
By LeonaThorn

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At a young age Scarlet had known that what pain and suffering was. Not being wanted by your own family and lo... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

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By LeonaThorn

After a week of training, the jeweler has finished, and Dad picked them up for me. When he got back home, I was handed three different small boxes. I opened one and found my ring bracelet for the Dark Dragon, the next contained my necklace. It was made into a choker with the moonstone incased in a prism made of silver for the Giant Wolf. Last but not least is my earring in the shape of a long tear drop with the top encased in silver. Dad helped me put on the chocker and gathered a few things to pierce my ear. "It will hurt at first, but the pain will pass."

"It's okay. I trust you." Dad dipped a needle in witch hazel then heated it over a candle flame. I choose my left ear and wait patiently for before I feel a small prick on my ear. I see Dad pick up my earring and put it on. The earring weighs down my ear a little bit but nothing to a painful degree. Putting on the last piece I hug Dad feeling more joy than ever. "Thanks Dad."

"Anything for you."


Before morning sunlight broke through, I was up and preparing to venture south for my first summon. Dressing in my normal clothes but leave off my shoes. Since I've never worn shoes before they feel uncomfortable. Peeking into Dad's room, I find him still sleeping in his bed this time instead of at his desk. With a kiss to his forehead, I leave a note on his desk and head out with a bag of supplies and scythe in hand. It will take a week at least to make it there by foot. Map in hand I traveled through the rough terrain of the mountains, passing through a few small villages I buy a few rare items not found in our area like herbs, ore, and books. After a week on the road the town I was passing through held whispers of a large white wolf roaming the area even scaring the livestock.

Right now, I am resting in a tavern when I hear the whispers start again. "Have you heard. Richards livestock just ran off. It is no doubt that wolf again and it's getting closer and closer to the village."

"I know what you mean. I was talking to William yesterday he said that he actually saw the thing. It's looks beaten up and taller than the houses. Wolfs are not supposed to get that big, it can't be an ordinary wolf."

"Excuse me gentlemen, but I was hoping you could point me in the direction of the wolf," I ask.
"Never seen you around here before."

"I'm just passing through the area."

"For someone just passing, you hold more interest in our wolf problem."

"I've never been one to stary away from something new."

"Well, exiting the south end of town five miles out you'll find a man named William ask him for more information."

"I thank you for your time." Before I exit the tavern doors one of the men call out after me, "If you're looking to hunt the thing, we know someone that can skin the thing for ya." I give my thanks and head out to find a man named William.

I spot a log cabin in the distance with a man sitting on the porch. "Excuse me sir, are you Mr. William?"

"Yeah, what is it too ya?"

"I've come to see if you can point me in the right direction of the large wolf you saw not too long ago."

"This ain't no tourist attraction for you to come and see then tells your friends and family when you leave."

"That is not reason I am here for the wolf. You don't have to come with me, but could you point me in the right direction?"

"You better not bring that thing back so it can destroy my home."

"Of course, not sir."

"Head west from here till you get to the edge of a deep oak forest. Head inside and you should find it from there."

"Thank you." Surprisingly, the deep oak forest was closer than I thought. Entering the forest, I roam aimlessly inside till night starts to fall. Instead of making camp I continue to roam and hear a howl in the distance. Moving quickly, I head toward the sound unsheathing my scythe from my back. Skidding to a stop the Giant Wolf stood in the middle with a sheep hanging from its jaw. "So, a mortal finally decides to follow me, but no matter you will die."

"I have come to make you a summon for me."

"So, a Necromancer. Your kind has tried but none have succeeded."

"That does not deter me."

"Very well." The wolf dropped its meal and started to circle around me. Deep breath if I panic, I'll lose the fight. The wolf launched itself at me, but I rolled to the side bringing up my weapon to make a thin cut on its right side. I swung at it again, but it bit down on the blade slinging me into a tree. I bring my scythe up blocking an attack. "I'd give up mortal and I'll give you a swift death."

"I've heard that before, but not happing." Throwing my weapon up, I use the tree. I launch myself onto its back and grab my weapon plunging it into its back. The wolf howled in pain but rolled onto its side. I roll off and rush back in to land another strike. It launches into the air and lands back down creating a shockwave. I cross my arms in front of me, but I'm thrown a way away. I feel blood seeps down my face and arms, so that is how they going to play. I take to the trees and run across the tree branches before launching at the wolf's back.

