Under The Stars | Bang Chan F...

By Joybananamilk

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A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction. ﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !! • Zombie Apocalypse ° Mafia Groups and Rivalries • Romance, Thrill... More

Intro - Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Him
Chapter 3: Boxer
Chapter 4: Ring Ring Ring
Chapter 5: Rooftop
Chapter 6: Break In
Chapter 7: Mansion
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Flight
Chapter 11: Australia
Chapter 12: Blueprint
Chapter 13: RRS
Chapter 14: Back in Korea
Chapter 15: SSICK
Chapter 16: Perfect Dress
Chapter 17: TMT
Chapter 18: Improvement
Chapter 19: Date
Chapter 21: Mixtape #1
Chapter 22: Mixtape #2
Chapter 23: Mixtape #3
Chapter 24: Mixtape #4
Chapter 25: 4419
Chapter 26: Red Lights
★ New Characters !!
Chapter 27: HP BDAY
Chapter 28: Booster
Chapter 29 : A Different Perspective
Chapter 30: Back Door
Chapter 31: Skills Put to The Test
Chapter 32: Baby Steps
Chapter 33: Drive
Chapter 34: Haven
Chapter 35: The Tortoise?
★ appreciation note
★ Special Chapter: Movie Night ★
Chapter 36: And The Hare
Chapter 37: Uncover?
Chapter 38: The Truth
Chapter 39: Halloween
Chapter 40: Progress Further P1
Chapter 41: Progress Further P2
Chapter 42: Levanter
Chapter 43: Double Knot
Chapter 44: Leave
Chapter 45: Maniac

Chapter 20: Mixtape: Oh

480 14 3
By Joybananamilk

August 23rd, 8:45am

I just got back from combat training with Lee Know and Changbin. I was all sweaty and I needed a shower badly. But I had to make it quick since I have to go shopping with Lily.

After taking a quick shower, I got dressed quickly without drying my hair and got out of the bathroom.


I headed towards the door but then Chan grabbed my arm out of nowhere. "Where do you think you're going with your hair that wet?" He dragged me towards the bed and grabbed a hairdryer.

"I have to go see Lily." I tried getting up but he pushed me back down.

"Not until you dry your hair. You'll get a cold if you don't." He turned on the blow-dryer and blowed my hair for a couple of minutes until it was completely dry. Now my hair looked poofy.

"Air drying is way better in my opinion." I crossed my arms over my chest and Chan grabbed a hairbrush.

"Sure, sure." He sat down behind me and ran the brush through the knots in my hair, detangling them. "You have so many knots in your hair. Did you even brush your hair this morning?" Chan shook his head while continuing to brush my hair slowly.

"I brushed my hair this morning. It just got a little messed up when I put it in a bun."

Chan hummed and tied my hair into a high ponytail.

"When did you learn to dress a girl's hair?" I turned my head to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I have a sister." He poked my forehead and then got off of the bed. I stood up from the bed and took one of his jackets out of the closet. "Anyway, I'm coming with you."

Why did he have to come with me? I need my alone time with Lily.

"You need one of us there with you incase TMT comes for you." Chan said right when I was about to protest. I can't really say anything about that, he was right. As always.

I got off of the bed and followed him downstairs. Lily was outside of the mansion waiting for me with her car. She had a red Ford Mustang.

"Y/n!" She hugged me once I reached her outside. I smiled at her and pulled away from the hug. "I missed you so much, we haven't gotten to meet at all since you disappeared." She smiled at me so brightly, it made my day already. Her smile was so pretty and joyous.

"I missed you too, Lily."

She squeezed my hand before looking over at Chan who was behind me. "And you must be the man who took my best friend away." She squinted her eyes at him.

Chan smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "All for good reason, but I'm sorry for stealing her from you."

Lily shrugged and walked us towards her car. "Is he coming with us?" She asked me, getting into the driver seat. I got into the passenger seat and Chan got into the backseat.

"He has to since these dumbass guys are trying to take me or something." Lily hummed and started the car. She turned on the radio and "The Less I Know The Better" by Tame Impala played. Honestly a good song for when you're going on a drive on such a nice day.

- ,,

We got to one of the local malls in the city and went inside after finding a parking spot. The parking garage was pretty packed and so was the mall.

"Where do you wanna go first?" I held onto Lily's hand, it was a habit since we were so close. But Chan didn't like it so he held onto my free hand. "What about a cosmetics store first? I need new makeup." Lily suggested and I agreed.

We entered a beauty store and Lily pulled me towards the skincare section. She picked two different serums. "Which one is better?"

I looked at the both of them and pointed to one. "I used to use this one. It's good for dark spots and hydrates the skin." Then I picked up a different serum. "Or you could get this. This one is better."

Lily nodded and chose the serum I picked up.

"Ahh, no, no. This serum is the best in this store." Chan said, handing Lily a more popular serum. "It has Vitamin C in it and it isn't sticky. It also hydrates your skin faster."

