Don't ever scare me like that...

By hallowedchalices

802 30 51

"You should be glad my dick isn't made out of metal and steel." - WOWOWOWOW WHAT A KINKY DESCRIPTION (used... More



89 4 7
By hallowedchalices

-- Kimmy < 3rd person >

Headquarters, Cafeteria.
(takes place before & after chapter 4).

You quickly look away from X.borg and continue the conversation you had with Alpha.

"Hey Kimmy I'm gonna check up on the kitchen, are you okay with serving the heroes on your own?" Alpha asks as he points to the kitchen.

"Of course! It is my duty to do so, I don't mind." You reply with a bright smile on your face.

"Alright, good luck with your task. I'll see you later." Alpha says as he waves at you and walks towards the kitchen.

"Thanks, you too!" You say as you wave back.

You walked over to the counter to examine the food and plan out how you would serve the meals.

While you were examining, a group of heroes walked over and started asking a few questions

"Hello! May I ask what's on the menu? What kind of drinks are available?" Roger asks.

"Hi Roger! We have apple pie, fruit salad, vegetable salad, and some grilled chicken. For drinks we serve regular water, fruity fizzy drinks, and some tea." You reply as you list the things on the menu with the help of your notepad.

"That's sweet! Can I have grilled chicken?" Roger asks as his eyes sparkle.

"Coming right up! Any drinks?" You ask as you prepare a plate for the chicken.

"Regular water would do." Roger answers as his mouth starts to water with hunger.

• Sometime later.

You served all the heroes until they were full, you finally sighed and wiped your forehead with a tissue after your last order of the day.

"Aw yeah! We did it Kim, how do you feel?" Layla says as she fistbump the air.

"That was fun but very exhausting, my respect for the minions grew a lot." You answer as you take a deep breath and exhale.

"How about you Alpha? How was it for you?" Layla questions as she faces Alpha.

"It was nothing, my energy is still very full" Alpha answers as he checks a monitor which you guessed was probably for his battery.

"Alright guys! That wraps up for the day. I already cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes, I'm gonna go now, bye!" Layla says as she basically hops her way to her dorm.

You waved her goodbye and watched as Layla hops to her dorm until she's out of view. You then felt a gentle tap on your shoulder and turned towards Alpha, raising your eyebrows.

"Hey Kimmy, it was a delight working with you." Alpha says as he reaches his hand for a shake.

"Likewise!" You reply as you shook his hand.

"Say, why don't I take you to your dorm? We could have a short chat." Alpha asks as he let go of your hand.

"Sure, why not?" You reply as you gently grab onto Alpha's arm to lead him, but before you could walk your way towards the dorm rooms, a minion stops infront of you and started babbling.

"Hey Alpha?.. Could you translate?" You ask as you let go of Alpha's arm and squat infront of the minion.

"Sure thing. Beta, may you translate what the minion spoke?" Alpha asks to his mini aircraft.

"Certainly. Translating..." The aircraft responds while examining the minion.

"We need help with the kitchen, Layla didn't help at all. That is what he spoke." Beta then responds after a few minutes.

"What? But didn't she just said that she..?" You ask, confused.

"She probably wanted to head back and sleep sooner, let's go, we need to help them." Alpha replies as he walks to the kitchen.

You nod in response and walked in right behind him.

When you saw the kitchen, it was an absolute mess. Dishes were everywhere and minions were running around.

You turned to look at Alpha and sighed deeply "This is gonna take us all day."

• 5 hours 24 minutes 06 seconds.

"So, what inspired you to become a marksman?" Alpha asks as both of you walk towards your dorm.

You gulped at that question, it was very personal and you've never shared it to anyone. You felt like it wasn't necessary anymore since your initial inspiration was not something you'd wanna continue to aim for.

"It was.. Revenge. I was overtaken by rage and anger, but now that I have matured I realised it was not right for me; to fight only for revenge, now I fight for justice and innocent people." You answer, trying to not spill anything that would make you regret later.

