Falling for the unloveable

Od lively2107

23.3K 380 46

Iris Moore, she kind but cold, caring but quiet. With an abusive father, two sisters to raise and a group of... Viac

Game day
Shot of lemonade
Movie night
Dumpster dive
Losing the bet
Ballroom dancing
Fun with Bailey
Goodbyes, first words and eyes of the past
Threats and girlfriends
Night excursion
Family dinner
Family discussions
Truths and fights
'The real me'
Fair fight and a girls night
An errand for a friend
Accepting help
Being selfish
Family BBQ
Dish race/near faintings
Block him
Not so brave anymore
Zoo on a wednesday
Nightly affairs/babysitting
Babysitting/girls like us
Pre party antics
Party time
I love you
Rehash the past/catfight
On the road
Art 2
Run! (x2)
Birthday cake
Halloween treat
Clinging before he leaves
Home at last
Past induced panic
Finding peace
Old habits
Losing the kids too
Dangerous driving
Finding her
How her sister sees it
It all comes out
Healing friendships
Tattoos and visitings parents
Date night
Biggest supporters
Boat party
Tainted image
Missing you
Beach day
Authors note

First day

1.9K 20 11
Od lively2107

Main character aesthetics:

Iris Moore:

Elias Jones:

Iris POV:

Driving to school with my twin sisters in the back, music blasting and the windows down didn't feel as good as it should of. The main reason behind that, being the destination we are heading to. A place of boredom, anxiety and worst of all people. If it wasn't for the small group of people I actually can stand, I'm not sure I'd survive waking up every morning and going into the hellhole named Webbing high school.
One more year I tell myself, one more year of high school and I'm gone.

Starting my senior year should be daunting considering I'll be forced into choosing subjects to study further and what college to do so in, at then end of it but I'm not worried about my future. Unlike my fellow classmates who rush inside the building, heading excitedly toward their lockers and new classrooms. I don't recall every feeling the buzz of the new school year starting, although excitement isn't typically in my range of emotions.

"Have a nice day, be good!" I yell to my sisters as they jump out of the car and rush off to their respected friends. I receive no reply in response which is usual, my sisters really like to play the typical grumpy teenager roles.

With a sigh I rest my forehead against my steering wheel and close my eyes only for a second. I'll get out soon but I'm going to bask in the safe confines of my car for as long as possible. The temptation to just reverse out of here and make a run for it is overwhelming, so much so I have to get out of my car before I give in to my wishes.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder I keep my head down and AirPods in as I make my way inside the bustling hallways. No one pays any attention to me as I head straight for my locker and place some things in there. Once I'm done I lock it back up and turn on my heel, my friends have been blowing up my phone, wondering where I am.

I begin replying to them when a body barges into me, sending me flying to the floor. I manage to grip my phone tight enough to save it from shattering when I land with a thud, but can't say the same for my bag thats contents spill everywhere.

Someone yells a quick sorry but rush off without offering me any help up. With an annoyed huff I turn toward my bag, reaching one hand toward it before quickly pulling it back. Some guy that was walking down the hallway, looking everywhere but where he is walking trips over my bag. He falls face first, landing on his stomach with a groan. I have to stifle my laugh as I watch his face contort with a painful expression. I shouldn't laugh, it probably really hurt but you should of seen his face when he fell down. It was hilarious.

His eyes snap to mine and the smile immediately drops from my face. I've never seen him before but he's handsome with brown shaggy hair and sharp features. He also doesn't look happy. Clearing my throat I reach for my bag that's wedged between his chest and floor. With a sharp tug I free it from under him and push it over my shoulder. His gaze never leaves me as I dust myself off and begin to walk in the direction of my first lesson.

"Do I not even get a sorry?" The mystery guys calls out to me.
"I'm sorry that you didn't watch where you were going" I yell over my shoulder, pushing past all of the ogling onlookers that have been watching the whole interaction curiously. Way to keep discrete on the first day back.

Once I've made it to my homeroom I slip into the seat furthest from everyone else. No one bothers me in here which is why it's one of my favourite places in the whole school. Or at least it was until  the same guy that fell over my bag comes strolling in and spots me. A wave of recognition ripples through his face before his long legs begin to stride in my direction. I squint my eyes watching as a smirk crawls onto his face just before he collapses into the only chair beside me. Why me god? Why me?

"Don't look too pleased to see me, people might think we are friends" I roll my eyes at his sarcastic comment, I certainly am not happy to see him.
"Can't you find some other girl to terrorise?" I grumble, sliding further down into my seat as fellow classmates start to stare and whisper about us.
"Me terrorise you? You are the one that caused me to face plant, on my first day too. Could you not of given me one day to get to know the people here before they start laughing at me?" I spare him a glance relaxing when I see his easy going smile, he's not actually upset.

"Oh please I bet you're on one of the sport teams aren't you?" His jaw drops slightly as he looks at me. "The football team, yes. Why does that matter?" Of course he's on the football team, I should of guessed that.

"Because there is no way anyone will spare a second thought at you embarrassing yourself when you are apart of the team. Everyone loves the football team" maybe I'm being a little biased since three of my closest friends are football players but being on the team automatically makes you popular.

"So what you're telling me is that you love me?" I hate this guy already.
"Quite the opposite actually, you're awfully annoying" our teacher takes this moment to introduce herself and start the register. I'm thankful for the interruption as my conversation with the new guy ends. I cast my gaze out of the window, just beside me, for the remainder of homeroom. As soon as the bell rings I'm out of my seat and the door before the new guy even has chance to blink. I do not want to become friends, I've got enough of them already. I just hope he gets that message.


