Oshi no Ko: The Maestro

By Lighningtzzz

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Hiroshi Shirotaka, a brilliant young genius, finds himself trapped in a world that fails to challenge his int... More

Prologue: The Bored Genius
Chapter 1: Youtou High School
Chapter 2: Hoshino Sibling
Chapter 3: Hidden Motives
Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company
Chapter 5: Blossoms of Destiny
Chapter 6: Dreams and Determination
Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters and Sinister Intrigues
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Enigma
Chapter 11: A Little Adventure
Chapter 12: Whispers of Deception and Desire
Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 14: Confrontation and Allegiance
Chapter 15: The Fierce Rivalries
Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets
Chapter 17: Blossoms of Love: A Night of Enchantment
Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation
Chapter 19: Shadowed Pursuit
Chapter 20: Stellar Intrigues: Echoes of Enigma
Chapter 21: LoveNow !
Chapter 22: Unveiling the Unexpected Contestant
Chapter 23: Beneath the Charisma
Chapter 24: Akane's Heartfelt Resolve
Chapter 25: Unraveling the Enchanting Lie
Chapter 26: A Candid Connection
Chapter 27: Algebra, Acting, and Almost a Getaway
Chapter 28: Romantic Rumble on the Love Bus
Chapter 29: An Date in Osaka?
Chapter 30: Jealousy's Hidden Embrace
Chapter 31: Entangled Hearts Beneath the Fireworks' Glow
Chapter 32: Dancing Shadows and Hidden Motives
Chapter 33: Aqua and Hiroshi's Malevolent Symphony
Chapter 34: Maze of Hearts: Navigating the Love Triangle
Chapter 35: Tangled Hearts and Trusted Confidants
Chapter 36: Clarity Amidst Complexity: Akane's Dilemma
Chapter 37: A Web of Ambitions and Intrigue
Chapter 38: Unexpected Twists and Midnight Conversations
Chapter 39: The Strategic Dance of Akane and Hiroshi
Chapter 40: Echoes of Akane's Heart
Chapter 41: The Grand Finale of LoveNow
Chapter 42: Revelations in the Shadows
Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma
Chapter 44: The Audacious Pursuit
Chapter 45: The Perils of Hiroshi's Mischief
Chapter 46: A Starlit Serenade of Friendship and Fans
Chapter 47: Dramatic Dynamics

Chapter 10: Unscripted Chemistry

1.1K 36 19
By Lighningtzzz

The theatre was abuzz with activity as the cast and crew prepared for the upcoming drama play. Rehearsals were in full swing, with actors running lines, practising their scenes, and getting into character. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and excitement.

Amongst the bustling crowd stood Hiroshi, and he observed his colleagues from the sidelines. He watched as his fellow actors delivered their lines with passion and dedication, embodying the characters they were to portray on stage.

Hiroshi's eyes roamed across the room, taking in the various personalities and talents. He had joined this theatre group with a specific goal in mind, and now, as he surveyed the scene, he knew that he had accomplished the first thing he set out to achieve. A sense of satisfaction washed over him.

He immersed himself in the theatre, honing his acting skills, building relationships, and gaining valuable experience and information. Now, however, it was time for him to move on to take the next step towards his plan.

As Hiroshi gazed at his colleagues, he recognized the bonds that had formed between them. He had become a part of this tight-knit community, sharing their joys, frustrations, and aspirations. But he knew that to fulfil his objectives, he had to break away from this cocoon and venture into uncharted territory.

Everything could be expected from this guy. He could disturb the water or calm it as long as he found enjoyment in it.

As Hiroshi stood lost in thought, a familiar voice interrupted his musings. A cheerful girl with vibrant orange hair and an infectious smile approached him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. It was Aya, one of Hiroshi's colleagues.

"Aya!" Hiroshi greeted her warmly, breaking into a smile. "How are you? Rehearsals seem to be going well for you."

Aya's enthusiasm was contagious as she bounced on her toes. "Oh, Hiroshi! Rehearsals are going amazing! I can't even express how much I love it. I'm practising for the principal role of Hana, you know! It's such a fantastic opportunity. I feel so lucky!"

Hiroshi chuckled at her boundless energy, admiring her passion for the craft. "I can see that, Aya. Your dedication and talent shine through every time you step on that stage. The role of Hana suits you perfectly, and I have no doubt you'll bring an incredible performance to the audience."

