Under The Stars | Bang Chan F...

By Joybananamilk

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A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction. ﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !! • Zombie Apocalypse ° Mafia Groups and Rivalries • Romance, Thrill... More

Intro - Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Him
Chapter 3: Boxer
Chapter 4: Ring Ring Ring
Chapter 5: Rooftop
Chapter 6: Break In
Chapter 7: Mansion
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Flight
Chapter 11: Australia
Chapter 12: Blueprint
Chapter 13: RRS
Chapter 14: Back in Korea
Chapter 16: Perfect Dress
Chapter 17: TMT
Chapter 18: Improvement
Chapter 19: Date
Chapter 20: Mixtape: Oh
Chapter 21: Mixtape #1
Chapter 22: Mixtape #2
Chapter 23: Mixtape #3
Chapter 24: Mixtape #4
Chapter 25: 4419
Chapter 26: Red Lights
★ New Characters !!
Chapter 27: HP BDAY
Chapter 28: Booster
Chapter 29 : A Different Perspective
Chapter 30: Back Door
Chapter 31: Skills Put to The Test
Chapter 32: Baby Steps
Chapter 33: Drive
Chapter 34: Haven
Chapter 35: The Tortoise?
★ appreciation note
★ Special Chapter: Movie Night ★
Chapter 36: And The Hare
Chapter 37: Uncover?
Chapter 38: The Truth
Chapter 39: Halloween
Chapter 40: Progress Further P1
Chapter 41: Progress Further P2
Chapter 42: Levanter
Chapter 43: Double Knot
Chapter 44: Leave
Chapter 45: Maniac

Chapter 15: SSICK

548 13 13
By Joybananamilk

August 16th, 6:30am

I got woken up by Chan's alarm. This guy wakes up way too early. I groaned and turned around, covering my ears with the blanket; Chan still didn't turn the alarm off.

"Chan, turn it off..." My throat was pretty dry so my voice was croaking. He still didn't turn it off!

I sat up and saw Chan still sleeping. Why isn't he waking up?

I turned the alarm off and shook him lightly. "Chan, wake up. Your alarm went off."

Chan groaned and slowly opened his eyes. They were a bit red. He then sneezed into the crook of his arm. He doesn't usually sneeze...

I pressed the back of my hand against his forehead. His forehead was hot. "You have a fever."

Chan furrowed his eyebrows at me and sat up. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I have a meeting to go to soon." He started to get out of bed but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"Stay here and sleep." Chan groaned but I shushed him and made him lay back down.

"Is your throat soar?" Chan nodded his head. "Alright, I'll go get you some warm water."

- ,,

I finally got Chan to to back to sleep. He wanted to be shirtless since it's hot for him, so now I have to keep a distance from him while he's asleep. I do not want to touch his bare skin. Nuh uh.

I laid back down in bed and pulled the covers over me. I pulled a light blanket over him up to his shoulders and watched him as he snored softly. I'm glad he didn't snore loudly, otherwise I would've kicked myself out of here through the balcony.

I'll have to tell Seungmin that he has a fever. I don't really know how to take care of sick people. I get sick a lot but I don't really take care of myself that well.

I yawned quietly and turned around, facing away from Chan. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

- ,,

"Y/n..." I got shaken awake gently. "Y/nnnnn.."

I sighed and turned around onto my other side to face Chan, he looked even more sick than before. Wasn't sleeping supposed to help him? "I want breakfast."

I groaned and sat up. "I'll go get breakfast and some medicine for you then." Chan nodded and I got out of bed slowly, putting my slippers on. I left the room and closed the door behind me.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Seungmin wasn't there. I guess he had something else to do. What's good breakfast for a sick person? I took out my phone and searched for some breakfast ideas. "Oatmeal orrrr chicken soup." I haven't made soup in a long time though. I went into the pantry to see if there's any oatmeal but there wasn't.

"Soup it is."

I looked into the freezer and saw that there was chicken. Perfect. I'll put some rice in the soup too; it tastes better that way. I like a little chewing with my soup.

