The Kaichou's Heart(Fem! Read...

By kumaaana

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Cover art by Tangsen_Malum on Twitter (link will be in the comments of 1st part) Daughter of a General, let'... More

What a Reunion...
Hey, Saikou. (with rizz)
A First Playdate, a First Friend
Origins of the Maid CafΓ©
Osana doko?
Died To Live and Not Die Again


339 13 11
By kumaaana

Terms to know (In case you're new or I stray from normal definitions)

Y/n, your name

F/c, favorite color

F/B, favorite book

H/c, hair color

H/l, hair length

F/f, favorite food

F/S, favorite sweet

S/o, sexual orientation

S/t or S/c, Skin tone or skin color

And so on and so forth.

Remember this is a rewrite of my original fic and that I'll take it partially seriously <3


Your Cute Cinnamon Roll💝 pov.

The ceiling had patches of different shades than the rest of the ceiling, I cannot live the rest of my being aware of this especially when one of the patches is right above my bed. It was hard to sleep last night. After downing a pain killer or two, my injuries weren't so much painful as they just simply ached, it was incredibly uncomfortable. Of course, at some point, I guess I was just so exhausted from such a weird day that I had just slipped into the clutches of rest.

I peeled my eyes away from the ceiling and sat up slowly. I tried being careful of my wounds, though apparently not enough to keep from wincing. I patted the side of my stomach and laid a hand on my chest. Both had stopped bleeding and the, thankfully, shallow stab wound on my chest wasn't bothersome much nor would I have to be worried about it besides getting hit bluntly in that area and keeping the bandages from slipping. My eyes wandered to my closet where my uniform hung, I had two other sets of the school uniform besides the now bloodied one. For a moment I wondered if the bandaged part of my mid chest would peak from the collar of the uniform.

Word to self, do my own laundry soon else mom will get impatient and do it herself— and as a result, find the bloodied and ripped uniform.

The side of my stomach ached, perhaps I should do a tape wrap to apply more pressure to the wound, obviously I could have a professional see me instead but, what would I say? Some dude? girl? Stabbed me after thinking I was into Taro?

This wouldn't be something either of my parents would be willing to hear me out on, I especially know my father wouldn't hold back on the school even at my request or mom's though she would try to do something herself as well. I can't even identify who it could be, imagine the stress in everyone else, what if that person wasn't even a student at the school or a student in general. No, that's all too much a hassle. Plus...

It's not like I haven't dealt with being stabbed before, at least that person didn't try to kill me with that final stab to the stomach unlike the other time— or well times.

I threw my legs to the side of my bed, resisting the sudden feel of nausea and the headache when the light peeking past the curtains directed itself into my eyes. I groaned and stood up with a dramatic whine, hopefully if I just pretend like I was sick and exhausted like a child avoiding school then maybe I can get through this, even if with just a little amusement. Laughter tends to be the best medicine after all, though it is a bit of a silly approach.

I huffed my way over to my closet and grabbed the pre wrap and sports tape that I kept on my drawer beside the open closet in some box— I didn't think I would actually need these supplies anymore, since I didn't intend to continue my constant training schedule since I moved back.

I wrapped the pre-wrap around my waist, making sure it covered the first layer of small bandages I applied when I first woke up a few hours ago, then pulled the tape out to wrap. Not like I was going to do anything that would put stress on the wound but I couldn't be too careful plus tapping had the added benefits of helping with the phantom pains left over and making it just a little harder for it to bleed in case I did anything for that to happen.

I tossed the pre-wrap roll and roll of sports tape back into the box and reached into my closet for my uniform. I probably could've been ready much earlier, I had woken up, changed the first layer of bandages and even changed my bra as well as put on a new pair of tights but while doing that felt too overwhelmed especially when pulling my sports bra on, I stretched a bit too much and a sharp pain made me stumble before just going to bed and laying down to relax as the pain made me worry.

I sighed, it'll heal in a couple days minimum and maybe a week or two max, I'll be fine. I carefully pulled my skirt and shirt on, patted down any obvious wrinkles then went towards my door. Grabbing the book bag from the hook on the door before making my way down the hall to the stairs.

Immediately, when I was walking down the stairs, I noticed a wrapped bento box and note on the counter that was in view. I skipped the bottom step and placed my bag on the counter while grabbing the note and reading it.

It was obviously in mom's handwriting, with a pen of her favorite color written thickly and in bold letters .

'Sorry I couldn't say bye or wake you up (you better not be late, I'm not your alarm clock little one), I was called in early and I'll be back a little later too, y'know how work is as a personal assistant of Ms. Schnee. -Love you kiss kiss, mom

p.s. there's curry in the bento so please be careful to not stain your bag, I even wrapped it for you to avoid that. I don't wish to wash your bag so please; would've left you a text instead but my phone was dead. Love ya ♥'

I smiled, she was not going to let me live down the fact my bottle of juice exploded in my bag like a year ago and how messy it was to clean up; I strategically reorganized my bag so I could make sure my bento was secure inside, of course for the sake of my mother's sanity.

I pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked over to the door and slipped into my shoes. I was about to open the door when a jacket on the hooks on the door caught my eye, it was my F/c jacket. For a second I pondered if I should take it, if I needed it, it wasn't gonna be cold or cool this morning and it was supposed to get warmer later on.

I removed my bag and placed it between my thighs as I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on top of my uniform. I opened the door and grabbed my bag to hang around my shoulder again as I walked out and locked the door. Though, maybe for good measure, my wound decided to ache painfully to remind me it still existed in my being and not to do anything stupid today. At least that covers for my ma's silent warnings of the same thing in the mornings, I thought as I mused through the pain with a hiss.

(((((Time skip by Ayano's scary yet cute lines, maybe I'm biased bc of her VA but yeah))))

I popped up behind Osana as I greeted her and Taro where they were hanging out under one of the trees. She hit my shoulder as I laughed at her small scare. "Greetings and Salutations, what are you guys talking about?" I asked, Osana huffed before sighing and looking bitterly at her phone.

Taro gave me a confused look, likely from my choice of words before shaking his head and nodding towards the school. "Did you hear someone got stabbed yesterday after school?" He asked with a sad tone, he was weird that he hadn't made an effort to whisper about it.

'Word travels fast around here.' I thought bitterly.

"I bet it was a joke. Wouldn't the school have already released information on that, kept us from coming." I offered, Osana shook her head. She looked annoyed.

"No. Info-chan sent texts to everyone that some girl was stabbed, and Info-chan never texts anyone like that other than her clients— or well if she's paid too. Anyone who jokes about that, especially with the school's history, is a fucking jerk. But Info-chan wouldn't report something false, it'll mess with her reputation as a reporter of sorts." She explained. History?

I nodded slowly. "Okay, I get it but um, three questions what history and who the fuck is Info-chan? Also, was I supposed to get one?" They stared at me in shock, but then Taro whispered.

"Oh we totally should've mentioned her at least." Osana nods in agreement with him. Taro looked back at me and swallowed nervously. "Well, first off, back in the eighties there were a couple murders here, one of the students was even accused but she was proven innocent. And well, some people joke about it, though not many as of late." He explained awkwardly.

Osana held her phone out to me, letting me read a chat log with the contact being named Info-chan. "She's basically our resident Informant, she also sells alcohol and stuff of that nature to students, she has info on literally everyone here, and she's very much respected when it comes to the credibility of her information. Though, you not getting text is weird... I don't really know, no one gives their number to her but she always greets the new students with texts introducing herself and her services. I never gave her mine, no one does, she always gets us."

"Oh, that's kinda cool to be honest," I admit. Info-chan, just, has access to all this information? How would she know that someone was stabbed unless there were cameras? I scanned the front of the school for any visible ones. "Wait. If she knows someone got stabbed, doesn't that mean there's cameras or she was there which I assume everyone would doubt."

Taro shook his head. "Not a single one at the moment, they were removed last week so they could be replaced but those new cameras that were donated but the new ones got stolen after they threw away the old ones so now they're waiting for new ones but..."

"Those got delayed." Osana finishes bluntly. "Which, is fucking ridiculous consider what kind of school this is how do they mess up like that?" She adds.I stared at them both in confusion.

"That doesn't make sense." I remarked, and it really didn't. "How else would she know unless the attacker came forward or something, maybe the school missed a camera outside?" I also had a hunch that I wasn't informed on the stabbing because I would've already known, as y'know, the one that got stabbed.

I started walking towards the west side of the school, the two following me; Osana huffed in annoyance. "Where are you going? This isn't any of our business, it's not like you got stabbed. Also, we don't even know where that girl got stabbed in the first place!" She reasons, she glances towards Taro. "Help me out, dummy!"

He shrugged, I turned my head away from them to study the west wall of the school. Perhaps being nosey was odd- no definitely odd, but it was reasonable that someone who got attacked would want to know if there was a way to figure out who attacked them right? Well, to be fair with Osana and Taro I hadn't exactly broken the news about that, and nor do I plan to. "I mean, it is kind of our business in a way, what if another student got hurt too, that concerns everyone, don't you think? Especially for myself, I'd worry for you two and Hanako's safety."

That was sweet, though I'd worry more about him and Osana. That assailant seemed way too possessive of Taro plus had an unnatural hatred for Osana, Taro probably wasn't in any physical danger but with how that person sounded about Osana, she was highly likely to be targeted in an actual attack. "Exactly! Though it is kind of dumb not to have at least a couple cameras out here, I haven't seen a single one." For a moment I looked away from the wall and towards the smaller wall that connected to the school, a couple students relaxed there fairly mixed but in their own groups of mostly girls and boys, most people welding baseball bats. From what I can remember, that was supposed to be the area of the incinerator.

