The Survivor

By madeleine_baudelaire

123K 3.1K 806

A pair of twins will save the world just like the stars predicted... A potion and a series of books will chan... More

Golden Trio era - Slytherin
Golden Trio Era - Gryffindor
Gorlden Trio Era - Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw
Marauders Era
Harry and Violet Potter and the Philosopher's stone
The Twins Who Lived
The Vanishing Glass
The letters from no one
The Keeper of the keys
Diagon Alley
Platform nine and three quarters
The journey to Hogwarts
The Sorting hat
The Potion Master
The Midnight Duel
The Mirror of Erised
Nicolas Flamel
Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
The Forbidded Forest
Through the Trapdoor
The Man with Two Faces - Part One
The Man with Two Faces - Part Two
Break - Part 1
Break - Part 2
Harry and Violet Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The worst birthday
Dobby's warning
At Flourish and Blotts
Bonus scene: Christmas with the Notts 1991

The Borrow

779 44 7
By madeleine_baudelaire

Chapter 23: Who knew summer could be nice?
❦ act II ❦

✩‧₊˚*✧・゚:* The Survivor *:・゚✧*˚ ₊ ‧ ✩

'So you admit that you know that we don't bleach our hair.'

- Draco

When she and Theo arrived at the Manor she couldn't help, but gasp a little. It was such a beautiful sight. The last time she had visited, it snowed too much to properly see and appreciate the sight.

The gardens were going on for what seemed like forever and they were a combination of beautiful flowers from all around the world with  two mazes and sections reserved for fruit trees. There were paths paved with stone and arcades of climbing flowers. It looked like what one would think paradise would look like. The house was a miniature castle with stained glass at the windows. It was covered in ivy, but charmed to not attract any insects.

"This is gorgeous. I want to live there." Sighed Ginny as she considered how she could play Quidditch with the size of the estate and the house looked like a fairytale castle.

"What did it? For me, it was the stained glass." Whispered Hermione like she was telling her a secret.

"The huge gardens with space for Quidditch." She replied and Hermione started laughing.

"I knew it. Pay up, losers." Hermione cheered and waited with her hand open for the others next to them to offer her the money. They made a bet about who would speak of the house first and why.

She wasn't sure for how long she had been staring at the grounds, but she knew it was for quite some time when Theo put a hand on her shoulders and gently took her inside.

Mr and Mrs Nott were tensely talking with Harry until they saw them. Their posture quickly relaxed and they hugged them close. "We thought something happened or that you splinched." They both said at the same time.

"No, we're fine." Assured Theo as he tried to hide his amusement. His parents were well aware that he had no problems with Apparition. Sometimes they used the fact that they were purebloods to get certain things, like teaching their son to apparate as his tenth birthday present.

"Merlin and Morgan help me." Cursed Amelia. Compared to what she had seen so far and with pureblood culture this was extremely tame, but still.

"Yes, I apologise, Amelia for the inconvenience," smiled apologetically Mrs Nott.

She had to stop herself from laughing. It was sweet that her friend was worrying about her and what she would do. She had more than enough problems to solve without bringing their corrupt and dangerous government. "Don't worry, Silvia. Compared to this, I don't even have what to report. I have no doubt all the legal work is complete."

His mother looked both Violet and he up and down before nodding like they passed what every test she came up with. "If you say so. You know we always take care of each other. Yell for us if you two need anything." Nodded Mrs Nott. She learned that it was better not to press since it would only make him want to lie. She took her husband's hand and started dancing salsa in the direction of the kitchen.

"Are they sane?" Violet asked Theo in a quiet tone. She hasn't seen adults act this way before. She loved them either way, but she would like to know their state of mind.

"Madness and normalcy are very subjective. It depends who you ask and their definition of each notion." Said Dennis, having asked himself that question over the years.

Theo shrugged. He got used over time with his parents' antics, it was amusing to see people actually love each other compared to the stuffy and dry faces of other pureblood couples. "They might be, they night not be, but they're cool either way." He then took her hand and gave Harry a look that meant for him to follow and walked them to the bedrooms.

"Theo, I love you."

"Good to hear, but I'm already dating the love of my life, so unfortunately your feeling are unrequited." Theo said dramatically and kissed Blaise softly. He had no doubt in his mind that he would never love anyone as much as he loved his butterfly. "I love you." He mouthed to Blaise when they pulled apart.

"Oh, how will I survive without you love?" Asked Pansy with a sarcastic look and making those around her laugh.

