Total drama world tour Noah x...

By Jaz5834

34.8K 631 1.3K

Don't Own Total Drama World Tour More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 4 Noah POV
Episode 5
Episode 5 Noah POV
New Parts Note
Episode 7 Noah's POV
Not a part of the story
Not Part of Story
Episode 8
Episode 10
Episode 10 Noah's POV
Episode 11
Episode 8 Noah's POV
Episode 11 Noah's POV
Episode 9
Episode 9 Noah's POV
Episode 13 Y/N POV
Episode 13 NPOV

Episode 7

1.5K 33 48
By Jaz5834

"Man, I'm just so sick of having a stupid animal-mangling curse." DJ whines.

"Curse, Shmurse. The more you believe that trash the more power it has over you." Leshawna says annoyed at DJ.

"Really? Wow! Maybe you're right." DJ says like he has never heard of anything like it ever in his life.

"Six episodes and no eliminations. If we were a steak, we'd be a 32-ounce porterhouse. And you guys would be a tiny slice of baloney." Owen celebrates and makes fun of the other team.

"Owen." I laugh at his behavior.

"Need I remind you all that we lost the last challenge?" Alejandro says frustrated with Owen's behavior.

"Well, with you as our leader, nothing is impossible. Heck, I'm not even afraid of flying anymore. Check this out." Owen unbuckled himself and starts ballet dancing and singing "uh-nah-nah-nah-nah, nah-nah" Owen gets thrown around by turbulence, "Ugh!" he yells. A hole opens in the compartment and everyone gets sucked into it. Owen screams as he is being sucked out of the hole. "HE-E-E-LP! Somebody, pretty please! Al! Give me an ale-hand, bro!" I wanted to help but I was struggling to hold on myself and I quickly lost my grip. Alejandro Tried to help me but didn't catch me in time and right when I thought I was going to fly out of the plane someone catches my hand. I scream in pain as my shoulder pops out. Team victory goes over and pulls Owen back in, while the rest of team Chris is really really really hot is still trying not to be sucked out of the plane and Leshawna pushes a large box at the hole covering it and team Chris falls to the ground. And Owen sits on the floor rocking back and forth. Nobody seems to notice me still on the floor holding my shoulder yet.

"Whoa! Aren't those the Alps?" Noah says looking out the window. He looks down at me holding my shoulder. "Y/N!? Are you okay?" He helps me up and comes with me to see Chef 'the Nurse'

Then Chris comes on over the PA, "Achtung, my wiener schnitzels! In preparation for landing, please unbuckle your seat belts and head to the cargo hold." Chris chuckles. Everyone goes to the cargo hold except me who is getting 'medical attention' from Chef. Chef, Chris, and I are standing at the door of the cargo hold just in time to hear Leshawna yell, "Now What?" and see them fall out of the plane when the floor opens up and everyone falls.

Chris says to me, "You can sit out this challenge to rest your shoulder and it will be fine by the next challenge. You can sit it out in the plane or come watch. Your choice." And walks away. I choose to watch and tag along with Chris but I have to miss some of the first half cause of the avalanche risk. I wait on top of the mountain sadly Chris didn't let me grab my winter gear this time. The first person I see come up the mountain was Owen.

"FOOD! Ah-ha! It's beautiful!" Owen runs and starts eating the food.

"Easy, tiger. Don't think of this as raw meat. Think of it as raw building materials. Over 1500 species of sausage call Germany home, hence the theme of our most efficient challenge yet." Chris says as the rest of the group shows up. And he seems very proud of himself.

Chef then pops up and screams, "Shut up and stuff it!" in a 'German' accent.

"Danke, chef. Each team must make a giant German sausage by shoveling meat into the grinder, push it down, and grind the mixture out into an oversized sausage casing all without losing a finger or toe." Chris explains.

"What about thumbs? Are they cool?" Owen asks and I can't help but chuckle at his lack of caring.

"I'm sorry. Sausages? This is the most disgusting challenge yet." Heather complains.

"Umm... Didn't you once lick Owen's armpit?" I ask her and she glares at me as I hold my hands in surrender.

"Count yourselves lucky you're not making hot dogs. No beaks, hooves or butts in this meat pile." Chris smiles. DJ Vomits.