Lily smiled and picked that one instead. "Thank you."

I nudged Chan in the elbow and he smiled at me amusingly. "Why do you know so much about skincare?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you think there's so many skincare products in my bathroom?" He pointed to his face. "And how do you think I got such perfect skin?"

I scoffed and followed Lily to a different part of the store.

I got myself some moisturizer and cleansing foam that Chan both picked for me. He knew his stuff. Lily picked up a lip tint sample and pulled me closer to her. "This'll suit you, try it."

I didn't want to ruin my makeup at first but I let her put it on me. And surprisingly, it looked good. "See, you should buy it." She put the lip tint in her shopping basket before walking over to a different isle.

"You should get this too." Chan picked up a different lip tint. It was darker.

"How do you know it'll suit me?" Darker shades on my lips didn't really suit me.

"Trust me." He wiped the previous lip tint off my lips and applied the darker one. I looked in the small mirror on the sample table and it actually really suited me. "So?"

"I like it." I smiled and he picked up the box of the lip tint.

We followed Lily to the perfume area. There were surprisingly a lot of perfumes even though the store was small. Chan looked at the different colognes for men while Lily and I tried some perfume samples by spraying them on little sample sticks and smelling them.

"Mmm, this one smells like lilies."

"You should get it then, it suits you. Your name is Lily, might as well smell like it." I crouched down and picked up the box for the perfume Lily wanted. "Hey, the price isn't too expensive."

Lily hummed and put it in the basket. "This store has a lot of cheap things." Lily sprayed another sample of perfume.

"It's good that it does. Selling good products for cheap is always gonna get you more customers."

I picked up a perfume that had a sweeter smell to it like vanilla. I bought this perfume before but I ran out. It had a cheaper price in this store than what I originally bought it for.

I walked over to where Chan was. He was holding a cologne sample. "Should I get this for Changbin?" He looked at me expectantly.

I took a smell of it and instantly got hit by a strong whiff of the cologne. "Yeah, it'll cover his gym smell."

Chan chuckled in response and got the box for the cologne.

- ,,

After paying for everything, we went to a small donut shop in the corner of the mall.

I got a chocolate chip muffin and an iced macchiato. We took our seats at a small table near the windows to eat. Lily started to talk about everything I missed while I was gone.

"And then I made eye contact with this new guy at work. He's soooooo handsome."

"Really? Did you talk to him?" I asked and took a bite of my muffin.

Lily's had a lot of boyfriends in the past, so I always worry about what guys she interacts with. But I also always feed her delusions like a real best friend would.

"No, I was too busy." She pouted and took a sip of her iced latte.

"Then next time you should totally say hi." I suggested.

I fed Chan half of my muffin since he wanted some.

"Ahh, you're so lucky you have a fiancé already." Lily said, resting her chin in her palm. I rolled my eyes in response.

"It's not that great."

"What do you mean?" Chan furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Well it's arranged."

Chan stole my drink and looked out the window instead, frowning.

"I didn't mean it like that." I nudged him in the arm but he didn't look back at me. He was being all sulky. I sighed and looked back at Lily. "See what I mean?"

Lily giggled and leaned back in her chair. "At least he takes care of you. You can't find a guy as good as that nowadays."

I nodded agreeingly. Now that I think about it, Chan does have a lot of green flags. Like this morning, he brushed and dried my hair for me. And he always protects me whenever it's needed. He even proposed to me when he didn't have to. I complain a lot about him but I never say the good things.

I wrapped my arms around Chan's and pulled him closer to me. He still didn't look at me but that doesn't matter for now. "Anyway, what does the new guy look like?" I asked curiously and smiled at Lily.

"He has dark brown hair which is usually slicked back. And he wears glasses too. He looks like he works out but it's not too noticeable, like a sleeper build."

Lily looked like she was talking about a crush in kindergarten. It was cute because she was admiring so much about the guy.

"Ooh, and he had this tattoo on his neck with the letters 'TMT'. It looked pretty cool."

I furrowed my eyebrows and Chan seemed to have been thinking the same thing I was because he looked at Lily with such an intense gaze. "Did you say 'TMT'?"

Lily slowly nodded, not sure why the both of us were looking at her so seriously.

"Lily, you shouldn't hang around with that guy." I said, reaching forward to hold her hand.

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"He's part of that gang that's been trying to get me or whatever."

Lily's breath hitched a bit and she looked at the table for a while before speaking again. "What if I help you guys?"

"How would you do that?" Chan rested his arms on the table still with a serious look on his face, but it softened a bit now.

"Well, I could lure him in to you guys somehow? If I can get him interested in me at least."

Chan nodded, thinking about it thoroughly. "I'll talk about it with my group. Just stay away from him for now."

Lily nodded and sighed, pulling her hand away from mine.

"Man, I can't ever crush on any normal guys." She sulked and I passed her a piece of my muffin since I didn't finish it.

