The Millionaire's Tainted Leg...

By JanePeden

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What could an ex-con running a program for troubled teens and a privileged debutante from New York City have... More

Welcome to Miami
Making Plans
Rough Edges
Feeling the Heat
A Strange Call
Let's Ride
Getting Closer
The Unexpected
Past and Present
Too Many Secrets
Decisions to Make
Wanting More
On Edge
The Dinner Guest
On the Phone
Lunch with Eleanor
Never Too Late
Sail Away
Trouble Brewing

Let's Be Roomies

604 49 13
By JanePeden

Saturday morning brought sunshine and a light breeze, and Caylee considered it a good omen for her conversation with JB. She picked him up at Jack's and they both waved off Jack and Bailey's offers to come along and help them with the search.

"I think we can manage to take a tour with a realtor on our own," JB said grumpily, while Jack stood there with his arms folded watching them drive away.

Caylee grinned. "Jack giving you a hard time, JB?"

"Him and Bailey both. Double-teaming me with all the senior community nonsense. Who the hell wants to live around nothing but old people?"

"Don't worry, JB, I've got you on this one." Hopefully more than you realize yet, Caylee thought.


"We're not meeting the realtor until 10:00," Caylee told JB as he readjusted himself in his seat in the car she borrowed from Sam and Camilla. She really did need to get her own vehicle soon.

"So that gives us plenty of time to have a nice breakfast and talk about what we are both looking for."

JB glanced over at her. "So are you thinking you want to rent for awhile or dive right in and buy?"

"I'm not sure. Rent, probably. Of course if I do that I'm missing out on the tax breaks you get here in Florida on your residence. What are you thinking?"

"It depends. If I find the right place I'll buy it. I'm here to stay, you know."

"I'm glad." She reached over and touched his arm. "I could use some family right now."

"Something bothering you?"

"What, are you a mind reader?"

"Problems with that young man of yours?"

"No, he's great. I want you to get to know him. No, my problems are all back in the Northeast."

JB grunted. "That mother of your wasn't thrilled about you making this move, was she?"

"Not at all," Caylee said, letting him assume, for now, that her mother's disapproval was what was bothering her. There was plenty of time to get to what was really on her mind over breakfast.

* * *

"You picked a good spot," JB said once they were settled into the outdoor porch seating at the café on Ocean Drive, with a view looking across the street at the bright green grass of Lumus park and the white sand beach and shimmering turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean just beyond.

"It's my favorite already," Caylee told him.

"Then what do you recommend?"

"They have these eggs Benedicts, but with crab cakes or smoked salmon, instead of bacon. Much better for your heart," Caylee emphasized.

"That sounds great. Let's get both and split them."

"Works for me."

Caylee looked up when the server arrived, and made the order. When she was asked if they wanted the signature crispy fries or fresh fruit on the side, JB jumped in.

"I suppose I better stick with the fruit," he said reluctantly.

"Fresh fruit for both of us. But let's get mimosas," she added, and he grinned.

"That sounds great."

"See how well we get along?" she asked him after the server walked away.

"What do you mean? Of course we get along," JB said. "I consider you my granddaughter."

"I have something to propose."

"What is it?" he asked, leaning forward.

"Okay, hear me out. Jack's all worried about you and he doesn't even know about your heart condition. And you know you're not going to be able to hide that from him forever."

JB sat back in his chair, frowning. "I hope you didn't trick me into coming along with you so you could push Jack's agenda. If that realtor starts driving toward some damn assisted living facility, I'll-"

"JB," Caylee said, cutting him off. "Would I do that to you? Seriously? Do you even remember who you are here with? The rebel in the family?"

"Sorry. Go on."

"No more interruptions," she said, just as the server delivered their mimosas. "Thank you." She smiled at the server. "That's just what I need right now."

She held up her glass and reached over the table as JB lifted his, clinking them together.

"What are we toasting?" JB asked.

"We're toasting my plan that we find a two-bedroom condo we both love, and move in together."

JB choked on his first sip.

"So you think you're going to give up your independence, move in with me, and be my babysitter? No, thank you."

