Nuclear Quest [Fallout x Arkn...

By Suzuka69

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A tale of two worlds diverging with one another, their universes severely derailed from their respective cano... More

Opening notes
Collecting bounties
Rangers, outlaws and alcohol

Law abiding citizens

170 13 11
By Suzuka69

New California Republic
The Scrap house
Border of Redding, year 2288

The figure suddenly turned sideways, groaning as the soft texture of the old mattress made her body sink in the bed. Sweeping through the room, the cold breeze of the western hemisphere sent a chilling feeling all over her body. She shuddered at the cold.

The skin of her belly was exposed alongside some parts of her back, which the blanket failed to cover. Every time her body was in the presence of alcohol, she slept like a log. And she kept moving around in bed, changing positions every once in a while.

The old bed kept creaking, causing Lasso's drifting mind to snap awake. He begrudgingly opened his eyes while he heaved a long sigh, his vision adjusting to the mild darkness of the room. There was a single lit candle in the table near his foot, desperately clinging to life as another surge of wind howled.

It was still in the early hours of the morning; his old watch telling him it was quarter to six as he lifted his arm. He could not get a chance to sleep after last night. The heated argument caused his body to pump adrenaline into his system, which caused him a huge headache after it worn out.

There was also the fact that the room only had one bed, and when he arrived inside, Granger was already passed out sleeping. She took over the entire space, but even if she had saved a space, Lasso wouldn't sleep beside her.

Even though he's drunk too, he still respected her personal space. There was a long couch stacked near corner of the doorway, so he made himself comfortable. He expected to get some enough shut-eye, but the constant creaking of the bed coupled by the headache antagonizing him made it impossible to sleep.

Coming to his senses, a grunt escapes his mouth as he sat up, stretching his legs and feeling a good numbing sensation all over his body. He made a disgusted face when he smelled the lingering smell of alcohol in his mouth, before drinking a bottle of purified water.

He took a tablet of paracetamol and another bottle and props it beside the bedside table. Her hangover will be worse than his, that he knew full well. Seeing that she's not waking up sooner than later, he took it upon himself to rinse his body clean.

When it comes to hygiene, the wasteland and the frontier are places that doesn't give a damn about it. This wasn't like before the time before the bombs dropped; it's a time of survival and post apocalypse. Most people don't even know they're carrying diseases until it's already too late.

Luckily, the Scrap house has been civilized enough to repair the old bathrooms. They had fully functional showers, and most important of all, they're heated too. Lasso groaned in a delightful manner as luke warm water splashes his dark hair, before scrubbing his body with a small towel.

After feeling that he was in a cleaner state than before, he took his used clothes and drenched them in the water. It was a neat trick he learned from his parents when he was still a boy. The business her mother took upon their household was laundry matting. It was hot in Shady Sands after all.

When Lasso finished changing into his inconspicuously looking ranger gear, he hung his clothes near the room's windowsill. What he failed to recognize when he entered the room, however, was his partner changing her clothes.

“Jesus! I thought you were still asleep!” He turned his head the opposite direction as Granger slipped out of her shirt. Her skin pricked at the cold temperature of the early hours of the morning.

“Mhnngg..!” An almost inaudible popping sound was heard as she stretched her back, causing her entire body to shrug. She narrowed her eyes at Lasso's back while he lined up his clothes for the air to dry.

“Thanks for the water. Eugh, my head feels like shit...” she groaned while rummaging through her pack, pulling the towel she owned before standing up.

“Well, you drank almost 2 and a half liters of whiskey, whaddya expect?”

He turned just in time to see that Granger had draped the towel on her upper body, covering anything to see that might have him shot right there and there.

“You're right, gotta tone it down a notch when we're in the road.” Granger huffed and grabbed the spare clothing in her bag.

“I'll take a bath. We'll head out for Vault city before noon.” She was back to her usual self already, giving out orders as if she wasn't a heap of wasted mess last night.

It was one of the many things Lasso admired about her, he thought, as he shook his head once her figure was out the door.





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Their plan to head for Vault city immediately after breakfast was thwarted when a squad of NCR military police greeted them outside the Scrap house. Armed with the iconic armalite service rifle, these were the guys that patrolled the settlements and cities, keeping law and order every waking moment.

Granger was the first to notice their presence when she spotted the conspicuous wide brimmed helmet with white stripes outside the window. By their stance, they've been there for quite some time since some of them were having a cigar while lazily standing around.

When the two of them decided to go outside, one of the soldiers noticed them. He was tanned and had was built like a soldier, which gave him a more commanding aura around him. He dropped the cigarette in his hand before walking towards them.

He held out a hand to stop them, causing both of them to do so. Lasso gave her a gentle nudge with his elbow and gestured to the badge decorating the man's shoulder pauldron.

‘Well, he must be the leader of then.’

“Excuse me, citizens, but I'll need to see your identification papers please.” The NCR sergeant demanded with a firm tone. He kept a hand in the service pistol in his hip while also maintaining a good distance away from them.