(Joy's Note: Lil cooking sesh fr. Enjoy! :D )

I cup up some carrots, celery, and an onion. Then I minced some garlic and ginger before getting some freshly squeezed lemon juice to add some flavor to my amazing soup that I'm about to start making.

I turned on the stove to high heat and put a pot on the stove. I poured a tablespoon of olive oil before adding in some boneless and skinless chicken breasts, seasoning the chicken with a little salt and black pepper of course, classic seasoning. I like more seasoning on my chicken but I have absolutely no idea how Chan likes his chicken season, so... But then I added some other different seasonings. I didn't want to make it too strong so I kept it light.

I only seared the chicken for a bit before transferring them onto a cutting board. I poured some more olive oil into the pot and then added the carrots, onions, and celery. I let it sauté for a few minutes before adding in the garlic and ginger.

After adding some jasmine rice, I let it toast up with the other ingredients and vegetables for a few minutes.

After a while, I put the chicken back into the pot and then poured in a few cups of chicken broth. Then, I seasoned the soup with dried thyme and dried oregano before letting the soup simmer for about 15 minutes.

After letting it simmer, I pulled out the chicken and shredded it before adding it back into the soup. After the rice was fully cooked in the broth, I turned off the stove and added the lemon juice.

I was finally done.

"Y/n, what're you doing?" I saw Seungmin entering the kitchen.

"I made soup for Chan since he's sick. You weren't here so..." I grabbed a bowl and poured some of the soup into it.

"You didn't need any help, did you?" I shook my head and Seungmin nodded before I walked past him and left the kitchen.

I entered the bedroom and saw Chan blowing into a tissue harshly. "Chan, don't blow that hard. It'll make your nose bleed." Chan groaned and stopped blowing into the tissue.

I handed him the bowl of chicken soup.

"Seungmin made this?" He raised his head to look up at me.

I shook my head. "Nope, I did." He gave me a surprised look before leaning down towards the bowl, taking a spoonful of the soup. "Mm, this is good. Thank you." He smiled approvingly and I sat down next to him.

"Are you feeling any better now?" Chan nodded his head slightly. "Yeah, I feel a little better. I might need a few days though."

I nodded and pulled out a bottle of pills from my shorts' pocket to help with the fever. "Take one of these when you're done eating."

He nodded and I set it down on the nightstand next to his side of the bed.

I got off of the bed and walked over to the windows, moving the curtains out of the way. It wasn't too sunny outside but there was just enough sunlight to lighten the room a bit.

"Chan, can you tell me more about the virus?" I asked, sitting back down on the bed next to him. He nodded as he finished his soup and set the empty bowl down on the nightstand.

"The virus isn't something that's airborne or anything. It starts out with a pill that contains the virus." He leaned back against the pillows behind him. "It's like the virus in that one kdrama called 'Happiness'."

Ahhh, I get it now. "So it gets transmitted through biting and scratching too?" He nodded his head.

"Why do you even have something like that though?"

He took one of the pills and swallowed it down with some water.

"Some wack ass made the virus at first but then RRS got their hands on it to contain it before that crazy guy got away with spreading the virus."

I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of how someone could even think to make such a virus. He turned his head to look at me. "You look concerned. Is something wrong?"

"What? No. I'm just wondering why someone would even think about making that type of virus." He let out a sigh and shrugged. "Crazy people do crazy things."

I nodded in agreement and let out a deep sigh. Humanity is too disappointing nowadays. I don't get why there's so many crazy people and why people think they're right when they're doing the wrong things.

"Did you pick out a wedding dress yet?" He set his pillow flat on the bed and laid on his side, looking up at me.

"No, we haven't really thought of what the wedding would look like yet so I'm waiting on getting a dress."

He hummed and nodded. "Well, what do you have in mind?"

I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what I really wanted for the wedding. It might be a contracted marriage but it should still be special.

"What if we have it on the beach?" Chan instantly smiled at the idea. "I think that's a great plan. And we can start the ceremony in the evening when the sun is about to set so you can get married under the stars like you wanted."

He actually remembered what I wanted? I looked down at him and he smiled with his feverish looking face.

"Alright then. When should we have the wedding, anyway?"

