Date A Live: Desire Grand Prix

By JamesPatrickBueza6

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Cornered by Mio, Shido uses the power of all ten spirits in Zafkiel's sixth bullet to travel back to the past... More

Prolouge Part 1: Timeline Reset
Prolouge Part 2: The destined meeting of a boy and a fox
Prolouge Part 3: Dawn F: Invitation to Be a Rider
The Main Characters
Episode 2: Encounter I: Treasure Hunting and Thievery
Episode 2 Part 2: Date with a Spirit
Episode 2 Part 3: School before the Next Round
Episode 4: Encounter III: Conditions for Victory
Episode 4 Part 2: Before the Snow Falls
Voice Cast for this Fanfic
Episode 4 Part 3: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 1
Episode 4 Part 4: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 2
Intermission: Off the Chain

Episode 3: Encounter II: Zombie Hunting

628 7 85
By JamesPatrickBueza6

-meanwhile at night while everybody was asleep-

Ace was all alone standing in a rooftop while flipping his coin and catching it. "Even if you have no idea..." whispered the celebrity before looking at the night sky with determination. "I will find you." said Ace determined to find whoever he is searching for.

-Opening Theme: Trust・Last -TV Size Version- by Koda Kumi and Shonan no Kaze-

(the following morning)

Keiwa was walking towards the place where Takahito worked or used to work. "Keiwa? What are you doing here?" asked Shido along with James who happened to encounter Keiwa on his way. "You guys too huh?" asked Keiwa clearly upset with what had happened yesterday. "Yeah..." James replied with clear sadness in his whisper while Shido sadly nodded.

-inside the building-

"Take a seat." said an office worker gesturing for Keiwa to sit while Shido and James followed suit. "Thank you." said all three as they sat down. "Director Taira's never skipped work before." began the office worker as Keiwa nearly shook in fright upon hearing it. "I-is that so?" stammered Keiwa nervously. "We realized that he went missing, and his family reached out to the police too..." added the office worker as Shido made a look of alarm as Keiwa remembered what happened yesterday. "I see..." Keiwa whispered shakily.

-outside the building-

"I wanted to tell them so badly...i really wanted to..." Keiwa whimpered as the tears began to flow as Shido and James looked on in sympathy. "You know very well we'd all get disqualified if we told anyone! Tsumuri told you! I know you want to, and the same goes for me and James too...but we can't tell anyone okay? You have to understand Keiwa!" said Shido clearly trying not to break down himself as James patted Keiwa's shoulder as he finally broke down crying. "I know...i just feel so pathetic..." sobbed Keiwa knowing that Takahito's family would clearly suffer and never realizing that he was dead and to make it worse, no one would ever know or why he died, and they would never get any closure.

It was a painful truth that they just realized and they also knew another thing during the DGP: They must not get killed during the rounds of the DGP or they die. Period. And they will never have their wishes realized.


"Good morning! Neon here! Wink!" greeted Neon as she was in front of a video camera doing a livestream. "I'm 0 for 49 with my runaway attempts, but 50th time's the charm! And with that said..." explained the rich girl as got up from her sitting spot and adjusted the video camera. "Let's run our intro like always!" Neon then began to break out in a song!

1, 2, 3!

You're just like a stray cat

Lazing about, Darling Darling

Taking a nap under the sun

I wanna snuggle up next to you

A stray cat on a sunday

Suddenly Neon's singing was interrupted by a person who happned to walk in and looked at the video camera. "What are you doing here?" asked the person who interrupted Neon. "H-hey, hey, don't...!" yelled Neon as she grabbed the person and made a look of utter shock upon realizing who the person was.

"Wait, what!?" "Are Neon and Lord Ace doing a collab!?" yelled some students as Ace was the person who walked in on Neon's livestream. "It's too much to handle!" yelled a female student as Ace from the livestream waved rather awkwardly. "Omigod, omigod, omigod!" yelled the same student as her classmates flocked around execpt one: Kanato.

Kanato rolled his eyes at them and opened his bag and stared at the object inside it...the Magnum Buckle.

-a cafe somewhere in the city-

"You're streaming your runaways?" asked Ace incredulously in a table with Neon in a cafe. "Yep. Neon's Non-Fiction Documentary." Neon replied rather cheery. "What's the..." asked Ace as he saw his own fans outside the cafe much to his mild irritation though he didn't show it. "What's the point of doing that?" Ace asked resuming his question clearly intrigued why Neon was streaming her runaways. "Just putting myself out there." Neon explained and put her phone away. "I want my soulmate to know i'm out there." finished the rich girl as Ace puckered his lips and nodded and heard some footsteps behind Neon. "It's time to come home milady." said a voice behind Neon as Ace looked at the people right behind his fellow contestant...Neon's bodguards John and Ben.

(pictured: on the Left: John. on the Right: Ben. And yes, they are americans who can speak japanese)

Neon then looked at the two and promptly went behind Ace. "Rats, they found me again!" groaned the rich girl in frustrated dismay. "Well yeah, you keep streaming it." commented Ace in a 'matter of fact' tone. "True..." Neon admitted clearly embarrassed and feeling semi-stupid. "Lord Ace..." said Ben as he held out a piece of paper with a pen. "Can we have your autograph?" asked John giddy before composing. "A-and, uh...then you'll come with us milady." added the white bodyguard. "Sure, i don't mind." said Ace feeling the mood to sigh an autograph. "Don't mind what? The autograph? Or them taking me?" asked Neon utterly annoyed as Ace signed the paper with his autograph much to John and Ben's glee. Then Ace heard a jingle stopping him from signing the autograph and checked his Spider Phone.

(pictured: the Spider Phone which all DGP contestants have.)

Gather Round!

The Message on the phone: Mr Ace Ukiyo, we are gathering at the Desire Temple.

"Looks the Desire Grand Prix's calling for us." commented Ace looking at the message and turned to look at Neon who took advantage of John and Ben's distraction and sped outta the cafe in record time! "Have fun with the autograph!" yelled Neon running away much to John and Ben's dismay before asking for the autograph again! Ace then signed the autograph much to the two bodyguard's delight. "Thank you!" said Ben in gratitude (in perfect english no less!) as he and John acted like children upon gettng their autographs while Ace finished his soda and after that put his hat on Ben and fixed John's tie and grinned and left the cafe as well!