Well there should at least be a camera over there, I doubt a school would replace a camera in such an area, some students had mentioned that there's constantly people in this area to either throw away trash or just to ditch class so security wasn't as highly important as maybe other more secluded areas.

Osana places a hand on my shoulders, and stops me from walking towards the incinerator area. She whispered in my ear as if we were within hearing distance of the gathered students. "Wait, dummy, don't go over there!"

I glanced back at her. "It's not like I'm going to be stabbed walking there." I joked, my wounded slightly aching to remind me of the irony of that line. While Osana stammered for an answer I continued towards the incinerator.

The closer I got, the more eyes seemed to find their way towards me; From the mainly girls side, the chatter mostly stopped as their eyes stayed trained on me, a boy with an undercut and blond hair leaned to his right and whispered to a girl that had a similar cut but dyed with green streaks and had her hair up in a ponytail, she stood up and walked into the walled off area, where I assume is the actual incinerator. Another guy, who was leaning against the wall and picking at a scar on his forehead, pushed himself away from the wall and stood tall. He lightly tapped his knees with the side of his bat while watching me. They all collectively looked pretty annoyed at my presence, not that I could really blame them, I wasn't really intending to intrude but a girl (me) was stabbed and any chance to figure out who was the attacker who got me and could potentially go after my friends was excuse enough. You've got to do what you've got to do.

I paid them no mind though as I looked around though I did make an effort not to get too close to them to avoid making them uncomfortable. The blonde guy who was picking at his scar stepped forward and started spinning his bat in one hand— which is admittedly pretty impressive— before he swung it to a stop then laid it on his shoulder.

"Stand back or else." He barks. I glanced at him, he continued to walk towards me, with a limp I happened to notice before he was standing in front of the group he was with. I gave him a once over; It wasn't like I looked threatening, so why would he get up and threaten me especially when he was experiencing some kind of pain in his left leg.

I glanced away from him and went back to looking for any camera. "No offense, you're as intimidating as an irritated chihuahua. I'll be out of your hair in a few." He grunted in annoyance and was about to turn around before he turned back towards me with a clear look of irritation.

"Y/n -san! Stop antagonizing him!" Osana shouts, I turned around to look at her and Taro.

Osana was pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance, very reminiscent of how she usually reacted when someone got themselves in trouble. Her and Taro were just standing off to the side, they didn't really look scared of these guys but definitely gave them a wide breadth of space. Taro looked like he was about to interject before his eyes widened when he glanced back at me.

What sounded like something parting through wide, I leaned my head to the left as I turned only to see the top of a bat swing past my head. The group behind the guy with a forehead scar began fixing themselves to get up at a moment's notice as he continued to swing at me, the group on the other side immediately started pushing two of their members inside the walled off incinerator area. Forehead scar continued to swing, I continued walking back, not really interested in fighting him. He was already injured, I'm not really keen on hurting someone who already is.

After a moment I gave up, he was starting to stumble and put more force on the leg I assumed was hurt. He swung his bat the moment I stopped in place, aiming at my head again; before it could connect with my head I grabbed the bat and pulled it towards me. His grip on the bat was tight so as soon as I pulled he came with the bat as well, perhaps trying to take advantage of the closer proximity the guy tried to kick me— with his hurt leg. I grabbed his leg mid-kick and raised it higher so he'd lose proper balance then kicked the other foot and released his leg. Before his head could collide with the ground I used the top of my foot to catch his head then lowered it to the ground once he started groaning. I leaned over him. "Sorry, you made the first move. I couldn't just let you hit me y'know?"

He rolled his head to the side. "The fuck." He cursed, he didn't make any move to get up nor further attempts to hit me. I grabbed the bat and tossed it haphazardly over the wall, it made a loud sound like it hit an empty metal container. I guess that was the incinerator, now why the hell was it open?

A girl shot up where she sat and shoved one of her hands into her pocket. She started walking towards me. "Hey! Get the fuck outta here before we make your ass in a coma, wouldn't want ya mama to cry."

I sighed, no other reason to shove her hand into her pocket unless she had a brass knuckle. I also couldn't help but roll my eyes at the imagery of my mom crying at something like that; last time I got hurt and in the hospital she was more pissed about who could've hurt me than mourning over a couple bruises and a small dislocation. If anything, if anyone was going to cry because I got hurt it would've been the girl, my mom could be ruthless like that. "Don't ya roll your eyes at me! I'll punch your face in, brat!" She hisses.

I watched the others stand up and pick up their own bats or get ready to fight barehanded. "I mean. You could try? It's not like you'd be finishing this one, I usually end fights." Worst timing possible, I had the sudden urge to yawn and couldn't stop it. This seemed to only piss the girl off more, she took her hand out of her pocket— wearing a scratched up brass knuckle— before coming at me. Unintentionally, I yawned again before preparing myself to dodge her, it's a bit boring though that she was limiting herself to punching.