"It's alright, love. I'll help you move on." Fred decided to play along, pressing a cheek to Pansy's cheek.


A few days after she arrived, she thought it was time to write in the journal again. She hasn't been writing as much since it hurt her feelings that she wasn't getting a reply. This time, she had higher hopes or at least she wasn't expecting anything to be written back now.

Snuffles was very sad to hear that and went to sit next to Violet as a way to show her that he was there for her.

She has researched as much as she could about the prison and she found out that they're not allowed with any objects, so it was most likely that even if he wanted to reply, he didn't have the materials for it. She felt a little stupid when she realised, but Theo assured her that she was still young and she was allowed to make mistakes, especially when she was already putting the weight of the world upon herself. She added a pen to the list of things to send with Kreacher soon.

Violet wrote the new passage under her favourite tree from the garden, an old apple tree with green apples growing and with her newfound companion on her shoulder.

"Newfound companion? I don't trust it. You have the worst track record when it comes to animals." Announced Blaise to the room. He wanted it to be known.

"How much do you want to bet the companion is actually an animagus?" Asked Daphne.

"Twenty galleons on it being some sort of relative or close friend of her parents." Said Blaise and the other Slytherins and Hannah added their own bets.

The other people were staring at them wide eyed and didn't know what to say.

Uncle Padfoot,

I don't know if you're even getting these messages since you haven't replied to one yet. It brings me comfort though to know someone from my family is able to know what is happening in my life. I miss you. I miss everyone and I hate that I don't know how to find you. I promise to save you, to take you out of there. I'll come up with a solution as soon as I can.

Snuffles barked and licked Violet's hand, wanting to show her that he was out, he was there with her and didn't plan to ever leave her again.

To the good parts, I am back to the Nott Manor for the rest of the summer, despite Dumbledore's protests. It is the most beautiful place you could ever be in. It's warm all the time, even during winter, and it's filled with books and magical artefacts. I've been practicing my potion skills more than ever. I plan to send Kreacher soon with a basket for you. I hope you won't believe it's a trick. I've been searching more about Azkaban and all I can say is that it's a terrible place to be in that loves to play with your mind.

"You're writing to a criminal?" Asked Cornelius.

"Yes, and my correspondence partners are not of any interest to anyone here." She replied as politely yet cryptically as she could. All information would come in due time.

I already talked to Mrs Nott, she is a Mind-Healer, she promised to help you once you get out. I can't even imagine the hell it must be over there.

"Thank you again for your help. You did an amazing job to help his recovery." Remus thanked Mrs Nott.

He wasn't sure that Sirius would be even half as healthy, sane and confident as he was in that moment without the constant help of the woman with potions, therapy and charms. She even helped him with his previous trauma which anyone who met Sirius knew was a lot, a whole and complicated web of trauma only worsened by the war.

"I became a medic to help people. He needed my help and Violet asked me to. There was nothing I wouldn't have done to help him." She simply told him and they both knew just how deep those words went. She was willing to do anything for her family and Violet was her daughter.

I baked some brownies today. I saved you a few pieces in a container charmed to keep the food good for months. I plan to do this with the rest of the food I'll send. I can't imagine they feed you well. I read through some old letters that you enjoy traditional French food. I made two or three recipes specifically for you. I searched into some family recipe books that I found. Hope you'll enjoy them.

"You made him French food. You spoiled him." Mock gasped Theo.

"Considering where he was I believe a little pampering was needed for some good help." She rolled her eyes at him. "And I don't remember you complaining while eating the leftovers."

I also befriended a bird, I think it might be a raven, but I am not completely sure. It is a very weird bird, almost like it forgot how to behave like a bird. I think she flew from a laboratory and the poor thing doesn't know what to do now. I've been feeding her for a week now. She stays on my shoulder while I read. Sometimes I ask her questions and it sounds like she replies. I named her Zenith. I think she loves the name since she snuggled into my hair after I called her that. She's so sweet. I'm thinking of keeping her, even Thalia likes her (my owl) and she almost never likes anyone, with feathers or human.

A pen will also come with the next package. I didn't even realise you might not have one. I apologise. I will write again soon.


After finishing what she wrote she pulled out her book and started reading again. Zenith sitting on her shoulder and bringing her wildflowers every half an hour. It seemed to be her way of counting the time.

"I'll take your money, you'll see." Predicted Blaise.


Harry left a week after arriving at the Manor to the Barrow, the Weasley's house.

