Under The Stars | Bang Chan F...

By Joybananamilk

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A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction. ﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !! • Zombie Apocalypse ° Mafia Groups and Rivalries • Romance, Thrill... More

Intro - Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Him
Chapter 3: Boxer
Chapter 4: Ring Ring Ring
Chapter 5: Rooftop
Chapter 6: Break In
Chapter 7: Mansion
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Flight
Chapter 11: Australia
Chapter 12: Blueprint
Chapter 13: RRS
Chapter 14: Back in Korea
Chapter 15: SSICK
Chapter 16: Perfect Dress
Chapter 17: TMT
Chapter 19: Date
Chapter 20: Mixtape: Oh
Chapter 21: Mixtape #1
Chapter 22: Mixtape #2
Chapter 23: Mixtape #3
Chapter 24: Mixtape #4
Chapter 25: 4419
Chapter 26: Red Lights
★ New Characters !!
Chapter 27: HP BDAY
Chapter 28: Booster
Chapter 29 : A Different Perspective
Chapter 30: Back Door
Chapter 31: Skills Put to The Test
Chapter 32: Baby Steps
Chapter 33: Drive
Chapter 34: Haven
Chapter 35: The Tortoise?
★ appreciation note
★ Special Chapter: Movie Night ★
Chapter 36: And The Hare
Chapter 37: Uncover?
Chapter 38: The Truth
Chapter 39: Halloween
Chapter 40: Progress Further P1
Chapter 41: Progress Further P2
Chapter 42: Levanter
Chapter 43: Double Knot
Chapter 44: Leave
Chapter 45: Maniac

Chapter 18: Improvement

581 11 26
By Joybananamilk

August 20th, 1:10pm

I blinked open my eyes slowly, waking up to see Chan still sleeping peacefully. He looked kind of cute with his curly hair spread all over his forehead. It was still pretty dark in the basement, but I could still see as much as I needed to.

I rolled onto my back and Chan stirred slightly. I raised an eyebrow, looking back at him. He opened his eyes tiredly and looked at me. "Morning." He said, his voice croaky.

I nodded in response. I'm not really a morning person, I don't like talking in the morning as much.

Chan yawned widely and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in close to him. What is he doing? I told him not to be too touchy until we get married. But nah, this man can't wait.

"Sorry, habit of mine. Can't help but hug people." He said like he read my mind. He closed his eyes and hugged me tightly, letting out a content sigh.

Am I really going to get used to this? I am NOT a hugger either. Unless it's with Lily, of course.

"What time is it?" Chan asked tiredly before yawning again. He seemed extra tired, but I'm just hoping he won't sneeze on me from being sick for the past few days. "It's noon already I think."

"I'll just sleep a bit more. You sleep with me too, no protesting."

I sighed and just went along with it. He'll be my husband soon anyway, I should get used to it. Right? Maybe? I'm just not used to hugging anymore, it makes me feel weird now. But you know what? I'll try my best to improve on myself.

Chan rolled onto his back and I rested my head on his chest, making him chuckle slightly. He wrapped and arm around me and pulled the blanket further over us. "Am I warming up to you yet?" He teased, I could tell he was smiling.

"Go to sleep, old man." I pull away and closed my eyes.

"Old woman." He scoffed and let out a yawn before pulling me back closer to him. He finally started drifting off to sleep again, and eventually, I fell asleep too.

- ,,

"Chaaaan!!!" Lee Know shouted, running down the stairs. I groaned, rubbing my eyes. Chan opened his eyes and looked over at Lee Know. "What?"

I looked at Lee Know sleepily, his eyes were shifting between Chan and I. "I got you a meeting with RRS in the next two days."

Chan nodded and waved his hand, shooing Lee Know away. Lee Know complied and went back upstairs. Chan pulled me back into his embrace tightly. Still not getting used to this.

"Y/n." I hummed, looking up at him. "I want you to go grocery shopping with Seungmin and Changbin. We'll need a lot of food and they'll obviously need some extra hands."

I nodded my head and he smiled, stroking my hair gently. "Are you okay with this? Being close to you and stuff, I mean." I nodded my head, but I wasn't really okay with this.