Aya blushed, her excitement intensifying. "Thank you, Hiroshi! That means a lot coming from you. But enough about me. How are things going for you? You've been a bit quiet lately. Is everything okay?"

Hiroshi took a moment to collect his thoughts, appreciating Aya's concern. He knew he could confide a bit in her, but he also wanted to maintain a positive outlook.

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Aya," Hiroshi replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I've been observing and learning a lot from our experienced actors. Each of them brings something unique to their characters, and it's truly inspiring to witness their dedication and skill. I've been taking mental notes, absorbing their techniques, and applying them to my craft."

Aya tilted her head slightly, a touch of sadness crossing her face. "You know, Hiroshi, I can't help but feel a bit sad that you didn't get a role in this play. I know how much you've poured into your acting, and it would have been amazing to see you shine on stage."

Hiroshi's smile remained unwavering, appreciating Aya's empathy. "I understand how you feel, Aya. But please don't worry about me."

Aya's eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and determination. "I want you to know that I'll be there to support you. No matter what you choose to do, whether it's within the theatre or beyond, I'll have your back. You can count on me."

Hiroshi was glad. "Thank you, Aya."

Aya's eyes lit up with excitement, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Don't forget to do your best no matter what."

With a playful wink, Aya bid Hiroshi farewell and made her way back to the bustling activity of the theatre.

As Hiroshi stood there, his gaze shifted across the room and landed on a familiar face. It was Sekito.
Sekito, with his pompous attitude and constant need to belittle others, had made Hiroshi's experience in the theatre more challenging. But today, as Hiroshi's eyes settled on Sekito, a small smirk curled up the corner of his lips.
"My dear nemesis, what is that mind of yours planning? "

Sekito stood a few feet away, engrossed in his phone. Hiroshi's eyes focused intently on the device, studying every detail. It was a sleek and expensive model adorned with a polished black casing. The screen emitted a vibrant glow, reflecting in Sekito's eyes as he scrolled through various social media feeds.

Hiroshi seemed to get what he wanted to see and then smirked while looking at Sekito, who wasn't aware of him.
"Every other animal starts to feel like a king when the lions are not hunting in the jungle."

After some time...
The theatre was nearly empty as the final rehearsal came to a close for that day. Hiroshi had decided to take a walk through the hallways to ensure that everyone was aware of the theatre's impending closure. As he walked, he could hear a faint voice coming from the open doors of the theatre hall.

Curiosity piqued, and Hiroshi followed the sound and entered the hall. The dim lights illuminated the stage, and he saw a figure in the spotlight. It was Akane, one of Hiroshi's closest friends in Lala Lie. She was engrossed in her rehearsal, fully immersed in the character 'Emiko' she would portray in the upcoming drama play.

Hiroshi quietly approached the edge of the stage, careful not to interrupt her performance. Akane's delivery was flawless, her voice resonating with emotion and conviction. Her gestures were precise, and her facial expressions captured the essence of the character.

Hiroshi stood there, mesmerized by Akane's talent and dedication. He marvelled at how effortlessly she slipped into the role, embodying the character's every nuance and emotion. The stage seemed to come alive as she breathed life into her lines.

As the scene came to a close, Akane took a deep breath, her eyes still fixed on an imaginary point in the distance. Hiroshi couldn't contain his admiration any longer. He slowly raised his hands and began to clap, the sound reverberating through the empty theatre.

Akane's eyes widened in surprise, and she turned her head to locate the source of the applause. When she saw Hiroshi standing at the edge of the stage, a bright blush crept across her cheeks. She quickly moved out of the spotlight, stumbling slightly in her embarrassment.

"H-Hiroshi!" Akane stammered, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and shyness. "W-What are you doing here?"

Hiroshi smiled warmly, his applause gradually fading away.
"I was just passing by, Akane," he replied, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
"I couldn't help but watch your rehearsal. Your performance was incredible. You truly brought the character to life."

Akane's blush deepened, but a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Th-Thank you, Hiroshi. That means a lot coming from you."

Hiroshi stepped onto the stage.
"You deserve all the praise, Akane. Your dedication and talent are inspiring. I do not doubt that you'll captivate the audience with your performance."

Akane's blush deepened as Hiroshi stepped onto the stage and closed the distance between them. She tried to gather her thoughts, her voice coming out in a soft, almost timid tone.