Caylee could have kicked herself for her poor approach when she saw the hurt in his eyes.

"JB, no, I mean, yes, partly, wouldn't it be nice to have someone else there in case you fell, or had a problem with your heart and couldn't get to the phone? But that's not the main reason. I swear." She took a deep breath.

"I don't want to live by myself, JB. I'm afraid to."

He set his drink down, looked at her seriously. "What do you mean? You lived alone in New York, didn't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. But something happened."

Then she told him everything about Gregory Van Haverton. The way he kept showing up assigned to whatever table she was at when there were fundraising events. The repeated requests to go out with him, all of which she politely declined. The way he at first implied to mutual acquaintances that they were dating, then outright lied about it. The persistent phone calls. The unwanted gifts. The showing up unannounced at her workplace, at her apartment in New York City. The escalating threats, until she had finally reported him to the police as a stalker. And the complete disregard the authorities had had for her accusations.

Their server brought their food, but they both ignored it while Caylee finished telling JB the story.

"That boy's a menace," JB said, when she finished, and an overwhelming sense of relief came over Caylee. Finally, someone believed her.

"You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that."

"What do you mean? What did you expect me to say?"

"I don't know, maybe what the police, the prosecutor's office, my so-called friends, my own mother said? That I was being overly dramatic, that he was just a little overzealous, that I ought to be flattered. My friends thought it was a joke. They kept telling me not to get so uptight, that Gregory was harmless."

"Honey, I don't think he's harmless. I think he's dangerous."

"I do too."

"This is why you moved here."

"It's a big part of it," she admitted, staring down at her plate.

"Have you heard anything from him since you moved here?"

"Yes." And then she told him the rest.

"Well. That's very concerning," JB said. "If this young man has been calling you at the office, sending you flowers at the office, I think you should consider telling Jack what you've told me."

Caylee reached for her knife and fork and carefully halved both their Benedicts, shifting them on the plates so they each had half of both.

She spoke casually, not looking at him. "If you're suffering from a heart condition, I think you should consider telling Jack."

There was a few moments pause, and then JB erupted in a loud laugh. "Touché girl, touché."

"I'll keep your secret, JB, if you keep mine," Caylee said with a small smile.

"Okay, deal. But I'm worried about you."

"That's why I want to get a condo together. We can pretend it's for you, but it would really be for me."

"I guess it would be for both of us," JB conceded. "But you haven't even told your young man? Surely he'd believe you. And if he doesn't take this seriously, then you've got no business being serious about him."

"It's not that I don't think Tito would believe me."

"What is it then?"

"I saw what happened when I tried to take him on in New York. No one believed me. And I come from a wealthy family with some influence. Gregory comes from an even wealthier family with a great deal more influence."

"In New York," JB pointed out. "Not here."

"We don't know that. Not for sure. But there's more."


"JB, Tito's a convicted felon. He went to prison when he was 18, and he spent 8 years there. If he knew Gregory was stalking me, threatening me, and Gregory actually did show up here? I'm afraid of what Tito might do. And I don't want him to end up in prison again because he was trying to protect me. If Tito hurt Gregory, the Van Havertons would use all their resources to try to put him away forever." Caylee's eyes filled up with tears. "Even if they don't have any pull here in Miami, who do you think the police and the state attorney's office are going to believe? The wealthy guy with the Ivy League education, or the convicted felon?"

"Okay, okay, I think you might be underestimating the influence Jack and his partners have in this town, but we'll let that rest for now."

JB took a bite of the crab cake portion of his meal, and nodded in approval.

After a few minutes he gave Caylee kind of a sly look.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

He looked from side to side as if he was afraid someone might overhear him. When he spoke it was more like a mutter, in a voice so quiet that even Caylee couldn't hear him.

She leaned closer across the table. "Can you say that again? I didn't hear you."

"I said, I use a cane sometimes."

"I see." But she didn't, actually. What was the big deal about that?

"When my legs get tired or I've been walking a lot," he elaborated. "Never in front of the family."

"That sounds reasonable," she said slowly. "But why are you telling me?"

