Rise of the Jedi Order

Per soulfox1305

2.2K 55 18

Years after the Empire has fallen a new order has taken over name the First Order but there is still hope in... Més

Village attack, Rey meets Alina and BB-8
Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina
Millennium Falcon, Han Solo
Rathtars, Snoke, Map
Maz, Lightsabers, Republic Destroyed
Takodana battle, Leia Organa, Resistance Base
Face reveal, plans, infiltration
Battle of Starkiller Base
R2 and R3 wakes up, Luke and Aayla
Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke
Jedi texts, Ambush
Holdo, Rose, Maz
Lesson one, Canto Bight
Lesson two, DJ, Fathier's freedom
Axel, The truth, Yoda
Snoke's Destroyer, Evacuation
Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice
Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base
Luke and Aayla vs Kylo Ren, Spark
Sidious alive, Hyperspace skipping, Force Training
The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana
Sith Dagger, Force Lightning, Plan
D-O, Kijimi, Babu, Location
Rescue, The Truth, Death Star
Kijimi destroyed, Preparing, Leia lightsaber
Battle of Exegol
Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, The Jedi Order

The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death

37 2 0
Per soulfox1305

3rd POV

Jannah rides across the field heading for the Falcon as BB-8, R3 and D-O are with a couple of Orbaks that are eating BB-8 chirps looking at the one closest to them D-O wheels close he said "Hello" The Orbak leans down and brays "No, thank you" D-O wheels back "No, thank you" BB-8 chirps and R3 beeps turning his head while Poe, C-3PO and Chewie are working in the cockpit C-3PO said "What a dreadful situation".

He looks to Poe raising an arm "Is every day like this for you people" Chewie grunts working on the console "Madness" C-3PO turns back to panel and taking a tool out of his mouth Poe said "Did we ever find this volume control" Chewie grunts looking back while Finn works on the engine then Jannah holds a tool down, she said "It's an O-6, but should work".

Turning to grab it Finn said "Thank you" He looks at the O-6 for a moment "This is First Order part" Looking up Finn gets up and looks at it before look to Jannah "Where did you get this" Pointing Jannah said "There's an old cruiser on the west ridge" She looks at them "Stripped for parts".

Finn looks at the part "The one we were assigned to" That caught his attention "The one we escaped in" Closing his eyes Finn said "Okay, wait" He opens them staring at Jannah "You were First Order" Shaking her head Jannah said "Not by choice" Finn climbs out of the engine sitting on the opposite side facing Jannah "We were conscripted as kids" Finn stares at her "All of us".

She raise her head "I was TZ-1719" She stares back "Stormtrooper" Leaning in Finn said "FN-2187" Moving her legs to sit on the edge Jannah ask "You" Finn said "I never knew there were more" Jannah ask "Deserters" She moves her head "All of us here were stormtroopers" She breathes before leaning in "We mutinied at the battle of Ansett Island".

She lowers her gaze "They told us to fire on civilians" Jannah looks back to Finn "We wouldn't do it" Finn stares at her "We laid our weapons down" Finn ask "All of you" Jannah said "The whole company" She chuckles shaking her head before closing her eyes "I don't even know how it happened" Jannah moves her hands "It wasn't a decision, really, it was like..."

Finn said "An instinct" Jannah looks to him "Feeling" Raising her brows Jannah said "A feeling" Finn said "The Force" Jannah stares at him "The Force brought me here" Shaking his head "Brought me to Rey, Alina" He stares a Jannah "And Poe" Shaking her head a bit Jannah said "You say that like you're sure it's real" Finn said "I wasn't sure then..." Jannah stares at Finn "...but I am now".

BB-8 chirps to Poe who kneels staring he ask "What is it, buddy" BB-8 chirps moving his body a bit "What do you mean you haven't seen them" Before raising his gaze while Finn, Poe, Chewie, and Jannah went over the hill towards the ocean Finn stops using the binoculars to see Rey and Alina riding a Sea Skiff going up a wave Finn gives the binoculars to Poe walking pass him Jannah ask "They took the skimmer" Poe raise the binoculars.

