Second Chances: Legends

By Lauriver1fanboy

3.1K 183 20

Part 6 of rewritten second chances. My name is Sara Lance. After spending years working to protect the timeli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Up for Adoption

Chapter 12

85 5 0
By Lauriver1fanboy

Laurel Lance took a deep breath as she entered her apartment in Star City, however, before she even reached to turn on the lights, she immediately perked up, sensing that she wasn't alone in her apartment.

"Whoever the hell is here, show yourself." Laurel said, wanting to get this over with, since she'd had a long day and she really did not want to deal with this crap now.

However, instead of getting a response, the intruder dropped down from the ceiling and immediately attacked her, but Laurel quickly anticipated this and struck back, she and her attacker were evenly matched, though she quickly realized that her attacker was several inches shorter than her and she had blonde hair.

Laurel couldn't help but roll her eyes as she finally got the drop on her attacker and pinned her to the ground before looking down at the amused face of her little sister.

"Sara." Laurel said, exasperated.

"Miss me sis?" Sara asked smartly from under her.

"Was this attack really necessary?" Laurel asked as she helped her sister up.

"I saw how different your life was while I was gone and I wanted to see how different your skills were in this reality compared to the old one. Considering how easily you beat me, I'd say I'm impressed." Sara said.

"And you just wanted to screw with me." Laurel said.

"That goes without saying." Sara said with a chuckle as she then walked up and hugged her big sister.

"It's so good to see you again Laurel. I missed you so much." Sara said as she felt her sister hug her back.

"Now you know how I felt when you died both times. I have to admit, I'm kind of surprised you didn't try to bring me back like I did you." Laurel said.

"Trust me, dad and I both tried. Dad tried to have Nyssa use the pit on you, even though it had been destroyed and I decided to use time travel to kill Darhk before he could kill you. It took me a while, but my team helped me learn to accept it and that you wouldn't want me to put history at risk just to save you." Sara said.

"You're right. Honestly, bringing you back, that was more for me. It was selfish." Laurel said.

"Maybe, but I'm not really in a position to judge, since during Crisis, Ollie's grown up daughter from the future and I tried to use a Lazarus Pit on a parallel world to bring Ollie back after he was killed at the beginning of Crisis." Sara said.

"Let's make a promise to each other. No more resurrections. They don't end well." Laurel said.

"Agreed. But let's also hope that we don't have to worry about that until we both reach old age." Sara said and Laurel smiled.

"Deal. But anyways, I can tell by the look on your face that you've got something else to tell me, so what is it?" Laurel asked.

"Let's just say you're going to get to fulfill the role of being a sister that you never thought you would." Sara said.

"And that would be?" Laurel asked.

"You're going to be my maid of honor." Sara said, much to Laurel's pleasant shock.

"Wait, did you just say what I think you just said?" Laurel asked, needing to make sure she heard right.

"Yeah, I did. I'm engaged." Sara said, not sure which was better. Telling people she was engaged or that she could tell her sister that she was engaged.

"Tell me everything." Laurel said immediately, needing to know everything there was to know about this miracle worker who'd done the impossible. She'd domesticated her little sister.

"Her name is Ava Sharpe and ironically, when we first met, we hated each other." Sara said.

"Let's take a seat on the couch and discuss this over some wine." Laurel said.

"Wait, I thought you were a recovering alcoholic?" Sara asked.

"I was, then I died and came back and that Monitor guy did me a favor and helped me out with that. I still don't drink very often, but my little sister returns from the dead and she's engaged. If that doesn't call for celebration, I don't know what does." Laurel said.

"Yeah, not sure I'll have time for a full party, since I'm not going to be in this time period for very long, a few days tops." Sara said.

"Duty calls." Laurel said.

"It does. You were right when you convinced me to join the Legends, since I feel like I've finally found my calling." Sara said.

"I get it. But you are going to see dad right?" Laurel asked.

"Since I need to ask him to walk me down the aisle, yeah. So I was thinking about Lance family dinner. Including our new stepmom and step sister, so I can properly meet them both." Sara said.

"I'm sure dad will be thrilled. Are you gonna see mom?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah. Mainly because I want to get her ring from her to give to Ava." Sara said and Laurel smiled.

"I never thought I'd see the day that Sara Lance wants to get married." Laurel said.

"Things change." Sara said.

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting them to change this much. And you are going to see Ollie while you're here right?" Laurel asked.

"Of course. Speaking of which, what's going on between you and him?" Sara asked, changing the topic from her love life to Laurel's.

"Well, considering he just got back from Lian Yu, we're still figuring that out." Laurel said.

"Well, here's some sisterly advice for you. What you said about you and Ollie not being able to be together, that was bull. Even when I was with him, I could tell I was his second choice. You've always been his first. Besides, the reason you said those words doesn't exist anymore since Tommy is still alive and he won't die this time around." Sara said.

"I thought it was the big sister who gave out advice like that?" Laurel asked.

"And which of us is single right now?" Sara asked as Laurel handed her a wine glass.

"Very funny." Laurel said as they clinked their wine glasses together to drink.

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