"Well, when we move in together, you're bound to see it sometime. Plus, I'll want to keep it out where I can reach it quickly."

"If your legs suddenly feel weak."

"No, Caylee, if that asshole Gregory shows up and I want to knock him over the head with it. You know, I hear they take a dim view of elder abuse here in Florida. First I'll knock him out, and then I'll have him arrested."

It took a real effort for Caylee not to smile. "I feel safer already."

JB leaned back and looked at her through narrowed eyes. "I know when somebody's pulling my leg, young lady. I see that smile you're trying to hide."

Caylee let out the chuckle she'd been suppressing. And reconsidered. "You know, I actually can see it. You whacking Gregory over the head with your cane."

She raised what was left of her mimosa in another toast.

"I might pull your leg sometimes, JB, but I'll always keep your secrets."

JB toasted her back.

"You're well on your way to being my favorite grandchild."

"I'm not even your real grandchild," Caylee said, laughter in her eyes.

"There's more to family than blood," JB said, and downed the rest of his mimosa. "Now let's finish our breakfast and go find us a place to live, roomie."

* * *

"So how did the house hunting go?" It was nearly 10:00 that Saturday evening before Tito finally finished the run-through with Bailey on all the details for the sailing trip. It was hard to believe that in just a few days they'd be on their way.

"We found a place!" Caylee said, the excitement in her voice coming clearly through the phone.

"So JB went along with your plan to move in together?"

"I think he realized it makes sense to have someone else living there. Just in case."

Tito leaned back in his bed and stared at his phone. "What aren't you telling me?"

Did Caylee hesitate, or was he just imagining it?

"Do you really want to talk about JB?" Her voice went sexy. "Because I can think of something way more interesting to talk about." He knew she was trying to distract him, but he didn't care. There'd be plenty of time to figure out what she wasn't telling him when they were on the boat. And in the water. And, finally, alone in their private cottage.

He certainly had plans for that.

"Why don't I tell you a little more about what I'm planning to do when I finally get you naked in bed." Tito lowered his voice.

"Ummm." Her voice came out in a sigh, and Tito thought of a number of ways he'd be getting that exact same response from her once they got to Bimini.

"Why don't you?" Caylee said. "I'm naked in bed right now, thinking about you. Give me something to dream about tonight, Tito."

"I've been doing a little shopping," Tito said.

"Really. Now I'm intrigued. Tell me what you bought."

"Close your eyes," Tito instructed. "Now imagine you're wearing a silk blindfold. And nothing else."

He could hear the little catch in her breath. He spoke softly.

"I have something in my hand, Caylee, and I'm stroking it lightly over your body. So lightly you can't tell what it is. Do you feel it moving over your lips? Your shoulder? Moving slowly down to your breasts? It just grazed your nipple, Caylee. How does that feel?"

"Tito . . . "

"Maybe I'll keep using it to stroke you. Or maybe I'll lower my head and take that erect nipple into my mouth."

"You do that, Tito, and I'll grab your head with both hands, run my fingers through your hair, hold you against me so you can't stop."

"No you won't, not yet."

"What, yes I-"

"Did you forget who's in charge the first time, Caylee?" Tito asked, and gave a low laugh. Pictured her right now lying in her bed in the pool house, naked and aroused.

"You won't be doing anything with your hands."

Her breath was unsteady through the phone. "I won't?"

"No, you won't. Other than tugging at the silk scarves I used to tie your wrists to – what do you call those poles that are part of the headboard on an antique brass bed?"

"I don't know. There's an antique brass bed?"

"As soon as I saw the photo on their website, Caylee, I started to . . . get some ideas."

"Why don't you come over here right now and we'll . . . talk about those ideas."

"Not tonight. Bimini."

"I can't believe I agreed we should wait."

"Sweet dreams, Caylee," Tito said, as he hung up the phone. That should give her something to think about. As for himself, he might just have to take a cold shower.

Author's Note: What kind of condo do you think JB and Caylee decided on?

Can Caylee and Tito really wait until Bimini to have sex for the first time? It's only a few more days before they set sail . . .

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