Batman Beyond - Burning Passi...

By TaylaDragoHester

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From many years later for Bruce Wayne is no longer Batman to still be with Megan to start a bounty hunter bus... More

Black Out
Dead Man's Hand
The Winning Edge
Disappearing Inque
A Touch of Curaré
Earth Mover
Lost Soul
Hidden Agenda
Once Burned
Hooked Up
Mind Games
Terry's Friend Dates a Robot
Final Cut
The Last Resort
Sneak Peek
The Eggbaby
April Moon
Sentries of the Last Cosmos
Where's Terry?
Ace in the Hole
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
King's Ransom
Big Time
Out of the Past
Speak No Evil
The Call Parts 1 and 2
Curse of the Cobra Parts 1 and 2

Rebirth Parts 1 and 2

482 9 0
By TaylaDragoHester

Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 1 – Rebirth

(Tayla: Alright, on to another fan fiction story from the series Batman Beyond itself to see what if this happens in the way future, will we? Yep? From the original Bruce Wayne to still be himself to not be Batman anymore fifty or is it seventy years later; to have one person who escape from the Powers to have someone he has made who's a woman with fire power to be a clone from someone DNA to find her family 'goes by Gwen Grayson' – to losing her sister to meet with a new Batman name Terry McGinnis to make a friend to help her, as her personality helps her right back as someone else...Batwoman! So, enjoy as we see what if it happens in the far future with the other superheroes, some villains, new ones of each, and all of this in Gotham City. Also, there will be some Megan Tsuki in this one of course for her to secretly be married to the old Batman to be Bruce without anyone noticing.)

In an airplane hangar just outside of Gotham City, a group of kidnappers watch a news report about a failed attempt by Derek Powers to take over Wayne Enterprises. The news also states that the kidnappers have failed to release their hostage Bunny Vreeland in spite of being paid five million dollars in ransom. As it turns out, they plan to execute Bunny and make a getaway with the money. Fortunately for her, Batman arrives, wearing a new suit that lacks a cape but features retractable wings and jet boots along with increased strength, flexibility, propulsion, agility and other abilities. Batman manages to subdue most of the kidnappers with limited effort, although he does get a brief crippling chest pain afterwards. However, just as he is about to untie Bunny, the thug leader ends up ambushing him with a wrench (with Bunny attempting to warn Batman of the oncoming attack by gasping). As the Caped Crusader is engaging the last thug, he is suddenly struck by crippling chest pain severe enough to bring him to the floor. The last kidnapper, wielding an over-sized wrench, unleashes a savage attack. As he continues his vicious battering, he smugly comments how Batman had been getting in the way of people like him since he was a kid. Unable to defend himself and in serious danger, Batman snatches up a weapon dropped by one of the other kidnappers in desperation...a handgun. As surprised as Batman is to see what he has done, his attacker runs off fearfully, before being intercepted by the arriving police. The old Megan to still be a bounty hunter to starting off her new class to hire other ones to train, sees her lover not looking so well the way Batman use to do things.

"Hey, Batman, we did it." she said. "Alright, team! Go free Bunny!" Megan gives her students an order to help her husband. "Hey, Bruce. It happened again, didn't it? That's the seventh time this month."

Injured, Batman limps outside the hangar. He removes his mask and reveals a gray-haired, older appearance. Upon realizing he was wielding a handgun, something he had sworn he would never do; Bruce is enveloped in absolute horror and revulsion; it was that very class of weapon that violently ended the lives of his parents, and what drove him to become Batman. He then drops the gun and walked away in shame.

"I'm sorry, Megan, but for us to be together...I might have to stop this. But you, carry on the task for me." he said.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Megan was lost to follow Bruce back to the Wayne Manor. "Bruce! Bruce!"

Back at the Batcave, Bruce puts the Batsuit in the costume display gallery alongside his other crime fighter costumes and his original batsuit that he used to wear as Batman. Realizing that he has grown too old for crime fighting anymore, he takes one last look at the Batcave from the top of the stairs and solemnly vows.

"Never again."

I guess he meant it for Megan Tsuki to stay as Megan Wayne for the years to come by her man's side.

"I guess it is over..." she follows Bruce to live a normal business life and herself a bounty hunter. "Probably for me later on the line real soon. Let's go, Bruce."

