Deterioration ↠ Total Drama W...

weforgottyler által

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started july 2023 ended july 2023 THIRD BOOK OF THE SERIES - de·te·ri·o·ra·tion /dəˌtirēəˈrāSH(ə)n/ the proce... Több

00- Playlist
01- Walk Like An Egyptian || Part 1
02- Walk Like An Egyptian || Part 2
03- Super Crazy Happy Fun Time In Japan
04- Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better
05- Broadway, Baby!
06- Slap Slap Revolution
07- The Am-AH-Zon Race
08- Can't Help Falling In Louvre
09- New Kids On The Rock
10- Jamaica Me Sweat
12- Greece's Pieces
13- The Ex-Files
14- Picnic At Hanging Dork
15- Sweden Sour
16- Niagara Brawls
17- Chinese Fake-Out
18- African Lying Society-Safari
19- Lei-ing It All Out
20- Aloha, Finale! Hawaiian Punch
21- Aloha, Finale! Hawaiian Punch (Alternate Ending)
A/N- Thank You Guys<3

11- I See London...

490 18 30
weforgottyler által

Logan's POV

"Why are we stuck in the loser class? We won last time. Well, at least we didn't lose," I heard Heather complain as I walked into the loser cabin, clutching my journal tightly.

"Chris said he needed first class today for some secret special guest. And when Chris needs something—"

"He takes it. From us," Heather finished, cutting off Sierra's sentence.

I stepped onto the bench between Tyler and Cody, carefully stowing away my journal in the compartments.

Chris had banished Team Chris to the loser class because he claimed there was a "special guest" coming for our next challenge. I had a sneaky suspicion that it was just an excuse to get rid of us for the day, though.

After The Aftermath show managed to raise enough money for the season to continue, we were finally back in the sky. Don't get me wrong, the short vacation in Jamaica was a much-needed break, but I couldn't wait to get this show over with.

Being on Team Chris felt strange, considering I had grown so accustomed to my previous team. Thankfully, they welcomed me with open arms. Well, most of them did. Team Amazon, especially Heather, wasn't too thrilled about me joining their rivals.

I had a feeling that Heather would start resenting me for getting "close" to Alejandro. But honestly, my motives for using him were partly a distraction from thinking about Duncan. After witnessing Alejandro in a speedo, it killed any attraction I might have had.

"Need any help?" Tyler asked, noticing my struggle to reach my bag.

"I... I got it!" I huffed, finally managing to pull the bag out. "But thanks anyway."

Tyler had been an amazing friend to me throughout the season. It was tough balancing friendships when you were on different teams and rarely got to spend time together. But Tyler and I managed to stay close, unlike some of the other friendships I had on this show.

He had filled me in on how Alejandro had come clean to DJ about Irene. Although it seemed like Tyler and Alejandro were getting along well, Tyler told me he was going to be more cautious around him. I wished I could say the same, but I had a risky game plan to follow that involved flirting with danger throughout the remainder of the competition.

"Ah! Sunburn! Ow!" Gwen exclaimed, blowing on her inflamed hand as I positioned myself between Tyler and Cody.

"Oops. Sorry," Courtney apologized, shifting away from Gwen's burned hand. "How did you manage to get sunburn on just one hand?"

"I don't know!" Gwen cried out in frustration.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Cody nervously tugging at his shirt collar.

"What did you do to her?" I whispered, leaning closer.

"It's a long story," he replied, while Tyler chuckled.

I was dying to hear about it.

"Here, soak your hand in this," Courtney offered Gwen, holding out a bucket filled with a white substance.

"What is it?" Gwen asked suspiciously.

"It'll cool down the burn," Courtney replied. Gwen hesitantly dipped her hand into the bucket. "It's a special mix of green tea and bird guano."

"How lovely," I snorted, realizing that Courtney had made Gwen stick her hand in bird droppings.

"Guano? Isn't that..."

"A nicey-nice name for poop," Heather teased, while I couldn't help but snicker.

"Ew!" Gwen quickly pulled her hand out. "Owww..."

"Poop that's packed with healing properties," Courtney stated matter-of-factly. "I learned how to make it at a C.I.T. first aid weekend. It's gross, but it works, right?"

"Ugh. Yeah. Well, thanks for being nice-ish," Gwen responded, reluctantly placing her hand back in the "poop juice".

I couldn't deny the fact that Gwen and Courtney's friendship had blossomed, and there was an undeniable potential for a fantastic romantic connection between them.

"Bonding over poop juice? Ugh. Is there anyone sane left around here?" Heather wondered, scanning the room.

Heather and I both turned our attention to Sierra, who was typing away on a pizza cardboard box.

"I'm afraid the answer is no," I replied.

