Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By OmniDV

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The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
The Artist
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
The Sample
Spider's Web
Winding Ribbons
Blood Hashira
The Two Kings' Nightmares
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information


477 13 6
By OmniDV

"Therapist's" POV:

The light, cool breeze whipped through my hair, rushing past my white robe, swirling around my body before eventually dying down.

Small wisteria leaves brushing up against my skin and clothing. The rustling in the bushes around me, the fluidity of the cool breeze, the calming sounds of animals and insects going about their every day lives.

The scurrying of rabbits and squirrels sweeping by my feet, the chirping of the birds overhead, flying in the wind.

It all felt so surreal to me, so serene to be out in the beauty of nature like this. It was very much enjoyable to walk in silence and just listen to the sounds of nature all around.

However, the one thing that was even better than making this daily walk alone was to be side-by-side with my lovely wife, Akari, like I was now. She would almost always accompany me on this trip.

A smile graced my lips as I reached my destination. I made this walk everyday. Not only was it quite calming, but it allowed me to be one with my thoughts, one with my soul.

Tree beaches and leaves brushed past our heads as we stepped into a large open area with concrete flooring, beautiful grassy hills on both sides of this area.

It wasn't exactly a completely open area however. I allowed my eyes to wander around, taking a long glance at each stone that surrounded me.

My smile softened as took notice of the large variety of flowers and plants surrounding each and every stone.

"The Graveyard of the Demon Slayer Corps," I whispered, taking in all if the mass amounts graves that surrounded me. Taking in the number of demon slayers who have given their lives for the sake of humanity. For the sake of ridding the world of demons.

Thousand upon thousands of lives lost... I will continue to pay my respects daily until I breathe my last breath.

"If only we succeeded all those years ago... it was the closest we had ever gotten," my wife, Askari said.

I nodded in solemn agreement at the statement, eyes shutting for a time in deep contemplation. "However, its best not to dwell on that. The slayers in that time did the best they could and nearly triumphed. I'm certain that this generation of demon slayers will be able to pick up where we left off all those centuries ago."

This garnered a pleasantly warm smile from Akari.

"Kagaya," Akari spoke. Getting my attention, I turned to face her.

"I've been wondering... why did you decide to be that boy's therapist?" she questioned with a slight look of confusion.

It didn't take me long to realize that she was talking about young Izuku.

"Don't get me wrong, I think what you're doing to help him is very kind, especially after what he has gone through. However, we have many therapists in the DS Corps. I'm sure one of them would've been glad to help the boy."

I nodded in understanding to her confusion. I really had forgotten to tell her about the boy...

"That boy... he is special in some way..." I began, calm smile remaining on my face.

"I feel as though this boy is an omen from the gods. I sense a great amount of potential from him, a great amount of power, despite his quirkless status. I'm not sure how he is special, but he does seem to be different in some way," I explained.

"I see... you want to find out more about the boy in order to learn what is so special about him," Akari said.

I offered a nod in response, peering over at the next section of the graveyard, containing hundreds of more graves.

"I wonder how the boy's training is going. Through our little therapy sessions, it seemed to me that he is quite the fast learner and had a heightened analytical mind," I thought.

I can only wonder how well he must be doing, despite his lack of experience and formal training.


Izuku's POV:

It's been about a week ever sense I began learning Light Breathing from Agatsuma-Sensei. It was honestly coming along better than I had originally hoped.

My first training session utilizing Light Breathing was decent, but after learning Flower Breathing as quickly as I did, it wasn't enough for me to just be decent at the one thing I am supposed to be focusing on currently.

So I co to her to push myself, if I found myself at my limit one day, I'd push past it significantly the next. That was my entire process for the past week.

I had been moving slower than I had hoped, only being able to use 6 forms of Light Breathing without fail, the others were still unbelievably difficult.

It honestly made wonder how sensei mastered all of this, especially sense she's a kid too. Well... I'm 7 and she's 14, but still! It was hard for me to comprehend. Apparently she is also a premonition herself.

I quickly learned over the last week that she created this Breathing Style, apparently being derived from a technique called Thunder Breathing.

"I wonder if she can also use Thunder Breathing... maybe just some of the forms?" I pondered.

I also began noticing some changes with her. Not exactly in her personality but in her presence. In her aura.

I think she may be getting stronger, just like I am. But it seemed... drastic. Like her strength is growing every day. I wonder what kind of training she does as a high ranking demon slayer.

It must be pretty tough and effective, if her overall capabilities rise each day. But that wasn't important. I need to focus on my own progress, not the progress of someone else. I need to focus...

I stood facing in front of a motionless wooden mannequin. Agatsuma-Sensei has told me that it was often used for precision-based training, in order to learn to aim the vital points of the body, both in demons and humans if necessary.

It's also way more durable than a normal mannequin, so it also gives demon slayers a way to train against extremely tough and durable opponents.

"The demon slayer Corps have really thought of everything, huh?" I thought to myself.