I mean, hey, I have to be close with him. Married couples should be like two best friends. If I can't see him as my own best friend, how am I supposed to see him as my husband? Even if we're not married yet, I have to make an effort to get closer to him at least. He doesn't even have to try; he's already used to pampering the guys, which means he'll pamper me anyway. Why is this so hard to come to terms with? If my parents could do it, why couldn't I?

"Y/n, you good? You spaced out."

"Hm? Yeah, yeah." I sat up slowly and he sat up as well, running his fingers through his hair. "Can you get me my medicine?" I nodded and got up, heading up the stairs and out of the basement.

- ,,

I was at the supermarket with Seungmin and Changbin, getting some food and essentials. I also needed some of my own things as a girl, of course. I'm the only girl in the damn place so there's things they lack that I need.

It's a weird thing to mention but my period was close by, so I grabbed a pack of thick pads and a pack of thinner pads. I put them in the cart. Changbin looked in the cart and chuckled. "I keep forgetting we need to buy some things for you."

Changbin reached out and got some more packs of pads and put them in the cart. "I don't need that many, Changbin."

"I know, but we can't go out as much anymore. So, you should stock up for the next few months at least." I nodded my head agreeingly.

I forgot we couldn't go out as much anymore. Does that mean I can't go shopping with Hyunjin anymore? Aw man.

"I got the ice cream." Seungmin came back with a bunch of different ice creams in his arms and put them all in the cart.

"That's a lot of ice cream..." Changbin furrowed his eyebrows at the ice cream in the cart.

"A lot of ice cream for a lot of people can never go wrong during the summer, Binnie."

Seungmin smiled at what I said. "See, she gets it."

Changbin rolled his eyes and looked at the list in his hands. "We need some bread and cheese next."

"Al pane e formaggio!" I said, pushing the cart down the isle. Seungmin and Changbin laughed lightly, following me to the cheese and bread section.

"When did you learn Italian?" Seungmin asked as we looked at the different cheeses. Changbin was getting the bread.

"I learned Italian through online tutoring. I wanted to learn a new language and I loved pizza so..."
(Fun fact: I've been learning Italian instead of Spanish in school since 6th grade. I'm a lot older now, don't be thinking I'm a middle schooler. 🤨)

Seungmin nodded and smiled, picking up a ball of parmesan cheese.

"That reminds me that we need a new cheese grater." I chuckled and agreed.

- ,,

After paying, we walked to a nearby cafe to take a quick break before walking back home. We didn't take the car since it was a pretty nice day out, though the mansion is pretty secluded and a bit far away from town.

We were sitting at a table and I got a chocolate mocha with ice cream and some brownies. Seungmin got a tea and Changbin got an Americano.

"Do you and Chan plan on going on any dates?" Changbin asked, raising his eyebrows at me expectantly.

"Dates? Ehh, I don't know." I took a sip of my mocha, shrugging. "I mean, we don't really love each other or anything."

"That doesn't mean you guys can't go on a few dates. And that also doesn't mean you guys won't be in love later." Seungmin stole a piece of my brownie and popped it into his mouth.

"Seungmin's right, dates will help with your relationship."

I shook my head, taking a piece of brownie into my mouth as well.

"Why not? Your parents didn't get along in the first half of their marriage you know."

I raised an eyebrow at the both of them. "Why do you guys know so much about my parents?"

"They're well known in the RRS. JYP is good friends with the leader of the RRS, so we hear about your parents a lot. There's also a lot of good stories about them since they were so honorable in the mafia community." Seungmin explained before sipping his tea.

"They completed so many missions together and individually. They were high ranked, super rich, intelligent. A lot of members looked up to them." Changbin added on, leaning over the table.

I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. How come I never knew my parents were so great at their jobs as gang members? "Why did they get arranged exactly?"

Changbin hummed and thought about it before answering me. "Well, your dad was supposed to be the new leader. But he needed to get married of course, and Mr. Shelton thought it'd be a good idea to marry him to the team's best female member."

"And my parents didn't like each other at all?"

Seungmin and Changbin shook their heads. Seungmin got up to go to the bathroom briefly.

"Then how did they fall in love?"