He just came down to breakfast one day and told Violet that he spoke with them and checked if it was okay for him to spend the rest of his summer there. The Weasley family agreed and also asked Violet to join whenever she wanted. Unlike her brother, her invitation was clearly just a polite invite and at least one of the parents clearly didn't want her to come.

"That's rude, Harry. Not only to your sister, but also to the people who let you into their home." Said Dean. His mother would have his head if he was this impolite to someone who took him in.

She wrote back that she'll spend the time with the Nott's, but that she would make sure to write. She was currently sitting in her room, reading on of the potion books from the library and waiting for Kreacher to return.

She closed her book the moment she heard the pop. "Kreacher, how did it go with finding Moony?" She asked rather eagerly. She surprised herself with the slightly demanding tone of her words. "Sorry for the attitude, Kreacher. I've been dealing with some problems with my brother and I'm pretty stressed. Not that it's an excuse for my behaviour. I'll try to manage my feelings better in the future."

"Now, this is the right attitude, not whatever is in blondie's head." Mumbled Theo.

"So you admit that you know that we don't bleach our hair." Draco almost jumped up in happiness. He finally got the verbal confirmation he had been hunting for years.

"Violet is fine. Kreacher understands." The elf said in a comforting tone. He even put a small hand on her shoulder. "Kreacher could not find Violet's wolf, but he shall not stop trying. There's a chance he's warded, but Kreacher can't know for sure. It is unclear why Kreacher can't find him. Kreacher has never had any problems with getting somewhere or handing a letter." He explained the elf and Violet could see he was upset. They started to get along as the year passed.

"Just because he knows who you are to me and I'm teaching him to be more accepting it doesn't erase years of hate." Explained Violet why exactly Kreacher wasn't exactly nice. "And I genuinely do not care if he insults Mrs Weasley." She added the last part only for her friends to hear. She didn't want to get in a yelling match with Molly yet.

She put a hand on his shoulder, feeling foolishly happy that her elf didn't flinch like he used to in the beginning. "It's fine, Kreacher. I'm the one who should be the one with more patience." She explained, she had been trying to teach her elf to be more confident and not afraid of punishment at the slightest mistake. She couldn't let herself change when it was only on her to teach him better.

The elf would like to believe he understood how his new Mistress worked, but she surprised him everyday. She was too kind and too forgiving in his mind, but then until then he only met people who reached their breaking point, maybe she was still not there and so it allows her heart to be softer. "Kreacher will find Violet's wolf." He said it like it was a vow, a vow of loyalty to one of the only ones in the world who treated him nicely without any danger hanging above his head.

"You did get him back in the end, so this should count as a win." Ginny and Luna nodded in agreement.

"The fates work in mysterious ways and the time was right when the moon and death connected under the influence of the stars and the wings of the raven." Luna recited and nobody except Firenze truly understood what she was saying. The two of them shared a look, already knowing how life will continue after this and the lives sparred from pain. 


Harry arrived at Ron's house with Mr Nott. The man apparating with him, not wanting to risk Harry using the Floo and ending up somewhere else.

Mrs Weasley turned red as she remembered the incident from that summer. She hoped it wouldn't be shown.

The house looked as though it had once been a large stone pigsty, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several storeys high and so crooked it looked as though it was held up by magic (which, Harry reminded himself, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lop-sided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read 'The Burrow'. Round the front door lay a jumble of wellington boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard.

"That house looks like a failed art project." Dudley whispered to his cousin. He didn't say it too loud, because she didn't want to upset anyone.

"It's still standing, so it is better than one." Chuckled Violet, not maliciously, but truly thinking that it was impressive how magic worked, because she had no doubt that otherwise the house would've either collapsed or would've had a different form.

Mr Nott was the first one to move and walked next to Harry before knocking on the door. It was impolite to just dump the child and leave before he saw that he was inside and safe.

The door was opened by Mrs Weasley who was wearing an apron. She first gave him a cutting look before she noticed Harry and her gaze softened. 'Harry, my dear, you're here. We're so happy to have you here. Ron and the others couldn't wait until you got here.' She said as she started fussing over him. She made him enter the house before she turned to face Mr Nott. 'Thank you for bringing him. We'll look after him from here. Have a good day.' She simply nodded and closed the door before the man even had the chance to speak.

Bill and Charlie stared at their mother in disbelief. She literally closed the door in the man's face. "Mum!" Both of them said to her. 

Andromeda shook her head at Molly. She was aware that the woman was pretty radical when she had an opinion, but still, doing that unprovoked and in front of Harry was disgraceful and bad manners. "Not okay, Molly."

