Filthy ; DM + LB ; 2024 Rewri...

By -babynaomi

192K 4.5K 29.9K

Oh, man. Here we go. This is Filthy rewritten. Lucille is way smarter... it's not as rushed.... uhhh...and Na... More



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By -babynaomi

Without further adieu, I present to you...

S N O T T Y 

- Draco Malfoy -

07:23 AM

I thrust harder into Pansy, struggling to focus on coming. Pansy's moans become unbearable, so I use my hand to cover her mouth. My free hand is grasping onto her hips as my thumb runs over her prominent pelvic bone. I tightly close my eyes, allowing only the sound of our skin meeting repetitively and the rustle of the bed to fill my senses.

Soon enough, I pull out of her and come undone on her stomach. I remove my hand from over her mouth, allowing her to take deeper breaths.

"That took you a while," she raspily blurted. "Care to clean me up, Draco?"

I grumble, getting off the bed in search of a towel. Once I get my hands on one, I toss her the towel as I walk into my bathroom.

"I have an exam soon," I spoke from inside the bathroom. "It's best if you get going now."

Pansy let out a dismissive laugh. "Usually, Draco, you don't kick me out right after you cum on. me," I overheard the sound of clothes rustling in my bedroom. "Is everything alright? Between us?"

I let out an exasperated sigh, setting down my toothbrush with toothpaste still on it. Leaning against the doorway of my bathroom, I rested my weight on the wooden frame. "Pansy, there's no 'us'. We're two horny individuals seeking satisfaction. It's as simple as that."

She rolled her eyes, hastily dressing herself with an air of aggression. "You'll never find happiness with an attitude like that," she retorted.

"And you'll never find love with a bitchy attitude like that," I snapped back, my tone laced with irritation. "Especially after what you said last night."

Midway through buttoning her blouse, she abruptly halted, frozen in place. "What? What are you talking about?"

I sighed, shaking my head, my gaze shifting from the ground to meet hers. "You remember, Pansy," I insisted. "When you told Lucille Granger that she only fucks dead guys?"

She gave me a long stare until she started laughing, but it soon died down as she realized I wasn't joking. "Are you seriously upset about that? When did you care about Lucille Granger's fucking feelings?"

"I couldn't care less about that mudblood's feelings, Pansy, you should know better," I replied with a hint of aggression. "Everyone adores Lucille, and now that you've offended her, they won't want you around anymore. You clearly don't think things through.

"Pansy continued getting dressed, dismissing my concerns. "Oh, please," she scoffed. "I couldn't care less about what people think of me, Draco."

As I watched her hurriedly adjust her clothes, it gave me a moment to reflect. Her comment to Lucille was uncalled for, and although I don't particularly care about her, it was a low blow that reflected poorly on me.

"I don't want to sleep with you anymore," I stated flatly. Pansy shot me a confused look.

"But you constantly mock her," she defended, her arms flailing in exasperation. "I don't see the issue here."

"The issue is that you stooped so low with your comment. Bringing up the dead? That's twisted, Pansy," I told her, observing her growing agitation. "It reflects poorly on you, to be honest."

Pansy was already frustrated. "You're such a hypocrite! You're really ending things with me over a comment I made about a girl you don't even like?"

"It's more complicated than that, Pans," I reassured. "I just don't want any association with you anymore. Sexually. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. The list goes on."

Pansy appeared on the verge of anger-induced tears, but before any could escape her welled-up eyes, she snatched the rest of her belongings and stormed out of my room, forcefully slamming the door behind her. I scoffed, resuming my teeth brushing.

After completing my morning routine, which included brushing my teeth, taking a refreshing shower, shaving, and carefully styling my hair, Blaise burst into the room, his laughter filling the air.

"Oi," Blaise managed to say between fits of laughter. "You've got Pans telling everyone you have erectile dysfunction."

I let out a dry chuckle in response to the absurdity. "Oh, but if I went around telling everyone that she uses teeth while she sucks me off, suddenly I'd be the villain."

Blaise's eyes widened, shaking his head in disbelief. "You two are really done, huh?"

I looked at myself in the mirror behind our dormitory door, adjusting my tie. I gaze down at my hands and took notice of my rings. "I want absolutely nothing to do with Pansy Parkinson. She's an embarrassment, self-destructive, and her moans are downright dreadful."

