The Survivor

By madeleine_baudelaire

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A pair of twins will save the world just like the stars predicted... A potion and a series of books will chan... More

Golden Trio era - Slytherin
Golden Trio Era - Gryffindor
Gorlden Trio Era - Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw
Marauders Era
Harry and Violet Potter and the Philosopher's stone
The Twins Who Lived
The Vanishing Glass
The letters from no one
The Keeper of the keys
Diagon Alley
Platform nine and three quarters
The journey to Hogwarts
The Sorting hat
The Potion Master
The Midnight Duel
The Mirror of Erised
Nicolas Flamel
Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
The Forbidded Forest
Through the Trapdoor
The Man with Two Faces - Part One
The Man with Two Faces - Part Two
Break - Part 1
Break - Part 2
Harry and Violet Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Dobby's warning
The Borrow
At Flourish and Blotts
Bonus scene: Christmas with the Notts 1991

The worst birthday

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By madeleine_baudelaire

Chapter 21: Birthdays are not that bad
❦ act II ❦

✩‧₊˚*✧・゚:* The Survivor *:・゚✧*˚ ₊ ‧ ✩

'You're magnificent when you dance.'

- Voice

She felt soreness settle everywhere in her body. She'd have a hard time doing her chores with how muscles would most likely feel the day after. She just finished her training session of the day and she was exhausted. She was grateful that she usually didn't get as many chores on the days when she had practice or right before a show.

"Violet, you must continue to train and make sure you don't get too big. I trust that you will maintain this form until next summer when you shall return to us. Make sure to inform your professor of that. And as a piece of advice, cigarettes can help you be skinny." Her ballet teacher told her before she had the chance to flee. She then gave her a small smile, getting close and invading Violet's space with her strong smell of cigarettes. She refrained herself from pushing the woman away and berating her on giving such advice to impressionable children who could be influenced and actually take that into account. "I heard you might have a shot of being taken for something better next summer since you'd be thirteen then and we could move you to the teenage groups without too much of a fuss." The woman added either blind to her student's skittish attitude and the anger in her eyes or she was good at pretending it wasn't there.

"Classic old dance mentality." Sighed Daphne though she wasn't surprised. Her parents made her take dance classes as well and her teacher was quite the same.

Adrian took her hand and traced flowers on her skin gently knowing how it calmed her down. He handled her teacher the moment he heard what she was saying and doing.

She had practiced ballet since she was four. It was her favourite thing in the world. She loved the music, the movement and the feelings her moves were supposed to portray. She had been a part of this group for years and it would be hard for her to leave them behind when September would come. She didn't have any friends within the group or was too fond of the instructor, but the teacher knew what she was doing and it was way better than what she had at Hogwarts or at her uncle's house.

"How come I never knew you did ballet?" Asked Ginny.

"You never asked, so I didn't have the reason to mention it." Shrugged Violet. "Plus you don't know a lot about me." She continued in her head, but didn't voice it.

"Don't let it bother you. You're magnificent when you dance. No description could do it justice." The voice she knew too well complimented her.

She was rather sad that Hogwarts didn't have dance classes. She didn't expect them to be as strict or as good as the ones she attended on some sort of agreement or something over the summer, but she would've liked to have a proper space to train and a teacher to help. Last year she used empty classrooms until Leonard suggested she tried to use the Room of Requirements. That was the best development in her training and it also helped when she found out that Kreacher knew quite a lot about the dance and offered to be her teacher three times a week for four hours. It was intense she knew, but she had to be in her top shape to continue her classes during the summer and to have a shot at one day being a lead ballerina in one of the major productions.

At the moment, her group was only doing simple pieces. They still won awards and everything, but she wanted more. She wanted the applause and the satisfaction of having hundreds of people coming just to see her dance. Maybe it was a tad narcissistic, but she didn't care. She loved what she was doing and she was confident that she was doing it well or she wouldn't have been considered for such an opportunity.

"I'll make sure to remain in my best shape, Mrs Andreyev." She promised the woman with a decided smile that she showed whenever she put her mind to something.

"Is it weird that I'm glad that this means that it wasn't only the papers that made you insecure last year?" Asked Pansy with a tired face.

"It's not weird, it's a comfort to see that the crowd wasn't the thing who had so much sway over me." Nodded Violet.


The clock didn't even hit midnight when the mirror on Violet's shelf started to glow.

"I'm still upset that we didn't realise that you were sleeping in the cupboard." Said Mrs Nott.

