RWBY: Grimm Slayer (Vol.3) (M...

By ZANE_555

14.5K 571 129

Here is the third volume of this fanfiction. (Keep in mind that this whole story and fanfic is based on Celti... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Volume 1-3 End Song

Chapter 26

342 16 5
By ZANE_555

(The Beacon Vault)

The darkened corridor of the Vault under Beacon with only flashes of green and vermilion are illuminated in the darkness. More flashes are shown as and weapons are clash against each other. After a clash, Cinder slides back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summons ice crystals from the newly formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin. Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Cinder then floats midair by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slams his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him. Cinder then unleashes a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him. As he closes in on her, the whole place fades to white.


(Beacon's Dining Hall)

[Play the video

Both Y/N and Adam are circling around each other with their respective weapons at hand with Adam frustrated that Y/N is actually using Grimm Slayer. 

Y/N: "This entire incident won't make things better for the Faunus. You and the White Fang are just making it worse for them. Please... you have to stop this."

Adam doesn't respond for a moment, still putting on a fighting stance before replying back.

Adam: "For the cause of true equality, sacrifices must be made."

His remark makes Y/N grit his teeth, blinking his eyes red. They stare at each other, now not moving an inch. It's only when a piece of debris falls to the floor and in an instance, Y/N makes a strike which Adam quickly evade it. Adam goes to slash him across the chest only for Y/N to block it. They then clash swords and trying their best to land a hit only to dodge and block each other's blows. However, every block Adam makes is followed by Y/N taking out one of his pistols to shoot his legs. It worked at first as a few shots manage to hit Adam only for Adam to now either block them or let it hit his red katana, Wilt to make it stronger for his semblance. After trading kicks to one another, both Y/N and Adam jump back and land standing up. 

Y/N: "Attacking the city and school! Killing innocent people, human and Faunus alike! This isn't peace! This is just senseless bloodshed!"

Adam: "I have a role to ensure that the White Fang will achieve our goal, regardless of the method, no matter who we have to kill to make it happen!"

Y/N: "That's wrong!"

Adam: "They all had it coming!"

With a loud shout, Y/N dash towards Adam, colliding blades, trying to push each other off.

Y/N: "Then you're no different than those human supremacists."

Adam: "Heh, those human scums are all dead."

Adam then did a sweep kick, causing Y/N to trip as he slashes his katana downward but, Y/N dodged just in time and quickly retaliate. The two kept clashing steel with one another as Y/N is starting to get slightly pushed back due to him being wary of Adam's semblance. From all the semblances Y/N seen so far, Adam's semblance is one of the most powerful in terms of offensive power and it only truly shine when a battle is prolonged. 

Y/N: ("I need to end this quickly or find a weakness in his ability.")

Adam slammed the hilt of his katana into Y/N's face, causing him to momentarily stagger. He then sheathed his katana and fired it from his shotgun sheath, Blush. Of course, Y/N block it with his gauntlets, sending the katana to be sent flying and spinning. Adam dash forward, grabbing his katana mid-air and slash forward at Y/N. Seeing the attack in front of him, Y/N evade but, not quite as there's a slash wound on his chest.

Wincing in pain, Y/N roll away from another strike from Adam as his aura begin healing his wound. Y/N quickly recovered and dashed towards Adam. He sheathed his blade and did a quick draw. Slashes appeared all over Adam from Y/N as Adam still remains standing as his aura started healing his wounds. Adam turns to Y/N and rush over to him as the two kept exchanging blows. Until they both slightly stab each other in the stomach. They quickly hopped back from one another as they stared at each other, holding their wound as it slowly healed.

Y/N: "You ready to... give up now?"

Adam: "Bastard... that's my line."

[At 1:46]

As they slowly recover and stand firmly, they then hear some horrific growling and screeching as they turn their head to the source. Turns out that a bunch of Grimm, both old and fledglings, were stalking them, waiting for the right moment to strike, to which is now. The Grimm pounce on them only for both Y/N and Adam to cut them down. 

Y/N: ("Disgusting pests.")

Adam: ("Nuisances.")

With their fight interrupted, they turn their attention to the Grimm and begin slicing and dicing at the approaching Grimm. Frustration and anger are the only things that Y/N and Adam are feeling and probably is what drawing the Grimm in. As they fight and kill them off, they become more and more exhausted by the numerous amounts of them keep piling in. Suddenly, an Alpha Creep goes to attack Adam as he rolls out of the way from its claws.

Adam: "Damn it."

Having no choice, Adam quickly sheaths his blade as he enters a battle stance, his hair, mask, and clothing start to glow red. Sensing his semblance being used, the red-eyed Y/N turns around to where Adam is only to be block by an Alpha Creep near him. With a shout, Adam, using his semblance, Moonslice, quickly draws out his Wilt from Blush with a vertical strike. 

