Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar...

By OceanKuhn5

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Four sisters who discover their destiny. Four powers bestowed upon these newly discovered witches. Join us as... More

Characters first season
Something Wicca this way comes
Thank You For Not Morphing
Dead man dating
Dream Sorcerer
Wedding From Hell
The Fifth Sister
The Truth It Out There And It Hurts
The Witch Is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats Of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear To Eternity
Secrets And Guys
Is There A Woogey In The House
Which Prim Is It Anyway
That Seventies Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power Of Three
Love Hurts
Author's note.
Deja Vu All Over Again

I've got you under my skin

299 5 0
By OceanKuhn5

[Phoebe's walking through a crowd]

'Oops, sorry.' She says as she walks over to Piper and Prim.

'I'm gonna kill him.' Piper exclaims.

'Chef Moore.' Prim replies. Then with a look at Piper says,' And no you wouldn't. You don't have a mean bone in your body.'

Piper glares at her baby sister,' Wanna bet.' Before turning to Phoebe,' He of the phony accent, hires me and then quits to open his new place. I don't what I'd do without Prim helping me. Thank the gods for her.'

'Anytime sis.' Prim smiles at her.

'Well I don't see any customers complaining.' Phoebe states.

'Hello, I am not a restaurant tour. I'm a chef. I have no idea what I am doing. Are you wearing my dress?' Piper comments.

A girl then walks up to them.' Hey, Brittany. Ooh. I love that tattoo.' Phoebe says.

'Thanks.' She replied.

'It looks so good. I really want to get one soon.'Prim compliments.

'Yeah, good luck getting around Prue with that. Remember when you got your piercings?' Snorts Piper.

'Ohhh, I remember that. Prue was so pissed when we came home that day. Although I vaguely remember me taking the brunt of it. Because apparently it was my fault for letting our adult sister get them in the first place.' Phoebe reminisced.

Prim glares at them,' Yes well it's my body not hers. She's not my mother, she's my sister who should be as supportive as you two are. Isn't it more dangerous to get it on your hands.' Effectively ending the sisters discussion with a glance turning back to their friend.

'Oh yeah! I thought it was illegal to get them on your hands because of the veins.' Phoebe asked.

Brittany smiles at the sisters her had just been m a conversation of their own trying not to laugh at the situation Prim was in.' In the states, yeah. I got it done in Tahiti.' As she hands money to Piper.' Keep the change, Piper. I gotta jam. Oh, and Prim good luck with the tattoo. You'll have to let me know if you get one.'

'Okay, say hi to Max.' Piper says smiling.

'Bye.' And with that Brittany leaves.

Piper turns to a waitress,' Table nine please. [Phoebe has a premonition] Now back to my dress.'

'Okay, see that poster boy to my left? [Piper looks] just glance don't be obvious.' Phoebe says.

'I approve, who is he?' Piper nods as Prim scrunches her nose up at the thought of another guy hitting on Phoebe.

'Well, his name is Alec and he's about to come over and ask if he can by me a martini.' Phoebe says with giddiness.

'How do you know?' Piper asks.

'How do ya think Pipes.' Prim rolls her eyes.

'Let's just say I saw the age old problem of who approaches who. I had a little premonition.' Explained Phoebe.

'What? Phoebe, you are not supposed to use your powers, we agreed.' Piper exclaims.

'We didn't agree to anything.' Prim protested.

'Prims right! You and Prue agreed. I abstained. Prim out right disagreed. Besides, it's not like I can control it, it just popped into my head.' Phoebe huffed out.

'That's the point. None of us can control our powers. That's what scares me. I could panic and freeze the whole entire restaurant. Prim could literally tear the place apart by using the roots of underground.' Piper says worriedly.

'We wouldn't have to worry about that that if we practiced put powers instead of pretending they don't exist. We're gonna be in real trouble when demons attack again. So I for one approve of phoebe embracing her power and using them.' Prim standing up for Phoebe.

Phoebe smiles at Prim in thanks before saying,' Shh, here he comes.'

The guy walks over to Phoebe,' I was just sitting over there wondering if I could buy you a martini or something.'

Phoebe glances at her sisters,' Martini, hmm, imagine that. I would love one. It's Alec, right?'

'Yeah, how'd you know my name?' Confusion on his face.

'Wild guess. Do you wanna grab a table?' She smiles at him.

'Yeah.' He nods.

'Prue is gonna be pissed.' Piper tells her.