"It's fine, mum. It wasn't that bad. I could do whatever I wanted since nobody bothered to check on me." Assured Violet.

"Vivi! Viv!" Whispered the voice of Violet's best friend, Theo. "Are you awake?"

Violet closed the book she was reading with a small smile and picked up the mirror. "Yes, Theo. I'm awake. What are you disturbing my midnight reading session for?" She asked, but both of them knew she wasn't annoyed or she wouldn't have answered.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Violet. Happy birthday to you." Sang Theo and his parents as they held a cake in front of the mirror. She could hear more voices in the background, but she wasn't entirely sure. "We wish you the best and hope you only happiness and luck."

"That's so sweet." Smiled Fleur. "It was the first time someone celebrated your birthday, right?"

"Yeah. I didn't really have someone in my life who could've done it." Violet shrugged. She was grateful for her family, but she was used to being forgotten.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't," apologised Petunia and Dudley.

"I understand." The girl smiled reassuringly at them.

Violet could feel her vision start to blur as tears gathered in her eyes. Nobody sang her happy birthday, ever.

"Come on, Harry." Complained Neville, Dean and Seamus.

Luna didn't celebrate birthdays even if she got Violet a present and a piece of cake for their meeting for her birthday. She was usually the one to sing to her brother. Aunt Petunia only left them the presents and left quickly. It was so new to see that someone cared enough for her to not only sing her happy birthday, but also get a cake and call her right at midnight on her birthday.

"Thank you for this. I did my best, but she deserved better." Said Petunia to Mr and Mrs Nott.

"What you did was more than enough all things considered. Sometimes circumstances win and not us." Nodded Mrs Nott.

"You're out, you're loved, you're remembered. Never forget this, Viv." Theo told her and started playing with her rings.

She wiped her tears quickly and smiled warmly at the mirror. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

Then she could see someone stealing the mirror. Her other friends also came in view, including Luna and Neville.

"What are you doing over there?" She asked, not sure who she addressed the question for.

"Mr and Mrs Nott made sure to arrange a sleepover for the night, so we could call you as well." Explained Daphne.

"That's so thoughtful. You're good parents." Complimented Mr Weasley.

He never truly got the chance to speak with the Nott's properly. His wife didn't like Violet and she disliked almost all pureblood families, especially the ones who were rumored to have sided with Voldemort. The Nott's couple might've not shared views or anything like it, but the rest of the family was not ashamed of stating loudly and publicly how much they agreed with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. If the books were taken as proof then he was confident that the Nott's were very accepting and loving since they went through all of that for Violet.

"Thank you, Arthur. Sylvia and I can say the same about you." Mr Nott smiled at the man.

"Yes. You made sure we got presents and cake and everything else for our birthdays, so we thought we should do the same." Said Blaise and the others nodded.

"They wrote to me and asked if I wanted to come. They promised that they don't have any Lightningballs around, so I came." Explained Luna and Violet could see everyone's confused looks.

"I'm glad to hear that, Loons." Smiled Violet at the mirror.

Just then Kreacher appeared in her cupboard and offered Violet his hand. "Does Violet want Kreacher to take her to Lord and Lady Nott's Manor? Kreacher will make sure Violet gets back before anyone will notice that she's gone." Said the small elf and waited to see what Violet wanted to do.

"How did you get him to respect you or at least not insult you? I've tried to talk to him and it didn't work very well." Asked Remus.

"The conversation was extremely tense and possibly, most likely, traumatising, so I'd rather not share more than a brief summary. The older Blacks were pieces of shit, the only one who treated him with even the smallest amount of decency and respect was Reggie and let's just say that Kreacher is very talented at holding grudges for the one person he cared about and cared about him in return." She explained and gave him a look that clearly said all it was to be said. He hated everyone in the house because of what he was taught and because he held grudges for Regulus.

Violet started laughing and took his hand gently. "I guess I'll see you in a minute." She said to the mirror and Kreacher apparated them to the Nott Manor.

They appeared in a heavily decorated living room where as soon as Violet stepped a foot in, she was covered in hugs. She made sure to hug everyone back as she missed having someone hug her. As she finished she saw Neville and Luna standing aside, probably not wanting to mingle or accidently insult someone.

Pansy laughed as she remembered just how tense Neville was when he first arrived. He never interacted with any of them without Violet standing next to him and even then he barely spoke. "Honestly, he was so scared at first, we worried he'll end up accidently setting something on fire."

"I wasn't that bad." Tried Neville to defend his younger self. "I just wanted to observe and get to know you without anyone else's interference before trying to have a conversation."

