The Cherry Husband

By Akirashiba378

1.5K 36 1

An Omegaverse. In a world full of ugliness, there are struggles he must face alone. Roads he has to travel on... More

Character Profile
1.Director Luo
2.Professor Tong
3.Trip down the memory lane
4.The Cherry Bakes
5.The Owner

6.Rong Tao

111 5 1
By Akirashiba378


The alarm went off at 6:30 AM, and Rong Tao knew it was too early to be awake and operational. He didn’t bother opening his eyes as he patted his hand around the table to silence the alarm.


He ignored it and remained under the warm and cozy duvet.

Arf. Arff. Arfff. Arfff.

Their volume increased as it became clear that he was not going to wake up soon. They jumped on the person on the bed when they realized they were being neglected, making Rong Tao groan. Upon waking their owner, they woofed and yelped, wetting his face with their moist tongue.

“Owf! A-alright! Alright!  I’m awake.” Rong Tao chuckled and pushed their dripping nozzles away, he kissed Aldo’s hairy forehead and scratched beneath Ace’s snout. They were always there for him, loyal and loving companions who never failed to brighten up his day. A part of him wanted to call out for a day off and stay inside his small but warm home with his babies, curled up under weighted blankets in bed just watching movies and being lazy but the people in the shop need his assistance and Lin Yue would call it being a chicken-shit and tell him to put his big-boy pants on.

He took a deep breath and got out of bed, ready to start his day. He stretched his muscles, feeling the soreness from yesterday’s long hours of work. He knew that there was a lot to do today, but he was excited. Despite the exhaustion that came with running a bakery, he felt a sense of fulfilment every time he saw a happy customer leave his bakery with a smile on their face.

He has always had a passion for baking, and now that he has his bakery, he is living his dream.
He quickly brushed his teeth and took a bath. Feeling refreshed and ready to face the remainder of the day, he quickly changed into a clean white shirt and comfortable pants. He glanced at himself in the mirror and noticed his slightly tousled hair. Using his hands as a makeshift comb, he smoothed it down as best he could, giving himself a more presentable appearance.

Next, he reached for his contact lens case and carefully placed the lens on his left eye. With the lens in place, he blinked a few times to ensure it settled comfortably. And stuck a new patch on his gland. Taking one last look in the mirror, he nodded with a grin, approvingly at his reflection.

He doesn’t have much appetite in the morning so he made Ace and Aldo’s food as he mentally ran over his to-do list for the day, which included restocking the shelves, making fresh batches of bread and pastries, serving customers, and overseeing his staff of bakers.

He took his phone and wallet in a shoulder bag, getting his keys as he reached the front door, he paused for a moment and turned to address his babies, Ace and Aldo. They were eagerly following him, their eyes sparkling and their tails wagging with excitement. He smiled affectionately at them, petting them once more.

“Boys,” he said with a warm tone getting their attention, “Daddy will be home early today, so let’s make Palermo-style Steak for dinner. It’s going to be a special treat.”


Arf! Arf!

Getting the affirmation from both of them, he patted them on their heads before locking the front door. Navigating the noisy and rattling stairs, he made his way down to the parking lot, where his old motorbike was parked. Its weathered appearance told the story of many journeys taken and adventures embarked upon.

With familiarity, he hopped onto the bike, feeling the vibrations of the engine beneath him. Turning the key, he ignited the engine, its familiar roar filling the air. The bike eagerly responded, ready to carry him through the empty streets.

As he maneuvered towards the apartment’s gate, he caught the eye of the security personnel, who had become accustomed to his daily departures. With a friendly smile, he raised his hand, waving goodbye to the security guard. The guard returned the gesture, and a nod of recognition passed between them. It was a small moment of connection amidst the busyness of their respective roles.

Setting off on his bike, the familiar sights and sounds of the city surrounded him as he made his way to the bakery, the anticipation of the day ahead fuelling his journey. The wind brushed against his face, carrying with it a sense of freedom and possibility.

As he weaved through the streets, he embraced the rhythm of the city, with the honking of horns and the chatter of pedestrians becoming the backdrop to his thoughts. He parked the motorbike in the back corner along the service entrance of the shop. The kitchen lights were on when he entered and the sound of the ovens warming up and the coffee grinder making fresh grounds.

