Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]

By ZeSovietMan

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It's the end of Battle of Belleau Wood, but as the final Germans surrendered to the marines, a massive portal... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1: A New Beacon
Bio PT. 2
Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1
Chapter 3: Menagerie meets the Fleet (Revised)
Chapter 4: Party?
Chapter 5: Building the Fort
Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.
Established Rules of World War 2 and Alliances
Chapter 7: The Battle of Fort Mantello
Chapter 8/Special Chapter: The Main Timeline and Battlefield 1 Rap
Chapter 9: The Fall of Fort Faunus
Chapter 10: Prepare for the Typhoon (Revised)
Chapter 11: It Changes Everything
Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)
Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)
Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)
Chapter 13 Part 4: Operation Typhoon (British)
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)
Chapter 16: Unexpected Attack
Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 17/Special Chapter: What I Missed
Chapter 18: When Legends Meet Students
Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus
Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus
Chapter 21: A Defense of Argus (Revised)
Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive
Chapter 23: Christmas Preparation
Chapter 24: Confess Before The End
Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?
Chapter 26: A Storm of Grimm
Chapter 27: The End

Chapter 12: The Final Preparations

442 15 5
By ZeSovietMan

It has been months since the vehicles, weapons, and other preparations were being done but alas, we only have two more days before the great operation.

Date: 9/29/18

Time: 11:32 A.M

Sanus, Vale Coastline, Troop Camps

Ryan: Are you kids ready?

Yang: Yeah, still getting used to our new rifles though.

Daniel: Fair thought.

Weiss: Of course, these weapons are way better than our old Springfields.

Nora: That's for sure!

Ruby: Also, congratulations for getting promoted to a Lieutenant Colonel Newport.

Ryan: Thanks Rose, but remember, it's only for the operation.

Ruby gave an awkward laugh.

Ruby: R-right.

Suddenly every heard Blake Maxwell shout out.

Blake M: Transmission coming through!

Everyone focused on the radio as they heard an officer.

Officer: This is Pathfinder Command to all participants of Operation Typhoon. You are to load into transportation boats as soon as they arrive.

Ruby: New transports?

Nebula: Maybe?

Patton's voice then boomed through the radio.

Patton: This is Colonel Patton to Command, at what time does loading begin, and the operation begin?

Officer: Troop loading will begin tomorrow at 2300 as for the operation, it will begin at 0700 in two days. I repeat tomorrow troop loading will be at 2300. While Operation Typhoon will be beginning at 0700, out. 

Everyone then heard the transmission get cut.

Arslan: It's almost time for the operation.

Sun: And almost time to take control.

Matthew: Y'all better hope nothing goes wrong.

Both Blake's then talked at once.

Blake's: It also depends on the enemy-

The two looked at each other as everyone else looked at the two.

Blake M: Well... that was....

Blake B: Weird?

Ryan: Damn straight.

Ruby: How many!!

Ryan: Right, right. So-

As Ryan was talking about their orders, 3 Messerschmitt Me 262's flew over creating a loud roar.

Ruby: Woah! What was that!?

Connor: I'm asking the same!?

Meanwhile inside a Messerschmitt

Richthofen: Ich liebe das hier! (I love this!)

Back down in the American Camp

As everyone tried to figure out the sound, a decently sized ship was seen approaching the British camp.

Daniel: What in the?

Shaun: A transport boat?

The boat stopped at the British camp as multiple Faunus were seen offloading dressed in ANZAC gear.

Rudy: What in the hell!?

Blake M: Those are Faunus!

Walter: In... ANZAC gear?

Blake: 'So, this is what Soviet meant...'

Ruby: I guess the Brits are getting more backup?

Ryan: Guess so.

Octavia: Seriously! What is happening!?

British Camp

Jack: What the? Faunus?

Random Faunus 1: Yup!

Brad: The hell you mates doing 'ere?

RF 2: Ghira talked with your commander on letting us join.

Dave: Oh... that's what I've been hearin' bout.

Mason: What you mean Ripley?

Dave: I've been hearin' command be sending in some backup.

Thompson: And they allowed the Faunus?

Dave: Yeah, they were debatin' whenever to or not.

RF 1: Yeah, it took Ghira some convincing.

Issac: So, you know what you're getting into then?

RF 3: Yup, as long as it takes a blow to Atlas we're good with it.

Riley: Alright then.

Jack: Training?

RF 5: We have been training for the past 2 weeks.

Jack: Good, now then get ready, we start in two days.

RF 4: Yes sir.

Austro-Hungarian Camp/Naval Base Trident

Vili was standing there overlooking his camp. Vili was a little stressed as he was temporarily promoted to a Lieutenant Colonel or Oberstleutnant in Hungarian. With being so, Vili was now in command of a Battalion, meaning he now commanded 300-1,000 troops.

Vili: I do hope Newport is doing well.

Everyone started to hear loud rumbles.

A-H Soldier 1: Mi ez a zaj? (What is this noise?)

The soldiers turned around to see the UN 1st Armored Division with the new 2nd and 3rd Armored Divisions commanded by Lieutenant Colonel J.F.C. Fuller, and Colonel Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne, rolling in with the new Tiger 1 and M4 Sherman tanks.

A-H Soldier 2: Most több páncélunk van! (Now we have more armor!)

The Austro-Hungarians watched as the 3 separate armored divisions started to form up in columns.

A-H Soldier 1: Úgy tűnik, készülnek a betöltésre. (Seems their preparing for the loading.)

A-H Soldier 3: Aha. (Yeah.)

Vili watched on as he was approached by a captain.

A-H Captain: Colonel, sir.

Vili: What is it, Captain?

A-HC: Command wants to speak with you.