"How did it work for you?" Asked Hannah with a teasing tone. She knew the group well enough to realise that they also avoided him until they could calculate if he was a danger, liability or someone worth talking to.

"Decent enough. By the end of the night, I was getting along quite well with Pansy to everyone's surprise and I also met Astoria, one of the few people who truly appreciate the beauty of Herbology." He nodded.

"Thanks, Nev." Smiled Astoria.

She went to the two of them and gave Luna a small hug. It was the only time of the year when it felt allowed to hug her since she was aware that she didn't enjoy physical contact too much. "It's good to see you, space babe. I'm sure the Lightningballs will be terrified by your laugh enough to leave if some are somehow hiding." She said to her and enjoyed to see her laugh and give her a second hug.

"Thank you for believing in me. You're my favourite person." She whispered to her. She pulled back and offered her a present. "I'll go to speak with Mrs Nott about the meaning of dreams and how they influence our lives without us knowing."

She nodded and took the present. "I'm sure it will be an enlightening conversation. Make sure to catch me up afterwards."

Neville moved even more on the side and was standing rather awkwardly in front of a bookshelf. Violet hugged him as well. "Happy birthday, Nev." She told him as she hugged him for the second time. "I really hope you liked my present."

"Yes! Your birthday is the day before theirs." Realised Dean.

His eyes met hers and he looked at her like she said a bad joke. "Are you kidding me? It's one of the best things I've ever gotten." He said excitedly.

She missed doing potions, so after everyone went to sleep she'd grab her cauldron and brew different potions. She gave Neville for his birthday, as she did for the others, a full set of different potions. She made Pepperup Potion, Invigoration Draught, Calming Draught, Antidote to Common Poisons, Wound-Cleaning Potion, Dreamless Sleep Potion, Blemish Blitzer, Baruffio's Brain Elixir, Draught of Peace and Regermination Potion. The others only got nine, but she really thought that Neville would appreciate the Regermination Potion. It took her three tries to perfect it and she also added a thing or two to make sure it had better effects and lasted for longer.

"Impressive work, Ms Potter." Said Snape.

Violet did a mock gasp. "A compliment? From you, professor? I either must be dreaming or pigs started flying again."

"Again?" Asked her aunt Petunia.

Violet mimicked locking her lips. Her aunt, along with her cousin, were sure in for a couple of surprises.

"Come on. Don't take all of her attention. I'm the one she came here for." Said Theo as he stole Violet away to hug her. "Merlin, I missed you." He told her as he held her close.

"Attention whore." Coughed someone and not a minute after he finished his sentenced he had a broken nose that was bleeding a lot, a severe injury to his intimate area and a few curses and jinxes sent his way.

"I might not get revenge on a table because you stabbed your toe in it, but I will fight people like that for the rest of our lives." Smiled Violet at Theo as he was bandaging her knuckles. She was so angry that she was a little careless and ended up injuring herself a little, but the damage was minimal at best.

Theo finished with the bandages and kissed her knuckles before letting go of her hand. "Yes, my love. You're my knight in shining armour."

"You can be. I'll just keep him company from aside and get long term revenge." Nodded Blaise, but everyone at Hogwarts knew that if Violet hadn't done it, he would've been next to kick that little prick all the way to the moon and back. 

Blaise Zabini was a peace loving man, but when it came to his boyfriend, everyone knew to keep a distance or he'd burn them so bad they'd beg for mercy.

She hugged him back and breathed in his awful cologne that she loved to complain about. She hated the smell of it, but she also missed it since it smelled like Theo. "I missed you too." She whispered.

"Is that why you smelled of weird cologne the next day?" Asked Dudley. He didn't mention it at the time, but the smell was strong and terrible.

"Yes. Half the time it's like he's showering in it." Laughed Violet. "Now he's got a boyfriend who he wants to smell good for, so it's better."

Pansy was done with the hugs and everything. They've done more than enough. "Let's eat some cake because I've seen it and it looked amazing and I want to taste it."

"Patience is a virtue, Pans." Said Draco as he put a hand around her shoulders.

She rolled her eyes and walked towards the table where the cake was set. "So is my knee between your legs if you try and stop me." She warned and everyone laughed.

"I like you." Said Fleur. She didn't get the chance to get to know Violet's friends, without counting Theo, Collin and Luna since they were family to her.

"The feeling is mutual." Smiled Pansy. Fleur charmed a dragon for crying out loud when it usually takes four or five people. If that wasn't impressive, she wasn't sure what was.