I raised my katana at the wooden mannequin in front of me, Agatsuma-Sensei watching from the sidelines. I breathed in, and breathed out, readying one of the 6 forms of Light Breathing that I am capable of using efficiently.

"Light Breathing: Sixth From: Unseeable!"

I dashed forward at incredible speeds, swinging my wooden katana swiftly and powerfully at the training mannequin, striking it perfectly at the side.

I began silently panting from exhaustion, arms and katana remaining outstretched as I regained my original posture. Sure I only used one form, but this particular form required me to use and move every aspect as part of my body at breakneck speeds, speeds that should be impossible for someone without a speed quirk.

Not only that, but your mental processing speeds also had to be incredibly fast, or else you wouldn't be able to react in time to anything happening around you or to you while dashing forward. To put it simply, it takes a toll on the human body even if you use it once, especially if your quirkless like me.

In Agatsuma-Sensei's own words, "Its a relatively simple form of Light Breathing. But the amount of stamina, body control, speed, brain power, and practice needed to completely master this form is staggering."

I don't know how sensei manages to use this technique, not only insanely faster than me, but also being able to consecutively use it about a dozen times without getting tired. Her quirk doesn't even have anything to do with speed, it only allows her to create bright flashes of light.

"Very good. Now attempt a higher strike," Agatsuma-Sensei instructed.

Nodding slightly, I took a few steps back, bringing my wooden katana to my side.

I quickly stepped forward a few times, bouncing off of the balls of my feet in order to get more high ground when I jumped. "Light. Breathing: Fifth Form..." I muttered. As swiftly as possible, I delivered a direct hit to the mannequin's neck, jumping up into the air in order to successfully perform the attack.


I landed on the balls of my feet, skidding slightly to a halt. Apparently this technique is only used when the enemy willingly surrenders. Sensei says that it gives them demon a serene and painless death. Although I don't know if it's true as I've never used it on a demon.

"Perfect!" Agatsuma-Sensei said.

"You're progress has been amazing, and within only just a few months," sensei praises, making me blush a little as I've never gotten this sort of praise before, not even from mom. But she was just worried about me is all.

"I guess this would be the perfect time to ask her..." I thought to myself.

I had recently been hearing about something called the, "Demon Slayer Acceptance Exam", from other people who came to train at the Butterfly Mansion. I don't know when it is or even if I'm allowed to participate in it, but I should at least ask sensei about it.

"U-umm... Agatsuma-Sensei? I was wondering if you kn-knew a-anything about t-the exam...?" I shyly asked.

I watched as her smile faltered only momentarily and not by much, but I've learned to sense the subtle bits of movements from people, especially facial movements.

I began growing worried that I said something wrong or knew something I shouldn't have.

"S-sorry..." I began. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no. It's fine, I just didn't expect you to know about it," Agatsuma-Sensei said.

"I-oh. Well, I don't really know much, I only heard a little about it from other demon slayers or people training to become demon slayers, like me," I explained.

Sensei only nodded. "I should've expected you would found out eventually," she said, smile re-emerging.

"The exam is something that every upcoming demon slayer will have to take in order to officially join the corps. I am not allowed to tell you it's contents, but you will have to survive somewhere for a certain amount of time," she explained.

"Let me guess. You want to participate, right?" Agatsuma-Sensei said.

"Y-yeah," I replied.

"I won't allow it," she said.

I winced slightly, at the unexpected answer.

"Don't get me wrong, Izu, your progress has been amazingly impressive," she said, smiling slightly.

"However, there are multiple reasons why I refuse."

"Firstly, you are far too young, and I wouldn't feel right sending a 7 year old to such a dangerous exam. Secondly, you still have much to learn before I feel safe with allowing you to go. And lastly, we still have to work on your mental health. You still haven't opened up to your therapist much about your inner feelings."

I kept my head down, eyes glued to floor, wincing at the mention of the therapy sessions that were just holding me back from being as strong as I possibly could be.

I had to do this. I couldn't just wait until next year or the year after that or they year after that. My progress... my growth needs to continue rising and nothing can slow it down... I can't allow it to slow down.

I raised my head to look at sensei, feeling a strong sense of determination.

"Please, sensei. I understand your reasons... I know what I said that day about what happened to me... really worried you," I said.

"But... I need to participate... I can't just wait until next year or the year after that... I can't wait for that long..." I explained.

"I need to be strong... I have to..." I balled my hands into fist, as memories of everything that Kachaan did, everything everyone did began returning to my mind.

"I don't want to be strong just for me... I want to be strong for my mom, for every other quirkless or weak-quirked person out there and show them that the can become strong to... That's why I'm here, that's why I wanted to become a demon slayer in the first place, why I wanted to become a hero in the first place."

"If you don't think I'm ready now, then I'll keep working hard... harder than now... I will continue to pass my limits, just like Allmight would... I'll go beyond, plus ultra. I need to show everyone, convince everyone that no matter who you are, no matter if you have a quirk or not, that they can become heroes too," I concluded, determination and unwavering conviction lacing my voice and evident in my facial expressions.

"So please! Let me participate!"

