Hailee Steinfeld Imagines

By ImFuck3dup

538 29 105

Hailee Steinfeld X female reader If there is any sensitive topics I'll put a TW beforehand Will do- Angst F... More

Bathing Suits~ HS 💕

Anxiety attack~ HS 💕

168 8 7
By ImFuck3dup

Warnings: Anxiety attacks
Summary: Hailee has an anxiety attack while she is waiting on a response for a role
Perspective: Second
Requested: @thejokinglyreader34
Hailee sat on the edge of the couch, her fingers tapping nervously against her thighs. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart as she waited for the phone to ring. She had auditioned for the role of Emily Dickinson in the upcoming series Dickinson and was anxiously waiting to hear back from the casting director. A week after her audition, Hailee finally got an email from the casting director, letting all the participants know that they would announce the roles today. If she didn't get a call by the end of the day, it meant she didn't get the part and her dreams of playing the famed poet were out the window.

You were sat next to her, your arm wrapped around Hailee's shoulder, providing the comfort and support that she needed. "Everything's gonna work out, Haiz," you whispered, your voice soothing her nerves. "You nailed the audition. They're going to call any minute now." Hailee nodded trying to believe your words, but clearly it wasn't helping much.

You had been through this before and knew how nerve-wracking it could be to wait for a response like this, so you decided to distract her. "You know, one time on set, whilst I was doing a scene, I tripped and fell on my face in front of everyone. I thought to myself "this is single-handedly the most embarrassing moment of my life" but then, you walked in. You stood on the sidelines for at least an hour waiting for me to finish shooting because I kept messing up. I really thought I was gonna get fired or something. I was embarrassed and anxious but as soon as I finished the scene, you came over and you just held me. I'll never forget that. How you comforted me when I needed you. I didn't even have to ask." Hailee smiled lightly thinking back to the sweet memory. "The same goes for me. I'm here, Haiz." You squeezed her hand comfortingly causing her to let out a breath of relief.

You both sat in silence for a moment before Hailee pulled out her phone checking the time. Hailee stood up and began to pace back and forth. She tried to focus on her breathing but her anxiety only grew as the minutes ticked by. Suddenly, Hailee's heart began to race and her breaths became shallow.
She was having a panic attack and she didn't know how to stop it.

You immediately sprang into action, gently guiding Hailee onto the floor and sitting beside her. "Breathe with me," you said calmly, placing your hand on Hailee's chest. "In through your nose, out through your mouth." You held Hailee's face in your hands and continued to whisper sweet words into her ear. "Y/n?" Hailee said gaining your attention. "Yes?" You looked towards, signaling her to proceed. "What if they never call?" her voice barely audible.

It broke your heart to see your girlfriend in this state. "They will, okay? And if they don't- a big if- then they don't deserve your talent anyways." You smiled at her. No more words were said between you to but she simply nodded signifying that she understood. As time passed, Hailee's breathing began to slow back down.

Though it was only a small panic attack, it took a lot of energy out of Hailee. She began to feel exhaustion wash over her, as she let out a loud yawn. You noticed this and helped pick her up and lead her to the bed.

Hailee laid down on the soft mattress, crawling under the duvet. She let out a whine when she realized you had not followed. "Hang on! I'll be right there!" You shouted from the kitchen.

You ran back into the room with an abundance of junk food. Throwing it all on the bed, you hopped on the other side of her. With the click of the remote, We Bought a Zoo began playing on the large screen in your shared bedroom. Hailee grabbed a bag of chips while you had your own. She cuddled into your side inhaling the scent of your perfume, further bringing her comfort.

"Thank you Y/n" Hailee spoke, moving your chin to face her and leaving a soft kiss on your lips. You both smiled into the kiss before pulling apart.
Hailee grew more tired as you toyed with her hair. Her eyelids became heavy and she gave in to the darkness, finally falling asleep.

You looked down to see Hailee peacefully breathing and she slept. A sense of love and warmth filled you as you watched her in adoration. She truly was the best girlfriend you could ask for. Laying your head down, you fell asleep as well.


You and Hailee shot up hearing the phone ring. Panic once again filled Hailee. You both scrambled to find the phone, able to hear it, yet it was no where to be found. "Where is it?!" Hailee frantically spoke as the phone continued to ring. You searched through the sheets, still unable to find it. "I don't know!"

Falling to the floor, you looked under the bed. A wave of relief washed over you when you spotted her still-ringing cellphone. You grabbed it and shouted victoriously "Found it!" You tossed the phone to Hailee and she answered  it quickly.

She listened intently to the other side of the call while you waited in anticipation. You watched her with an excited expression but it soon faltered when you saw the defeated look that took over Hailee's face. "Okay thank you." She spoke

You stood in silence, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. "What did they say?" When you looked into her eyes and saw the tears welling up, you rushed to her side and pulled her into your embrace.

"I got the part," she whispered, barely audible. You froze in shock. Had you heard her correctly? You took a step back, bringer her chin up to look at you. "Wait, what?" you said, your tone louder and filled with excitement.

"I got the part!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. You felt relief wash over you at the revelation. Hailee laughed out as you began to playfully smack her on the arm. "Don't scare me like that!"

You paused for a beat, looking into her beautiful brown eyes, watching as each facial muscle moved when she smiled. The sweet sound of your laughter filling your eardrums, it was magical. "I knew you could do it," you finally spoke up, causing her to look at you tears brimming her eyes.

You brought your hand up, caressing her soft skin as you wiped the salinous tear from her face. Your gaze drifted down to look at her tender lips, quickly returning to meet her gaze. Hailee noticed you shift in gaze and began to close the gap between you. She connected your lips in a mesmerizing kiss. For a moment, everything else in the room faded away and it was just the two of you. You pulled apart only when oxygen became necessary. "I love you," Hailee said with a smile, as she leaned in once more.

The pair of you had relished in each other's presence the rest of the day. Later that night, you surprised Hailee with celebratory pizza from her favorite restaurant. Hailee and you discussed plans for travel as you ate. You both made an agreement that no matter where filming took her, you would stay strong. Even if she had to travel somewhere you couldn't follow. You would call each other everyday.

A smile broke out onto your face as you were snuggled into her side in bed. You looked up at your girlfriend in adoration. She was so talented and beautiful. You knew she would get the part and you were so proud of her for it. She was going to be Emily Dickinson, and you couldn't wait to see her play the role to perfection.


Omg? I'm actually in my active era. I told you guys I would try to post more and I promise I am going to follow through! Like I said before, requests are always open! I'm currently just editing my new Natasha one shot, but I plan to have it out this week.

Question of the day: What is a movie you're currently looking forward to in the next few months?

I love you guys!!
Xoxo, Aly

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