Blaise sucks in sharply at my comment. "I've heard about the obnoxious moaning, I just wasn't sure that rumor was true.

I cocked my brow at him in confusion. "There are others saying the same thing?"

"Yeah," Blaise answered. "The same thing.

I raised my eyebrows. "I didn't know there were others."

"There's a whole ton."

We exchanged a silent, almost skeptical look, before both shrugging it off.

"Did Lorenzo not return last night?" Blaise queried, glancing at Lorenzo's well-kept four-post bed. 

"No," I replied. "Did you study for the exam?"

"Does it look like I study?"

"Fair enough."

Gathering my wand and textbooks, and getting ready for an upcoming exam, I asked, "What was served for breakfast? I missed it because I was clearly too occupied with Pansy."

Together, we exited the dormitory, making our way down the corridor. A somber atmosphere seemed to surround us, and the air felt unusually still. "The usual," came the response. "Eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, toast, porridge, and fruit."

At the mention of those foods spread across the breakfast table, my stomach growled in longing. I'd much rather have a satisfying breakfast in the morning than endure dull sexual intercourse with Pansy.

As Blaise and I strolled side by side, a line of students formed outside our Transfigurations class. I noticed Onyx, Lucille, and Lorenzo standing together. Blaise and I approached the trio, and that's when I noticed Lucille's smile quickly fading. She glanced down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. There was something off about her demeanor, and I couldn't help but feel a hint of sympathy.

Lorenzo greeted us with his usual cheerfulness, jokingly cupping my face. Disgust immediately etched onto my face as I swatted his hand away. He chuckled, clearly amused by my reaction. "Did you have a fantastic night's sleep, my beautiful blonde? How about an equally great morning?"

"I've already heard about the rumor, Lorenzo," I replied in a low voice. I shot Lucille a look of mild disappointment. "You can thank Grange for that."

A conniving smirk replaced Lucille's flat depression as she locked eyes with me. "Oh, isn't that just Draco Malfoy lore?"

"Very funny," I retorted sarcastically. Turning to Onyx, I suggested, "Onyx, you should ask your Ravenclaw friend, Padma, if there's any truth to it."

As our small group processed the revelation, each of them wore widened eyes, clearly taken aback by the news. However, I couldn't help but sport a smirk.

"You're telling me you... slept with Padma?" Onyx asked, clearly in disbelief.

"I might've," I replied casually.

"I guess we're Eskimo Brothers," Lorenzo blurted out. Our heads turned towards him, displaying our disbelief. "How long ago did you hook up with her?"

I shrugged. "Around 2 months ago, I think."

"Wow," Onyx exclaimed.

"What about you?" I asked Lorenzo.

"About 3 months ago," he replied.

We exchanged grins, still in utter disbelief, but eventually, we laughed it off.

"Did she do that thing with her tongue?" Lorenzo asked me, an eager anticipation in his eyes.

I surveyed our little circle as they all awaited my response. My gaze returned to Lorenzo, who seemed particularly curious. My mouth was slightly ajar as I struggled to find the right words. Eventually, I replied with a smirk, "Of course she did." Lorenzo let out a shocked chuckle, while Onyx and Lucille shook their heads with a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

"You two are so gross," Lucille blurted out. She lightly shoved Lorenzo. "Especially you, Enzo. You're really racking up your numbers."

"I should really catch up," Blaise murmured with a hint of seriousness. "I've only had, like, 6 partners."

"Six partners is perfectly fine," Onyx quickly interjected, almost protective in her response. "You don't need to add any more."

"And how many partners do you have, Onyx De Loughrey?" Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"I have enough," she smartly replied. "Enough about me. How are we going to shut Pansy up? Now that she and Draco are done, what if she starts revealing our other secrets?"

"You act as if my erectile dysfunction rumor is true," I rolled my eyes. We continued the conversation as we entered the classroom, which was gradually filling up with more students. Our voices dropped to a lower tone. "All she'll do is spread rumors. We just have to deny them. Seriously, did you all confide in her or something?"

"I might have confided in her," Onyx admitted. "I don't know what I say when I'm drunk."

"I might have too," Blaise chimed in. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "What? She asked about my home life, and I wasn't going to miss the chance to talk about myself."

