MHA Reacts To Mob Psycho 100

By PrivateSpidey

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Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a... More

0.5| Where Are We?
1|Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~
2|Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~
3|An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~
4|Idiots Only Event ~Kin~
5|OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powes and Me~
6|Discord ~To Become One~
7|Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~
8|The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~
9|"Claw" ~7th Division~
10|The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~
11|Master ~Leader~
12|Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko~
13|Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~
14|Urban Legends ~Encountering Rumors~
15|One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~
16|Inside ~Evil Spirit~
17|Discord ~Choices~
18| Poor, Lonely, Whitey
19|Cornered ~True Identity~
20|Even Then ~Continue Forward~
21|Show Me What You've Got ~Band Together~
22|Collision ~Power Type~
23|Guidance ~Psychic Sensor~
24| The Battle for Social Rehabilitation ~Friendship~
25|Boss Fight ~The Final Light~
26|Future ~Career Paths~
27|Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~
28|Getting Carried Away ~100%~
29|Divine Tree 1 ~The Founder Appears~
30|Divine Tree 2 ~Peace~
31|Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple Is~
33|Transmission 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~
34|Mob 1 ~Moving~
35|Mob 2 ~Rival~
36|Mob 3 ~Trauma~
37|Confession ~The Future~

32|Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~

1.9K 50 3
By PrivateSpidey


The Audience separated after the ending of the previous episode, not only because of the mix of emotions they had all felt after the ending, but mostly in respect to Mob. The moment the episode had ended he had went off on his own to the concessions area, nobody really knew how to comfort Mob on the situation as none of them had been in this kind of situation before.

I mean how do you comfort someone after they find out their friend had taken over their entire city via brainwashing and then pretended to be you as he took over your friend and families minds, only to then have a change of heart after the two were actually able to talk to each other, and then after that's said and done he sacrifices his life for you and then saves you from the trauma of losing a friend forever by erasing the memories of what happened to them? It was a complicated issue to deal with, even for the teachers.

Izuku decided to try and check up on Mob, as he saw that nobody else was doing it, only to realize he was also being followed by Uraraka for some reason. However when the two enter the room they see Mob with slightly stained red eyes drinking some soda as if nothing even happened.

"Um... Hey Kageyama? Is everything alright?" Izuku asked Mob. "Hm? Oh, Midoriya senpai, Uraraka senpai. I'm feeling fine now, I just needed some time to myself to calm down. The entire time I was watching those episodes about Dimple I was so confused on why he was doing all of that, but more than anything I was angry at myself that I didn't do anything to help him until it was already too late. But now that I got to hear his reasoning for why he did what he did, I feel a bit better."

The two sighed in relief as they had worried that Mob would be out of commission for the rest of the season, but thankfully he seemed a bit more hopeful than he was earlier. "That's good to hear, but let any one of us know if something's wrong, ok? We're still technically you're seniors and we care about you Mob." Uraraka tells Mob as he nods his head in agreement. "Of course, thank you both for checking on me. It really does mean a lot that you and the others care about me so much, even if we've only known each other for a few hours." Mob smiles.

"Of course! Though in all honesty it feels like we've known you for way longer, something like three years maybe?" Izuku wondered to himself why it felt like he knew Mob for so long, yet he couldn't find a single answer to his question. Ah well, it probably wasn't that important of an answer in the first place.

"I'll come back into the main area with the others in a few moments. You two don't have to worry about me." Mob told the two as they both exchanged a look and nodded at Mob's words and went back to the seating area.

As the two returned to the main cinema area, the remaining members that hadn't left to go use the restroom looked back at the two teenagers with expectant eyes while also trying to look behind them to see if Mob was following them out of the concessions area. "He said he just needed some time to himself." Izuku explains to the group. "He also said he'd be back in a few moments, so I think it'd be best if nobody tried to bother him while he's in there." Uraraka explains.

"What if I wanted some more popcorn?" Mineta whispered to himself only to get smacked on the face by Shoji. "Be more respectful of other's problems for once." He chastises him. Mineta grumbles to himself as he just sits back down at his seat with an empty drink only filled with ice and only kernels left only to remind him of the delicious popcorn he finished eating earlier. He thought about asking Todoroki to use his fire to attempt to pop the last few final kernels, but he shot his own idea down as he knew Aizawa wouldn't let the two of them do such a stunt.

