MHA Reacts To Mob Psycho 100

By PrivateSpidey

262K 4.7K 869

Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a... More

0.5| Where Are We?
1|Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~
2|Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~
3|An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~
4|Idiots Only Event ~Kin~
5|OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powes and Me~
6|Discord ~To Become One~
7|Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~
8|The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~
9|"Claw" ~7th Division~
10|The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~
11|Master ~Leader~
12|Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko~
13|Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~
14|Urban Legends ~Encountering Rumors~
15|One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~
16|Inside ~Evil Spirit~
17|Discord ~Choices~
18| Poor, Lonely, Whitey
19|Cornered ~True Identity~
20|Even Then ~Continue Forward~
21|Show Me What You've Got ~Band Together~
22|Collision ~Power Type~
23|Guidance ~Psychic Sensor~
24| The Battle for Social Rehabilitation ~Friendship~
25|Boss Fight ~The Final Light~
26|Future ~Career Paths~
28|Getting Carried Away ~100%~
29|Divine Tree 1 ~The Founder Appears~
30|Divine Tree 2 ~Peace~
31|Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple Is~
32|Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~

27|Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~

1.7K 54 12
By PrivateSpidey


The moment the episode ended the entire audience were shocked still, they had thought that Dimple forgot about his dream of becoming God and taking over the world. But clearly the moment he was reminded of it he restarted his plans!

"He's seriously still going on about that?! What the hell is wrong with him?!" Bakugo shouted in outrage at the fact that after everything he and the others had gone through together he'd still try to betray them all just for his insane dream. "You've gotta be kidding me! Is he really that insane that he'd try taking over the world again?!" Present Mic shouted, in disbelief.

While the rest of the audience was shouting about how much they were angered by Dimple's actions, only two people noticed Mob's reaction to the information. For some reason unknown to both Eri and Aizawa, Mob was kneeling as he held his head, almost as if he was in pain for some reason? "Kageyama, are you ok?" Aizawa asked him as he put his hand on the boys shoulder. "I think so? It feels like my head is trying to make me remember something, but I don't know what it is..." He says as he takes a deep breath and sits back in his seat with Eri moving from the seat she was in with Tamaki to Mob's seat.

"Eri? Is something wrong?" Mob asked her as she sat down his leg. "I wanna stay with you!" She said while slightly pouting. Mob understood what she really meant due to his little brother doing something similar whenever something wrong happened to him in the past, even now he does something similar. "Ok, thank you." He slightly pat Eri on the head as a way to thank her for worrying about him.

"Maybe we should take a break? It seems like everyone is quite riled up, plus I'm worried about how Young Kageyama is taking this information." All Might tried to tell the audience, but they were too busy shouting over him to actually hear him. "Kageyama, cover Eri's ears." Aizawa told Mob as he did so without question as he didn't want to anger the man.

"ALL OF YOU BE QUIET!!!" Aizawa shouted at the top of his lungs, immediately sending a shiver down the first year students spines as they sat straight and stopped talking. "One of your teachers were speaking, and all of you were too busy shouting your heads off to even hear him, I've seen you all do better so there's no reason for you to not quiet down and act responsible! So, for the rest of the time we're here I want you all to be quiet and behave! I will still allow you all to talk amongst yourselves, but only at a volume that allows us to still hear what's happening on the screen. Do you understand me?!" Aizawa shouted once again.

"Yes Sensei!" The entire class shouted at the same time as they went back to their silence as the screen lit up again. "Seems like we won't be allowed to have that break, sorry Kageyama." Midnight apologized to Mob, who just nods his head.


"Believe it or not, the world is filled with strange phenomena that science is yet to explain. And when people come face to face with them, they are helplessly thrown into the dark depths of fear. But there are those who fight every day to shine a ray of hope into that chaotic darkness."

"Isn't this the intro we get for every season? Why are they showing it again?" Izuku asked. "That's a good question, it doesn't make sense to show it again..." Iida agree with Izuku. "I'm sure there's a reason for it." Yaoyorozu says as they return to watching the show.