"I don't open up to deceitful people like her," Lucille spat, slamming her textbook onto the table. Lorenzo shot her a stern look, his hand gently rubbing her back as she glared at him. "I'm not worried about rumors about me being spread."

"I don't think I've ever opened up to her," Lorenzo joined in, his hand tucking Lucille's hair behind her ears. "But if any other rumors surface, I can handle her."

"How would you handle her? You wouldn't hurt a fly," Onyx questioned.

"I talk sense into others, you know," Lorenzo responded. "Not everything has to resort to violence."

Lucille shrugged. "Well, my hands were ready to go for her, though."

Lorenzo sighed. "Fair response, but not the right one."

"Hardy har har," Lucille snapped. "What's done is done."

"I never took you for the violent type, Granger," I remarked.

She shot me a disgusted look. "Care to find out how violent I can get, ferret?"

I chuckled, raising my hands in surrender. "Good morning to you too, Lucille."


- Lucille Granger -
06:55 AM

I find myself tightly enveloped by a pair of arms around my torso, hindering my movement. I turn my head and observe Lorenzo, fast asleep with his hair slightly disheveled, the sunlight casting a spotlight on him through the drapes.

Carefully wriggling my way out of his embrace, he emits a subtle grunt, followed by a full-body turn. I sit up, stretching and yawning contentedly. Rubbing my eyes, I notice Onyx, with a towel draped over her head.

"Good morning, Ms. Granger," Onyx greets me in a hushed tone. "What brings Lorenzo into your bed? Again?"

"It shouldn't surprise you," I reply in a low voice. "Platonic, always."

I rise from the bed, stretching my entire body before making my way toward the bathroom. Upon entering, I notice the mirrors still fogged, indicating that Onyx must have recently finished her shower. "Enzo said he'd leave once I fell asleep, but clearly, he's proven me wrong."

I continue with my morning routine, hearing Lorenzo yawn, groan, and sigh audibly. I step out of the bathroom, and my gaze falls upon Lorenzo, now sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I thought you were planning to leave as soon as I dozed off," I inquire, while smearing a face mask over my skin.

"Is it a crime to accidentally fall asleep?" Lorenzo replies groggily, getting up from the bed. He proceeds to fluff my pillows, arranging them upright, and generally tidying my bed. "Good morning, Onyx," he greets her as he turns toward her direction.

"Good morning, Enzo," she responds with a smile. "Would you like to fix my bed as well?"

I gave Onyx a look of mischief.

"No problem at all," Lorenzo chimes, making his way toward her side of the room.

Onyx and I watched as Lorenzo tidied up her bed. "You'll make a great wife, you know that?" Onyx joked, patting Lorenzo's back once he finished.

"So, why aren't we married?" he joked, playfully prodding Onyx's shoulder with his index finger.

"I don't have the money to propose," Onyx replied, removing the towel from her head and running her fingers through her thick hair. "I guess you'll have to wait."

"I guess so," he jeered.

Standing by the door frame, I observed Lorenzo as he made his way to the bathroom. He passed by me and headed towards the bathroom sink. "Is my spare toothbrush still here?" he asked, searching through the mirror cabinet.

"It should be somewhere in there," I replied. "You also have spare clothes in my dresser if you want to freshen up completely."

"I'll take you up on that offer," Lorenzo said, applying toothpaste to his toothbrush and starting to brush his teeth. He then took my toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste onto it as well. I gently nudged him away from the front of the sink, rinsed my hands to remove the residue of the face mask, and grabbed the toothbrush he had already prepared.

Together, we brushed our teeth, our gazes meeting in the mirror's reflection. Absentmindedly, we both spat into the sink. After rinsing our toothbrushes, we returned them to their designated places.

Lorenzo and I have always been close—from sleepovers to keeping spare clothes in my dresser—ever since our third year. But this year feels different. The way he snuggled with me in bed last night felt more intimate than our usual interactions. I know it may not be something significant, but it's hard to ignore such affection and pass it off as purely platonic.

Sometimes I question myself. I know we love each other, but I've never considered the possibility of our relationship evolving into something more than friendship.

Yet, it's impossible to ignore how stunning he looks. As he grows older, his physique becomes more defined, and it becomes increasingly difficult to dismiss it.