As the last remaining members of the audience piled back into their seats, Mob walked back out from the concessions area with a refreshed look on his face, though when he saw everyone staring at him his face was immediately red from embarrassment, he never liked being the center of attention especially when so many people that were paying attention to him were girls.

Mob skittishly walked back to his seat in silence and sat down in it as most of the audience gave up on looking back at him minus Kaminari and Mina who were nearly breaking their own necks with how far they were twisting them to look directly at Mob. "Kaminari, Ashido, look back at the screen." Aizawa roughly told the two students as they suddenly whipped their heads so fast back to the screen that Mob himself swore he heard the noises of actual whips. "I hope their necks are ok after doing that..." Mob thought to himself as the screen lit up, preparing for the next episode to begin of Mob Psycho 100 Season 3.


The episode begins with Mob's school as one of Tome's teachers talks to his students about the fact they have to soon prepare for their entrance exams for High School as graduation was fast approaching. Tome is shocked by this as she then calls for a meeting with the somewhat former telepathy club where she tells her underclassmen that her and Kijibayashi will be graduating in about three months time, which will only leave Inukawa and Saruta as the only members of the club. She then explains that the Telepathy Club will more than likely dissolve on its own and asks if they find that sad.

"Not to be rude, but wasn't it already dissolved after the Body Improvement Club took their spot?" Hagakure asked. "Technically yes. All of the funding was pulled and they no longer had a room to call their own, meaning that officially the club had already been dissolved, it's only the kindness from The Body Improvement Club that's allowed them to continue to stay in that room, and like Tome said. After her and Kijibayashi graduate, the club will fully dissolve as neither Inukawa or Saruta seem to care too much about continuing the club and just want a place to... well slack off." Momo explains

"It's for the best that the club gets fully dissolved, these kids should be spending their time studying for their high school entrance exams rather than slacking off and eating junk food." Aizawa bluntly states. "Aw c'mon Sho! They're just kids, let em live a little!" Present Mic tries to Sway Aizawa's opinion, but it doesn't work.

Inukawa questions what's there's to be sad about, Tome tries to explain that they haven't made many memories together and asks them to try and remember the good times they've had, but the only thing they can think of are the times the just slacked off instead of doing actual club activities. Tome then appears saddened by the fact none of them bring up any actual memories besides them slacking off as she begins to cry.

"Woah! I didn't expect her to take the club this seriously!" Mina shouts. "Perhaps due to her soon becoming a high school she began to think back to her time in middle school only to realize her time in the Telepathy Club was mainly slacking off and wanted to find a time where they weren't doing so?" Iida proposes.

Tome complains that they never made any real strides in their telepathy research and how this was the only chance they had. The other members of the group don't take her seriously as either ignore her worries, tell her to stick with the telepathy thing in high school, or revealing they didn't think she was actually being serious about conversing with Aliens.

She admits that she'll still be taking part in her research as a hobby, but that this would be the only time she could spend with the others and how they were the only dummies who'd aim for the same strange goal with her. She then asks how they all feel only to see that none of them really thought about the goal or seemingly didn't care too much about it. Tome lets out a large sigh as she thanks the boys for everything and announces that she was officially disbanding the Telepathy Club. The boys then question how serious Tome was about this alien stuff as Inukawa asks if they should read the books they had in there.

"Oh my God! They were barely paying attention to what she was even saying!!" Uraraka shouts in shock and slight anger at how badly they act with Tome in that moment. "They seemingly didn't even read the books that Tome probably spent the clubs funding on either, no wonder they didn't get anything done when most of the club members were just there to slack off. I wouldn't be surprised if in the beginning she really did want to learn more about aliens and telepathy, but after most of her friends wanted to eat snacks and play games she lost sight of her goal." Tsuyu says.

"Well I don't think she's completely innocent when it comes to this either, she was also complicit with the club members slacking off, if she was 100% serious about her goal then she could've easily whipped the others into shape, we have seen how bad she can get when she has her freak outs..." Momo says. "Hopefully the others will try to find a way to make it up to her, I've never seen her cry like that before..." Iida says.

Mob was put off by this for a moment as he'd never seen Tome be so... saddened by something before. He began to feel bad that he too didn't think too much about her research about telepathy or aliens until the trip they went on. It was another one of his many regrets where he didn't pay enough attention to some of his friends or at least as much as he'd like too.