Phoebe points at her forehead,' News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles.'

[ Outside Brittany is getting in her car, she sees someone in the backseat and screams]

[ Prue is at Andy's apartment. He is asleep in his bed. She is sneaking around putting on her clothes to leave when he makes a noise and rolls over. Then his alarm clock goes off. She uses her power to throw it out the window and leaves as Andy wakes up and calls out for Prue]

Meanwhile at the manor Piper's watching tv and whisking some eggs. Prim sits at the table listening to music and drinking orange juice after her kickboxing class when Prue comes in and they exchange good mornings.

'What are you watching?' Prue asks.

'Nothing. [she turns the tv off] just a show.' Piper deflects.

'About witches? Are you worried we're gonna be burnt at the stake?' Prue jokes.

Prim nods as Piper denies,' Yeah, right. By the way, Andy called.'

This catches Prims attention hearing Prue say,'When?'

'While you were in the shower. Bad date?' Piper asks.

Prue shakes her head,' No. No, no. Not at all. It was great. You know, dinner, movie, sex.'

Piper smirks,'Excuse me? On your first date? You sleaze.'

As Prim lights up,'Ohh details. Stat.'

Piper looks at her baby sister who she knew harbored at least a little bit of a crush on Andy and smiles at her knowing she'd never act on it as Prue says,' It wasn't exactly our first date, Piper.' Laughing at Prims excitement.

'High school doesn't count. That was last decade. Spill it. [they walk into the living room] ooh, that bad, huh?' Shaking her head.

'No. Actually, that good. It was- well, we were amazing. But that's not the point. I didn't  get the butterflies I used to. I don't think I feel anything at all for him. It just, it shouldn't of happened, that's all.' Prue explains.

Phoebe comes down the stairs,' What shouldn't have happened?'

'Oh, nothing. Except....' Prim began as Piper finishes,'Prue slept with Andy.'

'Hello.' Phoebe exclaims.

Prue glares at her sisters,'Thanks a lot, mouths.'

'Wait, you were gonna tell them but not me? Hello, family meeting.' Phoebe says hurt.

'Speaking of last night. What time did you end up rolling in?' Prue questioned Phoebe.

'No, no, no. Do not change the subject.' Phoebe chastised.

'Don't dodge the question.' Prue fires back.

'Damn two of my sisters got laid last night.' Prim smirks at her sisters.

'It must have been at least after three.' Piper smirks.

They walk in to the solarium as phoebe replies,'I must still be in New York time.'

'Actually, that would make it later.' Prue quips.

'Or maybe you and Alec.' Piper leaves the question hanging.

'Who's Alec?' A confused Prue asks.

'Some hottie she hit on in the restaurant.' Piper explains.

'Excuse me, revisionist history, he hit on me. Remember, the whole vision thing.' Phoebe retorts.

'Hell yeah he did! My sister can see the future.' She proudly states.

Phoebe smiles at her as Prue glares,'Vision thing? Please tell me you didn't use your powers.'

Phoebe doesn't say anything. Prue looks at Piper and Prim. 'Don't put me in the middle of this.' Piper shakes her head.

As Prim says,' I for one don't have a problem whatsoever if she uses her powers.'

'I'm not. You were born in the middle. And you need to stop praising her Prim. It's gonna get you in serious trouble one day. Besides, I thought we agreed.' Prue starts getting pissed.

Before Prim can fire back Phoebe grabs her hand shaking her head before saying,' No, we didn't. You agreed. You laid down the law. There's a difference.' Prim nodding along.

'Phoebe, our powers aren't toys. We have to be careful or they can get us killed.' Prue says.

'She's right. We don't want any warlocks finding us.' Piper agrees.

'Shocker. My sweet as pie sister agrees with Prue the boss.' Prim rolls her eyes.

Phoebe tries to diffuse the situation,'Look, it was just a lousy premonition, that's all. Nobody died. Besides, you guys can't control your powers any better than I can. And F.Y.I nothing happened last night. At least nothing I'm ashamed of.'

Prue gives them a look,'There's another reason we have to be careful. Andy thinks someone's abducting women in our area.'

'Abducting women? What do you mean?' Phoebe asks confused.

'I mean warlocks aren't the only evil we have to watch out for. And F.Y.I I'm not ashamed of anything,' Prue says pointedly at Phoebe.

[At the police station Max is explaining to Andy and Morris about a missing Brittany.]

'She didn't come home last night. That's not like her. Please believe me.' Max pleaded.