"Babies, it's just raw meat," I whisper to myself but Noah hears me because he is standing right next to me.

"Says the person who isn't doing the challenge." He says back with a smirk on his face. I shrug my one shoulder and smile back ignoring the unwelcome butterflies in my stomach.

"You'll have to shovel fast or risk getting stuck with an incomplete sausage, which will be a lot harder to ride down the hill. Uh, no, not that hill. That's the spot. Of course, if you had a shiny new electric meat grinder, just plug her into our portable generator, et voila, sausages stuffed in seconds." Chris explains and throws Heather under the bus.

"Ugh! I knew we should have tackled you when you threw our grinder out." Courtney dramatically yells at Heather.

"You didn't disagree at the time," Heather argues back.

"What kind of self-involved, lazy, useless, formerly bald dimwit thinks the reward won't eventually come in handy?" Courtney screams getting in Heather's face. Although I didn't like Heather and I do agree with what Courtney would've been given a black eye. There is no need to get in someone's face like that.

"Speaking of rewards, can we expect one at the end of this salmonella challenge?" Leshawna asks ignoring the fighting girls.

"Mmm! Salmonella!" Owen says as his stomach growls.

"Oh, there will be prizes for those who make it down the hill alive, and there will be punishment for one sorry loser on the last-place team. Behold, der penalty hosen." Chef holds up the penalty hosen and then blows a horn. "GO, GO, GO!" My team walks over to the grinder and I join them despite being unable to help.

"Hey Y/N, beautiful, How's the shoulder?" Alejandro asks.

"It's fine, I guess just dislocated. I'll be healed up by our next stop. Sorry, I can't help today. But I can be your guy one-armed cheerleader for the day." I tell everyone while shivering.

Noah notices my shivering and hands me his sweater vest, "It's not much but it is better than nothing." He says as everyone else gets to work. I smile at him.

"Thanks." We both blush and look up when we hear Izzy.

Izzy is head first in the grinder yelling, "Yodelay-hee-hoo! Ah-AH-Ah-ooh!"

Alejandro grabs her and takes charge, "Tyler, we need your strength on the grinder. Owen, stuff that casing like your life depends on it."

"Aye, Aye, Captain," Owen says to Alejandro.

" Noah, you make sure Izzy doesn't get in the grinder again." Alejandro throws Izzy at Noah and Noah goes to catch her and fails.

"And there goes my pelvis," Noah complains and I help them up. I help Noah keep Izzy busy so she doesn't get in the grinder. Izzy is carrying Noah cause he is still in a little of pain from Izzy flying at him. He chuckles at team amazon and says, "Oh, Cody's got a tiny sausage." I laugh while shaking my head.

Cody responds with, "At least my team has a sausage." That is when my whole team including myself notices Owen ate all the meat.

"Oh, that can't be good for him," I say as I cringe.

"Oh, it's so spicy." Owen groans and burps.

"Dude, that was raw meat. Not good." Chris laughs and leans on Owen.

"UGH," Alejandro growls losing his cool for a second. I put my hand on his shoulder telling him to breathe. He clams down then lifts his hand up, "I have an idea. We can ride Owen down the hill."

"No way! That's cheating. Forget it." Courtney protests.

"Um... How?" I question her and she says nothing.

"Owen is stuffed with meat. I say he's fit for sausage duty." Chris declares.

"All aboard der wiener express," Noah says as they are sliding across the starting line.

"Ha! Ha! Yah! Giddyap!" Izzy shouts.

"Forgot to mention watch out for the rabid mountain goats. They're super deadly. We brought them in special." Chris yells to them and Laughs. Me and him make our way down to the next location safely. I chew on my bottom lip worrying for my team. Everyone tumbles in and crashes. "Congrats on arriving first team Chris is really.... Hot. Way to use Owen's face as a brake pad, Alejandro." Chris announces.

"Did we won." Owen says concussed.

"On to parts vi of today's challenge. Competitors must learn and platform a traditional German dance on this very platform the mats are rigged to deliver a hilarious and painful jolt every time one of you missteps or I need a laugh. Last team standing wins." Chris explains and I sit on the edge of the platform where my team is.

"Where's the reward you promised," Leshawna yells.