Soon, the three of us were ready to head down for breakfast. Upon exiting our dorms, the three of us agreed that the atmosphere was rather eerie and almost unsettling. The three of us people-watched, and we noticed how most people were gloomy.

"I wonder what's in the air," I commented, glancing at the people passing by. "Are we in the depressive parts of the quarters?"

"I don't know," Onyx replied, twirling her wand between her hands. "Mercury must be in retrograde."

Lorenzo and I hummed in agreement. "That must be it," Lorenzo chimed in.

We met up with Blaise at the dining hall, where we indulged in our usual large breakfast portions. Onyx seemed especially ravenous, likely due to the side effects of The Vial.

"Where's Draco? Pansy?" Lorenzo asked Blaise, his mouth full of blueberries.

"They're probably still asleep. I'll check on them after breakfast," Blaise replied, breaking off pieces of his bacon. "What Pansy said to Lucille last night was absolutely vile."

I scoffed. "She got what she deserved. If Lorenzo hadn't been there, I probably would have given her a taste of my fist."

Lorenzo shook his head. "Violence is never the answer."

"It's often the most effective one," I retorted, annoyance lacing my tone. "She always has something to say. I don't want to talk about her right now, or else I'll lose my appetite."

"Yes, my love," Lorenzo acquiesced. "Would you like some orange juice? Or perhaps apple?" He deflected, attempting to ease my frustrations.

"Apple, please," I smiled, extending my cup towards him. Lorenzo poured the juice. "Thank you, sir."

"I love it when you call me sir," he whispered teasingly into my ear.

"Oh?" I taunted.

"Oh?" Blaise chimed in, mimicking our banter. "Sir, could you pass me some apple juice too?"

"Anything for my princess," Lorenzo teased, pouring Blaise a cup. "Onyx, my love, anything for you?"

"No, that's alright, sir," she replied with a grin. "Your warm presence is enough."

Our group continued to eat and chat about our upcoming exams. As we finished our meal and left the hall, the room became more crowded with students. Fresh breakfast options were brought out for the latecomers, ensuring they too could enjoy a freshly prepared meal.

Blaise branched off from our group, while we made our way toward the courtyard to ease our bodies after a fulfilling meal.

The courtyard was bathed in warm sunlight, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of nature in the air. After our fulfilling breakfast, Lorenzo, Onyx, and I decided to unwind in the courtyard, surrounded by other students engaging in conversation, laughter, and practicing their spells.

As we made our way through the courtyard, a pair of Ravenclaws caught our attention. They were engaged in a friendly duel, their wands gracefully weaving spells through the air. We watched with admiration, appreciating the skill and precision in their movements.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, I noticed Lorenzo attracting attention from a group of girls. With his natural charm and easy demeanor, he greeted each of them with a smile, causing giggles and blushes in response. Onyx, ever friendly and sociable, waved excitedly at Luna Lovegood, who was immersed in a large magical picture book. The book emitted various sounds, matching the images on its pages.

My gaze shifted, and there, beneath a tall tree, sat my sister Hermione and her best friend Ron. They were perched on a cozy blanket, engrossed in conversation. I felt a surge of warmth and familiarity as I spotted them. With quickened steps, Lorenzo, Onyx, and I joined their little gathering, exchanging joyful greetings.

The courtyard provided a tranquil escape from the demands of our studies, offering a space where we could relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. The bright sun illuminated the surroundings, casting vibrant hues across the greenery. The cheerful chatter and laughter of students filled the air, creating a sense of camaraderie and togetherness.

As I settled onto the blanket, the gentle breeze tousled my hair, offering a soothing touch against my skin. I took a deep breath, inhaling the invigorating scent of grass and blossoming flowers. It was a moment of blissful serenity, a respite from the challenges and pressures of the wizarding world.

"So, did you three study for the exam?" Hermione queried. Ron was beside her, writing his name in cursive on a piece of parchment in large lettering, almost looking like he was practicing his signature.

"Lucille here does too much of that," Onyx elbowed me. "I, for one, hardly studied."

"Enzo? Did you study?" Hermione asked.

"No," he replied, "Though, I would love for you to help me right now."

Hermione looked up from her book, her eyes lighting up at Lorenzo's request for tutoring. She set the book aside and shifted her position, ready to assist him right then and there.