There was suspicion in his eyes, or it was probably that he was keen on making two rugged looking individuals pay for whatever crimes they've committed. It was also as if he's telling them to do something stupid, which will give him a reason to gun them down.

But that won't happen.

Granger glanced at Lasso and a closed smirk appears in her lips, mouthing the words‘I got this’, before taking something from her pocket. She noticed that the other troopers were standing idly near the squad leader, so she slowly walked towards the man with her identification papers in hand.

“One of the barkeeps’ radioed in last night, kept talking 'bout two suspicious lookin' individual. You'se might be who he's blabbering about.” the sergeant chuckled and eyed the paper.

The trooper seem to skim over it at first, but then took the papers in his hand and began reading it intently. He stood there silently for a while, before double taking on the tall woman and her partner.

He massaged his chin as his eyes darted back and forth between Granger and Lasso. He did not expect something this perplexing in his normal patrolling day.

“Uh-huh.” the sergeant awkwardly cleared his throat, signalling for his men to move closer before facing the strange duo with a confused look.

“Well...uhh, I didn't know the rangers had something official going on down 'ere, so do forgive me for asking but... Mind telling me both you'se names? I'm Sergeant Francis from outpost Drosel.”

The soldier introduced himself in a respectful manner before extending a gloved hand. Albeit hesitant at first, Lasso was convinced it was fine when he got the all-clear look from her.

“Carlton Zacusti, sir, from Ranger company Charlie, callsign ‘Lasso’.” He shook the man's hand firmly.

“Call me Granger. NCR veteran ranger Skylar Hodgins, Alpha company.”

It was still weird to hear her real name after all the stories and rumors around her, but Lasso shut his mouth. The sergeant however, had a huge smile plastered in his face.

“Naw, the Hodgins?” he gave her a fist bump when she responded. The other soldiers hearing this came over to show the newly introduced rangers some form of comradely respect.

“Holy shit boys, it's Skyler Hodgins in the flesh!”

“Also, it's Skylar, but oh well.”

Lasso felt somewhat...proud?? for her? He couldn't describe it, but a smile formed on his lips when the troopers asked for a picture with one if those old cameras. He respectfully declined the offer to join the picture and just watched contently from the sidelines.

He always felt that he was sheltered under Granger's shadow, but he did not mind. He respected her achievements in the sense that he recognized her authority. He was motivated to make a name for himself, and her achievements are his fuel.

While the military police hogged Granger with questions, someone cleared their throat as they approached Lasso from the side. He thought it was another soldier associated with the patrol squad that he somehow missed.

Much to his surprise, it was the man dressed in trader clothes that kept eyeing them all night long.
Now that Lasso got a closer look at him, he seem to be around his mid fifties, with graying hair all over his head. He spoke in a well mannered tone.

“Excuse me, mister, you mind if I ask you a few questions?” The man removed his hat as a form of respect. “I heard that you and your companion there are... NCR rangers. Is that true?”

Lasso nodded and showed him the patch in his shoulder. “Yes sir, although we don't look like it, but that's part of the job.”

The man chuckled and scratched his neck. “Well, do accept my apology for looking at you like that. My boys were sure that you two were outlaws.”

“Well, I think I need to teach them a thing or two about perception then.” Lasso joked, causing both of them to laugh.

“Oh, were are my manners. My name is Van Clarence Bell.”

“I'm ranger Lasso, sir. Is there something you need to tell me?” Lasso responded after as they shook hands.

Clarence sighed and nodded, a look of guilt flashing on his face. “Have you heard about the Liberty Bells caravan?”

Lasso raised an eyebrow. “Why yes, what about it?” he racked his brain where he heard the name of that trade group. It was based on New Reno, if he remembered correctly.

“Well, you see, I own the company, and I was on my way to New Arroyo alongside my representative secretary when he was killed.” Clarence said with a dejected sigh. Lasso just nodded and listened.

He wanted to ask the man why the owner of a big trading company was out here with his men, but maybe the meeting in New Arroyo was an important one that needed him to be there.

“His name is Raymond. Good hardworking guy, he was a good friend and had a great heart. Unfortunately, he was shot in broad daylight yesterday by an outlaw who tried to rob our brahmin pack. The outlaw challenged him in an illegal duel that resulted in his death.”

Lasso nodded, noticing in his peripheral vision that the NCR military police were packing up their somewhat lighthearted conversation with his partner. He puts his hand in his waist and thought about what he heard.

“I heard these past few years that President Kimball released an order to the NCR military. Hunt down bandits that have bounties on their heads and bring back the peace to the roads and cities. Surely the rangers are in on it too, yeah? You and your partner there look like the type to hunt down these worthless criminals.” The man said.

“Well, we are involved.” Lasso responded as a matter of fact. “We deal with bounties too. You saying we need to take care of that outlaw who killed your friend?”

A look of anger flashed on Clarence's eyes. “Yes. Kill him. I don't care how you do it, but I want him dead.”

‘Well that's not surprising at all’, Lasso thought.