"Rude." Mumbled Draco and Blaise put a hand on his shoulder. They both laughed as everyone gathered around the cake that looked like a piece of art rather than a birthday cake.

Violet almost gasped the first time she saw the cake. She couldn't see it properly in the mirror. It was like it was pulled out of the film. It was a perfect replica of the scene in Peter Pan when they fly over the Big Ben. It was gorgeous. "This is amazing. Thank you so much."

All those who watched the movie couldn't help, but be awed by the realistic recreation of the scene.

Mr Nott hugged her and shook his head. "Our pleasure. It was either Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland, but Sylvia chose this design." He smiled and chuckled as his wife playfully hit his shoulder.

Mrs Nott lit a match and lit the candles and everyone started to sing happy birthday again. They watched excitedly as Violet blew out the candles and they began another round of hugging and cheering.


Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive.

"Not surprised." Whispered Theo.

Mr. Vernon Dursley had been woken in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry's room. "Third time this week!" he roared across the table. "If you can't control that owl, it'll have to go!"

Both Petunia and Dudley winced, that summer was horrid. The owl would hoot from sundown until sunrise. Nobody got any sleep.

Harry tried, yet again, to explain. "She's bored," he said. "She's used to flying around outside. If I could her just let her out at night—"

"Do I look stupid?" snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his busty mustache. "I know what'll happen if that owl's let out."

"The owl will be happy and won't hoot anymore?" Asked Pansy.

"We'll all have a bloody peaceful morning of sleeping until later than five?" Asked Violet as she yawned. She hadn't had a good night of sleep since she was five, but this was getting out of hand.

"I still don't know how I survived that summer. I was running on less than four hours of sleep and coffee." Violet nodded and her friends looked at her horrified.

Theo didn't want to think just how much the books haven't shown. It was terrible enough what they already knew. "I'm just glad you're out of there and healthy." He said as he started to play with her hair again.

She left Thalia with Blaise since Mrs. Nott was allergic to owls, so she couldn't keep one in the house. Thinking back she was high-fiving herself for making the safer choice that ended up benefiting both her and her owl.

"I want more bacon." Said Dudley as he burped. Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side of the kitchen chair, grinned and turned to Harry. "Pass the frying pan."

Dudley cringed as he looked at his younger self. He was forever thankful to Violet for making him start exercising and teaching him to eat better. Not restrict anything, but rather choose what to add to what you eat so it will keep you healthy and satisfied for longer.

"You've forgotten the magic word," said Harry irritably.

The effect of this simple sentence on the rest of the family was incredible. Dudley gasped and fell of his chair with a crash that shook the whole kitchen. Mrs. Dursley clapped her hands to her mouth; Mr. Dursley jumped to his feet, veins throbbing in his temple. Violet chuckled as she watched them act like clowns.

"For Merlin's sake!" Sighed Minerva. "This buffoon is taking stupidity as a goal."

"I meant please!" said Harry quickly. "I didn't mean—"

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU," thundered his uncle, spraying spit over the table. "ABOT SAYING THE M WORD IN MY HOUSE? HOW DARE YOU THREATEN DUDLEY!" roared Uncle Vernon, pounding the table with his fist. "I WARNED YOU! I WILL NOT TOLERATE MENTION OF YOUR ABNORMALITY UNDER THIS ROOF!" Harry stared from his purple-faced uncle to his aunt who was trying to stop herself from laughing.

"This man lost his mind." Mumbled Ron.

"This gives me flashbacks," murmured Collin as Violet went to hug him and Dennis.

"He meant the word please. You know, the word that normal and polite people use," said Violet and watched her uncle's blank expression, "Glad to see that we're not the only abnormal ones here." She muttered while she drank her coffee.

Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry and Violet closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes. "You don't get to talk like that with me. I'm the one putting a roof over your head." He snapped at Violet.

"That's the law. You had to do it." Said Alice.

"She has more than enough money to buy you and then sell you." Huffed Blaise, offended on Violet's behalf.

The girl rolled her eyes as she ate a strip of bacon. "And here I thought you were giving me housing in a cupboard under the stairs with spiders because of your big heart. Nice to know you're aware of your shortcomings. Though it's sad that you're also being a dick and ignoring them."

Harry, Aunt Petunia and Dudley openly stared at her after she said. They were used to her talking back every once in a while, but it usually took more from the man to annoy her enough to start insulting Vernon.

