The Journey Begins: Book One...

By TynyTitan

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Set two years after Red had become the champion of the Indigo League, Seris Nova is sent to Pallet Town by hi... More

Introductions and Info on the Story
The Team (ongoing edits)
Chapter 1 cont.
Chapter 2: Feeling Faint
Chapter 3: Catching Up
Chapter 4: All Fired Up
Chapter 5: The Pewter, The Better
Chapter 6: A Toxic Encounter

Chapter 1: A Promise in Pallet

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By TynyTitan









*The scene opens on an abundance of trees from below as it slowly pans up to a small town in the middle with a semi-bustling main street. On the end of said street is a nice sized building with a crystal dome on its roof. The people were minding their own business or chattering amongst themselves as they go on their daily lives. On the northern entrance of town, a man on Pidgeot slowly descends from the sky with what appears to be a passenger cart of a Ferris wheel being held by the talons of said Pokémon. As the Pokémon lands the car gently on the ground, the man riding on the back of it gets off gently, heads over to the car and opens up the door before speaking out loud*

Taxi Pilot: Here we are kid, Pallet Town. It's time to get out after.

*There is some movement in the car as a teen comes out of it slowly. His appearance is kind of short for a teen with semi-shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a long sleeve black shirt with a pair of jeans that has a tear on his right knee, but its covered up underneath with a patch of denim in the same color, and a pair of sneakers with the checker board pattern on them. He hops out of the car with a brown backpack over his shoulders. With one glance on the surrounding area and the town itself, he sighs in annoyance and asks the man*

???: Tell me this is a practical joke...

Taxi Pilot: Hate to break it to you, but this is legitimately the place. See! 

*The man points his finger with the teen looking in that direction to see a sign that says "Welcome to Pallet Town" on it. The teen sighs in annoyance again as he looks down a bit and mumbles to himself*

???: Of course, mom's friend is the middle of nowhere... well, at least it's better here than home since it's actually outside so hopefully everything isn't all bor-

*Before he could finish that sentence, a huge gust of wind hits the side of his body as he was almost blown over. Upon inspecting where the wind was coming from, he sees the Pidgeot with its owner on its back starts flying upwards in the car in its talons again as it continues to go up into the sky until they were out of sight. He Watches this transpire before looking to his right, seeing the thick trail with thick grass and trees surrounding it. He stares at it for a few seconds before scoffing a bit and heading down the other way towards the town. After a few minutes of walking, he makes it to the center of the town with people passing by him left and right. He looks around a bit as he tries to someone's attention. He suddenly spots a man with brown frizzy hair wearing a pair of oval shaped glasses, an olive green buttoned-up collared shirt, brown pants and dark brown shoes. He swift comes up to him from behind and asks him swiftly*

???: Scuse me?

*As soon as he says those words, the man freaks out a bit from being surprised and turns around towards the teen with fear in his eyes a bit before sighing in relief and responding to him*

?????: Don't do that to me, kid. You could've scared me to death!

???: Tch. Well, "excuse me sir," but I need some help trying to find a house around here and you looked like someone who has unfortunately lived here long enough.

?????: .....I am going to forget that last part. However, I have lived here for a long time, so I most likely will know who you will be trying to find. Who are you looking for?

*The teen pulls out his phone and scrolls through his texts to see what the name of the person his mom wants him to visit*

???: Ummmmmmmmmm, her name is Delia Toyoshima.

*The man was surprised about hearing her name and starts to assume it was for the obvious reason*

?????: You are trying to find "him," aren't you?...

???: Him?

*The teenager looked at him in confusion a bit as the man groaned a bit before vaguely stating again*

?????: You know "hiiiiiim."

*He just looks at him with the face of being confused and scared at the same time before questioning him*

???: What in Arceus's name are you talking about? I'm just here to visit since she and my mom were childhood friends.

