IF ONLY. marichat | ✔️

By barcelony

8.2K 144 79

COMPLETED!! (book 2 is out: NUMB.zoenette !!!!) Adrien and Kagami are together and Marinette is in pieces. Ho... More

more marichat by me !!


685 12 7
By barcelony

Chapter Two: Who Hurt You, Marinette?

Chat Noir slid through the window to his room, collapsing onto his bed. He had to leave Marinette's around four in the morning to insure Natalie or his father wouldn't catch him. His heart thundered against his chest while he processed last night. That was his first sleepover and never did he think it'd be with a girl, much less alone. He picked up his phone, typing up a message to Nino. He stops when he remembers that Chat Noir had a sleepover, not Adrien.

"Plagg, claws in."

His cheeky kwami lays on Adrien's bed, feigning fatigue. "Oh, I'm so tired. If only I had some camembert."

"In my desk drawer."

Plagg greedily claims all the gathered cheese.

Adrien stares at the ceiling, wondering what Marinette's reaction will be to his note. He was happy knowing he shifted her mood a bit. When he was patrolling-more so an excuse to get out the house- and saw his friend bawling her eyes out he had to do something. That's how he is. He naturally wants to help people, a reason why Master Fu had chosen him. His mind flashes back, remembering who the new guardian is: Ladybug.

Silk blue hair, cerulean doe eyes, plump lips. A strong leader, smart and witty. He's tried countless times to hit her with his Chat Noir charm, but she's not into it. Oh, he needs to let her go, this is ridiculous. He's with Kagami for crying out loud. Kagami, think about your girlfriend. Everyone thought he'd lost his marbles for going after Ladybug anyways. Could he blame them anyways? It's true. She made it very clear that they were to never reveal their identities, so how would they form a relationship otherwise? It was an empty dream.

His alarm goes off, shocking Adrien. Had so much time gone by? He glanced at his clock. Six o'clock. Trudging out of bed, he carries on his morning routine. Afterwards, he slings his backpack over his shoulder calling for his kwami. He heads to the kitchen to snag a quick breakfast, per usual his father is nowhere in sight. Telling Natalie goodbye, he rushes to his ride. Placide, his chauffeur and bodyguard, turns on classical music, calming Adrien's ragged breath. He checks his watch, six forty. Rushing was unnecessary, so why did he..?


He hadn't realized it consciously, but he's been looking forward to hearing what she had to say. Probably not directly, but he was hoping to listen in on a conversation she'd have with Alya. Marinette had a habit of confiding in her best friend during the beginning of class; therefore, Adrien needed to be a bit early to catch that. This is a crazy plan, what is he thinking? Suddenly, his phone dings in his pocket. It's Kagami.

Good morning!

Adrien types out the same, making sure to emphasize as much cheer. 

What's wrong with him? First Ladybug, now Marinette? This is the opposite of being a good boyfriend. He shouldn't be thinking about his first love or his first sleepover. He should be thinking about her. If he's being honest, the only reason he's lasted this long is because of how his father's been. On occasion, Father will tell Adrien he's proud he's found himself a successful partner. He knows it's due to the relationship his father has with Kagami's mom, but it makes him feel good nonetheless.

When Placide switches the gears into park, Adrien notices they've arrived at school. He gathers his things and gives a quick thank you to his driver. Nino, his best friend, is cozy with his girlfriend when he approaches them. 

"Yo," Nino gives Adrien a bro hug.

"Hey," he runs his hands through his hair. He turns to Alya greeting her too.

Alya gives Nino a chaste kiss. "Better go. I told Marinette I'd meet her in class."


Adrien squirmed himself away from Nino with a flimsy bathroom excuses, lacking a way to explain to his friend why he wanted to go to class. 'Oh, I want to eavesdrop on your girlfriend's best friend to see what she thinks about Chat Noir, a hero I'm in no correlation with.'  Yup, Nino would eat that excuse up. 

"You did what?!" Alya whisper shouts.

"I let him in and he slept on my floor."

"He stayed the night, too," she snickers,"Wow, Marinette. Didn't know you had it in you."

"Uh-what's that supposed to mean?"

"That I figured you more a goody two shoes. Don't change the subject, what happened next?"

Alya is sharp with her interrogation skills. Adrien remembers when she was akumatized as Lady Wifi and her only wish was to unmask Ladybug. Usually Hawkmoth's victims have selfish desires, hers was purely to uncover a mystery. One Adrien desperately wanted to uncover himself for a time. What used to intrigue, now saddens him at the thought.

"I went to bed and the next morning he was gone."

"No way!"

"Yeah, I actually thought it was all a dream, but I...uh, well, he kinda left me a note."

"This is like a movie. Go on, what'd it say?"

Adrien pays close attention to Marinette's expression while she relays his words. He isn't sure why it matters now, but it does.

"Damn, are you going to wait for him on your balcon- wait, why were you out there so late?"

Marinette stammers. "I-I..uh, well, I, um...couldn't sleep."

He knows she's lying. She told Chat Noir last night that she cries out there, because seeing the city helps her. He got that. Adrien went patrolling to clear his head and to feel free when Ladybug wasn't around. It made him feel like he was someone other than Adrien Agreste, the world renowned fashion designer's son and model. Patrolling as Chat Noir, he was his truest self. Free of responsibilities, expectations, eyes knowing the identity his father had stamped on him. 

"Huh," Alya pauses in thought,"Chat sounds kinda hot, don't you think?"

Marinette's entire face sizzles into various shades of red in an ombre effect, lightest on her forehead to darkest on her cheeks.

"No," she shakes her head fervently. "I-I  don't wanna talk about this anymore. It feels like I'm repeating a cycle and I don't think I can handle getting hurt again." Her breath quickening.

Alya pats her friend's back soothingly. "Okay, it's okay."

Hurt again? By who? Could that be the real reason she was crying? Adrien thought it was weird that Marinette was that sad due to her boredom with her routine. Never would he say something so insensitive, but the thought had lingered.  

Who hurt you, Marinette?

When Nino sits beside Adrien he realizes the classroom is full, Mrs. Bustier appears mere seconds later, starting class. He puts his inquiries aside, focusing his attention on the lesson at hand. She breaks down a math equation and he loses interest the moment he's looked at it; Adrien already studied this material. 

Right when he thought boredom would kill him, his phone buzzed. Initially, he thought it was his girlfriend again but it's an Akuma Alert. A villain's running amok on Champs-Élysées. Adrien needs to transform and asses the situation before Ladybug gets upset. 

The teacher calls on a student."Yes, Marinette?" 

"I really need to use the bathroom, may I go?"


That'll work.

"Me, too," He calls, hand raised.

"Yes. Go, go."

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