flaming Douche- A church? Seriously? What do u have to get baptized to join up? This an internship or a cult?

Spider Douche- IKR!? Anyways, huge stakeout tonight, wanna join?

Flaming Douche- Can't. Reed and Ben wanna check the Raft security, so I gotta be there for looks. If I have time after I'll see if ur still around. Who you staking? 

Spider-Douche- Fisk. Rumor is he's got some sort of new thing going on. Real big, real secretive. Only know about it cause I had that virus installed on his private computer. Big guy being real dodgy about it. I'll let u know l8er 

That's right.. Fisk. 

I almost forgot about my stakeout till Johny decided to mention cults.   

The Kingpin, aka, Wilson Fisk. Crime Boss with a body the size of a walrus and the flabs to match. Only all that flab was augmented muscle. The guy could throw a car through a window and then go out for burgers after without breaking a sweat.  If Fat was a symbol of Big Gains, then this guy was the poster child for FitFat Magazine. 

The guy usually dealt with things like a mob boss. Using his company and prolific wealth to gain things behind the shadows.  The guy and I tangoed regularly for quite a while now, but recently he had started turning to stuff that really wasn't in his ballpark. 

Namely,  mystical magical mumbo jumbo. 

As a man of science myself, I was never really into the whole 'magic' scene, but considering guys like Doctor Strange existed, I couldn't deny that SOMETHING beyond human explanation went on, and it seemed Fisk had generated a rather fervant interest in such a thing. 

Chalk?  Incantations? Not to mention a dozen or so messages to a guy called "Father Kotomine" regarding some kind of ritual?  Yeah, something was up,  and I was the spider on the wall who was going to find out. 

Hopefully I wouldn't have to get too physically involved and I could just email a video over to the Fantastic Four or the Avengers and have them deal with it. Not something I was used to doing, but some BIG names were on the lists I had seen and they were people I was not interested in crossing if I could help it.  

Like seriously. Victor Von Doom? Like, yeesh, give me a break. 

After changing back into my suit and leaping out the window again, I took my swinging to Rico's Pizza for my weekly free pie. The guy made me a free 12 cheese Pizza every week in gratitude for warding off Fisk's men from using it as a front to do their poker nights.. not much of a job benefit compared to being paid actual money, but I'll take it. 

Slinging my pie over onto one of the eagles overlooking the Chrysler Building, I waited for night to fall, whiling the day away on some Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom. 

Once the stars.. well.. what stars left you could actually see with all the light polution, finally slunk their twinkly butts into the dark blue sky, I slipped my switch and battery pack back into my bag, webbed my stuff to comfortable hidey hole and  swung over to my destination about 2 blocks away. 

The Fisk Penthouse suite.. 

Boy was I asking for it. 

Not that I hadn't been here before, just the last time I was here, Fisk nearly used a katana to cut me in half like a pork sausage. 

Well, I've endured worse. 

Honeslty I was quite surprised as I flipped onto the window paneled walls, sticking to it with my hands and feet.  By now I was sure I'd see some security measures designed specifically against superhumans with stickum powers or flying abilities or something. Maybe the budget had tigthened this year after the scandal involving that vigilante Black Cat. 

I pulled out my phone from a magnetic slot on my utility belt that was just under a fold in my costume. My lenses had cameras in them, but they weren't built for high depth photography. Too much of the software was designed to synch with my Spider-Sense through brain waves instead... so high depth reconnaisance was left to old fashioned Point and Click. 

Crawling along the side of the building slowly, letting my Spider-Sense alert me to any traps or surveillance, I slithered like a gecko until I found the top floor's office window, where I saw a familiar looking large man. 

There he was.. big Jumbo Wumbo himself. 

His neat fancy white tux and black tie covered up his huge bulk, with his chin and neck 'fat' appearing in visible folds on his lunky bald head.  Honestly, people said that he was a normal guy, but I had later found out that the unique build up of muscle in his body was actually due to a certain chemical, unfortunately, I had never been able to slow down Fisk long enough in an encounter to really analyze what it might be. 