Changbin took a piece of one of my brownies before speaking. "Well, it took them quite a while. Your dad was pretty strict but your mom was rebellious. They didn't get along because of how different they were. But eventually, your dad came to terms with it and decided to give it a try along with your mom. Your dad surprised your mom, got her gifts, took her on dates, and tried to spend more time with her."

Changbin popped the piece of brownie into his mouth, chewing on it.

"So, that means Chan and I could end up like them too?"

Changbin nodded, smiling brightly. "Chan is already a really sweet guy. You just need to give him a chance." He said, leaning back into the booth chair. "Plus, it already seems like he likes you anyway."

I raised an eyebrow.

"What? You haven't noticed? He doesn't look at you the way he looks at us, otherwise we'd think he's gay." I scoffed and leaned over the table, resting my arms on it. "There's no way he likes me."

"Believe it, girl. He's been calling you pet names for a while now too."

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back. "So? He could give those pet names to any girl. He's really handsome, he can pull any girl." Changbin shook his head immediately. "Nope. He rejects all the girls."

This guy could have any girl he wants and he rejects them all? Man if I had his looks, I would've had 5 ex wives by now.

"I don't know, Changbin. It seems a bit..." Changbin cut me off. "I know, you're not really the type to show affection. But give the guy a chance. If it doesn't workout, at least it'll be a smooth marriage with you guys acting like friends."

I sighed and just nodded my head. "Fine, fine." Changbin smiled and nodded. He took another one of my brownies. "Changbin!"

He smiled mischievously and stuffed it into his mouth. That guy is stealing way too much of my food.

"I can tell you like him though. You're not hiding that from me." Changbin wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.

He's right, isn't he?

- ,,

We came home after a while and set down the grocery bags on the dining table to sort them out later. I wanted to see Chan so I went upstairs to our bedroom and saw that he wasn't there. I guess he'll come back up later.

I sat on the bed and sighed, looking at the broken windows. It was broken widely and I was wondering how many people could've came up here.

The closet door creaked. It wasn't just a closet, it was a closet room so it was pretty big inside. I looked over at the door and I saw that it was slowly opening. Did the ghosts from the basement move up here?

I crawled to the other side of the bed quickly, not being sure if I should run for it or not. The closet door flew wide open and I saw that same guy from last night that has a hammer. "Oh my god."

He walked towards the bed slowly, raising the hammer in his hand like he was ready to swing at me. I rummaged around in the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out my pistol. My hands were shakey but I had to shoot him or something.

He saw the pistol and charged at me so I couldn't shoot but I backed away quickly. "Get the fuck away before I shoot, shrimpy."

The guy shook his head and tried swinging his hammer at me but I moved away towards the windows.

He tripped over one of the chairs, causing a loud thud which got the guys' attention downstairs. "Y/n! You okay?" Felix sounded from the hall.

I kept backing up towards the window that was broken. I could easily fall through it if I wasn't careful. Now I had no choice at all. I shot at the guy's thigh and he groaned, dropping to the ground.

I went to run past him and towards the door but he grabbed my ankle, making me fall forward. "Jesus!" He bit my calf with the claw of his hammer, making me hiss. It dug into my skin so I couldn't pull away easily. Before he could do anything else, Changbin barged in and ran towards us, pulling the guy away from me. I sat up quickly, backing away from the guy.

"You're not taking the girl any time soon, bud." Changbin patted the guy's shoulders and handcuffed his wrists behind him. Chan walked into the room with Felix and Felix went to help Changbin take the guy out of the room. Chan walked over to me and crouched down.

"Are you okay?" Chan gave me a concerned look, looking over me to see if I was hurt or not. I pointed to the guy's hammer that was on the floor and then the wound on my calf. It looked deep, like he gauged a chunk of meat out. Hopefully that wasn't the case. "That guy was a complete nutjob!"

Chan chuckled and helped me up. "Let's go get your wound treated." I nodded and we started to walk towards the staircase.

And then I realized I couldn't walk down the stairs with my calf being torn up like this. Chan noticed and didn't even warn me before lifting me up over his shoulders, making me yelp. "You know, I would've been fine with you carrying me if you hadn't tossed me over my shoulder."