Arthur didn't know what to say to his wife.

The wizard was left staring at the closed door. 'No wonder her husband isn't well liked in the Ministry with that woman as his wife. Incredibly rude. My parents would've had her head for that.' He mumbled to himself before he left. He had planned to stay for a little while and observe before returning home so Violet wouldn't be too worried about her brother, but it seemed that he would have to disappoint.

"Only her head? You're insulting Griselda. A terrible woman, but with impeccable taste." Mrs Zabini was offended on Griselda's behalf. She hated the woman with a passion, but she also admired her. The witch's cold demeanor and cutting personality inspired her own disappearing acts.

Not long after Harry arrived, Mr Weasley came home from work. Mr Weasley was slumped in a kitchen chair with his glasses off and his eyes closed. He was a thin man, going bald, but the little hair he had was as red as any of his children's. He was wearing long green robes which were dusty and travel-worn.

'What a night,' he mumbled, groping for the teapot as they all sat down around him. 'Nine raids. Nine! And old Mundungus Fletcher tried to put a hex on me when I had my back turned ...' Mr Weasley took a long gulp of tea and sighed.

"Constant vigilence!" Yelled Moody and succeeded to scare quite the number of people, most forgetting his presence.

'Find anything, Dad?' said Fred eagerly.

'All I got were a few shrinking door-keys and a biting kettle,' yawned Mr Weasley. 'There was some pretty nasty stuff that wasn't my department, though. Mortlake was taken away for questioning about some extremely odd ferrets, but that's the Committee on Experimental Charms, thank goodness ...'

Draco turned pale at the mention of ferrets. He still couldn't even look at white fur without his whole body shaking and starting to sweat like he was in the shower.

Daphne hid away her go to fur cloak because it was white and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Theo refused to put on his hat until Blaise charmed it to turn a light shade of pink, he still wasn't very good with colouring charms. Violet and Pansy worked together and threatened the whole house into hiding or charming the colour of every single white furry item. His friends made sure he wouldn't have to see even the smallest trace of white fur after the incident.

Pansy and Blaise came over to sit on either side of him and pressed him into a sandwich, each of them wrapping their arms around him.

'Why would anyone bother making door-keys shrink?' said George.

'Just Muggle-baiting,' sighed Mr Weasley. 'Sell them a key that keeps shrinking to nothing so they can never find it when they need it ... Of course, it's very hard to convict anyone because no Muggle would admit their key keeps shrinking – they'll insist they just keep losing it. Bless them, they'll go to any lengths to ignore magic, even if it's staring them in the face ... but the things our lot have taken to enchanting, you wouldn't believe –'

'LIKE CARS, FOR INSTANCE?' Mrs Weasley had appeared, holding a long poker like a sword.

"Merlin above!" Jumped Eliot and Dennis together at the screeching yell from the screen.

Mr Weasley's eyes jerked open. He stared guiltily at his wife. 'C-cars, Molly, dear?'

'Yes, Arthur, cars,' said Mrs Weasley, her eyes flashing. 'Imagine a wizard buying a rusty old car and telling his wife all he wanted to do with it was take it apart to see how it worked, while really he was enchanting it to make it fly.'

"That's very impressive if it works." Nodded enthusiastically Filius. The charm work would be very tricky since Muggle cars functioned weirdly. 

Mr Weasley blinked. 'Well, dear, I think you'll find that he would be quite within the law to do that, even if, er, he maybe would have done better to, um, tell his wife the truth ... There's a loophole in the law, you'll find ... as long as he wasn't intending to fly the car, the fact that the car could fly wouldn't –'

"Yes, loopholes! Good job, Mr Weasley." Cheered Hannah and Neville. They had no true idea what was going on, but it was clear Arthur found ways to bend the rules.

'Arthur Weasley, you made sure there was a loophole when you wrote that law!' shouted Mrs Weasley. 'Just so you could carry on tinkering with all that Muggle rubbish in your shed! And for your information, Harry arrived this morning while I was trying to get that stupid car in the garage after someone took it for a ride in the middle of the night!'

'Harry?' said Mr Weasley blankly. 'Harry who?' He looked around, saw Harry and jumped. 'Good Lord, is it Harry Potter? Very pleased to meet you, Ron's told us so much about –'

'Your sons flew that car to the Lovegood's house and back and wouldn't even tell me why!' shouted Mrs Weasley, 'What have you got to say about that, eh?'