Chan rolled onto his back. "What about... October? It won't be too cold or too hot at the beach, and there won't be snow."

I nodded in agreement, especially since we have to get married a lot earlier than most people do. Doing it in October is the best option. We can get the alliance started sooner and I can start my training sooner.

I laid down next to him and looked back up at the ceiling. "You should go dress shopping tomorrow then." Chan looked up at the ceiling too.

"Who's going to take care of you then?"

He chuckled and reached over to ruffle my hair. "The others will, obviously. Just take one of the members to go dress shopping with you, alright? And take Lily too."

I totally forgot about bringing Lily with me. At least he reminded me. "Alright then, I'll go dress shopping tomorrow." He patted my head gently before pulling away.

"What type of dress do you want anyway?"

I shrugged and looked at him. "I'm not sure yet. I'll tell you what kind it is when I pick one out."

He nodded and smiled at me. His smile looked like that ":]" emoticon. It was kind of cute, I have to admit that. This is the first time I've ever admitted to myself that he's cute, jeez.

- ,,

"Y/nnnnnn..." Chan's been calling for me literally all day. I haven't gotten to rest at all since lunchtime. He's been using up a shit ton of tissues and I'm not even sure if there's any tissue boxes left yet!

"Y/n ah!" I swear to God if I ever get sick around him, I'm going to annoy the living shit out of him as payback.

"What?" I walked into the room and saw him sulking in bed. I walked over to him and pressed the back of my hand against his forehead. His temperature rose a lot.

"Let me go get Seungmin." I went downstairs and got Seungmin to come up with me.

He checked Chan's temperature and it was a 102° fever. "If his temperature rises any further, we might have to take him to the hospital." Seungmin looked up at me with concern.

"What now then?"

Seungmin sat up from the edge of the bed and put his hands on his hips. He looked like an actual doctor with his glasses on, but I'm not even sure if those glasses are real or not.

"Give him a warm bath, make sure he drinks lots of fluids, and keep him warm no matter how hot he feels. If he starts to sweat, obviously tone down on the warming him up part and make sure his body temperature doesn't rise further. He should be able to get back to 97-99° in 2 days give or take a few. And of course, medicine."

He took out a bottle of liquid medicine with no brand label on it. "This medicine is used for a fever, privated for only the JYP group. Get a half filled glass of water, it doesn't have to be accurate, and put in two tablespoons of this syrup. Mix it up and then have him drink it two times a day."

I nodded my head and took the bottle of medicine from him. "And since you're going to go dress shopping tomorrow, I'll make sure to keep an eye on Chan while you're gone." He smiled at me and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I looked back down at Chan. His nose was red and he looked exhausted. "I'll go run you a warm bath." Chan shook his head. "I don't feel like getting up."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he reluctantly got up from the bed.

- ,,

After Chan took a bath and I gave him medicine, I tucked him in. I turned off the lights and laid down next to him, pulling the blanket over me.


I hummed, looking over at him.

"If I die, take care of the guys for me."

I sighed and patted his head. "I won't do that because you're not dying. It's just a fever." I could tell he was frowning at me in the dark. I let out a sigh before speaking. "Fine, I promise. But you won't die anyway."

I suddenly got pulled into him. It was like a trap or something. His arms were wrapped around me and I couldn't even budge.

"What?" He yawned widely, sounding really sleepy. "I'm just going to hold onto you while I sleep so I stay warmed up." I groaned and tried pulling away but he held onto me tightly. Man, this is just going to make me sweat. It's hot.

"Goodnight..." He yawned again.

After a while, I could tell he fell asleep because his grip loosened and he was snoring a bit. I tried to pull away slowly but then his arms tightened around me again. This guy won't let me go even in his sleep?

I sighed and just gave up. I was sleepy and I was too tired to try and pull away again. His hold on me was way too strong. I let out a quiet yawn and closed my eyes, eventually falling asleep.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

I have absolutely no idea why I added in a whole ass recipe. It just seemed boring saying Y/n made soup and came back with it only. At least y'all know how to make chicken soup with rice now. Free cooking lesson. 🤭


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