I knew Sierra was eccentric, but she was on a whole different level from Izzy.

"Tweeter update: Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird poop, Cody is still cute, uh... sixty-seven characters. Okay. Seventy-three left. What else can I say?" Sierra rambled, her fingers tapping on the cardboard.

"Considering buying myself a life on Fredslist, but having trouble deciding because they are all such a major improvement!" Noah mocked, causing Owen to snort milk all over himself.

"Dude, gross!" Noah scowled, wiping his face in disgust as I moved closer to the back wall.

"Did I get some of my nose milkshake on you? Sorry. It's the only thing that really cools off a snoot full of Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers," Owen said, stuffing a handful of peppers into his mouth.

That probably wasn't the best idea.

"You good, dude?" I laughed as his face turned dark red.

"Hot. Hot. Hot. Milk!" Owen panicked, chugging down a carton of milk.

"Must learn how to make nose shakes like Owen. That'll impress Cody!" Noah continued to imitate Sierra as Owen sat next to him, still in distress. Owen ended up giggling, shooting a pepper out of his nose.

"Ow!" The pepper, covered in snot, bounced off the walls before hitting Tyler square in the face.

"That's disgusting!" I cringed as Noah burst into laughter.

"Weak," Tyler muttered, excusing himself from the group to wash off the snot.

"Check it out, I'll shoot a pepper out of whichever nostril you choose. I mean, pick!" Owen corrected himself.

"Yeah, because one nose shake a day isn't enough," Noah responded, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Aw, but I'm out of milk," Owen frowned, tipping his empty carton over.

"Hey, Courtney, how much of that poop juice do you have left?" Noah called out to the brunette.

"What, you want to try it yourself?" I joked with a smile, while Alejandro stood up abruptly.

"Excuse me, gentlemen... and Logan. I need to be... anywhere but here," Alejandro said, practically stomping out of the loser class.

"What's his problem?" I asked Noah. He shrugged.

Was he mad about me joining his team? Or was he just angry that Noah and Owen were acting like typical boys? Who knows.

The PA system emitted a shrill squeak, and Chris's voice resonated through the intercom, capturing our attention.

"Attention, hapless competitors, we've been denied permission to land, so you're gonna have to take a leap of faith!" Chris announced, met with a chorus of grumbles and complaints.

I mean, who in their right mind would willingly jump out of a plane?

"And, uh, Chef may have miscalculated the number of parachutes."

"Fantastic," I muttered under my breath, frustration seeping through my words.

"So, you might wanna get a move on and snag one before they're all gone!"

Reluctantly, we all made our way to the elimination room, where a haphazard pile of parachutes awaited us.

"Seriously? No parachutes left?" I whined, my gaze fixed on Owen, who had just claimed the last one.

"You can always jump with me," Tyler offered, standing near the exit.

"Fine," I sighed, resigning myself to the situation as I walked over to him. Without hesitation, I hopped onto his back, grateful for the semblance of safety.

It's better than hurtling towards the ground with no protection.

"Yeah, woohoo!" Tyler exclaimed, his enthusiasm contrasting sharply with my unease as we leaped off the plane.

"AHHHH!" I screamed, my legs instinctively wrapping tightly around Tyler's body, desperately clinging to him for dear life.

Tyler swiftly pulled the cord, and a parachute billowed out, slowing our descent.

"EXTRE-oof! Oh!" Tyler grunted, the sudden deceleration jolting us as we dangled above the ground.

This is just perfect.

"Now what do we do?" I asked, my gaze shifting upwards. Naturally, our parachute had become entangled with a flagpole.

"AHHHH!" Noah and Owen's terrified screams filled the air as they tumbled down, landing on a conveniently positioned double-decker bus just below Tyler's legs.

"I think I have an idea to free us," I said, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips as I eyed the vehicle beneath us.

Releasing my grip on Tyler, I let gravity take over, landing squarely on Owen's stomach.

Hm, not as jarring as I had anticipated.

"Ow..." Noah groaned, his voice muffled beneath Owen's weight.

"Hey, Logan," Owen greeted me with a friendly wave, seemingly unfazed by our unconventional landing. "Well, that wasn't so bad, right, Noah?"


I settled into the seat next to Tyler on the double-decker bus, which had been inadvertently dented by Team Chris. Excitement coursed through me as I took in the sights of London from the window.

"I can't believe we're in London!" I exclaimed. "I've always wanted to come here. I know so much about this place!"

"Really?" Tyler replied, glancing at me with curiosity. I nodded eagerly, gripping the seat with anticipation.


I was thrilled to have the opportunity to explore London and partake in a challenge here. It was a dream come true.