"Hey, you'll find someone soon. Just let fate happen."

She smiled at me and nodded before eating the muffin.

- ,,

Chan and I got dropped off by Lily in the evening and I collapsed onto the couch after kicking my shoes off. My back was hurting so much, I started groaning everytime I moved.

"Jeez, it's like you're a zombie now. Groaning so much." Chan sat down on the couch next to me and lifted my legs over his lap.

"I feel like a zombie with this back pain." I sighed dramatically and Chan massaged my legs gently. "I could give you a back massage then."

I cocked an eyebrow upwards at him. "No."

Chan frowned in a sad way. "Why not?"

"Because that's too intimate." I crossed my arms over my chest, looking up at the ceiling fan.

"What? Do you think I'm going to do something to you?" Chan teased, letting out a soft laugh. I kicked his hand and he held down my legs. "If you keep doing that, then I'll really do something to you." Chan gave me a serious look, but I could tell he was bluffing.

"Fine, fine." I sat up and watched as Chan continued to massage my legs. His hands were pretty large and boney. But there's one thing I could never grasp. "Why are your hands and arms so veiny?"

Chan shrugged and looked up at me. "Do you like the veins?"

I did like the veins. But I'm not going to admit it. I shut my mouth and just continued to watch him do his work. He chuckled and looked back down.

"Hey guys. What're you doing?" Han came up behind me and sat down on the armrest of the couch. "Oooooo" He smiled smugly, amused.

"What do you want, Han?" Chan looked up at Han with raised eyebrows.

"I just needed to get away from Lee Know. He keeps touching my butt." Han sat down on the couch next to me.

"What's up with him and butts?" I raised an eyebrow. Lee Know was always touching someone's butt in the group, but never mine luckily. Probably because I'm a woman.

"Ehh, it's an us thing." Chan said, lifting my legs off of his lap. "We always touch each other's butts as a joke."

I nodded in acknowledgement, but I still thought it was weird.

"Oh right, we need to discuss something later on in the meeting room. So tell everyone to go down there at 12." Chan was probably talking about the thing Lily suggested she'd do. It's a good idea honestly but she'd get into risks, and I don't want that for her.

Han nodded and got off of the couch to leave the living room. Chan stood up from the couch as well. "Where are you going?"

"To change, silly." He rubbed my head before leaving me alone in the living room. I sighed and turned on the TV. They had a smart TV, so I didn't really watch anything on cable as much. I put on "Happiness" and laid onto the couch with one of the couch pillows under my head.

- ,,

"Baby, hey, wake up."

I opened my eyes slowly, still really tired. I didn't even notice that I fell asleep on the couch. I must've been really sleepy that I knocked out.

Chan rubbed my shoulder, trying to get me to wake up slowly. I yawned quietly and rolled onto my back to look up at him. The living room's lights were dimmed now. I guess they let me sleep here for a while and dimmed the lights for me.

"Let's go to the meeting room." Chan pulled me up from the couch gently and lead me downstairs into the meeting room. I sat down in a chair between Felix and Han.

"Alright, let's begin." Chan sat down in his chair at the end of the table. "You all know Y/n's close friend, Lily." Everyone nodded, meaning they all knew who Lily was by now. "Well, there's a TMT member at her workplace. He's new and they've interacted a bit already."

"How did you guys figure out he was a TMT member?" Jeongin asked while writing notes down on his tablet.

"He had a tattoo on his neck with the letters 'TMT'."

Jeongin nodded and wrote that detail down.

I rested my head on Han's shoulder since I was still really sleepy. He rubbed my head gently which made it hard for me to stay awake, but I had to.

"Lily wanted to help us by luring the person over to us. I think it's pretty risky for her to take a role in this though." Chan explained, having a serious look on his face. He looks pretty handsome when he's serious. I just stared at his face this entire time. I can't tell if it's because I'm too tired to move my eyes away or because I'm mesmerized.

"Well if she's willing, I think she should have the opportunity." Lee Know said, leaning over the table with his arms supporting him. "It is risky but with our protection, she can't be hurt."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "If she needs any security, we can always send over a few bodyguards." Changbin suggested. "They can stay outside of her apartment and near her workplace to keep an eye on her."

Chan hummed in agreement, clasping his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth. "I guess we should have Lily partake in this then. We'd be at great advantage if we can lure that guy here."

"Speaking of which... Han, did you interrogate the guy that broke in those few days ago?"

Han shook his head. "I tried but I couldn't get anything out of him yet. I'll have to threaten him or get physical if he won't talk."

Chan nodded and stood up. "Then that concludes the meeting. I think everyone knows what they should be doing for the rest of this week."

Everyone nodded and slowly left one by one.

"Let's get you to bed." Chan picked me up and carried me out of the meeting room. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He was really warm.

He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me, tucking me in before getting in bed as well and spooning me.

"Goodnight, Y/n." He kissed the top of my head and I closed my heavy eyes. "Goodnight, Chan."


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