Vernon was about to say something, but he quickly backtracked when he saw Violet move to the sink to wash her dish. Aunt Petunia just put a new set of knives to be washed and he might've been stupid most of the time, but he still had the smallest amount of brain.

"I don't know why, but it's very satisfying to see a grown man be terrified of a twelve year old." Said Narcissa.

Ever since the twins had come home for the summer holidays, Uncle Vernon had been treating them like a bomb that might go off at any moment, because Harry and Violet Potter weren't normal. As a matter of fact, they were not normal as it is possible to be. Harry and Violet Potter were a wizard and a witch —a wizard and a witch fresh from their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And if their uncle was unhappy to have them back for the holidays, it was nothing to how they felt.

Harry missed Hogwarts so much it was like having a constant stomachache. He missed the castle, with its secret passageways and ghosts, his classes (though perhaps not Snape, the Potions master), the mail arriving by owl, eating banquets in the Great Hall, sleeping in his four-poster bed in the tower dormitory, visiting the game keeper, Hagrid, in his cabin next to the Forbidden Forest in the grounds, and, especially, Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world (six tall goal posts, four flying balls, and fourteen players on broomsticks).

"This really sounds like a magic version of handball." Commented Dudley.

"I thought I was the only one." Said Hannah.

Violet couldn't wait to return to her common room and read by the windows as she watched every once in a while a mermaid pass and sign at her, talking about her problems to whoever cared to listen. She missed having her friends with her. She missed having Theo glued to her side and constantly hugging her, holding her hand, putting a hand around her shoulders or waist, offering her piggyback rides. She became so used in the span of one year with physical contact from him that she now started crave it. She couldn't wait for her late night chess matches with Blaise or her politics 'classes' with Draco, Pansy and Daphne. The three of them offered to teach her all she needed to know about the Wizarding World, British and International. They promised that once she was caught up with everything they could continue to meet and lean more together and she couldn't wait for it. She sometimes looked at plants and made small notes to talk to Neville about when they met again. He was her only friend outside her house, besides the Weasley twins who she briefly corresponded with.

"A few generations back, a Slytherin taught the merpeople how to sign." Explained Violet.

"How could you possibly know who did it? Why couldn't it be a Ravenclaw? We're smarter." Said Cho.

"Lady, most people in this school have no idea how to sign currently. You really believe they would've made an effort years ago? Plus, you have no connection to the lake whatsoever unlike my house which has a direct view inside the lake." Reasoned Violet.

All of the twins' school items were kept in the pantry and they were only allowed to use them for two hours a day for homework under Petunia's supervision. Initially, they weren't supposed to have any access at them, but Violet was very good at pleading their case and Vernon was left terrified in the end, so he let them use what they strictly needed.

"That was one of my favourite uncle-niece moments." Smiled Violet and almost everyone remained terrified.

"I'm still traumatised." Shuddered Dudley and Violet rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't that bad." She argued and her cousin only gave her a look.

The Dursley were what wizards call Muggles (not a drop of magical blood in their veins), and as far as they (Uncle Vernon) were concerned, having a wizard and a witch in the family was a matter of deepest shame.

Uncle Vernon had even padlocked Harry's owl, Hedwig, inside her cage, to stop her from carrying messages to anyone in the wizarding world.

"It's sad that he thinks that it will stop us." Sighed Alice.

"You'd believe he learned his lesson from last time." Shook his head Frank.

The twins looked nothing like the rest of the family. Uncle Vernon was large and neckless, with an enormous black mustache; Aunt Petunia was a blonde, skinny woman; Dudley was blond, pink, and porky. Harry, on the other hand, was small and skinny, with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was always untidy. He wore round glasses, and on his forehead was a thin, lightning-shaped scar. His sister also had the same scar only she covered it with her hair. Violet was also completely different from her family, even her brother. She had curly red hair, hazel eyes and her face was covered in freckles. You could see her on the street passing and you wouldn't think she was related to any member of her family.

It was their scars that made the twins so particularly unusual, even for being members of the Wizarding World. Their scars were the only hint of their very mysterious past, of the reason they had been left on the Dursleys' doorstep eleven years before.

At the age of one year old, Harry and Violet had somehow survived a curse from the greatest Dark sorcerer of all time, Lord Voldemort, whose name most witches and wizards still feared to speak. The twins' parents had died in Voldemort's attack, but Harry and Violet had escaped with their lightning scars, and somehow—nobody understood why Voldemort's powers had been destroyed the instant he had failed to kill the twins.