The scene cuts to Mob's room where Mob is seen lying on the ground until Ritsu enters his room and tells him that he has guests that were waiting for him outside. Mob wonders who could be outside as he begins to put his coat on, but before he could leave Ritsu asks Mob if he's feeling ok since it's been over a month since Dimple stopped showing up at their house. Mob however seems to be completely fine and was simply spacing out for a moment.

Mob leaves his house where he sees the members of the now disbanded Telepathy Club minus Tome outside of his house, he asks them what they were all doing out here only for Inukawa to shout at Mob for not answering his phone though Mob didn't even notice that he called him a bunch of times. Inukawa then asks if he could use his powers for telepathy, Mob is confused by this and asks him what he means by that though Inukawa gives a vague answer by saying they weren't taking their youth seriously while shouting and shaking Mob around.

Mob tells him to calm down as Inukawa finally stops shaking him as Ritsu then joins the conversation as the group explains to the brothers what had happened earlier. After being caught up on the situation, Mob explains that he's unable to use Telepathy which Inukawa doesn't believe, however Ritsu then reveals that he knew a few people that were able to use Telepathy as the scene cuts to the twin Shiratori psychics who were able to communicate amongst each other with their ability.

"Oh it's those guys! I kinda forget about them to be honest..." Kirishima says while scratching the back of his head. "I don't blame you for that, Kirishima. I forgot about that whole group too since they haven't really done much this season." Uraraka agrees with Kirishima. "I wonder what they've been up to ever since they all parted ways with Mitsuura." Izuku questions.

Ritsu asks the twins about their telepathy and if it could reach space, but they remind him their telepathy is limited to only between them however if they were to enlist the help of someone more powerful they could possibly find other telepathists as long as they could receive their signal or an unsettling sound that only telepathists could hear.

"Oh, so it would work kinda like a radar on a submarine!" Izuku points out. "It's lucky they have someone like Mob on their side who's definitely the strongest person around. Their signal's reach could probably super far out." Uraraka says which unknown to her embarrases Mob as he never thought about himself being the strongest psychic let alone the one from his home city.

The twins continue to explain that if they keep sending the same signal over and over again someone might try to get closer to its source. This worries the boys for the Telepathy Club as it could easily be a complete stranger coming to them, but they didn't have any choice if they really did wanna help Tome. Ritsu asks Mob what he wants to do and he responds by asking what the boys want him to do since it's for Tome. They realize how dependable Mob is and ask if they could hold a meeting in the club room.

The scene cuts to the club room where the twins reveal that because of the training they've been through with Teru if they concentrate real hard, they can communicate up to three kilometers apart. (1.864 Miles apart or 9842 feet and 6.236 inches apart.) Ritsu shows to be dejected by this as he thinks the two could just use a cellphone.

"Perhaps it's some sort of training that Hanazawa is having them do where it could be effortless for them to communicate no matter the difference." Todoroki points out. "So kinda like the training Aizawa sensei and the pussy cats had us go through at the training camp?" Uraraka asks. "That would make sense, how else would you be able train telepathy besides cutting out the usage of cellphones between the twins." Momo agrees with the training method.

"I wonder how Hanazawa trains the other psychics? If they're actually making good progress when it's only been a few months since they parted ways with Mitsuura the other psychics should be a bit stronger as well." Aizawa questions. "Looking for inspiration for your students training sessions?" Midnight teases Aizawa who only sighs in response to her.

The twins say that their radius will probably be around 500 Meters (0.311 miles or 1640 feet and 5.039 inches.) but if Mob were to amplify their power their range for the noise would probably increase by two or three times. Inukawa is shocked to learn that Ritsu is also a psychic, as Ritsu then says that it'd probably be best if Mob instead did it instead of him. Mob agrees to help and try to make the area as wide as possible. The twins thank Ritsu for asking them to take part in this fun experiment and how they can finally pay him back for saving them back when they were kidnapped.

The twins hold hands as the begin to emit the noise, Mob then begins to pour his power into the twins as their radius increases, Ritsu even admits he can slightly hear the noise now. The twins begin to nearly collapse in pain from all the power being poured into them and then their radius begin increased by so much and Mob says he was going to give them more power but it looks like he shouldn't. They then tell Mob to give them more and that they could keep going, but Ritsu tells the two that they don't have to push themselves even further until the door to the club room slams open to reveal the former member of the club Takenaka.