And from there, the original Batman was retired, and Megan was still with the man she loves for the years to pass afterwards. No worries, she'll come around from time to time... promise. Twenty years pass and Gotham City has changed much in this time, according to a current newscast. Derek Powers has managed to take control of Wayne-Powers and has been increasing his power and wealth by gobbling up smaller businesses. Well for him has an upcoming project he's making for a weapon to save Gotham and the world if it works. What kind of project?

"Mr. Powers, the code weapon Burning Lily should make its way to your company somewhere tomorrow."

One of Derek's partners tells him that to keep a close eye on this one.

"Good, I'm looking forward to seeing her." he said to have a file on human cloning powers. "Throughout the years to not find anyone with a special gift, we got one who works wonders from one person to my creation. Once she comes, it'll change everything. See to it to keep her in line if she tries to escape."

"Of course." the person said to his boss.

Human cloning to having a type of superpowers? That didn't sound good. For Derek's men does so to carry out a tank with the scared person inside of it who wanted out but couldn't break free. As one member split to break it open to freeing...its a girl! With long brown hair, dark blue eyes with one side covered from her hair, pale skin, looked pretty, and had the power to create fire from her body. But who was she?

"Idiot! You dropped it!"

"Yeah, but she's not going anywhere." one person said. "Come on, kid, get back into the tank like a good girl."

She was scared to do anything to see and feel freedom all around her.

"No... Please...don't hurt me...No more..." said the scared girl.

"She can't do anything, you idiot." the other one spoke. "Let just grab her and get going."

From one person to do so for the girl to feel threaten, her body starts to burn up 'as a type of self-defense' to set a fire.


Wow! That sure starts a big fire to put one guy up and lives for the others to move away, allowing this girl to escape in time.

"She's getting away!" one member said to the others.

"After her! Mr. Powers must have this weapon brought back to him alive!"

And the chase is on for this girl to hide her powers somehow from others in the crowd of Gotham City, it won't be so easy to do other than hiding her clothing to take some from off the streets. Elsewhere -

a teenager dressed as a clown climb onto a public elevator and starts making trouble. Just then, Terry McGinnis deals with the clown and grumbles 'Jokerz'. At school, he gets into a fight with Nelson Nash which gets him into trouble. Back at Terry's house, his father Warren McGinnis gets a desperate message from his co-worker Harry Tully.

"Warren, its me Harry."

"What is it?" he answers the man on the phone.

"Its Project weapon the Burning Lily has escaped." said Harry. "She's in danger and this is big to get this man out of business if we find her first. Could you meet me somewhere in a bit?"

Warren knew right away on what that part meant, its finally happening to try putting Derek Powers out of business.

"It has?" Warren was surprised to hear. "Of course, Harry, I'll be right over."

Warren meets with his co-worker who has several dark patches on his skin.

"Here, keeps this disc on you at all times."

This guy didn't look so good.

"Harry, your arm. What's wrong?" worried Warren.

"Nothing! If anything happens to me, save the project and protect that disc with your life, Warren. I mean it."

Tully gives Warren a disk and is dragged off by Mr. Fixx, a large man who works for Powers.

"Come, Mr. Tully, you don't want to be late with Mr. Powers." said Mr. Fixx.

Powers summons Warren to 'clear up' any misunderstanding. He explains that Tully simply had an accident, but he's going to be fine.

"By the way, Mr. Warren, you wouldn't know about Harry's missing files to the project I'm working on, would you?"

Powers also asks if Warren has anything Tully gave to him, which Warren denies.

"No, I don't know." Warren answers.

"Of course you wouldn't." Derek said back. "Go on, you can go back home."

From Warren leaving how Mr. Fixx was looking at his boss Derek, he knows that Harry told him about the project escaping to try to fix the matter at a hand somehow.

"Mr. Powers?"

"I know, Mr. Fixx, Harry told Warren and he's hiding something from me. I must get her back by any means..." he had a plan. "Put the word out to bring to me alive by my men. Our weapon the Burning Lily will be mine to use, Gwen Grayson."

Wait...Another Grayson? But Dick Grayson the original Robin and the new Nightwing never had children, did he? Something wasn't right to have a girl with his last name. For poor Gwen was running away with no end from Derek's men to be looking all over for her. She was afraid to be around other people with her powers to not hurt them or become like they are, that is very sad. Upon returning home, Warren reviews the data on the disk and becomes distressed and shocked at the information on the disk that's about Gwen's powers and how she was made. Terry tells him that he's leaving but Warren forbids it as Terry's grounded, despite the fact that he didn't start the fight.