"Kind of depressing that he was the worst. The world deserved a better villain." Commented Eliot and Violet nodded in agreement.

"Yes, like Thanos or something." Nodded Hannah. She enjoyed reading comic books in her free time.

Nobody mentioned that today happened to be the twins' twelfth birthday, but they didn't need to. Violet and Harry woke up with a present from their Aunt Petunia like a every year and Violet also made sure her brother would get his presents from her. She had already celebrated the night before.

"I really liked the present, aunt Petunia." Smiled Violet.

"I'm glad." The woman said.

Uncle Vernon cleared his throat importantly and said, "Now, as we all know, today is a very important day." Harry looked up, hardly daring to believe it. "This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career," said Uncle Vernon.

Harry went back to his toast and his sister gave him a surprised look as she noticed his disappointment. Of course, he thought bitterly, Uncle Vernon was talking about the stupid dinner party. He'd been talking of nothing else for two weeks. Some rich builder and his wife were coming to dinner and Uncle Vernon was hoping to get a huge order from him. Uncle Vernon's company was selling drills.

"That did not go well." Cringed Petunia.

"It was one of the most awful days of my life." Dudley agreed.

"I think we should run through the schedule one more time," said Uncle Vernon. "We should all be in position at eight o'clock. Petunia, you will be—?"

"In the lounge," said Aunt Petunia promptly, almost robotically, "waiting to welcome them graciously to our home."

"Good, good. And Dudley?"

"I'll be waiting to open the door." Dudley put on a foul, simpering smile. "May I take your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mason?"

"Glad to see you have manners." Said Alice.

Dudley glanced at her, but didn't say anything.

"Excellent, Dudley," said Uncle Vernon. Then he rounded on Harry. "And you?"

"I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I'm not there," said Harry tonelessly.

"Therapy for you." Noted Minerva as she wrote underlined Harry's name on the scroll. Of course, all students will receive therapy after the reading was done, but she wanted to make a list specifically for those who particularly needed it.

"Exactly," said Uncle Vernon nastily. "I will lead them into the lounge, introduce you, Petunia, and pour them drinks. At eight fifteen—"

"I'll announce dinner," said Aunt Petunia.

"Now, we should aim to get in a few good compliments at dinner. Petunia, any ideas?"

"Vernon tells me you're a wonderful golfer, Mr. Mason... Do tell me where you bought your dress, Mrs. Mason..."

"Perfect... Dudley?"

"How about: ‹We had to write an essay about our hero at school, Mr. Mason, and I wrote about you.›"

"Merlin. That's just plain bullshit." Shook his head Charlie.

"If anyone actually buys it, I'll lose faith in humanity." Agreed Tonks.

Dudley was shaking his head as Violet was laughing.

This was too much for both Harry and Violet. They both hid their faces under the table to hide their laughter. They were sure their uncle wouldn't appreciate them having any type of fun out of this summer.

"And you, boy?"

Harry fought to keep his face straight as he emerged. "I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending I'm not there," he said.

"Too right, you will," said Uncle Vernon forcefully. "Girl?" He snapped, but quickly backtracked as Violet raised a brow. "Violet?"

"I'll go with Harry and pretend I'm not here."

"Therapy for you as well." Nodded Minerva. She noticed Violet trying to protest, but she didn't even want to hear it. "No. I won't take a no for it. I've seen your first year only and I believe you've endured more than others in their whole lifetime. You're going. End of discussion."

Violet looked helplessly at Remus and Snuffles, but the two agreed with Minerva. "Minnie is right. There's a definite need for therapy, even if you don't want to admit it."

"The Masons don't know anything about you other then the fact that you live with us and you hate strangers and it's going to stay that way. When dinner's over, you take Mrs. Mason back to the lounge for coffee, Petunia, and I'll bring the subject around to drills. With any luck, I'll have the deal signed and sealed before the News at Ten. We'll be shopping for a vacation home in Majorca this time tomorrow." Harry couldn't feel too excited about this. He didn't think the Dursleys would like him any better in Majorca than they did on Privet Drive. "Right—I'm off into town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and me. And you," he snarled at Violet like she planned a murder and act of war right in front of him. "You stay out of your aunt's way while she's cleaning."

"I'd rather eat dirt than pick up a broom or a vacuum. Don't worry." She replied with a laugh, their uncle looked terrified.

"Who can blame him? She's terrifying half the time." Said Dudley.

Harry left through the back door. It was a brilliant, sunny day. He crossed the lawn, slumped down on the garden bench, and sang under his breath: "Happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me..."