"Absolutely, Lorenzo," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Let's have a quick rundown on Transfiguration right here."

She gestured for him to sit closer, creating a focused learning environment amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the courtyard. "First, let's start with the basic principles of Transfiguration. Remember, it's all about the precise manipulation of magical energy and understanding the essential laws that govern it."

Hermione proceeded to explain key concepts, demonstrating wand movements and incantations for various transfiguration spells. She encouraged Lorenzo to follow along, guiding his hand motions and offering feedback on his technique.

"Great job," she complimented him when he successfully transfigured a small pebble into a tiny mouse. "Remember, consistency and concentration are crucial in Transfiguration. Maintain your focus, visualize the desired outcome clearly, and channel your magic with controlled intent."

She continued to provide him with pointers, tips, and tricks, helping him understand the intricacies of the subject. Their impromptu practice session garnered attention from nearby students, who watched with curiosity and interest.

As the lesson progressed, Lorenzo's confidence grew, his wand movements becoming more precise and his grasp of the subject deepening. Hermione's expertise and patient guidance proved invaluable, instilling him with newfound knowledge and skill.

As they concluded their impromptu lesson, Hermione smiled warmly at Lorenzo. "You're doing remarkably well," she praised. "Keep practicing, reviewing your notes, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. I have no doubt you'll excel in the Transfiguration exam."

Lorenzo chuckled at Hermione's response, his flirtatious tone still lingering. "You're so good at teaching boys exactly what to do, Mione," he praised. "Thank you, love."

Hermione's smile remained warm and genuine. "It was my pleasure, Enzo," she softly chuckled, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. "Seriously, if you ever need any more help, don't hesitate to reach out."

Lorenzo's flirtatious nature continued as he replied, "Help with anything? Anything at all?"

Hermione, unaware of the underlying meaning behind his words, insisted, "Yes, Enzo. Anything."

While Hermione didn't catch the subtle flirting, Ron, her best friend, definitely did. He observed their interaction and, sensing the need to redirect Hermione's attention, decided to intervene. Rising from the blanket, he announced that it was time for breakfast.

"Alright, Mione," Ron said, trying to keep Hermione away from Lorenzo. "Shall we go for breakfast?"

Hermione looked at Ron with a puzzled expression, not understanding his sudden need for another meal. "Didn't you already eat?"

"Well, I'm hungry again," Ron insisted. Hermione sighed and gathered her belongings, reluctantly following Ron's lead.

"Lucille, please return my blanket when you're done with it, okay?" Hermione requested as they walked away.

I saluted Hermione playfully, watching them leave. Turning to Lorenzo, I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Lorenzo, you are such a flirt," I teased.

"What? Your sister's got a great physique," he responded with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh my goodness," Onyx exclaimed, face-palming herself. "Do you ever turn down your hormones?"

Lorenzo grinned unabashedly. "Hey, I'm not sexualizing. I simply appreciate the beauty of the human form, its shape, and all."

We continued to exchange playful banter and laughter, enjoying the warmth of the courtyard and the company of our friends.

"We should head to class," Onyx suggested, noticing other students leaving the courtyard while some remained behind. She checked the elegant watch on her wrist. "The exam is about to start."

The three of us rose from the blanket, with Lorenzo folding it neatly and tucking it under his arm as we made our way toward the classroom. Outside the door, a line had already formed, and we joined the rest of the students as we waited for the class to begin.

As we stood in line, our conversation revolved around a mix of nervousness and anticipation. We discussed what we would do if we all achieved Outstanding scores on the exam. The unanimous decision was to celebrate by heading to the Astronomy Tower and indulging in some well-deserved liquor and weed, perhaps.

Just then, our attention turned to Blaise and Draco walking together. Draco appeared his usual drained self, yet there was an undeniable air of elegance and tidiness about him. Despite his unpleasant demeanor, he always managed to maintain a polished and refined appearance.

My smile quickly faded, and I glanced down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. Something felt off, and a sense of disappointment washed over me.

Lorenzo greeted them with his usual cheerfulness, playfully cupping Draco's face. Disgust twisted Draco's features as he swatted Lorenzo's hand away. Lorenzo chuckled, clearly amused by Draco's reaction. 

"Did you have a fantastic night's sleep, my beautiful blonde? How about an equally great morning?"