“Okay, did you get any ID of the man who shot your friend? Any names or something?”

If they were to chase this outlaw across this godforsaken wasteland, they most certainly needed a lead. A solid lead, at that.

“Wait, I got something here.” Clarence said before rummaging through his sling bag. “Asked around the Scrap house after the incident, the regulars said he was a regular too. They gave me this after seeing I wasn't about to let him off the hook.”

He handed Lasso a few pieces of folded paper. It was a picture of the man, his face neatly drawn or printed in the paper. It was a bounty poster; a man with a single face but had many names.

“Heard he was on the run for a long time now. Had a few brushes with death against NCR hit squads but still managed to cheat death.” Clarence spoke in the the background as Lasso read the names.

The man in the poster went by many names. Gunslinger Jack, The prospector, El Diablo, Johnito and Billy Jackson.

However, the monicker ‘El Diablo’ stood out the most. Oh, he's heard of him alright. An outlaw that managed to take out three NCR soldiers in a firefight just outside New Reno in 2283. That name became famous since it was the around the time when banditry became a problem for the government.

He was placed on the most wanted list, before that list got enough updated names that he was lost to history for good.

“Well, color me surprised, I think this guy is familiar.” Lasso said a bit louder, since the distinctive jangling of someone's spurs invaded his ears.

“What're you boys up to?” Granger pulled up to them as she lighted a tobacco. She leaned over, interested in the papers her partner was holding.

Lasso snickered. “How'd the press conference go boss?”

“Oh shut it, you.” She gave him a small smile and blew the smoke from the tobacco into his face. “You'll have one like that once you're a veteran ranger.”

She looked over and nodded to the man, recognizing him. “And you sir, ain't you that man with the mercenaries? Is Lasso here giving you any trouble?”

Clarence shook his head. “No ma'am, your friend actually is a good man. I'm here to report a bounty, if that's what you want to hear.”

Granger raised an eyebrow and glanced at Lasso. “That true, slick?”

“Damn right he is. Here, take a look at this.”

She takes a long wind at the tobacco before tossing its remains in the sand, before taking a look at the worn out post. An instant recognition flashed her eyes.

“Well hot, diggiddy doo! If it ain't Diablo of all scumbags.” A smirk appeared on her face. “I'd take him out even without money involved, truthfully speaking.”

“That's mighty noble of you ma'am, but I'll be paying you. This one's personal, so I very much want him dead.” The smile on Granger's face slowly withered down as she listened to the trader.

“He killed my friend, so I want you to take him out. One less asshole in the wasteland.”

“Well, you're talkin' to the right trooper sir.” Granger reassured him. “Now, is there any lead you got where he's at? He could be anywhere.”

“Well, I've asked around, especially those soldiers who was talking to you'se if they saw anyone leaving here around yesterday mornin'. They told me they saw someone ridin' a horse faster than a stingwing heading to Navarro.”

Both rangers glanced at each and other, a look of excitement forming on their faces.

“ seem happy about that.” Clarence shuddered, recognizing the look of bloodlust in their eyes.

He might not look like much, but as an NCR citizen, he was also once in the military. He managed to even lead a regiment when the NCR was still new to the Mojave.
Unfortunate incidents led him to an early retirement life, thus forcing him into the trade and caravan business.

“Personally, I'm just happy 'cause we get to kill another piece of shit.” Granger said and examined the big iron on her hip. She made sure that it was loaded.

“Hah, I like the enthusiasm, ranger. Anyway, bring his body or head to my office down in New Reno. I'll have someone wait for you there, even though I know it'll take some time.” Clarence said before handing them a bundled piece of money.

“Here, take this. I'm doubling the amount of the bounty you can get in the treasury office because...why not? You're risking life and limb everyday without us ignorant citizens realizing it. I'm thankful you to managed to found your way up here in the Scrap house. I'll make sure to repay you more than this once I'm done with my trip to New Arroyo.” He gives them both a firm handshake.

“Well, ain't this too much payment? What makes you think we'll be able to kill him immediately?” Lasso asked as the man began walking away.

Clarence stopped and laughed, before looking back at them. “You two are rangers, best of the best! And you're with her, there's nothing more to be said.” He gives them both an all too familiar military salute, albeit looking rigidly. They returned the favor.

“Hm, there's your answer, hotshot.” Granger pats him in the back. “Come one, we got an outlaw to hunt.”

Lasso just nodded, suddenly having the urge to ask the man if he was once in the military before. He somehow seemed familiar, like those old NCO's when he was still a green recruit in the army. And he emphasized that he was with her; Granger.

‘Clarence Bell,’ He thought. ‘I ought to remember that name’

“Oi! You coming or what?” Granger yelled, horse reins in her hands. He shook his head and stuffs the bundle of NCR bills in his bag.

“Coming boss!”

To be continued.

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Date published: 19th of July, 2023
Word count: 3133

(A/N: Well there you have it! I'm working on the arknights side of this story, and I'm telling you now that there are stuff added to it that's very much not game canon-wise. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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