'Did you really?' said Mr Weasley eagerly. 'Did it go all right? I-I mean,' he faltered, as sparks flew from Mrs Weasley's eyes, 'that that was very wrong, boys – very wrong indeed ...'

"Dad is the best." Nodded Fred and George. Besides their siblings and friends, their father was their biggest support, of course, behind their mother's back.

Arthur left them different books on subjects they could explore for their pranks. He would hide any lost products in the house, so his wife wouldn't find them. He offered to help them with the money issue in their sixth year. He let them test some products on him. He went to work after they got the money from Harry and Violet and started to apply for the permits they needed to have a legal and functioning prank shop. He supported them in all the ways he could and they were grateful to have him.

'Let's leave them to it,' Ron muttered to Harry, as Mrs Weasley swelled like a bullfrog. 'Come on, I'll show you my bedroom.'

They slipped out of the kitchen and down a narrow passageway to an uneven staircase, which zigzagged its way up through the house. On the third landing, a door stood ajar. Harry just caught sight of a pair of bright brown eyes staring at him before it closed with a snap.

'Ginny,' said Ron. 'You don't know how weird it is for her to be this shy, she never shuts up normally –'

"Thank you, Ronald." Said Ginny drily. She didn't appreciate her brother's comments.

They climbed two more flights until they reached a door with peeling paint and a small plaque on it, saying 'Ronald's Room'.

Harry stepped in, his head almost touching the sloping ceiling, and blinked. It was like walking into a furnace: nearly everything in Ron's room seemed to be a violent shade of orange: the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling. Then Harry realised that Ron had covered nearly every inch of the shabby wallpaper with posters of the same seven witches and wizards, all wearing bright orange robes, carrying broomsticks and waving energetically.

"My eyes hurt." Noted Dudley as he still watched in wonder the room. It was fascinating to see the magical world even closer than before.

"You don't get used to it." Assured the twins. "We would go there sometimes to hide some things and it never stopped hurting my retinas."

'Your Quidditch team?' said Harry.

'The Chudley Cannons,' said Ron, pointing at the orange bedspread, which was emblazoned with two giant black Cs and a speeding cannonball. 'Ninth in the league.'

Ron's school spellbooks were stacked untidily in a corner, next to a pile of comics which all seemed to feature The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle. Ron's magic wand was lying on top of a fish tank full of frogspawn on the windowsill, next to his fat grey rat, Scabbers, who was snoozing in a patch of sun. Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window. In the field far below he could see a gang of gnomes sneaking, one by one, back through the Weasleys' hedge. Then he turned to look at Ron, who was watching him almost nervously, as though waiting for his opinion.

'It's a bit small,' said Ron quickly. 'Not like that room you had with the Muggles I'm sure. And I'm right underneath the ghoul in the attic, he's always banging on the pipes and groaning ...'

"Compared to those animals, this is luxury." Gritted her teeth Hermione. She hated Vernon for making her friends sleep in a cupboard and later in a minuscule bedroom.

But Harry, grinning widely, said, 'This is the best house I've ever been in.'

"Thank you, Harrington." Theo batted his eyelashes mockingly at Harry. He couldn't believe this guy had the guts to compare his house to the Borrow and let the Borrow win. It wasn't about the aspect of the house, it was about how they opened their house to him and took care of him like he was also one of them only for Harry to go and say that to people and mean it.

Ron's ears went pink.


Not even a day passed since she sent the package when her journal made her aware she received a reply.

She was drinking a cup of coffee and researching more on the laws and regulations of convictions in the Wizarding World when the journal started to warm. She almost dropped her cup on the floor. Her hands were shaking as she opened it. A long text was written in a shaky but surprisingly elegant handwriting.

"How come I didn't know about this part of the story?" Asked Eliot.

"I gave you the highlights. This just wasn't that interesting." Shrugged Violet. It really wasn't that cool. They mostly talked about school, her social life and she asked him for stories to try and keep his memories and mind in the best shape it could hold while in Azkaban.

Hello mini Bambi,

Alice and Frank laughed at the nickname. They found out the secret only a few months before it all went south because Sirius would only use Bambi or other deer or stag puns to talk to the babies.

First, I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you've done so far for me. I greatly enjoyed the food and the things you sent to me. It's been years since I've tasted homemade dishes and it was warm and one of my favourite childhood dishes. It was incredible. Your cooking skills are out of this world.

This is the first time I'm writing to someone in years. The only person I spoke with until now was Minerva when she comes for our monthly meetings. It's rather sweet of her. I love that woman with my whole heart. I was happy to hear that you like her as well.