"I've already heard about the rumor, Lorenzo," Draco's voice held a hint of disappointment, and his gaze met mine, conveying his mild disapproval. "You can thank Granger for that."

A conniving smirk replaced my previous flat demeanor as I locked eyes with Draco. "Oh, isn't that just Draco Malfoy lore?"

My sarcastic reply earned an eye roll from him. Turning to Onyx, Draco suggested, "Onyx, you should ask your Ravenclaw friend, Padma, if there's any truth to it."

As our small group processed the shocking revelation, each of us wore widened eyes, clearly taken aback by the news.

"You're telling me you... slept with Padma?" Onyx's disbelief rang through her voice.

"I might've," Draco replied casually.

"I guess we're Eskimo Brothers," Lorenzo blurted out, and our heads turned towards him, mirroring our disbelief. "How long ago did you hook up with her?"

Draco shrugged. "Around 2 months ago, I think."

"Wow," Onyx exclaimed, clearly astonished.

"What about you?" Draco directed his question to Lorenzo.

"About 3 months ago," Lorenzo replied.

They exchanged smiles, still in utter disbelief, but eventually, they laughed it off.

"Did she do that thing with her tongue?" Lorenzo's eager anticipation was evident in his eyes as he turned to Draco. I surveyed our little circle, everyone waiting for Draco's response.

His mouth slightly ajar, struggling to find the right words, eventually, he replied with a smirk, "Of course she did."

Lorenzo let out a shocked chuckle, while Onyx and I shook our heads with a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

"You two are so gross," I blurted out, playfully shoving Lorenzo. "Especially you, Enzo. You're really racking up your numbers."

"I should really catch up," Blaise murmured, his voice carrying a hint of seriousness. "I've only had, like, 6 partners."

Onyx quickly interjected, almost protective in her response. "Six partners is perfectly fine, Blaise. You don't need to add any more."

"And how many partners do you have, Onyx De Loughrey?" Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"I have enough," she replied. Onyx shifted the conversation, bringing up the issue at hand. "How are we going to shut Pansy up? Now that she and Draco are done, what if she starts revealing our other secrets?"

"You act as if my apparent 'erectile dysfunction' rumor is true," Draco rolled his eyes. Our conversation continued as we entered the classroom, which gradually filled up with more students. Our voices dropped to a lower tone as we discussed strategies to handle Pansy's potential rumors. "All she'll do is spread rumors. We just have to deny the. Seriously, did you all confide in her or something?"

"I might have confided in her," Onyx admitted. "I don't know what I say when I'm drunk."

Blaise chimed in, "I might have too. She asked about my home life, and I wasn't going to miss the chance to talk about myself."

"I don't open up to deceitful people like her," I spat, slamming my textbook onto the table. Lorenzo shot me a stern look, his hand gently rubbing my back as I glared at him. "I'm not worried about rumors about me being spread."

Lorenzo joined in, "I don't think I've ever opened up to her, but if any other rumors surface, I can handle her."

Onyx questioned Lorenzo's approach, doubting his ability to handle the situation without resorting to violence. Lorenzo responded, "I talk sense into others, you know. Not everything has to resort to violence."

I shrugged, acknowledging the validity of my own response. "Well, my hands were ready to go for her, though."

Lorenzo sighed, recognizing the fairness in my reaction. "Fair response, but not the right one."

I snapped, "Hardy har har. What's done is done."

"I never took you for the violent type, Granger," Draco remarked, a sly grin across his face.

I gave him a disgusted look. "Care to find out how violent I can get, ferret?"

Draco chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "Good morning to you too, Lucille."

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, commanding the attention of the students as she entered the Transfiguration classroom. The sound of shuffling papers and hushed whispers gradually subsided, giving way to an atmosphere of focused anticipation.

"Good morning, class," Professor McGonagall greeted in her precise and authoritative tone. "I trust you have all come prepared for today's lesson. Please take out a piece of parchment and a quill, as well as your wands."

The students swiftly complied, retrieving their materials from their bags and placing them neatly on their desks. The professor's eyes scanned the room, ensuring everyone was ready.

"Now, I require a volunteer to distribute the items needed for today's transfiguration exercise," she announced, her gaze settling on a young Gryffindor with an eager expression. "Miss Johnson, if you would be so kind."