[At 2:15]

This strike does kill the Alpha Creep, but what he didn't expect was that it also hit Y/N as it slice off his left arm in the process.

Y/N: "AAuuugh!!!"

In retaliation, Y/N hold his Grimm Slayer with his right hand and with a massive swing, it causes an arc of a shockwave towards Adam and the nearby Grimm. Adam quickly recovers from his attack and goes to charge after him. Seeing this, Y/N hop away from an incoming slash from Adam as the Grimm goes to attack them once more. Thinking on his feet, Y/N decide to let Adam kill the Grimm for him as he does his best to evade every strike Adam make and the teeth and claws from the Grimm. After getting rid of the Grimm that got in the way, they quickly turn to each other with Y/N wincing in pain as he glances over his missing arm. 

Y/N: ("I... I can't believe it... I still have some aura left... but it's only healing very slowly... it's still hurt like hell...")

Adam slowly walks up to him, aiming his katana at him.

Adam: "Time to die, traitor. Once I'm done with you, I'll deal with Blake next."

The red-eyed Y/N glare at him, taking a few deep breaths.

Y/N: "You're not going... anywhere near... her..."

Adam continues speaking, completely ignoring what Y/N just said.

Adam: "Blake will come back to her sense and rejoin the White Fang. If not, then I won't hesitate to kill her too. Besides..."

Upon saying this, Adam slashes his katana downward only for Y/N to roll out of the way and follow it up by swinging his Grimm Slayer just to make Adam back off from him.

Adam: "I heard there's a Schnee attending this school. Once Blake snap to her sense, I'm going to ask her where she is so I can strike her down."

Eyes widen, Y/N charges after him, swinging his blades at Adam, which he quickly blocks and parries with his own strikes. Before long, their blades collide as Adam slowly push him against the wall, making his blade and Y/N's blade push up against his neck.

Adam: "I'll... be the one... to bring Faunus... to true equality... only me..."

Gritting his teeth, Y/N tries to push his blade away from him but, barely does it. In the corner of his eye, Y/N that his own legs are close to Adam's legs as an idea pop into his head.

Adam: "Any last words, traitor?"

Quickly staring back at Adam, Y/N replies back.

Y/N: "Nope!"

Immediately, Y/N does a sweep kick to Adam's legs, causing him to trip which Y/N follow this up by slashing him his sword upward. This results in Adam sending a few meters away onto the floor with a noticeable slash wound on his chest. Swiftly, Y/N kick his katana, Wilt from his hand. Still lying on the floor, Adam shoots his sheath shotgun, Blush which only hit his hand, wielding Grimm Slayer, making him drop it. Enraged, Y/N kick Blush away and proceeds to get on top of him and proceeds to sharply headbutt him. 

Y/N: "That was for my arm!"

He then headbutt Adam again.

Y/N: "That was for Yang's arm!"

In response, Adam tries to strangle him only Y/N to not budge and goes to angrily punch him.

Y/N: "That was for stabbing Blake!"

Y/N follow this up by elbowing him in the nose and mouth, twisting and turning as he does it.

Y/N: "This is for attacking my school and killing innocent people in Vale, humans and Faunus alike."

Adam: "Get... off me!"

In a last-ditch attempt to free himself, Adam goes to punch him in the face but, Y/N took the hit and goes to headbutt him once more.

Y/N: "I won't stop, until you are stop!"

[At 3:20]

Repeatedly, Y/N continues to punch with his only hand and headbutt Adam's face and any attempt from Adam to get Y/N off of him is met with more punches and headbutts. Until one of Y/N's punches send Adam's mask flying off of him as Y/N stare at his maskless face. Y/N never seen Adam's face without the mask before. What draw his attention was his left eye (his left, not your left) is permanently closed as a brand of the Schnee logo is plastered over it.

Y/N is quite stunned to see the SDC symbol branded on Adam's right eye. Before any of them could say or do anything, a lone Beowolf tackle Y/N off from Adam much to Y/N's surprise. The Grimm pin him down, roaring as it goes to raise its claw at him. Until the red-eyed Y/N use all of his strength in his legs to kick the Grimm away from him. He quickly grabs Grimm Slayer and goes to decapitate the Grimm's head, killing it in the process. Recovering from that tackle, Y/N slowly get up and discover that Adam is gone, along with his weapons and mask. With the only trace of him that he left behind is some blood on the floor.

Y/N: ("Great... he's gone...")

Groaning and wincing in pain, Y/N look over to his bloody stump where his left arm should be.

Y/N: ("Yeah... aura still trying to heal it... still hurts like hell...")