Xiao Yue, I’m here!” Rong Tao sang as he stripped out of his jacket and walked into his small office. He threw his coat over the back of the chair, placed his belongings on the cupboard near the corner, and went back to the kitchen.

“Good morning, Xiao Yue!” He greeted her warmly. His eyes lit up as he noticed the batter-smeared towel slung over her shoulder, a testament to the hard work already underway in the kitchen.

As Lin Yue handed him a mug filled with aromatic Arabic Roast coffee, he smiled gratefully and thanked her. Bringing the mug to his lips, he took a slow sip, allowing the rich flavors to dance on his palate. The smoked and nutty notes of the roasted coffee beans provided a delightful awakening to his senses.

Just as he was about to set the mug down, he caught a blur of blackout from the corner of his eye. Reacting quickly, his instincts kicked in, and he managed to catch his apron perfectly, preventing any mishaps that could have resulted in spilled coffee.

“Rude,” He gave her a half-hearted glare and set his coffee down on the nearest counter to pull the apron over his head and wrap the ties around his firm torso. With his coffee still intact, he took another appreciative sip, enjoying the momentary pause amidst the bustling kitchen. The enticing aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, mingling with the invigorating scent of coffee.

“You know,” Lin Yue drawled as she watched him take a sip from his cup before looking at her with an raised eyebrow, “I have been wondering,how did you know to make them perfectly?”

He chuckled softly at her question, appreciating her curiosity. The mention of his motivator brought a warm glow to his heart, as she had played an instrumental role in his journey to owning the bakery.

“My mum,” he replied, a fond smile gracing his lips. “She taught me the importance of attention to detail and the pursuit of excellence in everything we do. When it comes to coffee, she always emphasizes the quality and importance of them.”

He paused for a moment, allowing the memories of his mother’s guidance to wash over him. Then, with a hint of playfulness, he attempted to imitate his mother’s voice, lowering it slightly to mimic her tone.“In this cup of coffee,” he mimicked, his voice taking on a gentle and nurturing tone, “lies the power to brighten someone's day, to warm their soul, and to provide a moment of respite in the chaos of life. Treat it with care, and it will reward you with its flavors and aromas.”

He finished with a smile, the memory of his mother’s teachings resonating deeply within him. Her wisdom had instilled in him a deep appreciation for the art of cooking, and he carried that passion into his endeavors.

She nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. “Your mom sounds amazing It's clear that her teachings have had a profound impact on you.”

He nodded, his expression filled with gratitude. “Yes, she is. I'm grateful for all she has taught me, not just about coffee, but about life as well. Her lessons have shaped the way I approach everything in the kitchen, from baking to the smallest details of presentation.”

As he spoke, memories of his mother's patient guidance and her dedication to her craft flooded his mind. He remembered countless hours spent by her side, watching and learning as she worked her magic in the kitchen. It was her passion and expertise that had inspired him to pursue his own culinary path.

He smiled warmly at her kind words, grateful for the recognition. He finished his coffee, stuck his hair to one side with a small clip, and walked around her to grab another sack of flour to prepare with another batch of dough. “So, what’ve you started on?”

“I have a couple of savories - rolls, loaves, sticks, bagels - resting already. Almost done with my part. Can I change my shift to the evening, instead of the morning?”

“Sure, but why?” He asked she wasn’t the type to change her shift normally. He nodded understandingly as Lin Yue mentioned her son’s health checkup.

“Of course,” he replied without hesitation, his tone filled with reassurance. “You go ahead and take Xiao Boabei to his checkup. I’ll manage your shift time myself.”

He appreciated Lin Yue’s dedication to her responsibilities and knew that he could rely on her to handle her duties diligently. As a boss and a fellow worker, he understood the importance of supporting each other in balancing work and family commitments.

“I hope everything goes well with the checkup,” He added with genuine concern. “If you need anything or any updates while you’re away, just let me know. Take care of your little one, and we’ll hold down the fort here.”

Lin Yue smiled gratefully, appreciating his understanding and support. “Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I’ll keep you informed if there are any changes or updates.”

With a shared understanding, they both focused on the work at hand.
With Lin Yue’s shift temporarily shifting, he mentally prepared himself to take on her tasks during her absence. With a nod of greeting, he watched as she prepared to leave for her son’s health checkup. As she headed out, he turned his attention back to his office, ready to step into his expanded role and ensure that everything ran smoothly in her absence. Unfortunately for him, one of his other employees had a small accident on his way, so he gave him a few days off. Now there were only two of them in the shop, but they could handle the morning shift themselves.