The girl halted before turning to the voice. I turned as well and noticed literally everyone did too.

The voice came from a tall blonde with untamed hair, she glared at everyone as she leaned against the entrance of the incinerator area, a baseball bat in hand. "Sit your asses down! I leave y'all alone for ten minutes and you're already starting shit." Her fiery hazel eyes bore into everyone before settling on forehead scar that still laid on the ground beside me. She tossed the bat towards him, just a feet or so from hitting him. "Gaku, if I see or even hear you start shit again I'll take your bat till you heal up." He responded with a thumbs up.

Her eyes then settle on me. She looked like she had been in a couple fights recently, she wore a worn black school uniform coat around her shoulders over her uniform. The blonde also wore a couple bandages: around both her forearms, her right thigh, and left ankle, she also had bandaids on her knee and one on her right shin. What stuck out however was the f/c wrap around her left wrist.

The blonde continued to look at me as if trying to place me somewhere in her memory. I lifted a hand to cover my mouth and winked jokingly at her. "Hey, Sun Dragon."

Osoro's eyes shone in recognition before she started shaking her head and chuckling. "Sup, dork. Been a hot while."

I immediately ran over to her and tackled her into a hug, she caught me and lifted me up from the ground a bit as we hugged. Everyone watched on in confusion as I kissed her cheek and she ruffled my hair affectionately.

A pair of blondes inch closer to Osoro and I, a girl with purple highlights and a scar on her right cheek while the boy had a scar across his left eye and was wearing multiple earrings on both ears. The boy is the one to start speaking, however judging by the eager look on the girl who is lightly shoving him towards us, he was probably pressured. "Um, Osoro. Are you two... a couple or something?" He asks awkwardly, the girl nods like she was the one to notice the closeness first.

Osoro put me down and stared at the two, a brow raised in consideration before she crossed her arms and got closer to tower over them. "And if we are? Got a problem with that, Umeji?" She asks, a slight roughness to her voice, she then looks at the girl behind him. "Umeko?"

The two blondes shake their heads, Umeji looking completely unbothered by the implications while the girl behind him looked to be holding back from squealing. "Nah, This dumbass just wanted to know."

Umeko immediately jabbed a finger at his side. "Shut the fuck up, you wanted to know too!"

He grunted painfully and shoved her back before flicking her forehead. "Haa?!? The fuck I did, Rat. Don't shove shit in my mouth." She pouted and called him a rat back.

Osoro leaned over and whispered quietly. "My right and left hands, the Kizuguchi twins."

I could spot Taro and Osana in the distance, Taro nodded in my direction with an odd sense of calmness like this was not out of the ordinary for him while Osana simply looked flabbergasted. Though, so did everyone else here. I chuckled and patted Osoro's arm, before getting everyone's attention. "My apologies. As a matter of fact, I am not her lover nor some form or shape of a paramour, I'm simply a friend from our youth." They stared like they had no idea what the hell I just said, honestly neither did I, why did I word it like that? I cleared my throat. "Uh, I'm a childhood friend. Hey." I said more casually and internally cringing.

Another guy, with bright purple hair simply turned towards Osoro with the blankest expression. "You're friends with a nerd?"

From the ground, Gaku sat up and looked at the guy. "To be fair, most of us were bullied last year for being nerds, and are mostly friends with other dweebs."

"Not to mention," Osoro started, she went over and helped Gaku up from the ground even lending him help to not walk on his hurt leg. "To even get into this school we had to be recommended by our middle school teachers and other staff, we had to pass all the entrance exams, the personal insight questions, I know some of you had to do an interview, then all the extracurriculars, and everything else. Everyone who's a student here is a high level of nerd, highest honestly."

A collective groan of reluctant agreement answered.

One girl began ranting about how tedious the application process was with the guy besides her throwing his own cent in before long most of the group were complaining about how annoying the whole thing was.

I agreed of course, but I wasn't gonna join that conversation. Instead, I nudged at Osoro and nodded at Taro and Osana who still stood a bit off in the distance, Taro waved when he noticed us looking but when Osana and Osoro's eyes met the shorter girl crossed her arms and turned away even getting Taro to do the same— though he did give an apologetic expression. "Been a while, Dragon. Why don't you hang around those two any more?"

She sighed knowingly, and walked back into the walled off area around the incinerator. "Well, first it started with Osana giving me the cold shoulder because I kept getting into fights, we patched up last year tho. Now she's refusing to talk to me till I start going back to class, and she got Taro to do the same, though me and him still text and shit."

A large wave of relief flooded throughout my system, I sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness, I thought you guys broke up or something dramatic like that! Or that they were scared of you or something!"