"...I see. We have reached your dorm now" Alpha says as he stops walking and points to your dorm.

"Oh! Yes we have." You say as you insert your dorm key and twist the knob.

Alpha only nodded in response and crosses his arms.

You open the door and looked back one last time to express your gratitude towards Alpha and tried to lighten up the mood.

"Thanks for helping today! It was a pleasure working with you Alpha. Oh, hey X.borg!" You say, once you fully went inside you saw X.borg and greeted him while waving.

X.borg only waved back in response and rummaged through his closet, supposedly looking for something.

"The pleasure is all mine. Also, Kimmy. Do you mind helping me build a Battle Bike later? Captain gave me the task to build it but I need assistance, could you?" Alpha asks you as he fidgets with his hand.

You thought for a while, since you knew absolutely nothing about building, but since Alpha did walk you to your dorm it won't hurt to pay him back.

"Hmm.. Well, I don't have much experience in building but I know a thing or two about them. Sure, I'll help!" You reply as you grin.

You noticed that X.borg stopped rummaging through his closet when Alpha asked that question, you found it weird and not important but kept note of it.

"Alright, thanks Kimmy. I'll take a shower first, I'll text you okay? Be sure you arrive at my workshop." Alpha says as he hands you a paper with his number scribbled on it.

"You're welcome! See you then." You responded as you took the paper and closed the door when Alpha left.

You locked the door and turned around to see X.borg in one of his phenomenal outfit, Graffiti Fashion.

"Oh~ you're wearing your Graffiti Fashion outfit! You plan on going somewhere?" You ask as you scan his outfit, which might've looked like you were unintentionally checking him out.

"I'm hanging out with Granger tonight, do you like the outfit?" X.borg asks, looking a bit nervous and flustered.

"I like it, it looks cool! Have fun with Granger." You respond as you take off your apron and sigh.

"Thanks, I'll get going now. Have fun with Alpha in your little date" X.borg says, you could hint the sarcasm in his voice and decided to play along.

"It's not a date! I'm just helping him." You say as you jokingly pout and then chuckle.

You noticed that X.borg softened his expression and slightly smiled at your reaction.

"Yeah okay, I'm gonna go now, bye." X.borg says as he unlocks the door and heads out.

"Bye!" You reply before he closes the door.

X.borg closes the door and locks it from the outside. You plopped on your bed and let out another sigh of tiredness.

You lowkey regret accepting Alpha's request but you can't just not help him after he helped you with the kitchen situation.

You headed towards the bathroom to take a shower and let all your tiredness wash away in the cold water.

After showering you dried yourself up in a towel and headed out to choose an outfit.

Since you were going to build after all, you decided to wear something that is comfortable and easy to clean incase you got yourself dirty.

You choose a pair of grey sweatpants and a pair of black long-sleeved shirt.

After dressing up you picked up the paper Alpha gave you from your dresser and texted the number.


Hello, Alpha. I'm done freshening up,
when do you want me to arrive?

Hi Kimmy! Right now is alright,
I just arrived at my workshop.

Got it, I'll be there soon.


You turned off your phone and opened the drawer on your bedside table, looking for the dorm keys.

After you found the keys you grabbed them and put on a pair of black shoes with orange laces.

You unlocked the door and went outside not forgetting to lock the door again.

You walk towards the workshop areas and searched for Alpha's workshop, in the meantime you saw the other heroes workshops.

'How come none of the Moniyan Warriors have a workshop of their own?' You ask yourself as you continue to roam around and look for Alpha's workshop.

You then reached this one familiar workshop, "Workshop - X.borg". You stopped walking and closed your eyes while sighing deeply.

You soon opened your eyes and smiled while slightly chuckling, 'I am glad we could compromise after all these years, I hope you feel the same as well.'

You whisper under your breath as you began to walk again, you noticed that the next workshop is Alpha's.