'Tell me, Max. What time did she leave to go to Quake?' Morris questions.

'8:30. She called around 10, said she was coming home. But I'm really worried.' He recalls.

'Chances are she'll show up. Usually do. The best thing you can do right now is to go home and see if she calls, alright. Will you do that?' Andy asks.

'Yeah, thanks.' He nods and leaves.

'Fourth one this week.' Andy comments.

'Yeah, well, they can't just be disappearing into thin air.' Morris looks at him.

'At least we narrowed down his feeding pool to the area around the restaurant.' Andy notes.

'Yeah, well, better tell your sweetie to lock the door at night.'Morris offhandedly says.

Outside a church someone knocks on Pipers car window startling her. 'Pastor Williams, you scared me.' She exclaims.

'I'm sorry. Aren't you a little early dropping off the unused food from the restaurant. I though you weren't coming by until this afternoon.' He asks apologizing.

'I am. I mean, I'm coming back with everything.' She replies.

'Great. So what are you doing here now?' He inquired.

'Nothing really. Just, uh, just thinking.' Staring off into space.

He looks at her,'About?'

'Mary Ester.' She says.

'Who?' He asks.

'It's just a stupid stupid documentary I saw. By the way, is it true that evil beings can't go into a church without being....'(she makes a noise and moved hands to show they were hit by lightning. They laugh.) she asks.

'Evil beings? You mean, like what? Vampires?' Tilting his head.

'Vampires, no. I was thinking more on the lines of witches.' Smiling nervously.

He nods,'Witches, huh? Let me put it to you this way. I sure wouldn't wanna risk it. I gotta go. I'll see you later?'

'Yeah, right, absolutely.' Nodding as he leaves. She gets out of her car and walks to the church doors but just as she was about to grab the handle, it thunders causing her to run away.

At Bucklands Prue runs to the elevator calling out,'Hold the door. (She runs in and drops her briefcase in the process, spilling the contents.) Damn it. Can you push twelve please?'

The man bends down to help her,'Here let me help. (Glancing at the papers) Eighteenth century French art. Do you work in the auction house upstairs?'

She shakes her head,'No, I'm just interviewing, if I ever get there in time. (Her phone rings) Hello? Uh, Andy, how did you get this number?'

'Prue, I think we should talk.' He tells her.

'Yeah, it's just that I'm really late for this interview.' She says.

'Look, I didn't mean for what happened last night to happen. You have to know that, Prue.' He tries to get across.

Prue ignores him,'Of course I'm you know, totally wrong for it anyway. Stuffy, auction house. Why are you calling?'

'Come on, Prue. Listen to me. We've known each other for a long time. We just couldn't help ourselves. It's nothing to be ashamed of.' He tells her.

'I know, Andy.' Prue gets embarrassed.

'All we did was make love.' He continued.

'I know, Andy.' She says getting fed up now.

'Well then, talk to me, help out here, Prue. Why'd you sneak out like that.' He asked.

'I did not sneak out. You were asleep. I didn't want to wake you. And I did write, you know, I just didn't leave it.(the phone crackles) Hello? A hello? (She hangs up as the door opens and she uses her power to close it and get yo her floor)

'That was strange. Lucky you, huh?' Says the guy who helped her before.

'Yeah, I'm charmed alright.' Leaving.

At quake Phoebe hands a menu to guy as Prim gives them water while the couple decide what to order.

'Thank you.' The man says to them.

As Prim is about to leave she hears Phoebe,' Excuse me, but aren't you Stefan?'

Nodding,'Yes. I'm sorry, do we know each other?'

Prim watches with a raised eyebrow as Phoebe shakes her head,' Oh, highly doubtful. I'm just familiar with your work. Like everyone else in the world.'

'Well, I don't know about that. But I'll always take a compliment from a gorgeous woman. As well as gaze upon two.' Smiling at Prim.

She almost gags watching the two flirt, ignoring his comment smiling tightly nodding. 'I'm sure your girlfriend must appreciate that.' Phoebe whisperers.

'She's not my girlfriend.' He whispers back.

Phoebe smiles,' Then why are we whispering?' Continuing the charade.

'Excuse me.' The pissed woman leaves.

'Woah. Guess someone's not getting laid.' Prim says.

'Ooh, ooh, okay. Well, was really nice meeting you,' elbowing Prim in the ribs.

'You too. Listen, listen. I'm in town for a couple of days doing a Porsche shoot. If you're interested, stop by. Both of you. I would love to photograph you both. You guys do model don't you?' He asks.