Chan shrugged and started to walk down the stairs. "I can't carry you like a princess everytime." I huffed and looked down. Seeing how big this man's arse is makes me jealous. Did he get a BBL?

"This way of carrying me is embarrassing. I'm wearing a skirt for fuck sake."

Chan only hummed and got to the bottom of the stairs, letting me down. "No one was going to see your arse though." He poked my forehead and then walked away from me towards the hall that led to the infirmary.

"But everyone can see your literal fat ass." I kicked him in the ass with my good leg and walked past him quickly. He stood there dumbfounded, making me giggle.

Seungmin looked up at me when I walked into the room, Chan following behind me.

"Hey, Y/n. Why're you here??"

I showed him my leg and he nodded, gesturing for me to sit on the bed. There was a sheet of uh... Paper? Is that what it's called? Whatever. Sheet of paper laid out on the bed which annoyed me. I always messed it up somehow at the doctor's. Chan sat next to me for some reason, but he kept looking at me, probably because of what I said. I looked at Seungmin to avoid making it awkward.

Seungmin rolled over to me and lifted my leg to see the wound and hummed. "Hmm it's a bit deep but it won't be hard to heal. You'll need stitches though."

I furrowed my brows. Seungmin noticed and smiled up at me, patting my leg. "Don't worry, it won't hurt too much. Chan got a lot of stitches, right?" He turned his head to look at Chan and he nodded his head in response.

"See? You'll be fine. Now lay back for me." I nodded my head and laid back onto the bed. I rolled onto my side, facing away from Seungmin and Chan sat behind me to cover my skirt which was riding up my thighs a bit.

Seungmin pulled my leg towards him and applied some rubbing alcohol on the wound, wiping the blood away as well. "There we go. Now we just need stitches." Seungmin rolled back towards his supplies in his chair and Chan reached over and held my hand. I didn't get why he was holding my hand when they said it didn't hurt much, but I didn't protest.

Then Seungmin started to stitch my wound. Holy fuck, it hurts. I squeezed Chan's hand tightly and clenched my eyes closed. It felt like... like... needles being poked into my skin. Well, there is technically a needle poking into my skin. God it hurt so much.

Seungmin finished the stitch and rolled away. "You're done." I let out a sigh of relief and opened my eyes. I let go of Chan's hand and sat up. I looked down at my calf and the stitch didn't really look that good on my leg. I don't mean the stitch isn't good, but it looked gruesome.

Chan helped me off of the bed with him. "It'll hurt for a few days, just take it easy so the stitching won't rip."

I nodded my head and we walked out of the infirmary and towards the main area.

"Where did the guy with the hammer come from? The window?"

I shook my head, following Chan into the kitchen. He got out a small box from the fridge. "He came from the closet."

Chan hummed, setting the box down on the counter. He opened the top of it and there was strawberry cheesecake inside. That was my favorite food but I haven't had it in so long.

"He must've been hiding there all night. Good thing we slept in the basement, hmm?" He chuckled and cut out a slice of the cake, setting it down onto the plate. I nodded my head and he pushed the plate towards me. He got a fork for me too. "I know it's your favorite." Chan said, smiling at me.

I think I got flustered? I have no idea, I never felt this way before. My cheeks were... heating up.

I took the plate of cake and sat down in on of the chairs at the counter. "Thank you." I let out in a surprisingly squeaky voice. What's going on? Help me, oh my god.

Chan laughed and put the box of cake away in the fridge. I took a bite of the cheesecake and all my embarrassment went away. It was so moist and soft. I love cheesecake so much.

Chan sat down on the counter next to my cake. "So, which cake is better? This one." He pointed to my plate. "Or this one?" He pointed to his ass. "Didn't you say it was fat?" He raised an eyebrow at me. He was obviously mocking me from earlier.

"You probably got a BBL." I said, taking another bite of cake.

"What the fuck is a bbl?" He furrowed his eyebrows. My eyes widened at him. He didn't know what a bbl was? I shoved some cake into his mouth with my fork.

"Don't worry about it." I said, smiling at him; he chewed the cake, looking at me suspiciously.