"That's your problem right there! You can't control your temper, and you'd better if you expect to get anywhere in life!" Warren said to his son.

"Yeah. I'll be a big success, just like you." After a brief argument Terry leaf in anger.

As he leaves, Powers's hit man Fixx watches and grins, seeing that Warren is now alone. Oh, no... Terry heads out to a nightclub and meets up with his girlfriend Dana Tan. While he talks to her, Nelson arrives but before any trouble can start, a whole gang of clowns known as the Jokerz arrive and start wreaking havoc. One of the Jokerz goes on top of Nelson's car. J-Man briefly grabs Dana on his motorcycle before getting a punch from Terry. Terry starts fighting them but when reinforcements arrive, Terry is forced to flee on one of their motorcycles. Gwen sees this to see some danger to help out Terry somehow, though scared she didn't want to see others get hurt.


The gang chases Terry down a seldom-used road 'to have Gwen go fire up all over to burn some tires out to not have them killed but stopped'; and Terry swerves to avoid hitting an old man, which causes him to fall. Ouch...! Those two see a girl on fire to block the Jokerz gang member making their way to the area.

"What you trying to do, get run over?" Terry questions the person and then seeing another one. "And... why is that guy on fire?"

Gwen fires up to somehow wanting to put a stop to this madness. The Jokerz catch up with Terry.

"Aw, the no fun boy had an accident." said J-Man. "And with someone who's already roasting the scene."

"Let's put a smile on their faces." Smirk got his pocketknife out.

Just then, the old man reveals himself as Bruce Wayne, and demands that the Jokerz leave, but they attack instead. Its Bruce! But as a old man now.

"Leave them alone. And get off my property, you're all trespassing."

Together, he, Gwen in her fire form, and Terry manage to fight off the gang, but Bruce suffers from his weak heart. Soon Gwen got scared to put a few of them on fire to put out in time and makes her get away by flying.

"Now that was weird... (I wonder who the fireman was? He can sure put up a fight.)" said Terry to helping out Bruce next. "Are you okay?"

"My medicine...Its inside." Bruce points the way to his Wayne Manor.

Terry takes him inside and gives him his medicine, but the old man falls asleep, and his dog Ace prevents Terry from leaving, so Terry decides to call his father so he can pick him up. While trying to call his father, Terry notices a bat trapped in Bruce's clock and frees it. However, as he does so, he discovers a secret passage that leads into the Batcave. Upon seeing the costumes, Terry learns Bruce's secret but Bruce attacks him from behind and angrily throws him out. Okay, now he knows that Bruce Wayne's Batman.

"Hey! Its not like I did anything wrong!" Terry yells to then take off on foot. "Freak..."

Upon returning home, Terry finds his house in shambles and the words 'ha, ha, ha' written in graffiti all over the house. The police are there as is his mother. They inform Terry that Warren has been killed, and the Jokerz are apparently responsible. After the funeral, a grief-stricken Terry moves into his mother's house and tearfully expresses his regret for not being there to help his father, especially since he was grounded in the first place and refused to listen. However, Terry discovers the disk among his stuff, and after reviewing the data that has something to do with the Burning Lily project 'like the one he saw Gwen who helped him out', he begins to suspect that the Jokerz may not have been responsible, and runs off, but Powers' people are watching and see that they have found the disc they're looking for. For Gwen to see something was up to have one man killed the other night to be Powers doing to get her angry; and then Terry seeing her again to try to run away as fast as possible.

"(Oh, no!)"

"The person the other day who's on fire." Terry remembers the disc saying so. "Wait! Don't go, I just want to talk to you!" He chases Gwen all down the streets to go flying from the fire powers to save some people from the fast car to melt the tires and not burn others really fast, only to be stopped by another car to run to a puddle of water to put the fire out and weakens her badly in pain to show her true form for Terry to see. "Wait...That weapon person's a girl?!" Terry helps her out to take her somewhere off the streets to see on Gwen's conditions and her name tag on her wrist. "Gwen Grayson?"

She comes around to get warm with her fire powers back to have trouble standing to move away from Terry, scared if he works with Derek Powers.

"Ah!" she freaks out.