"Patience mind flower. Team Chris is really really really really hot first to arrive first to get the reward." Chris says and Chef throws them the helmets.

"These weigh a ton," Noah says struggling

"Yes, they do team victory." Chris continues.

"Oh, these are all the rage in Paris," Lindsey says happily.

"And in last place team Amazon."

"Maybe it's reverse psychology. The losing team gets the best reward." Sierra says putting on her hat.

"Ha!" I laugh out loudly as Chris gives her an unamused look.

Chris says, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He starts smiling again, "Now since team elusive Victory is down by two let's even it up amazon and Chris is really really really really hot three dance two sit out, and victory two dance one sits out." Chris says. I go to question but shake my head deciding not to because I don't really care.

"Oh, me too, me," Lindsey yells.

"Three against two how is that fair?" DJ asks.

"You're kidding right and which member of the losing team must wear the da penalty hosen?" Chris asks. Sierra starts screaming and jumping up and down. "Funny, I was gonna make you wear them but now that you want to.... Cody. Congratulations." Chris throws the hosen at Cody. And he screams No. Everyone gets into place and Cody goes to get changed. Once Cody comes back out and stands next to Noah. Noah laughs at him and his laugh brings back these pesky butterflies, it is like music to my ears.

"How are the hosen treating you?" Noah makes fun of Cody.

"It feels like someone gave my wedgie a wedgie." Cody whines. Right as he finishes his sentence a defining horn blows making me quickly cover my ears.

"That's tough now shut up follow my lead and nobody gets hurt yet right knee up left arm swings stomp hop slap your thighs kick your butt jump and clap," Chef explains and demonstrates.


"My shoulder may hurt but am so glad I'm not in this challenge cause dancing is not a skill I have. And now I can watch the boys make fools of themselves." I laugh.

---End Confessional---

"One two three slap my knee my husband to be his name is Cody four five six kick up sticks my heart won't tic without my Cody fix seven eight straighten your spine spin to see Cody looking so fine ten eleven twelve nothing rhymes with twelve chicks want Cody but his butt's mine." Sierra sings making everyone cringe and Cody looks terrified, poor guy. Everyone starts dancing and Alejandro flirts making me roll my eyes. Noah questions Alejandro and Chris shocks everyone, making me cringe because that's got to hurt. Some even have heat coming off of them.

"It's challenge time. Last person standing on the platform wins the challenge for their team. This is gonna be fun." Chris says and their platforms raise and for the second time today, I'm chewing nervously on my lip. It isn't long until Leshawna kicks Noah off the platform he falls and lands head-first in the snow. I run over to him and help him out of the snow.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Thank." He stands up and we walk over to where everyone else is standing and everyone still in the game shift to new opponents. Leshawna beats up Heather and Alejandro lets himself get knocked down.

"Team Amazon wins again!" Chris yells. Sierra cheers and then passes out Chris shocks her. Noah makes his way over to Alejandro angry.

"Dude seriously what happened?" Noah says.

"Heather sacrificed herself to distract me and her brilliant plan worked. I'm most disappointed in myself." Alejandro says.

"Oh, yeah, I totally planned that. Ow." Heather says

"Mmhmmm," I say to Alejandro and roll my eyes.

"Team Amazon fresh baked strudel awaits you in first class." Chris says, "Team Chris is really really really really hot once again you're in not winner, not total loser purgatory. Team opposite of victory you're voting someone out."

We all head to the plane and Heather goes to talk to Alejandro and he taught her and she storms off. I'm sitting by Owen and Noah so I don't hear most of their conversation.

"Tell me those aren't the same sausages you threw up," Noah says to Owen and he doesn't say anything which is everything I need to know.

"Ew, Owen." I get up and walk away and Noah follows.

"So how is your shoulder feeling?" Noah asks looking at my shoulder.

"It's okay. Oh Here's your vest back." When I go to take his vest off I struggle to get it over my arm without hurting my shoulder. Noah sees me struggling and helps me take it off. "T-Thanks."


"Why!? I came here to win not to like a boy but how am I supposed to ignore the butterflies if he starts helping me take clothing off." I then slap myself, "Focus! A boy is not going to change my goal."

---End Confessional---

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