As we settled into our seats, Heather's voice came from the front of the bus. "Wait. Where's Alejandro?" she inquired.

Oh, right. I completely forgot about him. Oops.

"Yes. Where is he?" Chris pondered, tapping his chin. "I'll reveal the answer in a sec. But first, step on it, Chef!"

Chef pressed down on the gas pedal, propelling us forward, while Chris brandished a microphone.

"London. Home to loads of incredible things. Big Ben, The London Eye, the famous Chip Buddy sandwich," Chris rattled off through the mic.

"Yes, please!" Owen piped up, his enthusiasm matching my own. I sat at the edge of my seat, trying to contain my excitement.

I was not only eager to experience London but also thrilled that my knowledge about this place might come in handy during our challenge.

"London is also home to Scotland Yard, the world's most renowned crime-fighting organization. But there was one case that even Scotland Yard couldn't solve. Jack the Ripper," Chris declared, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, causing a collective gasp from the contestants. I raised my hand, unable to contain my curiosity.

"Yes, Logan?"

"So, are we supposed to capture Jack the Ripper?" I asked, pleasure coursing through me at the thought.

This is going to be one heck of an adventure.

"I'm getting to that," Chris replied with a touch of annoyance before bringing the microphone back to his lips.

Typical Chris.

"The whacko serial killer who terrorized Victorian London." Chris held up a picture of Jack the Ripper. "Today, your task is to track that bad boy down. But be warned, Jack is also on the hunt for you. And that's why Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot is now short-handed."

This shows that Alejandro, despite appearing composed, does have flaws. In a horror movie, he would struggle immensely and wouldn't last even a minute.

"What?! The Ripper got Al? Not Al!" Owen exclaimed, his hands flying to his head, while I turned to Tyler, my eyes wide with shock.

No wonder Alejandro never returned to the loser cabin. He seriously needs to work on his strategy.

"Next stop, Tower of London!" Chris announced, his voice filled with excitement, though Owen and Tyler sat in a state of panic due to Alejandro's absence.

"Well, at least if we lose, we know who to vote off, right?" I chimed in nonchalantly, offering a shrug. Owen and Tyler stared at me, their expressions a mix of bewilderment and surprise. "Or maybe not..."


A few minutes later, we got off the bus and headed towards the Tower of London.

"Your challenge is to follow clues to the tower complex, leading to The Ripper's secret lair. Bag the criminal mastermind before he captures you, and you win," Chris explained. "The first clue will be given during the changing of the guard. And by changing, I mean you have to change the guards. Your clue is hidden in their uniform. So, one of you has to strip him down to his gitch until you find it."

"What? Strip a guard? No way," I blurted out, as the other contestants gasped in shock.

No one wants to undress an old guy. It was out of the question.

"Whoa. Strip a guy? Count me out," Tyler said, clearly in disbelief.

"It's your call, dude. A million bucks. That's all I'm saying. And while you're at it..." The musical bell rang, and we groaned in response.

Logan: "It's creepy how they stand there."

Logan: "And don't even blink."

Owen: "I don't wanna see his bum."

Owen: "All naked and pink."

Noah: "Hey buddy, can we bribe you?"

Noah: "To strip yourself dowwwn?"

Owen: "Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Fish?"

Noah and Logan: "Don't kill him you clown!"

Courtney: "No way, I can't strip him."

Courtney: "I'm not a freak."

Heather: "And I'm allergic to uniforms."

Gwen: "Okay, that's just weak."

Sierra: "I made a vow that Cody's the only man for meee!"

Gwen: "Okay, so then I have to do it? Uh hello? Injury, ow."

Courtney: "If we're gonna find that clue."

Heather: "There's only one thing to do-ooo."

Sierra: "Force someone to strip him down!"

Sierra, Heather, and Courtney: "And sorry, Gwen, that's you!"

Gwen: "Ow! Oh, wait!"

Owen, Noah, and Logan: [playing Rock Paper Scissors]

Logan: "If we're gonna find that clue."

Owen: "There's only one thing to do-ooo!"

Noah: "Force someone to strip him down!"

Owen, Noah, and Logan: [pointing] "And Tyler, dude, that's you!"

Gwen: "Sierra, look, it's Cody!"

Gwen: "And I think he wants to strip."

Sierra: "Poor honey! Quick, get out of those things, and that will help... I bet."

Gwen: "Yeah, we're gonna find that clue."

Heather: "We're doing what Chris propooosed."

Courtney: "Force someone to strip him down."

Gwen, Heather, and Courtney: "Cause if we don't, we're hosed!"

Courtney: "Totally ho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-osed!"

"Tyler, please, just strip him already!" I pleaded, my voice filled with urgency, as Tyler hesitated before reluctantly starting to remove the guard's uniform.