"Sorry, I had to warm you up. You're affected by water since you can do fire powers...and such..."

"What's with you?! Ganging up on a girl! I bet you work for Powers to take me back, aren't you?" Gwen accuses Terry.

"What?!" he was lost. "No, no! I wouldn't! Look, my father was killed to have something to do with Powers he once worked for. It was the Jokerz gang. And what do you mean about working for Powers? Is he after you?"

Terry seems to be innocent enough for Gwen to believe in him. Trying to move in closer, she slaps him in the face to burn a little.

"Stop! Don't touch me! What's the matter with you?!" she said to hide her emotions. "Look, Powers' a bad person, you should stay away from him. I'm going back there again. And... he did do something to your father, I saw..." Gwen drops the bomb to trying to run away again. "Just let the cops handle it and stay away from me, I'm fire to burn anything or anyone. I'm not a person like you are."

There goes Gwen to run away again for Terry to see that Gwen was the project Burning Lily to feel bad for her.

"She knows of the person who murder Dad...?" he was shocked. "Derek Powers...And this project name Gwen Grayson, she looks sad, she seems harmless to me."

Terry goes to Wayne Manor after Dana drops him off there and tells Bruce what's happening over the gate intercom.

"Good luck..." Dana said to driving out next.

For Terry then tells Bruce on what happened to his father, and he wants to get back on whoever murder him from the disc he found.

"Come on, I know you're in there!" he gets no answer. "Listen to me! Something stinks in your company! I think it cost my old man his life!" Terry pulls out the disc. "The answer's on this! I'd take it to the cops, but you know how cozy they are with Powers! It has something to do with a girl who can create fire name Gwen Grayson. She might be in trouble. How about you are taking a look?" he still no answer. "Yeah, I should've known you wouldn't care. You're no Batman, ya whacked out old fraud!" Bruce pretends to ignore him, but eventually lets Terry in to investigate to let Ace know he was coming in. "Relax, Scooby Doo, its just me."

Now we're talking! Bruce reviews the data on the disk and discovers that Wayne-Powers is making a nerve gas that can completely destroy healthy cells.

"Its not good." said Bruce. "He's making some type of deadly nerve gas. And the project Burning Lily, it s a girl name Gwen Grayson you said. She's a weapon to stop the affect to protect Powers and his company, like a walking antidote."

"Fire can burn the deadly gas?" Terry asked to see something else on it. "Wait...She's a clone!"

Well, Gwen's a half clone. Something about her dying almost to be brought back with some tpye of fire powers to have that Derek has created.

"A half clone, almost close to death to have a DNA from someone I once knew." this makes Bruce angry. "Using a human as a weapon is unforgivable...! And Powers' using my company for it...!"

As he fumes over this information, Terry assesses the final Batsuit. "Stay away from that. I'll let Commissioner Barbara Gordon have a look at this to save the girl." Bruce tells him to leave the suit alone and tells him to take the disc to Commissioner Barbara Gordon.

"Aren't you going to-?"

"No." Bruce give Terry the final answer.

Terry wants Bruce to do something about it but he refuses, saying that Batman is no more, and Terry leaves.

"You have to do something!" Terry tells him "You're Batman!"

"I was Batman."

Sorry, Terry, no go.

"Something happened to you, didn't it? And wasn't just that you got old."

As Terry walks away, Derek Powers and his henchman Mr. Fixx nearly run him down with their limo and demand the disc back. For Gwen to be seeing Terry again and Derek who's after her, she had a feeling she couldn't abandon someone who saved her life.

"Warren McGinnis has a son..." she said to feel upset. "What am I doing? I can't see someone get hurt, not even to that monster Derek..."

Terry gives back the disk and manages to escape with his life for Gwen to come in to smoke the area, knowing now that Powers will be looking for him.

"Its you!" surprised Terry.

"There she is, Mr. Powers!" Mr. Fixx sees her.

Trying to melt to guns from their hands to burn and hurt, to grabbing Terry's arm to make a run for it.

"Lets go!"

For Powers now will get Terry with the disc and Gwen one way or another.

"I want them brought back to me at once!" he gives his men an order. "You can hide, Gwen, but you can't run from me forever! I will find you." Powers got away with the disc. "I got the evidence for now, this matters the most. Gwen's next on my to do list."

Well, he got the disc but not the girl for Terry was happy to see Gwen again.