The huge guy was pacing back and forth.  

I kept to the edge of the floor's window, keeping my camera phone trained and on recording mode.  

None of the  security cameras really seemed to be active. What was Fisk playing at? He wasn't this stupid. It never should've been this easy for me to get to this point. 

"What are you doin' ol' blubber?" I muttered aloud. "Something you don't want your own employees seeing?"

the elevator door that went directly to the penthouse opened as Fisk took a glass of wine from his fancy desk and immediately drained it. 

And out walked a pretty strange man. 

In my line of work, I knew the difference between strange and normal, and oho, boy was this guy strange. 

He seemed to be an old man with silvery hair, a mustache that would make JJ jealous (honestly what is with the amount of Mustaches today? )  and a.. monocle? Do people still  wear those?

His vest seemed to be sleek black on one side and bluish wool on the other, and his puffy sleeves gave me an old English vibe.  Top that with a weird gold cane which had a chameleon design up top and what appeared to be a trigger mechanism near the head. 

Guess he and Fisk were in to the same fashion sense. Fisk had a big ol cane he always carried around too.. and that thing had tasers, radiowave triggers, and one nasty whallop that still made the back of my head sting when I thought about it. 

As the old man entered, holding his cane behind his back, a blue glowing butterfly that left a trail of blue flame wisps from its wings, fluttered right onto his shoulder. 

"Okay, already screaming the words 'super villain' in my ears." I muttered. 

"Hmm?" The old man suddenly whipped his cane out and slashed his cane outwards, a blade slipping from the tip. 

A shockwave.. an air-like shockwave slashed off a perfect triangle shaped piece of glass right next to my head as I ducked back. 

"Hmmm.. I thought I sensed, perhaps it was nothing." said the man. 

My heart was pounding now..

I had considered a possible physical altercation with Fisk or some other dudes..  like.. seriously I was expecting it.. 

But this was the first time since I started being a super hero that I felt genuinely afraid for my life. 

This guy.. that strike. My spider-sense got it yes.. but.. I couldn't even SEE it. That speed, that power. What was he!? 

"Lancer.. explain yourself.." Fisk began to speak

I could either swing away and lose the opportunity but keep my life, or take some huge risks.. ah screw it..

I peeked out and continued filming. 

"Now now Master.." said the old man, grinning at Fisk as he thankfully turned away from the window. "If you truly wish to be a Kingpin of crime you must exercise patience."

"Patience is something that I am steadily losing day by day." said Fisk. "You said we would find Saber's master within the week. If that is the strongest class, then it should die immediately-."

"There are complications with that issue." said Lancer. "But I assure you we are safe regarding the matter of Saber for now. In fact, none of the other masters have even begun to move, and combat strength is not something we should be primarily focused on."

"Your reasoning?" asked Fisk. 

Lancer sighed. "The potential master for Saber backed out. Aminusphere no longer has interest in the war. After Mr. Doom decided to put his name in, the man felt it a waste of his time to even attempt an unwinnable war."

"Doom's addition is.. unfortunate." growled Fisk. "But that is why I made great strides to ensure that YOU were the servant I summoned, even given a class that is not of your usual manifestation."

"Yes yes, of course." said Lancer. 

"So you do understand that for both our sakes, both our wishes, you had better start delivering resu-."

"The Catalyst for Saber." Lancer suddenly threw what looked like an old piece of something..  over to Fisk, who caught it.

"What is this?" Fisk muttered. 

"The Catalyst for summoning.. a piece of that table.. " said Lancer. "You know the one.."

Fisk gritted his teeth. "They intended to summon one of those knights did they? Sly little bastard Aminusphere. He always was a-.."

Lancer suddenly held up a hand. "Hold that thought master. There is a fly on our wall."