"People call them... YOKAI HUNTERS!"

Mob mentally sighs as he remembers this job and the client Reigen, Serizawa, and him had to work with. "Yokai Hunters?? Kageyama are these guys serious?" Present Mic asked him. "Some are yes, I'm not too knowledgeable about the topic, but Serizawa is." He explained with a slight frown as he then also remembered the man trying to recruit him and Serizawa just because of their powers.

"First spirits now Yokai? Kageyama's world is so interesting!" Izuku states as he begins to write on a new fresh page about Yokai. "I'm so glad I wasn't born in Mob's world, I'd be so scared of all the super natural stuff..." Ashido whines as she thinks about all the spirits she's seen in the last two seasons of the show.

A man is shown to be looking at the "divine tree" that he saw all over a talk show as he then wonders what kind of Yokai he could find as the into began.

The scene cuts to Mob's school as its Cultural Fair was starting soon as his class was going to go with a Haunted House. The student leading the class asked the class who hadn't received any jobs yet and the ones to raise their hands were Niido, Sagure, Kageyama, and Inukawa as they were given then jobs of costume design.

"Ooooo! A Cultural Fair! Y'know Mob, for our school festival our class did a band performance!" Ashido told Mob whose eyes nearly popped out of his eyes. "Really?! That's impressive! How were you able to pull it off?" Mob asked. "The entire class worked together on it, it also helped that we were given a stage to use for our performance." Mob was in awe of Mina's words and the thought of an entire band performance for a school festival.

The scene then showed the four costume designers "brainstorming" for costume designs where Niido's idea was to use sheets to cover themselves to look like ghosts, both Sagure and Inukawa both agree with this idea since it comes with almost absolutely zero effort at all minus the effort of having to cut out eyeholes to see. Mob disagrees with this idea as he thinks that they should give it a bit more effort than simple sheets when everyone else are giving it their best. This annoys Niido as he asks him if he has any better ideas, but Mob comes up with nothing as he just mutters off.

"Seriously just some sheets? That's so boring though..." Kaminari says. "I'd thought you of all people would appreciate the laziness of it." Sero teases Kaminari. "I would've before the school festival! Now I'm annoyed by people not giving it their best for festivals!" He then pointed at Mina. "You ruined my love for being lazy!" Mina shrugged her shoulders in confusion. "You're welcome?" She said back.

"I hope your classmates didn't end up going with that idea, I mean it seems like everyone else was excited for the Haunted House, so not putting in any effort for the costumes would be kinda disappointing." Midnight tells Mob. "Yeah, everyone else really did give it their all for the haunted house, I was really impressed by their efforts." Mob smiled as he completely avoided Midnight's words about the costumes.

The Student Council President is then shown as he's warning the other members that if anyone were to be giving out food they'd have to do a fecal exam first to make sure everything was alright. Ritsu however tries to argue that they might be going too far in certain spots like how the band performance might get the school in trouble with any people nearby the school and most importantly the cross dressing cafe, he believes the students should dress more conservatively.

"His class is definitely part of the cross dressing cafe." Hagakure snorts as she whispers to Yaoyorozu. "Indeed." Yaoyorozu lets out a small giggle at the obvious embarrassment Ritsu was letting out.

The Council President thought it was fine if it was safe and nobody would be injured. This annoyed Ritsu, but he said nothing about it afterwards.

Time passes as there is now only two weeks left until the festival, and Mob is shown worrying with a sheet in his hands as he sees everyone else in the class giving it their all for the haunted house. Reigen is shown to be pondering over his website as it hasn't gotten more requests lately as Serizawa then approaches him.

Serizawa tells Reigen that he wants to go take Evening Middle School classes as he wanted to redo his compulsory education and since it's a night school he'll have to be off by 4 PM. Reigen realizes that Serizawa was trying to improve himself and agrees with his decision and tells him to give it a shot. He then notices that he hadn't seen Dimple around recently and how he should've put a leash on him.

"Oh you have no idea." Inko thought to herself.