Silence. An overwhelmingly loud scream of silence...

I stared deep into sensei's eyes, her eyes staring into mine as well, her smile now gone completely, replaced with a look of seriousness.
But my expression never wavered, determination never faltered.

I didn't let my resolve fade.

Soon, after what seemed like an eternity, Agatsuma-Sensei finally let out a soft chuckle.

"How in the world does a 7 year old talk better than me?" she joked.

At that my expression finally faltered, by expecting that to be the first thing she says, which caused me to blush slightly from embarrassment.

Agatsuma's smile returned to her face, brighter than it ever has been before. "Fine, you've convinced me... I'll allow you to take the exam," she said.

But before I could show any form of celebration, she said, "But."

Uh-oh. That couldn't be good.

"If you want me to acknowledge you... you have to impress me enough in time of the exam. I need to see you grow a dozen times stronger than you are now. Not only that, you need to improve your mental health with your therapist as well. Only when you can do that to a significant degree will I even think about allowing it. Is that understood?"

I gulped at the sudden seriousness and commanding-like tone in her voice. I quickly nodded my head up and down so fast, it felt like my head would fall off.

"Good," she said. "I think that's enough training for today, we'll continue this tomorrow."

She began to walk off.

"W-wait!" I called after sensei, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Wh-when is the day of the e-exam?" I asked.

"July 8, be ready by then," she said, continuing to walk off, leaving me alone with the damaged, creepy mannequin.

"That's 3 months from now..." I thought to myself. I have three months to become significantly stronger than I am now. A smile graced my lips, as I was now determined as ever to become stronger.


Nezu's POV:

I trotted down throughout the halls of my prestigious school of U.A. High.

The recent things we've learned in relation to
this "slayer" organization has been quite substantial as compared to previous evidence, which was little to none.

Unidentifiable blood obviously wasn't something anyone could've predicted. Detective Tsukaiuchi even had me look at the blood to see if it could've been artificially created as I have had... experience with the subject.

It was quite peculiar, not similar to any living organism in any way. It is quite possible that it was either the cause of a quirk or artificial interference. Either way it is worrying...

As the smartest being on this planet, I felt it quite pathetic of me to not have been able to come up with a sensible solution to this complicated issue.

The possibility that this slayer organization has a member or members that are capable of such an ability... it would make this case wildly more difficult to crack.

Perhaps this is why we haven't been able to find the identity of an individual member. Or the other possibility that it is artificial blood would mean that we'd have to entertain the idea of this organization committing to some form of unethical experimentation.

However, something that the policemen and other heroes on the case haven't yet considered is that this has nothing to do with the foundation. Perhaps, the blood is the actual blood of the people who were killed in the underground fighting arena.

Sure, it wouldn't make sense for that many people to have the exact same blood, no difference between them at all. And the blood itself is unidentifiable... it's non-existent... this type of blood has never been seen in any organism.

But... perhaps our idea of this organization has been wrong to an extent. After all, they have seemed to save people in their time... that would mean that they may not be all that bad. However, vigilantism is still a serious crime. Along with mass murder... no matter if the victims have a chance of being evil or villainous to a degree. That doesn't excuse killing them.

This case was truly a head-scratcher. Perhaps this unidentifiable blood is giving us more information than we had previously thought. Could this blood be a reason as to why these people are being killed by this slayer organization?

This blood may mean something greater. Maybe the slayer organization isn't the one doing the experimenting into creating this blood. Is it possible that there is another group out there that we don't know about?

Maybe this theoretical separate group is responsible for this strange blood type. I myself was a victim to constant experimentation in order to become what I am now. A part bear, part mouse, part dog thing.

Experimentations of this sort always occur in underground societies. Maybe this hypothetical group that might be against the slayer organization are creating creatures... possibly artificial creatures.

This may be a decent explanation as to the blood problem. The scientists that experimented on me certainly had the power to create artificial body parts. Whose to say that a separate group, an enemy organization to the slayers couldn't do the exact same thing.

I stopped in my tracks, nearly bumping into the wall in front of me. "I suppose I got lost in contemplation..." I thought to myself.

I should run this theory by Tsukaiuchi-San and my staff. If my hunch is correct, then there may be a second organization is heroes must worry about. An organization of artificially created creatures all with the exact same form of unidentified blood.


Bakugo's POV:

It's been almost 6 months ever since auntie died and De-... Izuku went missing. I've been training my body and quirk like crazy every day since the day I learned of what happened.

"The funeral was nice... I'll miss auntie..." I thought to myself.

I know I shouldn't be forgiven for what I have done. But I'm still going to try. I've tried being nicer to people... I've stopped bullying those with weaker quirks than me... stopped harassing the quirkless.

Everyone at school has been wondering about my sudden change in personality. Of course, I'm still me, my personality hasn't changed a bit. The only thing that's changed is my morality... my views on those "inferior" to everyone else.

Even then, I haven't fully changed. Sure, I've stopped harassing them, but it takes a while for you to fully forget something you've come to whole heartedly believe to be true for years. Especially if it's something as serious as quirk discrimination.