The Amazons sprinted past us, disappearing into the Tower of London with a sense of determination.

"You lost rock, paper, scissors fair and square," Noah added to the conversation, his tone laced with mild annoyance. "Stop trying to cheat your way out of it."

"I'm not cheating! Try taking off a guy's pantyhose with your teeth," Tyler grumbled from the ground, struggling to tug the tight fabric off.

Noah and I exchanged a knowing glance, realizing the root of Tyler's struggle.

"Uh, dude...?"

"No one said you had to use your teeth," Noah remarked, finishing my sentence with a hint of amusement.

No wonder it was taking him forever to undress the guard.

"Hey, Noah, check this out," Owen chuckled, playfully donning the guard's hat. "I say! I'm The Queen! Oh, dear me! I think I may have indulged in too many royal beans at the grand luncheon, hahaha."


"Wait, wait, just hear me out," Owen interrupted as he attempted to force out a fart.

I shook my head at his antics, while Noah let out a sigh, rolling his eyes in response.

"Tyler, what on earth is taking you so long?" I asked impatiently, my foot tapping rhythmically on the ground.

He had switched to using his hands, but the progress was painfully slow.

"How about you strip the guard then!" Tyler retorted, tossing various articles of clothing behind him in frustration.

"I am not going to strip him! For all we know, he could be some creepy person that Chris hired!" I shot back, crossing my arms defensively.

I couldn't trust a guard, especially since Chris was the one who found him. Plus, I had no idea who this man was, and the thought of undressing an elderly stranger seemed incredibly awkward.

Noah and I rummaged through the discarded pile of clothes behind Tyler, searching for any clues.

"A pen in his pants pocket, lint in his socks, that's it. No clue," Noah listed off, while the guard stood before us, practically naked. "And there's no way I'm searching through his boxers. Logan can handle that."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed, extending my hand outward. "No thank you."

"We could find someone else to strip," Owen suggested, removing the hat from his head. A small piece of paper was tucked inside it.

"Hey, look! There's a clue in here!" Owen exclaimed, pulling out the piece of paper.

Noah and I stood side by side, casting him a disapproving look.

"Real funny, huh? Heh," Owen awkwardly chuckled, his attempt at humor falling flat. Noah and I scowled in response. "I say, pip pip."


"Did you guys know that Catherine Howard got beheaded in this tower, maybe even in this room!" I exclaimed in awe as Team Chris entered the room.

The chilling atmosphere of the room sent shivers down my spine, but it also fascinated me.

"Keep enlightening us with your interesting facts, Logan. Maybe I'll pay attention when they're actually useful," Noah sarcastically replied as we approached the torture rack.

I rolled my eyes, choosing not to engage in a pointless argument.

"Are we going to have to decide who gets stretched through a game of rock, paper, scissors again?" Noah asked, gesturing towards the torture rack in front of us.

"Haha. I'm flexible to the extreme, bro," Tyler responded, effortlessly flipping his legs over his shoulders. "Sweaty moksha yoga. Woohoo!"

"Quick, tie him down before Alejandro shows up and forces me to do it just because I'm shorter," Noah instructed Owen, after we recovered from a brief moment of shock.

"Why don't you like Al?" Owen questioned as we restrained Tyler on the wooden board. "He's great."

"Absolutely great," I muttered under my breath.

It's not like he manipulated everyone on my team or anything like that. Absolutely not.

"I don't trust the guy. He's like an eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil," Noah expressed.

Now that I hear it, that analogy makes perfect sense.

"Filthy?" Owen asked.

"Slippery," Noah corrected, grabbing the wheel. "Think about it. He's like Heather, only with social skills."

No wonder they would be the perfect duo. Both manipulative and cunning.

Suddenly, Tyler began to scream in agony out of nowhere.

"Oh, stop! It's too much! Stop! Oh!" Tyler cried out, writhing in pain.

We all raised our hands in confusion.

"Uh, Tyler...?"

"You do realize we haven't even started yet, right?" Noah deadpanned. Tyler looked around, embarrassed.

"My bad. It's cool. I'll be quiet," Tyler said, placing his head back down, now calm. "Sweaty yoga-ish monk dude style. Hahaha."

Noah spun the wheel, causing Tyler to suppress a scream as he got stretched.

"Are you doing that yoga thing where you breathe through your toenails?" Owen asked Tyler, attempting to lighten the mood. "Aw, that is so cool."

"The clue!" Noah exclaimed as the box on the torture device popped open.


"I've got it," I murmured amidst the cheers of my teammates. I hurried over and grabbed the clue.

"If your teammate can still use their feet, bring them down for something to eat," I read aloud. "Oh! It must be the banquet hall. Let's go, guys!"