McGonagall was tearing up at the sweet words of her former student. Out of all her students the Marauders were always closer to her heart, but Sirius took the lead.

Congratulations on being a Slytherin! Congratulations to your brother as well on being a Gryffindor! I'm incredibly proud of you two and I couldn't have asked for better godchildren. Love you both so much! You parents would be so proud of you two as well.

Both Narcissa and Andromeda were shocked. They always thought that Sirius hated them for being in Slytherin, yet here he was being proud of his goddaughter. Regret started to seep into their hearts, Andromeda knowing she would hug and talk to her cousin as soon as a break came and Narcissa wondering what the bloody hell went wrong for her family to earn this pain.

I'm very disappointed that you couldn't live with Moony. I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking. We already had rooms for you and everything, so it would've been okay and certainly better than with your aunt and uncle. Plus it was written in the wills that we would be the ones to look after you in case anything happened to them. And the fact that he never tried to contact you is weird. I know for a fact that he'd never just allow you to live somewhere else and not even bother to check how you were living and get to know you.

I can't believe Harry is the youngest seeker in a century! Someone should pinch me. It's incredible! And my really smart goddaughter was the first in her year! Good job, baby deer. Show everyone how amazing you are. I'm sure you're both incredible.

"Baby deer, Bambi? What's with the animal nicknames?" Asked Dudley confused.

"It's a surprise, Dud. It will come up at some point I'm sure." Simply smiled Violet.

North, the baby dragon, looks so sweet. Thank you for the photos. No wander you didn't want to let her go. She seems like a huge softie. Glad to hear that the Weasley boy still keeps you informed on her.

I will strangle Dumbledore with my two own hands the next time I see him for letting you go after the stone alone, with no preparation, support or anything really. He should've dealt with it on his own and I won't hear any arguments that excuse this type of manipulation and deception. He's one of the most known and respected wizards in the world and he couldn't be bothered to take care of you two properly. I'm also disappointed to hear that there's still such a strong dislike between Slytherin and the rest of the houses. I would've expected the professors or Dumbledore to try and connect the houses more after the war. It would've been better for everyone to learn to trust each other.

Dumbledore was shocked to hear this. Sirius never gave him the impression that he was anything but his loyal pawn. He looked around, trying to see what his other allies thought of this and didn't see anything besides uninterested expressions and light smirks.

I don't know much about the Nott family, or at least not the part of the family that you're talking and spending time with. They've been certainly hidden away during the war, probably ashamed of them or something. I'd say that's rather sad. I've heard of Silvia from Moony though. I think she was leading a study group and offered tutoring sessions. She was also kind of a rebel, but in the way more subtle sense of the word. She was known for defying the rules, mostly about the uniforms. I really liked her even if I didn't know her. She was six years older than us, so we never had the chance to meet or talk. I'm glad she found someone that makes her happy from what you told me, it is kind of a rarity in pureblood culture. She was one of my favourite Slytherins.

"You told your friends about me?" Asked Mrs Nott surprised. She genuinely didn't really remember the students she tutored, but Remus made an impression on her with his willingness to learn. She remembered him even before she met him again through Violet.

"You were a very good tutor and I admired your skills. I actually suggested them to try and reach out to you to ask for help as well." Answered Remus and the two of them shared a smile.

I believe it is time for me to explain what exactly happened during that night, if not for you then for my peace of mind.

The content continued for the next three pages and after she finished reading she started to try and make active conversation with the journal. It was kind of difficult at first, but they got the hang of it, both of them happy to find someone who was there to listen.

Zenith was standing guard in her hair and chirped every once in a while to make Violet offer a piece of biscuit. The bird was so still as she read that she later joked with Theo that it could read.

"I can't wait to take your money." Mused Blaise, a rare smile on his lips. He didn't know who

"Chapter is done from the sounds of it. Who wants to read?" Asked Violet.

"I want to." Said Ginny and she went to take the book. "At Florish and Blotts or Where are you narcisism if not in front of me."

"These titles are getting longer," Theo complained to Violet who only shrugged in response.


Two days later, but I'm here. Hope you liked the chapter.

This is pretty much a filler chapter, but it offers some insight into how Sirius and Violet are interacting.

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It day began as any other, everyone in the great hall when a group appeared. They were watching movies; people from the past, present and future come...
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In which the group from the past watch how their decisions changed the future. [Book 1- Part 1:Philosopher Stone] [Book 1- Part 2: Lightning Thief] [...