Disgustingly, the teachers themselves have come to me and told me that what I used to do to the inferiors kept them in line and that I should go back to how I was before. Hey said that someone destined for greatness shouldn't be kind to those destined for failure.

Rage. Disgust. Disappointment.

These were the main things I'd always feel whenever someone said something similar to this. But, I wasn't just mad at the people who'd say these things. I was mad with myself. Mad that this is how I used to act. Mad that deep down within me, I still believe these lies to an extent and I can't help it.

Not only this, but when I mentioned Izuku's mom dying and Izuku himself going missing. Everybody... laughed...

They mocked the so-called "weaklings". Saying that people that weak shouldn't live to waste the Earth's oxygen supply.

I ended up blasting them in the face for this. But I found myself more angry of the fact that they mocked auntie than Izuku.

Don't get me wrong, I was fuming that they said those things about Izuku too.

But after years and years of bullying him, belittling him. Believing that he was weaker than everyone else...

It would take me much longer to fully see Izuku as being equal to everyone else...

I struck the tree beside me in complete rage, yelling at the top of my lungs in order to to let it all out. Let out all my anger onto the perfectly innocent tree. It's what I did best after all...

Finally, I finished my assault on the tree with a loud crackle of explosions and an even louder pop. Leaving a huge burn mark on the bark of the tree.

"What am I going to do...?" I questioned myself aloud, memories of everything I did to my ex-best friend replaying like a movie in my mind.

The horrible thing about all of this is... if I ever do find Izuku... no... when I find Izuku... he'll likely instantly forgive me.

That damn idiot is so nice and forgiving that he wouldn't hesitate to tell me that everything I did was okay. Hell, he probably doesn't even think what I did to him was bad. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that what I did to him was bad...

What I did was villainous...

But Izuku wouldn't see it that way. He just wouldn't...

He'd just assure me how much of an awesome hero I was... How I'm so great. How I'm going to be number 1.

Well that last one was true. I was going to be No.1 but I wasn't great... I wasn't awesome... and I wasn't a hero... far from it.

I think by the time I become No.1 I will fully change... I'll be a better person by then. But as of now, I don't deserve to even think about being No.1. That's not my top priority anymore. My top priority is to find that damn quirkless idiot, bring him back home, and then forbid him from forgiving me.

Yeah... that's what I'd do.

I thought back to the good times, when I hadn't hurt him.

"Where did it go wrong?" I asked myself. "When and how did I become such an asshole?"

I clenched my fists as tightly as I could, causing blood to spew from my fingers as realization struck me.

I had always been an asshole. But... I had become a... villain... I became a villainous kid when everyone around me praised me for how great I was. They got into my head, always reminding me of how great of a hero I was going to be.

The teachers... my classmates... society itself always taught me that weak-quirked individuals and quirkless people were useless. They were at the bottom of the evolutionary hierarchy.

And I believed it. I fell for it like an idiot without think for myself if it was actually true... if it was the right thing to believe.

I always made those around me feel useless when in reality... I was the useless one.

Izuku always has the resolve, the right in him to become the best while I was just handed the opportunity.

I didn't blame those around me though... while part of this was definitely their fault... It was my fault for believing it. My fault for everything.

"How could I be so stupid?" I thought to myself.

I didn't deserve anyone's forgiveness. And that's exactly why I'm going to keep getting stronger... I'll become No.1 for you.... Izuku.


Hina Agatsuma's POV:

"Light Breathing: First Form: Enlightenment."

I relentlessly swung my sword several times. The demon's body exploded in front of me into many pieces, dismembering each of its limbs from the main body.

Blood splattered all over the walls and ground of the underground fighting arena I was currently in.

Yet another demon-infested location eradicated.

This place had even more demons than the last one I had encountered. However, this was an incredibly easy job as compared to last time. I suppose that just goes to demonstrate the level of growth I have undergone since last time.

Only a few scratches and bruises on my body that I only had sustained due to the large amounts of demons all attacking me at once. I had to admit, they were fairly well-coordinated and synchronized in their attacks.

The demon I just killed had been the last of them in this specific location.

Other demon slayers, mainly Hashira, have been assigned to attack these locations which are usually found by our Kasugai crows.

I brought my katana to my side, carefully sheathing it once again, but not before wiping all of the remaining blood off of it.

"That should be the final mission for today," I muttered to myself, making my way out of the building, out onto the open and dangerous streets of an infamous Red-light district.

My mind came to think about my encounter with Eraserhead a couple of weeks ago. I made sure not to let him see many features of my appearance, however, someone as skilled and as observant as him definitely made out some details I may not have been able to hide.

I guess a mask would be helpful for us demon slayers, but we never usually need them as their aren't many heroes out at this time of night.

In any case, I've definitely palaces some kind of a target on my back. Especially if he saw more of my appearance than I thought he did.

"I should've knocked him out as soon as I realized he was there," I thought to myself.


"So troublesome."