Noah, Owen, and I excitedly jogged out of the room towards the banquet hall.

"Hey, guys, you know what's hilarious?" Owen asked, causing Noah and I to pause in our tracks.

"We forgot Tyler!" Noah exclaimed. My eyes widened as I whipped my head back to the direction we came from.

"How is that hilarious?" Owen asked, walking back towards Noah and me.

Tyler's scream echoed from the stairs, making us jump.

This was not good.

We sprinted back to the torture room, and Noah swiftly opened the door.

"Sorry, dude, but you got so good at being silent that—" Noah's sentence trailed off as he realized Tyler was nowhere to be seen. Fear etched itself onto our faces.

"Tyler?" I gasped, scanning the empty room. Noah and Owen followed my gaze, their expressions mirroring my concern.



Noah, Owen, and I decided to head to the banquet hall in search of the next clue, despite Tyler's disappearance.

I rummaged through the lavish spread of food on the dining table, while Noah meticulously searched inside an ornate chest.

"Ah, I've got it! I've found the clue!" Noah exclaimed, tossing the egg behind him.

"Great job!" I praised, making my way over to Noah with a cheerful smile.

"You call that an attack?" I heard Owen chuckle. "Hey guys, check this out! It's a fur coat for animal lovers."

"Um, Owen? Those are guard dogs," I corrected, nodding towards the dogs that were latched onto him.

"Heh," Noah opened the envelope without a trace of fear. "The Ripper's most natural place has two levels that make up the space. Piece of cake."

"Then let's get going!" I said, linking my arm through Noah's. But he suddenly stopped me.

"Double-decker bus?" Owen suggested, trying to shake off one of the dogs.

"Yeah," Noah grinned, somewhat surprised. "Looks like there's a brain in there after all. You've been holding out on me."

As Noah and I made our way towards the door, Owen called out, "Holding out? I already told you I smuggled some wieners off the plane!"


For some reason, Noah and Owen were tiptoeing towards the bus. I followed them, trying not to snort at their exaggerated caution.

"Seriously, guys? Are you that frightened? It's probably just Chef pretending to be the Ripper," I said to my teammates as we leaned against the bus.

"Shhh..." Noah shushed me, his eyes darting around. I rolled my eyes as Owen and Noah entered the bus, and I followed suit.

Honestly, they're acting like a couple of scaredy-cats. This challenge feels like another horror movie, except we have to capture the kidnapper.

We cautiously made our way towards the back of the bus, scanning the area for any signs of the Ripper.

"Here, Ripper, Ripper, Ripper. I have a lovely bag for you," Owen croaked out.

As I turned my head to survey our surroundings, a hand suddenly covered my mouth. In a swift motion, I was forcefully pushed inside the driver's compartment along with Noah.

"Let go of me, you creep!" I barked, attempting to kick him. But it was futile as he pushed us in before I could put up a fight.

"What do we do!?" I asked Noah, who was screaming against the glass. I grabbed him, shaking his shoulders. "WHAT DO WE DO!?"

"I don't know!? Should we scream for help?" Noah stammered, his trembling hands gripping my shoulders.

I refused to die in London because of some ridiculous Jack the Ripper impersonator. That would be such a pathetic way to go.

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before banging our fists against the glass.

"HELP US, OWEN!" Noah and I screeched, watching as Owen's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Nobody locks my little buddies in a corner!" Owen yelled, emptying the sack full of guard dogs that he had brought with him.

"Well, what do you know, the guard dogs might come in handy," Noah commented as we tried to anticipate the blonde's next move.

"Royal beasts, sick him!" Owen commanded, pointing at the Ripper. Instead,the dogs turned on him and began attacking the blonde.

"Never mind," Noah remarked dryly.

As the dogs swarmed around Owen, Jack the Ripper slowly approached him. Noah and I watched in despair, feeling helpless.

"Oh oh, no, no-no, bad Corgis, oh! Ow, my wiener!" Owen whined as one of the Corgis snatched a smuggled wiener from his pants. "No!"

In a fit of desperation, Owen kicked the wiener out of the Corgi's mouth, but it ended up landing in the Ripper's hands, causing the dogs to attack him instead.

"Ha ha, gotcha!" Owen laughed, cautiously approaching the Ripper and the guard dogs.

"Alright, Owen!" Noah hooted.

"Way to go, buddy!" I added, my face pressed against the glass.

"I guess Owen actually saved us," I said to Noah, a hint of shock in my voice. "Who would have thought?"

"Who's Jack the Ripper now, huh?" Owen gloated, even going as far as to release a fart in the Ripper's direction. "Ha ha, yeah! Ooh, I touched cloth."