"Ah, man..." he felt bad to leave the disc behind. "Gwen, thanks for saving me again. But your life's in danger."

She still had some trouble trusting in humans.

"I know...that's why you better go home and hide, I have to do to this and finally be set free. This is something a human can do."

"Human? You're half human yourself!" Terry said back to Gwen.

Looks like Terry knows a little about her already.

"Who told you?!"

"Calm down." he tries talking calmly to Gwen again. "I'm on your side. You can trust me. There are punks out there who are bad, that's true. But not everyone are the bad guys."

"True...But I'm afraid to hurt them from the clowns..." she remembers. "From the burn motorcycles, that could've been them."

"But the people you saved on the streets, it shows you're a good person."

Terry does have a good point about Gwen to have the key sense from doing those things, to never be used as a weapon to have her powers be controlled to use for good.

"I did...?"

"If you knew about my Father's death, that makes you good. I'm his son, Terry McGinnis. And Gwen Grayson...Its kind of a cute name." he said. "Wow, I could go out with you if I wasn't already taken. But I still wish to help you out."

Making Gwen blush a little. For Terry was being friendly to her, she still has trouble getting use to the outside work than becoming a prisoner type of slave again.

"(Help me...?)" to her surprise to feel a bit scared. "Look, Terry, this isn't a game. I want Derek Powers gone, what he's going to do is to kill someone name Bruce Wayne to own everything with everyone worthy but those who work for Bruce." Gwen then tells her story about her past. "I was code name the project weapon the Burning Lily. I was among the other people or clones to have powerful weapons, for us to train non-stop from a even to happen, though I had something skillful when I was little, I remember my Father knowing little about my Mother to not be love; but at one time I can tell they were close for my Father gave some of his DNA to me for my older sister who was a scientist took me in, all was well for some people got killed or destroyed from the project. It gets worse for Derek Powers to appear to change us differently, about everyone else...I became the chosen one as his new lively weapon, trying to murder everyone else, my sister saved them all but me to be stuck with the madman and her getting murdered by some...nerve gas to take hold of her entire body to watch her die! I was too late to save her, my fire takes out the problem for Derek to use on me against Bruce and the people working for him; with it he could use me to save the other likes himself and his company to take over the entire area of Gotham, and then sell me to the Kobra group who are ten times worse to do bad things to others. So I want to get back a Derek for hurting others and avenging my sister, to hopefully find my Mom and Dad who are still out there to this day forward, I want to. Although, I want to save lives to not be like me and to those who escaped alive with powers of their own...I'm still scared of this world for others to be happy or to hate me, that's why I can't risk it to hide among you, Terry, among other people. Don't you see now? That's why I'm not human to almost die as a half clone project if my sister was still alive, but she isn't!"

Terry gets it to start crying again to remind Gwen from losing his father to start hugging her.

"You're just like me...Alone, scared, no one to understand you...I'm sorry, Gwen."

"Huh?" she was confused. "What are you doing? I could burn you."

"If you did, why am I not on fire?" Terry questions her. "Its going to be okay, me. You can't do this alone."

Feeling Terry's tears to feel weird, but it didn't take out her fire too much to feel his pain.

"Terry?" Gwen stares into his eyes. "(This boy's different like I am...) These tears don't hurt me...You are like the good water I can trust as I'm fire to bring kindness and not fear. Human emotions."

Terry smiles a little.

"If I wasn't crying to begin with, then what kind of human wouldn't I be with pure heart?"

He does make a good point there, Gwen. Seems not that she trusts Terry a little more to both stop Derek Powers by any means to have some kind of plan to do before moving out.

"Okay, Terry, I guess you're fine to talk to, for a human." she said. "What do you have in mind to get back at Derek?"

Later that day, Kaznian Minister of Commerce Vilmos Egans arrives in Gotham and is greeted by Powers. At Wayne Manor, Bruce is watching this on TV, when he hears Ace barking and finds that he's been tied up. Bruce releases Ace, then follows him to the Batcave, revealing that the power suit has been stolen. Oh no he didn't! Ha! And he wasn't alone either have some type of burn markings on the ground for Ace to be smelling.

"The Burning Lily girl." Bruce took a wild guess there to learn more about her. "Gwen Grayson." he calls up Megan who's a bounty hunter company boss on others to take care of the job to hunt down wanted bounties. "Megan, its me. I need your help looking up on someone, a cloning project done by the Powers company for the Wayne business, it could be a trouble."