'In my dreams, yeah.' Phoebe says ecstatic.

'Not mine.' Prim shakes her head as he write an address on a napkin and hands it to Phoebe then walks away as Piper comes up to them.

'A driver just called in sick. Can you do a quick delivery.' Asking her.

Quickly Phoebe agrees,'Sure. Is that guy at the bar still staring at me?'

Piper looks,' There are a lot of guys at the bar staring at you.'

'The one at the far end. Tall, dark, brooding, very New York.' Phoebe lists.

'Your forgetting the creepy ass stare.'Prim comments as Phoebe slaps her arm causing her sister to glare back at her.

'Sorry, no.' Piper shakes her head.

[back with Prue who is walking with a woman]

'He's seen your resume and is very impressed. I gotta tell you, it's already blown out six applicants.' The lady sounds impressed herself.

'I still don't know why he's interested. I never even applied.' A confused Prue responds.

'He likes what you did at the museum. Even though your ex-boss trashed you. What's Roger got against you anyway?' She Asked Prue.

'Hard to say. Unless shattering his ego counts for something. He's also my ex-fiancé.' Smirking as she explains.

'Got it. You ready?' Nodding understandingly.

Prue nods and they walk in the office.

The woman looks at the man,' Rex Buckland, this is Prue Halliwell. Interviewing for the new specialist.'

'Actually we've already met. Welcome to my stuffy auction house.' Staring at Prue.

[At Stefan's phoebe photography place where a woman is tied to a table]

Begging,'Please, don't hurt me. Let me go. Please, Stefan.'

He walk up to her and he is looks really old,'It's Javna.' His eyes glow and a bright light comes out of his eyes and goes into hers. She screams and turns into an old woman as he turns young again.

Back with Prue Rex begins the interview.' How many divisions did you correct?'

'Seven, including the colonist estate. It should be on my resume.' She responds.

Rex nods,'Franklin Carlton. That's quite a coup.'

'Well, I tend to be on the persistent side. I usually get what I want.' Smirking.

'A no doubter. It's a shame though that you think you' did you put it in the elevator? Totally wrong for the job.' He says.

'That was a private phone conversation.' She states.

'hardly.' He scoffs.

'You called me, remember. Not the other way around. And while we're at it, I think it's incredibly unfair that you eavesdrop on a private call and then you judge me based entirely on what you thought you heard.' Telling him off.

He nods,' I apologize. It was unfair of me. I'm new at all this. I've only just taken over the house from my father, so I'm very protective of it. But knowing that, what you did at the museum, attracting the younger market, it's totally consistent with what I want to do here. It's just when all these qualifications are signed. It's very important to me that whoever I hire, truly wants to be here. (The intercom beeps) Yep.'

A secretary answers,'Excuse me, Mr. Buckland. Your next interview is waiting. Should I reschedule him?'

'No, I think we're done here.' While staring at Prue.

Prue nods,'Well, thanks for your time. (She walks to the door then stops and turns around.) My area of expertise ranges from Ming Dynasty to a Mark McGuire Ricky baseball card. You name it-I can identify it. Now, I may not of sought this job originally, but I do want it. And I am definitely right for it.'

At the church Phoebe, Piper and Phoebe and Prim get out of the Quake van.

Phoebe turns to her sisters,'You would think after last night, Prue would be a lot mellower. I mean, how long had it been? Six months? Which is worse.'

Piper shakes her head at her sister,' It's just so un-Prue like to have sex on the first date. I mean, everything's changing since we've become... you know.'

They start getting stuff out of the van.

'Witches? It's okay Pipes you can say it. Nothings changed besides us getting these awesome powers, which I happen to love.' Prim smiles at her sister.

Phoebe smiles in agreement with Prim and to piper says,'Come on, you've never had sex on the first date?'

Piper looks at Phoebe stunned,' No, have you? Don't answer that.'

' I mean I've only had sex once so far and the whole thing was a mistake including sleeping with him after a few days. But at least I won't be a virgin for a good man... if I ever meet him, which I'll be waiting a while before falling in the sack with.'

And to which Phoebe says,'Well, it's not a regular thing. Of course now that I'm a witch I can see if it's gonna be any good or not before it actually.....( she notices an elderly man standing next to her and hands him a tray.) Hi.'(He walks away.)

'What's the matter with you? Are you outta your mind?' She asks her.

