Can I Touch Your Hair?

By 0ptical_Illusion

128 2 10

"Can I touch your hair?" "For the millionth time, no." ______________________ "Could you do me a favor?" "Ye... More

Author's Notes


46 1 10
By 0ptical_Illusion

I forgot to add that this is going to be set in modern times, so they have access to modern music. It's my story, leave me alone.

Also, I've so invested in this that I've made a playlist for it.

Idk if that's gonna work, if not, I'll put it in a comment so you can copy it.

I have not read the books, but I plan to so no spoiling things or going "well actually". I'm going based off the movie ATM and what I feel fits so don't come at me!!!
Anyways, here we go.

I feel stymph release me and I begin to fall. The cold water bites at my skin as I land in the lake.

I shiver a bit as I emerge from the water.

"Great!" I huff, "the bird ate my shirt."

I look around a bit for my trunk before hearing a girl scream followed by a loud splash near me.

A girl with fiery red hair emerges, gasping for breath and trying to remove her hair from her face.

"Damn bird! I could have flown myself!"

I notice large wings resembling those of a dragonfly that come from her back.

"What are you staring at?"

I tear my eyes away from her wings and find her eyes.

They're a striking emerald green that seems to glow against her pale, sparsely freckled skin.

I'm struck dumb, not able to put a sentence together as my gaze moves from her eyes, to her pointed ears, and back to her wild hair.

"You're a pixie," is all that manages to escape my lips.

"Very observant, aren't you?" She asks, sarcasm dripping in every word.

"Can I touch your hair?" And my filter is completely gone, "it looks really soft."

"No," she glares at me, "I don't want your filthy hand anywhere near me, scum."


She turns her back to me, her wings flicking water at my face as she does, and heads to the shore. Standing off to the side, she flutters her wings, getting rid of the rest of the water on them before letting them rest on her back again and joining the rest of the line.

I quickly follow suit, my boots sloshing and being weighed down with water still as I go through the door.

As everyone carries in their luggage, I can't help but search for her in the main hall.

Her small pointed ears poke out from under her hair. I also notice that she has some freckles on the exposed parts of her shoulders

I finally notice what she's wearing; a small dress with a dark green top section that fits her small frame perfectly and a black lacey skirt that stops just at her knees. Thick black boots adorn her feet, a large platform and tall heels make up the bottoms of the boots.

I look at some of the others around her. She only seems to come to their mid chest or shoulders and the realization makes me grin; she's tiny.

I wonder how small she'll be without the heels.

Shit, Lesso has been talking.

"Hurry along," she turns away and walks up the stairs.

Well she was talking.


The crowd start to disapate as people start finding their schedules and dorm assignments.

I hurry to get my schedule and figure out where my dorm is, not bothering to see who else I'll be living with, and try to find her again.

I spot her next to the dorm listings, hovering off the ground as it's posted just a bit too high on the wall for her to see it properly.

"Need some help?" I ask as I stand beside her.

She's level with me while hovering just for a few seconds before she lowers back down with a frustrated sigh.

"Yes," she rolls her eyes.


"Tildi of Tirnanoc," she answers, taking a step back to let me look at the list.

I look at the papers and search for her.

"Oh, you're rooming with Hester, Dot, and Anadil in twenty-three," I turn and smile at her, "I'm Hort by the way, son of Captain Hook. You've probably heard about him. He's got a pretty cool ship."

"I hate the ocean, and pirates," she raises her brow and turns away, "but thanks for the help, Hort."

I watch as she walks away, heading for her dorm.

"Who is that?" Harvid asks, hitting my arm slightly.

"Tildi," I answer, barely registering that I was even doing so.

"What's a pixie doing here?" He finally gains my full attention now that Tildi is gone from my view.

"No idea."

Now that I think about it, what is she doing here?

Guess I'll just need to ask her.


After everything is settled in my dorm, I hurry to the welcoming ceremony, hoping to spot Tildi and sit with her before all the seats are taken up.

She's sitting in the far left of the front row of the bleachers so I hurry over and sit beside her.

"Me again," I say enthusiastically.

"I'm not blind," she glares at me from the corner of her eyes for a few seconds before looking straight ahead again.

"So what's a pixie doing in the school for evil?" I asks.

"Shadow pixie," she says bluntly.