Alina POV

We went over another wave grunting I pull the lever steading the skiff looking forward to seeing another wave rising Rey got to work behind me and I keep moving the lever until she joined back with me moving the wheels going up Rey pulls one of the ropes and we grunt holding on making it to the top before heading down.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Poe walks forward he ask "What the hell were they thinking" Walking after him Finn said "Poe, we gotta go after them" They went down the hill Poe said "We'll get the Falcon fixed, and get out there as fast as we can" But Finn said "No, we're not gonna lose them" Looking to him Poe said "Look, they left us" He raise his arm "What do you wanna do" He stares "Swim".

He turns back heading for the Falcon and catching up to him Finn said "They're not themselves" He keeps following "You have no idea what they're fighting" Poe stops turning to him he ask "And you do" He points at Finn who stops while Jannah, Chewie, and the group stare at them nodding Finn said "Yeah, I do" He raise his arm "And so does Leia".

Staring at him for a moment before pointing Poe said "Well, I'm not Leia" He pokes Finn who raise his hand pointing he said "That's for damn sure" He turns heading back up the hill as Poe watch him go lowering his gaze before turning around heading for the Falcon.

Meanwhile Rey and Alina reach the wreckage Alina turn the wheel and Rey moves the lever avoiding giant pillars going into the gap as Finn saw this lowering the binoculars Jannah said "Finn" He turns to Jannah who runs to him "There's another skimmer" Finn looks back to the wreckage.

Alina POV

Rey and I parked the skimmer tied it up we move through the wreckage hearing the metal groaning we climb up a circular pillar looking around I said "We're gonna have to time our climbing Rey" I look to Rey who nods panting I turn around feeling my left grabbing a pole I turn put my foot on some metals that came off I gasp watching it fall below Rey ask "Are you alright"?

I breathe slowly keeping a good grip I said "Yeah, I'm fine" I climb up the area "Just follow where I go" Rey said "Okay" She follows me until I stop looking back and I jump grabbing a tilted platform I grunt before climbing up I move for Rey to do the same thing I help her up breathing we look in the direction to where we need to go.

We climb up another wall grunting until reaching a hallway breathing me and Rey walk forward seeing Stormtrooper armour Rey stops looking in a room, I follow her to a familiar room seeing a chair in front of a window I turn around to see a broken rail in front of an elevator in the distance Rey ask "Alina where are we"?

Staring at the spot I said "We're in the Emperor's throne room" Joining me Rey ask "What are you looking at" Turning to Rey I ask "Do you want to know how he died" Rey nods a bit "Raven betrayed Palpatine he grab him with his arm and lifted while Palpatine uses Force Lightning on Luke, his father Anakin and my mother Aayla" Looking back "He walk himself to the rail and stumbled a bit".

I could almost see it "Anakin help him and a bit of the Lightning broke Raven's mask then he shoves Anakin away and sent Palpatine and himself over the edge to his death" Rey ask "What happen to Raven" Looking at her I said "He hold the edge at the last second and we try to help him up, but he told Aayla to make me a Jedi before he let go falling to his death".

I lower my head feeling a tear going down and I grip my father's lightsaber I wipe it looking to Rey before looking at the seat me and Rey head towards it and stare at it suddenly a door opens catching our attention and steam hissing out of it we enter then the door closes behind us we look back and head forward passing crystal pillars we hear voices before turning to see the wayfinder there.

Rey and I walk up to it then she grabs the wayfinder taking it Rey gasp softly she looks to me, and I felt something turning my gaze making Rey notice we turn around to see Dark Rey wearing a hood and Rey gasp and I yelp moving back watching the Dark Rey turn her lightsaber into a dual they stare at us Dark Rey said "Don't be afraid of who you are".