"Oh it's that guy!" Kaminari points at the screen. "That guy?" Jiro asks him. "You know... the guy!" Kaminari motions towards the screen. "Dude, what are you talking about???" Sero asks Kaminari. "Y'know the gu-"

"If you say "the guy" one more time I will throw you through the screen even if there's a brick wall right behind it." Bakugo bluntly tells Kaminari which shuts him up. "I vaguely remember him, but I don't remember what exactly from..." Momo covers her mouth with her hand as she ponders to herself where she remembered this guy from.

"I believe the answer all of you are looking for is that he was a former member of the Telepathy Club, in fact he was the member that quit and then made the club lose their spot to the Body Improvement Club in the first place! It makes sense none of you would remember him since the last time we saw him was when he ran out of the club room a very long time ago!" Nezu explained to all the students. "Wait seriously? That's the guy? What's he doing here?" Mineta asked. "Yeah... it'd be pretty weird to visit your old club room after you basically caused it to get shut down because you thought it was super weird..." Kirishima scratches his head in confusion.

Inukawa asked him what he was doing here since he was part of the tennis club now, he explains that his club was forcing them to train even in the cold winter times which he didn't like so while they were all doing laps he snuck away to kill some time in the old club room. However after being told that the club members were with real psychics and were trying to find Telepaths he suddenly blows up at the club members and begins to insult them and tells them to grow up after saying that this is why everyone calls them creepy.

"Wow, this guy not only skipped out on his training for a club he chose to join, but then he purposely ran into his old club room that he caused to get shut down just to warm back up, and then went on to insult his former club members because he thought they were being weird??? This guy is a pretty big jerk, ribbit." Tsuyu says with a slight annoyed glint in her eyes. "I'd die of embarrassment if I ran into my old club room that I got shut down and there was even one old member in there! Let alone all of them besides the president! And then having the gall to insult them too?! What is wrong with this guy?!" Mina shouts, being confused at Takenaka's actions.

They chose to ignore Takenaka as the psychics decided to give it another try, however Takenaka tries to goad them into stopping what they're doing by asking them if they're embarrassed. The power Mob putting into the twins increases as Mob's aura grows brighter while Takenaka grips onto the net of his tennis racket as he seems to grow more stressed out as he asks the three to knock it off.

"Why does Takenaka look so stressed out? Actually why is he sweating? If he weren't a psychic then he shouldn't be able to hear the signal let alone be this affected by it since the members of the Telepathy Club only seemed to get goosebumps from the output of the signal... he should only be getting affected by the signal this much if... OH." Izuku quickly figures out why Takenaka was acting like that towards the group, especially after the signal started being shot out again.

As the signal grows stronger and stronger, Takenaka appears to grow more and more agitated until he finally has enough and tells them to knock it off as he slams his fist into the table.

"Woah!! What's up with this guy?! Why is he acting like he's running the place?!" Kaminari angrily asks. "Seriously! If he's so angry about them trying to find telepaths maybe he should just leave the room and go back to his training!" Mina agrees with Kaminari.

Takenaka asks them to quit it with that noise already.

"Oh." Both Kaminari and Mina say at the same time as they realize why Takenaka was acting like that towards the psychics.

Takenaka begins to explain himself to everyone. "I first found out I was different when I was five. No one else noticed that what my kindergarten teacher was saying out loud and in her mind were different. And when I guessed what my dad was really thinking, my mom burst into tears, and I figured out it was something I wasn't supposed to do. I can hear other people's thoughts, even if I don't want to. The older I got, the louder it grew and the larger an area I was attuned to. It truly became unbearable. I think it was when I was in about third grade that I was able to willingly project my thoughts."

A scene is then shown of a younger Takenaka where he watches a group of kids talking to another kid who seemed to always have snacks on him, he then heard his thoughts that he stole the snacks from the store. Takenaka then projects his thoughts into the kids head and scares him into returning the snacks to the store.

"Ever since then... in order to relieve some stress, I'd attack someone every day by yelling at them." Another flashback is shown where Takenaka is shown to be attacking his principal(?) at his old elementary school while nobody knew it was him. The scene goes back to the present as he tells Inukawa he no longer does that in his mind which freaks him out. He then says the other two members names in their heads which freaks them out, especially Kijibayashi who calls him freaky in his mind which he agrees with as he begins to leave.