I may have brought even more attention to the DS Corps then their was prior. The heroes are undoubtedly on the lookout. They had probably found the remaining demon blood at the scene that hadn't yet evaporated.

Hopefully they did not touch a large amount of it... That would be a bad outcome.

On a more positive note, Izu's training is really coming along well. He's pushing himself to become stronger just like he said he would. I've even started training him to hit fast-moving objects. Very soon, I'll have him spar against me. Of course I will hold back greatly... wouldn't want to hurt him too badly.

I'd say he's almost on the level of a low ranking demon slayer.

However, I'm still not sure if I should allow him to participate in the exam... he likely is capable... but he's not even a teenager, he's not even 10!

I don't need him getting hurt, or worse. Killed.

Even if he does impress me greatly by the time of the exam... I likely still wouldn't allow it to happen. I can't in good conscience allow it to happen. Maybe if he was a little bit older... But this was too much for someone his age.

His progress would have to impress me to such a degree that it would leave me speechless.

And I honestly don't see that happening.

But who knows....

You can never be too sure about something when it comes to Izuku.


Izuku's POV:

I sat in a small chair, childishly pouting in annoyance at my situation.

Once again I was about to have a stupid therapy session with the nice man. I don't actually mind them that much.. it's just that I shouldn't be focusing on my mental health..

I didn't have to do it before my life changed. So why should I have to do it now? It isn't needed. It's just slowing down my progress.

But I have to open up more... If I don't then even if I impress sensei enough for her to let me take the exam, she wouldn't allow it since I didn't "open up enough".

Not only have I continued my training in Light Breathing, I have also continued reading through the Flower Breathing guide. I have even began training up my slow-mo vision even more.

But... now my eyes have been starting to hurt. That was a warning in the book for the Equinoctial Vermillion Eye technique to only be used under dire circumstances or risk temporary or permanent blindness due to ruptured in the eyes.

I decided that it would probably be best to stop practicing that specific technique for now, but I would continue internalizing the instructions for its usage just in case I actually end up having to use it.

But every other form of Flower Breathing were pretty easy for me to use now. I haven't told sensei about training to use the technique as I should be focusing on Light Breathing.

I'm pretty sure no one knows that I'm training with Flower Breathing so that's good.


I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, eyes flicking over to the man that was my therapist. "I hadn't even heard him come in the room!" I thought to myself.

"S-sorry sir... got lost in my th-thoughts a-again..." I said.

"I really need to get rid of that stutter," I thought to myself.

The man nodded, sitting in the chair across from me with a gentle, calm, and reassuring smile in his face.

"How has your training been coming along?" The man asked.

"O-oh. It's been good... sensei has started t-training me in hitting m-moving objects."

My therapist nodded at me, serene and calming presence remaining in full force.

"I heard you wish to participate in the demon slayer exam, is that right?" my therapist questioned.

I flinched slightly at that, not expecting him to know.

I nodded hesitantly.

"That's quite a goal you have there. It will be difficult for you to be allowed to take place by Agatsuma-San. And if you are to be allowed, the exam itself is highly dangerous, gruesome, and relentless," he said.

"Hardly something a young child like yourself should be concerned about."

"I... I can't just wait any longer... I need to do this..." I countered.

"Why do you need to?" he shot back, emphasizing the word 'need'.

I looked away from the man, not wanting to really talk about this again.

"I just... I just need to..."

The man shut his eyes, nodding a single time, acknowledging my answer that wasn't really an answer to his question.

"Do you have any other goals other than being allowed to participate in the exam?"

"Other than just becoming stronger?" he added on.

I thought about it for a moment, turning my head back to look at the man.

"I want to become a hero..." I said, barely louder than a whisper.

"Ah yes. That's a good goal to have. But, why do you wish to be a hero?" he asked.

I didn't need to think to answer this question, especially since I had already told sensei the reason.

"So I can be a person who can save those in need. So I can show everyone who has weak quirks or who are quirkless that they can become heroes too," I answered, determined as ever to see this goal through to the very end.

"I don't just want to be No.1 anymore... I want to be someone people can look up to... like Allmight."


Tsukaiuchi's POV:

I looked across the scattered photos, notes, theories, physical evidence, and more. My full concentration was being directed at the large amount of evidence I have accumulated with the help of my police force, Eraser, and Nezu.

Just earlier today, Nezu-San had informed me of his suspicions of the possibility that another group or organization exists that the "slayers" might oppose.

It could be possible. And Nezu's explanations of what this second organization would likely be and how they operate are all possibilities.

It explains the unidentifiable blood away with experimentations as well as a reason why the slayers might be killing these people, despite witnesses stating that they normally have a kind and heroic personality.

While there is no evidence to back up Nezu's suspicions, I have learned that whenever that man has a gut feeling or a sneaking suspicion about something... more often than not, it ends up being correct.

I made sure to jot down all of what Nezu had said and have added it to the mountain evidence and theories that were currently on my table.

While we had now gotten a decent amount of evidence, most of it have been theoretical, circumstantial, suspicions, or purely based on eye witnesses.