"Shadow pixie, not pixie," she clarifies, "pixies are good, shadow pixies are evil."

"Oh," I didn't know there was a difference, "so what makes you a shadow pixie and not just a pixie?"

"The best evil can be disguised as good," is all she gives me and I just look at her confused, to which she rolls her eyes, "shadow pixies lure humans in with beauty, kindness, and promise, then they slaughter and eat them."

"Cool!" I lean a bit more towards her, one of my hands going into my pocket, "so how many people have you eaten?"

"More than you can probably count."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," I grin, "I can count pretty high."

"I'm sure you can," she scrunches up her nose in a fake smile, and I can't help but find it cute.

I feel something in my pocket and pull it out.

It's a stick of meat.

I hold it out to her.

"Want some?" I give her a smile.

She looks at it for a second before speaking.

"What is it?"

"I donno, it was in my pocket," I shrug.

"I'll pass," she goes back to looking straight ahead.

I find myself staring at her hair again as I take a bite of the meat. It looks even softer now that it's dry.

"Can I touch your hair?"

I get the side eye again.

"I've already told you no," she replies.


The welcoming ceremony thing starts and I notice that Tildi seems very uninterested in it all.

She becomes even more bored as Tedros fights the cyclops.

"Bet he wouldn't last a minute against a shadow pixie," she mutters as he wins, "using brains over bronze doesn't seem to be his forte."

"You've got that right," I sigh as I lean back, "but of course 'good always wins'."

Lesso and Dovey continue their little speeches as I continue to look over at Tildi.

She sits with princess posture; back straight, shoulders back, and chin up. She's got a small mole just past the back part of her left eyebrow, I almost thought it was a speck of dirt. Her nose tips up just a bit, too. I look a little closer at her ear and notice a small black diamond eating, the only jewelry she's wearing. Her eyes seem to glow even more with the sun shining through the window, I can even spot a speck of brown in them, too.

I didn't even notice that Lesso and Dovey had stopped talking until students started standing up.

"You know," Tildi turns to me, "staring is rude, but what should I expect from the son of a pirate."

"Hi, Ti."

We both turn to the girl in front of us.

She looks a lot like Tildi, except her hair is yellow and her eyes are dark bluish.

"What do you want, Lily?" Tildi asks as she stands, crossing her arms in front of her.

"I can't say hi to my sister?" The girl pretends to be offended.

I finally notice the butterfly-like wings draped behind her back.

"You said hi, now leave me alone."

"Wait you two are sisters?" I ask, looking between the two.

"Twins actually," Lily answers, "fraternal, obviously."

I look between the two again.

"Oh yeah, you're right," I stand up, "she looks a lot prettier than you."

An expression of actual offense plants itself on her face as a small smirk plays on Tildi's.

"But how is this possible?" I point at them each in turn.

"While there are shadow pixies born from two shadow pixies," Lily begins, "twin pixies are a one in a million chance, so the second born is always, well, a shadow."

She seems proud of herself for degrading Tildi, but a quick glance at Tildi tells me she's unfazed by it.

"At least I didn't need to throw a fit to get what I wanted in life," Tildi bites back, "I just got it myself."

"At least I'm not stuck at four feet tall."

I look at their feet and realize that Lily isn't wearing platform boots like Tildi.

"Four foot six, actually," Tildi corrects her, "but I don't need to be any taller to try to intimate people when I can over power giants."

"Then what's with the platforms?" Lily smirks.

"I only wear them so I don't have to look at your flat chest every time you come to harass me."

This struck a nerve.

"At least our parents love me," Lily shouts, "they tolerate you."

Tildi's fingers suddenly become long, sharp, black daggers and her mouth becomes larger and filled with rows of sharp needle-like teeth.

"I'll rip out your throat and feed it to the stymphs!"

"Woah!" I step between them facing Tildi, "can't kill her till after graduation!"

"Like she'll ever get the chance," Lily huff.

I can hear the click of her small heels as she walks away.

Tildi takes a deep breath and returns to normal.

"Sorry, you didn't need to see that," she sighs.

"It's fine," I shrug, "you still looked beautiful."

She looks at me confused.

"Um, thanks," she says, unsure, "I need to get to my dorm."

She hurries away, leaving the welcoming hall.

She spares me a quick glance over her shoulder just as she reaches the doors.

A grin spreads on my face.

She looked back.

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