After Life - Discovering the...

By Saraagipog

173 24 16

In "After Life: Discovering the Depth of Darkness," Sara's seemingly ordinary life takes a chilling twist. As... More

vivid dream?
It's because you're dead
I believe you
I made a mistake by taking your life
Are you following me?
You deserve a normal human life
How can I trust you?
Do not break our connection
It's a trap
You've left me with no choice

What is not possible?

11 2 0
By Saraagipog

"Hey, what are you doing?" I managed to choke out, my voice strained and desperate. His grip on my neck tightened, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. The pressure constricted my throat, causing pain and discomfort. Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to free myself from his grasp.

"Why are you doing this?" I gasped, my voice now hoarse and strained.

His smile held a twisted fury as he replied, "If you are dead, there is no vessel." Each breath became a struggle, as if something was lodged in my throat. Coughs wracked my body, and the tears streaming down my face mingled with my distress.

The world around me seemed to fade, darkness encroaching on my vision. My head throbbed with intense pain, and every movement became a herculean effort. My trembling hands grew weaker, unable to break his hold on my neck. Desperately, I fought to keep my eyes open, resisting the overwhelming urge to surrender to the encroaching darkness. And then, I collapsed.

 He released his grip, allowing me to draw in much-needed breaths of air. I fought against the heaviness in my eyelids, determined not to succumb to unconsciousness.

Struggling to regain control of my breath, I finally managed to calm my coughing fits. Wiping away my tears, I looked at him, still feeling a mixture of pain and anger.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. He knelt down beside me, his face displaying a remorseful expression.

"It was not supposed to hurt you," he admitted, his tone filled with regret.

I took a moment to compose myself, focusing on my breathing before I could respond. "I'm sorry, but for a moment, I thought you were going to help me. I didn't ask you to kill me, but to save me," I said, my anger palpable in my words.

He seemed taken aback by my anger. "I never intended to hurt you like this. It's not even possible to harm you in this place," he explained, his voice tinged with sincerity.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home," I declared, my tone brimming with rudeness.

 He firmly grasped both my shoulders, compelling me to meet his gaze. "Please, trust me just this once. I'm genuinely sorry for hurting you. I will save you from her. Please come with me," he pleaded, genuine concern etched across his face. His worry was a side of him I had never witnessed before. With his assistance, I managed to regain my footing, but my eyes remained fixed on the girl in the mirror, watching me intently. 

"Hold my hands tightly," he instructed, reaching out to clasp both of my hands in his. Suddenly, darkness enveloped us, as if the lights had been extinguished. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel the warmth of his hands in mine. Then, a brilliant light emerged, overwhelming my vision. 

When my sight adjusted, I found myself in Chitragupta's office. Chitragupta himself sat behind his desk, wearing a frown, while his assistant KK stood beside him, jaw dropped in astonishment. I glanced at Dev, who appeared resolute. He released my hands, and I noticed that my palms were slick with sweat.

 As I took a step back, I suddenly lost my footing, but he swiftly caught my elbow, preventing me from falling. "Your body needs some time to adjust and recover. Teleportation can strain it," 

Dev explained, pulling out a chair from beside the table and guiding me to sit down. He seemed troubled as he spoke, "She was possessed, and I couldn't do anything to help."

"Save her. In the in-between realm, whenever I tried, she was the one who felt it, not the possessing soul," he added.

 Chitragupta gazed into my eyes and then turned to KK, his assistant. Taking KK's hand in his, Chitragupta reassured him, "Don't panic." Instantly, KK's expression returned to normal. 

"Let me try," Chitragupta said, rising from his chair and approaching me. He retrieved his Rudraksha mala and placed it in my hands, instructing me to hold it. Both Dev and Chitragupta observed me closely for a minute.

 "It is not possible," Dev interjected.

 Confused, I asked, "What is not possible?" 

"A possessed human cannot hold the Rudraksha mala. It has the power to bring the soul to the surface," Chitragupta explained, his tone grave.

 "It means she is not possessed?" Dev questioned, seeking confirmation. 