We hear breathing behind her and Dark Rey lowers her head for Raven to appear activating his lightsaber I said "Raven" Breathing Raven said "You have failed me my Elite" Both Dark Rey and Raven walk forward me, and Rey activate our lightsabers and clash against them back to back until we them in a lock staring at them Raven looks to me and I stare back "Return to the Dark Side my daughter" We break the lock me and Rey stumble back out of the room landing on our back.

We grunt the wayfinder clatters we look to see it moving until a hand stops it lifting the wayfinder staring at it is Kylo Ren before glancing towards us quickly me and Rey get up staring at him, we activate our lightsabers Kylo Ren lowers the wayfinder me and Rey slowly walk towards Kylo Ren who said "Look at yourselves" He stares at us "You wanted to prove to my mother that you were both Jedis..."

3rd POV

Meanwhile back at the Resistance a headset hits the console Beaumont notice before looking to Leia who moves away from them Beaumont taps Rose making her look to him and he motion to Leia as Snap moves looking confuse a Rebel and a Resistance pilot talking but the pilot looks to Leia making the Rebel look too.

Snap stares and Leia walks to Aayla who looks concern then Leia holds her hands as R2 chirping worriedly by Maz who said "Leia knows what must be done, Artoo" She watch Connix join Aayla helping her to move Leia "To reach her son now..." Maz stares raising her brows "...will take all the strength she has left".

Alina POV

Rey and I clash against Kylo Ren on a long wreckage going into the ocean he moves back turning to us Rey spins her lightsaber a few times I spin it once we avoided Kylo Ren's slash and clash against him again.

3rd POV

Meanwhile standing up is Finn breathing heavily hearing the lightsaber clashing before looking to Jannah.

Alina POV

We move back clash against Kylo Ren blocking each of these attacks and lock his attack before he spins once breaking the lock, we hear Finn yell "Rey, Alina" We keep clashing lightsabers "Rey, Alina" Rey swings at Kylo Ren as I turn raising a hand using the Force to send Finn back, I yell "NO" Finn slides back, and I turn blocking a strike.

Rey and I move pass him looking towards Finn and Jennah we clash lightsabers against Kylo Ren's before lock lightsabers against him looking to see a gigantic wave coming Kylo Ren turns to see it we grunt breaking the lock before running to the edge and Force jump over the gap landing on the other platform but Kylo Ren lands in front of us.

He turns aiming his lightsaber I slash at it and Rey swings at him we clash yelling moving along the platform a wave hits us and we continue to fight against Kylo Ren who locks our lightsabers staring at us and we glare at him before breaking the lock passing both sides and spin our lightsabers and clash Kylo Ren spins and tries to stab us.

But we move our lightsaber to make his stab the ground staring at his face breathing hard before breaking it Rey use Force jump to flip backwards and I turn using the Force jump to flip forwards avoiding another big wave we land on the platform and stood up side by side staring at the area until Kylo Ren walks forward holding his lightsaber in reserve.

Rey and I pant staring at Kylo Ren who swings, and we avoid it moving pass he swings his lightsaber but we use the Force to stop it and I slash at the lightsaber for Rey to swing at Kylo Ren making him lean back avoiding it we clash blades again moving around Kylo Ren use the Force to stop our next attacks.

We move our lightsabers and clash against his moving around in a circle clashing each time until Kylo Ren stops moving back a bit we pant staring at him before moving forward and clash against him again swinging our lightsabers each time until we lock his lightsaber with ours for a moment before he breaks the lock causing us to stumble pass him.

I move my hand panting looking back to Kylo Ren we went forward and swing at him moving around he slash his lightsaber at ours causing us to move back a bit before falling to our knees panting heavily looking at him, we block his attack a couple times and he raise his lightsaber at us but suddenly he stops.

3rd POV

Kylo Ren lowers his lightsaber as Leia is seen she said "Ben" Slowly Kylo Ren turn his head hearing Leia exhales before Kylo Ren turns around sensing Leia who lies down on a bed her head landing on a pillow while he lets his lightsaber go only for Rey to grab it activating it she yells stabbing Kylo Ren who stares at her and Alina gets up while Leia's hand collapse and she exhales deeply and watching her is R2 and Aayla who frowns as Rey and Alina senses they said "Leia".