Suddenly the man from the intro appears outside of Reigen's office.

"HULLO! I am the Yokai Hunter Anakusa Haruaki! That's what I'll say as I go in." Haruaki says to himself as a kid and his Mom warily walk past him

"He's... rehearsing his entrance? So lame..." Mineta says to himself. "This guy is really weird..." Jiro says. "Seriously, who rehearses their entrances?" Hagakure asks Jiro.

All Might feels multiple stabs in his heart as he hears his students make fun of Haruaki for rehearsing his entrance, something he has TOTALLY never done before, never not even once for sure.

Haruaki walks through the building as he continues to rehearse what he was going to say to whoever he saw in the Spirits and Such Consultation Office, until he barges through the office door which weirds out both Reigen and Serizawa as Reigen asks him if he needed something. "Hu-Hullo! My nyane is Amakusa Haruaki!" He shouts while bungling his introduction to Reigen and Serizawa. He then explains that his mission is to hunt those who writhe in the shadows, and that the reason he came to this city is to stop "the incident" before it can start. This begins to anger Reigen as he can barely understand anything Haruaki was talking about.

Reigen tries to usher Haruaki out by telling him he's already busy with a client that ordered for an exorcism, and asks him if he could wait outside, Haruaki is shocked by this but complies. Serizawa tells Reigen that the man who had just arrived was sure unique as Reigen looks outside his window and see Haruaki being questioned by the police for not only being suspicious, but more than likely also for carrying a sword in the open.

"He's definitely getting brought to the station, carrying a weapon like a sword is still seen as strange and illegal in our world unless you're a pro hero and it has to do with your quirk or use of it as a support item, though even then most pro heroes don't use weapons like that." Aizawa motioned towards his pocket. "For example I have a knife in my pocket that I carry with me at all times, just in case hand to hand combat won't cut it. However All Might, Midnight, and Present Mic here don't use a knife at all. Especially All Might who refused to use support items for most of his career."

Izuku facepalmed in embarrassment as he remembered how in his eyes he was a failure of an All Might fan that he didn't even know that All Might had used support items for a small amount of time. "I see, that makes sense." Mob nods his head to Aizawa's words, while also wanting to learn more about what pro heroes can and cannot carry, though he didn't want to go into a long winded conversation with the man over something as simple as if they could carry swords or weapons like that at all.

Three hours pass as the client Reigen had mentioned earlier thanks Reigen for his work. However after she leaves and the esper and the fake esper prepare to take a break, Amakusa Haruaki returns and asks if he was free now. Reigen who no longer had an excuse to keep the man out now, allowed him to come in as he began to talk about "the dark army." Reigen is skeptical about this as he questions if they aren't those who writhe in the shadows anymore. Haruaki pauses for a moment only to say that they have more than one name.

"He's totally making this story up! It's like he's roleplaying as a Yokai Hunter!!!" Bakugo shouted in annoyance at Haruaki's antics. "Guy definitely has too much free time on his hands if he's doing something as weird as this." Kirishima says. "Reigen might as well throw this guy out already, he's definitely just wasting his and Serizawa's break time." Mina sighs.

Haruaki warns Reigen not to speak of them so casually as he will fall prey to them if he does so, he then goes on to say that the vortex of madness is spreading and in order for them to break free from the cycle of sadness, he implored that he assisted him in his endeavor.

Reigen is still confused by what he was saying and refers to Haruaki as a client until he tells Reigen that he is actually not a client. He is actually the one who hides in the darkness, though he quickly corrects himself after saying that and says he's the one who hunts the evil that hides in the darkness. He repeats that he's the Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki as Reigen's eye twitches until he's finally had enough and shouts at Haruaki to shut up.

"Oop- Reigen is gonna let Haruaki have it now." Sato says. "It's about time, that guy couldn't keep his story straight at all. He seems like the guy that never grew up and is stuck in his own little world." Tsuyu agrees with Reigen's outburst.