Osoro stared blankly at me before immediately scoffing in amusement. "Yeah I thought that too, turns out Osana checked up on me via my Toto before we made up. Seriously, I thought they both were scared of me, since most of the school is, I even heard that Info chick has me labeled as the strongest student here in on my profile or whatever the fuck that is. Though, at least she isn't at my throat about being suspended."

I snickered. "I mean, yeah, who's gonna be scared of someone who still calls their dad, Toto?" Then my mind immediately processed the rest of what Osoro said. "Suspended?? What did you do?"

"Almost killed someone, well tried to kill someone." She responded rather dryly.

"Okay... one is not usually just suspended from school." I remarked, she shrugged.

Osoro leaned against the wall. "I mean, yeah, school and I made a deal that I'll give 'em all the evidence that led to who I was trying to kill and they won't report what I did. Still suspended for trying, which I guess makes sense, I'm still technically suspended but they said I could go to class if I want."

I stood in front of her and crossed my arms, I won't bother trying to learn why she tried killing someone so for her sake I'll switch the topic. "And why aren't you going to class?"

She stared at me. "Cause I don't fucking want to? What reason do I need?" Osoro slides down the wall and moves to sit more comfortably on the ground. "It's chill back here, plus the cameras inside the school creep me the fuck out since they haven't had access to them since they pissed off that info chick. At least back here there's none, Kunahito -Sensei trusts us not to do hard drugs or whatever."

Damn. If there's no cameras then Info-chan has been in contact with my attacker, I have to find a way to contact this Info-chan. I reached a hand out to brush my fingers through Osoro's messy hair. "Well, that's good, at least staff are aware you ain't bad. Hey, at least try to start going to classes, maybe just go in for the assignments and leave. Just a bit of effort, I could convince Osana to lighten up on ya for trying."

Osoro sighed while fixing her coat, before rolling her eyes in amusement. "Fine, I can do that. I'm not returning officially yet tho, I mean unless you wanna bribe me with your ma's pastries." She jokes, I laughed and leaned down to hug her farewell.

"I'll do you one better, her pastries and my sweets. See ya hopefully, oh so scary sun dragon~" She patted my arm.

"Sure. Tell those losers I said hi." She requested, I pulled away.

"Alright. Bye Bye!" She waved back as I left the incinerator area.

I caught a couple eyes while walking out, most of them looked away going back to their conversations. Maybe I can come back, with an offering for getting off on the wrong foot.

The moment I got closer, Osana rushed over and grabbed my arm then started tugging me away from that area. Almost losing my balance in the process and then reaching a hand out to Taro who followed close behind, he held his hands up in surrender, before mouthing 'Sorry.' I pouted, 'Traitor!' I mouthed back.

Osana stopped just before we rounded the corner to the front of the school before letting me go and turning around to glare at me. "You idiot! What made you think you could just bother the delinquents like that! Gaku could've given you a concussion!" She gripped my shoulders and shook me back and forth in frustration.

I grabbed her arms and stopped her from shaking me even more. "But he didn't." I reminded her then continued. "Plus it's not like I would've gotten hurt, have faith in me, and also faith in Osoro— It's not like she's going to associate with bad people, maybe violent, self destructive and or angry people but not bad people." She stopped at the mention of Osoro before shaking her head and pinching my cheeks harshly.

"You still could've gotten hurt, you absolute idiot!! Plus that girl getting stabbed yesterday isn't any of our business, what if someone stabs you for shoving your head where it doesn't belong!" She reaffirms.

I lightly pulled her hands away from my now aching cheeks and deadpanned at her. "Do you not think I can take care of myself? I literally got into a fight myself yesterday and stabbed before, and look! I'm fine." Probably not the best choice of information to share as Osana's ears began glowing red in frustration.

"Stabbed??! What do you mean you were stabbed before??? And you got into a fight yesterday! Why are you still so stupid and reckless, you idiotic masochistic!??" She mourned, once again pinching my cheeks in frustration. Taro tried his best to separate us, he wrapped his arms around Osana and pulled her away, even lifting her from the ground a bit to prevent her any chance of getting me.

"Guys, calm down, there's no need to be aggressive-" Osana cut him off by thrashing her head back in an attempt to escape only to accidentally hit him in the face.

I went over and wrapped my own arms around her and pulled her away from Taro, she struggled in my arms but with more difficulty than when Taro was holding her, he gently rubbed at his chin to soothe the sudden pain he endured. I stared Osana in her eyes. "Look I know I'm being a bit reckless, maybe I am butting my ass where it doesn't belong, BUT the quicker we can find out who stabbed that girl before they stab someone else we can get justice for her and keep everyone else safe. I know you believe so too and don't want me to get hurt but stopping me is risking someone else getting hurt instead. So please just, I don't know, let me be nosy and investigate!"