As the morning progressed, customers began to trickle in, drawn by the irresistible scent of freshly baked goods.  The shelves were fully stocked, the customers were happy, and his staff had worked diligently under his guidance. He greeted each person with a warm smile and helped them choose their favorites from the assortment of treats available.His attention to detail and commitment to quality shone through in every interaction.

“One Caffe Mocha!”

At the mention of their order, the last customer, a woman made her way over to the counter and claimed her order. The chocolate-like aroma reached his nose as she uttered quick gratitude and left with her order in hand.

Despite the demands of the day, he remained focused, effortlessly balancing his managerial duties with his love for creating culinary delights. It was quite calming to be surrounded by such a peaceful atmosphere, the scent of coffee surrounding every corner.

Minutes passed by as he could do nothing but bask in the repetitive, yet comforting atmosphere he’d grown to get accustomed to. While his staff worked in the back kitchen, Rong Tao sat on a low chair in the corner, which is not visible to the customers comfortably, and stifled a yawn as the warmth and smell of the bakery soothed some of his tiredness and lulled his thoughts.

A chime of the overhead bell had him opening his eyes and turning his head towards the front door. A man, clad in a fitting navy-blue suit, exuded an air of confidence and elegance. As he walked through the store, his long legs, covered in ironed pants, seemed to glide effortlessly and his polished shoes reflected the light that danced around him. But it wasn’t just his attire that caught the eye; it was his beautiful features that left people captivated. He possessed a pair of dark phoenix eyes that gleamed with intelligence and certainty. They were almost black, like black holes, sucking people in with their gaze. His sharp and straight nose added a touch of regality to his face, giving him an air of sophistication. And those lips—oh, those dark pink lips, almost bordering on a shade of crimson, they were perfectly shaped and plump. They had an allure that was impossible to resist, drawing one’s eyes towards them like a moth to a flame—were a sight to behold. In one word, he looked : Pres'tante. How could someone be so effortlessly handsome and captivating?

His mother taught him staring at someone was rude, but what if that said someone was handsome and alluring? As he approached the counter, the man in suit's piercing gaze met his hazel ones, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. He lost his footing and almost fell on the floor, he steadied himself before greeting the handsome customer, “G-good Morning, Sir. What can I do for you?”  he stammered, feeling embarrassed for his clumsy footing but not for staring though.

The Handsome Man’s voice was smooth and velvety as he spoke, his lips curled into a smirk, “A dark roast Arabica would do. I’ll have it here, please.”

My favorite!’

“Alright, a dark roast Arabica will be on the way. How about you sit here while I bring your order, Sir?” Rong Tao was slightly surprised that this beautiful stranger coincidentally had the same taste as him.

The customer gave a curt nod before taking a seat just beside the counter, much to his surprise. He had the perfect view of the coffee counter. Sensing dark and piercing gaze following his every moves, Rong Tao pressed his lips into a thin line, prepared a cup of fresh and aromatic coffee, and took it to where the customer was sitting.

“I hope, this is to your liking.” Rong Tao said with a nervous smile.
The Handsome Man frowned but took a sip of his drink making Rong Tao more nervous. As he took a sip, a subtle expression of pleasure spread across his face. He seemed to savor the taste, relishing every sip of the rich and robust flavour, suddenly he looked up at Rong Tao with a smile, “This is truly amazing, thank you, Mister...?”

Rong Tao’s breath hitched in his throat as his eyes locked with the beautiful man’s smile dancing in the dark eyes. They're beautiful but it was as if there was a hardened film covering them. Like they held secrets and battles and Rong Tao wants to pick every single one of them apart. There's a pull in his chest that he won't call love because suddenly, everything he thought and experienced about love was turned upside down. The cynic in him began to fade away, replaced by a newfound hope and curiosity. Perhaps there was more to his world than meets the eye, and maybe, just maybe, love, at first sight, wasn’t so far-fetched after all. He felt a strong desire to know more about him and to understand the life behind those phoenix eyes. It was as if their encounter had awakened a part of Rong Tao, urging him to embrace the unknown and take a leap of faith.