Noah and I grimaced at Owen's antics as he walked over to us.

"Here, guys, let me unlock the door," he offered, reaching for the lock.

"NO!" Noah and I shouted in unison, causing Owen to quickly withdraw his hand.

"Don't open the door until the air clears!"


Noah, Owen, and I trudged back to the plane, our spirits lifted by the success of capturing Jack the Ripper. The thought of enjoying the comforts of first class had us grinning with anticipation.

"Tyler!" I grinned, relieved to see all the captured contestants standing before us.

"Oh, thank goodness. Everyone's alright!" Owen exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine relief.

"Yep, all accounted for," Heather replied, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Tyler crossed his arms, glaring at us. "Thanks for leaving me!"

"We didn't mean to! I'm sorry," I apologized, feeling a pang of guilt for my actions.

Noah chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, you're really good at being quiet, you know?"

"You guys were so stupid to be worried," Heather said, a forced laugh escaping her lips. Sierra, Cody, Tyler, and Alejandro glowered at her, their eyes filled with resentment.

Alejandro seized the opportunity to take a jab at Noah. "It was quite reassuring to see some of were genuinely concerned, unlike others."

Noah gulped, his eyes widening in apprehension. "You were watching everything?"

Alejandro narrowed his eyes, his gaze filled with suspicion.

"Well, that's awkward," he spoke, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like an eel dipped in grease," Alejandro recited.

"Ah, where I come from, that would be considered a compliment. Tough neighborhood, you know," Noah replied, trying to save himself. He attempted to salvage the situation, looking at Owen and I for help. "But, hey, at least we caught the Jack the Ripper-type guy."

Owen and I eagerly removed the potato sack from Jack the Ripper, revealing the shocked faces of the teenagers before us.

"Old Man Jenkins?" Chris approached and pulled off the mask, exposing a mutated creature.

"Ezekiel!?" we all exclaimed, taken aback by his appearance.

He looked rough, a far cry from the boy we once knew.

"What happened to him!?" I questioned, my eyes darting between Chris and Chef, while Ezekiel growled menacingly.

Chef filled us in on the details, keeping it short. "Found him living in the cargo hold, homeschooling with the rats."

Chris added with a smirk, "I was considering letting him back in the game if he could avoid getting captured, but, well, he failed."

With a snap of his fingers, Chris signaled Chef to dispose of Ezekiel, who was unceremoniously chucked out of the plane.

My heart sank for the poor guy. Every time I saw Ezekiel, he seemed to grow more miserable.

Heather gestured towards the lumpy bag that Courtney and Gwen were carrying. "So, who did you catch?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

I shared Heather's curiosity and couldn't help but wonder what they had managed to capture. As Gwen pulled off the sack, a wave of guilt washed over her face, and I knew something was amiss.

My gasp echoed through the air, startling everyone around me. It felt like a sudden jolt of electricity running through my body.

"Duncan!?" The exclamation burst out from all of us simultaneously, and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

This couldn't be happening.

Duncan stood up, glaring at Courtney and Gwen before speaking harshly, "You brought me back here?"

My anger surged, and without a moment's hesitation, I pointed an accusing finger in his direction. "Why is he here?" I demanded, my voice laced with irritation.

This wasn't how I had envisioned this moment.

Duncan smirked, crossing his arms defiantly. "Nice to see you too, sweetheart," he taunted, provoking a surge of annoyance within me. Noah placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering me support.

I should be grateful that Duncan was alive and standing before me, but the mix of emotions swirling inside me made it difficult to process. Anger and betrayal were at the forefront, but guilt lingered as well due to the way I had abruptly ended things between us.

What am I supposed to do now? This was my first major break-up, and now it seemed like he was already back in my life. How does someone react to this?

Duncan grumbled, stomping away from us. Chris stepped forward, blocking his path, clearly not willing to let him escape. "Not so fast, quitter," Chris spat, invading Duncan's personal space. "Thought you could bail on the game, huh? Thought I wouldn't find you, hm?"

Gwen interjected, her voice dripping with remorse. "Um, you didn't, we did," she confessed, sharing a glance of agreement with Courtney. "Sorry."

"And that's why Team Amazon wins today's challenge," Chris announced, causing Gwen and Courtney to cheer in triumph.

"What!?" Owen, Noah, and I exclaimed in utter disbelief.

How was that even possible? We had followed the rules, solved the clues, and even caught the Ripper! We deserved the victory.

Chris turned his attention to us, instructing, "Head back to the elimination room, dudes and dudette. First class is for the ladies." Then, he added, "As a consolation prize, the D-Man is now on your team."

Oh no.

Duncan and I locked eyes for a fleeting moment, and I couldn't help but glance over at Tyler, who wore a disappointed expression.