"Hate to say it, but I'd get pretty annoyed with this guy too if I was in Reigen's shoes. I mean this guy seriously waited three hours to talk to him and makes up some nonsense about Yokai and those who hide in the darkness, and asks Reigen to help him without paying him at all! I probably would've just told him we were closed after that last client left." Present Mic rubs his forehead in annoyance at thinking about having to deal with Haruaki. "He should at least hear him out, even if it ends up being a lie, with how strange things have been in Young Kageyama's world is it really a stretch to say Yokai exist as well?" All Might asks Present Mic.

"I guess not, but still... the guy needs to keep his story straight if he wanted to be taken seriously as a "Yokai Hunter." Present Mic says while mocking the last two words in his sentence by putting them in air quotes.

"It's annoying as hell trying to hear you fit in all of these buzz words!" Haruaki tries to defend himself from Reigen's verbal assault but he continues. "Stop finding gratification from picking the most confusing phrasing each time, you dumbass! I don't have time to listen to your nonsense! If you don't hurry up and tell me what you want or leave, I'm gonna rip off them side buns in your hair!"

Reigen finishes shouting as he gets up in Haruaki's face, which makes Haruaki finally reveal the reason why he came here via a scroll.

"He had a scroll?! Why didn't he just show that in the first place?!" Uraraka questions what Haruaki could've possibly been planning this entire time. "Why it was for the air of mystery... wasn't that obvious?" Aoyama asks Uraraka who just looks at him with a confused face, she didn't even try to understand what he was talking about.

"In this world, there abound evil Yokai who threaten the peaceful lives of the masses. I, Amakusa Haruaki, am a Yokai Hunter who rends these Yokai forevermore. I traveled to Seasoning City for I sensed the presence of Yokai here. I am currently after the evil Yokai horde, the Hundred Demons. Their goal is the resurrection of the Great Yokai King, so they are preparing to steal away as much energy as possible."

Reigen ignores what Haruaki's story and comments on the fact that after a point he just started to speak normally and Serizawa agrees with him and say that it was probably too difficult to keep speaking the way he was before. Reigen asks him why doesn't he just go to the police with this if it's so important, but Haruaki shuts down the idea by saying the police would use "The Firearms and Swords Control Act Violation" against him and try to arrest him.

He tries to ask Reigen for his help again, but Reigen is angered by this again as he says that he's trying to run a business here and to scram... that is until Haruaki pulls out a million yen in cash for the consultation fee.

"HE WAS CARRYING AROUND A MILLION YEN THE ENTIRE TIME?! WHERE DID HE GET THAT MUCH MONEY?!" Uraraka shouted in shock at the large sum of cash. "Is this guy actually loaded?! There's no way right?!" Kaminari also shouted in shock. "He has to have rich parents or something like that! There's no way this guy actually is rich by himself!" Sero agrees with the other two. "It can't be real right? It has to be a note pad or something like that where the top one and bottom ones are the large bills while the others are the smallest ones right?!" Mina tried to rationalize the fact that the "Yokai Hunter" was actually rich the entire time.

Reigen refuses to believe the cash is real and calls it a notepad until he grabs the money and flips through it all and sees they're all 10,000 yen bills. "Th-They're real?!"

"THEY'RE REAL?!" The group that were already in a state of confusion from Haruaki possibly having that much money on him were all nearly on the verge of passing out from the fact the money was indeed real.

Haruaki reveals that his parents are quite rich and surprisingly support his lifestyle as a Yokai Hunter.

"I was right?!" Mina was not used to actually being right, especially after one of her one in a million guesses that were always insane and made no sense.  "I see, that makes sense. It wouldn't be possible for any normal person to walk around and be able to survive with the lifestyle of a "Yokai Hunter" unless they were quite well off, and since he seems to wander around from city to city it'd only make sense that his parents were the ones that were wealthy. Though I must admit his parents agree with and surprisingly support with his lifestyle. I mean I'm sure he receives no amount of payment from this "job" so all the money he has must come from them." Yaoyorozu explains to the group of her shocked classmates.

Izuku writes down that Haruaki's parents are filthy stinking rich in his note book.