With a nod of agreement, Angelina Johnson rose from her seat and collected the assortment of objects from the professor's desk. Carefully, she made her way around the classroom, handing each student three items: a small wooden figurine, a delicate glass vial, and a polished stone.

"Thank you, Miss Johnson," Professor McGonagall acknowledged with a nod as the student returned to her seat. "Now, on your parchment, I want you to write a detailed explanation of how you will transfigure each of these items. Include the wand movement, incantation, and any specific concentration required. Take your time and be thorough."

The students set to work, their quills gliding across the parchment as they carefully composed their instructions. Professor McGonagall observed the diligent focus with a sense of satisfaction. When they were satisfied with their written explanations, she continued.

"Once you have completed your papers, bring them up to the front and leave the transfigured items on my desk," she directed, gesturing to the designated area. "Please ensure you are in your assigned seats when doing so."

With that, the classroom was filled with the sound of scratching quills and the occasional stifled whisper as the students worked diligently to describe their planned transfigurations. Professor McGonagall took her place at her desk, her gaze shifting between the students, observing their progress and ensuring a disciplined learning environment.

Hermione and I were the first ones to finish our written explanations. I carefully made my way to the front of the classroom, parchment in hand, with Hermione following close behind. Professor McGonagall's eyes twinkled with a mixture of pride and expectation as she observed our prompt completion.

"Not surprised that the two Granger sisters are finished early," Professor McGonagall remarked, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I expect nothing less than exceptional work from the both of you."

Hermione and I exchanged a brief glance before nodding in agreement. "Of course, Professor," I replied confidently. "We strive for excellence in all our studies."

The professor's smile widened slightly as she nodded in approval. "I have no doubt that you will deliver, Miss Granger. Please ensure your transfigured items are placed on the desk as well."

We complied, carefully setting our transfigured objects alongside our written explanations. With a nod of gratitude, we returned to our seats, ready to observe the progress of our classmates. As the rest of the students continued their work, Professor McGonagall's gaze lingered on us for a moment longer, her belief in our abilities evident in her eyes.

As the last few students completed their written explanations and left their transfigured items on the desk, the classroom gradually emptied. I quickly gathered my belongings, feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment washing over me. It was time to unwind and enjoy a moment of respite from the demanding schoolwork. I glanced at my friends, Lorenzo, Onyx, Draco, and Blaise, who were also ready to leave.

"I'll catch up with you all later," I announced, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I'm going to tag along with Hermione. See you guys later?"

Lorenzo grinned mischievously, while Onyx and Blaise exchanged knowing glances. "Have fun, you two," Lorenzo teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

Hermione and I walked side by side, stepping out of the classroom and into the corridor. The atmosphere outside was filled with a sense of liberation and anticipation. I looked at Hermione, a warm smile on my face.

"Finally," I said, my voice filled with relief. "No more studying or exams for a little while."

Hermione nodded, her own expression reflecting the relief and contentment I felt. "Absolutely," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of satisfaction. "We deserve a bloody break."

Together, we strolled through the corridor, our footsteps echoing softly as we enjoyed the freedom and companionship of the moment. As we left the classroom behind, the weight of the exam seemed to lift.

As Hermione and I continued our walk, arm in arm, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and satisfaction. I wanted to share the recent encounter with Pansy, venting my frustrations to someone who understood.

"You won't believe what happened last night," I began, a hint of exasperation in my voice.

Hermione, ever the attentive listener, replied, "Do tell."

"So, last night, my friends and I were hanging out, you know, indulging in alcohol or whatever, and maybe some weed—"

"Here we go," Hermione interjected, her tone indicating a touch of disapproval.

"You need to try some one of these days. I feel like once you've tried it, you won't see it as such a taboo thing," I countered. "Anywho, tell me why Pansy had the audacity to say the most atrocious thing to me?"

"Merlin, what'd she say?" Hermione inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"To preface, Draco and Pansy were literally eating each other's faces, practically making everyone uncomfy," I explained, a note of disgust evident in my voice. "I was clearly watching them out of disgust, and it wasn't even like I was staring at them. I just glanced. A literal glance. Draco had something to say, as per usual, something along the lines of, 'Oh, I know you're jealous, whatever, get in line.' And I replied with a smart comment, obviously."