*He gives of a look of relief before giving a look of realization at him as he talks to the teen*

?????: Oh...Ohhhhhhhhhh! You're Carina's kid, Cyrus, aren't you?

*The teen grunts in frustration upon hearing that name and yells back a bit*

Cyrus?: First off! I am NOT a kid! Secondly, the name is Seris Nova. SERIS. Not Cyrus. Seris.

?????: ...Anyway, her house is just down the main road here on the first right, then the firstpath on the left and it'll be on your right. 

Seris: Yeah. Whatever. Thanks. 

*He starts to leave down the road he was directed towards, but as he leaves ear range of the man, the man mutters to himself as he pushes up his glasses while walking down the road towards the building with the glass dome*

?????: I'm surprised doesn't know about her son...He will though soon enough...

*Seris slowly makes his way towards the house he will being staying at for the next few days as while griping the whole way there under his breath. He, finally, finds his way there and is standing right in front of the door with some discontent in his mind*

Seris: goes nothing...

*He knocks on the door and waits at it while looking through his phone until it slowly opens and we see a woman in her mid to late 30s standing in front of him with a bit of confusion and distraught on her face*

???: Y-Yes...can I help you?

*Seris is a bit weirded out by this but decides to persevere onward while staying cautious in the back of his mind*

Seris: Ummmm. Are you Delia Toyoshima?

*The woman gets more worried as she backs up a bit with her hand on the door*

Delia: Th-That's right. I already told you people once and a thousand times, if you are looking for him, he hasn't come home in- 

*She was cut off by him putting his foot on the bottom of door and stating what is on his mind*

Seris: Hold it! First, I do not know who this guy is at all! Even if I was here for "him," I am not!

*Delia gained a bit of composure hearing this while having a bit of fear in the back of her mind from what the young man had just did and said*

Delia: Then...why are you here then?

*He sighed has he got through to her a bit as he removes his foot from the door and looks at her*

Seris: I am here to visit you. My name is Seris Nova... My mom is your friend, Carina Nova.

*Upon hearing this, Delia gains more composure as she looks over the young man. After a minute of inspecting him, her attitude takes a quick 180 as she smiles brightly before enveloping Seris in a warm and cheerful hug*

Delia: Oh my god! It is Seris! Ohhhhhhh!~ I haven't seen your face since I held you in my arms all those years ago!

Seris: What kind of Sweet Scent has this person been sniffing?

*After giving him a quick tour around the house, she shows Seris to the room he'll be staying in for the next few days. As they go up the stairs, Delia stops in front of the door and looks at it with sorrow. Seris tilts his body a bit to look at her then grows a curious look on his face*

Seris: Ummm, are you going to go in or not? 

*She snaps out of her confusion as he finishes that sentence before looking at him and having a small, yet fake smile plastered on her face*

Delia: Sorry about that. I was lost in my train of thought for a bit there. 

*They enter the room and it look like a room a kid would have, though for some reason it had a Nantendo Entertainment System plugged into the television as he explores his temporary living arrangements*

(EVQ: If you get the reference, you get a hope bagel.)

*While he explores, Delia speaks up while looking at him*

Delia: I'll be downstairs. Dinner will be done in just a bit. 

Seris: Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sure... 

*As Delia leaves the room, he looks around the room once more and sighs*

Seris: Instead of giving me a Pokémon, you stick me with a crazy lady in the middle of nowhere with barely anything to watch or game on... Thanks Mom...

*He looks towards the bed but stops midway as he sees a trophy on a shelf near the television. He gets closer to inspect it and it looks a bit dusty but still good enough make out the Pokéball in the center of the trophy cup. He then looks further down at the plaque glued to the stand of the cup and dusts it off with one thumb before reading it out loud to himself*

Seris: This trophy is presented to the individual for claiming the title of Champion in the Indigo League?... 