"Where are you going!?" "Please wait for us!" yelled the two bodyguards (and one of them spoke in perfect english no less!) as Ace ran for his life. "Lord Ace!" "Can you please come back?!" yelled the bodyguards again as Ace caught up to Neon and gave her the silent order: 'get your Desire Driver quick!', Neon immediately understood as she and Ace pulled out their Desire Drivers to escape and Ace beckoned for Neon to follow him. "Hey, wait up!" "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" yelled the the bodyguards as Ace and Neon immediately put on their Desire Drivers!

Desire Driver!

John and Ben finally caught up to them...execpt that they already escaped! "What...? What!?" said the confused bodyguards.

-Desire Temple-

A holographic map then showed another Jyamar Area which showed targets. "A new wave of Jyamato have appeared. Now then, round two begins with a zombie survival game!" announced Tsumuri as the contestants processed the info. "Z-zombies!?" yelled Morio in shock as Shido made a 'WTF?' face "Okay, that was kinda out of left field..." commented James clearly stunned but deciding to accept it. "The Jyamato horde is still on the outskirts of town." Tsumuri explained as the holographic map then showed scenes of Jyamato attacking civillians which alarmed Shido. "Past data shows that they will usually last for three waves. If even one of these waves make it into the city, countless people will become infected." added the DGP navigator finishing her explaination.

"So we have to kill three waves of zombies in a row?" Kanato asked finding this round a bit absurd. "Correct." replied Tsumuri with a nod. "Of course she's correct, it's a staple in any zombie survival game. Zombies always come in waves no matter what the game they appear in! hell, even Left 4 Dead has the waves!" snarked James as everyone (minus Neon) nodded on how true he was. "I guess everybody plays Left 4 Dead huh?" added Shido amused. "Well i my spare time outside of work." muttered Michinaga under his breath. "Well fitting, considering your buckle is called 'Zombie'." James snarked as Ace raised an eyebrow at this information. "Is everybody done talking?" asked Tsumuri coughing a bit to get everyone's semi-distracted attention as everyone nodded.

"This game will be decided with a score system." said Tsumuri as a holographic screen showed a scoring chart. "So a zombie survival game mixed with the scoring system of various games eh? I can go for that." James commented as Shido stifled a laugh and the rest looked at the screen.

Scoring Chart.

Elimination +1000pts
Rescue +3000pts
Headshot +200pts
Backstab +200pts
Double Kill +500pts
Triple Kill +700pts
Assist +100pts
Tag-team Finisher +1000pts
First Blood +200pts
One-hit Kill +500pts
Long-distance Kill +300pts
Point-blank Kill +400pts
Perfect Kill +400pts
Revolve Change +100pts
Unarmed Kill +200pts
BM -800pts
Out of Bounds -1500pts
Friendly Fire -2000pts
Griefing -1000pts

"The person with the lowest score at the end of the game will be eliminated." said Tsumuri as everyone (sans Ace and Michinaga who stared at the former) were mildly shocked by this. "Better score a lot, i need to win for Satou's sake!" growled James becoming even more detemined to win. "Even with this...i will get my wish of a world without DEM...!" snarled Shido under his breath. "Um, if we get infected by the zombies, then..." asked Keiwa nervously. "You'll become a zombie too, so be careful." Tsumuri replied seriously which made Keiwa all the more nervous.

"You heard her, don't screw it up like last time." warned James as Kanato stifled a snicker at James' words knowing what happened in the previous round. "I won't screw it up! I promise!" yelled Keiwa defensively as James still wasn't convinced. "Sorry about James being harsh on you, but promise me you won't screw it up?" asked Shido with Keiwa nodding. "I promise!" promised Keiwa as Shido nodded while James sighed in resigned bittersweet acceptance and hoping Keiwa won't cower this time.

Michinaga then noticed Ace who was looking at the Armed Water and Armed Shield Raise Buckles and approached him. "Not feeling very confident with your crappy buckles?" asked the buffalo themed rider mockingly. "Hah. As if." Ace replied in a taunting manner. "Wanna make a bet?" asked Ace making an offer. "If my score is higher than yours, then you give me your buckle." Ace explained as Michinaga snorted. "Sure. But if it's not, then i get all of your buckles." taunted Michinaga as Ace just laughed knowing the former wouldn't win.

"The mission is about to begin." announced Tsumuri as everyone was teleported to where the Jyamato are. "That's a lotta think we can win?" asked Shido to Keiwa who shrugged nervously. "Remember, if it's a zombie, aim for the head." advised James as he pulled out the Armed Drill Raise Buckle as Shido pulled out both the two Armed Shield Raise Buckles as Keiwa pulled out the Armed Arrow Raise Buckle. "Let's do this..." said all three in unison.

-where Ace is-

Ace then looked at the Jyamato horde and pulled out the Armed Water and Armed Shield Raise Buckles and placed them in the slots of the Desire Driver. The same also went for everyone.






Then Ace did his usual finger snap pose, while Keiwa diagonally crossed his arms with the left going up and the right going down. Michinaga just dusted his right shoulder before raising his arm a bit while Morio did some arm gestures. Neon slowly swung her right arm in an half arc and did a neko pose while Kanato slightly touched his hair before lightly touching his neck before sliding his hand down a bit. Shido cracked his right knuckle while James raised his right hand to the side of his head while slightly flexing the fingers.

(note: Shido and James are doing prototype versions of their proper pre-henshin poses, they will come after they get their proper Raise Buckles in this episode.)

"HENSHIN!" everyone shouted as they transformed in their respective Rider forms.







Everyone was now transformed in their respective Rider forms and were now ready to fight the Jyamato!

Buffa then kicked the Zombie Breaker's Deadly Pump (the black section on the blade) to activate it's Poison Charge.


The Zombie Breaker then emitted an orange energy chainsaw blade which then turned a sickly purple and Buffa swung it at the nearest Jyamato through it's head which turned it to stone and killing it instantly. "Man i guess playing those zombie FPS games in highschool paid off." snarked Buffa before slashing another Jyamato.

