The Journey Begins: Book One...

By TynyTitan

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Set two years after Red had become the champion of the Indigo League, Seris Nova is sent to Pallet Town by hi... More

Introductions and Info on the Story
The Team (ongoing edits)
Chapter 1: A Promise in Pallet
Chapter 1 cont.
Chapter 3: Catching Up
Chapter 4: All Fired Up
Chapter 5: The Pewter, The Better
Chapter 6: A Toxic Encounter
Chapter 7: A Ninja Lurks
Chapter 8: Crossing Bridges
Chapter 9: In-cape-able Battle

Chapter 2: Feeling Faint

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By TynyTitan

*Within not even 10 minutes of starting his journey to find Red, we find Seris slumped over a tree a bit with his head hanging down, trying to catch his breath from running too hard. He takes in one deep breath after another before standing back up properly and looks at the straight down the path leading to him to Arceus knows where. He sighs a bit before sitting down on the ground against a tree before looking at his bag*

Seris: Okay...I got my Pokemon. I got my PokéDex. I got my Pokéballs...What do I have in my bag?

*He pulls his bag off of his back and places it gently on his lap. Upon inspecting its content, it is contain not only the money and items that Delia said she put in there, but also a spare set of clothes, two sets of pajama pants, a potion to heal his Pokemon, and a map of the entire region of Kanto. He pulls out said map and unfurls it, trying to decide where he is heading towards, which appears to Viridian City*

Seris: Okay...Looks like Viridian City is my first stop on find Red...The problem is outside of getting there, I have no idea where to begin my investigation on his whereabouts... 


*Hearing possibly the loudest and most obnoxious ringtone he has ever heard, Seris gets jump scared by it and his wrist suddenly start to vibrate slight. He looks at it to reveal his PDA is the cause for not only the noise and vibrations, but also emitting a small blinking green light from its camera every time it speaks. He looks at it curiously and pokes on the camera lens before the devices unfolds itself like last time and displays a holographic image of Krane*

Krane: Ahhh, Seris. It seems like the HoloCaster function I installed is working perfectly.

Seris: Oh yeah. Everything except for the freaking dreadful ringtone you chose!

Krane: Hey! That ringtone is a classic! Anyways, I heard that you have to decide to investigate the disappearance of Red... That's a pretty difficult task for someone who is just starting out. Are you positive you want to take on this undertaking?

Seris: Krane. I meant every word I said. I am going to find him, no matter what. Hopefully, he isn't in any trouble...

Krane: *sighs* Very well, but quick question, do you know where to start looking?

*Seris is about to say something to him, but pauses for a few seconds before truthfully answering him*

Seris:...not in the slightest.

Krane: Hmmmmmmm. Professor Oak may know some form of clue to his whereabouts but he is out visiting a good friend in another region. I'll try to get in touch with him when I can and contact you once I find out something. In the mean time, you should head over to Viridian City and visit its gym leader. He and Red were childhood friends growing up so he may have a good idea about the subject. 

Seris: Alright. Thanks, Krane. Let me kn-

Krane: Oh! Before I forget, when you get to the Viridian City Pokémon Center, ask Nurse Joy for a package under your name. It was something I intended to give to you to help out with Battling and catching Pokémon. 

Seris: Alright then...Let me know if anything comes up, Krane. 

Krane: Will do, Seris. Good luck.

*The call ends almost immediately before the PDA folds back into its original shape. Seris sighs in relief as he now has an idea on where to start looking before standing up with his bag on his back and looking the path ahead. As soon as he takes a step, he hears a loud rustling in the bush to his left. He quickly looks in that direction as the rustling continues to grow before a creature jumps out of the bush and lands in front of him, dead center in the middle of the path behind him, revealing itself to be a Rattata*


Seris: Alright! My first wild Pokémon battle! GO ARMADA!!!

*He grabs and expands Armada's pokéball from his pocket before throwing it out towards the wild Pokémon and releasing Armada out of it*

Armada: Squirtle!

*Seris catches the pokéball into his hand after being pushed back the force of the light-like aura of Armada exiting its ball and looks at the two Pokémon, determined to catch his first one*

Seris: Okay Armada. Use Tackle!

*Armada complies and it charges at the Pokémon and smacks the side of his shell with front of the Rattata. The Pokémon, not being fazed by it much, counterattacks by scratching Armada in the shell and arm a bit*

Seris: Keep up the offense, Armada!

*The attacking continues back and forth, almost similarly like turn order clockwork until Armada's fourth attack lands a solid hit on the wild Pokémon, causing it to faint*

Seris: Alright, time to catch my first ever Po-

???: Tattaaa!