My Spider-Sense went off, but I couldn't move fast enough to stop it. 

Lancer flung out his cane and from it, a grapple hook exploded through the glass, sending shards flying past me as it latched onto my chest and pulled me in, connected to some sort of chain. 

"OWWW!" I tumbled in as the hook let goo and went back into the cane, but I managed to roll to a crouching position almost immediately. 

"Oho? quite spry." said Lancer. 

"Uhhhh hey Fisk! How's it hanging? Look I would've knocked but you seemed to be having it out with your Mustachio Therapist!" 

"Not a fly, a spider.." Fisk growled, clenching his cane and stepping forward. 

"Really Fisk, do we have to do this now?" I said, leaping to my feet and taking a ready pose. "I mean I JUST got this suit laundered and dirt is SOOO gonna be visible on that fine tailored piece you got there."

Fisk stopped in his tracks then smiled. That was.. ominous. 

"You're right." He said.

"Alright lets fi- wait I am?" I said. 

"Why should I dirty my suit when I have somebody whose perfectly capable of killing you in an instant?" said Fisk. "After all, the Grail War can't have witnesses, isn't that right Lancer?"

Lancer sighed. "I suppose I'm killing another one of your flamboyant enemies. Seriously now, you have to learn to not be so overly suspicious of your staff as to cut your security systems Master."

"Master? What are you his extra professional butler? I mean I like the look, but couldn't you hire anybody that screamed less 'single simp dad' vibes?" I quipped. 

"Single simp da-!?" Lancer looked stunned. "Why I.. oh I'll make this slow for you boy."

"Well... that's just not good for me." I said. "Cause, I do have places to be.. will be taking this though."

I hurled out a web and snatched the thing in Fisk's hand, yanking it into my own palm. 

"Fascinating.." said Lancer.

"YOU INSECT!" Fisk roared. 

I stared at the thing in my hand. 

A... piece of wood? Seriously..? 

Wait.. there felt like some sort of heat coming off of it.. I really couldn't tell why.

"Wood working Fisk? Never took you for a carpenter! If you wanna build a deck try moving out of the city!" I said as backflipped out the window. 

"LANCER!" Fisk roared as I free fell towards the street below. 

I felt him coming as the wind rushed past my ears. 

"SHEEEEN!" I dodged in mid air as a blade came inches past my waist. 


Lancer turned as he rushed past me and hurled a blade on the end of his cane, slashing and jabbing it at me with such speed, I could barely make heads or tales of it. 

It was only thanks to my Spider-Sense that I was able to avoid the vital strikes, but before I knew it a few bloody warm gashes were felt on my left side as I used a web to yank me at another building desperately. 

I flipped straight into an under construction building, grabbing rebar and slinging myself in between incomplete metal wall foundation. 

I leaped through a hole in an incomplete cieling and froze, going quiet as I listened intently. 

"SHeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn." The sound of grinding metal met my ears as I whirled around to see him.. walking over casually as he scraped the cane's blade against the metal bars next to him. 

"Boy I have seen quite a bit since I was summoned to this world. The heroes of this era.. are quite crazy." said Lancer as light glinted over his monocle.  

"Well that's just Fisk for you, if you work for a fat dude who can bench a car, you're gonna have to deal with his crowd!" I said. "Work for me however, and I can offer free cereal.. chocolate milk gauranteed... perfect work environment, I can tell you're tempted!"

"Joke all you want." said Lancer. "It is apparent you only do so since you are afraid."

"Well excuse me for trying to offer some premium Cap'n Crunch to your pallete." I said.  "I'll have you know that at the Spidey-Cereal Incorperated, we gaurantee satsifaction or your money- YOW!!"

I was forced to leap onto the cieling, clinging to it with one hand as a cutting shockwave slashed apart the wall behind me. 

"At least let me finish my quips! Rude!" I said. 

"I don't play games with children." said Lancer simply as he dashed at me. 

And boy could he dash. 