Vili: Alright, lead the way.

The captain led Vili to the command room where he saw the commanders that were going to lead their forces into battle.

Allied Camp Command

The gathered commanders for frontline combat and divisions were all around a table.

Patton: Why are we all gathered here.

Ryan: Pathfinder command is apparently wanting to give us a specific order from what I've heard.

Major Tessier: Then why us specifically?

Vili: No idea.

Soon Haig walked into the tent.

Ryan: Commander sir!

The frontline commanders gave their salutes.

MacArthur who was glaring over at Patton for a second asked something.

MacArthur: So, why did you call us here sir?

Haig: I want you all to gather 2 of your best men for a special task.

Jack: What do you mean sir?

Haig: We have some... spies inside Mistral and have learned of two important targets in Mistral.

Turkish Officer: Who?

Haig: First of course the Haven Academy Headmaster, Leonardo Lionheart. Who's in command of Mistral's Huntsman.

German Officer: And ze second?

Haig: The Atlas general's second-in-command, Asher Thornfield.

The commanders understood what the task was.

Haig: I do believe you all know where this is going.

Patton: Of course.

Haig: So, Patton's division will be assigned to capture the second-in-command and headmaster was last seen in the Atlas side base.

Patton: Of course, commander.

Haig: Good, I want the best troops you all have to be paired with Patton so we can take out two important targets.

Patton then had a thought.

Patton: Commander, where will my division be landing?

Haig: That will be up to you Colonel.

Patton then gave a quick salute.

Patton: Yes sir.

Haig: Good, as for the rest of you. Prepare your forces we will be beginning our troop and armor loading tomorrow, dismissed.

Every division commander left the main command tent.

German Camp

German Sailor 1: Wir leisten also abdeckende Unterstützung? (So, we provide cover support?)

Sieg: Ja, dieses Mal werden wir keine Truppen landen. (Yes, this time we will not land troops.)

German Sailor 2: Was ist mit den Marines? (What about the Marines?)

Sieg: Die Marines werden mit der Armee landen. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass wir uns darauf konzentrieren werden, den Österreich-Ungarn und den Italienern zu helfen. (The marines will land with the army. The difference is that we will focus on helping the Austro-Hungarians and the Italians.)

German Sailor 3: Natürlich, Admiral. (Of course, Admiral.)

Sieg: Gut. (Good.)

French Camp

In the French camp stood the 27th Battalion of Chasseurs Alpins. 

French Soldier 1: Donc, notre travail est d'éliminer la tribu Branwen et de presser les forces de l'Atlas dans ce petit couloir? (So, our job is to take out the Branwen tribe and squeeze the Atlas forces into this little corridor?)

Major Tessier: Oui, les forces ottomanes arriveront du sud alors que nous attaquons le nord. (Yes, Ottoman forces will arrive from the south as we attack from the north.)

 Sat down in a tent was the currently lesser-known Albert Severin Roche.

Albert: Deux jours, soit je meurs en combattant, soit je capture d'autres prisonniers. (Two days, either I die fighting, or I take other prisoners.)

Major Tessier: Pour l'instant, Roche! (For now, Roche!)

Albert got up and approached the Major.

Albert: Oui Monsieur? (Yes sir?)

Major Tessier: Préparez votre équipement, vous avez une nouvelle mission. (Prepare your equipment, you have a new mission.)

Albert: Qu'y a-t-il monsieur? (What is it sir?)

Major Tessier: Vous et d'autres soldats de haut niveau serez envoyés pour capturer le commandant en second du général Atlas. (You and other high-level soldiers will be sent to capture General Atlas' second-in-command.)

Albert then gave a salute.

Albert: Oui Monsieur! Où est-ce que je vais? (Yes sir! Where do I go?)

Major Tessier: UN 1st Armored Division, trouver le colonel Patton. (UN 1st Armored Division, find Colonel Patton.)

Albert: Oui Monsieur. (Yes sir.)

Albert grabbed his newly issued Gewehr 43 and other gear before walking away from the camp, looking for the 1st Armored Division.

1st Armored Division Column

Patton: You Roche?

Albert: Oui Monsieur.

Patton: Good, come and meet the rest of the group.

Patton led Albert to a group of mixed soldiers consisting of every army's best fighters.

The group consisted of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk of the Ottoman Empire, Ernst Jünger and Erwin Rommel of the German Empire, Adrian Carton de Wiart of the British Empire, Theodore Roosevelt Jr and Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States, and lastly Francis Pegahmagabow of the Candian Expeditionary Forces. Now with the inclusion of Albert Severin Roche of the French Third Republic the forces would be complete, as the other high-ranking commanders would be focused on the main operation.

Patton: Now then, I assume you all know our assignment?

Roosevelt: Yes sir, capture Leonardo Lionheart and Asher Thornfield.

Rommel: But can I ask a question?

Patton: Go ahead son.

Rommel: How do we know they're there?

Patton: We have spies there.

Mustafa: Who?

Patton: Former Atlas Specialists Winter Schnee, Marrow Amin and Elm Ederne including Atlas Scientist Pietro Polendina.

Francis: So they defected to our side?

Patton: Correct, now get ready for the mission. We're going in lighting fast and then out.

Rommel: So, we're turning this into a Blitzkrieg?

Patton: What's that?

Rommel: A flash war.

Patton: Hm, I guess so. Now then get to know each other. I need to prepare armor formations.

Everyone: Yes sir!

And that's the end of Chapter 12! And for everyone's confirmation Chapter 13 will be broken up in different parts. Now one more thing before I go, we have a poll in my COD/RWBY story on which story will temporarily replace it so go ahead and vote if you want. Now always remember!


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