Nothing substantial.

Nothing that would be taken seriously.

I slammed my fist onto my desk in frustration, a few of the objects around me to rattled from the vibrations.

I closed my eyes shut and took in a deep breath.

"This was likely the most elusive organization I have ever come across in my time as a detective..." I thought to myself

"Plus... I'm still working on that Izuku Midoriya case..."

Most of the other officers not just in Musutafu but in other cities in Japan, could care less about some random quirkless child. They had much better things to do with their time. This also included heroes not doing their job and ignoring the brutal crime committed on the kid and his mother.

I was incapable of getting into contact with the boy's father... almost as if he had disappeared from the map.

"I'd have to look into that later.." I muttered.

I have been in touch with the Bakugou family, apparently being the only people close to Izuku Midoriya and Inko Midoriya.

They had given me all of the information I had asked for... my quirk didn't pick up any lies coming from them.

All in all, the boy seemed to have had a decent life. No reports of bullying or neglect or anything of the sort. Not from the Bakugo and not from the school both Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo attended.

However, upon further investigation of the school, the staff all had bad things to say about Izuku Midoriya... saying that he would always hit and tease the other children. Insult them in cruel, almost villainous ways, and that he often got suspended for his actions.

My lie detector quirk was easily capable of seeing through these lies... the only true thing stated was that Izuku Midoriya was often suspended from school... but the reasons as to why he was suspended weren't.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this school isn't as uplifting to the students as it claimed to be.

Yet another thing I'd have to look in to.

The only thing I knew for sure is that the slayer that was seen near the Midoriyas' apartment complex on the night of the attack likely took the boy away. Unfortunately, most officers and heroes didn't want to bother with this case, and so the apartment was searched as thoroughly as it should've been within these past 6 months.

It was to the point that no one had bothered to check any of the cameras nearby to find video footage. I hadn't gotten the chance to as at the time, I had my plate full with an overwhelming plethora of other cases I needed to work on.

I only recently started to take this Midoriya case seriously and put my utmost attention into it.

Well as much as I could along with investigating the school's behavior.

But finding this Izuku kid may lead us closer to learning even more about the slayer organization... we may even be able to find and arrest the female member who likely kidnapped the boy.

"I'll inform the chief of this predicament... he's likely the only other person in the police force who would take this Midoriya case seriously."


Doctor's POV:

I carefully tended the green-haired boy's wounds, wiping blood off of his cheeks with a clean cloth.

"You really oughta be more careful. Next time, I won't be healing you," I said aggressively to the brat.

Of course it was only a warning... if he really needed for his wounds to be tended to again, then of course I would help. But the boy had to learn to take it easy when training.

Lately, he's been coming back after a whole day of training with injuries even an official demon slayer would have trouble walking around with.

It only made me even more concerned at his pain tolerance and how much pain he must've gone through before coming here. I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't yet told Kagaya-sama everything he's gone through.

Hell. I don't even know everything he has gone through. I only know a little bit of it from the first time we met over 6 months ago.

"Man time really flies..." I thought to myself.

"Sorry doctor," the brat said, with a genuine apologetic tone of voice.

I didn't answer with words, only nodding, the dissatisfied expression on my face remaining unchanged.

Apparently he had pushed himself quite a lot today. To the point where he came back to me with a broken finger.

With what he told me, it sounded like he should've come back with way more than just a broken finger... he should've come back with a broken arm.

"Just how durable is this kid?" I pondered.

"Just be more careful. I know you're trying to push yourself so that you can be accepted into the exam. But you need to take it easy... take breaks every once and a while. A brat your age should not be worrying about becoming a demon slayer," I said sternly, not allowing my concern to show.

I've honestly grown quite fond of the brat, though I'd never admit it.

He's quite lucky my quirk is what it is. Or else he'd have to wait a while before he could start training again.

My quirk allows me to speed up a body's regenerative properties by consuming their blood.

It is considered a vampirism-type quirk due to the need of having blood as a fuel source.

Naturally, like all other vampirism quirks, this quirk gives me a large, unbearable desire for blood. However, it isn't as dangerous as people make it out to be...

Especially since mine is a healing quirk. But people didn't see it that way. Despite my quirk's positive functions, I was always treated as different... as someone who needed to be fixed just because of my class of quirk.

So I could sympathize and understand what the green brat must've gone through if he is quirkless.

It doesn't matter who you are or what your quirk is... No one... and I mean no one is treated worse than quirkless people.

It's honestly disgusting how lowly people think of those who aren't "normal".

Honestly, what does normal even mean anymore?

In a world full of supernatural abilities, demons, and breathing styles... normal doesn't exist.

The hero society has created a false standard of what should be considered normal, causing people to believe that those who are even slightly different from that false normality should be punished for it.

It's evil. It's corrupt.

People don't know it until they experience it themselves. But hero society is truly villainous. That's likely why so many people become criminals in the first place. They weren't accepted anywhere else and so decided to become what they were always accused of being.

I looked back down at the kid who was now flipping through his journal. My gaze softened a bit.