-where Tycoon is-

A bunch of Jyamato were shambling around and unbeknownst to them, Tycoon was behind a tree, only this time he wasn't cowering: he was hiding a group of people he found to guide to safety. "Quick, now's your chance!" urged the tanuki themed Rider towards the civilians who ran off to safety. "Thank you!" said thankful civillians who ran off to a safe place. Tycoon then sighed in relief then he heard the Spider Phone's jingle.


Tycoon then check his Spider Phone and was suprised to see what was on its screen.

Secret Mission Clear: Be the first to save three civillians.

Then in a flash a pink DGP box was suddenly resting atop Tycoon's head! The tanuki themed Rider then opened the box and it contained...the Boost Buckle! "Oh! Ahh! It's the super strong one from last time!" Tycoon said in utter shock upon seeing the Boost Buckle again.

-where Draveast is-

"Dang! There's a lot of them! In the chaos i got seperated from Shido...i'll regroup with him once i've dealt with these shits!" growled Draveast drill headshotting a Jyamato and then pressed the Armed Drill Raise Buckle's button.


"RAAARRGGHH!!!" roared Draveast making a spinning lunge with the Armed Raise Drill stretched in front which also generated a large energy drill construct and drill-decapitated several Jyamato in range of the attack. "Heh. Again, don't ever underestimate drills." boasted Draveast as he quickly finished off the remaining Jyamato and went looking for Seirei.

-where Na-Go and Da-Paan are-

Da-Paan was on top of a roof while sniping several Jyamato through their heads while Na-Go was busy thwacking a Jyamato which sent it reeling towards a crate. "Meowww!!" yelled Na-Go upon smacking said Jyamato who then got back up! (it's a Zombie Jyamato! what do you expect!?) "Ehh!? Why isn't it going down!?" asked Na-Go in fright as the Jyamato attacked the cat themed Rider who thankfully dodged who then threw a metal box at it to keep it away to no avail. "Hiss, hiss!" hissed Na-Go like a cat before grabbing another metal box to throw while a Jyamato burst out of a cynlindrical container to ambush the understandably freaked out Na-Go. "Ahhh! Stop it!" screamed Na-Go trying to hold off the Jyamato who had cornered her.

"Please help Mr. Panda!" begged Na-Go in fear as Da-Paan was busy shooting. "Who'd be dumb enough to save a rival?" asked Da-Paan mockingly while refusing to help. "Are you kidding me!?" yelled Na-Go in shock and dismay before finally breaking free and fled right...into a dead end. Na-Go was terrified upon seeing the dead end and the Jyamato finally attacked the screaming cornered cat...only for Geats to shield her and then grabbed the Armed Raise Hammer to whack a Jyamato in the head which killed it while Draveast arrived and attacked another Jyamato.

"A zombie's weakness is their head. You know, how it's always been." said Geats while playfully poking Na-Go's helmet before attacking another Jyamato. "I see now! That's why i couldn't beat it." mused Na-Go taking Geats' words to heart and whacked another Jyamato, only this time in the head. "Seriously? then again...concerning that you never heard of zombie games...that's to be expected." snarked Draveast killing two Jyamato in one drill blow.

Da-Paan then slung the Magnum Shooter on his shoulder after witnessing the scene from below. "Hmph." scoffed the panda themed Rider before resuming his sniping. Unbeknowst to him...two Jyamato were creeping right behind him.

-where Seirei is-

"Ah crap...i'm surrounded..." groaned Seirei in dismay while surrounded by a nasty amount of Jyamato. "Even with the two Armed Shields it won't be enough...! Damn it what i should i do..." muttered Seirei in frustration as his chest suddenly glowed. "Huh? What's this light?" asked the spirit themed Rider as the light slowly died and in his hands...were two Raise Buckles he never saw before. "Huh? Raise Buckles...i guess my sealed Reiryoku was able to make a miracle..." mused Seirei taking a closer look at the new Raise Buckles born from his Reiryoku and the Reiryoku of the spirits he sealed.

(pictured: the Spirit Princess Raise Buckle, i had to find a PNG image of Sandalphon and and shrink and slap it on the buckle as i'm not really good at using ms paint)

The first one two shades of purple with some gold and light blue, but the most noticeable part was Sandalphon on the Buckle. "Tohka..." Seirei whispered feeling the Spirit's reiryoku and all the memories he had with her in the previous timeline. "I promise...i won't fail this time..." growled the spirit themed Rider vowing that he won't screw it up and change the outcome of the final encounter with Mio and then looked at the other Raise Buckle.

(pictured: the Spirit Knight Raise Buckle and it's also an MS paint work, not very good if i say so myself...)

The other one resembled the previous Raise Buckle but the sword on the Buckle was drastically different than the other one and had a different color scheme, Seirei underneath the mask then made a look full of determination removed the two Armed Shield Raise Buckles and proceeded to place both the new Raise Buckles to the each side of the Desire Driver (Spirit Princess on the right and Spirit Knight on the left) and started to crack his knuckles starting from the left knuckle then to the right knuckle while popping his neck in the same way. (left knuckle, left side of neck, right knuckle, right side of neck.)


(the cracking of knuckles and popping of neck is Shido's proper henshin pose)

"Henshin." snarled Seirei pulling the handle of the Spirit Princess Raise Buckle and did the same thing on the Spirit Knight Raise Buckle's handle.

Dual On! Be Dazzled for Princess and Knight! READY? FIGHT!

Seirei was now clad in purple upper body armor with some gold and black coloration on it while the leg armor had gray armor with a purple section on it. This was Kamen Rider Seirei PrincessKnight form!

(pictured: the form itself: Seirei PrincessKnight Form)

Seirei then stared at the Jyamato who surrounded him. "My reiryoku is burning with courage! (romaji: Ore no reiryoku wa yuki ni moete iru!)" he shouted as Sandalphon appeared into his hands and charged towards the Jyamato. "Come get served!!" yelled Seirei determinedly while effortlessly cutting down several Jyamato like a hot knife through butter. But more Jyamato kept coming as Seirei clicked his teeth in anger.

"How about this then!?" growled Seirei pressing the gem on Sandalphon's hilt which made the edges of the greatsword glow blue and horizontally slashed another group of Jyamato in a circular arc. "Not good enough!" Seirei roared pressing the gem three times as the edges of Sandalphon glowed an even brighter shade of blue!