*Before claiming his new Pokémon, he sees another Rattata appear in front of the downed one, guarding his fallen kind*

Seris: Oh hey! Another one. 

*Then another appears beside it...and then another... and then more appear around a dozen or so Rattatas appear, one half glaring and growling at Seris fiercely while the other half lifts the fallen Pokémon onto their backs with their heads and scurries off with it*

Seris: Hey! I was about to catch tha-

Rattatas: Ratttaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

*Seris and Armada slowly put their hands in obedience and slowly starts backing away from them*

Seris: Got it...he is yours. Right, Armada?

Armada: Squuiirt...

*After that incident occurred, Seris decided to keep on going while trying to catch other wild Pokémon he encountered in the way to Viridian City. However, just like earlier, every time he was able to make one faint, more of that Pokémon's species would come out and ward him off while getting the fallen ones to safety. Once Seris did make it out of Route 1, he looked tired and annoyed not only by the fact he couldn't catch a single pokemon, but he also had to use his only Potion since Armada was battling too much. However, once the sun was setting, he made it to a clearing in the route with a sign in front of him and the sunsetting in the background behind some structures in the distance. He looked down at the sign and read it to himself before smiling and looking straight onwards at he structures obscuring the sun before stating the words on the sign*

Seris: Welcome to Viridian City.

*With the sun quickly setting, he rushed down the path into the city, searching for a place to stay the night. Fortunately, he finds a Pokémon Center less than 10 minutes of entering and walks in through the sliding doors. He takes in his surroundings of how many people and Pokémon of all ages and sizes interacting with others or keeping to themselves in the decently sized building. He slowly walks forward to the front desk where he is greeted by a woman in a nurse's uniform with pink hair adorning pigtails that look like they have been tied like shoelaces*

Joy: Good evening, and welcome to the Virdian City Pokémon Center! My name is Nurse Joy. Would you like me to heal your Pokemon back to perfect health as well as stay the night?

*He looks at her with a neutral face and nods a bit before searching through his pocket for Armada's pokéball. After a solid minute, he slowly puts it on the counter after expanding it. She carefully takes the ball into her hands and smiles at the young man*

Joy: Thank you! That'll be 700 Pokén.

Seris: W-wait what? I thought Pokemon Centers supplied free room and board as well as free medical on Pokémon?

*Joy sighs from this statement and then lays down the unfortunate truth about the matter*

Joy: It was in the past. However, due to trainers relying too much on us and not buying any stuff from the Pokémarts, our repairs and bills skyrocketed to the point where we had the charge. The only exceptions are for Pokémon professors, their assistants and aides, medical personnel, law enforcement, members of the Pokémon League and wild Pokémon that were injured.

*Seris looked down in dejection as he starts to pull out his wallet. As he does, he remembers the package he had to get before looking up at the nurse while rummaging through his wallet's folds*

Seris: By the way, I was told there was a package for me that was sent here. 

Joy: Oh? Who is it addressed to? 

Seris: Seris Nova. It should be from a man by the name of Krane. 

*Her head perked a bit before smiling at him*

Joy: Ohhhh! You must be the one of the kids who is helping him with his project. 

*She looked down his body until stopping and pointing straight at his wrist with the PDA around it*

Joy: That's his invention you are helping him with, am I right?

Seris: Yeah? I wanted me and a few others to field test it, so I just went along with it.

Joy: Well, that was kind of you, Seris. Please, wait here one moment. I recall placing your package in the back. I'll be back in just a moment. 

*She excuses herself to the back and comes back a moment later with a small, padded envelope as well as a white card with a red cross on one side and a red pokéball symbol on the other. Seris looks at the card in confusion before looking up at her asking*

Seris: What's the card for?

Joy: Well, since you are currently helping Krane conduct a field test of his Pokédex, you are considered to be an aide to a professor. Therefore, whenever you need your Pokémon healed or you need to stay the night, all you do is present that card and it will automatically be covered by the Interregional Pokémon Research Committee (IPRC).

Seris:...I do not know who the Helioptile these people are, but they are my new favorite people as of right now.

*After leaving his Pokémon with Nurse Joy, he is given 6 pokéball clips for free for staying at center for the first time. He attaches his clips to the upper seams of his jeans so he can easily access his Pokémon without having to rummage through his pockets again. He heads off to his room for the night with his envelope in hand and sits down on the bed after shutting his door. He opens up the almost weightless package as he shakes out a micro-SD card from it that lightly drops into the palm of his hand. He looks at it a bit confused for a few seconds before realizing and pulling out his PDA to search for a SD port on the device. Sure enough, he finds a cover for a micro card on the bottom end of the device and opens it up before pushing in the card. After a few seconds, the PDA camera lights up on its own and starts speaking*

PDA: Acquired SD card. Scanning card..........Scanning complete. Update for PokéDex Assistant found! Now transferring, downloading and updating software into PDA.

