Kristin Fright

By CreepyStalker324

4.1K 118 45

Kristin moves to Amity with her obsessive ghost hunting parents, Jim, and Michelle Lite. They heard of the gh... More

Ch.1 Meetings
Ch.2 Impossibilities
Ch.3 Prophecy and Unexpected Revealations
Ch.4 Sisters for life! Or after life?
Ch.6 More Impossibilities
Ch.7 Allies Made and Love
Ch.8 Invasions and Confessions
Ch.9 Death is something that comes when it's suppose to
Ch.10 Stakes
Ch.11 Accepted

Ch.5 Her Battle

310 10 0
By CreepyStalker324

@@Danny POV@@

I flew to the Nasty Burger to meet up with Sam and Tucker. Once I was there I transformed back into human and walked inside.

I concentrated on making a duplicate and told it to go hide until I told it to come out. The duplicate did as told, and I sat down in a booth, and waited for Sam and Tucker.

I spotted them coming over to me, I smiled at them. Once they were they were in the seat, they eyed me.

"What did you want to meet up here for?" Tucker asked.

"Since we've never really hung out since I've gotten my powers, I decided that this was really good time to do so." I lied.

They exchanged looks, and nodded slowly. We ordered Nasty Burgers, while Sam ordered a salad.

My ghost sense went off telling me a ghost was around. Sam and Tucker saw this and motioned for me to 'do my thing', but I ignored it and continued to eat.

'Ghost. Go and get it!' I told my duplicate.

'Got it, Danny.' The duplicate replied.

All of a sudden, Desiree crashed through the window, and there floating above the wishing ghost was Kristin Fright with her scythe in her hand.

"Go help her, Danny!" Sam scolded me. I smirked.

"I will." I answered. Tucker and Sam stared at me with astonishment. I understand why, my heroic obsession would have prevented me from not helping.

Then Danny Phantom flew through the hole in the wall, and flew at Desiree landing a punch to her face when she was about to blast Fright.

Sam and Tucker's mouths dropped, their eyes wide, and their heads slowly turned to look at me.

I put an innocent look on my face, and chewed on a french fry. I saw Fright look at me then back at my duplicate, and smirked.

Phantom sucked up the wishing ghost and saluted to Fright and flew out of the wall. I made the duplicate disappear when I saw Fright coming towards me.

"Keep up the good work! The more you use duplication, the less exhausted you'll become each time." She laughed. I nodded.

"I've gotta go, but don't overwork yourself. Baby steps, Danny, baby steps." She said, then reconstructed the wall with her powers, phased through the wall an flew away.

Sam decided to speak first.

"She knows your a halfa!" She exclaimed quietly. I nodded.

"She figured it out by the clues we gave her. Yes, Tucker, I have almost success fully mastered duplication. Its like my ghostly wail, but WAY easier to control." I saw Tucker's fish face and answered his question.

"That's great, Danny! I've got to get home, but see you at school tomorrow." Tucker said, and left along with Sam.

I wonder if I can do more than 1. duplicate?

'Lets not try!' My mind told me.

@@Kristin POV@@

I flew home, and landed on my front steps. I changed back when I made sure no one was around and went inside.

My mom was making supper, and my dad was working on an invention. He lifted his head up, catching sight of me, he beamed.

"Hey Kristin, come look at the new invention I'm working on! It's called the Ghost Rickter. It keys on to an ectoplasm signature, and it'll shoot beams at the ghost. Isn't it awesome! We can use it on that Fright girl. Did you know she followed us here?" He asked.

"Ya, I know. She seen fighting the ghosts around the school." I replied.

My ghost sense went off just at that time. My eyes eyed the room, and I made dash for the stairs.

"Not hungry, going to bed!" I said quickly to mom before shooting off to my room.

I slammed my door behind me, and ran to my window. Since it was already open, I dove out of it, flipping in mid air, turning into Fright.

I saw a ghost that I didn't recognize. It was a girl. She had purple straight hair that was waving around like she was just shocked. Her fingers cackled with electricity, and she was taking energy from the telephone poles.

She shot a blast of electricity at a mom and her son. I flew toward them at top speed, using a shield, I blocked the blast at them and shot after the girl.

She laughed and grabbed my arm when I tried to punch her. The girl sent electricity through my body. It was a familiar sensation. It was the sensation of my half death.

It brought back the memories from when the portal shocked me.

I turned it on!

I screamed.

So much pain.

I'm dying.