"DIE!!" Seirei screamed as swung down Sandalphon which unleashed a wave of blue and yellow light which destroyed all Jyamato in range. "Everyone...i promise you...i will win this game and save you all!" declared Seirei while raising Sandalphon above his head.

-where Geats and Na-Go are-

Geats and Na-Go were now inside the warehouse and were fighting the Jyamato who followed them inside.

While beating up the Jyamato, Geats noticed a tightly locked and closed metal door and then thrust the Armed Raise Water into it. "Heh." chuckled the fox themed Rider as he twisted the knob of the Armed Water Raise Buckle to ready something.


Geats then pulled the Armed Raise Water's trigger and began to fight the Jyamato barehanded and managed to take a few down. Na-Go on other hand...was having much diffuculty and soon ran into a few Jyamato and ended up waking in a circle around an object in which amusingly the Jyamato followed her! "Come on! Hurry up!" yelled Na-Go getting scared as more Jyamato converged on her position and some came out of the cupboards and lockers!

As Geats smacked another Jyamato he saw the window to the room with the locked steel doors was showing water which was filling the room up to the brim.

(the scene pictured above. quite weird ain't it?)

"That's my cue i guess." mused Geats who went to the doors which was leaking water and pulled out the Armed Raise Water and jumped into a higher area of the warehouse just as the water finally burst out from the doors.


"Eh? AHHH!!!" Na-Go screamed as the water flooded the room catching all opponents and unfortunately her as well, and vortex of water was also present to deal with the Jyamato. Soon the room was finally drained of water leaving a soaked Na-Go and several dead Jyamato.


"Like a fish in a barrel." said Geats confidently as he left. "Wave 1 has been completed!" announced Tsumuri while announcing the completion of the first wave. "Warn me first..." whimpered Na-Go sitting down while slumping and gasping a bit.

-Desire Temple, Lounge-

Ace Ukiyo/Geats (41,000 points)
Michinaga Azuma/Buffa (36,500 points)
Kanato Sumida/Da·Paan (28,000 points)
Shido Itsuka/Seirei and James Ryukishigami/Draveast (27,700 points)
Keiwa Sakurai/Tycoon (26,200 points)
Morio Koganeya/Mary (17,800 points)
Neon Kurama/Na-Go (12,800 points)

"Good work everyone." said Girori while praising the contestants. "Please feel free to relax until the second wave begins." added the white dressed concierge as he returned to his station. "That was just one wave huh? This is so hard..." groaned Keiwa exhausted. "I can't believe we're tied. And you got new Raise Buckles too?" asked James as Shido was staring at his Raise Buckles. "Ye-yeah...i found them by accident..." said Shido while making up a lie which Ace took notice to (well, he's an expert liar, he knows a liar when he sees and hears one!). 'He's lying...Shido Itsuka's lying about where he got those new Raise Buckles...but i won't bother until i've finished my investigation about the Spirits.' thought Ace observing Shido carefully.

"How could i lose...?" asked Michinaga in disbelief while seeing his score, which put him in second place. Ace then mockingly held up the Zombie Buckle to the former's face as he looked away in clear embarrassment. "You promised. Now this thing's mine." taunted Ace with a smirk as Michinaga glared at him. "If you want it back...Then use this to overtake me." added Ace while holding the Armed Water Raise Buckle. Michinaga wordlessly snatched the Raise Buckle with a glare and without a thanks. "Hey, don't make wagers you can't win! In fact...i have another Armed Drill if you want. catch!" said James while mocking Michinaga who caught the tossed Raise Buckle. "Thanks..." grumbled the bull themed Rider who then left the lounge to think. "Man he's quite the headache isn't he?" commented James about Michinaga while taking a sigh. "You bet your ass indeed..." Shido agreed with a sigh, clearly wary of Michinaga.

Morio made a curious look while looking at Michinaga who had left the lounge and turned to look at Keiwa who was trying to relax bit while taking off some of his DGP contestant clothing. "Hey, sport! How'd you use your dud so well, eh?" asked Morio to Keiwa who was surprised. 'I really don't trust that guy...i really do...' thought Shido observing the scene and feeling his distrust for Morio grow while James stared disdainfully at the scene and was feeling the same as Shido. "I didn't kill any of the zombies." said Keiwa which surprised Morio. "I just helped people who were being attacked." added Keiwa while explaining why he got many points which sparked an idea in Morio. "That's an option too huh!? Pretty sneaky sport!" said Morio in joy as Neon looked at the scoreboard in dismay at her low score.

"Ahhhh...Doesn't being last means it's over!?!" wailed Neon in dismay as she ran over to where Girori was. "Hey, is there anything here we can buy?!" asked the rich girl to the concierge for anything to help. "You are able to purchase cosmetics using Desire Money, which you can gain during the games. However, Buckles and equipment are unavailable." replied Girori rather apologetically much to Neon's even bigger dismay. "What!? What do i do...?" wailed Neon in dismay as Kanato stared at the scene in contemptous anger while James seethed at the scene.

"Privileges for the rich..." seethed Kanato angrily while James clenched his fists. "You can already get anything you want, so why would you even join the game?" asked the pissed off Kanato at Neon. "Hmmm...because i want something that can't be bought with money?" hummed Neon with a grin. "BULLSHIT!" screamed James as everyone turned to look at him as he had a livid look on his face. "You're filthy stinking rich and yet you say that there is something you can't buy with money?! don't fuck with me!" James screamed with rage. "But don't you have a home and money James?" asked Keiwa as James snorted. "Yes i do, but do you know how many jobs i do in a single day?" asked James with a snarl as Keiwa's eyes widened. " mean to tell do a lot of jobs!?" Shido asked in shock as James sighed. "Yeah. I do a lot of part-time jobs and side jobs. Just to keep putting food on my table and fridge. And do you know how much money i make in a day?" growled James clearly getting angry again. "How much?" asked Kanato with a raised eyebrow. "200 yen per day, 250 or 300 if i'm lucky..." sneered James as Kanato winced.