"Being forced to hear everyone's thoughts around you no matter what you do sounds horrible, it's a feat of its own that he didn't do something to what Serizawa did since all he would hear is his parents thoughts." Iida says with a troubled expression. "I doubt his parents are still together with what he said earlier about his Mother breaking into tears after finding out what his Father thought in his mind." Shoji thought to himself.

"My ears are already somewhat sensitive to super loud noises because of my quirk, I couldn't imagine having to hear everyone's thoughts. Though I will admit it does sound a bit interesting to project your thoughts into someone else's mind." Jiro says. "He was at least able to find a way to counteract his powers by using earbuds, though I'm not sure if he has to be playing music the entire time or not. Though I must agree that being able to project your thoughts into someone's mind could be useful in certain situations, like if you needed a way to tell someone across the room from you that you needed help with something or even in an ongoing battle with a villain." Momo agrees with Jiro

"Isn't that what Mandalay's quirk is? Though I don't think she can hear anybody's thoughts with it and can only project her thoughts into others minds." Iida asks. "Yes! That's actually exactly her quirk, don't forget she used it during the summer training camp as well to tell everyone that we were allowed to fight against The League Of Villains." Izuku explains to Iida.

Before Takenaka can leave, Mob asks him if he was looking for a kindred spirit. This makes Takenaka turns around and questions him as Mob goes on to explain that Takenaka probably joined the crew in the first place because he thought he might be able to find someone like him. Takenaka confirms this and says it was just a club for people obsessed with the occult which discouraged him as he explains that he has no intention of letting the club use him for the sake of making memories.

Mob tells him that if he thinks they were going to use him then he doesn't have to cooperate if he doesn't have any interest at what they're doing. Mob explains that he gets sick of his own power, too, but it's still a part of him that he can't get rid of, even if he tries. He then tells Takenaka that it might be fun to accept his powers every once in a while. Takenaka tries to reject this but Mob earnestly stares back at his glare which makes him back down as he makes up an excuse that "he didn't want them to emit that noise again."

The group thanks Takenaka for helping them out as Ritsu asks him if he read his mind, but Takenaka doesn't answer as he questions Ritsu about his complex of trying to understand Mob, this makes him think he read his mind but he just said it randomly since he looked into his eyes and could figure it out for himself.

The scene then cuts to Reigen's office as he's currently speaking with a client that was having problems with grogginess, and after the client leaves Reigen sees Serizawa doing his winter break home work and then asks him after he finishes if he wants to go out for drinks but gets shot down as Serizawa already made year end plans with a friend. Reigen then receives a call from Mob who asks him if he had any year end plans, he's then asked about Mt. Mud Boat and UFOs which confused a him but he agrees with the plans as Reigen explains to Serizawa that the kids called him because they needed to get a rental car for them.

Reigen pretends to be angered by the fact he'll have to babysit Mob and his friends for the end of the year as they search for UFOs but Serizawa are able to see through it and that he was actually happy that he could spend some time with someone for the end of the year.

"I guess it would make sense they would need some sort of car to get to a mountain, but what are you guys gonna do there?" Sero asks Mob. "Ah- I feel like it would be better if you saw it for yourself." Mob replies back to him which slightly saddens Sero as he wanted to know now rather than later.

"Are they gonna go out to look for UFOs? That sounds like fun!! Aw man I wish we could do that here, but now we're all stuck in dorms and can't go on normal class trips anymore!! Damn you League Of Villains for destroying my chances of getting able to go out and search for aliens with my friends!! I'll make you pay for this!!" Mina angrily thinks to herself as she glares at the screen which weirds out Kirishima as he didn't know why she was glaring at the screen.


Unknown to the League Of Villains as they were still stuck in time just like the entire universe was until the audience could come back from watching Mob Psycho 100, but due to someone thinking about them and somewhat talking to them in her mind they were all going to let out the mother of all sneezes when they were unfrozen.


Tome's home is then shown as she's called about the plans to visit Mt. Mud Boat but she declines as she has cram school camp during winter break, she then reminds them that the Telepathy Club is done now so if they wanted to go they can do it on their own. She then hangs up on Kijibayashi as the three members begin to plan to try and call and bug her to join them until she eventually relents and joins them. However, Tome stopped answering her phone after that phone call until New Year's Eve arrived.