Terry, in the suit, clumsily flies towards the Wayne-Powers tower and eavesdrops on a conversation between Powers and Egans. Gwen follows Terry to be flying with her power of fire to keep a low profile.

"Terry?" she helps him out.

"Trying to get use to this thing." he said. "Gwen, I told you to get a costume."

"I did." Gwen shows Terry an odd bag. "I saw it earlier when we got out of the Wayne Manor, but its different."

"We can't let others see you with powers, maybe when you're wearing a disguise the more you feel around other humans. But right now, we have bigger fish to fry."

So the two get to work for Gwen to have a mask on like Nightwing or Robin to cover their eyes with, only to be a bit pointer for her hair to stay up.

"Okay, Terry, I'll go where you go to as long as we can stop Derek Powers." she said. "I'll put the other parts on later, I keep the mask for the time being."

Works well enough to do.

"Deal." Terry smiled.

And the sneaking around they go. As evidence of the gas's legality, Powers shows Egans footage of the gas being tested on plants, then on a calf, and then photographs of Tully after his accident. Ah, man...he didn't make it either. It was a set up to cause it, not an gas leaking accident! And with the fire done by Gwen Grayson is used to keep some unharmed from the gas to burn away, will protect anyone for Powers to use from it but those he wishes to kill with his gas. This angers Gwen a lot.

"Derek Powers...!"

She was losing her cool to cause a fire to show for Terry stops Gwen.

"Calm down, Gwen, keep it together." he said.

"Ah!" Gwen stops it. "I'm trying, but this is too much to hear after what he has done to almost me to become a living weapon, the same happen to my sister, and now the animals and that man Harry are murder. It just so hard, Terry."

Egans is impressed, and Powers assures him that the gas will be shipped out that very night; his assistant Mr. Fixx will personally see to it. After Egans leaves, however, Powers is concerned that Terry is still alive with Gwen. Fixx tells him not to worry, revealing that he is the one who killed Warren. Now this gets Terry very mad for Gwen to feel his pain.

"They did...WHAT!?"

"Oh, no..." shock Gwen. "Terry, I'm sorry. I told you that Derek's a bad man who needs to be stopped."

Security guards discover Terry and Gwen and attack.

"Too early for Halloween, you two."

Terry takes flight.

"But in time for fall." he drops down to make his escape. "Gwen!"

She follows him using her fire powers.

"Wait up!" Gwen makes smoke to have the police lose sight of them.

With the power of the suit, Terry is able to evade them with ease, but he receives a call from Bruce, who demands the suit to be returned but Terry refuses.

"I want that suit back. You had no right." he said.

"You didn't do anything." Terry tries to hide from the cops with Gwen. "For us to be in a tight spot, we have to do something."

"I know about Gwen's story, its you I want from taking my suit, Terry. I'm warning you now..." Angered, Bruce activates a kill switch on the suit, paralyzing Terry.

Well, this wasn't good.

"Terry?" Gwen checks on him. "What's the matter?"

The guards now find that he can no longer fight back and pummel him.

"Hey!" Terry couldn't move.

Gwen shields Terry with her fire skills.


One of them then aims a gun.

"Hey, Wayne..." Terry asks for Bruce's help. "They're going to kill me...!"

"Hey, Bruce Wayne, is it?" Gwen tries talking to him. "Look, Terry knows what he's doing. I'm the one you should blame, not him. In case you're wondering, Derek's going to kill you and other with the gas to use me as a weapon to keep him safe, he murders my sister. And I want payback! And he even murder Terry's father to his co-worker with the gas! Come on, Bruce! You can't let this go on! Let us have this!"

Bruce shows mercy on Terry and reactivates the suit, on one condition to make with Gwen.

"Control your fire powers and I'll help you." he said. "Gwen, you want to get back, you have to fight back first. Do we have a deal?"

Megan must've told Bruce about the suit she left for Gwen to use in battle.

"Me? Where this...?"

"Don't be scared. If you trust in Terry as much as I am, then trust me. Become one with the suit to have the powers to use, don't run away as a normal human. You are with a pure heart who needs human who can trust you. Become someone else who you can get rid of your fears. Do it." he said.

From Gwen pushing Terry's stuck body away for a few seconds, she gives it a go to become someone else.