"And not to mention how much i dislike how we poor and half poor people break our backs working to keep our homes while you rich assholes don't have that problem while not caring how much money you all spend!" James shrieked in restrained fury as Shido felt pity for James. 'Maybe i should give him some of my money when i'm not on a date?' thought the blunette worriedly. "But you have school. Don't you pay for your tuition fees?" asked Neon as James snorted. "Well yeah...but i don't need to you want to know how i got to study?" sneered James as Ace tilted his head a bit. "How?" asked Girori as James took a deep sigh. "I got a scholarship which i won from the national spelling contest, it was second prize along with 30,000 yen. and i won second place and got said scholarship, now...i have to break my back doing part-time jobs and side jobs to keep earning money while constantly studying to make sure i don't lose my scholarship, which to be me bedridden sick five times!" explained James before shouting the last part of his sentence which made everybody wince, even Ace winced. "So i ask you like Kanato asked you...You can already get anything you want because of your wealth, so why would you even join the game huh?" asked James with a snarl while pointing at Neon with an angry glare. 'Man i feel bad for him...i wonder how his girlfriend feels about this...' thought Shido sadly wondering how Satou feels whenever James has to slightly overwork just for his and her sakes.

"W-well...i...uhh...i" Neon stammered at James' situation not to mention his monetary and school problems. "Psst! James, how much money do you have in the bank?" asked Shido whispering to James' ear. "56,000 yen. that's all i have right now." replied James also whispering as they decide to hear Neon's reasoning why she wanted to join the game. "What could that be? What'd you write on your Desire Card?" asked Morio curious. "I want a world where i can meet my soulmate!" Neon replied while getting looks of 'wtf' from James, Shido and suprisingly...Keiwa. "Your soulmate?" asked Keiwa rather deadpan as James made a look of disgust. "That's your wish? Ugh...that's so sad..." said James muttering the last part. "Mhm! A prince who can come pick me up on a white horse!" mused Neon happily as Shido felt like he wanted to laugh at Neon's wish.

"You really want to put your life life at risk for such a thing?" asked Kanato scornfully. "Love is a lifelong matter, don't you think?" replied Neon as James somewhat agreed on her words. 'Yeah...i really love Satou...but...she's so broken...i won't give up for my wish so that she can be truly happy...!' thought James sadly and determinedly as Kanato got up clearly miffed by Neon's response. "Ridiculous." sneered Kanato as began to leave the lounge. "You could at least be a little nicer, y'know!" Keiwa yelled as Kanato left the lounge. "He doesn't need to." said Ace catching everyone's attention. "We're all his rivals after all." finished Ace as Shido just sighed. "As much i hate to admit this...i don't trust Kanato at all Ace, there's just something off about him..." Shido commented while feeling a sense of unease. "Feeling's the same too, so you better keep yourself on guard." assured Ace as Shido just smiled in relief. "And Neon...i'm going to be blunt...your wish is a bit dumb..." said James a bit disdainful. "Eeehhhh?! But why?!" asked Neon in dismay. "Isn't it the obvious? You're rich." said James with a snort as he sat. "You could have been a bit nicer you know..." Keiwa commented as James scoffed. "I'm not nice to rich people, and you did you hear my rant earlier?" asked James peeved at Keiwa just sweatdropped and sighed as Shido stiffled a snicker.

-a hallway, somewhere in the Desire Temple-

"Hey." called Kanato to Michnaga who was looking at his score. "You got some kind of grudge with Ace Ukiyo or what? I wanna teach him a lesson." asked the panda themed Rider to the bull themed Rider. "All Kamen Riders are my enemies." Michinaga stated rather coldly. "Hmmm...Looks like you're hiding something..." hummed Kanato with a questioning gaze as Michinaga glared at the former. "Why don't you go mind your own business huh? scram, get lost." growled Michinaga pissed off as he began to walk away. "You're the one who got screw over by Geats." mocked Kanato as Michinaga stopped and glared even harder. "Oh shut up. I'll get it back soon." Michinaga sneered as he resumed walking.

"Wanna team up?" asked Kanato making an offer. "I don't mind lending this to you." added Kanato while holding the Magnum Buckle as Michinaga turned around and stared at it. "What do you want?" asked Michinaga gruffly as Kanato gave a creepy smirk with an equally evil stare as he was planning something rather diabolical.

-back at the lounge-

Neon was looking at the pad which showed different clothing and picked one and suddenly, her currently clothes changed into the one in the pad! ' cool!' thought Shido as James was busy eating a two sandwiched slices of a 4 cheese pizza and...there were four empty pizza pans and one pan with one big slice left. Neon then clicked on a different type of clothing and just like with the previous one, her clothes also changed as well! "This is fun!" commented the heiress as Girori clapped at her enthusiasm. "Na-Go. Is love really all that you're looking for?" asked Ace curious at Neon's motives and wish. "Or is there--" added Ace but Neon cut him off her response. "It's a secret." Neon replied as she resumed checking the clothes. Keiwa then had a flashback a few days back while also thinking about what Ace said.

flashback start

"Neon's family is super strict then?" asked Keiwa while cooking something while Sara was busy watching to Neon's livestream with a beauty mask on her face. "Her family, the Kurama Zaibatsu is crazy rich, so it makes sense that they'd be really strict." Sara replied while removing her beauty mask. "Apparently, she can't hang out with friends, eat outside, heck even dating's out of the question! Isn't that cruel for a cute girl like her to not have a love life?" added Sara exasperatedly while taking a drink of an energy drink. "Right..." said Keiwa sarcastically as Sara held up her beauty mask which startled him a bit.

"Hey! were ya even listening to me!?" yelled Sara annoyed that Keiwa wasn't listening and was more focused on cooking dinner. "Of course not!" Keiwa groaned while snatching the beauty mask. "We've had this conversation a million times." added Keiwa in a mix of irritation and mild amusement as Sara made a sheepish look.

flashback end

"Don't worry. As long as you don't give up, your dream will come true someday." said Keiwa who said some words assurance while Neon made an unconvinced look. "Do you honestly believe that things can work out that easily?" asked Neon in a piercing question which stumped Keiwa. "Judging from Neon's words...there might be a true reason why she has a wish like that..." commented James eating the last slice of the four cheese pizza. "You think so James?" asked Shido curious as James made a curt nod and soon wiped his hands with some tissues. "Well..." said Keiwa unable to reply to Neon's question. "That's why we need to put our lives on the line. It's to make our ideal world a reality." said Ace which made Neon a bit uncomfortable while Keiwa just stared back at him with clear apprehension while Shido and James became more determined than before.