Reigen after seeing the fat wad of cash and hearing that Haruaki's parents are loaded immediately changes his tune as he agrees to work with Haruaki to go on the hunt for the Hundred Demons. Though he just uses the same excuse Haruaki did, that being that if the Great Yokai King is resurrected the world will fall into darkness.

Serizawa, who's confused by what's transpiring blindly agrees to go with Reigen. Haruaki however believes that he and Reigen are now friends. He then explains that Yokai Hunters are forever alone and that for the longest time now he's been fighting solo, and that this is the first time in a long time he's experienced kindness from another person.

"Oh... now I feel bad for making fun of this guy..." Jiro says as she quickly realizes that Haruaki has no friends at all and is seemingly just being paid by his parents just to stay away from them due to him being so strange. "Same here." Kirishima agrees with Jiro in a a being sorry for Haruaki. "Hey Mob, did you know about all that stuff from Haruaki?" Hagakure asks the boy who paused and thought about it for a moment.

"In all honesty I don't remember much from this job, I was more worried about the costumes for the Haunted House that I didn't even really think about Haruaki or what he was doing.

Mob then comes into the office where he greets Reigen and Serizawa and asks if he can talk to Reigen alone, but Reigen brushes it off for later as he says they can talk after the job was over and that he was coming with for the job. Haruaki apologizes to Mob and says that women and children should stay behind, but Reigen defends him and says that Mob will ne fine.

A small montage begins where the three and Haruaki look around the city for any Yokai however for multiple spots they find no signs of the Yokai which starts to annoy Reigen as he starts to wonder if he's a cosplayer, but his mood shifts when he's reminded of how much money he's being paid for this job. That is until Haruaki actually "senses" Yokai in a nearby building that Reigen recognizes as a job he and Mob went on where the clients were a man and his girlfriend with a face that Reigen insulted.

Reigen tries to ask Mob about that job, but realizes that he hasn't been paying attention to what they were talking about at all as he was talking about his classes costumes for the Haunted House.

"Kageyama, I know you were focused on your classes costumes for the school festival. But you should really make sure you pay attention to what's actually going around you." Yaoyorozu turns in her seat towards Mob. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind..." Mob says, feeling embarrassed about what he was doing on the screen.

As the group head inside the building, Haruaki immediately begins talking about how the Hundred Demons have made this their lair for sure, this makes Reigen wonder if he was actually serious about being a Yokai Hunter and he isn't just some cosplayer. Serizawa then notices roots of a plant going through the building.

The group continue walking through the building though Haruaki seems to be distressed about something which gets Reigen's attention as he asks him what the matter was. Haruaki explains that when it came to Yokai he's only dealt with them in one-on-one battles and even then he needed to be fully prepared as he had to fight the Yokai for three days and three nights just to beat one.

"Is he seriously trying to say that every time he fights Yokai he fights them for 72 hours straight? He can't be serious. Not even All Might can fight for that long! Could you?" Present Mic turned towards All Might. "I don't think it's humanly possible for the body to be able to fight for that long without falling apart, staying awake for three days straight is already dangerous for the body, but fighting for all that time? It just doesn't make sense." All Might shakes his head in the negative.

Reigen makes a noise that scares Haruaki, only to find out the thing that made Reigen make a noise is that the wall was slimy. Mob is inspired by the slimy walls and thinks about maybe hanging some konjac up it would scare people, Haruaki quickly realizes that their entrance has been sealed.

"Gross, I really don't wanna know how those things made the walls slimy..." Hagakure stuck her tongue out in disgust but nobody could see her do it. "Urgh, this reminds me of the Haunted House the general course did for the festival..." Kaminari shivers in his seat as he remembers getting scared by everything in the Haunted House.

"I'm still trying to figure out if Haruaki is for real or not, on the one hand he knows quite a lot about Yokai and these Hundred Demons, but on the other hand a lot of the stories he's told just make no sense to me..." Izuku says as he looks down at the barren page that only features a small drawing of Haruaki. "Maybe just leave it for now, he might end up talking more about himself later?" Inko told her son, which made him close his notebook... for now.