"Um, Hiroshi... How long were you watching?" Akane asked, her voice betraying her curiosity and a hint of embarrassment.

Hiroshi chuckled lightly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, just for a little while. I happened to hear your voice from outside and couldn't resist following it. I had no idea I would stumble upon such a captivating performance."

Akane's blush intensified, and she glanced away for a moment before looking back at Hiroshi. Her voice dropped even lower as she struggled to find the right words.
"It's just... It's different when it's someone you know watching, you know? It's more... intimate, I guess."

Hiroshi tilted his head, a playful smile playing on his lips.
"Intimate, huh? So, are you telling me that you get embarrassed performing in front of one guy but not a whole crowd?"

Akane's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and she lightly nudged Hiroshi's shoulder, a mix of embarrassment and playfulness in her eyes.
"N-Not just any guy, Hiroshi. You're... more than that."

Hiroshi's playful smile faded slightly as he realized he hadn't caught Akane's last words as her voice was so low to hear it. He leaned in closer, a gentle curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Akane," he said, his voice soft and apologetic. "I didn't quite catch what you said. Could you repeat it?"

Akane's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and panic flashing across her face. She fidgeted with her hands, trying to find the right words to explain herself.

"Oh, um... It's nothing, really," she stammered, her voice barely audible. "I just... I meant to say that performing in front of someone you know can feel more... vulnerable."

Hiroshi noticed the sudden shift in Akane's demeanour, her uneasiness evident in her fidgeting. He realized that his question had caught her off guard, and he didn't want to push her further. He gently placed a hand on her arm, offering reassurance.

Akane's tense shoulders gradually relaxed at Hiroshi's words. She took a deep breath, steadied herself, and managed a small smile.

She found a nearby chair on the stage and gestured for Hiroshi to join her. "Why don't we sit and talk for a while? I could use a moment to unwind."

Hiroshi nodded and settled into the chair beside her. The two friends faced each other, their expressions a mix of support and curiosity. Hiroshi leaned forward slightly, his gaze fixed on Akane.

"So, tell me about your character, Emiko," Hiroshi said, his voice filled with genuine interest. "I could tell from your rehearsal that she has a complex emotional journey. How has it been for you to understand and portray her?"

Akane sighed softly, her eyes wandering as she collected her thoughts. She leaned back in her chair, finding comfort in the familiar surroundings of the theatre.

"Emiko... she's a character with so many layers," Akane began, her voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "At first, I struggled to grasp her motives and the depth of her emotions. But as I delved deeper into her story, I realized that she carries a lot of pain and hidden strength."

Hiroshi listened intently, his eyes never leaving Akane's face. He wanted to create a safe space for her to open up about her process and challenges.

"I can only imagine how challenging it must be to portray such a complex character," Hiroshi empathized.

Akane paused for a moment, her gaze shifting downward as she gathered her thoughts. She took a deep breath, and with a hint of unease in her voice, she began to open up to Hiroshi.

"You know, Hiroshi," Akane started her tone, a touch hesitant. "Portraying Emiko has been quite challenging, not just because of the complexity of her character, but also because of the dynamics with the actor playing Takumi, her love interest."

Hiroshi's brows furrowed with concern. He could sense the weight of Akane's words and the underlying uneasiness in her voice. He leaned in closer, his eyes filled with empathy.

"Tell me, Akane," he said softly. "What's been going on? Has something been bothering you during rehearsals?"

Akane nodded, her eyes flickering with a mix of anxiety and relief that Hiroshi was willing to listen. She fidgeted with her hands, the words tumbling out.

"Well, you see, it is Sekito... he hasn't been very cooperative. He's often dismissive of my ideas and suggestions, and it's made me feel anxious and uncertain about our scenes together."

Hiroshi's expression turned sympathetic, his eyes filled with understanding. He reached out and gently placed his hand on Akane's, offering her support.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Akane," he said, his voice warm and comforting. "No actor should have to face such difficulties during rehearsals. It's important to have a supportive and collaborative environment."

Akane nodded, appreciating Hiroshi's understanding. She squeezed his hand gently, her voice growing softer but more determined.
"Thank you, Hiroshi."

Akane's gratitude shone through her eyes, and she took a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking again.
"Hiroshi, I was wondering if... if you could help me. Would you be willing to rehearse with me, taking on the role of Takumi?"