"While it's good she's focusing on her studies now since she's been mainly slacking off with her club, it is a bit sad to see her reject going out to spend time with her friends when she's going to be graduating into high school soon." Present Mic frowns at Tome rejecting the invitations and ignoring her friend's phone calls.

On the day of New Year's Eve Reigen is shown waking up as he then realizes that his alarms batteries had died so he wasn't able to wake up when he wanted to, meaning he was going to be late with meeting Mob and the others.

Mob and the other club members are then shown as Mob finds out that Tome wasn't coming and that they were unable to get a hold of her, but she should still be happy if they get her a picture of a UFO. Mob is still inspired to try and help Tome even if she isn't there as they all walk to where they agreed to meet with Reigen only to see Tome there waiting for them.

"Oh! I guess she got there earlier than all of them..." Momo points out. "I thought she was going to be going to her cram school camp? Why is she here?" Todoroki asks? "Maybe she had a last minute change of heart?" Mina theorizes. "If that's it, then why didn't she call them or text them to let them know she was there? Heck wouldn't she have had to since she'd need to know where they were all going to meet up??" Ojiro asks. "Maybe Kijibayashi told her all that stuff in the first phone call?" Shoji tries to make up an excuses for Tome to know that.

The boys ask her what she was doing here and what about her camp, but she reveals that she bailed on the camp and questions if she's not allowed anymore. Inukawa says it's good she's here but asks why she didn't answer their calls, but Tome reveals that her phone had been broken the whole time and she didn't realize it. This angers Inukawa.

"Ah... I guess that's why she didn't pick up the phone the whole time..." Ojiro deflates at the very obvious answer to his question.

Tome asks them where the so called Telepath was, which makes Inukawa asks Kijibayashi if he told her about Takenaka but he reveals he didn't because he believed if he did she wouldn't come. They then question the others that hadn't arrived yet as they were supposed to arrive around 9 AM but they decided to wait longer, but as the time passed neither Takenaka or Reigen have arrived yet, and Takenaka wasn't picking up his phone.

Inukawa asks Mob if it was ok for them to make his mentor wait like this, but Mob explains that he told Reigen about their situation but he hadn't replied yet. As he says that Takenaka runs up to them and reveals he overslept. Tome questions why Takenaka was here and he reveals that he's a telepathist. This annoys Tome as he asks if he was messing with her, but Inukawa grabs onto both of them and stops the two before Tome could leave in an upset.

They all then shout to run as they grab onto Tome and rush towards the parking lot as they worry that Reigen might've gotten mad and went back home already and see him waiting for them right in front of the parking lot. Mob apologizes for being late as Reigen is then shown to be sweating bullets as he tells them to not worry about it since it was New Year's Eve and that they should take their time. Reigen had arrived two minutes before.

"Well didn't that luck out for him..." Present Mic says in surprise. "With this amount of luck he genuinely might be the luckiest man ever." Midnight says. "With this amount of luck he's sure to have an unlucky death..." Aizawa thought to himself as he knew it would be an idiot move to say this out loud while he was sitting so close to Mob.

The group leaves as Reigen seems to be very nervous while driving. Mob tells him to be careful while driving and responds by telling him to not talk to him for a while. While on the road Inukawa asks Takenaka why he overslept on such an important day which makes Reigen nervous as he too overslept.

Takenaka says that he had a hard time falling asleep as he was nervous since it was a while since he's done anything like this. Inukawa asks Tome if she wanted some gum but she angrily declines as she's angry and believes the boys tricked her by saying they had a telepath while they were actually talking about Takenaka as she doesn't believe he's a telepath.

Inukawa tries to defend Takenaka and say he's a real telepath but he says it's fine since he's not even sure if he can even fall over a UFO or not which leaves some of the boys nervous that this will go horribly.

The GPS on the car tells Reigen that they've reached their destination which makes Reigen smile as he jokingly tells the group that the turns will get harder from here on out and not to get carsick before they see the UFO as the episode then ends.


Bro I've been so busy with work and everything else in my life that my birthday came and passed before I could finish this chapter and now I'm 22!!

I also beat Persona 3 Reload and then platinumed it (the game is very good.) Hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll see you later hopefully by Friday!


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130K 1.2K 14
Class 1-A and others are transported to a theater to watch alternate versions of themselves. Pretty self explanatory.