No cards, no presents from his friends, and he would be spending the evening pretending not to exist. He gazed miserably into the hedge. He had never felt so lonely. More than anything else at Hogwarts, more even than playing Quidditch, Harry missed his best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Almost everyone was staring expecting at the two friends, waiting to hear what they had to say in their defence.

"It wasn't their fault. It will be explained." Said Harry.

They, however, didn't seem to be missing him at all. Neither of them had written to him all summer, even though Ron had said he was going to ask Harry to come and stay. Countless times, Harry had been on the point of unlocking Hedwig's cage by magic and sending her to Ron and Hermione with a letter, but it wasn't worth the risk. Underage wizards weren't allowed to use magic outside of school. Harry hadn't told the Dursleys this; he knew it was only their terror that he might turn them all into dung beetles that stopped them from locking him in the cupboard under the stairs with his sister.

"Don't you have the key to her cage?" Asked Blaise.

"Yeah. Also, they are magical cages, they recognise the owner and will let you unlock it even without the key." Said Pansy.

For the first couple of weeks back, Harry, with his sister encouragement, had enjoyed muttering nonsense words under his breath and watching Dudley tearing out of the room as fast as his fat legs would carry him. But the long silence from Ron and Hermione had made Harry feel so cut off from the magical world that even taunting Dudley had lost its appeal—and now Ron and Hermione had forgotten his birthday.

What wouldn't he give now for a message from Hogwarts? From any witch or wizard? He'd almost be glad of a sight of his archenemy, Draco Malfoy, just to be sure it hadn't all been a dream...

"Glad to hear you wanted to hear from me, Potter." Smirked Draco and Harry turned red.

Not that his whole year at Hogwarts had been fun. At the very end of last term, Harry had come face-to-face with none other than Lord Voldemort himself. Voldemort might be a ruin of his former self, but he was still terrifying, still cunning, still determined to regain power. Harry had slipped through Voldemort's clutches for a second time, but it had been a narrow escape, and even now, weeks later, Harry kept waking in the night, drenched in cold sweat, wondering where Voldemort was now, remembering his livid face, his wide, mad eyes...Harry suddenly sat bolt upright on the garden bench as a hand rested on his shoulder and he relaxed as he recognised his sister's face.

Violet's friends were pissed. Even her twin brother didn't acknowledge her and what she did for him.

He had been staring absent-mindedly into the hedge—and the hedge was staring back. Two enormous green eyes had appeared among the leaves. Violet was staring back and noticed a face similar to her elves, but it disappeared before she had the chance to ask more. 

"I know what day it is," sang Dudley, waddling toward him.

"Come on! Give them a break." Complained almost everyone. The twins dealt with enough, without adding their cousin into the mix.

"This was actually a good meet." Corrected Violet and people stared at her with doubt.

"What?" said Harry, not taking his eyes off the spot where his sister and he were previously looking at.

"I know what day it is," Dudley repeated, coming right up to them. He gave a look to his sister when Violet glared at him, like he was telling her he came in peace.

"Well done," said Harry. "So you've finally learned the days of the week."

"Damn, Harry." Said Ron.

"Today's your birthday, to the both of you," said Dudley and both of the twins looked at him surprised. They couldn't believe he actually knew. "How come you haven't got any cards? Haven't you got friends at that school of yours? I've seen you with them when you came from the station."

"That's nice, the fact that you remembered." Smiled Luna at him. "Violet told me you enjoyed paying attention to little things. I do as well."

"The smallest things have the biggest meaning." Nodded Dudley. "You're Luna, her friend who loves magical creatures, aren't you? Pleased to finally meet you. Maybe you could tell me more some other time." Said Dudley a little unsure. The magical world seemed filled with interesting things from what he heard and he wanted to explore it all.

"I have a full list of things to tell you about. Magic is all around us and it's fascinatingly beautiful." Luna smiled dreamily.

"Better not let anyone hear you talking about my school," said Harry coolly.

Dudley hitched up his trousers and looked around, almost fearfully if you looked closely enough. He shook his head as if telling himself to pull it together. "Why're you staring at the hedge?" he said and watched the hedge only not noticing anything special about it.

"I'm trying to decide what would be the best spell to set it on fire," said Harry. His sister hit him with her elbow lightly. She didn't want to hurt him, only to warn him to watch it. He huffed at her before turning back to his cousin.

"Our Potter boy has some nerve in him." Noted George.

"Yes, he's not a lost cause." Nodded Fred.