"So you've already tripped the new guy up and sat next to him for 15 minutes before I even had the chance to get a glimpse of him?" I nod, looking at Mal who pouts her glossed lips.
"That's not fair! you don't even appreciate a good looking guy when you seen one and I've heard he's hotter than every guy in school" she flicks a long blonde lock over her shoulder, blue eyes flickering around the bustling cafeteria, presumably looking for the new guy.

"I think everyone is just excited about having someone new, he's not that good looking" I explain but trail off at the end as our other friend, Kim, smiles mischievously.
"You think he's good looking" she teases with a bright smile that I roll my eyes at.
"You are just as annoying as he is you know" she shrugs sipping on her water as I stand up.

"I'm going for a smoke I'll be back in a bit" Mal's look of disgust and Kim's worried expression doesn't go unnoticed by me as I turn on my heel and head for my usual smoking spot. They hate my habit with a passion and take every opportunity to lecture or complain to me about it. Truth is it's one of the only things that feels familiar to me.

I started smoking when I was around 11 and I'm 17 now so as I've grown up I've lost a lot of things due to age or events but smoking, I've never lost that. It reminds of some really bad times but also good times. Like now, I've changed so much compared to when I lit my first cigarette and the change is a good one, one I'm proud to have made.

I smoke around one of the corners at the back of the school, it's secluded and there's no cameras which makes it the perfect spot. Leaning my back against the brick wall I sit on the floor, rooting through my bag for my pack of cigarettes before I pull one out and light the end. Placing it between my lips I inhale the poisonous smoke, filling my lungs before exhaling.

The cycle repeats itself, inhaling, exhaling while my thoughts drift to my friends. Kim and Mal are the only other girls in our group of 6, they are like sisters to me and have been by my side since we were kids. Three other boys complete our group; Malcolm, Jake and Aidan. They are all on the football team and Malcolm is also Mal's twin though their looks is the only way to tell.

Mal is your classic queen bee, drop dead gorgeous, the biggest gossip and the bossiest person I've ever met. She has a sweet side that comes out around those she loves unlike Malcolm who probably only has two brain cells and shows his soft side to everyone except those he truly hates. It's uncommon for him to hate a person so if he's being a dick to you then you've really fucked up. Somehow their personalities match perfectly within the rest of the group as everyone seems to balance each other out.

Kim on the other hand is as quiet as mouse and an insanely talented artist but she never brags which is strange because her art is really brag worthy. She's the sweetest girl I know and I don't think she's ever once insulted someone even when they deserve it. She's more of the "stay quiet and hope the bad people go away" type opposed to Mal's confrontational side and mine, when it's my friends or family that I'm protecting. The rest of the boys are also madly protective and though it can be extremely annoying, I love them for it. It's like having three older brothers.

I crush my finished cigarette out on the floor and lean my head against the wall beside me. If the boys have turned up to the table they'll come searching for me soon so I better get back. Even with that in the back of my mind I don't move until 5 minutes later when my phone starts to ping with messages off of Malcolm. Without reading them I get up and walk back toward the doors leading to the cafeteria.

My group sits in the back corner, hidden form most people until you get closer, which I like. It makes it harder for people to be nosy. As I get closer to my friends I notice that there's 6 bodies instead of 5 at the table. Which means there's someone new oh god please don't be who I think it is. Edging toward them I groan inwardly and quickly spin around when I recognise the new guy sat beside Malcolm. I don't want to deal with his smugness right now.

"Iris! Where are you going?!" I freeze on the spot when I hear Malcolm call out to me. Throwing my head back in frustration I slowly turn around with much reluctance.
"Nowhere" all eyes at the table fall on me as I slip into the only seat available, beside Malcolm and...the new guy. Ugh.

"Hey sugar" he greets with a blinding smile.
"Do not call me sugar" I grumble, glancing up at Kim who is sitting opposite me. She smiles wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and I turn my glare onto her with a shaking head.
"Have you two met before?" Malcolm questions with an innocent obliviousness.
"Unfortunately" I mumble and no one seems to hear it except for Jake who smirks at me.
"Yeah this morning, me and grumpy over here are homeroom partners" he nudges me gently, this guy is either doesn't know how to take a hint or is really trying to annoy me.

I'm led to believe it's the latter as he smirks down, smugly at me.

"I'm not grumpy I just really don't like you" I explain, having to look up at him just to catch his gaze which feels so magnetic that I have to force myself to look away from his mocha eyes.
"Don't lie to me now Moore" oh my god what is it with this guy and nicknames?
"Let me clarify for you, my name is Iris"
"Okay Moore" I huff giving up on convincing him to use my real name.

"So why did you move here Jones?" It's aidan who diverts the conversation topic much to my pleasure. "My dad got a new job over here" he goes on to answer any questions my friends throw at him until the bell rings and we head in different directions-to our lessons. Jake walks beside me to my next lesson.

"I thought you were going to punch him" he says with an amused gleam in his eyes.
"Oh I felt like it but I don't want to be excluded on the first day so I held back" he chuckles lowly.
"I would of supported you"
"Well now you're making me regret not doing it" I complain, feeling satisfied when he smiles.
"Maybe next time"
"Oh definitely next time" I agree stopping in front of my dreaded classroom door.

"Do you wanna just skip?" I query praying he'll say yes. "Coach would kill me" of course he would he's always wanted his players to be achieving high both academically and on the field.
"I'll see you later then" he nods turning toward his classroom that is two doors away from mine. We both enter our assigned rooms at the same time with the same reluctance. School sucks.

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