No more pain.

Why is my hair white?

Why are my eyes green?

What am I wearing?

That day I became Kristin Fright.

I didn't like the feeling of electricity zapping your organs and heart.

It's frying me. Killing me inside and out.


@@Danny POV@@

My ghost sense went off again.

I really needed to do my homework, and wouldn't Fright take care of it?

All of a sudden the lights went out in my bedroom, and my computer shut down.

What the hell?!?

I heard screams and I look out the window. There was a ghost sucking electricity from the poles. She had purple hair that was frizzy, and a dark purple out fit in-crested with jewels.

I finally saw Fright at the scene, and she stared at the ghost. While Fright was taking the ghosts' appearance in, she shot an electric blast at a woman and child.

Fright shot toward them at a fast speed. She used a shield to block it, and went to punch the ghost.

The girl ghost laughed and grabbed Fright's arm before it could make contact with her. Fright started screaming as electricity coursed through her body.

I changed into my ghost form and went to help Fright. She looked about ready to pass out. I shot an ectoblast at the ghost and she screeched, dropping Fright she disappeared in a whirl of purple smoke.

Fright landed on a lawn, breathing heavily. Her eyes were barely open, she even tried talking, but I don't think it helped her condition.

I looked in her eyes and saw pain, sadness, and reconization.

"Get.........Lancer.........don't was..a......familiar........sensation." She laughed painfully.

Lancer? Why would she need Lancer? That doesn't matter right now! She needs help, and if she wants Lancer, the she needs Lancer.

I picked her up, and flew toward Mr. Lancer's house. Fright fell unconscious as soon as I landed on Mr. Lancer's doorstep.

I knocked on the door with my boot because I was holding Fright with both arms.

Mr. Lancer opened the door, and when he saw me he stepped back in shock.
"Phantom?" He asked wide eyed.

Before I could say anything, he had noticed Fright unconscious in my arms, and gasped. He quickly ushered me inside, telling me to lay her on the couch.

He brought out a wet rag, and put it on her burns. Once he was done, he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I know her secret." He whispered.

"You knows she's the deceased twin of Kristin Lite?" I asked bewildered.

"Is that what she told you?" He asked looking a little weirded out.

".......Yeah, why?" I eyed him. A sudden look of realization crossed his face.

"No reason." He said, and looked away from me.

We sat in silence for the amount of time Fright was still unconscious.

When she woke up, I think both of us were realived that the silence was broken with a groan.

"What hit me?" She groaned, holding a gloved hand to her head.

"More like what electrocuted you!" Mr. Lancer almost yelled, "you need to be more careful, your......afterlife is not a thing to be treated like a toy." He scolded.

"I'm sorry, but people were in danger! If I die, it doesn't matter since I'm technically dead anyways, all that'll happen is I'll be gone from existence forever. For humans it's different. They still have a purpose in life. I don't, saving people with a purpose in life makes me feel like I have one too!" She cried.

Lancer cringed whenever she said she was not a human, and was dead.

Isn't that true? Why would he cringe if he knows it's true?

"It's getting late. You both must have important stuff to do tomorrow, and you need the sleep, right?" He asked us, but he was looking at Fright when he said this.

" yes, well I'll be going! See you later, Mr. Lancer, and bye, Danny!" Fright said before phasing out of the house and flying to who knows where.

Mr. Lancer smiled, got up and left the room. I left the house too, getting home was going to be bad because mom and dad are gonna kill me.

I need some sleep for school tomorrow. Hopefully, no ghost fights and if there are then I'll leave them to Fright because she doesn't go to school.

I got under my covers and prayed for some sleep tonight, then went to bed hoping for no ghost attacks.

@@Kristin POV@@

I woke up to my ghost sense going off for the 8th time that night. I sighed, tiredly changing into my ghost form, I flew out my window to where the ghost was.

It was Ember. What a surprise.

I grabbed my necklace and changed it into a scythe, swinging it at her, she ducked. She tried to blast me with a guitar fist, but I used a shield to block it.

I sliced my scythe through the air, sending a shock wave at her, knocking the blue flaming haired rockstar to the ground.

I quickly grabbed my thermos, and sucked her into it. A wave of exhaustion hit me in the face, and it made my floating form drop a couple of feet.

I struggled to get myself home, and collapsed onto my bed. Letting the rings wash over me changing me back into something my parents don't hate, their daughter.

I turned on my side, and closed my eyes.