It turned but I plunged my scythe right into its head. Pushing my weapon harder into its head I don't let up making sure I finished the job. A ghostly form rose up from the wolf and the soul of the wolf now looked down at me. "To think that it took three hundred years for someone to kill me. You have earned the right to summon me and use me how you see fit."

"Thank you for the great battle, Giant Wolf. Would you like me to bury your body and give you a proper burial?"

"There is no need to waste my body. There is a town nearby give it to them but keep my fur."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, but I would like to know the name of my new master."

"Scarlet Violet Loveless Skotadi."

"Then Master Scarlet I am yours to summon whenever." The wolf taps it claw on my necklace binding its soul to the moonstone. Sheathing my scythe, I grab ahold of the wolf's front paws pulling them over my shoulders and begin to drag them back to the village. I pass William's cabin, but it is still night when I pass.

The sun is just coming up over the horizon when I drag the wolf's body into town. Towns folk come out not daring to come close to me. "Damn man. You actually kid the wolf and it's bigger than I thought."

"Do you think I can still take you up on that offer of skinning it."

"Of course, but mind if buy some meat off of you?"
"The town can have the meat if you don't mind if I take the fur."

"Are you sure?"

"I am." The towns folk cheer in joy and a town doctor patches me up even when I decline. The towns was lively for five days and the fur was ready for me to take. They see me off and I make my way back home.


I spot home in the distance and feel a burst of energy and run the rest of the way home. I burst through the front door and see both Mom and Dad sitting at the table with lunch. "I'm home." I'm crushed in a hug by both of them. "Scarlet don't do that again. Don't just leave a note. Please let me see you off next time."

"I'll tell you myself next time."

"That's all I ask." Mom made me sit down and searched over me for untreated wounds, but my wounds has already tended to. "What is this fur you have son."

"It's the Giant Wolfs fur. It did not want its body to go to waste, so I gave everything but the fur to the towns folk nearby at the wolfs request."

"So, that means you have your first summon these calls for a celebration."

"Oh, before I forget." I pull out different herbs and book from my bag and hand them to Mom and Dad, respectively. "I passed through many villages and seen what they had. I thought you might like them."

"Their perfect."


"We have to go now and tell them. They are the only ones that can find the Young Master." I plead.

"And if we are caught leaving, we will be killed."

"It's a risk I am willing to take if it means we can find him."

"But what if he's happier there than here. Do you want to subject him back to that life."

"No, so that's why we tell THEM. They can take care and love him, but if he is truly happy there, I would just like to know. He's like my son." The night that Young Master left we thought that they didn't care, but the next day the Queen went on a rampage to find out how he escaped. Recently they have calmed down and I'm getting worried. Leona and I are maids for the royal family and were put in charge of Young Master, but we thought it was maybe Young Master Sal, Ren, or Vince. But when we were shown their youngest son, I could not fathom why they would do that to their own child.

It was wintertime and he was locked in a small attic with no insulation, an open window allowing the winter wind to blow in, and rough flooring. He was only wearing a thin white shirt three sizes too big, hair a mess half chopped off the other overgrown with nots, but the most shocking is a shackle around his right ankle with dried and fresh blood dripping down.

I never knew a family, especially the mother could be so cruel to their own child. "Do you truly believe he is happy wherever he is?" I ask.

"Thorn, it has to be better than here. He may have had us, but even there was so much we could do on our own." She's right, but I still would like to know.


A month has passed since my fight with the Giant Wolf and Uncle is back. I presented the weapon designs to him along with the ores that I bought. While Uncle is making my weapons Mom and Dad has been discussing the potential of the King requesting their aids then catching wind of me. They don't want me to fight in the war, at least not yet if I have too.

"Son come in here for a minute." Leaving my room, I walk into the living room and see Uncle there with my weapons laid out. "Surprise. Think of this as a thank you and excellent job gift."

"They are beautiful. I'll cherish them." Each weapon feels balanced in my hand making them a natural extension to my arms. I make my way outside and test out my cross bow first. Regular arrows won't work, so I use bolts. I have a limited supply but if taken care of they could last me nearly a lifetime. It is heavier than what I am used to but after a little practice the weight feels natural again. I try my bow next and can feel the difference when I pull the bow string back, it takes more strength to pull it back but nothing some practice will fix.