Chitragupta turned his attention to Dev and requested, "You need to explain everything that has happened to her." Dev proceeded to recount the events, stating, "Yesterday, she ventured into an unfamiliar place and engaged in a confrontation with unknown individuals. Upon awakening this morning, she noticed the transformation of her eyes. Furthermore, she possesses the ability to traverse the realm of reflections." 

As Dev finished speaking, his gaze became more intense, focusing directly on me. "What if?" Dev glanced at Chitragupta, seeking confirmation. Chitragupta nodded in agreement. 

 I couldn't comprehend their conversation and questioned, "What are you guys talking about?" 

Dev responded, "You are not possessed." 

Confused, I asked, "Then...?"

 Chitragupta explained, "Your energy is awakening. It is your unique ability, but we cannot anticipate the extent of its manifestations. Only you can discover them for yourself. We are unable to assist you."

 I noticed a hint of concern on Chitragupta's face, indicating that something unpleasant might unfold. "Your expression suggests that there is more to it, something I may not like," I remarked. 

Chitragupta's voice grew serious as he replied, "Anything is possible. This is an unprecedented situation, making it impossible to predict what lies ahead. Our main concern is your ability, as it attracts malevolent souls that may attempt to manipulate you. You must learn to control it."

"How do I control it?" I inquired, hoping for some guidance. 

Chitragupta responded, "Focus on yourself, as self-belief holds great power. Direct your energy towards what you truly believe in each moment. Embrace the notion that you can only be governed by yourself, not by others. Visualize an imaginary protective barrier surrounding you. Trust your instincts rather than relying solely on what you see." 

I struggled to comprehend his words fully. Uncertain of my own capabilities, I attempted to stand up, relieved to find that I was able to do so. "I understand. Let's go back home," I stated firmly. 

Dev acknowledged my decision with a nod, his expression a mix of concern and resignation. He reached out and clasped my right hand with his left, intertwining our fingers. In an instant, darkness enveloped us, a deep void that held an eerie sense of unease. Yet, amidst the darkness, I could feel the reassuring presence of Dev's hand in mine. Abruptly, blinding brightness flooded my senses. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that we were back at my home, near where I had parked my scooter. The familiarity of the surroundings brought a sense of relief tinged with lingering apprehension. 

"So, what now?" he inquired, releasing my hand. 

"I'm not sure," I replied, feeling a sense of confusion. There were so many unknowns and uncertainties, and I wasn't even certain what exactly I should be worrying about. Yet, their evident concern, particularly that of Dev, was unsettling. It must be something truly frightening to have them so visibly shaken. Even the deities themselves seemed unable to offer assistance. 

"Sara," Dev called my name, a rare occurrence as he had never addressed me directly before. 

"Yes?" I responded, my voice reflecting my uncertainty. 

"Is it alright if I leave now?" he asked. 

"Yeah, no problem," I answered, though a hint of disappointment laced my words. As a gust of wind caressed my face, prompting me to briefly close my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. But when I opened my eyes, he had vanished. I let out a sigh, resigned to his departure. I ascended the stairs and arrived at my home. As I opened the door, my mother greeted me with concern in her eyes. 

"Where did you go? You left your scooter two hours ago and never came back," she questioned, her voice tinged with worry.

 "I got a job," I fabricated a lie, hoping to divert her attention. 

"I was with Rani. She offered to drive me to grab a coke," I added, trying to make my story believable. My mother seemed relieved to hear an explanation, though I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for deceiving her. She mentioned that it had been two hours, but in my experience, it felt much shorter, perhaps only 20 or 30 minutes. I shrugged off the discrepancy, hoping she wouldn't dwell on it further.

 As I pondered over the events that unfolded, I found myself overwhelmed with questions. Each question that arose seemed to join a growing list, only to be forgotten as new inquiries replaced them. Chitragupta's revelation about my mortal nature with godly energy left me grappling with the magnitude of what that meant. I realized I needed to be prepared for anything that may come my way. The fact that my mother had noticed my abandoned scooter added another layer of concern.

 What if she had seen Dev with me? Did she suspect something? It was uncommon for me to have a male friend accompany me, let alone someone like Dev. The thought of my mother possibly uncovering the truth weighed heavily on my mind. It was becoming increasingly challenging to keep everything hidden from my parents. Loneliness started to seep in, as the burden of secrecy grew heavier. 