Osana pushed her hand against my chest, I sucked in a pained breath but nonetheless allowed her as she put more space between us. Her face was a fading red as she grimaced. "Okay, I get where you're coming from but if you think I'll-"

Multiple, loud screams and shouting interrupted Osana. The three of us froze in response, Taro peaked over the corner and paled immediately. "There's someone on the ground and teachers, oh no why is the ground red." He quickly described as panic began overtaking him, I put Osana down and we immediately peaked over the corner as well.

There was a circle of one student, two or maybe three teachers with them as well around another person who laid on the ground wearing the girl's uniform; one of the teachers was standing up and talking into a hand radio. Around them students stood by nervously, some even on the phone calling others, likely the nearest police station, others were keeping the students from getting closer.

"Holy shit." Osana cursed.

When one of the teachers got up to calm the students around them down I caught a peak at the student on the ground properly. Laying on the ground, with a trail of blood following her to where she laid on the ground from the school, was a girl with above the shoulders red hair. She turned her head to the side in our direction, her eyes wandered but she noticed us and our eyes met.

Yesterday, I sat next to that girl. We had a conversation, talked about the possible meaning of that book we were assigned in class, she showed me her notes from the math lesson they started the day before and talked about how she loved being at her club— She even greeted me when I followed Budo around yesterday, she wanted to show me which teachers were the easiest to distract.

I let out a shaky exhale. "That's Yui. Oh fuck that's Yui."

Ignoring the immediate warning from Osana, she knew me too well, I ran over towards the scene as her and Taro shouted at me. I slid into the ground and next to the teacher as she attempted to stop the bleeding, she looked up at me in confusion. The moment I pulled out the cotton pads from my first aid kit that was in my bag the teacher nodded and lifted her hand from the wound, without a second passing I immediately pressed the pads onto the wound on the girl's stomach. I looked down at Yui. "Hey, hey, Yui, you're going to be okay, so don't panic, you'll be fine." I said calmly making sure her attention was on me, I quickly removed my jacket and with the silent help of the teacher she helped me gently lift Yui to slide my jacket under her and over her stomach. I reached over for a thick and strong branch to help tighten the jacket around her stomach to slow the bleeding.

I looked backed down at Yui as I started twisting the jacket with the stick and tightening it around her. "Hey, I'm going to ask some questions— stay awake for me, okay?— did you see who did this?"

Yui swallowed and shook her head. "No."

"Alright. Are you dizzy?" She was breathing fast, worrying but thankfully it wasn't shallow.

She shook her head again. "No, but my head hurts."

I nodded and started pushing my hand against the wound, the bleeding slowed quickly but the amount of blood around my classmate was more than concerning. "Alright, that's good, that's normal, we'll figure out who it is. No need to move, just speak. Where's the thing that stabbed you?" The teacher gave me a look but nonetheless remained quiet as I did my thing. She had already joined me by applying more pressure on the already-tightened jacket to stop the slow bleeding further.

"I.. I took it out. That's really tight, the jacket I mean." I internally cursed, while we're all out here whatever was used to stab her could've been disposed of; Did no one know to not remove the object they were stabbed with? The thing that was basically plugging their wound and stopping it from openly— and fatally at times— bleeding?

"I know, I know, but it's only temporary, it helps stop it." I bite my tongue. I can't just tell the girl about that, I can't have her think she probably doomed her life by removing the thing that stabbed her, her heart was still racing too. The teacher who was yelling on the small radio immediately ran towards the school, guiding a pink haired woman who stumbled over with how fast she was coming. "Okay, we slowed the bleeding, the nurse is here and she'll be patching you up properly. Yui, for now I want you to breathe slowly and deeply, okay? It'll help with the discomfort." She needed to slow her heart, the more it raced the more blood she was pumping and losing.

Yui stared at me with half-opened golden eyes. I scooted away and moved from her after the nurse ordered both me and the teacher to move away, she then immediately got to work. The nurse calmly cooed at Yui, comforting her and speaking.

Yui began slowly breathing, occasionally wincing whenever the nurse applied more pressure. The nurse was quick, very calm and collected, it wasn't surprising how good she was considering she worked at such an esteemed school. I turned towards the gate as sirens got louder and noticed red flashing lights reflecting on the buildings and objects outside the school gate.

"Hey! Open your eyes, Yui-san!" The nurse began to pale as she leaned her ear over Yui's face and pressed her fingers to the side of her throat. For a moment the surrounding people held their breath, in fear of the implications:

Did she have a pulse?

Was she breathing?

Passed out?


She sighed lightly in relief, but the increased concern didn't go away as she tried gently but firmly shaking Yui's shoulder. "Wake up! The ambulance is here, you'll be okay, please open your eyes!"

I felt walking behind me before a hand was placed on my shoulder and a slimmer pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Taro stood beside me as Osana remained behind me, hugging me, she leaned her head on my shoulder as we all watched the first aid responders rush over to Yui and the nurse. They exchanged quick words with the nurse before they put Yui on a stretcher and raced back into the ambulance.