"Draco and Pansy are meant for each other," Hermione remarked, a hint of disdain in her voice. "They're both such snotty bitches."

"Right," I agreed, rolling my eyes. "But anyways, after my snarky comment, Pansy had the audacity to say that I only 'fuck dead guys.'"

Hermione's jaw dropped, and her eyebrows raised in disbelief. I nodded, confirming her reaction.

"She said that?" Hermione queried, her voice laced with indignation.

"She said that," I affirmed, my voice dripping with a mixture of anger and determination.

"Tell me you didn't just let that slide, Lucy," Hermione urged, her voice filled with expectation.

"Fuck no," I snarled, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "I got a little physical, but the great almighty Lorenzo swooped in and stopped me before I could poke her stupid eyes out."

"Ah, Lorenzo," Hermione said in awe, a hint of admiration coloring her tone. "Such a sweetheart. He really loves you."

"He loves everyone, Mione," I defended, attempting to downplay the significance.

"Mmm, but the love for you is different, I feel," Hermione insisted, her voice carrying a touch of introspection. "I dunno, it's just an observation."

"Well, quit observing," I jeered playfully, trying to lighten the mood. "It's nothing."

As we continued our walk, Hermione's grip on my arm tightened. I sensed her tension, and when she harshly whispered, "Bloody hell, speaking of the devil," my gaze followed hers, leading us to Pansy storming toward us with a furious expression, clutching her crossbody satchel tightly.

"Is she... coming to us?" I whispered back, a mixture of surprise and apprehension coursing through me.

Soon enough, my suspicions were confirmed as Pansy stood in front of us, her eyes swollen from tears. She appeared hesitant, a mix of anger and vulnerability evident in her posture.

"Are you happy now? Draco's all yours," she sneered, her voice laced with bitterness and hurt. "You've got everyone in Slytherin worshipping you now. What else do you want, Lucille Granger?"

"You're delusional," I spat back, my anger boiling over. "What are you talking about?"

"He dumped me," Pansy snapped, her voice cracking with emotional strain. "Dumped me because of my comment last night."

"You two were together?" Hermione questioned, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"No one's talking to you, mudblood," Pansy retorted, her voice dripping with venom as she directed her insult at my sister.

In an instant, my arm shot out, my palm connecting with Pansy's right cheek with a resounding smack. The impact stung my hand, but the satisfaction of putting Pansy in her place outweighed the momentary discomfort. Gasps echoed around us as Hermione swiftly pulled me away, sensing the need to defuse the situation before it escalated further.

"You should watch what you say, Pansy Parkinson," I seethed through gritted teeth, adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Especially to my sister. Quit your shit. Get up from the ground; you look weak."

Pansy cupped her cheek, her eyes glistening with a mix of pain and defiance. "You're not who people say you are," she hissed, her voice filled with bitter disbelief.

"Clearly, no one's ever stood up for themselves around you," I retorted, my voice laced with a hint of triumph. "Would you like me to demonstrate what happens next when you keep running your mouth?"

"That's enough of that, Lucy," Hermione interjected, her voice filled with a mix of caution and concern. "People are watching."

I glanced around, noticing the curious gazes of fellow students witnessing the scene. With Pansy still on the ground and Hermione and I standing over her, I realized the need to leave before the situation escalated further.

"You're right," I agreed, my voice returning to a more composed tone. "Let's go, Hermione. It's time to leave before anything else happens."

As we swiftly walked away, my gaze briefly flickered back to Pansy before refocusing on our path ahead. The rush of adrenaline slowly subsided, leaving a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

"What the fuck was that about?" I queried, glancing back at Pansy before turning my attention forward once again. "She just never stops, does she?"

"I guess not," Hermione responded, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. "Can't believe this is your second time getting physical with her. Honestly, it's a little satisfying. She was always picking on us when we were younger, and I'm just glad someone finally had the courage to stand up to her. And I'm even more glad that it's my sister, you."

I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at Hermione's words. It was true, Pansy had been a constant source of torment during our younger years, and the satisfaction of finally putting her in her place was undeniable.

"Yeah, I know," I replied, my voice resolute. "Now, I want to talk to Draco and get to the bottom of this. He needs to keep Pansy on a tight leash. It's high time someone called her out on her behavior."

Hermione nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the determination that mirrored my own. 



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