I longed for someone to confide in, someone who could understand and offer guidance. But the safety of my loved ones was paramount, and that meant keeping these extraordinary circumstances to myself. It felt unfair, an unyielding predicament I found myself in. 

I stood before the mirror, removing my blazer and gazing at my reflection. In the safety of my room, I was ready to confront the darkness that had engulfed my eyes and hands. With determination, I stepped closer to the mirror, which stood about four feet tall. 

As I reached out, my hand effortlessly passed through the reflective surface. Entering the world of reflection, as Dev had described, I immediately sensed the disorienting shift. Everything in my room had flipped, mirroring the familiar but rearranged. The once-familiar placement of my belongings had been inverted. My cupboard, which used to be on the left, was now situated on the right. Turning around, I glanced back at the mirror I had emerged from. 

There, I saw my reflection staring back at me, her eyes consumed by darkness, and an unsettling, malevolent smile etched on her face. "You should help me," she said. 

 I inquired, "How can I help someone when I'm in need of help?" 

 She replied, "You don't require anyone's assistance. You possess immense power. Do you understand why the people you encountered previously were frightened and anxious?" 

"I must point out that you're asking a question while being aware that I lack knowledge," I frowned. 

 "They fear what you might do. They dread your superiority, your overwhelming power. They cannot defeat you nor overcome you," she grinned.

 Skeptically, I shrugged and retorted, "How can I trust you? I am uncertain whether you speak the truth or not." 

She responded, "If I possessed enough power to wield your abilities without your consent, I would have already rescued those children."

 I interjected, questioning, "But you did employ my powers yesterday, didn't you?" She replied, 

"Yes, but you are unaware of the immense difficulty it presented for me. If I were to repeat that action, it would result in my annihilation. The rain allowed me to enter your consciousness through the reflection in water. My soul lacks the energy required to control you, or else it would perish." She proceeded to provide an explanation. 

"Can a soul truly die?" I inquired. 

 "Indeed, if a soul perishes, it ceases to exist as if it were never born. Reincarnation is not possible," she explained. 

As I contemplated the situation, I stated, "I am willing to assist in saving those children, but I refuse to harm or attack anyone. I am uncertain if they have lodged a complaint against me. My face has been witnessed by numerous individuals. What course of action do you propose?" 

 She reassured me, saying, "They will not report this to the police. They are the culprits, not you. Our priority should be to locate that container before it gets shipped."

 "I am unable to go at this moment. Why must we handle this matter in person? Can't we report it to the police and let them locate the container?" I questioned. 

 She responded, "One of the individuals you encountered in your dreams was a police officer. Are you still willing to go to the police station? Do you understand how they ended my life?" 

 I paused, processing the information, and replied, "You were killed by a knife, which I witnessed in my dream as if I were in your position." My eyebrows raised in surprise. 

"But before that, they tortured me. Without providing food or water, they forced me to consume those alcoholic beverages. Additionally, they used lit cigarettes to inflict burns on my skin. One of them even attempted to rape me, but that policeman intervened and prevented that monstrous act. I, Sara, endured unimaginable abuse. I pursued them in an attempt to rescue my brother, but they captured me. It was only then that I realized there were many other children in the same situation as my brother. Since I had knowledge about them, they refused to release me. My parents were left unaware of my fate, as they couldn't even locate my body. They believed that we had simply disappeared. I couldn't even return home to witness the anguish they endured in my absence. At the very least, I can save my brother. They would be devastated by the loss of both their children. For the sake of my brother and our parents, I implore you, please help me," she cried, her voice filled with desperation.

 I found myself shedding tears as well, not because of my own suffering, but witnessing her anguish through the mirror. The atrocities inflicted upon her were unfathomable. She was just a child, and the depths of their cruelty were beyond comprehension. Those despicable individuals truly deserved the harshest of consequences. Determination welled up within me as I nodded resolutely. 

"I will assist you," I affirmed. With a sense of purpose, I traversed through the mirror, returning to the real world.

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