'Eh? Their workshops are next to eachother? Is that why X.borg dislikes Alpha? Is Alpha a loud neighbour?' You began to question as you look back and forth between X.borg's and Alpha's workshop.

'I'll ask X.borg later.' You thought to yourself as you shook it off and went to Alpha's workshop.

You knocked the door and waited for a response before entering.

"You may enter." You hear from the inside and pushed the door open.

"Oh it's you, welcome!" Alpha says as he gets up from his seat and greets you.

You close the door behind you and nodded in response. "I would like to chat but I don't really wanna waste time. Shall we immediately start with building? I'm sorry if I come out as rude!"

You quickly say as you bow down as an apology.

"It's fine, I was also thinking about the same thing. Here is the blueprint for the bike, I hope it is not difficult for you to understand." Alpha says as he nods and hands you the blueprint. You could also hint disappointment in his voice.

"Sorry to disappoint. We could chat tomorrow after lunch? If you don't have a busy schedule of course." You ask, feeling guilty for ruining Alpha's mood.

"It's alright, I'm not disappointed. I can clear my schedule for tomorrow, we can hang out then." Alpha answers as he slightly smiles.

"Sure! I would like that." You reply as you take the blueprint from Alpha and began scanning it.

As you went over the blueprint, one particular detail icks you. "Captain wants us to install a machine gun beside the seat?" You ask in confusion.

Alpha nodded, "That's what I thought as well, the idea seems so obscure." Alpha responds.

"I'll try to figure that one out, in the meantime, can you pass me some screws from the toolbox?" Alpha asks as he puts on a safety helmet on himself

screws? toolbox? is this a sense of deja vu?

You quickly snap out of it and went to find a toolbox that contains screws.

You found a toolbox on the third shelf of Alpha's tool desk, you opened the toolbox and rummaged into it for some screws.

After finding some screws in the smallest compartment, you took a generous amount and head back to where Alpha was.

You walked to Alpha and showed him the screws. "Is this the one you wanted?" You ask as you place the screws on the desk.

Alpha stops with his task to take a look "Yes, this is the exact screws I needed, thank you." He said as he proceeded to take them.

Those screws, those screws are the exact same thing as the one last time.

"..You're welcome." You reply with as you began feeling dizzy, you also got a strong sense of deja vu, for some reason.

Alpha got up from his seat, accidentally bumping his shoulders onto yours "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." Alpha said as he took a few steps away.

"Yeah, it's alright. I don't mind." You reply with as you slightly chuckled. Your dizziness has started to fade away as soon as it came.

You started helping Alpha with the building process. You got to admit, you were no help at all. But you started to understand some things and help as much as you can. You guys also chatted and made jokes together (which you specifically tried to avoid doing), and grew kind of close. You noticed that both of you exchanged flirty remarks here and there but in your opinion, everything was friendly.

• Sometime later (12 AM)

"Hey Kimmy, it's getting pretty late. You should head back and rest. We could work at this again tommorow" Alpha says as he checks the time.

You also checked the time and your eyes widened "I didn't notice how late it was! I'm very sorry Alpha, I gotta head back. I'm free tomorrow if you want company!" You say as you quickly got up from your seat and bow down.

"It's Alright. Do you want me to send you back?" Alpha asks as he closes his toolbox.

"No need! I can go by myself, goodbye!" You say as you frantically waved and rushed out of the workshop.

'It's so late now! how did I not notice the time?' You mumble as you run towards your dorm.

'X.borg! I completely forgot about him! What if he misunderstands what me and Alpha was doing considering the time we spent?' You think to yourself as you search for your dorm keys.

You finally reached your dorm and found your keys at the same time. You sighed, hoping that X.borg won't tease you.

When you went inside, it was empty. Completely empty. No sign of a cyborg maniac with blue hair anywhere.

"X.borg? Are you here? Are you in the bathroom?" You ask as you take off your shoes and lock the door behind you.

"X.borg?" You continued to ask while searching through the dorm.

You didn't see him in the room, he wasn't in the bathroom either, nor the tiny living room and kitchen.