Dudley stumbled backward at once, a look of panic on his fat face. "You c-can't—Dad told you you're not to do m-magic—he said he'll chuck you out of the house—and you haven't got anywhere else to go—you haven't got any friends to take you— you can't end up on the streets— it's not safe—"

"Jiggery pokery!" said Harry in a fierce voice. "Hocus pocus squiggly wiggly—"

"What in Merlin's dirty armpits is that? It sounds more stupid than what Lavander and Cho are spouting out of their mouths." Complained Ginny.

Violet finally had it. Her brother refused to listen to her anymore and it was definitely pissing her off. She didn't want to have to back him up and threaten their uncle just because he's stupid and doesn't pick his battles. Dudley truly came here without any intent or malice and she didn't want to give him a reason to be an arse again.

"Harry! That's enough." His sister told him and gave him a look. She turned her attention to their cousin. "Relax. He's just teasing like you used to do to him." She said with a biting tone and Dudley's ears started to turn pink.

"You need ice for that burn?" Teased Ginny.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though." Shook his head Dudley.

He fidgeted for a few seconds before speaking again. "I'm sorry about that." He apologised and Violet watched him closely to see if he was honest or not. She was happy to see that he seemed to mean it. "Neither of you deserved the way I behaved before."

"Good joke, Dudley." Laughed Harry as he walked away before his cousin had the chance to change his mind and charge at him.

The boy turned towards his cousin, the one who stayed. "I really am sorry. I know I haven't been a good cousin, a good housemate or even a good person in general. Both of you deserve way better than this house and this family can offer. I hope you can find friends who celebrate your birthdays and give you Christmas presents and cards and just appreciate you. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I hope you get out. My mum and I can't, but the two of you have a chance. Please, get out while you still can. Please leave as soon as you can and forget about us and our family. I'll take care of mum and I." He said as tears started to fill his eyes and Violet pressed her lips together and contemplated for a moment before hugging her cousin.

Petunia was silently crying as did the other mums. It was terrible.

"I promised you I'd help you and I did. We survived and left it all in flames, Dud." Said Violet to her cousin.

"That we did, Violence. That we did." Dudley nodded in a eerie tone.

"I'm sorry about your spleen." Muttered Violet just loud enough for her cousin to hear.

He started to laugh and nodded as he slowly pulled away. "I did deserve that. I was a right prick that day and you did what you had to do to keep Harry safe. He's lucky to have you." He smiled wistfully, wishing to have someone fight for him just as fierce as his cousin fought for Harry. "Everyone who has you in their life is extremely lucky because you'll fight for them even if it ends up killing you. If there's something that I can understand is being willing to die just to keep someone you love safe." He said as he watched the house, Aunt Petunia being seen vacuuming the living room.

Petunia hugged her son close to her chest and kissed his head. "I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone." She whispered to him.

"I love you too, mum." Dudley whispered and hugged his mother back.

"You did it. You really did it. I can't believe you actually succeeded to make me feel sorry and start crying for Dudley." Said Neville.

"That's a great example of bravery and loyalty. He could've fit with Hufflepuff, maybe." Commented Hannah.

"I'd give him a Slytherin." Said Neville.

"Nah. He doesn't have the same goals and personality as us. He's better fit with the Gryffindors." Argued Theo.

And as they mulled over it, more of them came to the same conclusion as Theo.

"He's an honorary Gryffindor." Nodded the Weasley twins.


Later that night, as the Mason's arrived, the twins were banished to Harry's bedroom for the night. Harry and Violet entered the bedroom, closed the door, and turned to collapse on the bed. The trouble was, there was already someone sitting on it.

"Done. Who wants to read?" Asked

"I do." Offered Hannah as she took the book gently. "Dobby's warning or I can never catch a break from murder."


Again, this is mostly a filler chapter, so I didn't have a lot to work with for more ample conversations or scenes.

I made this chapter a little longer than it was because I just had to add a little bit more Violet since I'm not sure if I put enough of her and I just wanted to show more and more of the downfall of the Potter twins.

The next chapter though has most of the focus on Violet and shows more of how she behaves and why she's loved by everyone else that a part of the Wizarding World, but is not a witch or wizard (examples: goblins, dragons, werewolves, vampires, merpeople, house elves and many more)

And yes, a big part in Harry's hatred and bigotry against his sister is due to her house. That's why she was so angry when she found out that he was almost put in Slytherin.

The birthday cake:

Credit to original baker. Credit to the original photographer.

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