The last thing I saw was the moon shining over Amity Park out my window.


"You've got to get up, come on, your gonna be late!" A voice exclaimed.

I opened my eyes, and my mom stood above me, shaking my sleepy body.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I mumbled, stumbling out of bed over to my closet.

"Well, breakfast is downstairs when your done getting dressed." Mom said. I just nodded.

I slipped on my regular attire, and a red beanie. I walked downstairs, and for some reason, when I smelled the waffles mom was making, it made me sick.

"Want some waffles, Kristin?" Mom asked. I cringed.

"No, waffles don't sound good right now. I'll eat something at school." I answered.

I closed the door behind me, and ran to the bus stop. I got there just in time to catch the bus before it left.

When I sat down I decided to catch up on some sleep. I leaned my head against the window and shut my eyes, but when I did images flashed through my mind.

My family dead.
Ghosts killing people.
Pariah Dark ruling the human world.
Sam, Danny, Tucker, dead.
Town demolished.
Me crying.

My eyes shot open, and I saw that we were at school. I got off the bus with fear in my eyes.

What did all that mean? Why did I see all of it? Will that happen every time I close my eyes?

I shook my thoughts from my head, and grabbed my books from my locker, heading to Lancer's room early.

I sat down in the back, and layed my head on my desk. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they snapped shut.

"Amity Park a not nice place to live"
Mom shot.
Dad's heart ripped out by a ghost.
Danny's core burning.
Sam killed fighting for Danny.
Tucker pushed off of a building.
Mr. Lancer blaming me for all of this.

I was woken up by Mr. Lancer. He looked at me concerned, and I gave him the look that said, 'tell you later.'

The bell rang, kids started piling through the doors. I saw Danny, Sam, and Tucker come in last.

When I saw them, they're appearances looked gruesome. Danny was covered in ectoplasm and blood, while Sam had a knife sticking out of her chest while her face was as pale as a ghosts, and Tucker had a bloody face and his neck had slits in it.

I almost cried, but all of a sudden all that disappeared and they looked normal.

Am I having hallucinations?

I tried to shake the thoughts of what just happened out of my head, but I couldn't! What was going to happen? What was happening to me?!

My ghost sense went off, and I recognized it as Skulker again.

I looked at Mr. Lancer, flashing my eyes green, he gave a nod, and when I made sure no one
was looking, I went invisible.

Flying out of the window, intangibly. I turned into Fright, and flew towards the back of the school to where I sensed Skulker.

I got there just in time to see him phase into the school. I quickly flew after him not wanting him to destroy anything.

I chased him down the hallway, then shot him in the back with a ectoblast.

He turned around, and shot me with a missile before flying forward again. Before the missile reached me, I made a shield around it, and it exploded inside.

I let the shield go, making smoke go everywhere. I ignored it and went after the hunter.

Once my vision was completely clear, I saw Skulker phase into Mr. Lancer's room.


@@Danny POV@@

Lancer was teaching about Romeo and Juliet when a ghost phased through the door.


My ghost sense did go off, but I thought Fright could take him. It was, I did ghost hunting from 3 to 8, and Fright did the rest.

Since I have school, and she doesn't, she takes the longer shifts.

Fright phased in right after him, coughing.

"You didn't have to choke me with smoke, Skulker." She coughed.

"I didn't have time for you, I needed something that's in here for my master." He scoffed.

Fear flashed through Fright's eyes.

"Who's your master......?" She trailed off.

"Pariah Dark." He laughed. I froze, and so did Fright.

"I have what I want now, so if you'll excuse me I'll be leaving." He laughed, then phased through the wall leaving the school.

Fright just stared after him. The scythe in her hand dropped to the classroom floor with a clank, it changed back into a necklace, and her floating stance was gone as she dropped to her knees on the floor.

I went to comfort her, and touched her shoulder, but when I did images flashed in my mind.

Fright's family dead.
Ghosts killing people.
Pariah Dark ruling the human world.
Sam, Me, Tucker, dead.
Town demolished.
Fright crying.

Amity Park a not nice place to live"
Fright's Mom shot.
Fright's Dad's heart ripped out by a ghost.
My core burning.
Sam killed fighting for me.
Tucker pushed off of a building.
Mr. Lancer blaming Fright for all of this.

I pulled my hand off of her shoulder. Fright was crying now. This is why she took it harder! These were her thoughts, dreams.

I couldn't be the savior this time.

She had to be.

This was her battle.

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