Phoebe rolls her eyes,'Oh, come on, it's not like he took me literally.'

'You don't know that, he could of. I think we need to be extra careful. I'm bed and out.' Piper tells her firmly.

'Okay, well there's careful and then there's paranoid. Do you wanna talk about it?' Phoebe asks her.

'Yeah, what's really going on Pipers?' Prue asks her sister worried.

Piper looks at the two,' Talk about what? Nothings wrong.'

Pastor Williams walks up to them,'Hey, Phoebe, I didn't know you were back in town.'

Phoebe smiles,'Hey.'

They hug,' Say goodbye to the Big Apple did you?.'

'Oh, I ate the worm. Hey, I'm gonna get some gum. Do you guys want anything?' She asks the others.

The pastor shakes his head,' No thanks.'

Her sisters shake their head,' Okay, good to see you.' Saying to the pastor.

'You too.' Smiling at her and she walks away.

Piper then turns on the pastor,' Okay, heres the deal. I got this friend. Has a little problem. Could be bad. Not quite sure what to tell her.'

Prim gasps beside her,' Oh, Pipes.' Smiling sadly.

' You wanna go inside?' The pastor asks.

Shaking her head,'No. I mean, I've gotta get going.'

'So what's the problem?' He asks.

She blurts,'Well, she kinda, sort of thinks she might be a witch.' Causing Prim to grab her hand.

'Witches again, huh? He asks.

She nods,'Not a good thing is it?'

Ominously he says,'Certainly not a question I get everyday. How well do you remember Sunday school lessons? I suggest 22:18. Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.'

Prim rolls her eyes squeezing her sisters hand as she listens to her sisters reply,'Meaning...'

He looks at them,' If you go by the old school, it means put her to death. She's evil.'

'Yeah, sorry but I don't believe that hogwash.' Prim tells him point blank and he just stares at her baffled.

[Phoebe gets a premonition at the newspaper stand of winning lottery numbers and she gives them to a sweet older couple about to lose their house. She goes back to her sister with a smile on her face.]

At Quake Morris and Andy sit in the car.,'What do you want me to say? Something about this does not feel right to me, I can't help it.' Andy tells him.

'Here we go again.' Morris sighs.

Andy looks at him,'I mean where are they, alright? What's this guy doing to these poor women?'

'Thinking alien abduction are ya?' Replies Morris sarcastically.

'I'm serious Morris.'

Morris looks at him,'I know, that's what scares me. Let me guess, favorite movie when growing up- Ghostbusters? Look, we got a crazy, Trudeau. Likes the pretty ladies. That's it, the end. If he goes back looking make the world a better place. That too hard to follow?'

'Evil dead 2. Favorite movie growing up. Just for the record.' As he sees Andy get out of her car.

'Bank across the the street, I think we should grab the ATM tapes and see if....(Andy gets out of the car) Woah, woah, where are you going? No, no, forget it Romeo. You're not blowing out cover.' Morris tells him.

'Come on, Morris. Cut me some slack. I have to talk to her. Five Minutes, that's all I need.'

Inside Quake Prue walks up to Prim watching someone intently and Piper who is finishing up talking to a waitress.

'You didn't give Andy my cell phone number by any chance did you?' She asked her sisters.

Prim shakes her head turning toward her as Piper replies,'No, why?'

Prue tells her,'Never mind.'

'Remind me I wanted to do this for a living, right?,' Piper asks looking at the two.

'Looks like you're going to be the only one who's going to be doing anything for a living. My interview was a disaster.' She frowns.

'I can't imagine you were less than stellar.' Piper tells her.

'Yeah, Prue. I'm sure you did amazing. The jerk would be lucky to have you working for him. And I could pitch in with the bills.' Prim tries to cheer her sister up.

Prue smiles at her,'Thanks for the compliment sis. But keep your money sweetie. I'm still holding on to hope that you'll go to college one day.'

Prim rolls her eyes as Prue notices Phoebe with Stefan,'What's phoebe doing here.'
'Flirting,' Piper nonchalantly says.

'The better question is what's she gonna be during later....or maybe who?' She smirks as her sisters give her a look.

'Yeah, and she's wearing Armani. Where did she get that?' Prue wonders.

'Not from my closet. I gotta go.' Piper says walking away.

'You wouldn't catch me wasting my money on that even if I could afford.'Prim replies as Prue drags her over to their other sister.

'Prue, hi. This is my other sister. Prue, this is Stefan the photographer.' She introduces them.