"Ah...Okay." she does it.

And with his power back, Terry manages to fight off and evade the guards again.


Bruce tells Terry of an escape route he had built into the building, allowing him to evade the guards. He still demands the return of his suit, while Terry wants to go to the transport pad to stop the shipment. Bruce threatens to shut off the suit again, this time, permanently. Terry pleads, reminding Bruce of his parents' death and saving Megan Tsuki the woman he fell in love with; and saying that this is his one chance to catch his father's killer. Bruce gives in.

"Very well, I'll guide you. But don't go there alone." he said. "Gwen, its time."

For Gwen was a bit shaken up, she moves around to give in to the fears and was all set to go in and improved Batwoman suit, same colors like Dick's Nightwing, but more of a bat look and a girl's version all black and blue all over with a bat symbol on the front instead.

"Okay, I'm ready, Bruce." she appears to fight a lot faster, strong, and can control her body of fire to be in the suit only and not the skin. "Yeah! Ah, man! Check it out, Terry-! I mean, Batman. Here's your new partner, the new and improve version of Batwoman. I feel like I'm a brand-new person!"

Seems like it too it was hard to tell it she was really Gwen Grayson under the mask, nicely done. Bruce tells her to be someone else, and she was.

"Batwoman? Nice touch." Terry likes it. "Come on, we got Powers to deal with next."

"Right! To stop the madness and save Gwen's life. (Hey, I can get use to to this. Act like someone else...Keep this up, Gwen.)"

And off to two go.

"Wish us luck." Terry/Batman the new one said.

Bruce hopes for the best from them both to be the new hope of Gotham now.

"Good luck." he says back quietly.

Terry and Gwen make their way to the hover docks and discovers Powers and Fixx supervising the loading of the gas. They are attacked by more security guards. For Batman to give it his all, and Gwen to use her fire powers against them without holding back.

"You two are done. For you, Powers, for using human weapon projects!" Batman tells him. "And you, Mr. Fixx, for the murder of Mr. McGinnis!"

For Terry has to deal with the guard first, Batwoman steps in to make her and Batman's introduction.

"Hold it!" she goes on fire. "Whether you two already know who I am or not, I will stop you with us taking you both down! For us...sometimes, we're out going, sometimes we like to have some fun, or other times...we like to stop crime such as this. Behold!" Batwoman does a posing stand. "The brand-new heroes of Batman and Batwoman!"

"Batwoman...? Gwen?" Powers knows who Batwoman was from her fire powers. "Mr. Fixx, get that hover craft in the air!"

On Powers's orders, Fixx gets into the hovercraft and takes off, while Powers stays behind to deal with Terry.


From his cries for help, Batwoman uses her Batarangs made of fire to stop Powers from shooting at her partner. With Terry to do the same by throwing his own Batarang, which Powers shoots out of the air with ease.

"(Now's my chance, here goes...)" Batwoman flies in for a fiery spin double kick. "Hey, Powers, time to have a taste of your own medicine!"

Terry then throws a gas canister, which Powers shoots without thinking and Gwen kicking it down at the man she hates, exposing himself to the gas.

"No...!" Powers was then affected from the gas. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Terry and Gwen fly after the hovercraft.

"And that was for my sister." Gwen said to go after Mr. Fixx next. "Batman! The hover! Let's fly!"

Boarding the hovercraft, Terry and Gwen confront the pilot, only to find that the vehicle is on autopilot, and is ambushed by Fixx, armed with electrified knuckle dusters.

"Batwoman, try to take control of the hover ship!" he said. "And cover me!"

"I can make fire; not do machines you know!" Gwen gives it a try.

For the new Batman was strong against Mr. Fixx as Gwen tries to take hold of the hover to stop but had trouble to.

"You're pretty strong, for some clown who thinks he's Batman." Mr. Fixx said while fighting with his enemy.

Well, mister, he is the new Batman in this future.

"I am Batman!" Terry, now officially declaring himself Batman, manages to fight him off and knocks him into the ships controls.

For Gwen to see Mr. Fixx's electric knuckles to be working, she melts it to short critic everything to get stuck in them.

"Burn, baby, burn!"

The hovercraft falls into the ocean, burying its cargo and Fixx together. Yeah! First time for Terry as Batman and Gwen as Batwoman, they did it to fits bump their hands to one another.

"Awesome!" said Terry. "Way a go, Gwen, you can put up a fight."