*The green light on the camera starts slowly blink on and off for the next few minutes before shining brightly and unfolding itself completing while showing a hologram with six boxes in front from its lights, but they appear to have nothing in them. It then starts to speak up again. 

PDA: PDA updated. Battle HUD software is operational. Now playing prerecorded message.

*The voice of the PDA is then replaced by the voice of Krane as the device plays his message to Seris*

Krane: Hello Seris. This is Krane here.

Seris: Duhhh...

Krane: If you are hearing this message, that must mean that the new software was successfully uploaded into your PDA, which I call the PokéDex Assistant's Battle Heads-up Display aka the PDA Battle HUD. With this, you are able to battle capture Pokémon easily in the wild and in trainer battles. You may have noticed on the way to Viridian City that if a wild Pokémon faints, others of its species will guard it long enough to be carried to safety, away from your presence. With this in mind, you can pull up the Battle HUD to display not only to display the condition of your Pokémon on hand, but the condition wild and/or opposing Pokémon via a health bar. Said health bar will decrease the closer a Pokémon gets to fainting, and once the health bar is fully depleted, that will indicate that others of is species is on their way to protect it. However, with high risk, there is also high reward. As the bar lowers you may see it change color from green to yellow to red. That will indicate a Pokémon's current health and catching potential. If it is green, the Pokémon is still in good condition and is at its hardest to catch. If it is yellow, it's in an iffy state when it can still fight but it is easier to catch. If it is red, that means it is on the verge of fainting, but it is at its easiest to catch it. you will also have status conditions affecting either Pokémon on the side of the health bar. Some of these also increase the chances of catching Pokémon. Keep in mind though, all of what I am saying is only for catching WILD Pokémon to catch them, not on Pokémon owned by others. Speaking of Pokémon owned by others, this feature will also show you the conditions of your on-hand Pokémon in a short summary in or out of battle. All you have to the is tell Dexter to show your Pokémon's condition by saying " Dexter. Team." followed by "Summarize 'insert Pokémon here.'" That last part can work on both nicknamed and unnamed Pokémon since you call your Squirtle Armada. Digressing though, this summary includes details on your Pokémon's species, type, ability, health, known moves and power level. However, it won't show you anything at the moment since your Pokémon are not registered yet. Do you remember the pokéball clips Nurse Joy gave you. 

*Seris looks down at the clips in the side of his jeans*

Krane: These a specially designed clips that are linked wirelessly with your PDA while it was uploading the software. Once you clip an occupied pokéball into it, the clip will emit a dim colored light that displays the Pokémon's type depending on the color(s) while also registering that Pokémon into a slot in your Battle Team. With that being said, that should cover all the basic functions of the Battle HUD. I hope it will help you on your journey and help you catch more Pokémon. Take care for now, Seris. 

*The message ends before the application closes itself along with the PDA closing up. Seris just stares at the device while rotating it slowly*

Seris: When in the world does this man have the time to make all this crap...

*He then hears a knock at the door before getting up and opening it, seeing Nurse Joy hold a tray in her hands with  pokéball resting in one of the grooves*

Joy: Good evening again, Seris. Thank you for being patient. We've restored your Squirtle to full health!

*He looks down at tray and picks up the ball with a smile on his face before looking back at her*

Seris: Great. Thanks, Nurse Joy.

Joy: Of course. Have a good night!

*He nods before closing the door and turning towards his bed. He looks down at the pokéball in his hand before pointing it at the bed and squeezing it, releasing Armada from his ball*

Armada: Squirtle!! Squirt? Tle?? 

*He looks around confused, expecting another battle before Seris speaks up* 

Seris: Take it easy, Armada. No more battling for today. It is time to get some rest. You cool with sleeping outside your ball tonight? 

*The water Pokémon looks up at his human partner with assured smile and swift thumbs up. The young man laughed a bit from his Pokémon's dorkiness, but finds him funny nonetheless. He changes into his pajama pants and gets in bed before Armada joins him by crawling onto the side of Seris's stomach and tucking itself into it's shell. Seris watches his friend head to bed as he slowly looks up at the ceiling and closes his eyes, now more than ever ready to catch his first Pokémon.

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