Reigen comments on the fact that Serizawa was uncharacteristically calm, but Serizawa explains that he actually feels more relaxed in dark and confined spaces. Mob continues brainstorming about how they could spice up the Haunted House. Suddenly they're attacked by the Yokai and Haruaki defends Reigen from an attack. He then begins a chant as the price of his "holy sword" is revealed.

The audiences eyes and jaws drop minus Eri's and Mob's due to Eri not knowing how much 7 million yen is and Mob because he already knew about what happened to the sword.

Haruaki swings the sword at the Yokai, but it immediately breaks the moment it touches the Yokai.

Uraraka passes out at the sight of a 7 million yen sword being broken so easily.

Haruaki screams at the sight of his "holy sword" being broken and doesn't notice the Yokai trying to attack him, before it can kill him Serizawa saves him by connecting his business cards and slicking the Yokai apart.

He notes that it functions as a normal exorcism as Haruaki is awes by Serizawa's powers.

"Woah!!! I didn't know Serizawa could do something like that! That's so cool!" Izuku opens up his notebook again to Serizawa's page and begins writing. "Can you do something like that, Mob?" Kirishima asks him. "I've never really tried to do something like that before... maybe? But I doubt I could do it on the first try." Mob notes.

"It's cool to see Serizawa in a fight, right?" Present Mic asks as he turns to see Midnight only to see her blushing. "Seriously? Him too?" He frowns at his friend. "What? I like a man in a suit? Sue me." She shrugs her shoulders. "I can't because if I did then you'd get to see more men in suits!" He shouts at her as she chuckles.

Reigen notes that multiple Yokai are coming towards them now, he tells Serizawa and Mob that he'll weaken them using some salt and that after that it'll be up to them to take down the spirits. Mob wonders if they could do something fun with salt as he erases a Yokai, Serizawa slices apart 4 Yokai at once as Mob comes up with an idea to maybe defeat the ghosts in the Haunted House since the kids will enjoy that. He's nearly squashed by a Yokai, but he quickly erases its hands.

Haruaki and Reigen quickly notice 5 more Yokai incoming and Haruaki recognizes them as the four generals of the Hundred Demons and the Great Yokai King.

Haruaki shakes in his boots as he apologizes for roping them all into this, Reigen thinks that they could maybe run away but Serizawa shuts the idea down quickly as he assumes they won't be able to. Mob, still not thinking about what was happening around him realizes he isn't creative enough to actually create his ideas. This makes his counter rise up to 40%. One of the generals try to attack Mob but he easily blocks it.

Serizawa quickly deals with the mummy general by smacking it away for now as the large red Yokai charges towards Reigen and Haruaki, Mob notices this and grabs the red Yokai with his powers and slams it against the general he was still holding, killing them both.

The next general tries blasting Serizawa with a beam from its chest, but using the business cards, Serizawa forms a shield and reflects the blast back which destroys the Yokai. Haruaki tells Reigen how envious he is of their powers, but Reigen explains that to them there's nothing special about their powers.

The final Yokai general charges towards the two psychics only to get immediately disintegrated by the two.

"So cool as always, Kageyama! Both you and Serizawa!" Izuku compliments Mob, making him feel embarrassed. "Yeah! That move you did where you smacked those two generals against each other was so badass!" Kaminari joins in on complimenting Mob. "You've definitely inspired me to try and do something like that with my quirk!" Sero points to Mob. "Agreed, watching you as inspired me to come up with a few ultimate moves." Tokoyami nods his head.

"A-Ah... thank you all... but it's really nothing special... I'm sure you all have incredible powers of your own." Aizawa nods his head as he sees that Mob is still being humble.

The Yokai King congratulates the two for killing his generals but quickly escapes his bindings and reveals his true form to everyone as he challenges them both to a battle.