"How is that fair?" Heather asked, her gaze skeptical as she eyed Duncan.

Chris responded with a deadpan expression, "It makes the teams even, doesn't it?" He turned to Owen, Noah, and I, his tone dripping with implication. "That means, Team Chris, someone else will have to go."

The three of us exchanged worried glances.

"Uh oh."

This was not how I had imagined this challenge would end. I had been eager to explore London, a place I had dreamed of visiting for years. Instead, it seemed like it was going to be ruined by some unwanted company and an unexpected elimination.


As I exited the bathroom, I spotted Duncan making his way towards the loser cabin. Without hesitation, I reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Let go of me, Logan," Duncan muttered, his back turned to me. I released his wrist and stepped in front of him.

"What happened to you?" I demanded, crossing my arms. "Chris told me you went AWOL, and I've been worried sick!"

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore," he responded, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

I looked down, fiddling with the choker around my neck. "I still care about you, Duncan."

It was true. Despite everything, a part of me still cared deeply for him. It was a complicated mess of emotions that I couldn't easily untangle.

"Why should you? You made it clear you didn't want me around," Duncan said, studying me intently.

"I didn't mean to end things like that, Duncan. I'm not heartless, and... we have a history," I began to explain, scratching at my wrist. "Even if it hurts to think about everything that has happened between us, I can't just stop caring. It's not that simple."

Duncan let out a sigh, pain evident in his teal eyes. I bit my lip, taking a deep breath.

Admitting that the person you cared about hurt you deeply was a painful truth to face. And the guilt of doing what was right for yourself was even more agonizing than the hurt they caused.

I needed answers from Duncan. I didn't want to spend the rest of the competition on this plane, drowning in my own guilt. Now that he was here, I had the opportunity to find some sort of closure and regain my inner peace.

"Did you purposely go missing?" I asked quietly, searching his tired eyes.

He looked like he hadn't gotten a good sleep weeks. Where could he have gone?

"I needed a fresh start, Logan. Or at least something to help me clear my mind," Duncan confessed, his chest rising unevenly.

I brought my fingers up to my temple.

"I-I don't know what to say, Duncan," I replied with a forced chuckle, my hands feeling warm. "You, you had me worried sick."

I hoped he understood that going missing wasn't like a giant game of cat and mouse. It wasn't amusing to me, or anyone else besides Chris and maybe Chef.

Everyone on the show seemed genuinely concerned for him, and I couldn't imagine what his parents felt watching the show and hearing about his disappearance.

"I'm fine now. Don't worry about me, Logan," Duncan reassured, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I held my breath, slowly turning my head to look at his hand. He quickly withdrew it, and everything felt oddly surreal.

Was this a good thing? Was this the closure I was seeking?

I felt a bit better, even though Duncan's eyes still held a sense of heartache. But there was also a glimmer of relief in his face.

"You know," Duncan began, taking a step forward eagerly, "Maybe we can—"

"We can't," I interrupted, my murky eyes widening. I turned to the side, rubbing my forearms.

"Some things aren't meant to be," I emphasized, kicking my leg slightly against the floor.

Did he really think that was the message I was taking from our conversation? That I still wanted to get back together with him?

Crud, I was about to break his heart all over again.

"But what if we are?" he urgently spoke up.

"Don't say that, Duncan. You know—" I started, but he cut me off.

"But what if? What if we were meant to be together? What if the universe was trying to tell us that we could make it work?" Duncan pleaded, gripping my hands tightly. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I stared down at our entwined fingers.

Shaking myself out of the trance, I gently pulled my hands away, taking a step back. "I can't go through that again," I said firmly, extending my hand and shaking my head. "I've learned to find happiness and fulfillment on my own."

And it truly was liberating. This season, and even after last season, I had grown so much as an individual. I had discovered parts of myself I never knew existed.

"But what about me?" Duncan's voice cracked, and I slowly raised my gaze to meet his eyes, my heart aching.

Don't let the tears fall, Logan. You're doing this for yourself, for your own well-being. It's okay to prioritize your own happiness.

"I'm sorry, but I have to prioritize myself for now," I confessed, my voice wavering slightly. "It may sound selfish, but I deserve to feel fulfilled without constantly feeling like my life is slipping away."

Even if Duncan had changed during his time away, how was I supposed to know if it was genuine? Trust had been broken, and I couldn't ignore that.

"I-I understand," Duncan replied, his face devoid of emotion. I couldn't help but scrutinize his expression, my heart twisting in my chest.

Inhaling sharply, I wrapped my arms tightly around him, feeling his immediate response as his hands rested on my back.

Was this going to be our last shared raw hug together?

