The Echoes of Solitude

By paigeholland123

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I guess we all have to start from somewhere. Some start from the comfortable lives of loving families, and so... More

Echoes of Solitude
•Character Aesthetics•
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seventeen

8 2 0
By paigeholland123

Chapter Seventeen


To anyone walking past me, they must have thought that I was a total and utter nutcase.

I stood in the middle of the footpath in front of Wilson's, turning my head side to side, my eyes gazing over my surroundings, trying to figure out which way led to Martha's house. The more I looked around the more I realised how much of an idiot I was. I had no idea in the world where Martha actually lived, and when I left Mrs Webber's house this morning, the thought of asking for directions or clarifying where she lived never crossed my mind.

I looked down at the watch on my left wrist and frowned at the time that I saw. I had been standing here in the same spot for nearly fifteen minutes. I bit my lip and turned my head to look back at Wilson's, mentally challenging myself to go and ask Oliver for directions, or even to ask for a cell phone to ring Martha, because believe it or not, Marie and I acted like we didn't live in the twenty-first century. We didn't own phones.

As if Oliver had read my mind, the door to Wilson's opened and Oliver stepped out, he stalled in the doorway when he saw me standing in the middle of the path. He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow, silently asking what I was still doing here.

I walked towards him, "You don't happen to have a cell phone I could use, do you?" I asked, smiling softly as I reached the bottom of the steps that lead up to the cafe.

His hand reached down into his pant pocket and he drew out a silver Samsung. "I do. This isn't to do with why you are standing in the middle of the street looking like a cute lost puppy, does it?"

"Maybe..." I giggled. "I need to call Martha, do you have her number by any chance?" I asked. I bit my lip as I waited for him to finish locking the door. With the keys on a keyring swinging around one finger and a cell phone in his other, he made his way down the steps, stopping a couple of feet in front of me. He extended his hand and held out the cell phone for me to take.

"Martha's number?" He clarified, frowning in confusion at the name, "Not Marie's?"

I nodded and our fingers brushed ever so slightly as I took the phone from his hand. "Yeah, Marthas. I was supposed to be there like twenty minutes ago. Marie and I were invited over for dinner. I was meeting Marie there but the inner blonde in me forgot to grab Martha's address when I left for work this morning."

He laughed, "Well, I don't have Martha's number and I know that Marie doesn't own a cell phone. I could drop you off at Martha's if you would like. I drive past it on my way home, or I can walk you to her house. It will take about fifteen minutes or so to walk there, though, It's in the opposite direction you normally come to work."

I looked up at him in surprise. I didn't think he would offer to help me, I thought he would just give me an address and leave. "Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly, "I don't want to be an inconvenience to you."

He shook his head. "You aren't an inconvenience, and plus I offered." He added with a smile that reached his eyes, "So, what will it be?"

"If you are sure you are okay with it, could I please get you to drop me off on your way home? I don't want you to have to walk me there and have to walk all the way back. It would be a waste of your time" I answered softly and held out his phone for him to take back. I placed it in his outstretched hand and smiled.

"Okay then. My car is just down there," He said as he pointed down the road, a small black Mazda Familia sat on the side of the road all by itself.

We walked down the street and towards his car side by side and as we got closer to the car, he gave me a hesitant smile, "I apologise in advance, it's probably going to be very messy." He said with a crooked grin and then winked before he unlocked all four doors with the key in his hand and slid into the driver's seat.

He sat down quickly and moved the rubbish that was at the feet of the passenger side. "Who knew that cars were a great place to store drink bottles," He commented as he placed a few bottles in the back seat. I sat down and placed my seatbelt on as he started the engine. The motor purred softly as it came to life.

The drive to Martha's was smooth and short. We talked about mindless things and argued over who would win battles in a DC and Marvel comic fight as we drove through a part of Swansea that I had never seen before. The more we moved away from Wilson's cafe, the closer we came to, what I assumed was the nicer area of Swansea.

"Thank you again for doing this," I said as we turned down a side street, my eyes leaving the view from the window and meeting Oliver's captivating eyes, "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Ally. I'm more than happy to help." He replied with a smile, then turned his eyes to the front of the car, "We're here," He added pointing to a house down the street on the left. The indicator could be heard within the car and Oliver pulled the car over to where he had directed.

I looked up at the huge house Oliver had pointed at, my eyes widening at the size, I turned to look at Oliver, "Is that Martha's?"

"Yup, it sure is." He said with a grin, "Come on, I walk you in." He said as he turned off the car.

I nodded and undid my seat belt with both hands, my eyes still fascinated with the house before me. I quickly followed Oliver up the huge paved drive that led up to the white brick, two-story house. Martha and Marie sat opposite each other at the wooden table that was placed on the front deck, overseeing the front garden and gate.

"Ally dear! You are here." Mrs Webber called out, I could hear the worry thick in her voice. She placed her tall glass down and made her way toward us, meeting us at the rose bush.

"I am." I answered, giving her a reassuring smile as she checked over me."Oliver was kind enough to give me a ride here."

Mrs Webber pulled me into a hug and then turned to look up at Oliver a small gasp escaping her lips. "Oliver Dawson, is that really you?" Mrs Webber asked, surprised coloured on her face. "I haven't seen you in quite some time. Thank you for dropping Ally off, I realised as soon as she was supposed to finish work that I never gave her Martha's address, I was just about to go pick her up."

I smiled softly at Mrs Webber and then turned to look up at Oliver, surprised to see he was already looking at me. "It was no problem at all," He turned his head and looked back at Mrs Webber, "and besides it was on my way home."

A look that I couldn't describe flashed across Mrs Webber's face, and before I could blink it was gone. "Well we are about to dish up tea, you are more than welcome to join us if you would like. Martha has cooked enough pasta to feed an entire army, I swear." Marie stated with a fruity laugh.

"Thank you for the offer, Marie, but I am meeting my mother for dinner at seven. Maybe another time?"

A huge smile graced Marie's face,"That sounds like a wonderful evening, my dear. How about I get Ally to bring some leftovers for you two to have at work tomorrow?"

A grin appeared on his face, "That sounds great to me, Marie. You know pasta is my favourite"

She laughed, "Indeed I do." She commented. "Wonderful! You will have to say hi to that lovely mother of yours for me when you see her tonight, I haven't seen her since she came to the fundraiser for the children's refuge last year."

Oliver nodded and pulled his keys out of his pocket, "I definitely will." He said.

Marie's smile stayed upon her lips. "Goodbye, Oliver," Marie said before she turned to walk back towards Martha. She placed a hand on my arm and squeezed softly before carrying on.

I turned to face Oliver, a grateful smile appearing on my lips as I looked up at him. "Thank you again so much for doing this, you are awesome."

He waved his hand in front of him, "There is no need to thank me, I was happy to do it."

I nodded and looked briefly over my shoulder to where Marie had walked to and then back. "I guess I should go," I said as I pointed to where I had just looked, "I will see you tomorrow at work?"

"You sure will. Have a good, rest of your night."

"I will, and you too," I replied with a smile. With a small wave, I turned and walked up towards the mansion of a house and Marie and Martha.

And when I reached them and followed them inside, my smile never left my face.

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