"He's huge!" Ojiro shouts. Mineta was so frightened by the appearance of the Yokai King he didn't even try to follow up with a joke about what Ojiro just said. "He looks so freaky!" Nejire points out. "Hey, he's got a tentacle like you do sometimes, Tamaki!" Mirio points out to his friend who frowns. "Please don't compare me to the giant monster Mirio..." He sighs as he warily looks on at the beast.

"This is definitely gonna be a brawl of the ages!" Kirishima pumps his fist. "Definitely, I won't be surprised if Mob'll have to go all out against the king! Same with Serizawa!" Kaminari agrees with his red haired friend. "He better be a challenge! These damn extra Yokai have been weaklings!" Bakugo shouts, also being exitced for the incoming battle.

"HUH?!" The students shouted at the same time. "It's already dead?! Did they skip the epic battle?!" Sero pulls on his hair. "MOOOB!!! Did they skip a super epic battle between you and Serizawa vs the Yokai King?!" Hagakure whined to Mob. "No, the fight from what I remember was rather short. The moment he tried to attack us, both Serizawa and I retaliated which I guess was too much for him." Those that were excited for the fight between the psychics and the Yokai King deflated in their seats as they felt the excitement ripped out of them all at the same time.

Haruaki praises the two psychics and tries to hire them as fellow Yokai Hunters but they both decline, which makes Reigen act smug as he mocks Haruaki for trying to hire them as Yokai Hunters and says that money can't win over everyone.

"He just screwed himself over." Aizawa thought to himself as he realized what was about to happen.

Haruaki has a revelation as he apologizes to Reigen. This confuses him as Haruaki says that he considered him a friend yet he still tried to buy his help with money, Reigen quickly realizes what's happening and tries to say that he'd be fine with the money, that is until he sees Mob and Serizawa watching him. He stops what he was saying and plays it off like he was including himself in that group of people that couldn't be bought off. He then wonders if he could have the Yokai Hunter stuffed as he try's to take a picture of it, only to see its body act like a spirit's where he can't take a picture of it at all. He's disappointed by this, but mentions how scary it looked.

This inspires Mob as after Haruaki leaves Mob leaves as well as he was able to figure out his problem on his own, this surprises Reigen as he thought he could help Mob out like he always does. Mob is shown at home sketching something as he calls Inukawa and asks him to  come to school early tomorrow as he had an idea for the costumes, this confuses him as he thought they were going to stick with the sheets. A montage begins where the class works on their Haunted House alongside the costume group who was annoyed and depressed they'd have to put actual effort into the Haunted House.

"OOOOOO!!! You came up with an idea Mob?! What was it, what was it?!" Mina excitedly asks Mob. "I'm sure you're about to see it in a moment." He nods his head towards the screen.

The day of the festival arrives where it's said that the costume Mob and Inukawa worked on received a lackluster response, but nobody complained about it as well. Reigen is shown entering the Haunted House where he compliments how well made it was for middle schoolers, until the design the 4 boys made jumps out at Reigen. This doesn't scare him at all, but he does compliment the design.

"Woah! You used the Yokai King as a reference for the design!" Kirishima gave Mob a thumbs up. "It looks really good man, though it definitely could've been a bit better if you guys were able to paint it." Kaminari tells Mob. "Yes, by the time we finished building it we didn't have enough time to paint it and have the paint dry, it was a huge effort for just the four of us. But I'm glad we still went through with it." Mob smiles as he looks at the screen only to nearly laugh at what was being shown.

Ritsu's class is shown as he angrily serves two older women that comment on how cute the event is and how they want to take pictures of the cafe. He tells the two to enjoy their stay as he tries to hold back an outburst, until...

Sho Suzuki enters the room, stunned to see Ritsu in the maid outfit. He greets Ritsu and says that he's wearing a crazy outfit, but then immediately backtracks to say it looks good on him. The already mentally drained Ritsu says nothing but laughs that sound deader and deader each second.


EYYYYY I FINISHED THE EPISODE BEFORE THE END OF YEAR (At least in my time I did it's 10:50 PM here as of posting this.) So Happy New Years everybody! I hope to write more content for you all to enjoy! See you in the next chapter!!!


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