YingTao. You can call me Xiao YingTao.” He blurted it out before thinking, but really, he couldn’t help sharing a little personal thing about himself.

“I’m Luo Qiang. Thank you; your coffee is the best one I have had for a long time, Xiao YingToa.” Luo Qiang looked pleased with the coffee he made.

Immediately, Rong Toa’s face brightened up at the compliment, “Oh! Then, do you want anything to go with the drink, Mr. Luo.”

“Yes, that cherry cake over there looks very delicious. If you could serve me one, that would be dear.” Luo Qiang licked his lips with that red tongue and Rong Tao can't help but follow the movement with his eyes. The lips in a shade of dark pink, were now a little red, wet and full. Suddenly all Rong Tao could think of is what it feels like to kiss them, if he bites them, would they become a dark red, then?

Rong Tao’s ears flushed when the man noticed his gaze and smirked, so he hastily nodded his head, then fled to prepare the cake. Perhaps it was the way he carried himself with an air of confidence, or maybe it was the dullness that occasionally flashed in his eyes. Whatever it was, Rong Tao found himself unable to resist the man’s charms. And so, as he carefully crafted the cake, he couldn’t help but hope that this small act of service would make that man smile once more.

*     *     *

It's been two weeks since he met the Handsome Man in the suit. From the talk with Mister Ma, who was their shop's regular customer, Luo Qiang works two streets away from the shop in a Biotechnology company. Their encounters were brief but intense, leaving him yearning for more. He found himself daydreaming about the Handsome Man,Luo Qiang during the day and longing for their next encounter.

He felt like a spark that ignited a fire within his soul, but he was not sure if they would meet again. As days turned into weeks, Rong Tao's infatuation with Luo Qiang grew stronger. He found himself praying to God that Mister Luo should come to his shop again, seeking any opportunity to catch a glimpse of him, hoping to feel that magnetic pull once again.

He could try going to his company, but he didn't want to be portrayed as a stalker and make that man uncomfortable, so he could do nothing but hope that fate would bring them together once more. But. Would their paths cross again? Only time would tell, but Rong Tao couldn't shake the feeling that their connection was meant to be.

“Yeah, you're doing good. Stir it more,” Rong Tao instructed, listening to the sounds of the oven baking and the clinking of the utensils in the bustling kitchen.

Today there were more customers in the shop, so he was a little busy in the back kitchen, helping them and supervising the recruit making a batter mix for a mango cupcake, when Ling Yue came to him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. He had yet to know how this woman was always had a endless supply of energy. He nodded at her as a greeting.

As she approached him, her smile widened, and she eagerly began to speak: “Boss, someone is looking for you.”

“Who?” He asked while filling a new batter into the tray.

“His name is Xiao YingTao.” She answered with a grin.

He glanced at her with surprise, momentarily taken aback by the mention of his own name. He quickly regained his composure, carefully placed the batter for the new recipe in the oven, and turned his full attention to her.

“What did you say?” he asked, a mix of confusion and amusement in his voice.

She looked at him, her eyes widening slightly as she realized her mistake and placed a hand over her forehead, “I'm sorry, Boss. I misspoke. He wasn't called Xiao YingTao. He called you, Xiao YingTao."

He paused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he tried to guess who had come to visit. It couldn't be his big brother; he was informed they were going back to Bologna for a board meeting. There were only a handful of people who would refer to him by his pet name. Could it be his friend, Ben, then?

Rong Tao's mind raced with possibilities as he dried his hands, and followed her to the front of the shop. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the familiar tall and handsome man with a pair of piercing dark phoenix eyes in a tailored suit waiting for himself.

“Luo Qiang?” Rong Tao's voice trembled as he cautiously addressed the man.

He couldn't believe his luck. It seems like his pleas reached the Gods.

Luo Qiang stood up with a slight smile playing on his lips. “Hello, Rong Tao.” He replied, his voice smooth.

The sound of his name on Luo Qiang's lips sent shivers down Rong Tao's spine.Rong Tao couldn't believe that he was here, standing before the man he had longed to get a glimpse of. He has been eagerly awaiting this moment and finally seeing the Handsome Man of his dreams ,fills a sense of exhilaration. It was as if time stood still as they stood face-to-face, the air filled with anticipation and possibility.

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