That Girl (NINIZ)

بواسطة HanniMyBae

32.2K 1.9K 1.3K

Danielle Marsh, a girl who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, very smart but doesn't show feelings very well... المزيد



2.8K 127 52
بواسطة HanniMyBae


"Danielle sweetie are you ready for school?" My mother asks me kindly like she always does even though I hate it. She doesn't need to talk to me like I'm a baby, I'm a normal human being and can function and operate just like everyone else.

"Yes." I say in my monotone voice, just my voice at this point. "Alright, here I made you lunch for school!" She smiles at me and I nod and grab the lunch bag before walking to the front door. "Dani?" My mother calls once more. "Yes?" I ask. "I love you!" She smiles at me and I nod.

Expressing feelings has always been hard for me. When I try to express them it's like, my words get stuck in my throat and won't come out. It infuriates me everytime and I hate myself for not being able to express that well compared to others.

I walk to the side of my house and pick up my bike that was laying on the grass. Before hopping onto my bike I stuff my lunch into my bag and began to pedal off.


When I arrive to school, I try to hook my bike up to the bike stands but it wasn't locking for some reason. "Need some help Dani?" My friend Haerin smiles as she walks up to me. "Yes. I can't seem to lock it." I frown and she chuckles. "Why are you laughing?" I ask and she laughs even more. "Because the face you make when you don't understand something is adorable, here I'll help." She says and removes a piece of rubber that was in the way, which is why it wasn't locking. "There." She says and I bow to her.

"Freak couldn't even figure out how to use a lock and yet she is the smartest in our class?!" Some guy yells as he throws a small pebble at my back. It bounces off lightly and falls to the ground. "Are you okay Dani?" Haerin asks me as she glares at the football boys. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I frown at her question and she just shows a small smile before intertwining our hands together and walking into the school.

"I'm gonna go grab some books from my locker, stay here and I'll walk you to class!" Haerin says. "I don't need you to walk me to class all the time Haerin." I say sternly and she looks up at me with questioning eyes. "Why not? What if they-", "Haerin. I'm fine. They don't bother me. You don't have to protect me all the time." I sigh. Sometimes Haerin reminds me of my mother, always trying to protect me, follow me wherever I go, I'm not that different from everyone else right?

" are my best friend! I always want to walk with you." Haerin says as she caresses my shoulder with her soft hand. "And you're my best friend too, so I'll walk with you everywhere too!" Hyein smiles as she jumps and hugs me from behind. I freeze at her contact with my backside. "Sorry Dani...I forget you are not the physical touch person..." Hyein pouts. "It's okay." I nod. "Stay. I'll be right back." Haerin says to me before running off to her locker.

I glance at hyein and see her staring at me with a frown. "What?" I ask. "You're not gonna wait for Haerin are you?" She asks me. "No. I can walk on my own." I say and leave her as I walk to my class.





Autistic...I never liked that word people use on me. I know it's true though, when I really think deeply, I know I am different than others but I don't like to think that way...most of the time.

Walking into class, I bow to my teacher who returns the bow with a smile on his face. "Good morning Danielle!" He smiles and I give him a small nod, "Good morning sir, how is your morning?" I ask. "Lovely, my favorite student is here!" He smiles. He always says I'm his favorite student because I actually do my work and I'm smarter than the other kids. "How is your morning Danielle?" He asks me as he sits down at his desks, organizing the assignments for today.

"Same as usual, people call me these names as I walk through the hallways getting things thrown at me. But I am in my favorite class so everything is well " I say and he looks at me with an apologetic face. "I'm sorry you have to go through that Danielle." He says. "Don't be. I'm used to it." I say as I glance outside through the window. Enjoying the trees dance with the wind as kids seem to be running into the school, trying not to be late to class.

Then the bell rings and students begin to flood into the classroom. Students rush to their seats, some bumping into me on accident, others on purpose.

"Alright class, pop quiz today over square roots!" My teacher says as he shows his sunshine smile, similar to mine.

"Sir are you kidding me? It's literally Monday!" A boy shouts from the back of the class. I turn my head around to meet the said boy and I see his arm wrapped around a female. Must be his girlfriend. "Mr. Shim! If you will please zip your mouth, I am the teacher here." My teach says and the boy rolls his eyes. "Sir but we have to practice all week and Jake and I will be drained out from practice and studying!" The girl next to him says. "Ms. Pham, I get that you two are the varsity cheerleader and quarterback, yes I am aware of the amount of practice you guys go through but...this is my class." The teacher finalizes it and zips them shut.

"Kids am I right?" My teacher chuckles next to me and I give him a small smile. "You literally favor her and that's only because she's special!" The boy my teacher was arguing with earlier says. "SPECIAL ED!" Another boy shouts and the entire class laughs. I look around and see them all making weird hand gestures at me and laughing. I make eye contact with the cheerleader girl and see her chuckling as well. I don't know why but I feel like she is in pain...

I turn around and begin to do my assignment.


"Hey Danielle!" Haerin says as I walk out of the classroom. "Hey." I say and she intertwines our hands together again, something she has always done but I don't mind it when she holds my hand.

"Wow! Special Ed actually has a girlfriend! I'm so shocked!" One of the boys says something sarcastically as he glances at haerin and I. "Shut up Jake!" Haerin says and squeezes my hand tighter. "I bet you only date her because you feel sorry for her! You pity her!" He laughs and Haerin squeezes my hand even tighter. I glance down at our hands and see her knuckles turning white. With my thumb, I rub circles on the back of her hand, soothing her. She eventually begins to relax.

"It's okay. I'm used to it Hae." I say and she shakes her head. "You shouldn't Dani! Why?!" She asks. "Why would I waste my time talking to rude people?" I say and the boy gasps. "She just called me rude y'all!" He mocks and his friends laugh along with his girlfriend. "It's a're really pretty but if you weren't like you are now I would've totally gotten with you." Jake says to me.

"I wouldn't have gotten with you." I say sternly and the hallway goes quiet.

"Did she just reject Jake?"

"She rejected Jake!"

"Why would she reject the quarterback! He's so hot!"

Jake stands up and walks over to me, clutching a handful of my shirt in his palm as he pulls me closer. "Listen freak. We are gonna make your life a living hell." He smirks.

"I already know." I say and break out of his grasp before grabbing haerin's hand and walking away, leaving the bullies in shock.

Damn Danielle is actually not all sunshine and rainbows here?!!!

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