Dad came out when I was testing out my twin daggers and started to teach me basic techniques on how to use my battle axe. It did not take me long to pick up on how to use it.


I get back into routine with everyone and plan my next move on for my next summon. Dad said I need to take a week off from everything and focus on getting used to fighting with my summon by my side. The first time I summoned the Wolf I destroyed some of the surrounding area, but thankfully I was far away from our house. While I spent time concentrating on maintaining my energy from letting loose and destroying the surrounding area, I gave the Wolf a name since I don't want to just call him Wolf and he never had one. We decided on the name Shiro in the end.

After finishing for the day, I walked into the house and found Dad sitting at the table with a letter in hand. "Dad are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just...."

"It's a letter from the King is it not."

"Can't get anything past you can we."

"I've learned to trust my instincts. If the letter is asking for your help, we can't really ignore a request from the King."

"I know but it's the fact that they know about you and want you to join as well. How they found out is beyond me, but I don't want you in the front line. Hell, I don't want you out there at all."

"Do we have a time period for us to respond?"

"Two months."

"I wanted to wait for another few weeks, but I can begin my search for my next summon then head straight for my third."

"It's too soon. I've only had you for half a year and I know already I can't lose you."

"You won't but with two of us out there, two Necromancers, it will give us the winning edge, would it not?"

"You have a point......Alright only when you have returned home with your third summon, I will respond and then make our way to the kingdom." Dad pulled me into a tight hug thinking I'll disappear. I've grown too attached to leave them. They won't lose me that easily. With that in mind I make my way to the library and bring out the maps and plan the route I will take to get to the King Sea Serpent. I will have to take a boat to get most of the way out there, but Shiro will take me most of the way.

I should leave tomorrow, so I start packing everything I will need. The next morning before I left Mom, Dad, and Uncle came to see me off. "Now you be careful and make sure to take care of any wounds."

"I will, Mom."

"Know we are all rooting for you, little buddy."

"I know and I'll always remember that."

"Son, take your time. You have no time limit, so take time and recover, alright?"

"I will, Dad. I know I have limits, so I'll take my time." I give each of them a hug and wave goodbye before summoning Shiro and hopping on his back. Shiro took off down the path and headed for the coast. After half a day of traveling, we stopped for lunch, well I did. "Master, may I ask a question?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Why is it that you became a Necromancer? Many do it for revenge, fame, to contact a dead loved one, but what about you?"

"I'm not sure. To show my family I'm not weak."

"But your family does know you're not weak."

"My biological family Eldor, Silvia, and Vulcan are not blood related to me, but they are family."

"I see. Everything does not have to be justified. As long as you are happy."

"I've never felt happier than I do with the people I call family. You're family too Shiro."

"I am?"

"Yeah, just because you are my summon does not mean you can't be my family."

"I am honored that you consider me family." Smiling at Shiro, I hop back on and guide him to the coast. We skip going through towns and keep heading west to the coast. When the ocean comes in view, I have Shiro stop and hop off. Taking off my stockings, I dig my feet in the wet sand then feel the sea water wash up to my calf. "I've never seen an ocean before. The books does not do it justice."

"The world is full of cruel things but has wonderful places to visit that can make you see past the evil and still see some good."

"You're quite wise Shiro."

"I would not say wise, but after living for so long you gain more knowledge. Master, I think we need to head into town and gain passage to the islands."

"You're right, but we are too close to the town for you to go further."

"As you wish but call if you need help."

"I will." Shiro's body decays back into the ground and his soul returns to the moonstone. Putting my stockings back on, I walk the rest of the way to town and head straight to the docks. Dad told me how to take passage to the islands and to whom to talk. Finding the harbor head, I ask for passage to the Serpent Islands.

"Another foolish youngster looking for fame a glory. Yeah, boat is about to leave pay up and head over." Paying the price, I found the boat and boarded to find the crew busy and other passengers walking about as well. Not wanting to get in the crews way I headed to the front and waited to set sail. Waiting about half an hour, the anchor was lifted, and sails opened.

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