Hiroshi's surprise was evident, but he quickly regained his composure. He realized the significance of Akane's request and the trust she was placing in him. He nodded, his voice filled with determination.

"Of course, Akane. I would be honoured to help you. Let's work on those scenes together, and I'll do my best to embody Takumi and provide you with the support you need."

Akane's face brightened with gratitude, a mix of relief and excitement in her eyes. She squeezed Hiroshi's hand again, feeling a renewed sense of confidence.

Hiroshi and Akane stood side by side on the stage, scripts in hand, ready to embark on their joint rehearsal. The theatre was still and silent, allowing them to focus solely on their characters and their connection.

As they began to read through the scenes, their voices intertwined, harmonizing with each other. Hiroshi effortlessly stepped into the role of Takumi, capturing the essence of the character's charisma and vulnerability. Akane, too, found herself delving deeper into the depths of Emiko's emotions, her performance fueled by the newfound support and rapport she shared with Hiroshi.

With each line they exchanged, their chemistry grew, creating an undeniable spark that illuminated the stage. The weight of their words and the emotions they conveyed echoed through the theatre, making it feel as if the characters had come alive.

As they reached the climactic moment of one particular scene, the intensity between their characters reached its peak. Their voices intertwined with raw emotion, filling the theatre with palpable tension. Akane's eyes were locked on Hiroshi's, her heart pounding with exhilaration. She could hardly believe the chemistry they had created together.

When the scene came to an end, there was a moment of silence that hung in the air. Hiroshi and Akane exchanged glances, their breathing heavy as they absorbed the weight of their performance. Slowly, a smile spread across Akane's face, and she couldn't contain her amazement any longer.

"Hiroshi," she said, her voice filled with awe. "You... you know how to act. I mean, you've always been talented, but seeing you step into Takumi's shoes like that, it's incredible. I'm truly amazed."

Hiroshi's smile widened, a mix of pride and joy shining in his eyes. He reached out to gently brush a strand of hair behind Akane's ear.

"It's all thanks to my great colleague," he confessed.
"It's an honour to work alongside you."

Akane's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and she glanced down, a hint of shyness returning to her demeanour. She couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for Hiroshi's unwavering support.

"Thank you, Hiroshi," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Hiroshi," she began, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and playfulness. "You know, I have to admit something. As amazing as it was to rehearse with you as Takumi, a part of me can't help but feel like it would have been even better if you had taken on the role from the beginning."

Hiroshi's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his eyes widening. He let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, really?" he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And why is that, Akane?"

Akane's cheeks flushed with a deeper shade of red, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement dancing in her eyes. She bit her lip and cast her gaze downward, momentarily lost for words.

"I-It's just... well, Takumi's character has this undeniable charm, you know?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I think if it were you playing the role, I would have enjoyed it even more."

Hiroshi's playful smile widened, and he leaned in closer to Akane, his voice dropping to a gentle, teasing tone.
"Oh, is that so?" he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"You think I have more charm than Sekito, huh?"

Akane's blush deepened, and she playfully nudged Hiroshi's shoulder.
"N-Now, you're just being cocky." she retorted, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Suddenly, a distant voice echoed through the theatre, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.

"Attention, everyone! The theatre is closing in fifteen minutes. Please make your way to the exit."

Hiroshi turned his head towards the sound, a playful grin spreading across his face. He glanced at Akane and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it seems we've been caught red-handed," Hiroshi said, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
"If we don't want to spend the night here, we better make a swift exit."

Akane chuckled at Hiroshi's remark, the warmth of their shared moment still lingering in the air. She shook her head playfully.

"You're right," she replied, her voice laced with amusement.
"I don't think sleeping on this stage would be the most comfortable experience."

Hiroshi joined Akane, his gaze fixed on her with a twinkle of excitement. He extended his arm towards her, a silent invitation to embark on their impromptu adventure.

"Shall we make a grand escape then?" Hiroshi asked, a playful tone in his voice. "Together?"

"Together," she affirmed, her voice filled with excitement.

With that, Hiroshi and Akane dashed off the stage, their laughter resonating through the empty theatre hall. They navigated the labyrinth of hallways, their footsteps echoing against the walls as they raced towards the exit.

What can await these two in and beyond the grand stage?

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