*He looks confused because not only because she doesn't look like a trainer, but he didn't see a single Pokémon or Pokéball in her household. As he reaches for the trophy to pick it up, his pinky hits a frame that was lying face down and it pushes the frame a bit, accidentally knocking it off the shelf and landing face up with glass shatter on it and on the floor a bit*

Seris: Oh crap...

*He bends over to clean up the glass, but his eye catches the person thats in the picture inside the frame. He rubbed his eyes with his wrist before looking at it again*

Seris: can't be...

*He rushes over to the trash can next to the retro computer and shakes all the glass out of the frame over the can before flipping back over and looking at it with his eyes widened*

Seris: It mistaking it...its him...

Seris: ...Red

*He stares at it dumbfounded about what he found but wonders for a second about why it's here until...*

???:...that picture was took the day he became champion...

*Seris looks up from the picture a bit surprised as she sees Delia at the door with a saddened expression on her face again*

Seris: Oh! Uhhhhh...Sorry about the frame...

Delia: It's hasn't been cleaned some time...I needed to get a new one anyways...

*The room was quiet for a moment before Seris broke suddenly with a question*

Seris: Was he the "him" you were referring to earlier?

Delia: Yes...Red is my son. Some people try to come here asking to battle him think he came here after he...vanished. 

*He looks at her with confusion before pressing further with the questions*

Seris: Vanished...what do you mean?

*She sighed a bit as she walks over to the bed and sat on it*

Delia: After the becoming the champion, Red decided to complete the PokéDex. He was doing well, too. He caught the Three Legendary Birds and he also caught that mysterious Psychic Pokémon in the Cerulean Cave. After that, he figured that since that Psychic Pokémon was based on another one, that would mean there were more Pokémon out there waiting to be discovered. He ventured out the next day to find it and other Pokémon that have yet to be discovered... That was the last time anyone saw him... Not Oak, not his girlfriend, not Blue... Not even me 

*She starts to tear up a bit as he clenches her fist on her lap. Seris looks at her with a bit of sorrow and guilt since he was the one who brought it back up. After a few seconds, she calms down a bit and stands back up*

Delia: But...Enough about that right now. We are here to talk about you and your birthday present!

*Delia gives him a warm smile as Seris looks at her with a seriously confused face while also being surprised by another 180 on her personality*

Seris: Present? You are giving me a present???

*She laughs a little as she smiles again at him while explaining*

Delia: No. I got on the phone with your mother while you were exploring the room to see why she sent you here to me. She has been impressed with your care for Pokémon not only around your home but also at the place she works and well... she decided it's finally time for you to go on your own journey and discover who you want to be so... Happy Birthday Seris!

*As she talks, she pulls out a envelope that was already opened and hands it to him. He looks at i skeptically and takes it lightly. He slowly pulls out the contents and is shocked and amazed to see what is inside. Inside is the orientation letter for a beginning train as well as a confirmation ticket for a starter Pokémon signed and approved by Professor Oak*

Seris: There's no way... There's no way!...THERE'S NO DAMN WAY! YYYYESSSSSSSSSS!!!! I AM GETTING MY FIRST POKÉM- 

*Before he could finish that sentence, he gets smacked upside the back of his head by Delia who is holding comically oversized paper fan in her right hand*

Delia: You can get excited all you want, but as long as you are a guest in this house, you will not cuss! Understood! 

Seris: Yes ma'am...

Delia: For now, though, let's get some food in you and get you straight to bed. You got a big day tomorrow. 

*He nods slightly as they go downstairs. That night, as the clock struck 11 o'clock, the house was soundly asleep with the exception of one person. Seris is seen laying down on the bed with his body turned towards the shelf where Red's trophy is presented. He stares at it silently for what feels like hours until he slowly gets and searches the room, pulling out a pencil, a hard cover book and a piece of paper from a drawer in the computer desk as well as a piece of glass found next to the trash bin that the broken glass was tossed into. He gets back onto the bed as he starts on his little project before falling asleep for the night*

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