Despite what the brat may think, he is just a kid deep down. No matter how much he may try to hide how he's feeling. If only he would just open up to Kagaya-Sama more... he could be getting even better help than he already is.


Izuku's POV:

After I was allowed to leave one of the several recovery rooms within the Butterfly Mansion, I decided to go outside to the training grounds at the back of the building.

Not to train some more. I had decided that I should probably stop training for the rest of the day and would just continue tomorrow.

Sure, I didn't like taking breaks that would slow down my progress. But I wasn't stupid. I know it wouldn't be good to train with a still healing finger. I could accidentally negate the healing process and make the injury worse.

I didn't want to train my body, but I did want to train my analysis even more. Throughout the past months I have been analyzing the techniques and movements of the demon layers that come to train in the back yard

It's gotten to the point where I actually know a lot more about swordsmanship than I let on whenever I train with Agatsuma-Sensei.

Not that I want to deceive her or anything. I just think it would increase the shock and impressiveness if to her I seemingly picked up these things out of nowhere.

A smile graced my lips as I walked out of the back door, noticing two demon slayers training in the blazing heat.

Of course I was doing the same things in the same temperature, but I trained off in the forested area where there was a lot more shade.

"Hope they have sunscreen..." I muttered, sitting on the steps outside, taking out my journal and writing down everything I saw.

And I mean everything.

I guess my analysis skills really aren't useless... Kachaan was wrong about that... they're helping me learn different breathing styles quicker than it normally takes to learn them. Well... according to sensei at least.

I heard the two talk to each other about me thanks to my enhanced hearing, while they kept training on.

They weren't saying hurtful things, which made me a little happy, but they did seem confused as to who I was and why I was here.

I just looked up at them and smiled, causing them to wince and go back to training.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why'd they wince like that?" I thought.

"Maybe I accidentally released a bit of my bloodlust...?" "I have only just started learning how to do that, so I don't have much control over it."

My inner rage and bloodlust can seep out of me on accident. Even if I'm not actually angry about something. It's something I have to work on.

Anyways. It'd make sense that they don't know me... this is my first time seeing these two demon slayers training here. Maybe they were only recently given access and knowledge to the DS Corps' main base.

I was able to recognize one of their breathing styles being Flame Breathing.

I had seen another demon slayer use it not too long ago and I had wrote down everything that I had observed about it.

It wasn't too long until the demon slayers stopped training for the day and left.

I didn't mind though. I got a lot of information on them. Especially on their techniques.

I thought back to Kachaan and auntie Mitsuki and uncle Masaru.

"I wonder how they're all doing..."


Eraserhead's POV:

Ever since the underground arena incident... I began doing less and less of my nightly patrols within the cities of Japan.

Mainly because I have been getting a lot of paperwork due to my involvement in not only the slayer organization case, but also the missing kid case. Izuku Midoriya.

I had only joined the case and search for the kid about a week ago. Definitely a saddening situation that caused me to remember moments from my past years, both as a previous hero in training as a current professional underground hero.

But these types of cases just cane with the job. This is not the first time I have participated in a case similar to the Midoriya one, and it sure as hell won't be my last.

However, I mostly only joined the case due to its potential involvement with the infamous slayer organization. It's slowly but surely been gaining a lot more attention from law enforcement as well as heroes.

Unfortunately, many of the heroes joining the case are only doing it because of the recognition and praise that would come with either solving it or capturing a few of the "suspects". If you can even call them that.

We have no one as real "suspects" apart from the slayer that I had run into a couple of weeks ago. The slayer very likely being the one spotted around the Midoriya family's apartment complex.

But finally, I am finally able to patrol once again today... which I have been doing for a few hours now.

After the last incident in the last red-Light district... it showed me that their are too many crimes and villains that stake-out in these areas.

Of course I already knew that, but I actually saw it for the first time just how brutal it could be in these areas.

So I've taken it upon myself to patrol around yet another red-light district tonight. A different one from last time.

There were way too many mugging, assaults, and murders that occurred just within my few hours of patrolling this area. It made me wonder how people even safely lived here.

Those who do love here are likely those who don't really have much of a choice. Most of the people I have saved so far within the past couple of hours have either been people with mutant-based quirks, or weak quirks.

They were likely ostracized from society and were forced to flee into these red-light districts where there were more people like them. Unfortunately, they don't seem to really have the money to move back out.

Underground arenas, human trafficking businesses, black markets, torture cells, gang bases... illegal jobs... everything you could think of was here.

I shook my head at that, regaining my focus.

"I have to stay focused... especially in this area. For all I know someone could be watching me right now," I muttered. "I wouldn't put it past the criminals here."

"I should probably end my patrol soon... it looks like I've stopped all of the crimes going on tonight."

However. Something very powerful made itself known.

A loud noise pierced the air, traveling far and wide, piercing my ears with its sudden presence. The familiarity of the noise was troublesome.

Something that I had heard many times before. Something that I had grown accustom to, time and time again throughout my life.

An ear piercing cry for help...