Y/N goes to leave the ruined dining hall through a nearby shattered window. Once he does, he turns in the far distance to see his small army of Shadow Wolves are being overwhelmed and slain by the increasing number and power of the Grimm produced by the Grimm. Y/N can't help but glare at the flying Wyvern as it roars and flap its wings. While the Grimm are preoccupied with the dwindling Shadow Wolves, Y/N rush over to the docking bays to meet up with everyone else, clutching over his wound.

(Beacon's Docking Bays)

Air buses are seen picking up the last few civilians and students after the situation is deemed unsustainable. Students like Velvet, Neptune, and Cardin are being loaded onto the ships on stretchers, carried by Atlesian soldiers and medics along with their teams. Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck and a few other huntsmen oversee the evacuation.

Port: "That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!"

Oobleck: "A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!"

Meanwhile, Y/N eventually reach the spot and race over to Ruby and Weiss, facing away from him. Relieved to see them okay, Y/N cheerfully call out to them.

Y/N: "G-Guys!"

Both Ruby and Weiss turn around and is shocked to see Y/N bruised, slightly bloody, and missing an arm. At the same time, Y/N stares, eyes widen a bit upon seeing Blake with her stab wound on her stomach, and Yang has a bloody stump where her right arm should have been. Unlike Blake, Yang is unconscious, and her body is limp. Both girls have bandaged around their wounds and behind them sitting down are Ren, Nora, and the rest of the other students, who are all battered and bruised to fight.

Immediately, Y/N march over to them, dropping to his knees in front of them, tears begin show up on his normal-colored eyes.

Y/N: "Oh, Yang... I'm so sorry... I should... I should've been there..."

Blake weakly chimes in.

Blake: "I'm... sorry, Y/N... she was... trying to protect me... from Adam and..."

She trails off as she winces in pain, clutching her torso. Y/N look over to Blake.

Y/N: "I know, Blake... I know..."

Ruby looks away from this scene, tears in her eyes, not wanting to see her sister and her teammates to be injured and in this state. Unlike her, Weiss cover her mouth with her hand as she couldn't believe to see her teammates this badly injured, especially with Y/N. Y/N ran his fingers across Yang's cheeks, caressing her face for a few moments before Weiss breaks the silence with a question.

Weiss: "Who... who did this to them, Y/N? Who did this to you?"

The heiress motions to his missing arm. Slowly, Y/N turn to Weiss and Ruby, with Ruby glancing back to Y/N. 

Y/N: "Adam Taurus. He's the one leading the White Fang's assault on the school."

Ruby: "The mentor Blake was talking about?"

Y/N: "Yeah..."

Y/N couldn't help but stare at everyone, not just his team. All of them bruised, bloody, and exhausted with barely any morale in their expressions. Sun walks over to both Ruby and Weiss.

Sun: "They're gonna be okay. They have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale."

Nora: "But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing."

Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

Ruby: "What!?"

Ren turns to Y/N.

Ren: "Jaune and Pyrrha are at Beacon Tower with Ozpin. They should be okay."

Sun: "Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!"

Ren: "We're not... leaving!"

As he said this, Ren tries to stand up only fall back to his knees, wincing in pain. Y/N's expressions turn from sadness to anger as he slowly realizes that Jaune and Pyrrha are still at the Beacon Tower and haven't come back with Ozpin. He gets up from his spot and powerwalk past Ruby and Weiss. Ruby quickly grabs his arm. 

Ruby: "Wait, Y/N, where are you going?"

Y/N: "I'm going to find them."

Weiss: "In your condition!? No way. You're missing an arm for crying out loud!"

Ruby: "Please, Y/N. You need to stay here with the others."

Y/N look over his shoulder at them, giving a warm smile as he manages to free his arm from Ruby's grasp.

Y/N: "Sure..."

He then turns to Weiss.

Y/N: "So... you sort of manage to summon, right?"

Weiss: "Yeah, I kind of."

Y/N: "Can you show it to me?"

Weiss and Ruby are a bit confused by his question.

Weiss: "Why?"

Y/N: "Please Weiss..."

Letting out a sigh, Weiss take out her rapier and summon a glyph in front of him. The moment she does that, Y/N immediately sprint away from them, using what little aura he has left with in him. Before they had time to react, Y/N is dashing towards Beacon Tower.

Ruby: "Y/N, wait!"

Her plead is ignore by Y/N as he continues sprinting. Ruby then turns to the rest of the students.

Ruby: "I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back."

Weiss: "No! We will find them."

The heiress turns to Nora and Ren.

Weiss: "Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back."

Ruby and Weiss run off to the direction Y/N went, while Sun watches them go.

Sun: "You better be!"

All he can do is stare after them, hoping they come out unscathed.

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