ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜʀᴏᴡ || 𝐝𝐝 𝗼𝐬𝐚𝗺𝐚

By stfumanii

101K 1.5K 535

' welcome to deathrow bitch '. More

meet the cast '😉


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By stfumanii

aye bitch waddup

waddup- PGF nuk 🦇

leilani's POV

when dd opened the door deandre immediately punched him in his shit, dd fell to the floor and the look on his face was unforgettable, he got up and they started scrapping.

they dead was doin this shit at four in the fucking morning.

i guess notti and ddot heard the commotion so they woke up and started recording while dd beat deandre ass AGAIN.

this is getting sad at this point.

i guess after deandre had enough he told him to quit dd got off but deandre ain't leave.

"nigga what are you still doing here" ddot said laughing. "i already said i wasn't leaving without leilani so come on lei" he said starting to walk towards me. "wooahhhh there buddy" notti said pushing him back. "does buba even know she here" he said still trying to get to me. "yes he does now can you go home to your little girlfriend cause why are you worried about me" i said but said the last remark lowly. "what you said i couldn't hear you" he said obviously mocking me. "nigga i said can you go home to your little girlfriend cause why are you worried about me BITCH." i said with each word getting louder and adding on a word cause he had got me mad tight. "damnnn" dd, notti, and ddot all collectively said, "so it's like that huh" deandre said looking a little hurt. "just like that now get the fuck out" i said looking down cause i couldn't stand seeing him look so hurt.

even though he did me dirty, to be honest i shouldn't even trip cause we wasn't together, he still betaryed my trust and i was lowkey hurt, i still had love for him at the end of the day.

"igh lei you got it" he said walking out of their house. leaving the door opened "i have an order for david" the doordasher said awkwardly. "uh thank you" i said with a smile and took the bag of food out of his hand. i sat my food down and went to their kitchen to get an ice pack to put on dd's eye. "here" i said handing him the ice pack and sitting down to eat my food. " 'preciate it" he said taking the ice pack out of my hand. "y'all cute or whatever" ddot said as notti laughed at his remark. "ouu lei let us get some" notti said as him and ddot approached me. "no since y'all wanna be funny" i said closing my bag of food. "ok we sorry now give us some food" they said opening my bag.

greedy ass hoes i swear.

time skip: 2:30 pm that same day.

omniscient POV

the whole house was asleep. dd and nottis mom unlocked the door and saw dd on the couch for some reason but just ignored it, then she went to go check on notti and noticed ddot was staying over which she didn't really have a problem with and went to go check dd's room to find out why he wasn't in his room, i saw a girl she looked very familiar to the boys mom but she couldn't put her finger on it. she went back to the living room and lightly shook dd.

"ma what you doin' here so early" dd said in soft, raspy tone. "boy it's 2:30" his mom said with a chuckle. "who is that girl in your bed?" his mom questioned. "oh leilani that's notti and ddot friend." dd said stretching. "she's pretty, but like why is she here and in your bed?" his mom asked curiously. "oh last night we stayed out a little late and didn't feel like walking her home so we just decided to let her sleep here, we didn't know we were gonna sleep this late but she was supposed to be gone before you got home, is that ok?" dd said half explaining the prior night while sitting up. "yeah it's fine i guess but next time just check with me first, but why is she in your bed and not notti's or on the couch?" the mom said sitting by her son. "well notti wasn't really thinking about leilani cause he was on the phone with desi–" the boy started. "him and that damn desi" his mom said cutting her son off and laughing as her son joined in. "and i don't know she's a guest so i just let her use my bed" the boy finished. "well that was very nice of you." the mom stated suspiciously because she knew her son wasn't the nicest. "anyways i'm going to go take a shower and take a nap let me know if y'all want me to cook or just order something" the mom said getting up to go to her room. "ok i love you ma" he said laying back down. "i love you too baby" she said closing the door to her room.

(a/n: don't be weird in the comments man 😭)

dd's POV

i waited on my phone for anyone to wake up. after like 20 minutes i heard a tiktok sound play and immediately got off the couch. the first person to wake up was leilani which was who i was hoping would wake up first but that's another story.. "good afternoon leilani" i said sitting down on my bed.

how can she still look so beautiful after just waking up.

"good afternoon david" she said giggling. i popped her leg and looked at her with a stale face. "let's try this shit again" i said leaving the room and coming back in. "good afternoon leilani." i said sitting back down. "good afternoon dd." she said rolling her teary eyes and rubbing her leg. "i'm sorry mama i ain't mean to hurt you." i said rubbing her leg. "mhmm whatever"" she said turing the other way. "mamaaa i'm sorryyy" i said trying to get closer to her. "don't call me that." she said moving further from me. "mmcht igh bro" i said pulling my phone out.

she had me mad tight 'cause she shoulda known i want her dumass and was just playinn.

"dd" she said looking at me. "wassup mam–leilani" i said cutting myself off. "you can call me that but it don't mean nothing" she said fidgeting with her fingers. "whatever you say mama" i said gettung up to go brush my teeth.

"do y'all have any extra ones?" leilani said as she walked into the bathroom right after me. "yeah cmon" i said getting a new tooth brush from the cabinet and handing her the tooth paste.

after we brush our teeth we go and see if notti and ddot up, and since they not we decided it was time for them to wake up. we both got a pot of ice cold water walked back to notti's room moved there phones and shit out the way and splashed the water on they face at the same time.

"MAN WTF" notti lightly yelled. and ddot just got up like his ass was drowning. man that shi was funny as hell. they both got up and chased us into my room. they started yelling at us and hitting us playfully but we couldn't do nothing but laugh.

"now you gotta walk her home yo damn self" notti yelled, they was tight as fuck. "nigga i don't care" i said walking away laughing. buba was blowing up leilani phone so it was time to take her home sadly. leilani got her stuff and since ddot and notti was still mad as hell i decided to walk her home alone.

"ok byeeee notti" she said running up to his bed and hugging him. "bye lei" he said hugging her back "text me when you get home" he said as she got up. "okk" she said heading over to ddot. "byeeeee fav" she said giving him a hug. "igh safety my heart" he said hugging her back. "ok let's go" she said making sure she had everything. "igh" i said opening the door for her and shutting it behind us.

hey guyyssss 😊
im taking a break from the world but not from yallll so ima have some chapters coming back to backk . 💁🏽‍♀️

are they growing feeling for each otherrrr ? lmk what y'all think 🤗

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