A desperate plea to be saved from whatever was happening.

In an instant, I twisted and turned my body to face the direction of the scream, dashing off as fast as I could, using my new capture scarf to latch onto anything I could grab and use it as something I could swing off of.

I've heard some people equate my swinging movements to some random fictional character called "Spider-Man". I honestly had no idea who this was and honestly never bothered to find out.

Probably some pre-quirk era topic.

Before long, I spotted it. The scene of the crime. The place from where that blood curdling scream originated.

I could feel my body stiffen up at the sight before me.

Eyes went wide and my blood ran cold. A chill went up my spine for the first time in years. I lifted up my right arm to grab onto my capture scarf, landing just a few feet away form the sight.

A sickening crunch. One last quiet plea for help.

It wasn't my first time dealing with a cannibal. But it was the first time I had caught a cannibal in the middle of eating a steal breathing woman.

I suppressed the urge to vomit, knowing very well that I had failed. Knowing very well that the girl was dead. And leaning over her mutilated body was a disgusting excuse of a man still tearing her flesh from her body with his teeth.

I felt rage build up within me, but still I sustained a calm and neutral demeanor as to not let my emotions get the better of me in a time like this.

The man hadn't seemed to notice me. Either that or he didn't care that I was here, only caring for his meal.

I shot my capture scar out, wrapping it around the man's head.

I then used a good amount of physical strength to yank the cannibal to the side, banging his head against the outside wall of a building that he had been directly next to.

I gritted my teeth in distain as I watched the man get up and shrug it off like it was nothing.

"I know I didn't use all of my strength. But that impact should've been enough to knock most people out. Especially since it was head first onto the wall," I thought.

The man looked at me eyes bearing nothing but desire.

He begs salivating, foaming at the mouth, bearing his fangs menacingly at me.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately recognized this behavior.

Back on the day of the underground arena incident... that man the female slayer had killed right in front of me acted the same way. Totally wild and devoid of common sense.

I narrowed my eyes at the man, activating my quirk in preparation, both hair and scarf floating upwards as if gravity had lost its effects on them.

"Need. More. Food."

I raised an eyebrow at the man, sending yet another end of my capture scarf at him to wrap around his midsection, firmly holding him in place as I ran up to the disgusting excuse for a human being.

I leaped up slightly, grabbing his head and bringing it down on my knee, landing a powerful blow straight to the head. I spun my body around immediately after, gaining momentum for a kick at full force.

However, the man regained his already non-existent composure and broke out of the restraints, narrowly dodging my kick, delivering a strong punch to my side as a counter.




I winced in pain, leaping back as quickly as I could.

"Crap! I think he broke my ribs..." I thought. "I have to be more cautious."

The man dashed at me at unnatural speeds, prompting me to believe that he may have a speed quirk. But that didn't make sense.

"I haven't let go of my erasure quirk yet... so everything he is doing... he's doing without powers," I said, realization dawning on me.

"Still he may be fast, but his movements are sporadic," I observed, quickly dodging a few more swipes from the man's abnormally long and sharp nails.

"He's fast." "But not so fast to the point that cannot follow his movements... he's in a state similar t drunkenness and the noises he is making are incoherent..."

"Just one properly aimed chip to the neck should be enough..."

A sharp pain shot through my shoulder.

I looked to my shoulder, eyes widening in horror as the man's razor sharp fangs bore into my shoulder. Relentlessly attempting to bite off a good chinch of my flesh.

I acted quickly, throwing the man off of me, slamming him to the ground with all of my remaining strength.

I stomped my foot onto the man's head, sending him into a short-lasting daze as the man got up soon after.

Quickly, I wrapped my scarf around his entire body, properly restraining him this time.

I went in for the finishing blow, neck chopping the bastard, finally knocking the guy out...

He fell down onto his stomach, wild nature fading into unconsciousness. One the man fell to the ground, I pressed my foot up against his neck, keeping the man down on the ground.

"Stay.... down...." was all I could muster up the strength to say.

I looked over at my injured shoulder, noticing that the man had been able to bite a whole chunk of it off. I was rapidly losing blood and I could feel my vision start to fade.

"Come on, hold out just a little longer..." I muttered, pulling out my burner phone to call Detective Tsukaiuchi.

Involuntarily, I fell down to my knees, vision blurred even more, my thoughts becoming incoherent.

"I'm not going to be able to dial his number..." I realized, quickly changing what it was I had to do.

Instead of calling him, which I didn't have time for, I pressed a singular button, sending the detective my location.

Eventually, I fell down onto my stomach right next to the cannibalistic man I had just defeated.

"Please get hear soon... before this guy gets back up."

My vision went black, my senses shut off... finally allowing myself to pass out.

Author's Note: You have finally reached the end of this chapter. Honestly, I may have made this a bit too long, but I want Izuku to become an official demon slayer very soon.

Don't worry. Spoiler, we will be getting to that point soon. I honestly do hope you enjoyed this incredibly long chapter as we got to see perspectives from everyone we've met up until now.

Word Count: 9000

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