Once again the telephone rang loudly catching everyone's attention as Girori went to answer the call. "The second wave of Jyamato has arrived." said the white dressed concierge in an urgent tone. "Glad i finished my meal!" said James as Shido gave a deadpan look. "Was it really that important!?" asked Shido irritatedly. "Pizza is a luxury for me okay!? it's one of these rare times that i get to eat pizza! blame my budget and me being semi broke!" growled James equally irritated as Shido just sighed. "Once this is over, how about i treat you two to a pizza joint? sound good?" asked Ace with a smirk as James and Shido gave each other looks and looked back at Ace. "Deal. We'll hold you onto that promise!" said James and Shido in unison. "I promise you two." replied Ace sincerely as Keiwa made a 'WTF' look on his face as they readied to fight the second wave!

-back to the Jyamar Area-

Mary slammed down the Armed Chain Array on an unlucky Jyamato and then stepped on said Array! "Anyone out there getting attacked by zombies!?" yelled Mary looking for someone to save. "Shouting out isn't gonna help you get any points!" retorted Tycoon while grappling with a Jyamato. 'I really don't trust that Morio fellow at all!' thought Seirei slicing several Jyamato in half. "Hey where's James!?" asked Tycoon while head-shooting a random Jyamato. "He's in a different area right now as we speak. He said there might be more Jyamato that might blindside us!" Seirei replied while pommel bashing a Jyamato in the head. "Well that's convenient!" groaned Tycoon sarcastically while shooting another Jyamato while Seirei tripped one before casually slicing it's head off.

-where Na-Go is-

Na-Go smacked a Jyamato only for another to blindside her and pin her to the group before getting whacked and the previously smacked Jyamato tried to attack the cat themed Rider again. "Stop it!" screamed Na-Go as an attack suddenly forced the Jyamato off her. Turns the one who attacked the Jyamato was Da-Paan who sniped a few more Jyamatos. "Da-Paan!" said Na-Go as the panda themed Rider helped her up. "You all right? I'm sorry for what i said earlier. I'm actually a big fan of yours." said Da-Paan while attacking some Jyamatos. "Wait, you were playing tough to get?" asked Na-Go confused while the panda themed Rider kept attacking. "I'll be your bodyguard so we can farm points together." offered Da-Paan leading Na-Go while the Jyamato followed them. "You're cooler than i thought Da-Paan!" said Na-Go excitedly.

Unbeknowst to them, Ace heard their conversation while emerging behind a tree and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. 'Those words of his are suspicious, good thing i don't trust that panda.' thought Ace as a Jyamato was sent flying towards a tree trunk and turned to see Buffa using the Armed Water and Armed Drill buckles respectively. "Is this really the time to space out?" asked the buffalo themed Rider irritably while bashing and drilling several Jyamato while angrily approaching Ace. "Superstar my foot!" growled Buffa getting up close to Ace's face. "I can't fucking believe you made such a dumb world." added the irate buffalo themed Rider before leaving Ace who merely smirked. "The winner get's to make whatever world they want." said Ace confidently and then placed the Zombie Buckle on the right side of the Desire Driver.


Ace once again did his usual pre henshin pose and snapped his finger. "Henshin." said the celebrity twisting the knob of the Zombie Buckle.


Geats was now clad in the purple armor of Buffa, this was Geats Zombie Form!

Geats' eyes glowed as he readied to fight.

-where Draveast is-

"Aw crap! there's too many of them!" Draveast cursed as several Jyamato surrounded him. "Geh! I won't die here!" growled the dragon themed Rider killing several of them in a single blow...only for more to pop up. "What!? you've gotta be shitting me! what now!? i can't keep this up even with the Drill..." lamented Draveast clearly feeling helpless while getting a good distance from the Jyamato.

Draveast soon found himself at a near dead end. "Shit!" he cursed in anger as the Jyamato slowly approached him. "I'm not going to let it end here!" Draveast screamed in determined fury. "Mr Ryukishigami!" Girori shouted appearing out of nowhere much to Draveast's surprise and alarm. "Mr Girori!? what are you doing here!? it's not safe!" yelled Draveast in alarm upon seeing the concierge approaching him with a yellow DGP box. "My deepest apologies for that, the DGP management has recently finished creating two new Raise Buckles, and they decided that it would be you that should be given said buckles." Girori explained while opening the box which contained two Raise Buckles, one was a gunmetal gray colored variant of of the Boost Buckle while the other was entirely new. "This one looks like a sword inside the mouth of a dragon..." commented Draveast holding the dragon shaped buckle.

(pictured: the Dragon Knight Raise Buckle. not pictured: the JetBoost Raise Buckle as it's just a repaint of the Boost Buckle.)

"May these buckles serve you well. A little trivia that the JetBoost Buckle is unique that it doesn't eject unlike the original variant. Good luck and be careful." said Girori making his leave as Draveast hope he'd return to the Desire Temple safely. "Alright...let's test these guys out." mused Draveast as he removed the Armed Drill Raise Buckle and placed the two Raise Buckles on each side of the Desire Driver. (Dragon Knight on the right. JetBoost on the left.)


Draveast then raised his right hand in front of the right side of his face a bit then gripped it's wrist with the left hand and twisted the right hand from left to right repeatedly for a few seconds.

(the slightly raised right hand followed by the left hand gripping the right wrist and twisting a bit is James' proper henshin pose,)

"Henshin." growled Draveast pushing the circle shaped button on the Dragon Knight Raise Buckle followed by revving the handle of the JetBoost Buckle.

Dual On! Be Prepared for Dragon Knight and JetBoost! READY? FIGHT!

Draveast was now clad in red and orange colored armor followed by an gunmetal gray colored variant of the Boost Form's leg armor with the exhaust pipes replaced by jet engines. This was Draveast Dragon KnightJetBoost Form!