'Pleasure.' He replies before turning to Prim,'It's nice to see you again. Did you perhaps change your mind about being photographed?'

'Only in your dreams mister.' Prim says.

Prue noticing how uncomfortable her sister seemed pulled the conversation back on her,'Like wise.' (Stefan turned his head to Prue begrudgingly shaking her hand) Nice dress.'

'Don't worry, it's not yours.' Phoebe tells her.

Prue miles tight lipped,' I know. I could never afford it.'

Phoebe then turns to Stefan,'Would you excuse us for a moment? I'll be right back.

Prue grabs Prims hand as they all walk in the kitchen, not seeing Stefan glancing at his hand which has turned old.

'How are you gonna pay for that? Your broke.' Prue asks Phoebe.

'Not for long.' She replies.

'What does that mean? Tell me you didn't use your powers again.'Prue glares daggers at her younger sister.

'Maybe. Are you telling me you haven't?' Phoebe fires back.

Prue shakes her head,' No, I'm not telling you that but we're not talking about me are we?'

Piper comes up to them,'What are you guys doing in here.'

'Same thing we do at home.' Phoebe replies.

'Their fighting, I'm enjoying the show. Got any popcorn Pipes?' Prim says whilst leaning against the wall.

'What, did you go to the tracks, play the market, what?' A pissed off Prue asks.

'The lottery.' Phoebe replies.

'Phoebe!' Piper exclaims.

'What did you want me to do? Ignore the premonition? Not help a needy family. That's what we're supposed to do, right?' Phoebe fires back.

'Um, don't ignore your premonitions. Yes to helping the needy family. No to using it to but and absurdly priced dress.' Prim tells her.

Prue looks at her,'No, we are not supposed to use our powers for our own personal gain. That's what it says in the Book Of Shadows.'

'Not so loud.' Piper hushes them.

'You said we needed money, right? Well I'm getting some.' Phoebe looks at Prue.

'Come on, you guys.' Piper pleads.

'Get a job like everybody else.' Prue says heatedly.

Phoebe smirks,'I'm using my mind instead.'

Just them Andy enters looking for Prue and bumps into a guy holding plates.

'Watch it! (Piper freezes everyone and the plates before they hit the ground) Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, not again.' She says frustrated.

Prue accuses Phoebe,'Now look what you've done.'

'This is my fault?' She asks.

Piper looks at them,'Wait, you guys aren't freezing?'

'I guess it doesn't work on witches. Piper, how long does it last?' Phoebe inquiries.

'I don't know, not long.' She says freaking out a little.

Prue looks outside the kitchen,'Uh, it doesn't work out there.'

'Oh, tell me this isn't happening.' Piper says.

Prim walks up to her,'Pipes, relax. Everything's gonna be fine.'

[Morris walks in the restaurant]

'Calm down, it's okay. It's all gonna be okay.' Phoebe repeats.

Prue looks out and sees Morris coming their way,'Oh, God, Andy's partner just came in and he's headed this way.'

'What are we gonna do?' Piper asks squeezing Prims hand for comfort.

'Stall him.' Phoebe says.

Prue runs out of the kitchen,'Hey, Inspector Morris, right?'

'That's right. Is Trudeau in there?' He nods.

'Uh, Andy? I don't know is he?' Failing to stall him.

Prim is trying to calm Piper down as Phoebe fans her with a menu when Morris walks in the door, everything unfreezes and the plates fall to the floor breaking.

Andy continues where he left off,'I really think we should.....( he notices Morris) talk. What are you doing here? I thought I had 5 minutes.'

Morris shows his watch,'Yeah, I gave you 10.'

Piper tries to get everyone to leave,'Guys, you know, we're really busy in here.'

Andy in a state of confusion,'Yeah, sure.'

'Uh, I'll call you later, I promise.' Prue tells him.

'Okay.' He nods.

'Bye.' Phoebe says as Prim smiles at them.

Andy gives her a small smile back as Morris nods and they leave.'I hate being a witch.' Piper huffs.

At the manor Piper is in the attic looking at the B.O.S when Phoebe and Prim walk in.'Hey, what are you doing?' Phoebe asks as Prim hugs her.

'Reading. Thinking.' Piper replies.

'About.' Phoebe probes.

Piper gives them a look,'About how totally screwed we are now that we're witches.'

Phoebe smiles,'Oh, that.'

Prim snickers at her sister.
Piper shakes her head,' No, you guys don't understand, you don't think we are. You 2 are never afraid of anything. I envy that about you. I always have.'