A sonic boom later and he was right on top of me. 

"EEEEP!" another bloody gash tore into the leg of my suit as suddenly Lancer's foot met my chest and I was sent smashing through the floor. 

I webbed a nearby crate as I went and sent it hurtling straight at Lancer's head as he dove after me. 

Lancer easily slashed it apart and landed both feet on my chest as my back hit another floor, and another. 

I felt the wind nearly leave me as I was smashed through several under construction floors with Lancer still standing on me. 

Lancer slammed a foot to my throat, causing me to gasp. 

"I'm normally a Caster.. such.. physically straining fights.. are not my forte. The fact I'm summoned as this class frankly is an immensely fortunate circumstance and shouldn't be possible." said Lancer. 

"You.. playing some sorta.. rpg..?" I choked out. 

"Well.. something like that." said Lancer. "Heheheh.. do not worry costumed man. I take back my earlier statement about your slow death. It is far more efficient to kill you instantly. Now I'll be taking this."

Lancer took the piece of wood from my belt, but as he did, I useed a fist to knock his foot off and I webbed the wood back into my hand. 

I hurled a full powered kick straight into his jaw. It was apparent I needed to go all out now. 

Lancer was sent flying and smashing through several walls, a number of girdirs falling on him and creating a dust cloud. 

He walked out of the dust wiping a bit of blood from his jaw. 

"Oho.. now that was unexpected." said Lancer with a grin. 

"Now step off!" I growled as I brought up my fist... and accidentally crushed the wooden shard in my hand out of anger..

Both me and Lancer stared at the dusty pieces and splinters that were now flying away in the breeze. 

"Oops." I muttered.

"Well then.. I guess I'll kill you now." said Lancer. 

"ZWEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" at that moment, pain filled my head..

Visions of a web.. on fire..

Eight eyes staring at me ferociously.. 

We.. are the Other..

I snapped back to reality as suddenly, strange burning red marks began to light up on the back of my hand, shining through my suit.

"WHAT!?" roared Lancer as suddenly the shards of wood exploded and a burning gold light filled the incomplete building. 

It was fast.. a figure clad in iron armor and a blue dress..  there seemed to be some sort of wind shaped like a blade whispering in her hand as she collided with Lancer. 

"If you wish to live, then take your life in your hands.. and defend it.. " a voice whispered as the figure slammed her invisible blade against Lancer's cane. 

"THE SEVENTH SERVANT!?" roared Lancer. "Impossible. You don't even HAVE a magical circui-"

It was like watching air doing battle with itself. 

Lancer and the newcomer collided with each other, throwing sparks and shockwaves into the air as they moved their weapons at super sonic speeds. If I didn't have spider-sense, the fight would've appeared invisible to me. 

The shockwaves from the fight were so fierce, that they sent me flying off the building like a hurricane on steroids. 

"Master!!" the voice from before yelled out as I fell out. 

I managed to send a web out, swinging my way into a tumbling rolling fall onto another rooftop, my body slamming against a fence behind me. 

In the distance I saw Lancer leap to another rooftop, apparently retreating. 

And then.. the other person landed on the rooftop in front of me... and I saw her fully for the first time. 

The sight of her changed my life forever. 

Her hair was blonde, but shone like radiant sun rays with the moon behind her.. tied in an elegant braided bun, her features like one of those elves you saw in a video game that were too beautiful for real life.  Her eyes green like emerald jewels. 

Her blue princess-like dress was clad in brilliant mirror-like iron. A knight who looked both like she was no stranger to battle, but also like somebody who you'd expect to see comforting those with loss.   

I was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world and I didn't know HOW the heck I was supposed to respond..

"I ask of you.. .are you m- " She began to speak. But then, her eyebrows arched in slight concern, changing her question midway. "Uh.. are.. you wearing spandex?" 

I stared at her blankly for a few moments. 

"Uhhh.. in my defense... it's not a sex thing." 

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