(pictured: the form itself: Draveast Dragon KnightJetBoost Form)

Draveast glared at the surrounding Jyamato and clenched his fists. "Now...let's start the rampage! (romaji: Saa...ranpeji wa hajimashou!)" he shouted as he lunged towards several Jyamato and punched and clawed their heads off while using a boosted kick to another's head which decapitated it. "Come forth!" roared Draveast as a sword appeared into his hands. The sword in question was a single edged sword with some areas colored purple, most notably at the back of the blade and at the hilt where a red gemstone was. This was the weapon bundled with the Dragon Knight Form gained via the Dragon Knight Raise Buckle: The RyuShinken (translate: Dragon God Sword).

(pictured: the RyuShinken. it's based on a weapon in a mobile video game. better figure it out yourself!)

"Fire Dragon's Breath...Form 1: Blazing Crash..." growled Draveast as the RyuShinken's blade was engulfed in fire and Draveast unleashed a wave of fire which burnt the Jyamato's heads to a crisp. "Heh. This is pretty neat. Now i better find the others." Draveast commented looking at his sword and left to find the others.

-back to where Na-Go is and inside a warehouse after following Da-Paan.-

Na-Go and Da-Paan were fighting several Jyamatos with the former giving one a whack to the head. "Let's get this bread Da-Paan!" yelled Na-Go excitedly. "Yeah, about that..." muttered Da-Paan sinisterly before firing the Magnum Shooter's barrel at Na-Go's back at point blank range which sent the cat themed Rider to the floor. "Wait! Why!?" yelled Na-Go in shock as she was attacked by a nearby Jyamato which was smacked away.

"Attacking other participants is prohibited. Your score has been lowered." said a voice announcing Da-Paan's breaking of one of the rules. "What a naive little princess you are!" mocked the panda themed Rider as Na-Go was slowly getting overwhelmed. "People don't exist just for you to use, understand!?" yelled Da-Paan coldly while remembering James' words in the Desire Temple.

"And not to mention how much i dislike how we poor and half poor people break our backs working to keep our homes while you rich assholes don't have that problem while not caring how much money you all spend!" screamed James in a short flashback in Da-Paan's mind. 'He is right...i just hate rich people more than he does!' thought the panda themed Rider angrily.

Na-Go was now getting overwhelmed and she was now utterly frightened for her life in a moment of naive stupidity. "How about you go become a Super Influencer Zombie instead huh!?" snarked a callous Da-Paan aiming a shot and then fired it when suddenly...Geats arrived in time to deflect the shot. "An eye for an eye, a zombie for a zombie." said Geats casually as Da-Paan groaned in frustration. "Time for a surprise move. Don't blink now." advised Geats about to plan an attack.

Geats then slashed a Jyamato followed by pushing Na-Go down a bit and used her as an impromptu vaulting horse while performing several slashes on the Jyamato and finishing off two in the process as well. Then the remaining Jyamato chased after Geats who then jumped to higher ground and pushed the Zombie Breaker's Deadly Pump to activate a Poison Charge! Na-Go then used this opportunity to escape the chaos!


The Jyamato was now approaching Geats who was waiting at the right moment to strike! Then the fox themed Rider pressed the Zombie Breaker's trigger in it's handle to initiate a Tactical Break!


Geats then slashed all the Jyamato all at once which killed them instantly. "I almost had it...Get out of my way!" screamed Da-Paan firing a shot which Geats nonchalantly dodged which left a hole in the wall behind Geats. "Attacking other participants is prohibited. Your score has been lowered." said the same voice which announced the breaking of the rules. "If that's what you want, then i guess i shouldn't hold back." mused Geats looking at hole in the wall.

A furious Da-Paan then pulled the Magnum Shooter's hammer to fire a Geats who made a run for it and dodged the shots while also performing a frontflip. "Quit running!" growled Da-Paan frustrated at Geats' dodging his shots as he prepared to fire another shot.


Geats then jumped out of the building safely and made a taunting look at Da-Paan who growled in frustration.

Geats then tussled with several of the Jyamato while Seirei found himself assisting the former. "Hey need a hand?" asked Seirei while slashing a few Jyamatos. "Appreciate it." Geats replied in gratitude while still roughing up some Jyamato while Da-Paan managed to get a clear sight on Geats. "Eat this!" yelled the panda themed Rider as he aimed a shot at Geats who immediately pressed the button for the Revolve On!


Geats then did a Revolve On to dodge the shot which hit an unlucky Jyamato instead. Whoops. The fox themed Rider was now wearing the Zombie Form on the legs. "Whoa...still freaky though." commented Seirei approaching Geats. "Say Shido? want to kick a panda's ass?" asked Geats with a smirk underneath the mask. "Isn't that against the rules?" asked Seirei warily and nervous. "No its not. You'll find out once we kick his ass okay?" Geats replied as Seirei reluctantly decided to help. "And now for the highlight." said Geats he kicked a Jyamato towards Da-Paan who shot it then soon found Geats and Seirei missing. "Where'd they go!?" asked Da-Paan in shock looking around franctically only for Geats and Seirei to ambush him from behind and tag team kicked him the moment the panda themed Rider saw them.

Da-Paan was sent flying at the force of the two kicks followed by rolling on the ground as Geats and Seirei rushed towards him. "Hope you know what you're doing Ace!" shouted Seirei pulling the Spirit Princess Raise Buckle's handle to perform a finisher. "Trust me. I'm know what i'm doing." Geats replied with a slight annoyance in his voice as he twisted the Zombie Buckle's knob as energy constructs in the shape of tombstones adorned with skulls bearing the name: R.I.P. Kanato Sumida/Kamen Rider Da-Paan on the gravestone's marker.

"Take this!" Seirei yelled as he and Geats kicked Da-Paan square in the chest as the panda themed Rider's HUD showed the shield meter turn red followed by it completely depleted and replaced with the words: ARMOR BREAK!! signifying that the shield meter was fully depleted.


Geats and Seirei's kicks sent Da-Paan flying away from them. "Let's catch up to them shall we?" asked Geats as Seirei just grunted in affirmation. 'I sure hope we won't get any deducted points for this...' thought the spirit themed Rider worriedly.