'Hey trouble seems to follow me wherever I go. I can never outrun it, it seems. Im not something to envy sis.'Prim states.

Phoebe smiles in agreement,' Yeah, well, don't because it gets me in trouble sometimes. Piper, talk to us.'

'I don't know, it's like our whole lives have been like everybody else. Rushing off to work, going out on bad dates, buying shoes and suddenly we wake up one day and everything is different. We're witches now. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.' She confides.

'Are you kidding? It's a great thing thing.' Phoebe exclaims.

'Yeah, Pipes. We got these kickass powers. Who what's to be like everybody else anyway. I wanna be different. Our powers make us special.' Prim gleefully states.

'You don't know that. We don't anything about these powers. Why we have them, what they mean, where they come from. I mean, how do we know it's not... how do we know it's not from evil?' Piper questions her sisters.

'Piper, we've been over this. We're good witches.' Phoebe tells her.

'We protect the innocent. It's our destiny, remember? Says so right in the book.' Prom jokes.

Piper smiles at her youngest sisters quip,'But, what about Jeremy? What about all the other warlocks he said would be coming after us. How do we know we're not just like them? That is what scares me. We don't know. I just wanna be normal again. As messed up as that was. Is that too much to ask.'

' I'm pretty sure there's a no return policy. But Piper you are the last person who needs to worry about being evil. You would never hurt another soul willingly. You are my sweet, kind big sister who I always look to when I don't know what to do.' Prim smiles kindly at her to which Piper grabs her hand.

'Piper, listen to me. You are the most sweetest, most caring person I've ever met. No, I mean that, you are. You're always there to help anybody, even strangers. You've been doing it your whole life. So there's no way you've been given this, this gift, if it wasn't to do good things with it. To protect the innocent just like B.O.S said. Besides, if anyone is concerned of being bad, it's me, right? (Piper laughs) You've got nothing to be afraid of. Now, I am going to get my picture taken.

(She does a pose. Piper and Prim laugh.)

(At the restaurant Prue and Andy are having coffee. They talk things over and then she leaves.)

(Piper meanwhile is at the church again and conquers her fear and goes in the church. She finds an old an confused Brittany)

(Prue is at the auction house where she uses her powers before paint that Hannah bumped spills on her, ending up on the latter. She gets the job and leaves while Hannah and Rex discuss Prue being a witch)

Prue walks in the manor,' Piper? Phoebe? Prim? Guess what?'

Brittany walks in asking,'What?'

Piper hands her a bowl telling her to go sit at the table,'Prue, thank God you're home.'

'Yeah, who,uh...' She asks just as Prim walks downstairs.

'Brittany.' She states.

Prue is baffled,'Um, sorry, Brittany.'

'You're not gonna believe this. I'm not sure I do. I think.... No, I know, this woman is Brittany Reynolds .' Piper says.

Prue laughs,'Yeah, right, Piper and I'm Rodney O'Donnell.'

'Well, hello, Rosie. Pleased to meet you.' Prim smirks.

'Cut it out, Primrose.'Piper shoots her a glare before turning back to Prue.'No, I mean it. Brittany had a tattoo, right? An angel on her right hand, remember?'

Prue sees the tattoo,'That can't be.'

'We've vanquished a demon, but this you find hard to believe. I'm pretty sure this is gonna be fairly normal in our line of work.' Prim snorts.

Piper tries to keep a smile off her face at her young sisters quip,'That's what I thought at first but then I started asking her some questions. Things only Brittany would know. She may be senile but it was brought to convince me.'

(At Stefan's photography place Phoebe has just arrived and gets a premonition. She tries to leave but Javna grabs her)

In the attic the girls walk over to the B.O.S.,'Piper what are you talking about? Prue asks.

'I'm telling you. I saw something about it in the book.(she starts flipping and finds the page) Okay, look, see? Javna feeds one week out of every year, stealing the life force from the young.' She reads out.

'By evoking the black magic power, the evil eye to sustain eternal youth.'Prue finished.

'Jeepers creepers anyone?! Every 23 years for 23 days he gets to feed? No, just me, alright.' Prim says.

'You watch too many horror movies.' Prue tells her with a shake of her head.

With a sigh Piper says,'Its gotta be what happened to Brittany.'

'Yeah, but there must be some kind of incantation to reverse it.' Prue states.

Piper nods,'There is. "The hand of Fatima".'