"How'd you know strawberry cheesecake was my favorite?" I asked, twirling the fork around on the empty plate.

"I asked Lily."

I raised an eyebrow at immediately. "Why were you talking to my best friend?"

Chan patted my head gently. "I just needed to know some stuff about you. Why? Are you jealous?" Chan teased, grinning at me. Now he's being cocky again. "Yeah, I'm jealous that she's talking to another douche instead of me."

Chan looked offended and turned away, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dumbass." I muttered, getting up and taking the plate and fork with me.

"Who are you calling dumbass?" Chan watched me as I made my way to the sink. I set the plate and fork down.

"You, obviously."

I turned on the faucet and started to soap up the plate. "Watch who you call dumbass." Chan came up behind me and placed his hands on either side of the sink, keeping me trapped. "I'm still the leader here, right?"

I paused washing the dishes and nodded slowly, feeling a little threatened now. What's going on?

"Good." He reached his hands down and helped me wash the other dishes along with the plate I used. I'm totally getting flustered again. I couldn't even lift my head up; I kept my head hanging low, staring at his soapy hands on mine, moving around the dishes.

He pulled his hands away after a while and washed the soap off before walking away and leaving me to finish washing the dishes.

I was dumbfounded. What happened? My body was so stiff, I probably felt like a rock. Jeeeeeeeeez, it's getting hot in here. I wiped my forehead but there wasn't any sweat...

- ,,

Lee Know finally got someone to fix up the windows, starting with our bedroom. Now we could finally sleep there instead of that dark and creepy basement. I'm convinced the boogeyman lives there.

I flopped backwards onto the bed. Chan checked anywhere in the room and bathroom that anyone else could've hid. "All clear, I suppose." He made his way towards the bed and flopped backwards next to me.

We laid there, looking up at the ceiling. "Chan."

He hummed and turned his head to look at me. I looked back at him.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow."

Chan raised his eyebrows, a pretty smile playing on his lips.


He pulled me into his arms, wrapping them around me tightly. I rested my head against his chest when a random question popped into my head. "Why are your tits bigger than mine?"

"Even implants couldn't make you beat me in my tit game." He joked, smiling at me.

"If men get bigger tits from working out, then can women do the same?"

Chan laughed and pulled me onto him, making me lay on top of him. I lifted my head to see him clearer.

"I don't think that's how it works, Y/n."

"It should be how it works. Then I'd work out everyday." I said proudly while smiling cockily. "Speaking of working out, I haven't done that in a while. I should start again before my abs disappear." I said rubbing my tummy.

"We can work out together." Chan suggested, rubbing my back soothingly.


He nodded his head in response. I hummed and thought about it for a while. It'd be nice to have a gym partner. He can spot me and stuff. I'm calling him a gym partner because I'm damn sure he doesn't want to be called "bro".

"You got yourself a deal." I said, smiling at him widely. He smiled back and ruffled my hair, messing it up. "Great."

I smacked his hand away, smoothing out my hair with my hand. "You mess up my hair everytime."

Chan giggled and ruffled my hair again.

"Stoooop!" I smacked his hand away again. Chan used both of his hands now, messing up my hair relentlessly. I pulled away and sat up, looking down at him with a frown.

"What? You look great with messy hair."

I can't even tell if he was being genuine or not. I smoothed out my hair again, but it probably didn't make it any better.

"You know, this position is really nice. Stay like this for a while." I realized I was sitting on top of him and I quickly got off, sitting next to him instead.

"Aw man."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled. "Sorry, I just like teasin a bit." His Australian accent was way more strong in that sentence. No, no, no, my cheeks were flushing again. I turned away quickly, my back facing him.

"What's wrong?" He sat up behind me, leaning forward with his head over my shoulder. He gasped dramatically when he realized something. "You're blushing. Ooooooh." He smiled widely and pinched my cheek.

"Ow, that hurts."

He chuckled and pulled his hand away. "My bad. Why're you blushing though?" He leaned back, looking at me curiously. I stood up from the bed.

"I'm not blushing." I said, calming myself down.

I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower, closing the door behind me. Holy shit, I need a break from the guy.


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