Rey deactivates the lightsaber making Kylo Ren collapse sitting Alina breathe shakily sensing her frowning as R2 stare at Leia for a moment before shaking side to side before leaning forward R2 whines and tears fell from her eyes Aayla said "May the Force be with you Leia" Rey and Alina look to Kylo Ren tears falling down their faces they drop to their knees Rey sniffles and Alina sobs softly.

Kylo Ren gasping in pain, but Rey and Alina raise their hands putting them on his chest lowering their heads Kylo Ren notice breathing hard Rey and Alina both use Force energy to heal Kylo Ren's wound making him exhale sharply before looking to them Rey sniffles and Alina sighs both staring at him, they move their hands away Kylo Ren breathes heavily still staring at them.

Looking at him Rey said "We did want to take your hands" Sniffing Alina said "Ben's hand" They grab their lightsabers getting up leaving Kylo Ren sitting there breathing Rey and Alina head for Kylo Ren's ship Rey opens the hatch before noticing it was for one person they look to one another before Alina notice two Ties there.

Alina went towards the closest opening the hatch climbing in she closes the hatch trying to get the system working but nothing happened before placing a hand making blue lines appear and the systems activate, she got to work making the Tie hover with Rey getting the ship up they turn and leave the wreckage with Finn watching them as the Falcon heads towards them.

Meanwhile at the Resistance everyone gathers around staring at Leia who is covered in a cloth Maz said "Goodbye, dear princess" Everyone frowns while D'Acy heads to Poe who walks with Chewie, and Finn looking down D'Acy said "Poe, something's happened" Poe look to her as Finn, and Chewie went pass "Finn" Finn said "This can't wait".

Chewie grunts moving by Poe said "We've gotta see the General" He follows them until D'Acy said "She's gone" That made them stop looking to her confuse looking to one another slowly realising Chewie groans noticing Finn said "Chewie..." Chewie crying going on his knees and roaring loudly Poe went to him but Chewie weeping waves his arms covering his head for a bit before lowering them.

Aayla walks into a small cave frowning then she sense the Force making her stop staring forward Aayla said "How did you know Leia's time was coming" Back to her facing the opposite way the Figure said "I've seen it in the Force" He stares "But you have to get ready" Furrowing her brows Aayla ask "For what" Slowly turning his head towards her the Figure said "Your fight on Exegol" He disappears before Aayla could turn.

Meanwhile Kylo Ren stood on the edge of the platform holding his lightsaber before a Voice said "Hey, kid" The wind went pass his hair and Kylo Ren slowly turns to see Han Solo standing there they stare at one another for a moment "I miss you son" Kylo Ren breathes trembling he said "Your son is dead" Chuckling quietly Han said "No".

He walks over to Kylo Ren "Kylo Ren is dead" Han nods to him "My son is alive" Kylo Ren stares at him before lowering his gaze "You're just a memory" He looks back to Han who nods slowly he said "Your memory" Kylo Ren shakes a bit "Come on" But Kylo Ren said "It's too late" He takes a breath "She's gone" Raising his head Han said "Your mother's gone".

Han breathes staring "But what she stood for, what she fought for..." He shakes his head "...that's not gone" Kylo Ren just stares at Han who sighs "Ben" He stares at his Kylo Ren who said "I know what I have to do..." He shakes more "...but I don't know if I have the strength to do it" Han raises his hand touching Kylo Ren's face he said "You do".

Lowering his hand from Kylo Ren who stares at him before raising his lightsaber Kylo Ren said "Dad..." Han stares at him before Kylo Ren begins to sob silently and Han smiles he said "I know" Turning around Ben threw his lightsaber making it go into the air flipping around before falling into the ocean he turns back to see Han's gone Ben moves a bit before raising his gaze.

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