As they exited policemen and the local *kouban officers rounded up staff and students alike, the kouban officers immediately tried to keep the rest of us calm as more and more policemen surrounded the school.

(((((Time Skip, I don't think this is where you should be learning this but if you ever get stabbed DO NOT remove the knife or whatever, it acts like a plug that keeps your blood in you.)))))

It was a couple hours before the police stopped questioning everyone; it was reported that they had found the knife used to stab Yui, but without any fingerprints, witnesses, or any other evidence. They left and closed off the investigation then and there stating it was an accident. They sent everyone home, once they left the kouban and staff announced and agreed that they will be increasing staff patrol and to expect to see the kouban patrolling outside but near the school grounds, then they sent everyone home.

It was late afternoon at this point, we had stayed at the school for about eight hours before we were finally allowed to leave. Me, Taro, and Osana decided to walk home together.

All that happened before school even started. It was terrifying, that wasn't even mentioning we weren't going to hear anything about Yui any time soon either, if she was okay— forbid I even think about if she were...

I lifted my right hand towards my face and bit hard on the bend of my pointer finger. I shouldn't think so negatively, Yui could survive.

To my left, Taro ran a hand through his hair anxiously. "Is... Is it even safe to be at school anymore? I, it was fortunate Hanako wasn't there as early as we were to see any of that or most students, and we were together but. A girl was stabbed yesterday- we don't even know if that girl is alive, and another was stabbed today??" He cupped his face in his hands then rubbed at his eyes and the teary fear that had overcome him.

Osana grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away before joining our hands together and squeezing tightly. "Look, if the girl had been killed, Info-chan would've said so, she doesn't spread false information. Plus, stabbings aren't incredibly fatal, I don't know the percentage but it's definitely survivable."

"Less than ten percent or so due to stabbing, definitely survivable considering Yui is young and healthy and she got help quickly. Plus, the ambulance arrived impressively quickly." I muttered aloud, Osana nodded, and Taro shook his head in light amusement before he got closer and wrapped his arm around both Osana and I. "We're... we'll be alright, okay even. It's not like they'll just stand by without taking preventative measures."

Osana leaned closer to me as we all walked together in a somewhat hug, awkward but comforting, nonetheless. "I think we'll be fine, together we'll be okay. My main concern is you, recklessly stupid first year, I'll kick your ass if you get hurt." She reassures both of us before moving to lecture me, the familiarity of it was sort of comforting actually.

I scoffed. "Okay, I admit, I'm reckless but I'm not stupid. I'm in the second-year classes! Imagine having someone younger than you take the same classes as you and passing."

Taro looked down at me in surprise, his eyes still a little teary but it seemed his shock was helping. "Wait, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Osana looked offended at this information.  Why was she offended? she's the one who called me an idiot! "Is that why you walked into two-three? I thought you were just lost, what's a first year doing with the second years!?"

Perhaps it was the slowly building paranoia, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. Maybe I should start bringing something for defense, I could gift Taro and Osana the pepper sprays my father gifted me.


3rd person pov.

The staff surrounded the Headmaster's desk and office, demanding action asking how this could've happened. Shuyona grunted in annoyance before huffing and asking everyone to calm down. "Listen, I'm aware of the rumors of a student having been stabbed yesterday and need I remind you Ms. Yui Meichou will make a full recovery." He announced firmly. This didn't calm the teachers; it didn't even ease the fury on the Guidance Counselor's face as she continued to pace around.

Surprisingly, it was the pink-haired nurse who slammed a hand on the desk, taking most of her peers as well as the Headmaster by complete surprise; she was usually much more kinder. "Being aware of one kid being stabbed and relieved that the other will live is entirely separate from the fact one could'VE DIED TODAY. If the student from earlier hadn't acted as quickly as she did, Ms. Yui wouldn't have been alive by the time paramedics had arrived! If not for that student and her knowledge on top of her proper handling and reaction, Ms. Yui would've been DEAD before the investigation was over!! By the time aid came, she had already lost consciousness, her pulse was weak, and she was barely breathing! If I wasn't as qualified as I am, as an intern mind you, I would've declared her dead on the spot!! We should not have had to rely on the students to protect themselves and keep themselves alive, have you ever considered if the student who was stabbed yesterday was even alive?! Why had no one mentioned that to the police, I had to find out from fucking-" A hand was placed on her shoulder, the nurse trainee looked back at the main nurse before another teacher stepped forward.

Rana gently grabs her hand. "Muja, Hun, let's take a breather outside, okay? Let's not fall for what *il capitano will share, yes?" In response, Kina groans but compiles. She softly apologies to the head nurse before exiting the office following Rana-Sensei.