"Thanks, same with you too, Terry." she was happy. "I hope me acting differently isn't bad. Or my powers when I'm not Batwoman..."

Terry didn't mind at all, Bruce wanted Gwen to do all of it remember?

"Its fine, its perfect for you. With Fixx defeated and Powers expose to his own weapon...we got payback, he's out for good, and you're free."

Gwen was happy to lose the name tag off of wrist to be her real self not in public.

"Yeah, freedom...A new life for me...But where will I go next?"

That's some split personality to help Gwen to be someone differently to fight by Terry's side as Batman to become Batwoman. For Megan and her other bounty hunters appear to have some of Powers' men arrested but no sign of the big boss.

"Well, my work here is done." she said. "I guess we have both a new Batman and Batwoman on our side. Nicely done, Bruce." Her new look is an ol woman to be pretty to Bruce's age to still fight and uses smarts to be in her black komodo uniform.

That morning, Terry's mother wakes him and tells him that Bruce and Gwen were there to see him.

"Terry, look who came by."

Bruce tells Terry's mother that Terry saved his life and defended him from the Jokerz.

"Gwen? Wayne?" Terry was surprised to see them again.

"Ah...Hi, Terry." Gwen was shy around other strangers to sit with Bruce.

Seems that Gwen got a new look to wear as well to show her other eyes from her hair quite lovely for Terry to see. Wearing two white earrings, a pink-like tank top with white stripes, with long sleeve type of gloves on her arms, with a black skirt, and long black boots to fit right into the world of others like she was one of them.

"Its fine, Gwen, I'll take good care of you like a niece I never had. I knew Dick Grayson, he's a good person."

Well, we know that he's Gwen's biological father.

"You know my Father, Uncle Bruce?" she was happy to hear. "(Then he's still alive.) I'm so happy."

"You'll be happier to have Terry your new friend to join you working for me. And yes, you can call me Uncle Bruce."

She trusts him to hug Bruce a little to show that she won't be a lone anymore, and a bracelet like Megan has to control her powers of fire this time to wear until she goes into her Batwoman costume. Cool!

"And this bracelet won't let me release my powers." she tries it to get nothing. "I like it. I can get use to this life. And yes, Uncle Bruce, I'll help you out and I'll trian more to control my powers."

"Now we're talking." said Bruce. "Do not remove it until you're Batwoman, best to be safe and sorry."


So like Gwen, Bruce also offers Terry a job as a part-time assistant, which Terry accepts, knowing that the offer is really to become the new Batman and Gwen to stay with Bruce to help him out, live there, and take care of Ace.

"I should warn you, I can be a difficult taskmaster. I accept nothing short of excellence in all who work for me." Bruce makes a point to Terry.

"I think I can handle it." he shakes hands with Bruce. "And Gwen, it'll be awesome showing you everything in the real world."

For the two to be blushing, Gwen likes the idea very much.

"As long as you and Uncle Bruce are there for me, I can learn a lot more. (And knowing of my Father, finding my Mother comes next.)"

So those two were in.

"Very good then, Mr. McGinnis. And you too, Ms. Grayson." he said. "Welcome to my world."

"Of course." Gwen said with a smile.

For Terry to be seeing this of Gwen looking happy for Bruce was glad, and for Terry to be blushing all over to change him completely for his heart to race all crazy-like. Why is that? Well, already having a girlfriend Dana Tina, something might be different with Terry with Gwen hanging out...

"(Wow...Gwen and me working together...And yet, I can't stop blushing. I think I have a crush.)"

Oh, boy...A new beginning for Batman and Batwoman to start a new life stopping crime together, so cool! While back at Wayne-Powers, Powers is exposed to intense radiation to eliminate the gas. The radiation succeeded in saving his life. However, the radiation therapy, combined with the gas's mutagenic properties, radically altered Powers's body. He is now emitting radiation so powerful that his skin is now translucent, and he appears as a glowing green skeleton.

"I guess I do need Gwen Grayson this time to cure me..." he said in a wicked way. "I know who Batwoman is." Seeing himself in the mirror, Powers begins laughing maniacally.

Yep, only the beginning to have a new super villain in the future of Gotham that Derek Powers turns into and wants Gwen's powers who knows she's Batwoman by any means to kill off Bruce Wayne and the new Batman. And his new name is Blight.

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