We stood there, holding each other in silence, the only sounds being the thumping of our hearts and the uneven breaths escaping our lips.

How did I let myself get entangled in such a complicated situation?


"And with three votes against him... Noah!" Chris announced, revealing the eliminated contestant as I sat in the elimination room with my new teammates for the first time. "It's time to bid adieu. Cheerio. Sayonara. Farewell!"

"Ugh, if I jump, will you stop?" Noah groaned, standing up from the seat next to me.

"I'll miss your snarky comments, bookworm," I said, giving him a small wave.

Just when we were starting to form a connection. This really sucks.

"Coming from a pint-sized spark plug like you, that means a lot," Noah responded, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Goodbye, buddy. I'll win for you!" Owen blubbered, his voice filled with emotion as Noah prepared to jump with his parachute.

"Whatever. Just watch out for eels," Noah warned, pointing a finger at Alejandro before taking the plunge.

I turned around to see Alejandro smirking behind me, his satisfaction evident.

That cunning, manipulative jerk.


Duncan's POV

After having dinner with my moron teammates, I entered the confessional and accidentally bumped into Gwen, causing her to jump up in panic from the toilet seat.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to lock the door!?" Gwen exclaimed, covering her mouth. My eyes landed on her red hand.

"The lock's broken," I pointed out, sneering at her. "What happened to your paw?"

"It's stupid, but I have no idea," Gwen confessed, placing a hand on her bony hip. "And I'm so glad you're here to mock me about it."

"Me too," I said, taking a step closer. "Unlike the other dorks here, you actually get my sense of humor."

"Heh, I know." Gwen glanced down, blushing.

I rubbed my forearm, trying to figure out how to bring up the topic I wanted to discuss with Gwen. She's one of my closest friends, and even though seeking advice in a bathroom was less than ideal, it was the only chance for privacy on this plane.

Watching Alejandro flirt with Logan during dinner made me feel sick. I didn't know much about the guy, but I couldn't trust him. There was still a chance for Logan and me to salvage our friendship and potentially our relationship. She even hugged me after confronting me. I just needed to find a way to approach her. I was hoping Gwen would be able to help me out since she's a chick and all.

"Hey—" I began, before I could finish my sentence and explain what I had in mind, I felt lukewarm lips on mine. I stood there, unsure of how to respond.

"Whoa, man," Tyler's surprised voice interrupted us. I immediately placed my hands on Gwen's waist, pushing her away.


"What the hell, Gwen!?" I exclaimed, running a hand through my mohawk. I glanced at the door to see Tyler walking away, shaking his head.

"I-I thought you wanted it... I thought you liked me," Gwen stammered, cautiously stepping back.

"Are you out of your mind!?" I shouted, then lowered my voice. "No, I don't like you like that, Gwen."


"God, what am I going to do now?" I muttered, placing my hands on top of my head.

I completely messed this up. All I wanted was to ask Gwen for advice, and now she kissed me and... fuck.

"I don't know. I mean, you could just act like she doesn't exist," Gwen suggested, shrugging.

Wait, isn't she close with Logan? Why is she acting like this?

"We're on the same team! I thought I had another chance, Gwen! And you just ruined it!" I yelled, dragging my hands down my face. "Tyler is going to blab to everyone! You know how close they are!"

Tyler just caught me in the bathroom with Gwen. I didn't kiss her back, but if Tyler tells Logan, she won't believe me. I've messed up too many times for her to trust anything I say.

This is going to look really bad.

"You don't deserve her," Gwen said, interrupting my thoughts.


Did she just say that?

"Look at everything she's put you through. She made you run away, hide in a grungy punk club in London," Gwen explained.

That was my choice. Is she insane?

I shook my head, feeling a vein pop out of my forehead. "You've got it all wrong. Look at what I've put her through!"

I've made a mess of my relationship with Logan, making one mistake after another. It all began when I chose to ignore her when Courtney and I first began to talk. Then, I went against her by convincing the guys to vote off Bridgette in Island. Desperate to move on, I even dated her enemy and shared a kiss with the said enemy on live television, despite clearly having feelings for Logan. And to top it all off, this season, I abandoned her when I couldn't handle the constant arguments between Gwen and Courtney on that ridiculous pyramid challenge. And now, I've let one of her closest friends kiss me in a filthy bathroom!

What kind of man am I?

Ma is going to chew me out when she finds out all the things I've done to Logan. Neither of them will ever look at me the same way again.

"I didn't know you still had feelings for her," Gwen mumbled almost inaudibly, fidgeting with her hands.

"I... I need to get out of here." Slowly, I turned on my heel. Before I left the confessional completely, I faced Gwen for one last time. "We never speak of this to anyone, got it?"

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