Prim cuts her off,'The Prophet Mohammad used it to banish Javna back to where ever the hell he came from centuries ago.'

Her sisters looked at Prim who was leaning on the wall with her eyes closed,' How'd you know that.'Piper asked.

'I read it in the book same as you, duh. Well actually I read the whole book. What can I say, I love learning the craft.'Prim smiles.

Prue smiles back.' Yeah, well, the problem is we don't know who Javna is, let alone where he is.'

(Downstairs Brittany sees the napkin and faints)

The girls run downstairs.' Brittany? Oh my God, what happened?' Piper asks.

( Prue asks if she's alright, Piper is gonna call 911 but Prue stops her. They find out who Javna is and leave to go rescue Phoebe)

(Morris and Andy also figured out who their perp is)

Prue, Piper and Prim rush in to Javnas photography place and see Phoebe tied to the table screaming as he tries to suck her vitality. Prue uses her powered and flings him across the room as Prim puts a wall of vines in front of her sisters to keep them out of harms way as Piper unties Phoebe. Javna then starts to suck Prues vitality.
'Phoebe, we don't have a lot of time, okay?' Piper says.

'Prue, grab the mirror.' Phoebe shouts.

Prue grabs it reflecting the light back at him and they start chanting,'Evil eyes look unto thee, may they soon extinguished be, bend thy will to the power of four, eye of earth, evil and accursed.'

They repeat the chant and Javna turns to dust and disappears. At the manor Brittany is young again. 'Very cool.' Comments Phoebe.

Outside the police are waiting.'Prue? What are you doing here?,'Says Andy throwing a glance Prims way.

'We we're just trying to get the van started.'Prue explained.

Piper chimes in,'Yeah, Phoebe called. She was having car troubles.'

'Stefan was gonna take some pictures of me. He tried getting Prim to take some as well.' Phoebe tells him.

'Do you have any idea how lucky you 2 are? This guy's a stalker.' Andy says worriedly.

Morris comes over,'No signs of him inside. His cars here though so he might still be around.'

'Excuse me.' Andy reaches in the car and starts it.

'Hey, how about that. You fixed it.' Piper exclaims.

'How about that.' Andy replies.

Phoebe steps in,'Maybe we should go.'

Prim smiles and waves at Andy.'See ya later Andy.'

He returns it watching her leave as Prue comes up breaking him from his gaze,'Um, thanks. Call me?'

'Sure.' Andy replies and she walks away.

At Quake Phoebe walks in,'Whoops, excuse me. ( she walks up to a woman) Hey, how are you? ( The woman gives her a strange look. She goes over to Prue, Piper and Prim.)

'Do you know that girl.' Piper asks.

Phoebe looks at her,'I almost was that girl. She was one of Stefan's victims. Obviously she doesn't remember.'

'Lucky her.' Prue says.

'No, lucky me. I learned my lesson. I have got to be more careful.' Phoebe tells them.

'No, Shit Sherlock. Maybe you shoulda turned him down like I did. Good to know my creep radar works....and that the creeper will not be feeding every 23 years for 23 days anymore. We kicked his ass back to whence he came.'Prim smiles.

Phoebe smiles at her knowingly as a horror movie buff herself as Prue and Piper give her a weird look not understanding their obsession with the genre.' Excuse me, did I just hear it? Did she actually admit to doing something wrong?' Prue changes the subject.

'That's what I heard.' Piper played along.

'Frame it. It won't happen again.' Phoebe tells them.

'At least we helped those people. I mean, it's nice to know our powers really are good.' Piper smiles.

'Told ya, Pipes. Saving people, hunting things, it's the family business.' Prim grins big.

'Yeah, good for everything but our love life unfortunately. Although I must admit they do come in handy once in a while.' Prue stats.

Phoebe gives Prue a look,'Uh huh. Hypocrite. (Phoebe sees the lottery on tv) The winning numbers. I won. (Prue then gives her a look) Well I did.'

The ticket numbers disappear off the paper.'See, I told you. You can't intentionally use your powers for your own personal gain, remember?' Prue chides her.

Phoebe sighs,'Its a good thing I didn't take the tags off that dress. Oh, well. At least that old couple didn't lose their house.'

Prim throws an arm around her,'Cheer up sis, you did a good thing. No Armani dress can ever come close to what you did. You were their fairy godmother.'

Phoebe smiles at Prim. Cinderella was her favorite Disney story.

'A toast to the power of four. Wether we like it or not.' Says Piper.

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