'Is he not home yet?' You ask yourself as you plopped yourself on the bed.

'Maybe he's still out with Granger, I shouldn't worry. I'll just get some sleep.' You say to yourself as you closed your eyes and drift off to sleep.
• 2 AM

You woke up to the sound of frantic knocking and curses. You grab your phone from the bedside table and saw that it was 2 AM.

You looked at the bed across from yours and you didn't see any sign of X.borg, maybe he is the one knocking on the door?

You quickly shot out of bed and checked the peephole.

You saw Granger carrying X.borg, he was cursing under his breath and he sounds exhausted.

You quickly unlock the door and open it wide. "Granger? X.borg? Why are you guys back this late?" You ask as you step aside, giving Granger and X.borg space to enter.

Granger sighed, "Long story." He replies as he places X.borg on his bed.

"Did he pass out?" You ask as you close the door, not forgetting to lock it.

Granger nods and sighs again "He had way too much to drink. Apologies for disturbing your sleep, Lady Kimmy." Granger says as he bows

You were shocked, its been years since you've been addressed with that honorific, but you missed being called like so.

"No need to apologise, and no need for honorifics. Thank you for bringing him here in one piece.." You reply with as you stare at X.borg sound asleep.

"It is my duty as his friend to keep him safe." Granger replies.

"Take a seat, we could chat for a bit" You say as you pull your office chair for Granger.

"Thank you." Granger says as he takes a seat.

You also took a seat at the edge of your bed, while also trying to come up with a topic to discuss.

"What caused him to be so drunk?" You ask as you once again stare at X.borg.

"He had a lot on his mind, especially regarding you, La- erm.. Kimmy." Granger replies

"Me? Did I do something bad?" You ask.

Granger rubs his chin while thinking, "I do not think so, he was only wondering why and how you accepted him that fast considering the history the two of you have. I'm also a bit curious myself." He replies.

"Well, I found out why he acted the way he did only recently. I never knew he had to endure that much trauma. As of now I only trust him, I still haven't fully accepted his apology. While I understand he was in a lot of pain, he shouldn't pass that pain onto someone else." You say as you cross your legs.

Granger nods "You have a very great point." he then replies.

"Sorry... I don't think I should say all of those things infront of his friend.." You quickly realised what you have done and apologised

"It's alright, I have a very open mind, I have no business in changing an individuals feelings towards something or someone." Granger responds while nodding.

"What about you Granger? How did you meet him?" You now flip the table and ask Granger about his experience when meeting X.borg.

"It was not a pleasant encounter. The first time I met him, I was tasked to apprehend him." Granger answers bluntly.

You were not expecting that response and your jaw dropped.

"It was very difficult, X.borg is decently strong and he knew how to play right." Granger then continues.

You only nod in response, trying to not disturb him from talking and sharing his experience.

"After we got backup help from other Moniyan Warriors, we managed to apprehend and restrain him."

"We also had to tranquillize him because he won't stop talking and being annoying"

You slightly giggled at that remark and let him continue.

"We somehow got him to take therapy, rehabilitation, and any other help he needed. I'm kind of surprised he didn't get admitted into a mental institution but he managed to recover without it."

"After he was discharged we started to hang out. He reached out first since he didn't know anyone else to befriend. I decided to give in and become his friend, I don't really regret it, he isn't that bad of a friend." Granger says with a sigh, indicating that he is done with his answer.

"Granger, I have a question regarding X.borgs... uhm.. enemies? I guess that is how you put it." You ask

"Sure thing, go ahead." Granger says as he leans back into the chair.

"Why does X.borg have such strong distaste in Alpha? Do you know the history surrounding them?" You ask, genuinely curious.

Granger's calm demeanour has completely vanished, he gulped and his eyes widened, you can't really tell what emotion he was displaying but it didn't seem good.

"I don't think I am in place to answer that question, but I'll tell you something, Alpha almost ruined X.borgs life."

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