-back to where Buffa is-

Buffa along with Draveast were dealing with the last two Jyamato when they saw Kanato tumble a few feet away from them. "Hm?" mused Buffa as he gave the Jyamato a whack and a kick followed by Draveast slicing the head of another and soon detransformed once they were done.


"Have you gone insane? Fighting him lowers your points!" yelled Michinaga aghast upon seeing Ace and deducted that he was the one who attacked Kanato. "Heh. Why don't you see for yourself?" asked Ace confidently as he showed his score to Michinaga. "Your points along with Seirei's didn't go down...How?" asked Michinaga in confusion while demanding an answer. "Yeah didn't our points go down at all?" asked Shido very confused. "He got bit by a zombie." said Ace while pointing at Kanato whose arm showed some purple veins that emitted a ghastly aura.

Michinaga turned to Ace in slight curiosity. "How'd you know?" asked the construction worker. "The zombie horde only went after Na-Go and left him alone. Because they saw him as one of them." Ace explained seriously as everyone (minus Neon who just arrived during Ace's explanation) in shock. "So he's been bit for a while..." commented Morio as Kanato flashed back to when he was bitten...during the first wave.

mini flashback start

Da-Paan aimed the Magnum Shooter unaware of the Jyamato behind him. Soon, one ambushed the panda themed Rider from behind only for Da-Paan to pistol whip it away while the other Jyamato blindsided him and grabbed his arm and opened it's mouth and bit Da-Paan's arm.

mini flashback end

"You tried to pull a fast one on Na-Go because you knew you'd be safe right?" asked Ace walking towards Kanato. "Knew he was up to no good..." hissed James angrily as Shido just sighed. "Life is just unfair..." Kanato whimpered while having a short flackback. "I worked hard, day and night, but then...Things can change in an instant." Kanato narrated remembering that he got struck by a car and later on saw everyone moving on without noticing him or his broken leg. "Ever since then, my world ended." muttered Kanato bitterly while Shido narrowed his eyes. "I just wanted to get rid of everybody!" growled Kanato as Shido snarled. "Everyone should just die..." growled Kanato looking at his wish: A world where humanity becomes extinct. "That's your wish!?'re fucking insane!" screamed Shido in rage wanting to strike Kanato down while James held him back. "The game hasn't ended yet! Calm down and let's see what happens next!" yelled James holding a struggling Shido back.

"You could have just wished for a world where you can play basketball again on your Desire Card!" yelled Neon in dismay. "I don't care about that anymore!" screamed Kanato in nihilistic rage as Shido just snarled angrily at Kanato's despair as it didn't excuse his actions towards Neon earlier. "Don't say that! Doesn't the Desire Grand Prix exist to make the world a better place?" asked Keiwa clearly trying to defuse the situation. "No. We're free to choose whatever world we want. It's like how Japan only became united at the end of countless conflicts. The only thing this game exists to let the survivors win. That's all." said Ace while explaining a terrible fact to Keiwa. "Haven't the times changed...?" asked Michinaga annoyed. "I'll make sure your wish never gets granted you fucking hear me!?" screamed Shido at Kanato as James held him back again as Tsumuri approached the group. "Good work clearing the second wave, everyone. You've rescued the city once again." said the DGP navigator in gratitude. "Aww shucks, it was the right thing to do!" said Shido in embarrassment as James just snickered.

"You are now free to take a short breather now." said Tsumuri as Shido sighed in relief. "Finally...a short break..." groaned the time travelling bluenette as Ace stared at the former's left hand holding the Spirit Princess Raise Buckle. ' hunches are correct. Shido Itsuka is related to the mystery surrounding the Spirits...Woodman also told me that the Spirit codenamed: "Nightmare" is going to study at Raizen High in the guise of a transfer student...however my investigation regarding Shido's relation to the Spirits and why he can seal them is still a mystery...i must continue my investigation.' thought Ace still connecting the dots about Shido's relation to the Spirits and why he can seal them.

-Desire Temple lounge-

Neon took a sip of her iced coffee before putting the glass down while gasping and then fell to the floor. "Are you okay?!" yelled Keiwa in alarm as Morio and James checked on her. "Hey! She got bit too!" yelled Morio in shock as James widened his eyes in alarm and concern. "Hahaha...My condolences." mocked Kanato as James wordlessly backhanded him. "Gloat all you want...but i have an inkling feeling that you'll eliminated next round..." sneered James with a murderous glare to the shocked Kanato. "I'm impressed she even made it this far." commented Michinaga making a backhanded compliment before leaving. "And do us all a favor...if you want humanity to about you die first? shoot yourself dead! no one will care!" growled James angrily as Kanato glared at James before leaving. "That was harsh you know!" Keiwa protested, clearly appalled by James' cruel yet unfortunately truthful words.

"The guy was asking for it...*huffs* and to me he's a Rau Le Crueset wannabe! The mask wearing blonde got killed and nobody cared! And if that panda kills himself or dies to the Jyamato, no one would care!" snapped James angrily as his hate for Kanato was very apparent as Shido agreed with a nod as he already despised the panda themed Rider since day one. "Is this where i get eliminated...?" asked Neon in pain and despair as Ace approached the group tending to Neon. "No. The game's not over yet." said Ace with a determined look as Shido nodded. "So don't give up. I'll make sure you win." added Shido with an assuring smile as Ace nodded in agreement in the former's words.

DGP Rule #3
Participants who have lost their lives in the game will be removed from the world as a whole.
Please take serious caution.
Mission 2 — Zombie Survival
Ace Ukiyo/Geats (41,000 points)
Michinaga Azuma/Buffa (36,500 points)
Kanato Sumida/Da·Paan (28,000 points; Infected (1st Wave))
Shido Itsuka/Seirei and James Ryukishigami/Draveast (27,700 points)
Keiwa Sakurai/Tycoon (26,200 points)
Morio Koganeya/Mary (17,800 points)
Neon Kurama/Na-Go (12,800 points; Infected (2nd Wave))
Author's note: whew! finally finished this chapter after quite a long while! Sorry for the delay folks! the laptop needed some hardware repairs and it's back to working again! so to those who waited, sorry for delay. Now the next chapter is the fourth episode and the subsequent enounter with Yoshino. Alright find out how things will go in the next chapter. And as always, see you all later.

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