Another teacher came forward. "I'm also not understanding why we can't tell parents that we'll be upping the security in and around campus? It makes no sense, aren't we obligated to tell them, hell aren't we legally supposed to inform them about today?" The other staff around them murmured in agreement.

The Headmaster shook his head. "No, we can't just inform the parents, many students have parents who can and are willing to close the school down for putting their kids in danger. Not to mention the lawsuits."

"Maybe we should close down the school! Who gives a damn about prestigiousness, we're talking about the literal lives of children here! We don't have cameras, the only police force with any power to do shit is sitting on their asses and sucking on their thumbs because they're afraid they'll be made fun of on the internet, that's not even mentioning we had that boy go missing last year! Someone's kid is going to die at this rate!" The door opened behind them, though the staff didn't care, they continued to further overwhelm the Headmaster and were openly mouthing off their worries and concerns for safety now not leaving a pause between each complaint.

"While worrying about the horrid lack of security here is indeed important, another solution is to find the assailant; it's announced to the student body that a student was stabbed yesterday and then it happened again not even two hours after the announcement was made? Do you truly think it would be difficult to find the student responsible?" The collective faculty turned back towards the student who had entered, the girl looked calm and collected as ever if only a little stoic.

The headmaster felt his gut drop; He greeted the student council president. "Good, Good evening, Ms. Saikou. What brings us the pleasure? I was-"

"Greetings, Shuyona." She said blankly, her eyes bore through him as if she were nitpicking his every breath, when her eyes tore away from his person, he felt like she had practically seen every sin he's committed in his lifetime and will be punishing him according to the weight of each. Saikou studies the room, taking in the enraged staff, the fear, concern, and justified anger from each of them. "It just so happens our Treasurer is aware of who the girl that was stabbed yesterday is."

"M, Ms. Saikou. I was under the impression you would be away due to family business for about two months?" The headmaster asked cooly, in an obvious attempt to mask his discomfort.

Saikou nodded. "I was. However, as a student here, I received the same announcement of the student being stabbed yesterday and found it clear that the students need structure in this time of clear danger when even the head of the school couldn't care less about the students."

The headmaster stammered in a fluster. "I- I, Pardon? I care for these students very much, I'm not sure where you got the impression tha-"

Saikou sent him a cold glance; he felt his voice freeze in his throat. "Perhaps we should talk about the lack of cameras and the supposed replacement shipment that is to arrive next week? I believe we also have the time to discuss better locations for said cameras."

The headmaster stood from his seat. "Ms. Saikou, we haven't even received the cameras, we aren't even aware of their proper capabilities-"

"It's certainly peculiar that the funds meant for the cameras had not only increased but had been recently sent to a third-party organization; To make up for my unexpected return I've brought Saikou Corp's highest quality security cameras to replace all the older models as well as a couple extra for higher-risk parts of campus, I also personally retracted the unauthorized payment to this third party." She shuts him down, Saikou hands a couple files to Kunahito with a wordless order before turning to everyone else.

"I'd like everyone to respond to the form that I shared directly to each of you, I will personally be addressing all concerns you may have. My top priority is to put a firm stop to anyone who poses a threat to this school, and especially its students; it'd be wise to remain calm, if our staff can't even do that can you imagine what your students are going through? For their sake be strong, I'm sure you may seek comfort in each other but for now we must do what we can to reassure the students that this will not happen to them." Her aura of authority and collectiveness calmed the surrounding staff, many staring at the ground to reflect, the rest swallowing their own nerves and immediately took to communicating with the others to collab on a patrol schedule.

Unbeknownst to them a figure hidden in the shadow, groans in annoyance and pushes their glasses back up their nose, before setting up their programs and waiting for the first security camera to boot. She lifts her phone, before inputting a new number and saving it.


** Translations/Explanations

Kouban: Think of this as a Japanese neighborhood police, generally it's more about helping people, directing traffic, giving directions, going around the neighborhood aiding people. Though they are police officers, they don't really have the tools to be a "true" police force, so they act as a neighborhood watch in a way. 

il Capitano: The Captain in Italian, is a character in Italian theater from the play Commedia Dell'arte. Capitano, depending on the rendition, can be charming or charismatic but he's generally known for being self-obsessed. Capitano brags and lies about what he's done in a favorable light and to seem cooler than he truly is even if it's less important as he makes it seem or a complete fib, he also gave himself the name of captain despite not being a captain at all, he is a coward with no genuine loyalty towards anyone, often times he simply sides with whoever will be most likely to win and believe him. (I like to think Rana calls him this because one, he's supposed to be the head of the school but he doesn't do the work and takes credit for it when it's done for him, second he cares more for the value of the school rather than the lives of the children he should be protecting and keeping safe— demonstrating his then loyalties and priorities. And it's not like he's hiding it, the students know when he doesn't do his job obviously the teachers will be aware. The joke about Capitano is that everyone is aware that he's a joke of a captain, the audience and many renditions even have the other characters aware of this too)

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